2007-04-01 [21:07:00.0000] should perhaps be allowed, as the html version of [23:08:00.0000] zcorpan_: can't be an element, access control has to be done before you create the root element [23:10:00.0000] you could use a pre-parser, but that's lame [23:10:01.0000] that reminds me, I owe a review of access-control [23:27:00.0000] ok [01:08:00.0000] http://www.brucelawson.co.uk/index.php/2007/wcag-2-released/ [01:13:00.0000] that links to http://juicystudio.com/article/wcag2surpriserelease.php ... [01:13:01.0000] which links to http://accessify.com/news/2007/04/wcag-20-finally-here/ ... [01:13:02.0000] and then to ... http://boxofchocolates.ca/archives/2007/04/01/wcag2-a-done-deal ... [01:13:03.0000] looks like they coordinated [01:13:04.0000] http://www.einfach-fuer-alle.de/blog/eintraege.php?id=2044_0_1_0 and finally back to Bruce Lawson's [01:14:00.0000] fishy eh [01:14:01.0000] it's an april fools joke [01:14:02.0000] yup [01:14:03.0000] othermaciej has another :) [01:15:00.0000] I got suspicious of that when I noticed that bruce didn't actually link to the new spec [01:18:00.0000] who, me? [01:18:01.0000] /me looks innocent [01:19:00.0000] hehe [01:19:01.0000] /me looks forward to safari 3 using trident [01:21:00.0000] excellent! Now we just need Opera and Mozilla to drop their engines and adopt trident to, and we'll have 4 fully interoperable browsers! [01:21:01.0000] apparently mozilla is adopting WebKit: http://burntelectrons.org/index.php?itemid=219 [01:24:00.0000] so when will apple begin shipping vista on all new macs? [01:25:00.0000] 1 april 2008 [01:25:01.0000] I cannot comment on future product releases [01:25:02.0000] /me goes find the latest RFC [01:29:00.0000] doesn't IETF have an April 1 RFC this year at all? [01:30:00.0000] maybe they have not posted it yet [01:33:00.0000] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_1st_RFC - they didn't post one last year either [01:34:00.0000] maybe they decided it wasn't funny any more [01:36:00.0000] haha, UTF-9 [01:36:01.0000] we should post something on whatwg blog. hmm. any ideas? [01:37:00.0000] adopting XHTML2 might be too obvious [01:37:01.0000] that's what I thought [01:37:02.0000] how about a new RDF serialization of HTML5? [01:37:03.0000] probably also too obvious [01:37:04.0000] adopting the role attribute? [01:38:00.0000] that might not be obvious enough :-) [01:39:00.0000] a few years back Jukka Korpela wrote about a new version of HTML on April 1st, but, in reality, XSL-FO was pretty much like his joke... [01:40:00.0000] yeah, XHTML 3.0! [01:40:01.0000] http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/html/xhtml3.html [01:42:00.0000] an N3 serialization for HTML5 would take the RDF idea a step further [01:44:00.0000] (in general, I'm not a big fan of April Fools jokes polluting the information space) [01:52:00.0000] if someone posts an april 1st blog entry, they better have an april 2nd blog entry lined up [01:53:00.0000] why? To explain that the first was a joke? [01:54:00.0000] no, to not confuse people when april fools is over [01:54:01.0000] ok [01:54:02.0000] :-) [02:26:00.0000] will someone post an April fools joke? :) [02:26:01.0000] if someone comes up with a good idea for one [02:27:00.0000] Hixie to be replaced as HTML5 editor by Chris Wilson [02:27:01.0000] LOL! [02:27:02.0000] "The WHATWG will disolve given that Chris Wilson has taken over doing a great job" (scary joke) [02:28:00.0000] who wants to write it? [02:28:01.0000] or Steven Pemberton, take your pick [02:28:02.0000] maybe that can be the 4/2 clarification [02:29:00.0000] nah, Steve's doing a great job with XHTML2. Chris is more believable since he's actually joining the HTMLWG [02:30:00.0000] "doing a great job with XHTML2" [02:30:01.0000] parse error [02:31:00.0000] people may take a Chris Wilson joke too seriously [02:31:01.0000] RDF fun is safer [02:32:00.0000] Chris Wilson may take a Chrisl Wilson joke too seriously [02:32:01.0000] I don't know RDF well enough to write anything about it [02:32:02.0000] "Due to many complaints we've decided rewrite the entire HTML 5 specification, from scratch" [02:32:03.0000] I think it would be funny if written right, you just have to get more