hsivonen: https://github.com/validator/htmlparser/pull/91
zcorpan: how about <link rel=expect idref=foo blocking=render>? It's a tad more verbose, but then we can use IDRefs for future "internal resource links", they don't have to be "expect", and it feels a bit more consistent with links.
That seems OK
Maybe confusing if it only works for rel=expect though
<Noam Rosenthal>
zcorpan: after internal discussion we thought it could be element=foo instead of idref=foo
<Noam Rosenthal>
It would work only for expect initially, but no reason why it can't be used for future internal links if the need arises
Noam Rosenthal: yeah, SGTM
Hi! Quick html5lib-python question in the context of typing-annotations for typeshed. The docstring for html5lib._inputstream.HTMLUnicodeInputStream.charsUntil states that 'characters' must be a container that supports the 'in' method and iteration over its characters. Since there's two in operators in Python, are we talking about __contains__ or just that it should be Iterable? (or both). Looking at the implementation, it's just iterable, but it's contractually vague according to the docstring.