2009-04-01 [18:03:00.0000] philip: i like the subtle change at the end [18:06:00.0000] /me couldn't think of anything more interesting to do [22:30:00.0000] nico1: for more on whatwg, see http://www.whatwg.org/ [22:31:00.0000] note also that this channel and #html-wg and #webapps are logged, and you can read the logs at http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/ [22:31:01.0000] mostly we talk about HTML5 and browser stuff [22:32:00.0000] thanks a lot MikeSmith ! [23:03:00.0000] Hrm [23:04:00.0000] /me contemplates reading up on the content model [23:25:00.0000] nico1: http://validator.nu/ [23:26:00.0000] http://about.validator.nu/ [23:27:00.0000] http://hsivonen.iki.fi/thesis/html5-conformance-checker.xhtml [23:30:00.0000] http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/ [23:31:00.0000] nico1: ↑ [23:31:01.0000] http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/syntax.html#parsing [23:34:00.0000] nico1: http://blog.whatwg.org/validatornu-html-parser-120 [23:34:01.0000] http://about.validator.nu/htmlparser/ [23:35:00.0000] http://code.google.com/p/html5lib/ [23:36:00.0000] http://code.google.com/p/html5lib/issues/list [23:53:00.0000] sigh at the adactio post. some really should explain why we don't like landmarks, but I guess blogging on April 1 is a bad idea [23:54:00.0000] (or, rather, why we don't like architectural forms as the means of expressing landmarks) [00:32:00.0000] hsivonen: so I'm discovering a bit about schematron [00:32:01.0000] e.g., it has a element to report the name of the context node [00:33:00.0000] so one can do, e.g.: [00:33:01.0000] [[ [00:33:02.0000] [00:33:03.0000] [00:33:04.0000] The element must not [00:33:05.0000] appear as a descendant of the [00:33:06.0000] “footer” element. [00:33:07.0000] [00:33:08.0000] ]] [00:35:00.0000] MikeSmith: does that work in Jing? [00:36:00.0000] yeah, it does [00:36:01.0000] I just tested it [00:36:02.0000] it's in Schematron 1.5, and Jing supports that [00:36:03.0000] or does now at least [00:36:04.0000] MikeSmith: interesting. I knew Rick Jelliffe's XSLT implementation had something like that but I always thought it was a later addition [00:36:05.0000] I'd guess that it might now have previously [00:37:00.0000] that's possible [00:37:01.0000] anyway, if I use , it could eliminate a whole lotta redunancy that's in assertions.sch now [00:38:00.0000] seems like a good idea [00:42:00.0000] MikeSmith: http://bugzilla.validator.nu/attachment.cgi?id=70 looks good, except I don't see you using the label locators at all for location reporting. [00:42:01.0000] /me looks back at patch [00:42:02.0000] MikeSmith: what's the purpose of collecting forVals into a set first instead of doing the id matching as part of the stack walk? [00:45:00.0000] hsivonen: purpose is mainly that's just the simplest way it initially occurred to me to do it. [00:45:01.0000] hsivonen: I should just set a boolean instead? [00:45:02.0000] MikeSmith: preferably, yes [00:45:03.0000] when it finds a match for the id value? [00:45:04.0000] hsivonen: OK [00:46:00.0000] hsivonen: about your other question, I'm still looking [00:47:00.0000] hsivonen: so you saying that it's better not to use the locator mechanism at all for this label case? [00:48:00.0000] MikeSmith: or you could also emit a warning that gives the location of the label [00:48:01.0000] MikeSmith: unless that turns out to suck as UI. I'm not sure if giving the location of the label would be helpful or annoying from a user POV [00:49:00.0000] anyone got a nice simple demo page, showing the use of the HTML5 SQL API? [00:50:00.0000] /me hoping i can pre-populate a database with sqllite elsewhere... [00:50:01.0000] hsivonen: do you think it would be useful to emit those warnings? or overkill? [01:07:00.0000] I wish people would at least try to make april fools jokes sound plausible http://tech.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/03/31/1950221&from=rss [01:11:00.0000] damn, the quality of postings from Slashdot writers is otherwise so exceptional [01:11:01.0000] Lachy: you've burst my bubble of deep appreciation for Slashdot [01:12:00.0000] Lachy: That sounds a lot like... http://www.lunascape.tv/ [01:12:01.0000] /me goes to replace his sarcasm detector [01:13:00.0000] /me checks the whatwg blog [01:13:01.0000] blimey, the aria spec is over 80 pages long [01:14:00.0000] MikeSmith: I put in warnings like that for some table integrity checking stuff. I don't have user feedback complaining about those. [01:14:01.0000] hsivonen: OK, I will add it then [01:15:00.0000] http://labs.opera.com/news/2009/04/01/ [01:15:01.0000] This would be awesome [01:22:00.0000] hsivonen: so... aria. what should i say in the spec? [01:23:00.0000] hsivonen: should i just defer to the wai-aria spec and say that the attributes it defines can be used in html5 for accessibility purposes? [01:24:00.0000] or should i list something explicitly? or what? [01:37:00.0000] Hixie: I had expected the ongoing task force to figure out what makes sense [01:38:00.0000] Hixie: on the topic of UA conformance: [01:38:01.0000] defer to the ARIA implementation guide and a (AFAIK) so far non-existent document on resolving native semantic and ARIA semantic conflicts in client implementation [01:40:00.0000] Hixie: on the topic of authoring conformance: defer states and properties authoring to ARIA and role applicability to given HTML elements to so far non-existent document hopefully flowing out of the work of the task force [01:41:00.0000] Hixie: if you want to address FUD along the lines of HTML5 hating ARIA, you could already put in notes that defer to the parts of the ARIA spec family that exist [01:44:00.0000] Hixie: so to elaborate [01:45:00.0000] Hixie: the task force documents accessibility API mappings for old HTML and ARIA (and perhaps new HTML5 stuff) [01:45:01.0000] Hixie: from those mappings, it's possible to see what HTML bits and ARIA bits overlap [01:46:00.0000] Hixie: then it's necessary to define what UAs should do when they get mixed signals (HTML semantics and ARIA role set inconsistently) [01:47:00.0000] Hixie: or what should happen if an element has a native accessibiilty API mapping and has states and properties as aria-* attributes with no role [01:47:01.0000] Hixie: hopefully in due course this will live in a W3C document somewhere [01:48:00.0000] Hixie: so reference that for UA conformance [01:48:01.0000] Hixie: then, *given* the behaviors documented in that document, some element/role combinations will be non-sensical. I think those should be flaggable as non-conforming by validators. [01:49:00.0000] Hixie: but defining those cases needs to wait until the UA conformance reqs show what combinations are non-sensical to author [01:50:00.0000] Hixie: if it were up to me, I'd put a statement of intent to this direction as a note in the HTML 5 spec [01:51:00.0000] which reminds me that I should review the latest draft of ARIA [02:19:00.0000] /me agrees ith pretty much everything hsivoen said, fwiw [02:33:00.0000] /me finally starts dogfooding HTML5 parsing builds (not an April fools joke) [02:36:00.0000] /me wonders if hsivonen will append (not an aprils fools joke to all statements made today) [02:36:01.0000] s/(// s//(/ [02:36:02.0000] actually I didn't need any brackets [02:36:03.0000] sigh [02:37:00.0000] jgraham: hopefully only the ones that seem potentially unbelievable [02:38:00.0000] Actually, as far as a parser goes, I've been ready for dogfood for a while now. I was waiting for an image cache crasher to go away [02:38:01.0000] hm, that's like xkcd's (no pun intended) [02:45:00.0000] takkaria: Really? How would you use it? Like I hear they're making an HTML 5 (not an april fools joke) [02:54:00.0000] Hixie: "
  • There can only be one character encoding declaration in the document.

