2008-07-01 [21:22:00.0000] I love how readyState is an integer on most interfaces, but a string on DOMString [21:22:01.0000] er [21:22:02.0000] Document [00:17:00.0000] http://www.thewebsiteisdown.com/ is the funniest thing i've seen for weeks [00:30:00.0000] what do you call the way of encoding integers that uses the top bit to indicate if there's more to come again? [01:11:00.0000] http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/blogspot/MKuf/~3/323764470/google-learns-to-crawl-flash.html :/ [01:12:00.0000] oh cool, we finally launched that [01:14:00.0000] yum, WebSocket [01:18:00.0000] there are several markup errors below the readyState def [01:18:01.0000] there are? [01:18:02.0000] i may have fixed them already [01:19:00.0000] oops, I hit F5 while the bandwidth here is terrible... [01:20:00.0000] they advertize high speed but you get 6kb [01:20:01.0000] i should go to bed, i have to get up in 6 hours to catch a plane to meet you [01:21:00.0000] i just woke up again :/ [01:21:01.0000] but yeah, sounds like a plan :) [01:22:00.0000] (seems to be fixed btw) [01:25:00.0000] what building is this meeting in again? [01:25:01.0000] 122 [01:25:02.0000] nm found it [01:25:03.0000] see http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/Group/f2f0807.html [01:26:00.0000] yeah found it [01:26:01.0000] i'll be on Southwest Flight #3506 SJC-SEA, landing at 10:50am, so i should be there by 1pm [01:27:00.0000] nn [01:27:01.0000] k, g'n [07:34:00.0000] hellow [07:47:00.0000] hsivonen: why do i get a bad value with a data url on http://static.webvm.net/wct/test.html [07:47:01.0000] with validator.nu? :) [07:49:00.0000] hendry: line breaks [07:52:00.0000] zcorpan: oh thanks [07:54:00.0000] zcorpan: i was just looking at http://simon.html5.org/articles/mobile-results btw [07:55:00.0000] zcorpan: perhaps you had a suggestion for the "Web Compatibility Test for Mobile Browsers"? [08:25:00.0000] hendry: Valid data URIs forbid all sorts of convenience [08:33:00.0000] m [08:35:00.0000] hsivonen: i don't understand ? [08:36:00.0000] maybe there should be an exception for data: [08:37:00.0000] hendry: unescaped spaces, etc. aren't allowed [08:43:00.0000] hendry: i did but i don't know if my suggestions have been implemented [08:48:00.0000] zcorpan: i think they are in test #5 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-mwts/2008Jul/0002.html [08:49:00.0000] hsivonen: oh ok. well when i tested the "line broken" url in a couple of browsers, it worked fine. [08:58:00.0000] hendry: ah yep, although it doesn't test drocanianness [09:01:00.0000] Philip`_: hmm, why does http://philip.html5.org/tests/canvas/suite/tests/2d.path.arcTo.shape.curve1.html say Passed in opera 9.5? [09:04:00.0000] Philip`_: is http://philip.html5.org/tests/canvas/suite/tests/2d.fillRect.zero.html correct? [09:08:00.0000] http://philip.html5.org/tests/canvas/suite/tests/2d.path.arc.selfintersect.1.html [09:21:00.0000] (it says pass because presumably not enough points are compared) [09:32:00.0000] zcorpan: What annevk said [09:33:00.0000] I'll fix the test so that it fails :-) [09:33:01.0000] it shouldn't be too expensive to just compare all points, no? [09:33:02.0000] (Well, I'll fix my offline copy, but I won't bother uploading it since that takes way too much effort) [09:33:03.0000] at least when the end result is all lime [09:34:00.0000] anyway, time to find some food [09:34:01.0000] annevk: That doesn't really work due to antialiasing - it needs to avoid comparing pixels around the edges of shapes, else it'll fail due to unnoticeable blending differences [09:37:00.0000] zcorpan: 2d.fillRect.zero is wrong - I already fixed that in my offline copy but didn't bother uploading it :-( [09:40:00.0000] zcorpan: Changed my thing so that 2d.path.arc.selfintersect.1 fails too - it's not meant to be testing for that bug but I suppose there's no reason why it shouldn't [10:07:00.0000] Philip`, jgraham: Either of you have my phone number? I'm gonna be offline from tonight till next Tues/Wed, so it may be worthwhile for (at least) one of you to have it [10:08:00.0000] gsnedders: I don't know whether either of us has it [10:08:01.0000] it's at the end of http://stuff.gsnedders.com/http-parsing.txt [10:08:02.0000] (hence you can logically deduce that I don't have it) [10:09:00.0000] /me saves that somewhere [10:10:00.0000] (it also has my address if anyone wants to stalk me) [10:13:00.0000] gsnedders: Did we agree some specific time? Grep says "20080707" / "7-ish" / same location as before, but I don't have any clocks with 7-ish marked on them so I wouldn't be quite sure when that is [10:13:01.0000] Philip`: 20080707T190000+01 [10:13:02.0000] Philip`: 20080707T190000+0100 to be exact [10:14:00.0000] 20080707T190+0100 is probably as specific as I can manage :-) [10:14:01.0000] Philip`: Yeah, I was guessing you'd be late, again :P [10:14:02.0000] Anyway, sounds fine to me [10:15:00.0000] as long as someone reminds me in case I forget [10:16:00.0000] Well, I know how long it takes to get there, now, so perhaps I can be on time [10:18:00.0000] /me sets up cron as a reminder, though he's probably set it up wrong [10:20:00.0000] jgraham: remind Philip` [10:21:00.0000] that's about as much as I can do to remind you :P [11:15:00.0000] Oh snap. Did RB just call Hixie incompetent? [11:16:00.0000] Isn't he implying that all the time? :) [11:17:00.0000] Fair enough, but this one surprised me: http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5822#c2 [11:18:00.0000] http://isen.com/blog/2008/05/four-paths-to-nz-internet-leadership.html [11:24:00.0000] Dashiva: it has the same tone as every other mail he sends.. [11:25:00.0000] annevk: no news about logging #webapps? :) [11:25:01.0000] Not much point. Nobody talks there outside of telcons, and they don't have the telcons there if it's logged :) [11:26:00.0000] Ke, makes sense [11:29:00.0000] The process around the logging reveals more than the logging itself would :-) [11:30:00.0000] :) [11:30:01.0000] Without it I would never have learned what "open" actually means [11:45:00.0000] So now that URLs are nearing as-done-as-it-gets, I wonder if we'll see WF2 work [11:50:00.0000] Dashiva: I think he, in calling Hixie incompetent, showed his incompetency [12:04:00.0000] http://isen.com/blog/2008/03/next-president-internet-policy.html [12:20:00.0000] merry mailman mailing list reminder day everyone [12:22:00.0000] wow, we've beaten the www-html daily traffic record for some time [12:22:01.0000] whatwg⊙wo ? [12:23:00.0000] jcranmer: who? [12:23:01.0000] gsnedders: RB [12:23:02.0000] jcranmer: ah [12:23:03.0000] conversation happened 3 min before you arrived [12:23:04.0000] damned Apple releasing system updates! [12:25:00.0000] /me reads his description of what the header is for, and wonders what the use of something that complex is [12:25:01.0000] RB's comment was funny. I mean I think there might be a legitimate reason for the feature request but the way he phrased his comment suggests that he's either oblivious or taking the piss [12:25:02.0000] no i mean more traffic to www-html than we've had for days [12:26:00.0000] that's it, we need a better mailing list. [12:26:01.0000] ah [12:26:02.0000] gsnedders-is-awesome, anybody? [12:33:00.0000] hullo [12:34:00.0000] Anyone alive that can answer some questions on ? [12:34:01.0000] sure [12:35:00.0000] Looking at the html4 & xhtml2 specs, it seems to suggest that anything that can have an expansion should be wrapped in [12:36:00.0000] not the case in HTML5 [12:36:01.0000] yeah you only need to wrap abbreviations you want to annotate, basically [12:36:02.0000] However, the html5 spec seems to suggest only abbreviations that are vocally pronounced should have the abbr element [12:36:03.0000] ahh [12:36:04.0000] excellent [12:36:05.0000] That was my reading [12:36:06.0000] Just checking [12:36:07.0000] doesn't have to just be the vocally pronounced ones necessarily [12:36:08.0000] just the ones you want to annotate with an expansion :-) [12:37:00.0000] fair enough [12:37:01.0000] I guess the microformat abbr date pattern goes against that thinking? [12:38:00.0000] in html5 instead of for date and times you can use