2008-01-01 [16:03:00.0000] well cool, glad the spec is right [16:04:00.0000] and yes 'width' would be a way to do it then [16:48:00.0000] kig: only LGPL v.3. LGPL v.2 doesn't. [16:50:00.0000] 2 has a "if you can't redistro this code due to you wanting to destroy competitors with patent wars, you can't redistro this code" [16:50:01.0000] i.e. if you do distro the code, you don't want to patentwar [16:51:00.0000] but i don't know [16:51:01.0000] the canvas source files have a different license header too, wtf's up with that [16:52:00.0000] usual marketing bs? "webcore is LGPL super open source yay except for the parts that we edited" [16:53:00.0000] kig: no, it doesn't say that. it says if you have restrictions that contradict the license, you can't redisribute it. [16:53:01.0000] kig: i think basically the stuff they took from KTML is lgpl, but the new stuff is mostly BSD [16:53:02.0000] kig: that doesn't affect Apple. [16:53:03.0000] kig: their own stuff is BSD licensed, which is more lax than LGPL [16:54:00.0000] *KHTML [16:54:01.0000] kig: yeah, the canvas stuff is two clause BSD license. [16:55:00.0000] /me pops a new beer [16:55:01.0000] kig: the marketing bs is, "WebCore is LGPL super open source yay some stuff is even more free!" [16:55:02.0000] kig: but there's nothing directly about patents in the LGPL [16:56:00.0000] (nor the BSD license — the license header in the canvas files is the entire license) [16:58:00.0000] lgpl2 has "Therefore, we insist that any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license." [16:58:01.0000] in the preamble [16:59:00.0000] yeah i disagree about that part gsnedders [16:59:01.0000] iirc the LGPL basically says you implicitly license your patent rights to users of the code [17:01:00.0000] Happy New Year everyone [17:02:00.0000] happy 2008 to gmt-1 and earlier people [03:59:00.0000] kig: the preamble isn't the license. it has no legal meaning. [03:59:01.0000] Lords Of HTML, forgive me, for I said "alt tag". [04:01:00.0000] so use the opengl canvas instead.. [04:03:00.0000] Why would that be less likely to be affected by patents? [04:04:00.0000] because it's opengl [04:06:00.0000] unless the patent is the usual heh heh patent of the form "hypertext document space in which there may be pixels and which may be programmatically changed" [04:06:01.0000] which it probably is [04:06:02.0000] But it's OpenGL inside a web browser, which maybe is an innovative new idea and patentable [04:07:00.0000] MPL doesn't have a patent release? [04:07:01.0000] (I can't see why 2D canvas does anything that isn't trivially obvious, since it's just a wrapper around boring standard 2D graphics libraries) [04:09:00.0000] because some legal eagle at apple said so [04:10:00.0000] waiting for adobe to sue all browser makers for having vector graphics that is not flash/pdf [04:11:00.0000] and my catmull-rom spline drawer needs more work [04:12:00.0000] open source software is generally incompatible with patents, so I doubt Mozilla has any patents for their opengl canvas implementation [04:12:01.0000] kig: if you read the whole post, they have no issue if it moved to a standards body with a patent policy (i.e., the W3C). Once FPWD is published there, after 90 days, Apple's requirements are met [04:12:02.0000] kig: I'd guess the W3C patent whatsits make it hard for Adobe to complain about patents on things like SVG [04:12:03.0000] Lachy: People other than Mozilla still could, though [04:13:00.0000] Lachy: Also, some Mozilla software does have patents [04:13:01.0000] http://developer-cluster.mozilla.org/en/docs/SpiderMonkey_Internals:_Thread_Safety#Patent [04:14:00.0000] yeah, royalty free patents are ok [04:17:00.0000] kig: Is there any chance your SVG renderer could output things (triangles?) for OpenGL to draw? I'd quite like to have SVG embedded in X3D embedded in XHTML... [04:18:00.0000] if you have a tesselator/renderer/magic for quadratic/cubic bezier splines, sure [04:18:01.0000] cubic'll suffice, quadratics can be done with those [04:19:00.0000] That sounds not impossible [04:19:01.0000] http://www.mdk.org.pl/2007/10/27/curvy-blues [04:19:02.0000] gradients and stroking may be, ah, more interesting [04:20:00.0000] I'd guess gradients wouldn't be too hard with pixel shaders [04:22:00.0000] guess i should move all the rendering primitives under the same backend, then implementing the ops in that would get you going [04:23:00.0000] or write a canvas context that calls opengl [04:26:00.0000] best performance by caching the paths generated by svg, compile into vertex array [04:26:01.0000] s/generated by/in/ [04:28:00.0000] now i'm compiling the SVG d="..." -paths into [['moveTo', [0,4]], ['lineTo', [400,230]], ...] and for (var i=0;i but with ogl you could store the geometry in a VBO, which should make it fly [04:31:00.0000] http://glimr.rubyforge.org/cake/canvas.html#CatmullRom hooray! [04:34:00.0000] kig: Would it be better/worse to compile into eval('function(ctx){ctx.moveTo(0,4), ...}') [04:35:00.0000] haven't tried, that's really evil though :) [04:35:01.0000] Could you do constant-velocity movement along the spline? [04:37:00.0000] when i find the algo to compute a segment's length [04:37:01.0000] /me likes evil [04:49:00.0000] i had a fleeting thought of parsing truetype fonts with javascript and compiling them into quadraticCurveTo:s but then i took a look at the specs [04:50:00.0000] Could something like FreeType provide you with a list of curves? [04:50:01.0000] it could [04:50:02.0000] (then precompute the JS-compatible font representation on a server) [04:54:00.0000] Do you happen to know if Opera's drawImage(svgimage, ...) can draw SVG text onto a canvas? [04:54:01.0000] (I can't remember if I ever tested that or not) [04:54:02.0000] haven't tried, i guess it should [04:55:00.0000] I think it refused to draw foreignContent onto canvas, so HTML text won't work :-( [04:57:00.0000] if you look at the svgparser transformed text (e.g. coord systems.. -> skew) things with a webkit nightlie, it has madness (the text element has -webkit-transform matrix) [05:05:00.0000] time to read freetype docs [05:06:00.0000] oh oh idea [05:06:01.0000] compute the JS-compatible font representation on a server on the fly [05:08:00.0000] ok, it's not much of a change, is it :| [05:09:00.0000] or have a list of fonts, query with js / server-side include [05:11:00.0000] font server .. [05:14:00.0000] You'd probably want the font server to only send the characters are needed, and not the other tens of thousands of glyphs in the original font file [05:15:00.0000] (so it couldn't just be a static file server) [05:16:00.0000] ((I'm assuming the JS representation of the font would be pretty inefficient, so you couldn't send everything, but maybe I'm wrong)) [05:18:00.0000] gzipped array of numbers, shouldn't be much larger than the original font file (? only one way to find out...) [05:19:00.0000] Is the original font file just a list of curves, rather than something more programmatic? [05:19:01.0000] (ignoring all the hinting and stuff, which presumably could never work in SVG-in-canvas) [05:20:00.0000] truetype fonts have the curves and then some nutty bytecode system for doing the hinting afaik [05:20:01.0000] i don't really know [05:21:00.0000] i guess they have something extra to handle all the different types of type [05:27:00.0000] (Is there a better touchpad driver for Windows in Boot Camp? I don't like taking twenty seconds to right-click on a folder just because right-clicking requires two fingers on the touchpad which then makes the window scroll wildly up and down even if I keep my fingers almost stationary) [07:38:00.0000] just what i needed: http://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/MovingAlongCurveSpecifiedSpeed.pdf [08:10:00.0000] Philip`, where in ECMAScript does it state that \0 is to be stripped? [08:10:01.0000] Philip`, presumably the Acid3 test bases that on some statement? [08:31:00.0000] anne-mac: As far as I'm aware, it shouldn't be stripped - it's just a normal character, so "foo\0bar" != "foo" [08:32:00.0000] (except Opera (and no other browser) tends to strip off everything after the first \0 presumably because it's treated like a C string) [08:32:01.0000] (and so I'm assuming Opera is wrong, because it's the odd one out and it doesn't seem sensible behaviour) [08:33:00.0000] other browsers strip \0 characters [08:34:00.0000] I guess one can claim that treating \0 as terminating character is wrong, but stripping it out isn't in the specs either [08:35:00.0000] I don't see it being stripped out in any browser [08:35:01.0000] (except Opera) [08:37:00.0000] (...and IE - oops) [08:38:00.0000] Firefox and Safari at least strip it when doing alert('x\0x') [08:38:01.0000] http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/?