    " [03:25:00.0000] hmm. identi.ca looks wrong with the HTML5 parser [03:25:01.0000] all the content is "below the fold" [03:26:00.0000] hsivonen: You got new try builds avaliable? [03:27:00.0000] jgraham: yes. https://build.mozilla.org/tryserver-builds/2009-03-30_05:34-hsivonen⊙if/ [03:27:01.0000] jgraham: it doesn't have all the latest namespace fixes [03:27:02.0000] XPath in text/html is probably broken in that build [03:33:00.0000] hsivonen: That build reliably crashes when visiting the live dom viewer [03:37:00.0000] hsivonen: identi.ca doesn't have any interesting parse errors [03:39:00.0000] jgraham: on which platform? WFM on Mac. [03:39:01.0000] oops. not WFM [03:40:00.0000] jgraham: crashes here, too. thanks. [03:40:01.0000] i still wonder why the parser should imply [03:40:02.0000] aargh. the image cache crash is still there [03:40:03.0000] and why the content model requires colgroup around col [03:41:00.0000] jgraham: do you also see imgCacheEntry stuff on the top of the crash stack? [03:41:01.0000] --> Lunch [03:42:00.0000] zcorpan: Does col without colgroup make any sense? [03:45:00.0000] jgraham: just as much as tr without tbody. lone col is valid in html4 and xhtml1 [03:58:00.0000] hsivonen: http://bugzilla.validator.nu/attachment.cgi?id=71 [04:00:00.0000] hsivonen: just tweaked to set boolean hasFor instead of collecting the "for" values [04:19:00.0000] http://canvex.lazyilluminati.com/misc/dom-viewer/?%3C!DOCTYPE%20html%3E%3Cp%3E%3Cobject%3E%3Cp%3E%3C%2Fobject%3E%3C%2Fp%3E%3Cscript%3Edocument.write(document.getElementsByTagName('object').length)%3C%2Fscript%3E [04:19:01.0000] /me is really confused [04:19:02.0000] try that in ie8 [04:21:00.0000] Hixie, the Live DOM Viewer clipboard is broken [04:21:01.0000] clipboard.cgi returns 404 [04:23:00.0000] oh, no, it's not. That's Philip`s DOM viewer. [04:24:00.0000] I didn't realise zcorpan had linked to it instead [04:24:01.0000] Lachy: The differencde is somewhat important :) [04:25:00.0000] MikeSmith: looks good. You could also break immediately after hasFor = true; [04:25:01.0000] hsivonen: OK [05:16:00.0000] Darn, we've been shut down [05:21:00.0000] Dashiva, do you mean by Mr Last Week? [05:24:00.0000] Hixie: have you ran the HTML5 parser on Google's index to see if quirks-mode pages would break if

    always closed the paragraph? [05:25:00.0000] Lachy: Yes [05:30:00.0000] Dashiva, just ignore MLW. He's just an anonymous coward and a troll. [05:30:01.0000] Be careful - insults will only make him stronger [05:31:00.0000] does anyone else have data on whether it's feasible to adopt the standards mode behavior for

    in the quirks mode, too? [05:31:01.0000] hsivonen, what sort of data would be useful? [05:32:00.0000] WTF? This is weird, yet seemingly per-spec. [05:32:01.0000] Lachy: a Web crawl showing that the case doesn't occur on the Web or doesn't occur on the CSS-enabled Web [05:32:02.0000] Lachy: or data about Opera having tried dropping the quirk and having gotten bug reports forcing a revert [05:33:00.0000] it could theoretically affect both rendering and scripting if scripts or styles depend on the table being within the p [05:33:01.0000] true [05:33:02.0000] gsnedders: What? [05:34:00.0000] it would be sad if the single parsing quirk in HTML5 ended up being Hixie's own making (through Acid2) [05:34:01.0000] I don't think we've tried dropping the quirk before [05:34:02.0000] what did acid2 require? [05:34:03.0000] jgraham: http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/?%3C!DOCTYPE%20html%3E%0A%3Cp%20style%3D%22display%3Arun-in%22%3E%3Cspan%3Efoo%3C%2Fspan%3E%2C%20%3Cspan%3Ebar%0A%3Cp%3Efoo [05:34:04.0000] that

    close the p [05:34:05.0000] Lachy: Acid2 requires

    to parse like

    [05:35:00.0000] oh, good [05:35:01.0000] good??? [05:36:00.0000] yes, having the table close the p is always how it's worked in good browsers in standards mode, and was what was requried by html4 [05:36:01.0000] hsivonen: btw, have you found pages breaking because of
      • ? [05:36:02.0000] "what was required by html4" is a weak argument [05:37:00.0000] zcorpan: I haven't [05:37:01.0000] might be worth to research that markup pattern since ie7 and all other browsers except ie8 and html5-enabled gecko don't close the inner ul [05:38:00.0000] true. but it makes the most sense cause it allows the

        to remain optional even when followed by a table [06:24:00.0000] hsivonen: If there was a version of the HTML parser library that reported occurrences of that quirk, I could run it on my collection of pages [06:26:00.0000] though that wouldn't be too useful if it's less common than ~0.01% [06:27:00.0000] Philip`: what kind of reporting mechanism do you need? [06:29:00.0000] hsivonen: The easiest would probably be something that prints to stdout in a thread-safe way [06:29:01.0000] I doubt that's the only quirk you'll need though it would be nice. Reparsing is another issue :/ [06:29:02.0000] Actually I suppose that wouldn't quite work since I'd need to print the URI too [06:30:00.0000] annevk42: is reparsing so important that it trumps security? [06:30:01.0000] Philip`: would a warning with an easily detectable string work? [06:30:02.0000] hsivonen, ideally it's not, but the security concerns are rather weak [06:33:00.0000] hsivonen: So I would just use setErrorHandler? That sounds easy enough [06:34:00.0000] Philip`: ok [06:34:01.0000] (Does it matter if I use DOM or SAX?) [06:34:02.0000] Philip`: no [06:39:00.0000] Philip`: svn head now does warn("A \u201Ctable\u201D start tag caused a paragraph to close implicitly."); when a table closes a para [06:42:00.0000] hsivonen: Is there a chance you could convert it into a .jar file? :-) [06:42:01.0000] /me doesn't have a version checked out from SVN [06:42:02.0000] Philip`: ok [06:44:00.0000] Philip`: http://hsivonen.iki.fi/htmlparser-philip-2009-04-01.jar [06:45:00.0000] hsivonen: Thanks! [06:47:00.0000] hsivonen: Hmm, I get lots of org.w3c.dom.DOMException: INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: An invalid or illegal XML character is