annevk: Intentional or accidental that the URL Standard supports full-width characters for IPv4 but not for IPv6?
hsivonen: Intentional. Supporting them for IPv4 is not desired, but it's the outcome of only being able to distinguish between domains and IPv4 addresses late. For the same reason IPv4 supports %31 and such, but IPv6 does not.
hsivonen: Intentional. Supporting them for IPv4 is not desired, but it's the outcome of only being able to distinguish between domains and IPv4 addresses late. For the same reason IPv4 supports %31 and such, but IPv6 does not.
OK. Thanks. Let's see what I break by removing full-width IPv6 support from Gecko...
<Adam Eisenreich>
Hi I would like to create a proposal form HTML, <input mask="0000-0000-0000-0000">. Sadly I am not sure how to do so. Do I create a repository? Is there a template for proposal repository?
<Adam Eisenreich>
According to this, My work is done :D https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/7794. Realistically is there anything I should do?
<Luke Warlow>
Does anyone know off the top of their head whether an element's children changed steps (https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-node-children-changed-ext) are called by the HTML parser? In Chromium and WebKit the function receives an argument to differentiate between parser and API (JS) but the DOM spec doesn't pass an argument. So I'm wondering if this distinction isn't needed in the spec because it's not actually called by the parser?
Luke Warlow: it's called by the parser as things stand today
<Luke Warlow>
Luke Warlow: it's called by the parser as things stand today
Okay thanks. Time to work out a plan B for detecting JS changes.
<Luke Warlow>
Element innerHTML
Element outerHTML
Element insertAdjacentHTML
Element setHTMLUnsafe

ShadowRoot innerHTML
ShadowRoot setHTMLUnsafe

Document parseHTMLUnsafe
DOMParser parseFromString

Range createContextualFragment

HTMLIframeElement srcdoc

Window/Worker setTimeout
Window/Worker setInterval

HTMLScriptElement innerText
HTMLScriptElement src
HTMLScriptElement text

ServiceWorkerContainer register

WorkerGlobalScope importScripts
<Luke Warlow>
If I put some work into upstreaming DOM Parsing to the HTML spec would it be prefered as one larger PR, or multiple smaller ones?
Luke Warlow: either way wfm
Hmmm, on markup injection attack mitigation. Maybe we can drop all attributes if one of the attribute names contain < or ' or "