%3C!DOCTYPE%20html%3E%0A%3Cbody%20onload%3Dw(document.getElementById('fo%5C0o'))%3E%0A%3Cspan%20id%3Dfo%3E%3C%2Fspan%3E%0A%3Cdiv%20id%3Dfoo%3E%3C%2Fdiv%3E%0A [08:40:00.0000] Oh, that sounds more likely to be a problem with alert than with the general DOM API system [08:40:01.0000] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=310037 [08:41:00.0000] alert('x\0x') in Safari on Windows outputs just "x", and FF3 on Windows says "xx" [08:41:01.0000] Safari on Mac says "xx" ... [08:42:00.0000] "Version 3.0.4 (523.15)" [08:43:00.0000] /me doesn't know if newer versions changed it [08:43:01.0000] Version 3.0.4 (5523.10) [08:43:02.0000] That sounds futuristic [08:43:03.0000] it's a literal copy [08:44:00.0000] /me wonders what the extra 5 means [08:54:00.0000] WebKit nightly on Windows seems to still say "x" [08:55:00.0000] maybe stripping \0 is done at the OS level on Mac and Windows doesn't do that [09:37:00.0000] Philip`: extra 5 is on leopard, but not in UA string [09:39:00.0000] anne-mac: seems to be within OS string type for alerts [10:32:00.0000] zcorpan: "If you the automatic choice of parser ..." fixed. thanks [11:10:00.0000] http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/?%3C!DOCTYPE%20html%3E%3Cstyle%3E[align%3D%22A%22]%2C%20[align%3D%22B%22]%2C%20[align%3D%22i%22]%2C%20[align%3D%22%C4%B1%22]%20{%20background%3Ayellow%20}%3C%2Fstyle%3E%3Cp%20align%3Da%3Ea%20A%3Cp%20align%3Da%3EB%20b%3Cp%20align%3D%C4%B0%3E%C4%B0%20i%3Cp%20align%3DI%3EI%20%C4%B1 [11:11:00.0000] oo [11:12:00.0000] um, make that http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/?%3C!DOCTYPE%20html%3E%3Cstyle%3E[align%3D%22A%22]%2C%20[align%3D%22b%22]%2C%20[align%3D%22i%22]%2C%20[align%3D%22%C4%B1%22]%20{%20background%3Ayellow%20}%3C%2Fstyle%3E%3Cp%20align%3Da%3Ea%20A%3Cp%20align%3DB%3EB%20b%3Cp%20align%3D%C4%B0%3E%C4%B0%20i%3Cp%20align%3DI%3EI%20%C4%B1 [11:15:00.0000] http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/?%3C!DOCTYPE%20html%3E%3Cstyle%3E[align%3D%22A%22]%23a%2C%20[align%3D%22b%22]%23b%2C%20[align%3D%22i%22]%23c%2C%20[align%3D%22%C4%B1%22]%23d%20{%20background%3Ayellow%20}%3C%2Fstyle%3E%3Cp%20id%3Da%20align%3Da%3Ea%20A%3Cp%20id%3Db%20align%3DB%3EB%20b%3Cp%20id%3Dc%20align%3D%C4%B0%3E%C4%B0%20i%3Cp%20id%3Dd%20align%3DI%3EI%20%C4%B1 even... [12:42:00.0000] If I have some XML (specifically XSLT) which uses QNames in attribute values, and I want to extract a subtree and move it into a new document and want the QNames to continue working, is there a proper way to do that? [12:46:00.0000] Should I remove text/xsl support from Validator.nu even in the lax mode? [12:49:00.0000] I see application/xslt+xml in mime.types on Leopard. Is that an Apple addition or does Apache now qualify unregistered types in the default list? [12:50:00.0000] hsivonen: it'll be Apple [12:50:01.0000] ok [12:51:00.0000] hsivonen: Apache policy hasn't changed (and Apple will've taken the Apache version in Leopard before WWDC in June) [13:05:00.0000] http://ewx.livejournal.com/459902.html [13:06:00.0000] takkaria: would you like to file a bug? http://webkit.org/quality/reporting.html [13:06:01.0000] it will end up being a CFNetwork bug [13:06:02.0000] which dates back from NeXT in part :) [13:06:03.0000] heh [13:07:00.0000] OK, I will [13:07:01.0000] I bet it's done like that for a reason though [13:07:02.0000] takkaria: thank you. don't be surprised if your bug is moved into Radar [13:07:03.0000] since CFNetwork is handled by a non-opensource team [13:07:04.0000] takkaria: but bugs are the only way to get fixes :) not sure if that's your blog post (I'm assuming not), but blog posts certainly don't get fixed :) [13:07:05.0000] it's not mine, no [13:08:00.0000] takkaria: anyway, thanks in advance for the bug~! [13:08:01.0000] /me goes back to fixing webkit bugs [13:09:00.0000] I just saw it pasted in #netsurf (channel for a small browser written in C) and thought it would be of interest here [13:09:01.0000] takkaria: of most interst in bugzilla :) and secondly #webkit, but here works too :) [13:28:00.0000] /me realises he is capitalising MUST and SHOULD and MAY in an email… Need less to do with RFC 2119… [13:36:00.0000] everyone should use OpenID, I'm sick of registering more than usual today [13:36:01.0000] Everyone should allow anonymous access [13:46:00.0000] Philip`: That doesn't make sense for e.g. flickr [13:46:01.0000] (at least, not for the part you currently hav to register for) [13:48:00.0000] /me notes that the word charset has 7 letters [13:50:00.0000] Philip`: Did you have a single page copy of the issues list somewhere? [13:51:00.0000] jgraham: canvex.lazyilluminati.com/misc/cgi/issues.cgi/expand though it's maybe a little slow to generate [13:52:00.0000] That charset thing has been mentioned before [13:52:01.0000] Ah, I thought it would have been but I thought I should check [13:53:00.0000] http://lists.whatwg.org/htdig.cgi/whatwg-whatwg.org/2007-June/011596.html [13:53:01.0000] http://canvex.lazyilluminati.com/misc/cgi/issues.cgi/message/%3Cea09c0d10706011740l797240ebncf31cf1403b0c5cb⊙mgc%3E - hooray, Google has indexed the issues list [13:57:00.0000] /me should perhaps add a search box [14:23:00.0000] Phillip`, hsivonen: fixed. Thanks! [14:27:00.0000] rubys: http://intertwingly.net/blog/?q=%00%80 looks unintended [14:31:00.0000] Also, it's annoying how everyone keeps fixing their code so my attempted demonstrations that XML is hard stop working :-p [14:32:00.0000] rubys: cool [14:37:00.0000] Hixie: you reference ES4 with your \3 argument [14:37:01.0000] I found this in ES3: Informative comments: An escape sequence of the form \ followed by a nonzero decimal number n matches the result of the nth set of capturing parentheses (see It is an error if the regular expression has fewer than n capturing parentheses. If the regular expression has n or more capturing parentheses but the nth one is undefined because it hasn't captured anything, then the backreference always succeeds. [14:37:02.0000] er i meant es3 [14:37:03.0000] which doesn't quite seem to answer the question [14:37:04.0000] Hixie: could you be more specific in your ES3 reference? [14:37:05.0000] sure hold on [14:37:06.0000] Hixie: thank you [14:40:00.0000] Phillip`: again, fixed. (Sorry! :-)) [14:41:00.0000] /me just read a paper explaining the dire consequences of backreferences in "regular expressions" [14:46:00.0000] rubys: Seems to work - thanks :-) [14:46:01.0000] try some UTF-8. :-) [14:48:00.0000] http://intertwingly.net/blog/?q=xyzzy%ef%bf%bf [14:49:00.0000] ...gives a parse error in Opera, not Firefox [14:49:01.0000] Philip`: I get the YSoD in Firefox 2 [14:50:00.0000] not in Minefield, though [14:50:01.0000] Ah - FF3 automatically converts it to %EF%BF%BD [14:51:00.0000] (judging by what it shows in the magical address bar thing) [14:52:00.0000] Validator.nu URI scrubbing makes the URI vanish [14:52:01.0000] macdome: informative note in AtomEscape; the text specifically in that section, step 8.2, is the actual text for that [14:53:00.0000] thank you' [14:56:00.0000] Phillip`: ok, I got that covered now [14:57:00.0000] Philip`: %ef%bf%bf goes unsanitized in Instiki as well. I sent a test URI to Jacques Distler. [14:59:00.0000] interestingly, the Jena IRI lib blames the character on XML--not an IRI spec: http://validator.nu/?doc=http%3A%2F%2Fabout.validator.nu%2F&schema=%ef%bf%bf [15:01:00.0000] Hixie: thanks, I Updated the bug [15:06:00.0000] hsivonen: http://validator.nu/?doc=http%3A%2F%2Fphilip.html5.org%2Fmisc%2Fchars.html&showsource=yes&out=xml [15:13:00.0000] /me wonders how many enterprisey XML-backended web sites would break horribly if you gave them data with these byte sequences 2008-01-02 [21:49:00.0000] Hixie: so what the status on server sent events? [21:53:00.0000] how do you mean? [21:53:01.0000] about it being possibly removed? [21:54:00.0000] it hasn't seen much implementation from other browser vendors than opera, and it's redundant with other features [21:54:01.0000] so it might possibly be removed [21:54:02.0000] which other feature makes it redundant? [21:54:03.0000] we might implement it in WebKit [21:54:04.0000] you could argue it is redundant with XMLHttpRequest [21:55:00.0000] it's redundant with networking and with multipart xmlhttprequest [21:55:01.0000] (assuming it is spec'd clearly enough that you can rely on getting multiple responses for separate data chunks) [21:55:02.0000] not even multipart [21:55:03.0000] people use regular-type XHR for multiple server-sent messages