outrageous as you go along [02:32:04.0000] start believable and work your way up [02:33:00.0000] mjshtml: exactly [02:36:00.0000] what about a reason for Hixie no longer doing it? Lack of time? motivation? support? illness? something else? [02:36:01.0000] another joke .. but this might be also taken too seriously and it's quite subtle: start from this email http://lists.whatwg.org/htdig.cgi/whatwg-whatwg.org/2004-August/002069.html [02:38:00.0000] I think writing the spec from scratch with outrageous technical details is the best one so far (I'd avoid stuff that might start serious PR problem rumors. like Hixie getting sick or legal stuff) [02:38:01.0000] yes [02:38:02.0000] how about adopting XForms Transitional? [02:39:00.0000] Lachy: just looked yesterday at XForms Transitional... uhm... that's soo "very" Web Forms2 (IIANM) [02:39:01.0000] (besides being still a work in progress...) [02:40:00.0000] XForms Transitional, XSL-FO, RDF, XHTML 2.0, W3C XML Schema, SOAP, ... [02:40:01.0000] forget XForms Transitional, how about straight-up XForms? [02:40:02.0000] XForms transitional does seem to be an effort to rewrite WF2 from scratch [02:40:03.0000] Lachy: what's the use? [02:40:04.0000] the [17:42:03.0000] *someone [17:43:00.0000] there's one with on the front and on the back [17:44:00.0000] yeah, I've been thinking about getting that one from Remo with my voucher that I won [17:45:00.0000] http://remo.com.au/online/tshirts_item.cfm?PLU=1104 [17:48:00.0000] I think I will leave off the whatwg logo because (a) I am lazy and (b) it's more subtle this way [17:48:01.0000] Hixie: Sorry, Freenode doesn't like me sending private messages while unregistered - I'll try to fix that, but in the meantime: That's http://code.google.com/p/html5lib/issues/detail?id=33 [17:48:02.0000] aah [17:48:03.0000] cood [17:48:04.0000] cool even [17:48:05.0000] ok who can i blame who works on html5lib :-) [17:49:00.0000] I believe jgraham said he didn't get that error, but I'm not sure what the difference is [17:49:01.0000] /me is wondering if he should explain 5>2 to people asking on twitter [17:51:00.0000] Philip`: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/xml-sig/2004-May/010252.html seems relevant [17:53:00.0000] wow, html5lib takes a long time to parse the spec [17:54:00.0000] I wonder how it could be optomised? [17:54:01.0000] even Czech C code takes a couple of seconds to handle that much [17:55:00.0000] how long did it take? [17:56:00.0000] It's funny how, in response to the lack of support for data: URIs in IE, people propose new ideas that are equally unsupported [17:56:01.0000] (about 19s on this machine) [17:59:00.0000] and yes, this is a recurring pattern [17:59:01.0000] it baffles me [17:59:02.0000] I think this works around that html5lib problem: [17:59:03.0000] import xml.dom.minidom [17:59:04.0000] import html5lib [17:59:05.0000] parser = html5lib.html5parser.HTMLParser(tree=html5lib.treebuilders.dom.TreeBuilder) [17:59:06.0000] doc = parser.parse(open('current-work'), encoding='utf-8') [17:59:07.0000] doc.removeChild(doc.firstChild) # remove the doctype, else html5lib's doc.cloneNode dies [17:59:08.0000] head = doc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] [17:59:09.0000] head.insertBefore(doc.createElement('meta'), head.firstChild).setAttribute('charset', 'UTF-8') [17:59:10.0000] ...as a replacement for the top of the file [17:59:11.0000] Er, then you can get rid of that xml.dom.minidom line too [17:59:12.0000] oh the problem is the doctype? [17:59:13.0000] Lachy: asking on twitter where? [17:59:14.0000] I think so - the problem seems to be triggered when you clone a node which has a doctype thingy as a child [17:59:15.0000] othermaciej, http://twitter.com/DmitryBaranovskiy [17:59:16.0000] I decided to respond [17:59:17.0000] (You can clone the xml.dom.minidom.DocumentType itself, but not a xml.dom.minidom.Document which contains it) [17:59:18.0000] http://twitter.com/Lachy [18:00:00.0000] Philip`: must be a bug in minidom, the TreeBuilder code looks correct to me [18:00:01.0000] anyway removing the doctype is fine [18:01:00.0000] dammit, do I have to be on Twitter now to be cool? [18:01:01.0000] no [18:02:00.0000] The doctype