specified. [06:47:01.0000] (which I didn't get using 1.0.7) [06:47:02.0000] when I'm using HtmlDocumentBuilder(XmlViolationPolicy.ALTER_INFOSET) [06:48:00.0000] By "lots" I mean "one", plus many NAMESPACE_ERR: An attempt is made to create or change an object in a way which is incorrect with regard to namespaces. [06:50:00.0000] Philip`: hmm. I don't know what I've broken. Do you have a URL that triggers those? [06:51:00.0000] http://www.giftology.co.uk gives the NAMESPACE_ERR [06:51:01.0000] http://www.villatraining.ca/ gives the INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR [06:53:00.0000] netquotevar:="" [06:55:00.0000] It also gives NAMESPACE_ERR on e.g. http://www.autobanga.lt/ which doesn't seem to use anything interesting except xml:lang [06:56:00.0000] (unless the code changed in the past few months) [06:56:01.0000] seems like something is badly wrong in the XML sanity code [06:57:00.0000] I hope it's not my fault [06:58:00.0000] Whoops, there's more messages sent to ErrorHandler than I expected [06:58:01.0000] My output file is 3,483,189,354 bytes [06:59:00.0000] I see 8161 URLs (out of ~130K) that trigger the table-closed-p warning [06:59:01.0000] Philip`: thanks. that seems bad on the face of it [07:01:00.0000] /me wonders if there's any value in uploading the list [07:02:00.0000] Philip`: I think there would be. one could pick sites at random and view them with two parsers [07:02:01.0000] Anyone from Opera aroud? [07:02:02.0000] *around [07:03:00.0000] gsnedders: do I count? [07:03:01.0000] hsivonen: http://philip.html5.org/data/table-implicitly-closed-p.txt [07:04:00.0000] no [07:04:01.0000] MikeSmith: Probably enough [07:04:02.0000] Opera wants a transcript of grades, which implies something formal and official. I don't have any digital transcript. [07:04:03.0000] gsnedders: I'm still part of the conspiracy, according to some people at least [07:05:00.0000] Or am I half asleep? [07:05:01.0000] Philip`: thanks! [07:07:00.0000] gsnedders: i just sent an email when i applied at opera [07:08:00.0000] http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/893uo/html5_removes_tag_soup_support_goes_xml_only/ - apparently the commenters like the non-XML syntax [07:08:01.0000] zcorpan: http://www.opera.com/company/jobs/opening/211/ does say to apply online, though [07:08:02.0000] gsnedders: so? [07:08:03.0000] zcorpan: That is not email :P [07:09:00.0000] doesn't mean email is rejected [07:09:01.0000] i'm not saying you should send an email, though [07:09:02.0000] :P [07:10:00.0000] waha, http://philip.html5.org/tools/web-apps-tracker?from=2942&to=2943 is funny [07:10:01.0000] did someone announce that on blog.whatwg.org ? [07:10:02.0000] especially if you follow the diff all the way to the end, lol [07:10:03.0000] dt? dimitri? [07:10:04.0000] Yeah, right [07:10:05.0000] http://twitter.com/WHATWG/status/1427965755 [07:11:00.0000] Clearly not enough people here read the WHATWG Twitter feed [07:11:01.0000] ah sweet [07:11:02.0000] I guess the entire digg-like style of reddit is April st too? [07:11:03.0000] *1st [07:12:00.0000] gsnedders: If you can't get a trasnscript at the moment you should apply first and worry later [07:14:00.0000] http://digg.com/programming/Tag_Soup_Support_Removed_From_HTML5 [07:16:00.0000] It seems much more pointless when it's not blending into the Twitter stream and hiding behind tinyurl [07:19:00.0000] yo [07:20:00.0000] Hello [07:21:00.0000] anyone know if the ie8 beta devs have a channel kicking about? [07:21:01.0000] I think kicking the ie8 devs, even over irc, is harsh [07:21:02.0000] hmmm [07:21:03.0000] Really? 8) [07:21:04.0000] Although maybe they deserve it for the way they parse

        [07:22:00.0000] But what Travis said was that they were considering fixing that within IE8 [07:22:01.0000] robinduckett: the IE8 devs are kept in a hermetically sealed environment [07:22:02.0000] (implied they were [07:22:03.0000] they're not allowed to be exposed directly to open standards [07:22:04.0000] hahah [07:22:05.0000] robinduckett: I don't think they do IRC; the closest thing is the occasional chats like http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2009/03/24/ie-team-chat-wednesday-firestarter-event-thursday.aspx [07:23:00.0000] lol msdn, haven't been there since I was 11/12 doing VB6 [07:23:01.0000] Well, there are normally a few around on irc.w3.org [07:26:00.0000] robinduckett: It's not MSDN, it's just a domain which happens to be hosted on msdn.com perhaps for the reason mentioned in http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archive/2009/03/05/9459157.aspx#9460253 [07:26:01.0000] lol [07:26:02.0000] okay [07:27:00.0000] robinduckett: did you have something in particular you wanted to ask them about? [07:27:01.0000] because they will tell you everything if you just ask them [07:27:02.0000] all their product plans, that kind of stuff [07:27:03.0000] /me sees http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2009/03/30/compatibility-view-list-and-ie8-rtw.aspx , with links to a spreadsheet of the list, and a claim that "The Compatibility View List is updated on a regular cadence (in a period mirroring IE security updates, approximately every 2 months)" [07:27:04.0000] just a very strange bug i've been getting on IE8, but it's really intermittant, so i'm going to grab the latest release and see if it still happens [07:28:00.0000] Even the internals to the brokenness of object in IE < 8 [07:28:01.0000] lol [07:28:02.0000] robinduckett: what's the bug? [07:29:00.0000] sometimes, clicking a select element to get the drop down, causes the pop up blocker to show up and the drop down to dissapear, and once it does that once it wont work again until the browser is restarted, and then sometimes it will either work for the rest of the day or not at all [07:29:01.0000] I thought it was a bug in my code, I was doing a car make/model drop down in a form [07:29:02.0000] and it had a lot of elements, so i thought it was related, but it does it on a two option select box now [07:30:00.0000] sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't [07:30:01.0000] very confusing [07:30:02.0000] so i'll try the latest just incase i'm using some kind of old version [07:30:03.0000] /me has bitchin' cold [07:30:04.0000] http://secret.gsnedders.com/cv.html — comments? [07:31:00.0000] (Yes, I do have secret as a subdomain) [07:34:00.0000] gsnedders: I think "Author of a number of automatable test cases for parts of the specification." is worthy of more prominence [07:34:01.0000] but not sure how to suggest doing that [07:35:00.0000] ! [07:35:01.0000] gsnedders: although it probably doesn't matter, i think there's a subtle difference between "Public invited expert" and "Invited Expert" [07:36:00.0000] if you want to get attention from opera, maybe putting "Can write good test cases all day long." under Skills would be good [07:36:01.0000] /me just went for what it formally is called in the W3C process [07:36:02.0000] MikeSmith: Suggest [07:37:00.0000] Philip`: But I'm not using a WYSIWYG editor! [07:37:01.0000] CSS fire shadow thing [07:38:00.0000] however that's done [07:39:00.0000] gsnedders: also list any test suites you have written [07:39:01.0000] gsnedders: have you written any test harness (as opposed to just test cases?) [07:40:00.0000] gsnedders: Have you found (and written tests for and reported and got fixed) any bugs in browsers? [07:40:01.0000] gsnedders: omg it doesn't validate [07:40:02.0000] gsnedders: Also, go to a school that is not named after a curry [07:41:00.0000] wait why does v.nu say h1 is interactive? [07:41:01.0000] hsivonen: ^ [07:42:00.0000] zcorpan: must be copypaste somewhere [07:42:01.0000] Content model: Flow content, but with no heading content descendants, no sectioning content descendants, no footer element descendants, and no address element descendants. [07:43:00.0000] Why does it disallow header content? [07:43:01.0000] And why is there some insect buzzing around in here? [07:44:00.0000] Hixie: ^^ [07:44:01.0000] zcorpan: v.nu say h1 is interactive because of a dumb mistake I made [07:44:02.0000] sorry [07:44:03.0000] /me slaps MikeSmith [07:44:04.0000] it's fixed now [07:44:05.0000] in the source [07:44:06.0000] gsnedders: maybe because it doesn't make sense to have sections in

        ? [07:45:00.0000] /me gets scared by this kind of content-model wrangling [07:45:01.0000] zcorpan: But it isn't a section within address, per the outlining algorithm [07:45:02.0000] http://gsnedders.html5.org/outliner/process.py?url=http%3A%2F%2Fsecret.gsnedders.com%2Fcv.html [07:46:00.0000] gsnedders: Anolis has tests, right? And SimplePie? [07:46:01.0000] Yeah [07:46:02.0000] gsnedders: You might want to mention that [07:47:00.0000] (Also remove the borders from you tables) [07:47:01.0000] yes; i think your chances would be better if you removed everything and just pointed to all tests you've written :) [07:47:02.0000] though i'm not suggesting you remove anything [07:48:00.0000] So you're trying to decrease his chances? [07:48:01.0000] no [07:49:00.0000] everything < tests < everything+tests [07:49:01.0000] hence it's better to not remove everything, but to still add tests [07:49:02.0000] gsnedders: In particular if there is anything notable about the testing strategy that you adopted for those projects it would be good to incluse [07:50:00.0000] Basically, I learnt a lot about what not to do from SimplePie :) [07:50:01.0000] At least, I ould think it was good, although my opinion is irrelevant [07:50:02.0000] If there isn't, you've got a good half a day to invent and implement a testing strategy so you've got something to write about [07:50:03.0000] zcorpan: Why would you say that? [07:50:04.0000] gsnedders: say what? [07:51:00.0000] zcorpan: Remove everything and link to tests [07:51:01.0000] gsnedders: He didn't [07:51:02.0000] jgraham: He typed it, though, and then didn't suggest it [07:51:03.0000] gsnedders: i just mean that experience with test cases is more important than the other stuff [07:52:00.0000] It certianly seems plausible that is is more importat then standard grade classical studies [07:52:01.0000] Although only getting a 2 in Latin is pretty inexcusable ;) [07:53:00.0000] :P [07:53:01.0000] Latin was fun [07:53:02.0000] http://steve-yegge.blogspot.com/2007/09/ten-tips-for-slightly-less-awful-resume.html [07:54:00.0000] LOL, check out what YouTube have done to the videos today :-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExkUOOXkGtg&flip=1 [07:55:00.0000] Oh fun [07:56:00.0000] /me notes that US-style resumes seem to be a much more elaborate affair than european CVs [08:02:00.0000] jgraham, what's the difference between them? [08:03:00.0000] how did they flip the text? [08:04:00.0000] sıɥʇ ǝʞıן ʇsnɾ [08:04:01.0000] Lachy: Not sure, but all the sites to do with US resume writing talk about putting in your personal vision and all this stuff (although SY talks about taking it yout, which is good). [08:04:02.0000] http://s.ytimg.com/yt/js/april_fools-vfl84826.js [08:04:03.0000] annevk42: There are Unicode codepoints for them [08:04:04.0000] Whereas that doesn't seem to be expected here so much [08:04:05.0000] It's just a translation table into glyphs that look similar [08:05:00.0000] /me just found that file [08:08:00.0000] /me sees gsnedders engaging in shameless self-promotion by posting his CV to public-html [08:13:00.0000] Philip`: I didn't mean that. I just wanted to show a real use-case! [08:15:00.0000] Oh, sure [08:15:01.0000] jgraham: But tables without borders are ugly! [08:15:02.0000] gsnedders: Stop providing useful feedback and write your CV [08:15:03.0000] gsnedders: You are wwrong [08:15:04.0000] :) [08:15:05.0000] don't write your CV, watch BBC News 24 instead, it's far more entertaining [08:16:00.0000] What do they have on at the moment? [08:17:00.0000] gsnedders: The News [08:17:01.0000] just reporters saying things like "the protesters are calling it financial fool's day, which is a pun or play on wards on 'april fool's day'" and "protesters have been using internet websites to organise" [08:18:00.0000] Not