over one connection [21:56:00.0000] true [21:56:01.0000] but is potentially a nice convenience [21:56:02.0000] i have two concerns about it [21:56:03.0000] yeah, the question is should the platform have conveniences? or just the core platform features that can be used to implement the conveniences? [21:57:00.0000] i think the DOM event metaphor is really strained [21:57:01.0000] if we do keep it, we'll certainly need to massively simplify it. it's way over-engineered right now. [21:57:02.0000] it should have conveniences in cases where patterns are very commonly seen in library code [21:57:03.0000] and it's impossible to implement backwardsly [21:57:04.0000] yeah [21:57:05.0000] thus the Selectors API [21:57:06.0000] (and getElementsByClassName) [21:57:07.0000] yep [21:58:00.0000] maybe this is such a case [21:58:01.0000] maybe it isn't [21:58:02.0000] hixie: what if we a) make it for Message events only and b) add a way to implement it based on slow download requests so that it can be emulated with XHR for older browsers? [21:58:03.0000] that's why it's marked as "may be removed". cos it may be removed. :-) [21:59:00.0000] so like old browsers can add application/x-dom-event-not-a-stream to their Accept headers, and it will just end the connection after every event is sent [21:59:01.0000] G0k: (a) is easy; but i'm not sure i follow (b). If you have a solid proposal, feel free to mail it to the list for consideration. [21:59:02.0000] i wouldn't rely on Accept headers for anything [21:59:03.0000] but yeah [22:00:00.0000] why not? [22:00:01.0000] that kind of stuff hasn't historically worked well [22:01:00.0000] hm. i suppose we could do it the other way around, if it doesn't have the accept header for the event stream, the server would default to a non-streaming method [22:03:00.0000] i would recommend something that doesn't in any way involve accept or content-type headers working correctly [22:04:00.0000] if the web's history has taught us anything, it's that people don't understand or honour mime types. [22:04:01.0000] G0k: you don't have to end the connection after every event to work with XHR [22:04:02.0000] well even if the accept wasn't formed correctly, the worst thing that would happen is that it would degrade to slower behavior [22:04:03.0000] G0k: I believe current-generation browsers could emulate server-sent events on top of XHR using the current HTML5 event stream format [22:05:00.0000] (though I haven't actually tried it) [22:05:01.0000] othermaciej: i've found the behavior of partial downloads kinda unpredictable though [22:05:02.0000] the JS library folks are calling the persistent connection for messages from the server thing "COMET" [22:06:00.0000] so probably a sensible thing to do would be to find what kind of API they offer as design input for a standards-track way of doing it [22:06:01.0000] COMET is just one implementataion, as i understand it [22:06:02.0000] i think it's really critical to be able you can emulate this in older browsers [22:06:03.0000] I thought COMET was the concept [22:06:04.0000] i think comet is a big idea [22:06:05.0000] yeah [22:06:06.0000] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comet_(programming)#Browser_compatibility [22:06:07.0000] here's the mechanisms people have used for it [22:06:08.0000] but I dunno what kind of API is offered [22:06:09.0000] man people have got to stop making up new acronyms for stuff that already has names [22:07:00.0000] i've seen many [22:07:01.0000] wow, lots of info about WebKit in there [22:07:02.0000] very educational [22:08:00.0000] from my basic research, i think the most reliable implementations have used a "slow download with re-download" XHR or iframe method [22:08:01.0000] the multipart thing would allow for constant connections, but only gecko really does that [22:08:02.0000] streaming over a single connection works just as well [22:09:00.0000] I'm not sure what is better about multipart [22:09:01.0000] other than handling message boundaries inside the engine [22:09:02.0000] i think that's the critical issue [22:09:03.0000] it's not that hard to make up a protocol for message boundaries [22:09:04.0000] i don't think any UAs really make guarantees about when they flush their buffers for XHR reads [22:10:00.0000] neither WebKit nor Gecko will buffer indefinitely [22:10:01.0000] I don't know about IE [22:10:02.0000] no, but imagine a chat application [22:10:03.0000] I assume the streaming XHR thing doesn't work in IE or people would use it [22:10:04.0000] even if it's 15 seconds, that's bad [22:11:00.0000] which is why people (meebo, for instance) use multiple requests [22:11:01.0000] is it ever actually 15 seconds? [22:11:02.0000] I don't actually know [22:11:03.0000] i'm haven't benchmarked it [22:12:00.0000] this wikipedia page seems to suggest that it never fires on webkit until at least 256 bytes are recieved [22:12:01.0000] anyway it would be good for WebKit to support multipart/x-mixed-replace in XHR (I assume that is the kind people mean), but I am not entirely sure what correct behavior for that is supposed to be [22:12:02.0000] I guess we'd have to reverse-engineer Gecko [22:12:03.0000] G0k: I don't think that is true [22:12:04.0000] older versions used to require some amount of data to be sent to prime the buffer initially [22:13:00.0000] I think after that (and now right away) it will fire readystate 3 without a floor on bytes received [22:13:01.0000] (could be wrong, but that's my recollection) [22:13:02.0000] ok, but it's highly possible that opera and IE don't even do that [22:14:00.0000] and i don't think the XHR specs even specify this [22:14:01.0000] also imagine a proxy server [22:14:02.0000] actually, don't, that makes no sense [22:14:03.0000] 58 tests done, 42 tests to go. [22:14:04.0000] more than half-way there! [22:14:05.0000] woot [22:15:00.0000] XHR specs don't specify this, but they could [22:15:01.0000] used to be they didn't specify anything [22:15:02.0000] ok but that won't make IE support it [22:16:00.0000] i really really feel being able to emulate this kind of thing on old browsers is a splendid idea [22:16:01.0000] x-mixed-replace is a pretty crappy wire protocol as far as message boundaries go [22:16:02.0000] yeah [22:17:00.0000] plus it makes server code potentially really complicated [22:17:01.0000] really? seems no worse than any other server-sent message protocol [22:18:00.0000] as far as impact on most of your server code [22:18:01.0000] (presumably on some level the server has an API that says "post this message now" or something) [22:19:00.0000] well yeah once you abstract that away [22:19:01.0000] but now you have to set up boundaires [22:20:00.0000] and escape your data appropriately [22:22:00.0000] is there escaping? [22:22:01.0000] I think you just need to make sure to pick a boundary string that won't appear in the message [22:22:02.0000] which is what sucks [22:22:03.0000] if there was escaping, you could let some abstraction layer pick the boundary and do escaping [22:22:04.0000] yeah so how do you know that before you start sending [22:23:00.0000] i mean in this particular case, i think the fact that boundaries start with --- and the dom event stuff doesn't makes it easier [22:23:01.0000] I guess you can do "escaping" by making sure no line ever starts with -- [22:26:00.0000] still, this doesn't help us for older UAs that don't support mixed [22:27:00.0000] no new feature helps for older UAs [22:28:00.0000] but i'm saying if we had a mode which used mulitple connections [22:28:01.0000] that could emulate server sent events even on UAs which only support single part XHR [22:29:00.0000] I think you'd be better off using the Htmlfile control in IE and streaming XHR in other browsers [22:29:01.0000] if what you want to do is put a nicer API on top of existing UA functionality [22:30:00.0000] what is the Htmlfile control? [23:37:00.0000] i want to test HTTP somehow in acid3 [23:37:01.0000] but i have no idea how [23:37:02.0000] i don't want to do anything fancy on the server side... [23:59:00.0000] Hixie: what aspect of HTTP? [00:00:00.0000] dunno [00:00:01.0000] Hixie: acid 2 tested browsers' recognition of 404 errors quite nicely, i hear ;) [00:00:02.0000] ooh, yeah, could test and 404 stuff [00:01:00.0000] how about vs server-provided content-type? [00:01:01.0000] that one's controversial [00:02:00.0000] oh, you're trying to stay *away* from controversy? :P [00:02:01.0000] in acid tests? yeah, ideally [00:03:00.0000] acid tests are controversial enough as it is without them risking their credibility [00:03:01.0000] hehe, ok [00:03:02.0000] They're supposed to be borderline