gets added back in later, via string concatenation in html5Serializer because I couldn't be bothered to figure out the proper way of doing it... [18:02:01.0000] though if you are, make sure to add "WHATWG" as your friend [18:02:02.0000] the whatwg spec checkin script automatically twitters the checkin message [18:02:03.0000] Philip`: yeah [18:02:04.0000] othermaciej, being on twitter won't make you cool, but it's where all the cool kids hang out these days :-) [18:05:00.0000] twitter was cool a year ago [18:05:01.0000] when it was twttr [18:05:02.0000] /me only found out about twitter a few weeks ago [18:05:03.0000] its definitely one of those technologies that falls apart when too many people start using it [18:06:00.0000] it jumped the shark when it got a short-code [18:06:01.0000] ianloic: so you liked their early stuff? [18:07:00.0000] othermaciej, I liked it when it was just me and a few friends :) [18:07:01.0000] so L is 42" chest? [18:08:00.0000] well that was weird [18:08:01.0000] /me ordered a white one [18:08:02.0000] i saw that twitter had spoken, went to have a look, and it was my script twittering [18:08:03.0000] how confusing [18:09:00.0000] Hixie, I thought it was supposed to post the description from the SVN check in, just just a generic "updated the spec... " message [18:09:01.0000] two scripts [18:09:02.0000] KevinMarks: they are American Apparel sizes, might be size info on the AA site [18:09:03.0000] ./.update.sh says the message you just got [18:09:04.0000] ./.commit.pl says the checkin message [18:10:00.0000] does update.sh generate the spec from source? [18:10:01.0000] KevinMarks: L is 42-44" chest [18:10:02.0000] The link to the multiple-page version is wrong [18:10:03.0000] yes [18:10:04.0000] ("extract" probably isn't a great name - I'm not sure why I ever called it that) [18:10:05.0000] what should we call it? [18:10:06.0000] Also the annotations are missing, since it'll be looking for annotate-data.xml in that directory [18:11:00.0000] yeah just fixed that [18:11:01.0000] (not updated yet) [18:11:02.0000] M2 stopped working when i upgraded to opera 9.20. the error console keeps poping up saying "Error from server: -ERR bad command g1pf2579637muf. Did you change your password?" [18:11:03.0000] Maybe something like "multi"? [18:12:00.0000] i just independently called it multipage [18:12:01.0000] Could the Twitter message link to the multipage version, so unsuspecting link-followers don't have their browser explode? [18:13:00.0000] sure [18:16:00.0000] oops [18:16:01.0000] misfire [18:16:02.0000] let's try again [18:16:03.0000] hmm. So far there have been no other nominees for spec editor in the HTMLWG, which seems a bit unfair if there is to be an election [18:17:00.0000] we're having an election? [18:17:01.0000] don't know [18:17:02.0000] as far as i can tell me being editor was part of the package of getting the whatwg spec [18:17:03.0000] that's up to the chairs, I guess [18:19:00.0000] just the way you keep saying things like "If the HTML WG adopts the draft and me as editor" makes it seem like there's a remote possibility for someone else [18:19:01.0000] well i don't want to presume [18:20:00.0000] I know, but I think it's a fairly safe assumption [18:24:00.0000] Philip`, your script is awesometastic [18:24:01.0000] Whoops, I think the single-page spec got Opera stuck in an infinite loop [18:24:02.0000] so far, I don't think anyone else has been nominated as editor [18:25:00.0000] or volunteered [18:25:01.0000] could the twitter message include the log comment? [18:25:02.0000] it does, when it's a checkin [18:25:03.0000] the messages you got weren't checkins [18:25:04.0000] ah [18:26:00.0000] (It's reading the length of cache4\opr11VRW.htm twenty five thousand times per second, for the past few minutes, which I think is not intentional behaviour...) [18:27:00.0000] it doesn't believe how big the file is :-) [18:28:00.0000] Hixie: Looks good to me now :-) [18:28:01.0000] :-) [18:29:00.0000] feel free to post to the html list telling people your script has been incorporated into the whatwg pipeline [18:29:01.0000] post it to both whatwg and public-html so everyone knows [18:32:00.0000] Looks like the tabs/spaces