organize? [08:19:00.0000] :P [08:20:00.0000] they have some fun protests being covered too [08:20:01.0000] /me hates writing this CV [08:23:00.0000] I'm not sure how this case-insensitive is supposed to work for CSS [08:24:00.0000] should createElement use a list too and use the right namespace based on tag name? [08:24:01.0000] that would only work half the time [08:25:00.0000] e.g. "a", "audio", "video" [08:26:00.0000] what case-insensitive? [08:26:01.0000] Oh, hsivonen's email? [08:26:02.0000] I suppose some CSS bits become case-insensitive when the style sheet is referenced from an HTML document. [08:27:00.0000] annevk42: the CSS parser knows whether an ident is in the role of an element selector or in the role of an attribute selector [08:27:01.0000] right? [08:27:02.0000] this is interesting. http://www.addfullsize.com/ I'm not sure it's something that could or would be supported by browsers though. [08:27:03.0000] Lachy: I thought that was strange and crazy [08:28:00.0000] annevk42: so when the CSS parser has lower-cased such an indent, it would check if the resulting ident is in a lower-to-camel mapping [08:28:01.0000] A whole website dedicated to advocating an attribute? [08:28:02.0000] I double checked for 1st-April related effects [08:28:03.0000] why hasn't the site admin emailed public-html? [08:28:04.0000] http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/whatwg/20081027#l-302 [08:28:05.0000] hsivonen, and the matcing would be on localName alone? [08:28:06.0000] yeah, the fact that he made a whole website for it instead of mailing the list is crazy [08:29:00.0000] It's months old [08:29:01.0000] annevk42: right. isn't it already? [08:29:02.0000] hsivonen, e.g. foreignObject in some weird namespace would still be matched by foreignobject { ... } when used in CSS referenced from HTML? [08:29:03.0000] it has been argued about on the whatwg list already, I'm pretty sure [08:29:04.0000] annevk42: right [08:29:05.0000] annevk42: which is why textArea can't be on the list [08:29:06.0000] hsivonen, I'm not sure how Selectors case-insensitivity works to be honest :) [08:30:00.0000] annevk42: I asked bz to be sure :-) [08:30:01.0000] i thought selectors matched case-insensitively [08:31:00.0000] zcorpan, impl or theory? [08:31:01.0000] both [08:31:02.0000] /me suggests making XML case-insensitive [08:31:03.0000] takkaria: how about optionally case-insensitive? [08:32:00.0000] oh wait [08:32:01.0000] zcorpan, e.g. if you createElementNS("x", "TEst") in HTML CSS matches that with "test" in Gecko, WebKit and Presto? [08:32:02.0000] annevk42: yeah, that's what i had thought, but obviously i was wrong and i hadn't tested [08:32:03.0000] hsivonen, ok, it seems somewhat suboptimal but it is more performant than doing it while matching [08:34:00.0000] http://www.addfullsize.com/ - "Since there is no fullsize attribute for the tag yet, I am using the longdesc attribute instead." - hmm [08:34:01.0000] http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/50 [08:35:00.0000] Philip`: And that is why markup will always "suck" [08:35:01.0000] zcorpan, Opera is cool [08:35:02.0000] so opera matches case-insensitively and webkit and gecko lowercase [08:37:00.0000] so how does this work for HTML attribute values that are case-insensitive? [08:37:01.0000] attribute values will have to match case-insensitively rather than lowercasing [08:37:02.0000] since they preserve the case in the dom [08:37:03.0000] zcorpan: attribute values are very different from names in Gecko [08:38:00.0000] and do they match case-insensitively regardless of what element they are on? [08:38:01.0000] I'm guessing they do [08:38:02.0000] annevk42: in opera, only html elements, iirc [08:38:03.0000] annevk42: IIRC, only on HTML elements in Gecko, but I'd have to check [08:39:00.0000] (though this whole area is bad for "IIRC") [08:39:01.0000] "HTML elements" being a set? [08:39:02.0000] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2008Jan/0043.html [08:39:03.0000] annevk42: HTML elements being elements that have their HTMLness bit set [08:40:00.0000] annevk42: I *think* the bit is consistent with namespace [08:40:01.0000] annevk42: also, I *think* only HTMLElement instances have the bit set [08:40:02.0000] actually, it's not a bit that is "set" but a mask that classes respond to [08:41:00.0000] anyway [08:42:00.0000] I guess it works well in practice and worse in the theoretical case of having two element scoped attributes with the same name but different value space rules :) [08:42:01.0000] hsivonen: does gecko now restrict the attribute value case-insensitivity to html elements? [08:44:00.0000] no [08:44:01.0000] http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/?%3C!DOCTYPE%20html%3E%0A%3Cstyle%3Etest[align%3DteST]{border%3A1em%20solid}%3C%2Fstyle%3E%3Cbody%3E%3Cscript%3Ex%3Ddocument.createElementNS%28%22x%22%2C%20%22test%22%29%3Bx.setAttribute%28%22align%22%2C%22TEST%22%29%3Bdocument.body.appendChild%28x%29%3C%2Fscript%3E [08:44:02.0000] it does it regardless of the element as long as the attribute is in some list [08:44:03.0000] clearly, my "IIRC" was wrong [08:44:04.0000] though maybe the situation is different in XHTML? [08:45:00.0000] indeed, the list is in the CSS parser, not in the selector matching code [08:45:01.0000] (Opera doesn't match for that case by the way...) [08:45:02.0000] FWIW, the list is http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/layout/style/nsCSSParser.cpp#2916 [08:45:03.0000] annevk42: last i checked gecko didn't do any case-insensitive matching of attribute values in xhtml [08:46:00.0000] making Selectors case-insensitive for attribute values was a stupid mistake [08:46:01.0000] annevk42: I think that applies more broadly :-) [08:47:00.0000] (that case-insensitivity was a mistake) [08:47:01.0000] I sort of like we ended up with lowercase being the norm for HTML :) [08:48:00.0000] but yeah, it doesn't buy us much at all [08:48:01.0000] uppercase being the norm without case-insensitivity would have sucked [08:48:02.0000] clearly my reverse-engineering skills