2020-12-01 [12:01:20.0000] oh yay they got rid of the `Mr/Mrs F. Last` crap 2020-12-02 [16:20:11.0000] you can thank Jory, Boaz Sender, and to a far lesser but more annoying extent, me for that. [16:20:23.0000] šŸ‘ [10:39:39.0000] akirose: that might be a bit unknown but I remember that Valerie Young was one of the first that raised the annoying of the honorifics [10:41:06.0000] at least in a discussion at Bocoup that should have been one of the initial engagements from Jory w/ Istvan to change that [10:43:28.0000] I've been really fortunate to work with Valerie, she's one of the most skilled engineers I've worked with [11:02:08.0000] she's amazing [11:02:15.0000] i tried to convince her to move to San Diego [11:12:07.0000] she's the one who first invited me here too :D [12:48:09.0000] my very first meeting, i was talking to ljharb on irc and at some point i said something to the effect of "i'm the one with blue hair". i then looked up and realized that all three women (which, šŸ˜­) in the room had varying shades of blue hair [12:49:46.0000] (it was me, Valerie, & Maggie) [12:52:10.0000] lol, i remember that [12:52:24.0000] but i think i already knew valerie and maggie at that time, so it was sufficient info [12:59:53.0000] The blue hair was a standard in a standards meeting. Not bad 2020-12-03 [08:28:54.0000] just a notification that I won't be on irc with a bouncer for the foreseeable future, use github or email please. I will be on for plenary though 2020-12-07 [08:55:12.0000] shu: some of the notes for (at least) the first day are incomplete for you, at least in the "give typedarray methods explicit algorithms" part; you might want to revew [13:59:35.0000] thanks for the ping [13:59:38.0000] man, the notes this time are prodigious 2020-12-08 [12:00:16.0000] rwaldron-: I noticed you marked #2221 has `has tests` but IIRC we still need coverage for the three weird cases mentioned in https://github.com/tc39/ecma262/pull/2221#issuecomment-721367858, right? [12:01:51.0000] those are namely the cases pointed out in shu's review comments which I left unresolved for visibility (though github auto-hides them since they are a few among many :-/) [12:30:16.0000] rkirsling I can write those tests tomorrow. Sorry I missed that [12:30:36.0000] rwaldron-: <3 [12:30:45.0000] no need for apology [12:31:03.0000] it's a bit of a tangled web [12:31:48.0000] rkirsling https://github.com/tc39/test262/issues/2915 [12:32:07.0000] šŸ™‡ā€ā™‚ļø [12:34:54.0000] rkirsling: rimshot [12:35:14.0000] lol [12:35:47.0000] I meant typed array semantics in particular, but yes, the web is tangled indeed... 2020-12-09 [04:55:55.0000] I'm happy to see that Coinbase, where ljharb has been working since this past summer, is joining Ecma [05:02:57.0000] Ecma GA starting now, in case you want to vote in favor of Coinbase being admitted :) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84246687473?pwd=a2JUc1lIUytoZ00yRU15NHB4VW5KZz09 [09:36:12.0000] rkirsling when you get a chance: https://github.com/tc39/test262/issues/2915#issuecomment-741928417 [10:57:53.0000] rwaldron-: ah yeah, those are for the very specific timing that shu indicated, where valueOf/toString of the parameter detaches the buffer but we still have to complete the current operation somehow [10:58:20.0000] rkirsling I believe I've resolved all of the questions that I had. [10:58:26.0000] Thanks! [10:58:35.0000] cool! [10:58:40.0000] I'll have updated test material for you by end of day [10:58:57.0000] (my day, EST) [10:59:19.0000] awesome! thanks sir 2020-12-10 [02:21:03.0000] Bakkot: this mention of async do expressions got some positive feedback. I am wondering how normal do expressions are going. Will we see a specification proposed for Stage 2 any time soon? I am excited about that feature and liked your take. https://twitter.com/littledan/status/1336915541613744130?s=19 [03:00:23.0000] What `async do` returns? A promise? [07:30:26.0000] yes [08:41:17.0000] littledan: I continue