got a bit mangled in the version in SVN - I really should try to remember how to set my editor to do spaces all the time... [18:32:01.0000] i changed a bunch to spaces [18:32:02.0000] maybe not all [18:32:03.0000] so that was probably my fault [18:33:00.0000] Only the bits at the top got changed - the rest are still tabs, so Python might get a bit confused [18:36:00.0000] seems to work ok :-) [18:50:00.0000] Hixie: Do you delete the old multipage/*.html files before adding the new ones, so that stale links will become 404s instead of giving out-of-date content? [18:50:01.0000] yes [18:53:00.0000] Ah, good [18:54:00.0000] (That's the step that I always forget, and it always confuses me about why I'm not seeing any changes I've made...) [18:54:01.0000] heh [19:03:00.0000] why would you need to delete old versions? Wouldn't the updated versions just replace them, keeping the same file names?\ [19:04:00.0000] Sometimes the section IDs will change, so the filenames will change [19:04:01.0000] ah, but changing IDs and filenames breaks links [19:06:00.0000] Yep, and it's better not to leave dead link targets around when they're not being updated by the script any more [19:07:00.0000] yeah, ideally links shouldn't change, though that's probably unavoidable with the spec being edited so much [19:09:00.0000] It's using the IDs of the elements, which I believe are generated automatically from the textual content of the headings, so just changing a heading will break the links [19:18:00.0000] HTML5 proposal made it to daringfireball: http://daringfireball.net/linked/2007/april#wed-11-html5 [19:23:00.0000] - The correct answer to this offer is “Yes.” [19:24:00.0000] That's cheating! [19:24:01.0000] i love how even AFTER philip wrote the script to split the spec and i merged it with the pipeline, people are still asking for the spec to be split [19:24:02.0000] maybe, just maybe, if they did it themselves when they wanted it like philip did, we wouldn't have had to wait so long to have a split spec [19:25:00.0000] The w3c doesn't stain its hands with implementations ;) [19:27:00.0000] that particular guy was complaining about this in the whatwg list a few months ago [19:28:00.0000] Hixie, Mike Schinkel? [19:28:01.0000] yeah [19:28:02.0000] /me is ignoring him [19:28:03.0000] It's not like it takes that much longer to implement than to complain about - it's just using someone else's code to do the hard stuff like parsing HTML, then twiddling bits of DOM [19:29:00.0000] right, dinner [19:29:01.0000] bbl [19:42:00.0000] (It's still failing to load annotate-data.xml - it'd probably be nice to either make that file available, or remove the script that tries to include it on every page (via the two page_body.appendChild(script.cloneNode(True)) lines)) [19:56:00.0000] I love that people are now taking the design principles document as having some kind of substantive force when we just kinda made it up [19:56:01.0000] (Just noticed one spec change that will break the page links: s/Auxillary/Auxiliary/) [20:05:00.0000] i thought annotate-data.xml was available [20:05:01.0000] what did i break [20:05:02.0000] oh i know [20:05:03.0000] there, should work now [22:36:00.0000] vote: addCuePoint() or addCueMark()? [22:36:01.0000] or something else altogether [22:37:00.0000] brain not functional enough to have opinion [22:38:00.0000] also should it take an EventListener, a TimeoutHandler, or a Function (where Function is something I'd have to define) [22:39:00.0000] probably not an EventListener [22:39:01.0000] how is TimeoutHandler defined right now? [22:40:00.0000] http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/section-timers.html#timeouthandler [22:40:01.0000] probably a no-arg function is fine, since you can check currentTime [22:40:02.0000] k [22:40:03.0000] TimeoutHandler would be ok I guess, though the extra args thing that setTimeout does is a little weird [22:43:00.0000] or addCuePoint() could just cause an event to be fired [22:43:01.0000] but that seems silly [22:43:02.0000] from an authoring standpoint [22:44:00.0000] yeah [23:15:00.0000] hmm [23:15:01.0000] are the update twitters useful? [23:15:02.0000] I'm thinking maybe not [23:15:03.0000] the