were not enough to catch all attributes :( [08:49:00.0000] hsivonen: ismap should be in that list [08:50:00.0000] zcorpan: thanks [08:53:00.0000] are we going to extend the list? [08:53:01.0000] hmm [08:53:02.0000] I thought HTML5 was going to [08:53:03.0000] anyone know of a commercial in-page wysiwyg editor? [08:54:00.0000] Does anyone know of a library (preferably usable from python) that will allow me to send window manager events to a particular application (in particular that will allow me to make the application fullscreen)? [08:54:01.0000] For linux obviously [08:54:02.0000] hsivonen, I was hoping we'd not enlarge magic lists [08:55:00.0000] i was missing accept-charset, checked, direction and lang in my list [08:55:01.0000] there's also contenteditable, spellcheck, required, etc. [08:55:02.0000] yes... [08:56:00.0000] /me mails the list [08:56:01.0000] I rather have the list fixed for eternity [08:57:00.0000] why? [08:57:01.0000] annevk42: like the list of elements that implies

        close? like

        ? [08:57:02.0000] and

    ? :) [08:58:00.0000] hsivonen, that's actually a useful feature [09:00:00.0000] this case-insensitive attribute value checking only costs [09:03:00.0000] annevk42: i think browserse are only doing it for compliance with css21 and html4 [09:03:01.0000] annevk42: ie gets away with doing case-sensitive matching [09:03:02.0000] maybe we should change css21 [09:03:03.0000] IE doesn't do it? [09:03:04.0000] zcorpan: IE8 even? [09:03:05.0000] cool [09:03:06.0000] lets kill it [09:03:07.0000] haven't tested ie8 [09:04:00.0000] snap, they changed it [09:05:00.0000] sigh. like

    [09:05:01.0000] should still be doable if everyone is willing [09:05:02.0000] it's pretty isolated piece of code in most impl I assume [09:05:03.0000] /me leaves the convincing work to annevk42 [09:06:00.0000] mwaha [09:08:00.0000] where is this even defined in CSS? [09:08:01.0000] http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/selector.html only talks about element names [09:10:00.0000] "The case-sensitivity of attribute names and values in selectors depends on the document language." -- http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/selector.html#matching-attrs [09:10:01.0000] meh [09:11:00.0000] for elements it spells it out but here it doesn't [09:11:01.0000] implementations are arguably wrong too [09:11:02.0000] there's nothing in HTML4 that says align on is case-insensitive [09:12:00.0000] (the value of align) [09:12:01.0000] right [09:12:02.0000] but that's invalid and html4 leaves handling of invalid documents undefined :) [09:12:03.0000] so it's not wrong [09:14:00.0000] I wonder how much lawyer time MS used to develop the TOS for their compat view spreadsheet [09:14:01.0000] so should I take on this fight with www-style? [09:15:00.0000] note also that a literal reading of CSS 2.1 does not allow createElementNS("x","TEst") not to be matched by "test" [09:16:00.0000] Interesting. Y! has requested their domains be removed from the IE8 blacklist [09:16:01.0000] the other thing is that the only person who would care enough to reply would be Bert Bos prolly claiming that a) the DOM is irrelevant and b) that it's not valid HTML [09:16:02.0000] annevk42: CSS delegates the decision to HTML :-) [09:17:00.0000] (but yeah, www-style would be the right list, still) [09:21:00.0000] hsivonen: Also interesting that only about 9 other domains have requested removal, out of over 3000 [09:22:00.0000] Also interesting: When you sort data in OO Calc, and sort on non-unique fields, the ordering of equivalent rows seems to be random, rather than doing something sane like a stable sort [09:23:00.0000] Go quicksort [09:29:00.0000] e-mailed [09:30:00.0000] hsivonen, if you can prepare a fix for Gecko I and zcorpan can prolly sort it out for Opera... [09:30:01.0000] it would make HTML and XHTML more consistent as well [09:31:00.0000] i should've mentioned that in my e-mail [09:34:00.0000] annevk42: i've advocated attribute values be case-insensitive in xhtml [09:35:00.0000] since they are defined to be in xhtml5 [09:35:01.0000] annevk42: you need to get the css3.info selectors testsuite changed, too [09:37:00.0000] yeah html5 could say that no attribute values are case-insensitive as far as selectors are concerned without changing css [09:39:00.0000] annevk42: ie6 doesn't support attribute selectors :) [09:41:00.0000] zcorpan, the way this is implemented now would mean that all align attributes would have their values case-insensitively matched in XHTML... [09:41:01.0000] zcorpan, in XML even, that seems highly suboptimal [09:42:00.0000] zcorpan, yeah, that test suite would need a fix [09:42:01.0000] annevk42: opera checks html namespace [09:42:02.0000] annevk42: my proposal was to align with opera [09:42:03.0000] zcorpan, make this mess even more complicated? :) [09:43:00.0000] basically, though we have already implemented the check [09:43:01.0000] but i don't mind removing it altogether [09:44:00.0000] http://test.foaf-ssl.net/cert/make?Select=That%27s+ME&webid=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.advogato.org%2Fperson%2Fconnolly%2Ffoaf.rdf%23me [09:45:00.0000] They use [09:48:00.0000] http://canvex.lazyilluminati.com/misc/cgi/issues.cgi/message/%3CC3CC87D2-2781-4F23-953B-FBD48639E556%40bblfish.net%3E - oh, someone pointed it out already [09:49:00.0000] (Well, not quite that exact implementation) [09:57:00.0000] I'm surprised and disappointed that http://saveie6.com/ hasn't been mentioned here yet [10:06:00.0000] mpt: ooh a new site to ddos [10:39:00.0000] /me stretches [10:50:00.0000] Anyone still around? [10:50:01.0000] No [10:51:00.0000] Oh well [10:51:01.0000] Tragic [10:53:00.0000] fscking [10:53:01.0000] IE8 [10:53:02.0000] sucks. [10:54:00.0000] gsnedders: Everyone's dead [10:54:01.0000] robinduckett: For any specific reasons? [10:56:00.0000] "Mama, just killed a man, Put a gun against his head/Pulled my trigger, now he's dead/Mama, life had just begun/But now I've gone and thrown it all away" [10:58:00.0000] Does seem better yet? [10:59:00.0000] gsnedders: The table still has borders :) [11:00:00.0000] gsnedders: Have to go but generally looks OK [11:00:01.0000] /me remembers to upload his changes [11:00:02.0000] Now it doesn't! [11:00:03.0000] /me can quote random lyrics too [11:00:04.0000] "War, it's never been so much fun/War, it's never been so much fun/Go to your brother/Kill him with your gun/Leave him lying in his uniform/Dying in the sun!