useful, not purely spec nitpicking :) [00:03:03.0000] according to https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=395110#c17 safari get the thing "wrong" [00:03:04.0000] yeah but html5 might make that "right" [00:03:05.0000] so i'm not surprised to hear that it's controversial [00:03:06.0000] it's unclear what's going to happen with that [00:03:07.0000] interesting [00:04:00.0000] html5 already says to ignore content-type for [05:44:01.0000] which is not entirely unlikely if you copy and paste nodes of responseXML into your own DOM and then serialize [05:45:00.0000] i've complained about serializing PIs [05:45:01.0000] same applies to comments i guess [05:46:00.0000] what do you mean? you think comments should be omitted from the serialization? [05:47:00.0000] (firefox omits them) [05:47:01.0000] i'm not sure if what is being said for [14:10:00.0000] Philip`: actually i'm not sure this really changes much at all, except that it means our life is going ot be way easier [14:11:00.0000] Also excanvas should just do a document.createElement('canvas') instead of its funny tree-reconstruction tricks [14:11:01.0000] /me wonders why nobody knew about this before [14:12:00.0000] s/nobody/a very small though non-zero number of people/ [14:19:00.0000] roc: we usually say more what we *are* going to do (or more specifically what we already *have* done) than what we're not going to do, but I'll see if there is something useful to say [14:19:01.0000] roc: has anyone from Mozilla posted on the topic? [14:21:00.0000] roc: for what it's worth, unofficially, we want to stick to just quirks and standards mode and not lock in new modes [14:21:01.0000] yeah [14:21:02.0000] I posted [14:21:03.0000] No Dashboard compatibility mode? [14:22:00.0000] http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/roc/archives/2008/01/post_2.html [14:22:01.0000] http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/roc/archives/2008/01/slipping_the_ba.html [14:22:02.0000] it's not an official position, but Mozilla doesn't usually have official positions :-) [14:23:00.0000] roc: and I think the whole thing is a bad idea, but I'm not sure publicly criticizing Microsoft's browser strategy is necessarily appropriate for the webkit blog [14:23:01.0000] Is "post_2" just what happens when you auto-URLify ""? :-) [14:23:02.0000] something like that yeah [14:23:03.0000] othermaciej: I understand [14:24:00.0000] maybe a response in some other forum then [14:24:01.0000] Philip`: we do also have the Dashboard quirks mode, but I hope that can be phased out because it sucks to have a mode that's not just anti-standards but also anti-web-compatibility [14:25:00.0000] Dashboard quirks mode? [14:25:01.0000] Philip`: is there any reason whatsoever for people to use a quirky doctype? [14:25:02.0000] I didn't really slam their strategy the way others are slamming it. I think it's dumb for them but hopefully it won't affect us too much if we just ignore it. [14:25:03.0000] Hixie: thanks for the pointer [14:26:00.0000] Philip`: or do they just do it for fun? [14:26:01.0000] jacobolus: I'd assume (based on no evidence or experience) that most people copy and paste the quirky doctype from somewhere, without understanding what it's for [14:27:00.0000] but Microsoft and the ALA people were playing it up as some sort of generous cross-browser approach to compatibility and I think we should make it clear it's not [14:27:01.0000] jacobolus: but some people might legitimately want compatibility with IE5.5, so they need to make other browsers act as much like IE5.5 as possible, and they still want to use validators, so they use a quirky doctype [14:28:00.0000] ah, validators. okay [14:29:00.0000] They need some way to not break existing content, as so blatantly caused issues with naïve assumptions that all IE versions forever and ever will have the same bugs as happened with IE7 [14:29:01.0000] jacobolus: I've got no idea if anybody actually uses that reason, though [14:30:00.0000] Philip`: seems like that's a bug in the validator then though; it should just assume no doctype = quirks, no? [14:30:01.0000] jacobolus: The (W3C) validator doesn't know about quirks at all, so it couldn't assume something like that [14:30:02.0000] Philip`: I guess it just seems surprising that ~half the pages with doctypes would have quirks doctypes, if that does nothing useful [14:32:00.0000] so does adding quirks doctype do anything useful for the w3c validator? it just treats it the same as any doctype? [14:33:00.0000] jacobolus: for the spec'd ones, yeah [14:33:01.0000] jacobolus: 98% of pages have even though that does nothing useful (since it's optional and almost never has attributes) [14:33:02.0000] fair enough :) [14:33:03.0000] jacobolus: for the non-standards ones it throws an error [14:34:00.0000] Philip`: but people are told to use . Does anyone recommend using a quirks doctype? [14:36:00.0000] don't bother answering that. :) [14:37:00.0000] jacobolus: People recommend using HTML4 Transitional, which is quirks [14:38:00.0000] though I've not seen anybody recommending so that was presumably all down to the site's author [14:42:00.0000] heh [14:42:01.0000] :D [14:42:02.0000] i got two comments on HTML5 by private e-mail [14:42:03.0000] (from one person) [14:42:04.0000] both were CSS requests [14:54:00.0000] (got another e-mail from him saying his friend pointed out those were CSS3 features) [14:54:01.0000] annevk: is http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/access-control/ already implemented by opera? [14:55:00.0000] no [14:55:01.0000] hopefully in due course [14:56:00.0000] so only upcoming mozilla browsers have it so far? [14:57:00.0000] othermaciej, the WebKit blog could say that you don't plan to support this in WebKit [14:58:00.0000] jacobolus, yeah, and they have bugs :) [14:58:01.0000] (and the spec is still changing slightly now and then :-() [15:00:00.0000] Philip`: ie7 skips PIs that start with " in quotes parsing [15:00:01.0000] [15:00:02.0000] "> [15:03:00.0000] where "funny > in quotes parsing" means [15:03:01.0000] (?xi) <\?xml [ ] [^>\s]* ( ( \s+ | "[^\"]*" | '[^']*' ) [^>\s]* )* > [15:03:02.0000] ? [15:03:03.0000] Oops [15:03:04.0000] (?xi) <\?xml [ ] [^>\s]* ( ( \s+ | "[^"]*" | '[^']*' ) [^>\s]* )* > [15:04:00.0000] (That's what it seems to do for , and looks about the same) [15:05:00.0000] well, not sure. ie reparses if you hit an unexpected EOF [15:05:01.0000] so might be equivalent to <?xml "> [15:05:02.0000] vote up HTML5 on reddit: http://reddit.com/r/programming [15:06:00.0000] Is it possible to get an unexpected EOF inside the possible, yes. likely? no [15:08:00.0000] Hmm, I think I'll be happy enough to ignore the EOF reparsing case :-) [15:08:01.0000] sounds reasonable :) [15:09:00.0000] roc, nice posts btw [15:09:01.0000] I should probably do one with a list of arguments too :) [15:14:00.0000] perhaps we should try to make them use an attribute on instead of a meta [15:14:01.0000] That would be invalid HTML4 [15:15:00.0000] there's a version='' attribute [15:16:00.0000] Not in Strict [15:17:00.0000] hmm, you're right [15:18:00.0000] (I'm only right because I looked it up to check :-) ) 2008-01-23 [16:20:00.0000] ooh, this one is fun: http://ejohn.org/blog/meta-madness/ [16:21:00.0000] yup [16:22:00.0000] it's a fun day to be Chris Wilson [16:22:01.0000] fsvo fun [16:46:00.0000] Hixie: have you confirmed your theory about http://ln.hixie.ch/?start=1190803943&count=1 ? :) [17:31:00.0000] zcorpan_: yeah, most people seem to use the tip line [17:35:00.0000] I really should get a blog, just so I can put invalid UTF-8 in its title and try trackbacking people who use XHTML [17:37:00.0000] heh [17:41:00.0000] haha [17:43:00.0000] Philip`: you're mean [17:44:00.0000] jacobolus: Microsoft is getting more support for their move than I would have expected [17:45:00.0000] othermaciej: the comments everywhere seem overwhelmingly negative to me [17:45:01.0000] jacobolus: they got some positive remarks from big shot web standards people like Eric Meyer [17:45:02.0000] and some supportive comments from web developers [17:45:03.0000] I do see some negativity as well [17:46:00.0000] though much of it from Mozilla-affiliated bloggers [17:46:01.0000] yeah, and Zeldman [17:47:00.0000] I really don't think Meyer et al. have done a great job explaining their 180 on the question though [17:47:01.0000] i didn't understand eric's article [17:47:02.0000] it seemed uncharacteristically rambly [17:47:03.0000] I was unable to follow Eric's reasoning [17:47:04.0000] I do think arguments could be made for Microsoft's choice [17:47:05.0000] I don't know