Turning it off, at least for now, sounds good; thank you!
I'm not convinced Privacy & Security sections are a net positive. They need to be an integral part of feature design.
Not a WHATWG steering commitee member, but I think we all know that privacy/security/a11y is seldomly well-solved when done as an afterthought. So, it would be more important to have this required for all specs during design phase (as anne says, I believe?) and thus enable these checks for all new specs
(Solutionism: Maybe there's could be a tag, like "legacy-no-security-privacy-section" that could be applied to old specs and do the check such that that new specs will get the warning)
No, I'm saying these sections don't help. They often lead to people making normative statements in these sections that really should be part of the processing model.
I'm not ready to make a blanket statement that the sections don't help, but I will strongly agree that I've seen that antipattern quite often.
I guess they feel more like explainer sections than spec sections to me. But then we get into the old discussion about how much explanatory/non-normative text is helpful in a spec.
Yeah fair. I just think that if you need these sections to get something that's good security & privacy-wise, you've likely failed. But they can be useful to add some context, e.g., https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/#security-background
freddy: see also the somewhat painful https://github.com/whatwg/dom/issues/776 and https://github.com/whatwg/dom/issues/777 which resulted in https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#security-and-privacy. I could see it being helpful, but I can also see it leading to people not critically thinking about it for themselves.
Intentional or accidental that JSON modules integration ended up with a normative reference to IETF JSON instead of using the same specification mechanisms as Fetch?
hsivonen: oh wow, that seems bogus.
I wonder if people here have a term for "hash including hash sign" and "search including question mark", as an alternative way of solving https://github.com/whatwg/url/issues/779. We could do hasSearch that returns a boolean, but searchWithSyntax (if there's a better name) that returns ?test instead of test might be more convenient.
hsivonen: oh actually, I think it might be a result of where the MIME type is defined
I'm trying to figure out if HTML ends up allowing non-UTF-8 encodings for JSON modules...
hsivonen: because for parsing we do end up calling the same %JSON.parse% operation as far as I can tell
hsivonen: we don't, see the logic in https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#fetch-a-single-module-script
hsivonen: in particular 13.2 and then 13.9
hsivonen: in particular 13.2 and then 13.9
hsivonen: oh actually, I think it might be a result of where the MIME type is defined
It appears in HTML as a conformance requirement beyond the MIME type.
Yeah, there might also be some [JSON] copypasta. Seems reasonable to file an issue to address at one point.
Oh, the encoding requirements of this version of IETF JSON are more reasonable than past IETF JSON.
hsivonen: I think at some point I pushed them pretty hard with the XMLHttpRequest "precedent" and that we were not going to change our ways
It's funny that RFC8259 requires both encoding as utf-8 and escapes as utf-16
Yeah, JavaScript was developed in the 16-bits are enough for all characters in the world days. And I guess since JSON is frozen-in-time and happened before the 21-bit escapes were added to JavaScript everyone will have to learn about that legacy anew.
<Vuk Stefanovic>

Hi All!
I need some help on how to handle backpressure for the ReadableSide of a Transform stream.

For example I am trying to implement a replace text functionality, where I replace a string of text coming from a ReadableStream with text coming from a second Readable stream, so far I couldn't find any example for this using whatwg streams.

This is pseudo code, so for simplicity I'm pretending like the text to replace won't span chunk boundaries

class Transformer {
  async transform(chunk, controller) {
    const foundTextIndex = chunk.indexOf('text to replace');
    if (foundTextIndex === -1) {

    // Enqueue text before the part that needs to be replaced
    controller.enqueue(chunk.slice(0, foundTextIndex));
    // This is where we do the replacement, we enqueue the text from the second source 
    // this is the part I'm not sure on how to handle, like for example what if we are adding
    // chunks to the readable sides, but it's internal queue is full full
    for await (const chunk of streamForReplacement) {
     controller.enqueue(chunk.slice(0, foundTextIndex));
    // Enqueue text after replacement
    controller.enqueue(chunk.slice(foundTextIndex + 'text to replace'.length));

One thing I saw thanks to good old chatGTP was to use Promise.resolve() to wait for the next event loop tick in case the desiredSize was negative.

For example

class Transformer {
  async transform(chunk, controller) {
    const foundTextIndex = chunk.indexOf('text to replace');
    if (foundTextIndex === -1) {

    // Enqueue text before the part that needs to be replaced
    controller.enqueue(chunk.slice(0, foundTextIndex));
    // Enqueue the text from the second source with backpressure support (maybe)
    for await (const chunk of streamForReplacement) {
     while (controller.desiredSize <= 0) {
       await Promise.resolve(); // wait for next tick to check if we can enqueue more chunks
     controller.enqueue(chunk.slice(0, foundTextIndex));
    // Enqueue text after replacement

I'm not sure if doing Promise.resolve(); is valid, as I couldn't find any example dealing with this problem, and I want to know if there are better alternatives? I would really appreciate if someone could help with this and point me in the right direction

<Colin Alworth>
Can’t help with the spec side of things, but await Promise.resolve() is only going to be a microtask, so as I understand it there won’t be time for other tasks (like IO, browser events) to take place
<Vuk Stefanovic>
Can’t help with the spec side of things, but await Promise.resolve() is only going to be a microtask, so as I understand it there won’t be time for other tasks (like IO, browser events) to take place
This will actually be running in a Node env, not browser, it's going to be running in an edge function, where I get HTLM as streams and I need to combine main page with some other fragments and return that in the response
<Vuk Stefanovic>
so starving the macrotask queue is not really a concern