to be excited to work on it, and hope to have some time over the winter holidays [09:27:24.0000] yay! [09:50:18.0000] now that I'm looking at my slides again: does anyone have a sense of the web-compat risk of making it so that the completion value of `0; function f(){}` was `f` instead of (as is currently specified) `f`? [09:51:01.0000] I feel like there is probably not that much code depending on completion values, and quite possibly zero code depending on that particular edge case, right? [09:51:15.0000] ugh [09:51:26.0000] that should read "completion value of `0; function f(){}` was `f` instead of (as is currently specified) `0`?" [10:22:22.0000] Bakkot: my sense is "if the world is reasonable, the risk should be almost zero, but " [10:23:22.0000] someone would have to be using eval and also using a function declaration that was defined at the bottom, all of which aren't very common. buttttt someone probably is doing that [10:24:35.0000] not just using eval, but using it for its completion value [11:20:30.0000] right [11:22:50.0000] #2210 and #2221 should be basically unblocked on tests now, jftr [11:23:35.0000] (pending https://github.com/tc39/test262/pull/2918 but still) [12:12:09.0000] rkirsling https://github.com/tc39/ecma262/pull/2210 looks to need a rebase; want to take care of it or shall I? [12:12:20.0000] oh sure I can [12:12:49.0000] I expect it's just the ValidateIntegerIndex refactoro [12:12:52.0000] or whatever that AO is called [12:23:53.0000] it is yeah [12:24:06.0000] took me a sec to remember what we changed over there [12:24:23.0000] but done now 2020-12-13 [10:46:05.0000] shu: Bakkot ping on https://github.com/tc39/Reflector/issues/347 ? 2020-12-14 [08:01:52.0000] ljharb: my comcast is down [08:02:02.0000] ljharb: trying to reset the router right now [08:02:12.0000] ouch, Iā€™m running a few minutes late anyways [08:02:16.0000] seems google service have problem today?? [08:02:38.0000] heh not a good day for services [08:07:16.0000] i'm back up [08:07:23.0000] haxjs: are you able to join or is meet down for you? [08:07:39.0000] I already ask to join 5 mins and no response [08:08:47.0000] haxjs: sent you the meeting link in PM [08:09:29.0000] seems no response either [08:09:36.0000] hmm [08:09:43.0000] there're other people in this room, and i didn't get any notifications [08:10:24.0000] Maybe today is not a good day? let's choose another day? [08:10:42.0000] Jack said it seems 500 if he login google account... 2020-12-17 [11:09:39.0000] ooh a ja-JP translation PR [11:09:55.0000] I didn't have time to work on one but I do have time to review one :) [11:16:43.0000] of ecma262? [11:17:01.0000] just the website šŸ˜… [11:18:21.0000] the thought of not only translating the spec but keeping it updated in multiple languages makes my head spin šŸ˜µ [11:20:03.0000] yes that seems not a feasible volunteer effort [11:20:14.0000] we'd need to hire a translation house who knows technical terms [11:20:16.0000] seems very expensive [11:21:10.0000] in some ways ecma262 is much better suited for translation than other PL specifications because of how pseudocode-y it is [11:21:43.0000] like the C++ spec? good luck with that [11:21:54.0000] true [11:31:29.0000] well, I believe it gets even harder when we need to rethink the website structure to *properly* provide multiple languages, on top of everything else mentioned [11:31:49.0000] I'm a fan of website localizations but it requires time-investment [11:32:40.0000] and my concern goes only for the website, not even reaching the complexity of the specs and their living state 2020-12-18 [01:32:28.0000] leobalter: What do you mean about the structure? [07:47:43.0000] Multi-language feature is basically a structural chance to websites. 2020-12-31 [12:55:45.0000] happy new year, e-colleagues [13:07:05.0000] shu: are you in asia? :P [13:07:24.0000] i am not but i plan to go to sleep at 8 [13:07:27.0000] omg [13:07:47.0000] anyway yes, here's to a much better year :D