if they have been expounded that well [17:48:00.0000] I think mostly that those arguments underestimate the benefits of getting browsers on the same page [17:48:01.0000] /me doesn't get the post's graphics [17:49:00.0000] the strange thing about this move is that it would make a lot of sense if they had 95% of the market and wanted to block competition [17:49:01.0000] which is odd because the same people have spent years explaining the other side [17:49:02.0000] but in their position, bleeding market share, it actually hurts them [17:49:03.0000] Hixie: so it's 5 years late? [17:50:00.0000] and it could be near-fatal if they ever get to low enough numbers that they are no longer the leading browser [17:50:01.0000] othermaciej: yes [17:50:02.0000] othermaciej: I guess the main thing is I don't see the arguments working out at all for public-facing websites [17:50:03.0000] does he mean to say a) it's like cc, numbered, documented and b) doesn't affect other browsers like "like Gecko"? [17:50:04.0000] where any kind of x-browser compat is desired whatsoever [17:51:00.0000] jacobolus: for public-facing web sites that are actively maintained, they'd probably want to either upgrade the switch for every IE release, or never upgrade it and be stuck in IE7 mode forever [17:51:01.0000] or something [17:51:02.0000] the idea that this new switch will allow microsoft to do a better job innovating seems completely ludicrous [17:52:00.0000] I don't think they are interested in innovating on top of standards-based web technologies [17:52:01.0000] so it doesn't much matter [17:53:00.0000] sorry, i mean bug fixing: “This actually makes browser vendors more susceptible to pressure to fix their bugs, and less fearful of doing so.” [17:53:01.0000] I just don't see that increased pressure coming out of this [17:54:00.0000] I don't think it increases pressure [17:54:01.0000] it somewhat decreases reasons *not* to fix bugs [17:55:00.0000] but also decreases the web-wide benefit of fixing bugs [17:55:01.0000] someone should start some sort of betting pool about percentage of pages which use the new meta tag within 6 months of IE 8 being out [17:55:02.0000] assuming they don't alter their plans between now and then [17:56:00.0000] Percentage of which finite set of pages? [17:56:01.0000] probably fewer than the percentage of users using it [17:56:02.0000] (using IE8 that is) [17:56:03.0000] Philip`: I dunno… I'm mostly joking :) [17:57:00.0000] Only "mostly"? :-) [17:57:01.0000] well, in the sense that I don't actually plan to make any bets, but would be interested in seeing the studies about adoption [17:58:00.0000] I'd just make a CGI script which produces an infinite number of pages using the meta tag [17:59:00.0000] and given that there are already infinitely many without, it becomes impossible to compare? [18:01:00.0000] If someone else has an infinite set of pages without the meta tag, where each is identified by some URL µ, I'll make a CGI script which you call like 'exciting.cgi?id=n;w=µ' for any positive integer n, and therefore there'll be infinitely many more pages with my meta tag than there are others without [18:02:00.0000] and you can't argue with maths! [18:03:00.0000] sorry [18:03:01.0000] those sets are the same size [18:04:00.0000] Hmph [18:05:00.0000] How about I have 'exciting2.cgi?ids=a,b,c,...' where you pass a comma-separated set of URLs, for each member of the power set of URLs [18:06:00.0000] (Is there any RFC that requires URLs to be of finite length?) [18:09:00.0000] as long as URLs are of finite length, you lose [18:10:00.0000] not really, a large enough number is all you really need [18:10:01.0000] assuming you're trying to bias a result [18:10:02.0000] bloo2, meet Philip` [18:10:03.0000] Philip`, meet bloo2 [18:10:04.0000] you have both worked on studies of the Web [18:11:00.0000] markup and that kind of thing [18:11:01.0000] hi philip 8-} [18:11:02.0000] Philip`: wait a second there, both are countably infinite [18:11:03.0000] Philip`: if you can make an uncountable set of pages, you can certainly win the bet though [18:11:04.0000] aren't URIs countable by definition? [18:11:05.0000] since they're bit strings [18:12:00.0000] Hixie: that's why making an uncountable set of them is damn impressive [18:12:01.0000] yes [18:12:02.0000] ok, just checking [18:12:03.0000] Philip` is going to argue that infinite URIs are allowed by the spec [18:12:04.0000] bloo2: Good morning [18:12:05.0000] lol [18:12:06.0000] i stick by my original point that if you're just trying to bias a sample, though, you just need a large number of uris, not an infinite number [18:12:07.0000] but i wasn't here for the start of the discussion, so... [18:13:00.0000] If you're trying to bias a sample, the best thing to do is be the person who picks the sample [18:13:01.0000] indeed [18:14:00.0000] my prices start at $1000. [18:14:01.0000] depending on how much of a skew you want. [18:14:02.0000] philip`: Hixie had mentioned you'd done some work in the area recently, but I hadn't followed up. Pleased to meet you (hrm. Must register to send a prv msg...have to look in to that) [18:15:00.0000] Hixie: the start of it was my curious musing about the adoption of IE's new meta tag, after IE8 has been on the market a few months, plus an apparently ill-advised reference to betting :) [18:15:01.0000] hah [18:16:00.0000] Philip`: a better bet might be about how whether microsoft.com uses their new tag ;) [18:16:01.0000] bloo2: Indeed - I did some stuff like http://canvex.lazyilluminati.com/survey/2007-07-17/analyse.cgi/index a while ago, and looked at more/different things recently [18:17:00.0000] jacobolus: Which part of microsoft.com? :-) [18:17:01.0000] but I still wouldn't put real money on it :) [18:17:02.0000] the front page? [18:17:03.0000] any part of it whatsoever? [18:17:04.0000] (It was msdn.microsoft.com that originally made me switch from IE to Firefox, because I wanted to look up some documentation but it kept freezing and crashing in IE) [18:18:00.0000] jacobolus: I bet at least one part will have it, since they'll give examples in the documentation [18:19:00.0000] heh [18:19:01.0000] do they give examples as complete pages? [18:20:00.0000] Er, I'd guess so, but I don't actually know [18:20:01.0000] philip`: (question about the research) what is "Duplicate attribute names"? [18:20:02.0000] anyway, gotta run. have fun with the rest of standards flamewar day, everyone [18:21:00.0000] /me considered doing a 6 month metric test of IE's new META syntax to see if there is any uptake. [18:21:01.0000] bloo2: That's when an element has >= 2 attributes with the same name [18:21:02.0000] philip`: interesting. I hadn't thought of that one before. 8-} [18:22:00.0000] (Since it's only counting the number of pages with duplicates, it doesn't matter if it's 2 or 3 etc) [18:22:01.0000] bloo2: I was mostly looking for duplicate style attributes, since that potentially has to be handled specially for compatibility with existing content [18:23:00.0000] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=postMessage [18:23:01.0000] (but it looks like it's not a huge problem in practice) [18:23:02.0000] ^ this has a reasonable chance of being in Firefox 3 [18:23:03.0000] amazingly enough [18:23:04.0000] /me would be interested in seeing the uptake of the new meta tag before IE8 is released [18:24:00.0000] (That data came from an ugly slow C++ / Perl mixture with various problems that cause things like "u000D" to appear in the output - I've switched to a nicer faster Java approach now) [18:25:00.0000] /me works on trying to find an open nick [18:27:00.0000] gavin: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~pjt47/misc/attributes.html and scroll down to "meta http-equiv": uptake was 0% about a month ago, so there's one data point already [18:27:01.0000] heh [18:28:00.0000] philip`: I found the same thing today from my research of the full dmoz set. 8-} We can consider any search before today a good "starting point" I think [18:49:00.0000] /me wonders whether hixie plans to put "X-UA-Compatible" into acid2 or acid3 [18:49:01.0000] hahahaha no. [18:50:00.0000] Hixie: I assume you saw the security bug... [18:50:01.0000] about data: [18:51:00.0000] and Acid3 [18:51:01.0000] haven't looked at bugmail yet [18:53:00.0000] is IE8's X-UA-Compatible really "render this exactly as IE7 would" or is it a limited number of quirks? in particular, say IE8 adds support for text-shadow; will you have to use X-UA-Compatible for text-shadow to work? [18:55:00.0000] IE7's quirks mode is "render this exactly as IE5.5 would" [18:55:01.0000] i would expect the same to apply [18:55:02.0000] in particular, i'd expect new features not to be supported [18:55:03.0000] just like they aren't in the current fewer-quirks quirks mode [18:58:00.0000] ok [19:25:00.0000] Hixie: is there any info technically on whether IE7 actually has two separate layout engines, or just one with a bunch of conditional quirks? [21:10:00.0000] othermaciej: http://ejohn.org/blog/meta-madness/#comment-296861 ? [21:11:00.0000] "I'll detail more about the Javascript solution in the future - the short answer is that it's not two engines, it's two modes of a single engine; we can, in fact, work across boundaries like that." [21:28:00.0000] jruderman: can't tell if that's referring to the JavaScript engine or the whole rendering engine [21:36:00.0000] me neither but it sounds more like the JS engine [21:36:01.0000] when I read it I assumed that his "it" refers to the overall solution [21:37:00.0000] we'll see [21:38:00.0000] I assume some chunk of code has to be duplicated to totally freeze all bugs [21:38:01.0000] unless they are super anal about conditionalizing every single code change [21:38:02.0000] in which case I feel even more sorry for them [21:52:00.0000] wow, there are a lot of blog posts about the IE version thing [22:01:00.0000] othermaciej: yeah [22:01:01.0000] othermaciej: shipping multiple engines sucks, but weaving them together in your source code must suck even more [22:03:00.0000] and the first time you want to rearchitect your code in a substantial way, you have to fork anyway [23:12:00.0000] kind of amazed to see so much attention about a change related to a product that hasn't even shipped yet [23:13:00.0000] and that nobody knows when it will actually ship [23:14:00.0000] the option remains of them not actually implementing this [23:14:01.0000] it's not like just because they have announced it preemptively, it's now written in stone [23:15:00.0000] I'm a bit confused about why they did go ahead and announce it already [23:15:01.0000] the timing -- what benefit it was to them to do so now [23:16:00.0000] worries that word about it would get leaked early? [23:23:00.0000] information is good [23:23:01.0000] I would not want to discourage them [23:28:00.0000] othermaciej: i don't know exactly what IE7 is like inside, but it certainly seems to have two engines, as they don't even, e.g., support any new features in quirks mode [23:29:00.0000] it could just mean every change is bracketed with an if statement [23:29:01.0000] /me shrugs [23:29:02.0000] Hyatt seems to think IE7's quirks mode is based on conditionals, not multiple engines, but I'm not sure how he would know [23:33:00.0000] yeah but god, can you imagine that? [23:33:01.0000] the code would suck so bad [23:34:00.0000] and as roc said, what if you rearchitect something? like their removal of hasLayout [23:40:00.0000] i mean, if you want to change something like your class hierarchy, which they well have to for what they've done in IE8... [23:46:00.0000] at some point the whole engine has to be an if statement [23:46:01.0000] roc, annevk: http://webkit.org/blog/155/versioning-compatibility-and-standards/ [23:46:02.0000] (since y'all suggested I should post something) [23:57:00.0000] Aaron Gustafson contradicts what Andy Clarke said on Anne's site: http://www.webstandards.org/2008/01/22/ie8-will-see-the-smile/ [00:06:00.0000] hsivonen: I'm slow - what's the contradiction? [00:07:00.0000] othermaciej: whether or not the people involved were acting as individuals or as WaSP [00:08:00.0000] annevk: aside: http://annevankesteren.nl/2008/02/ is 500 [00:09:00.0000] http://www.w3.org/mid/1A373905-DEAF-429E-B358-C8A49CAD550F⊙yc is funny, because Mark basically says that HTTP headers are "whole new way to associate policy with resources" [00:09:01.0000] which is news to me! [00:11:00.0000] hsivonen: I don't see him claiming that this was an official WaSP project, just that Microsoft approached WaSP [00:12:00.0000] othermaciej: oh. good point. so the exact wordings don't contradict each other, but at least I get the impression from the WaSP post that WaSP was consulted as WaSP even if it doesn't strictly say that [00:17:00.0000] this post (also on the WaSP site) is pretty unambiguous: http://www.webstandards.org/2008/01/22/microsofts-version-targeting-proposal/ [00:19:00.0000] yeah [01:14:00.0000] othermaciej: excellent statement :) [01:16:00.0000] hsivonen, hmm [01:17:00.0000] /me has an idea as to what the issue is [01:23:00.0000] http://alistapart.com/comments/beyonddoctype?page=10#97 [01:27:00.0000] he seems to think people don't upgrade their browsers for compatibility reasons [01:27:01.0000] For IE that's probably partly true [01:27:02.0000] And partly in IE terms means a lot of users [01:28:00.0000] I think the vast, vast majority of web browser users don't know or care [01:28:01.0000] it wouldn't be as big an issue if IE didn't have so many bugs [01:28:02.0000] this is only really an issue because IE6 became entrenched after being left unmaintained for over half a decade [01:28:03.0000] nearly one third of the lifetime of the web [01:29:00.0000] it wouldn't be nearly as bad for future releases [01:29:01.0000] at least once microsoft caught up to the other browsers in terms of standards compliance [01:30:00.0000] Yeah, but IE has many bugs [01:30:01.0000] So there is an issue [01:33:00.0000] /me blogs [01:36:00.0000] othermaciej: nice, thanks! [01:49:00.0000] /me has only just found out that and other unknown doctypes will not require the madness for the latest rendering mode [01:50:00.0000] interesting [01:50:01.0000] that might explain Acid2 [01:50:02.0000] What does "unknown" mean? [01:51:00.0000] If "Don't break the web" would be written as "Don't break the intranets which only rely on IE6/IE7 anyway" in the last couple of days and there was no mention of 'and we hope to see it implemented in other browsers as well', I think more people would have been in favor of the meta thing :) [01:51:01.0000] would that suggest that if we wanted to use HTML4.01strict, we could use the appropriate doctype in the code, then use a conditional comment to give IE8 a 'different' doctype to trigger standards mode? [01:53:00.0000] Philip`: Apparently "unknown" means "not widely deployed" [01:53:01.0000] Acid3 is testing SVG now [01:53:02.0000] But all I've read is http://blogs.msdn.com/cwilso/archive/2008/01/22/i-feel-happy-too.aspx#7202711 [01:54:00.0000] (it isn't clear what will happen for IE > 8) [01:55:00.0000] given which I shouldn't have said "latest" originally... [01:55:01.0000] hm, i guess we should get major sites to use that doctype asap then [01:56:00.0000] (to force them to make it either trigger ie7 mode or "break the web" in ie8) [01:56:01.0000] (and thus discredit this nonsense some more) [01:56:02.0000] Hixie, the second link in your article also points to HTML5 [01:57:00.0000] oops [01:57:01.0000] I suppose they could just say everything containing "DTD HTML 4.0" and "DTD XHTML 1.0" is IE7-mode, and that would cover almost all current standards-mode doctypes [01:58:00.0000] fixed [01:58:01.0000] thanks [01:58:02.0000] haven't read it yet: http://norman.walsh.name/2008/01/22/html5 [01:58:03.0000] (he works on XML specs and such so it might be interesting) [01:59:00.0000] read it earlier [01:59:01.0000] bed time [01:59:02.0000] nn [02:01:00.0000] not so much thoughts in there yet :) [02:08:00.0000] "Will they hard-code the URI?" - exactly what I was thinking last week :-) [02:10:00.0000] They wouldn't be the first browser to hard-code the Acid2 URI and do special processing on it :-) [02:10:01.0000] Really? [02:11:00.0000] as everybody went so crazy we once did such a hack for fun in Konqueror. just showed a screenshot. [02:12:00.0000] ah [02:12:01.0000] Some version of Opera made the face wink and show a special message if you left it for a couple of minutes [02:12:02.0000] though I can no longer find any references to that... [02:28:00.0000] hmm. Something weird is going on. Firefox (Mac) is failing Acid 1 for me [02:28:01.0000] crap. It seems to be something wrong with my profile, since it works with a new default user profile [02:32:00.0000] Philip`, I believe it was a mobile version that had some pretty funny gimmick [02:32:01.0000] /me made a greasemonkey script that did special processing for the test URI [02:34:00.0000] roc: if you read *very* between the lines it casts IE in a bit of a negative light [02:34:01.0000] roc: but I managed to jeep it diplomatic [02:35:00.0000] yeah, it's good [02:37:00.0000] I think I did too. At least, Chris Wilson left a favourable comment on my second post :-) [02:37:01.0000] but I really wanted him to comment on