2007-03-17 [15:56:00.0000] and the overloading debate continues [15:56:01.0000] yay [15:56:02.0000] w00t [15:57:00.0000] othermaciej, btw, you think we should add the constants to XMLHttpRequest? [16:02:00.0000] annevk: I don't really have a strong opinion [16:02:01.0000] they seem nice, but not absolutely necessary [16:03:00.0000] /me doesn't really care either [16:03:01.0000] but it's trivial to add them in the spec [16:03:02.0000] and prolly trivial in implementations too [16:04:00.0000] /me (n=chatzill⊙chfcn) Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [16:06:00.0000] /me asks some other implementors [16:07:00.0000] it is more typical DOM practice to have named constants and not just bare numbers with special meanings for things like this [16:08:00.0000] yup [16:11:00.0000] And the longer the better [16:11:01.0000] I don't understand why people think is a good thing [16:11:02.0000] "I'm including something" doesn't seem very semantically meaningful [16:12:00.0000] making things more generic runs counter to the very idea of semantic markup [16:12:01.0000] I don't think it's on semantical grounds, more for simplicity and fear of redundance (my guesswork only, of course) [16:12:02.0000] is anything but simple [16:13:00.0000] is possibly the most complex element in all of HTML [16:13:01.0000] But not changing the status quo is simpler than doing so [16:14:00.0000] maybe we should drop from HTML5 altogether [16:14:01.0000] /me ducks [16:14:02.0000] heh [16:14:03.0000] heh [16:14:04.0000] I'm sure macromedia would love that [16:14:05.0000] we have for plugins [16:14:06.0000] Hixie: is there a list anywhere of which elements HTML5 drops or deprecates that are in HTML4? Is that on the wiki? [16:15:00.0000] dunno off hand, there might be [16:15:01.0000] works better for Flash than anyway [16:15:02.0000] Does object serve any purposes that aren't served by specific elements? [16:15:03.0000] /me (n=hasather⊙8ttc) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [16:15:04.0000] iframe, img, video eats up a lot of it [16:15:05.0000] If embed handles plugins, what's left? [16:15:06.0000] /me (n=hasather⊙8ttc) Quit (Remote closed the connection) [16:16:00.0000] audio... [16:16:01.0000] but there's an API for that [16:16:02.0000] we have Audio() for that [16:16:03.0000] (i don't really undertand how