/War, it's never been so much fun/War, it's never been so much fun" [11:06:00.0000] /me has his hair get in his way again, and remembers why he has for the past months always had it tied back [11:32:00.0000] gsnedders, I took a brief look at your cv.html - well done with using hResume [11:32:01.0000] perhaps consider adding it to http://microformats.org/wiki/hresume-examples-in-wild [11:35:00.0000] http://wrongtomorrow.com/ is great [11:37:00.0000] "Research has shown that experts make predictions at a rate worse than chance. This site exists in order to hold people and media outlets accountable for pretending to see into an unpredictable future." [11:39:00.0000] awesome [11:45:00.0000] hsivonen: long term, once aria is mature, what should html5 say? is it going to be the place that needs to define which cases are conflicts? [11:50:00.0000] Hixie, I guess it needs to define what is conforming [11:55:00.0000] Hixie: You got any thoughts on address and headings, per my email? [12:02:00.0000] gsnedders: i haven't even read e-mail yet [12:03:00.0000] annevk42: any idea what it should say? i don't fancy going through the whole 80+ pages of the aria spec trying to work out what the right thing to say is... [12:10:00.0000] no sorry [12:10:01.0000] I think hsivonen has an idea, but we probably have to wait for the specifics of the implementation guidelines for HTML etc. [12:18:00.0000] Hixie: listing mutually incompatible roles and elements or attributes and elements might be an approach. [12:18:01.0000] e.g. input type="checkbox" role="button" [12:19:00.0000] type=checkbox role=checkbox also seems like an error to me [12:20:00.0000] annevk42: In that particular case, yes. In other similar cases, perhaps not. [12:20:01.0000] e.g. nav role="navigation" is probably not an author error. [12:20:02.0000] I'd say it is [12:21:00.0000] if ARIA roles and new elements are not always implemented side-by-side then authors are going to compensate by doubling them up [12:21:01.0000] so it's not helpful to authors to flag that as an error. [12:21:02.0000] Hixie: I'd kinda like to know whether my invalid CV will become conforming before submitting it :) [12:21:03.0000] (maybe a warning?) [12:22:00.0000] it's not clear that ARIA roles and HTML5 elements mean identical things to screen readers so doubling them up should prolly be discouraged [12:22:01.0000] but it's all a bit sketchy [12:23:00.0000] I'm pretty sure I'd use role="navigation" on nav. [12:23:01.0000] I think a warning when the semantics partially overlap might be useful. [12:23:02.0000] but that's a human judgement call type thing [12:23:03.0000] not a valid/invalid boolean [12:23:04.0000] sorry about the webkit failures [12:24:00.0000] ojan, wrong channel? [12:24:01.0000] heh...oops [12:24:02.0000] sorry [12:24:03.0000] gsnedders: Just put a comment in your markup pointing to your email :-) [12:25:00.0000] Then it won't matter if it fails the validator because you've got an excuse, and also you've got a practical demonstration of your ability to contribute to standards-related activities [12:28:00.0000] http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-implementation/ has a start on impl mapping btw [12:31:00.0000] so one of the comments I should make is that they cannot use the Nmtokens production to define whitespace separated because HTML and the DOM do not have whitespace normalization like XML [12:31:01.0000] /me wonders how current ARIA implementations handle input type="checkbox" role="button" [12:31:02.0000] (comments on ARIA) [12:33:00.0000] 7.2 is redundant with the DOM spec [12:35:00.0000] 7.3 has a confusing requirement about AT modifying the DOM and the Web application having to take those changes into account [12:35:01.0000] I thought it was supposed to work the other way around? [12:35:02.0000] 7.3? doesn't http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-implementation/ end with 7.2.3 ? [12:36:00.0000] I was asked to review http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/ [12:36:01.0000] oh sorry [12:37:00.0000] I can see how it was confusing :) [12:38:00.0000] and it all kinds of RDF stuff in there, who's going to use that? [12:41:00.0000] If they define a JSON representation of same, RDF enthusiasts I guess. [12:41:01.0000] JSON? [12:42:00.0000] annevk42: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Accessibility/JSON_ARIA [12:42:01.0000] and what's this crazy modelling about properties inheriting etc. [12:42:02.0000] geez, it's just a bunch of attributes to provide a low-level access api [12:43:00.0000] benh, oh yeah, I saw that before [12:43:01.0000] probably so you can specify complex structures to user agents in the same way as the spec specifies simpler ones. [12:43:02.0000] ARIA is already so complex and they're adding yet another layer of abstraction for the fun of it [12:43:03.0000] it's got a certain conceptual purity [12:43:04.0000] I'm sure that's going to work well [12:44:00.0000] IBM can prolly line up a few consultants a EUR 500 an hour that can implement it in your system harharhar [12:45:00.0000] an interesting question would be - can the implementation details of the specified complex structures be derived from the implementation details of the specified simple structures. [12:45:01.0000] if not, then the inheritance would seem to be window-dressing. [12:45:02.0000] well, for some value of "interesting" [12:45:03.0000] at that point you probably better have some turing-complete thing hooking in the AT but if a) ATs are happy with that and b) anyone is going to bother is another [12:48:00.0000] I can imagine using it to specify the name of a specialized