the implementation issues [02:37:02.0000] oh well [02:38:00.0000] get some sleep, it's late over there [02:39:00.0000] /me realizes that this time tomorrow he'll be on CA time [02:40:00.0000] for a loose definition of tomorrow [02:44:00.0000] hsivonen, fixed [02:44:01.0000] it was some PHP oddity [02:44:02.0000] header("Not Found",true,404) versus header("HTTP 1.1 404 Not Found) [02:44:03.0000] the latter works [02:45:00.0000] well, if you don't omit the final quote [02:49:00.0000] I feel a bit neglected that there isn't a WaSP-Mozilla task force [02:50:00.0000] that's because IE has the most issues [02:50:01.0000] i was told [02:59:00.0000] Hixie, I disagree with your recommendation on your blog for authors to continue using IE7 mode. [03:00:00.0000] But everyone using IE=edge is also a bad idea. I think using IE=[large-random-number] is the best solution [03:02:00.0000] although, as I've suggested before, IE should implement it as an opt-out that can be quickly added to existing pages that need it, instead of an opt-in for new pages [03:02:01.0000] That's even more hell for authors [03:03:00.0000] krijnh, why? [03:04:00.0000] Unless they ignore conditional comments and change their UA string [03:05:00.0000] Lachy: Because I seriously don't want to go through all the sites I've built and check them in IE8.. I'd prefer adding a little thingy to _new_ stuff I make, just as I now have to add conditional comments to cater for IE6 and IE7 [03:05:01.0000] I think what Hixie suggested is fine [03:06:00.0000] krijnh, if MS did the right thing and *didn't* introduce this evil hack, more complicated changes may have to be made. But, if MS did things right, then you shouldn't need to make any significant changes [03:07:00.0000] Yep [03:07:01.0000] But they didn't [03:07:02.0000] krijnh, so are you saying you support MS's decision for the opt-in? [03:08:00.0000] If only they implement it, I think I can live with it [03:09:00.0000] Err, I think I have to live with it :) [03:09:01.0000] I just hope they make the HTML5 DOCTYPE equivalent to IE=edge, while still allowing the meta as an opt-out if needed [03:10:00.0000] The opt-out ? [03:10:01.0000] Perhaps they need both :) [03:10:02.0000] Ow, wait, they already do, of course ;\ [03:10:03.0000] triggers "edge" [03:10:04.0000] Yeah [03:10:05.0000] And the meta thing with IE=7 untriggers it, right? [03:10:06.0000] Cool stuff :) [03:11:00.0000] yeah, so if you have an HTML5 page that works in IE10 (after IE adds some support for it). Then IE11 comes out and something breaks. You can quickly add the opt-out to your HTML5 page to trigger IE10 mode until a more permanent fix can be deployed [03:11:01.0000] Yeah, it's just that nobody does that [03:11:02.0000] annevk: do we know that for sure? [03:11:03.0000] There is no 'quickly do something to site x and be done with it' [03:12:00.0000] roc, cwilso said so in comments on his blog [03:12:01.0000] I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing though [03:12:02.0000] it sounded a bit off the cuff [03:12:03.0000] it does seem a little bit weird given that normal standards mode is not whitelist based [03:13:00.0000] as in, the reason that triggers standards mode in Presto, Gecko, and WebKit is that it was not part of a blacklist [03:14:00.0000] krijnh, deploying a simple opt-out to fix a bug due to a browser upgrade is faster than working out what the bug is, finding a solution that works in both new and old versions and deploying that. I didn't "ad be done with it" - the opt-out would be a quick and dirty hack that should only be used as a temporary measure [03:15:00.0000] Lachy: but that's possible right? [03:16:00.0000] why wouldn't it be possible? [03:17:00.0000] I thought you meant you wanted to them to only make it possible to opt-out [03:17:01.0000] -to [03:18:00.0000] i still don't think they should do this at all [03:19:00.0000] especially the infinite amount of quirks modes scares me, but given the current landscape only intranet content might get crippled and I can live with that [03:20:00.0000] As an author, I think I like it [03:21:00.0000] I'm probably the only one here not working for some UA vendor :) [03:21:01.0000] I don't and I don't like it [03:21:02.0000] it's an IE hack for people who use IE hacks [03:21:03.0000] I like it because I think it'll make IE development implode :-) [03:21:04.0000] Camaban: you don't use conditional comments now? [03:21:05.0000] (not really) [03:22:00.0000] krijnh: very very very rarely [03:22:01.0000] Yeah, but you use them [03:22:02.0000] maybe a couple of times [03:23:00.0000] If it triggers on the HTML5 doctype, I don't see a problem [03:23:01.0000] I didn't have any problems when IE7 came out, I wasn;t one of the stupid satndards based coders spewing futureproof commentary and then using IE hacks which broke with a new version [03:24:00.0000] how they did IE7 was very stupid though, btw [03:24:01.0000] I don't expect to have problems when IE8 comes out, and so I just want my web sites to use the browsers latest standards mode [03:24:02.0000] i blogged about that long ago [03:24:03.0000] they fixed the hacks but not the underlying issues [03:24:04.0000] no wonder stuff breaks [03:25:00.0000] I just want my websites to all be run by people using MOS, but they just don't [03:25:01.0000] Damn users :) [03:26:00.0000] from the moaning I saw, most of it was related to * html, and people using it to hack anything and everything for IE [03:28:00.0000] * html, a > b, a + b, etc. [03:28:01.0000] Wrongly written conditional comments were probably messier [03:29:00.0000] I wouldn't place all the blame for that MS, people buying into the standards based coding idea, and then using lots of hacks like that are missing the point [03:29:01.0000] though MS take the original blame for letting things get to that state in the first place [03:29:02.0000] MS could have stopped supporting conditional comments, those hacks, etc. [03:30:00.0000] You think they've tried that? [03:30:01.0000] what do you mean by stop supporting? [03:31:00.0000] Just see them as comments, like other browsers do [03:31:01.0000] They must have tried that with IE8, to see what happens [03:31:02.0000] They must have tried removing the UA string or something [03:32:00.0000] i don't know [03:32:01.0000] For every thing we come up with, they prolly have 10 outsourced programmers testing it out [03:32:02.0000] And this was probably the best thing they could handle [03:33:00.0000] And now they've wrapped in something 'other UAs could implement as well' [03:33:01.0000] But if that doesn't happen, this probably the best thing for everybody [03:35:00.0000] Do other vendors forsee problems in backwards engineering this IE behavior? [03:36:00.0000] we don't try hard enough for IE compatibility to care [03:36:01.0000] Well, that's the biggest argument I see people make in comments [03:38:00.0000] annevk: that's the 'infinite amount of quirks modes' (and others have to implement as well) you're talking about, right? [03:39:00.0000] the moment we have to start caring is when IE is in a dominant position again [03:40:00.0000] Isn't it still? [03:40:01.0000] it's not dominant enough for people to stop care about the other browsers [03:40:02.0000] (although sometimes it is, so it may still cause issues) [03:41:00.0000] even then, getting people to care about browsers other than IE and FF can be tricky [03:43:00.0000] I don't really worry about the scenario where people only care about IE [03:43:01.0000] we're far away from that in most of the public Web, and getting further away [03:43:02.0000] and if it happens, the Web is screwed in so many ways [03:44:00.0000] So what's the problem again for authors, users and other vendors? [03:44:01.0000] I haven't haven't the foggiest idea with IE's mobile strategy is [03:45:00.0000] this approach to compatibility can only hurt them there [03:45:01.0000] I don't see them roaring back to unquestioned dominance [03:46:00.0000] krijnh: it's going to be confusing for authors. Down the road they'll have to know the bugs of several different versions of IE [03:46:01.0000] if they want to work on someone's existing content [03:47:00.0000] I can only imagine people updating their crappy IE6 quicker now.. Old stuff and intranets still work, and we authors can use shiny new features [03:47:01.0000] nad if several of us start advocating use of 'edge', it'll jsut be an issue that raises it's head everytime they release another version anyway, so doesn't resolve the issue at all [03:48:00.0000] Camaban: not if they fix and release often now [03:48:01.0000] it reduces the incentive to modernize dusty intranets for