2008-05-01 [17:16:00.0000] Hello [17:17:00.0000] In the Server-Sent-Events specification, the 301 Moved Permanently response says that the UA must reconnect to the new URI. What URI should be provided to the removeEventSource function to disconnect it? the original URI, or the redirected URI? [17:19:00.0000] mcarter: good question. send mail. :-) [17:20:00.0000] ok, will do [17:21:00.0000] (probably the origin one) [17:21:01.0000] Hixie, something else I need to mention on the list is that the terminology is a bit confusing. On the one hand you have the "event-source" dom element, but then you can call addEventSource on an event-source [17:21:02.0000] er, original [17:22:00.0000] you can call addEventSource on anything [17:22:01.0000] so when I see something like "(It doesn't affect other event sources with the same URI unless they also receive 301 responses, and it doesn't affect future sessions, e.g. if the page is reloaded.)" I don't know if "event sources" means the dom element, or one of the event sources attached to that dom element [17:22:02.0000] it means the event sources unless it is spelt event-sourcen orange [17:22:03.0000] er [17:22:04.0000] man i suck at typing today [17:22:05.0000] "it means the event sources unless it is spelt event-sourc in orange" [17:23:00.0000] Hixie, hmm, then that sentence seems to imply that you can call addEventSource(url) multiple times on the same event-source element with the same url [17:25:00.0000] yes [17:26:00.0000] as an element is the same as [17:26:01.0000] except for one thing [17:26:02.0000] which is that its src="" attribute causes addEventSource() and removeEventSource() to be called [17:26:03.0000] on itself [17:26:04.0000] we could in fact remove altogether, it's just there for convenience [17:28:00.0000] well, what I'm getting at is that the spec seems to imply that a dom element that implements the RemoteEventTarget interface can have its addEventSource function called twice with an identical url. I'm not sure what that would mean -- that you make two connections to the same URI? how would you close a particular one? [17:30:00.0000] the spec doesn't provide a way to remove a particular one [17:30:01.0000] it'll remove one each time you call removeEventSource(), but you can't control which one [17:31:00.0000] ok [17:49:00.0000] so much for a non-confidential xhtml2 wg [17:49:01.0000] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-html-wg/2008AprJun/ [17:49:02.0000] ha [17:50:00.0000] oh ok it was a mistake [17:50:01.0000] nevermind [17:51:00.0000] (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/wai-xtech/2008Apr/0404.html) [18:02:00.0000] /me wonders if it's intentional that HTML5 almost always uses the passive voice, like in "The values of the data array may be changed", instead of saying something like "Authors may change the values of the data array" that is often less ambiguous [18:08:00.0000] Maybe to avoid overspecifying [18:08:01.0000] Like, is it possible to change the value without being an author? [18:09:00.0000] Treat it as an abbreviation of "authors may write documents which cause scripts to execute which change the values of the data array" (and define that abbreviation somewhere global) [18:10:00.0000] It's underspecified now, because the UA might decide to arbitrarily change the data array at some random point in time, and argue that that's allowed because the spec says 'the values may be changed' [18:11:00.0000] (ignoring the issue that "may" is inappropriate here - pretend I'm talking about a different case that uses "must" or something :-) ) [18:12:00.0000] (like "ImageData objects must be initialised so that ..." - who must do that? There's only one possible answer given the context, but you shouldn't have to deduce the meaning that's implicit in the context) [18:13:00.0000] Anyway, I'm not sure if I'm just being uselessly picky here - it's not going to cause problems in practice, it's just a bit unclear when trying to read the spec in detail, and maybe there are reasons to write it like how it's written now (e.g. 'it looks ugly and hard to read otherwise') [18:14:00.0000] ...and those reasons could be more significant than the trivial problems [19:01:00.0000] Hmm, maybe I shouldn't focus so much on testing the ability to draw solid lime green rectangles - WebKit seemed to be doing really quite well on my ImageData tests, until I accidentally found that it actually totally breaks if you draw some data with alpha!