TabAtkins: navigator.language and navigator.languages (but these might not match the preference exactly to reduce fingerprinting)
TabAtkins: devicePixelRatio takes page zoom into account (but not in WebKit it seems)
TabAtkins: timezone in Date
Thanks, y'all.
Also, sigh, https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/10206 is just a dumpster fire of people not reading and then talking past each other. :/ We just need to restart with a fresh issue at this point, there's too much confusion.
<Luke Warlow>
We need to separate the conventional aria-pressed toggle button, which is its own thing which should exist without aria and scripting, from the cycle button idea.
<Luke Warlow>
That's one part of the confusion but then there's also the issue that different people have different use cases that I think we're trying to all call a cycle button.
<Luke Warlow>
If it sounds like a select it probably should be a select. If it sounds like a button then that is what I would consider fair game for this cycle button idea.
<Luke Warlow>
It might also work better if we can discuss some of this in OpenUI and come back with a more concrete proposal based on a wider array of use cases
<Jeffrey Yasskin>
<rant>2/3 of the ideas in this space are just bad UI: confusing to users and difficult to use even when they're understood. Yes, the platform could support many of them, but it'd be better to try to focus on the ones that make pages easier to use.</rant>
Luke Warlow: Right, on/off toggle button (aka a checkbox with a button UI) is a separate idea that really needs to be separated from this thread.
But yeah, OpenUI discussion on what use-cases are most valuable to solve, and how, is probably going to be a lot more productive.