
emilio mfreed: I think the CSS WG should probably come up with the native appearance story as it should be the same for all form controls, no? We want something with intrinsic width and height that uses the border-box. There's a number of things that should continue to work, such as transform, positioning, visibility, but there's also a number of things that shouldn't, such as background, font, etc. However, both of those lists are continuously evolving and it seems unreasonable for HTML to be in charge of that?

I will file an issue later today to get the conversation started.

annevk: hey, I was wondering if you have an idea when we could get a review of the shadowrealms pr
Ms2ger: last I heard implementers are skeptical on it. Has that changed? It's really hard to get a sense of the amount of buy-in this has beyond a handful of interested parties. Are there recent statements from Chromium and Gecko available?
I can try to get statements if I can't find any
Ms2ger: thanks! For instance, https://github.com/tc39/proposal-shadowrealm/issues/401 is the latest I saw from mgaudet. Which I guess is not really saying no, but it's not an enthusiastic endorsement either and perhaps something we need more clarity on to prevent a future setTimeout() issue.
That's fair
yulia | sick: for when you feel better ^^ (hope that's soon!)
emilio mfreed: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10039