=1 and more than one colour of pixels... [19:08:00.0000] Philip`: see if you can track down teh bug that causes teh whatwg issues graph to change colour when you hover over it [19:08:01.0000] and the spec using the passive voice is just that my style, it's probably not ideal [19:09:00.0000] if there are cases where it is genuinely ambiguous let me know [19:28:00.0000] Hixie: I don't see what you mean about it changing colour [19:28:01.0000] originally the bars in the background are yellow [19:28:02.0000] after the putImageDate(), the turn gray [19:29:00.0000] Hixie: I don't think I've seen any cases where it's actually ambiguous, so I'm only moaning about it on IRC for now :-) [19:29:01.0000] :-) [19:29:02.0000] Hixie: In which browser(s)? [19:29:03.0000] webkit trunk [19:30:00.0000] Looks like it could be the same issue as I found, if you're putImageDataing things with transparent pixels [19:30:01.0000] https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18821 [19:30:02.0000] k [19:30:03.0000] MikeSmith: ping [19:31:00.0000] (It seems to copy the colour data from the leftmost pixel, and mixes it with the alpha from the proper pixels) [19:31:01.0000] (and if the leftmost pixel is transparent then it'll be black/grey) [19:32:00.0000] (I haven't got a clue how they could have implemented such a bug) [19:33:00.0000] off by one byte? [19:34:00.0000] It's not just one byte - the colour from the leftmost pixel propagates infinitely far rightwards [19:35:00.0000] oh [19:35:01.0000] wtf [19:35:02.0000] actually that's easier [19:35:03.0000] probably a misinitialised variable [19:35:04.0000] as in, something that is scoped to a different scope than they realise [19:35:05.0000] It's also odd that it only happens when alpha != 1 [19:36:00.0000] since I don't see why there'd be any point in special-casing that case on purpose [19:37:00.0000] But I'll bet they fixed it six days ago anyway, and just haven't got a new nightly build out since then :-) [19:38:00.0000] heh [19:55:00.0000] takkaria: wanted to ask you about progress (if any) on your html5lib porting [19:59:00.0000] MikeSmith: well, it's not porting, but not started yet, no [19:59:01.0000] OK [22:14:00.0000] takkaria: you still around? [22:16:00.0000] MikeSmith: yes [22:17:00.0000] takkaria: wanted to ask if you're on the whatwg implementors mailing list [22:17:01.0000] MikeSmith: yup [22:17:02.0000] ah, OK [22:17:03.0000] have been since it started, I think [22:20:00.0000] actually I'm waiting on ink cartridges to arrive so I can print out the relevant chunks of the spec and read them through with marker pen [22:20:01.0000] then I intend to start coding [22:21:00.0000] I just asked about the list because I noticed messages from Edward Yang [01:16:00.0000] http://juicystudio.com/article/html5-alt-text-authoring-tools.php [01:16:01.0000] apparently my attempts at improving accessibility are seen as an attempt to make html5 appear successful [01:16:02.0000] and our attempts at doing and working based on real research is seen as misdirection [01:20:00.0000] Hixie: I apologies for turning the icon size discussion into a bikeshed [01:21:00.0000] no worries [01:21:01.0000] my working model handles bikesheds very easily :-) [01:27:00.0000] /me comments on that link [02:36:00.0000] Wow, Gez's article is surprisingly uninteresting given how much publicity it's had (well one link in IRC and 2 emails on public-html) [02:38:00.0000] I was expecting new arguments, instead it was just the same stuff but with the accusation that people who don't agree that alt should be mandatory are being disingenuous [02:45:00.0000] wow, he seems to be arguing that alt should still be omitted when an authoring tool has nothing useful to put in it, but that it should be considered invalid. [02:47:00.0000] Why is that a bad idea? [02:48:00.0000] Philip`: Because it encourages people to stuff alt with meaningless values to make their pages valid [02:49:00.0000] It encourages people to set alt values to make their pages valid - some of those may be meaningless, but others may be meaningful and worthwhile [02:50:00.0000] (assuming "people" means "authors") [02:50:01.0000] (If "people" means "authoring tool developers", then they're not capable of meaningful text, in which case it is a problem) [02:51:00.0000] requiring software to generate nonconforming content in some situations does not make sense as a conformace requirement [02:51:01.0000] It's not quite clear which way that one would swing but, with a site like flickr, if there was an option to set alt text, I would expect the values to be harmful more often than they were helpful [02:52:00.0000] (assuming flickr provided the box out of a desire to allow pages to be conforming) [02:52:01.0000] I have been trying to use VoiceOver more lately to play with some of WebKit's new accessibility stuff [02:53:00.0000] perhaps I will get a sense of how annoying repeated or bad alt values are [02:53:01.0000] (by "repeated" I mean repeats something in the real page content) [02:53:02.0000] jgraham_: it probably would get used a fair bit less than the title or description fields [02:53:03.0000] I would guess a minority of photos have both title and description set [02:54:00.0000] othermaciej: I would expect that at best people would just copy the description into the field [02:54:01.0000] s/field/alt field/ [02:55:00.0000] well I think on flickr gallery pages, "go to photo page" may be better alt text than a description in any case [02:55:01.0000] open question whether more description would help a substantive portion of the individual photo pages [02:56:00.0000] Yeah, on the gallery page "go to photo $photo_title" might be the best alt text [02:56:01.0000] I was thinking of the individual photo pages [03:06:00.0000] I can't help but think the required alt thinking is tied to the idea that accessibility only happens as a result of people wielding a stick to make it happen. Therefore taking away anything that can be used as a stick is perceived as bad even if that change also has the potential to create an environment where accessibility is better in the default no-stick case. [03:07:00.0000] But I should stop thinking such things until I get around to finishing the data collection tool thing [03:07:01.0000] :) [03:41:00.0000] Outsiders opinion: Someone who knows what their doing will use the alt tag correctly, many people don't even know its purpose, which is why garbage gets jammed in. No alt tag should be valid html, but not considered accessible... which may cause someone to figure out what that means, and fix it. [03:42:00.0000] *missing alt tag, rather. [06:47:00.0000] http://www.adobe.com/openscreenproject/developers/ - SWF and FLV specs now with no licensing restrictions [06:58:00.0000] hmm, I can't actually tell how f4v differs from m4v from this [07:00:00.0000] that's cool [07:03:00.0000] Sounds mostly like F4V is just a profile of MP4 [07:08:00.0000] I think I would need to be an expert on MPEG to understand if what they are describing is different [07:09:00.0000] I think they are redefining parts of the various MP4 container format specs [07:09:01.0000] It'd be useful if there was an MPEG experts group that could be asked that kind of thing [07:09:02.0000] but I can't tell if it is actually compatible with real mpeg 4 [07:10:00.0000] some sort of Motion Picture Experts Group maybe? [07:10:01.0000] Yeah, someone should form one of those [07:22:00.0000] http://www.kaourantin.net/2007/10/new-file-extensions-and-mime-types.html seems to indicate that Flash ignores the filename and ignores the ftyp=F4V field, and treats them the same as any other MP4 file [12:20:00.0000] htmlfivedotnet: that's what the spec says at the moment :-) [12:58:00.0000] jgraham_: btw i'm happy to help with the "choice of sites" problem [12:59:00.0000] jgraham_: i can trivially get you a list of urls for pages that satisfy a particular criteria [12:59:01.0000] just tell me how many, and what criteria [13:07:00.0000] aw man, i fell into the trap [13:08:00.0000] and i was being so careful [13:09:00.0000] When near a trap, 'being careful' usually means getting as far away as possible, rather than thoughtfully and slowly and delicately poking it until it rips your arm off [13:10:00.0000] i had been just not replying to the e-mails [13:11:00.0000] Hixie: do you happen to have a spare minute or two? ;-) [13:11:01.0000] sure [13:11:02.0000] ah, thanks [13:11:03.0000] well, I am pretty curious what you meant with your blog comment reading as follows: "The Theora codec isn't unencumbered, despite popular opinion; it just hasn't had anyone claim patents on it publicly yet." [13:12:00.0000] this sounds like patents actually *surfaced* [13:12:01.0000] i don't know of any specific patents myself [13:12:02.0000] and that you're just leaning back to see the train wreck ignite ;) [13:12:03.0000] so you were referring to the "usual" submarine threat [13:12:04.0000] (I assume?) [13:12:05.0000] but i am told by video experts that the "submarine" threat is not really hypothetical in the case of theora [13:12:06.0000] er [13:12:07.0000] note that theora [13:13:00.0000] note that theora hasn't been designed in a way to avoid patents or anything [13:13:01.0000] (unlike vorbis) [13:13:02.0000] that's not quite true, On2 makes a living out of evading patents [13:13:03.0000] it's their business model [13:13:04.0000] i can't speak to that [13:13:05.0000] i'm just saying that from a patent point of view, theora isn't clean enough [13:14:00.0000] not that anything else is any better [13:14:01.0000] but theora isn't the silver bullet people make it out to be [13:14:02.0000] well, I wonder why those "video experts" don't just speak out [13:14:03.0000] because there are legal implications to claiming knowledge of patents [13:14:04.0000] *if* there are problems they should just go public with it [13:14:05.0000] Hixie: Great. I need to find a little time to work on it... [13:15:00.0000] e.g. if you know that a patent exists and then you violate it, your liability triples, as i understand it [13:15:01.0000] nobody benefits from Theora adopters getting hurt *if* there are problems [13:15:02.0000] and it would be interesting to see who those experts are anyway [13:15:03.0000] the law around patents are non-intuitive [13:15:04.0000] you can get in trouble just for knowing things [13:15:05.0000] note that "audio experts" claimed the same for Vorbis [13:15:06.0000] it's pretty ridiculous [13:15:07.0000] again, i can't speak to that [13:16:00.0000] the long and short of it is that theora is just as bad as everything else, except for being vendor-specific (not a standard) and not quite as technically good as H.264 [13:16:01.0000] Sun's H.261 work looks interesting though [13:16:02.0000] if that goes anywhere [13:17:00.0000] well, if they change anything about H.261 they're facing the same threat [13:17:01.0000] but it's interesting, yes [13:17:02.0000] (what makes them different is that people assume they *have* lawyers) [13:18:00.0000] and as for being vendor-specific: The spec is in the public domain, so how much more libre can it go anyway [13:18:01.0000] (They also have liability if their lawyers make the wrong decisions, so there's a significant incentive for them to be cautious) [13:18:02.0000] well, it could be an ISO standard :-) [13:19:00.0000] and for not being as good as H.264 - well, that's not the reference to compare to when talking about royality free standards [13:19:01.0000] just like OOXML? ;-) [13:19:02.0000] well, HTML could also be an ISO standard [13:19:03.0000] it is [13:19:04.0000] so, and what does that change ;) [13:19:05.0000] ISO/IEC 15445:2000(E) [13:19:06.0000] yup [13:20:00.0000] i'm just saying that a public domain spec by one vendor is not the same as an internationally recognised standard [13:20:01.0000] The existence of ISO-HTML doesn't suggest that ISO has extremely high standards of detailed interoperable specifications [13:20:02.0000] i agree that H.264 has known patent claims made on it [13:21:00.0000] though they may expire in the coming years, possibly before html5 is complete, even [13:21:01.0000] (at least for 264 baseline) [13:21:02.0000] one could argue that being an ISO standard can in some cases just be a "checkbox feature", without real practical consequences [13:21:03.0000] one could [13:21:04.0000] but tell me [13:21:05.0000] By the time H.264's patents have expired, it'll be as technically worthless as H.261 [13:22:00.0000] did you prefer when it was apple's thing, or when it got added to html5? [13:22:01.0000] ISO doesn't guarantee quality, nor does it imply that everybody can implement it [13:22:02.0000] Philip`: most of