2024-05-01 [17:07:37.0418] ok, thanks for all 😉 [10:58:39.0982] > <@bkardell:igalia.com> Idk if it were me i would probably follow things merged in the last week in PRs https://github.com/whatwg/html/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed Thanks for this, I've also been wanting to ask the same question [11:35:51.0172] I might be missing something, but I think the list of closed PRs will be almost always worse than https://github.com/whatwg/html/commits/main/ . The commits list has better titles in particular. And it only includes accepted changes. [11:36:16.0120] I guess the closed PRs list has labels, which are used a bit inconsistently but might be helpful. 2024-05-02 [00:54:44.0773] Yeah, the commits are definitely more curated than the PRs (and we try to make the log fairly scannable as well), though the PRs have a lot more information if you need additional context. [01:00:49.0059] Video link for the triage meeting? [01:04:18.0044] > <@sideshowbarker:matrix.org> Video link for the triage meeting? Just heard from smaug that it's just a remnant of an old meeting, no actual meeting now [01:04:43.0403] Aha, thanks [01:05:16.0040] there is another one way later today (or rather, early tomorrow) [01:05:45.0720] * there is another meeting way later today (or rather, early tomorrow) [01:22:58.0784] Yeah, the meeting is in 15h - 22min [01:23:24.0121] (I'll be sleeping through it per usual.) [07:22:30.0980] annevk: Have you noticed https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-emailcore-as-09.html#name-use-and-validation-in-html- and https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-emailcore-as-09.html#name-use-of-addresses-in-top-lev ? [07:34:40.0058] That's news to me. I'm surprised how it's just a simple description of what HTML does given that J.C. Klensin doesn't appear to like the HTML rules. [12:00:48.0693] annevk: do you know off the top of your head how sandboxed data-url workers are? Are they entirely originless? [12:01:42.0537] Trying to figure out if it's a safe place to run 3p code. Or if there's a benefit of putting a worker in a sandboxed iframe instead [16:44:40.0040] jarhar: by any chance, have you checked how often select (size=1) has been used in iframes which are too small to show the whole popup - meaning that in current desktop browsers the popup covers also some of the parent document? [16:45:23.0256] (I did find some instances of such cases when we were considering to use content processes for select popup rendering) [16:58:26.0682] (the new select would be of course opt-in) 2024-05-03 [17:14:36.0492] i dont think we have usecounters for that particular case [17:15:08.0874] the new select would be a regular element which gets popover behavior, so it wouldnt escape outside its frame [17:16:19.0953] right [17:20:02.0972] jarhar: does the parser allow anything inside