checkin twitters presumably are [23:15:04.0000] Hixie, no, only the checkins [23:15:05.0000] ok, i'll dump them then [23:16:00.0000] i've also made the checkin script not bother twittering for purely editorial stuff [23:17:00.0000] Hixie, http://googlefight.com/index.php?lang=en_GB&word1=%22cue+point%22&word2=%22cue+mark%22 [23:19:00.0000] good good [23:21:00.0000] http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/section-video.html#cue-points [23:30:00.0000] Hixie, thanks for setting up whatwg.org/html5 - that's much easier to type! [23:30:01.0000] :-) [23:31:00.0000] /wf2 might be useful too for web forms [23:31:01.0000] added, but i don't expect to do anything to wf2 until we merge the two [23:32:00.0000] yeah, but just incase I need to look somthing up in it [23:50:00.0000] wow, i'm down to only two things to do for media [23:50:01.0000] namely, try to work out whether video.error should be an object, and adding a security section. [23:53:00.0000] as soon as you are done, I'll likely have to re-review comparing to the Apple version [23:53:01.0000] and bring up some of the issues from our leftovers section [23:53:02.0000] like (whee) metadata [23:53:03.0000] you can start now if you want [23:54:00.0000] the two things i have left are working out what to do with error objects (do you want an object or is the code enough?) and the security section, which i'll do last [23:54:01.0000] since i need to make sure i've taken care of security issues before i can write about how i've taken care of them [23:54:02.0000] and i can't take care of them before i've finished adding features [00:02:00.0000] QT can give you a nice long list of error codes... [00:03:00.0000] I think an error object is a better idea [00:03:01.0000] more reasonable to extend, and there is little value to keeping the error representation lightweight [00:22:00.0000] ok, it's an object now. [00:25:00.0000] ok, also added a dummy section for security [00:25:01.0000] so that's it as far as i'm concerned for v2 of the media object [00:28:00.0000] ok, I'm planning time for review [00:28:01.0000] though I also need to squeeze some coding time in [00:29:00.0000] :-) [00:30:00.0000] if you look at the comments in http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/section-video.html#media (search for 'v3') you'll see what _isn't_ included in this version yet [00:30:01.0000] I need to hassle the Apple folks who were supposed write up accessibility [00:30:02.0000] and I have a speclet bit to write up myself [00:30:03.0000] (which includes captions and metadata) [00:35:00.0000] chapters? [00:35:01.0000] that's part of metadata [00:41:00.0000] jolly good [00:47:00.0000] /me kills the Audio() API and replaces it with HTMLAudioElement [00:56:00.0000] removed an entire section. [00:57:00.0000] yum. [01:22:00.0000] Lachy: Re: Apace vs. MIT: the Apache License 2.0 has an explicit patent grant. The MIT license does not. This is both the reason to prefer the Apache license and, due to the GPLv2 compatibility issue, prefer the MIT license [01:32:00.0000] hsivonen, is the Apache licence still incompatible with GPLv3? [01:34:00.0000] how is the GPL incompatible w/ a license including a patent grant? [01:34:01.0000] Hixie: no 'new Audio' API for compatibitlity? [01:34:02.0000] er [01:34:03.0000] for convenience? [01:34:04.0000] othermaciej, http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/license-list.html lists it as incompatible [01:34:05.0000] othermaciej: yeah, it's there [01:35:00.0000] I think it's because GPL requires no other restrictions to be imposed beyond those in GPL [01:44:00.0000] othermaciej: GPLv2 isn't compatible with licenses that have an explicit patent grant [01:45:00.0000] othermaciej: oh. I misread you. What Lachy said. [01:46:00.0000] Lachy: my understanding is that it is a goal to draft GPLv3 so that Apache License 2.0 is compatible. I don't know the current status of that compat effort. [01:46:01.0000] ok [02:31:00.0000] i love "[discussion of how public WGs will and should operate]" [02:31:01.0000] there's some irony to the fact that the discussion of how a public group should operate wasn't minuted. [02:32:00.0000] :-) [02:37:00.0000] hi all.