the important baseline patents may expire within a couple of years [13:22:03.0000] however, there are policies in many organizations calling for ISO standards, so that's why it definately is a "good thing" to use one [13:23:00.0000] Hixie: Unfortunately people can still be sued over a single barely-important patent in an optional feature that everyone happens to rely on [13:23:01.0000] maikmerten: people will always be suspicious of vendor-controlled "standards" [13:23:02.0000] too bad the ISO video coding standards fall short somewhere else [13:23:03.0000] (work hat off): I'd be interested in pointers to criteria for evaluating standards for goodness in a way that doesn't involve checking for organizational logos [13:24:00.0000] Philip`: yeah, the idea would be to use baseline only [13:24:01.0000] hsivonen: You could ask some guys on IRC what they think of it [13:25:00.0000] Philip`: so far the best criteria I have seen are Sam's from http://www.intertwingly.net/blog/2007/01/25/Pro-Choice [13:25:01.0000] "A standard is one that has multiple, inter-operable, independent implementations. An open standard, at least in the software world, is one where at least one of those implementations is open source." [13:25:02.0000] that seems like a dodgy definition [13:26:00.0000] but ok [13:26:01.0000] Philip`: (I think I should write something that can be given to politicians. and for that use case, telling them to ask on IRC isn't good) [13:26:02.0000] Hixie: well, I just don't see how being public domain qualifies as "vendor-controlled" [13:26:03.0000] however, it may be a case of "not enough control" [13:27:00.0000] maikmerten: who decides what the spec says? [13:27:01.0000] Hixie: I think the definition should also require that you can write the next interoperable independent impl. by following the spec [13:27:02.0000] maikmerten: public domain means that anyone can copy it, not that the official version is under anyone's control [13:27:03.0000] hsivonen: indeed [13:27:04.0000] Hixie: the official Theora spec: Xiph.org (which is a 403 organization) [13:28:00.0000] 403 Forbidden? :-) [13:28:01.0000] Forbidden? :-) [13:28:02.0000] heh [13:28:03.0000] maikmerten: and who changes it? [13:28:04.0000] Hixie: Sounds like that still wouldn't be technically competitive with whatever the state-of-the-art would be, and technical competitiveness is still important for video (since it's low quality and high bandwidth and therefore worth optimising), which is kind of a pain in terms of convincing people it's worth using [13:28:05.0000] maikmerten: who decides what an error is, etc? [13:28:06.0000] s/that/H.264 baseline/ [13:28:07.0000] err... 403... dammit... I meant 501(c)(3) [13:29:00.0000] Philip`: yes, i don't think you'll be able to have a patent unencumbered or royalty-free state of the art video codec before international patent reform. [13:29:01.0000] Hixie: "the xiph.org community" - which, however, is as open as it can get [13:30:00.0000] Hixie: however, the point you may be pointing at is "so, how transparent is this?" [13:30:01.0000] and sure, that's where it may look not as nice as ISO, no doubt about that [13:32:00.0000] and, no doubt about that: If ISO would have a standard with fitting licensing we wouldn't have all these problems [13:32:01.0000] Before such reform, hopefully browsers will start plugging into their platform's media functionality so I can watch high-quality video (in any browser, in any practical OS, with only a trivial cost added to the purchase of the computer for codec licensing) and the browser vendors won't have to worry about the patents [13:32:02.0000] (and Theora wouldn't even exist) [13:32:03.0000] maikmerten: so what happens if microsoft comes along and asks for something to change in the spec? [13:32:04.0000] but apparently there *is* no international standards body really intersted in royality free standards [13:32:05.0000] Philip`: yeah that seems to be happening [13:33:00.0000] (Sadly my version of Vista doesn't even include DVD codecs, so I guess it'll be a while before H.264 is available as standard) [13:33:01.0000] Hixie: well, what if Microsoft wants a nicely crafted standard to become an ISO standard? ;-) [13:34:00.0000] (but that's okay because people can just write a Flash implementation of