standards-based, cross-browser access, that's bad for vendors, users and maybe authors [03:48:02.0000] krijnh: well no, IE8 doesn't include an IE6 mode AFAIK [03:48:03.0000] krijnh: quite a big IF, an not something they've ever done previously [03:49:00.0000] roc: ow, damn [03:49:01.0000] AFAIK it's IE7 + a new IE8 mode [03:50:00.0000] so, IE6 quirks mode, IE7 standards mode, IE8 really-standards mode [03:50:01.0000] Camaban: I think they get it at least a little bit now [03:50:02.0000] and say people do start using IE=8 a lot, when they come to do 9, they could say "oh, there's no demand for various updates, people are using IE8 rendering anyway" [03:51:00.0000] roc: they've put a lot of effort into making sure intranets still work in IE7, no? I think the only issue for not updating a company to IE7 is the OS.. [03:51:01.0000] it sounds like new features only get added to the very latest mode, so that might inhibit people from adding features to existing content [03:52:00.0000] krijnh: they did, but they talk a lot about how much pain IE7 caused their customers who had content in IE6 standards mode [03:52:01.0000] which didn't work in IE7 [03:52:02.0000] companies are afraid of that [03:53:00.0000] the fact IE6 still has as much market share as it does says something [03:53:01.0000] Perhaps they slap an IE6 standards mode in IE8 as well, and just tell those companies to use IE=6 in their intranet apps, dunno :) [03:53:02.0000] difficult to make a guess as to how much of that is corporates not wanting to upgrade, but I bets there's a good number of them [03:53:03.0000] I'm pretty sure [03:53:04.0000] I've just built a voting site which is mostly used in corporate environments [03:54:00.0000] 38% IE6, 19% IE7, 9% Fx2 [03:54:01.0000] Ow, and 9% IE3 - my statistics suck :p [03:56:00.0000] I've heard FF2 usage is up around 10% in many corporate samples, which is surprisingly high to me [03:56:01.0000] since we basically don't target that market at all [03:57:00.0000] roc: any idea of OS' there? could be some of that is due to corporates wiht mac's maybe? [03:58:00.0000] dunno, but I thought Mac share in corporations was very low [03:58:01.0000] probably [03:59:00.0000] I sued to work for a reasonably big magazine publisher, they ahd a fair few macs around, and FF usage was fairly high, they were a bit split between officially supporting IE and FF, but as IE/Mac was dying out quickly, they could hardly continue to enforce IE usage everywhere [04:06:00.0000] Philip`: re: invalid UTF-8 for trackbacks: remember trackbacks have no defined character set, so it's sniffed, so it will probably be treated as either ISO-8859-1 or Windows-1851 (forgive me if that number is wrong) [04:08:00.0000] Philip`: URLs are of infinite length, but IE6 at least had a limit (IIRC IE7 doesn't) [04:10:00.0000] technically you mean URLs are of unbounded length [04:11:00.0000] sending an infinite-length URL to the server takes too long :-) [04:12:00.0000] :p [04:13:00.0000] we need infinite time to go with infinite URIs [04:13:01.0000] well, there are infinitely long HTML documents on the real world web :P [04:22:00.0000] But do those documents support offsets when fetching? Otherwise you're stuck when the server goes down after a few years [04:31:00.0000] oh, completely forgot about
    [04:31:01.0000] oh well [05:24:00.0000] gsnedders: Re: re: invalid UTF-8 for trackbacks: If it's close-enough-to-valid UTF-8 that's just forbidden by XML, then hopefully it wouldn't get sniffed as something else [05:25:00.0000] Maybe just using � would be enough to break things that do non-strict XML parsing [05:55:00.0000] Can't IE8 just make a guess with the Last-Modified HTTP headers each file has? :] [05:57:00.0000] Everything before X should go in IE7 compatmode/quirksmode, everything after X is in truly standards mode, unless the developer has opted out with a shiny meta [05:57:01.0000] Half of the pages on the web don't have a Last-Modified header at all [05:57:02.0000] Is that the half with no doctype either? [05:58:00.0000] I would assume server configuration is independent of served HTML content [05:58:01.0000] by which I mean, I have no idea whatsoever [05:59:00.0000] Well, other content then [05:59:01.0000] (http://http-parsing.gsnedders.com/ ) [05:59:02.0000] Static files mostly have a last-modified, no? [06:00:00.0000] No idea :-) [06:00:01.0000] Well, PHP generated stuff for example doesn't have a last-modified header by default [06:01:00.0000] That would make sense [06:02:00.0000] But HTML can be ignored [06:02:01.0000] but I have no idea how to determine whether most static files have last-modified [06:02:02.0000] except by ugly things like guessing from the file extension [06:02:03.0000] Uhm [06:03:00.0000] http://http-parsing.gsnedders.com/ - fetch everything where content-type is text/css and has a last-modified [06:04:00.0000] That would be hard with embedded stylesheets though [06:05:00.0000] Not entirely sure what you mean... Follow all the links, assume the returned files are static, and then count last-modified? [06:05:01.0000] Yeah [06:05:02.0000] (Could do the same with since most images will be static) [06:05:03.0000] Yeah, but images don't change that much [06:06:00.0000] It's about the development assets [06:07:00.0000] So IE8 should download and parse the page, extract all stylesheet links, download all stylesheets, check their last-modified headers, and if they're past a certain date then switch to the fewer-bugs mode? That doesn't sound totally efficient :-) [06:07:01.0000] If the last change in the newest stylesheet or js file was in 2007 it's safe to assume IE7 compat, or something [06:07:02.0000] Yeah ;p [06:08:00.0000] Glad I'm no browser engineer :D [06:08:01.0000] I'd hate to be the web developer who makes a trivial change to one file, then discovers their whole site has collapsed in a pile of bugs, and reverts their change but still suffers from the same pile of bugs and has no idea what they did wrong :-) [06:09:00.0000] Well then [06:09:01.0000] The simple answer to my first question would be 'No, you idiot' :) [06:10:00.0000] krijnh: No, you idiot [06:10:01.0000] :) [06:11:00.0000] Okay, glad it's resolved so easily ;-) [06:11:01.0000] :P [06:12:00.0000] Meanwhile, in a channel not so far away, people are on mute because his earplug isn't working and his synthesizer tends to bother others [06:21:00.0000] http://krijnhoetmer.nl/stuff/html5/section-elements/ - yay, now it almost works cross browser.. [06:25:00.0000] Hixie - for being able to directly reference the list in of doctypes that must trigger quirks mode in HTML5 UAs, it would be useful to have an ID at the beginning of the list [06:26:00.0000] maybe at the sentence preceding the list [06:26:01.0000] "Then, if the DOCTYPE token matches one of the conditions in the following list, then set the document to quirks mode:" [06:27:00.0000] krijnh: Except for Firefox :-( [06:27:01.0000] Philip`: Yeah [06:28:00.0000] But IE6, IE7, Opera 9 and Safari 3 handle it now [06:28:01.0000] How is Fx3 ? [06:28:02.0000] Still as broken as FF2, as far as I'm aware [06:28:03.0000] Hmm [06:29:00.0000] Hmm [06:29:01.0000] That's 2 times hmm [06:29:02.0000] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=311366 [06:29:03.0000] Would document.createElement('abbr') enable support for in IE6? :o [06:30:00.0000] It does [06:30:01.0000] tooltips work too [06:30:02.0000] Yeah, cool [06:31:00.0000] http://krijnhoetmer.nl/zooi/abbr.html [06:31:01.0000] Tee hee [06:34:00.0000] Why did no IE developer ever mention this, when people complained about IE6 not supporting ? :| Were all their developers killed after releasing IE6 or something? [06:35:00.0000] krijnh: Maybe no IE developer understands the IE engine well enough to know about such things? :-) [06:35:01.0000] It doesn't seem like an intentional feature, so the thought might have just not occurred to them [06:36:00.0000] /me tries document.createElement('canvas') to explore other hidden IE6 features :) [06:36:01.0000] maybe no IE developer understood so didnt know what it was meant to do :) [06:37:00.0000] Maybe they've got an entire implementation in there and we just have to add a magical script line to enable it! [06:37:01.0000] or a CSS property [06:37:02.0000] document.createElement(godmode') [06:37:03.0000] DNKROZ :P [06:37:04.0000] krijnh: Excanvas does some searching for CANVAS and /CANVAS tags to reconstruct canvases, and that'd be much nicer if they used this method instead [06:38:00.0000] The .createElement() should be called before using the element though [06:39:00.0000] That's not really a problem since everyone puts the