widget in a page/app that people reuse. [12:49:00.0000] maybe [12:49:01.0000] the most immediate use seems to be building calendar roles. [12:49:02.0000] I'd rather we just fix the damn fomr control styling problem [12:49:03.0000] and get people to implement the new form controls [12:50:00.0000] having a somewhat low-level access api can still be useful, but what people are advocating it for are just hacks [12:51:00.0000] the main reason they did ARIA was to work around that problem and lack of updates from Microsoft [12:52:00.0000] (i.e. if that problem was solved it still wouldn't work in IE) [12:53:00.0000] well, you'd still want stuff like live regions [12:55:00.0000] live regions is a gap in HTML [12:55:01.0000] indeed [12:56:00.0000] a lot of ARIA is just gaps in HTML4. the problem is that the solution they designed to this problem was only solving it for the AT case and not for everyone (per the above constraints) [12:57:00.0000] HTML5 is part of the everyone approach, but we still haven't dealt with styling (pretty back track record) [12:57:01.0000] s/back/bad/ [12:59:00.0000] /me doubts styling is going to be dealt with for years. [13:00:00.0000] enough to satisfy people using SVG/Canvas/images [13:00:01.0000] perhaps never. [13:03:00.0000] WebKit has a pretty decent appearance implementation [13:04:00.0000] you can turn of default form control rendering completely with that [13:04:01.0000] s/of/off/ [13:04:02.0000] now if only it was defined a bit more clearly others could copy that [13:05:00.0000] we'd still need XBL for the more advanced controls of course [13:05:01.0000] indeed [13:07:00.0000] anyway, a solution to this problem doesn't seem that improbable [14:15:00.0000] Hixie "character (') U+0022 QUOTATION MARK character (")" misses an "or an" before U+0022 [14:16:00.0000] Hixie, "critiera" [14:35:00.0000] Why does he aria implementation guide thing say that it is going to become a note. It seems like the most crucial part of the whole enterprise [14:40:00.0000] " [14:40:01.0000] For the core accessibility API properties of role, name, states, value, etc. there is typically only one of each of them. If there is a conflict, ARIA always wins, because ARIA is essentially an override. In other words, if the native markup says there a link, but the ARIA markup says it is a button, then it should be exposed as a button." [14:40:02.0000] annevk42: e-mail please :-) [14:40:03.0000] annevk42: or a bug [14:58:00.0000] /me doesn't know what to write in a covering letter [14:58:01.0000] /me sighs [15:04:00.0000] Hixie, haven't had a reply yet to the last one, but ok [15:05:00.0000] can you only send one e-mail at once? :-) [15:05:01.0000] i can't track IRC comments. if you comment on IRC, it'll be lost. [15:06:00.0000] /me thinks we need an IRC -> email bot [15:06:01.0000] be my guest :-) [15:06:02.0000] I'm trying to apply for an internship whose deadline is April 1st! [15:07:00.0000] i don't necessarily mean right now :-) [15:07:01.0000] /me still doesn't know what to write in a covering letter [15:07:02.0000] "Hi, I rule, hire me, kthxbai." [15:07:03.0000] gsnedders: why wouldn't that work? :D [15:08:00.0000] /me just shakes head [15:08:01.0000] /me wonders how old olliej is anyway [15:09:00.0000] Just write that you invented Forth [15:11:00.0000] I live near the Forth, but I failed to invent it. [15:11:01.0000] just write you fancy the Web, browsers and Web standard games, have some experience with testing and would like to learn more [15:12:00.0000] /me copies that [15:13:00.0000] "Send us your CV and cover letter and indicate the preferred dates for your internship. [15:13:01.0000] Please specify technical skills, relevant experience and what type of technical challenges you look for." [15:15:00.0000] sounds about right; admittedly I never applied for a proper job nor do I have a CV [15:15:01.0000] heh [15:15:02.0000] /me puts on some takkaria music [15:18:00.0000] I guess I'll have to address the point of, "Enrollment in a 3-5 year university program, or completing such a program in 2009." [15:39:00.0000] gsnedders, why does your name need to be part of the address? [15:39:01.0000] annevk42: Because that's what hCard says so, because that's what vCard says :P [15:40:00.0000] s/so// [15:40:01.0000] it looks broken [15:43:00.0000] How do you finish a covering letter? [16:04:00.0000] So, I click the button and then it gets stuck "Contacting 'www.opera.com'" [16:04:01.0000] Service Temporarily Unavailable [16:04:02.0000] The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later. [16:04:03.0000] Additionally, a 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. [16:04:04.0000] Oh fun [16:05:00.0000] if we did want to do a review process for the whatwg, i guess we could use a google calendar to suggest areas to review each week [16:07:00.0000] Hmmm… [16:07:01.0000] This rules. I'm going to miss the application deadline because the form doesn't work :P [16:09:00.0000] is there no e-mail alternative? [16:09:01.0000] Nope [16:19:00.0000] oh that sucks [16:23:00.0000] /me has it come back to life [16:23:01.0000] /me reads RFC 5514 [16:28:00.0000] gsnedders: seesh, you're so slow [16:28:01.0000] you're only reading it now? [16:40:00.0000] annevk42, hsivonen: looks like what you said about aria conflicts with aria [16:40:01.0000] specifically, the wai-aria doc says that a host language must support all roles on all elements [16:43:00.0000] abarth rocks http://www.w3.org/mid/7789133a0904010118g437592e0vb61b67e2dd18feb2⊙mgc [16:59:00.0000] jcranmer: Yeah :( 2009-04-02 [17:46:00.0000] ok I'm going to create a Google Calendar, and it'll list sections for review each week [17:46:01.0000] anyone interested in helping set this up? [18:04:00.0000] hm, this doesn't seem like a good way of doing this [18:05:00.0000] /me ponders [18:08:00.0000] Hixie: I might otherwise offer to help but I'm the middle of (re)learning Java so that I can try to write useful patches for v.nu conformance-checking backend without making my lack of coding skills obvious [18:22:00.0000] MikeSmith: heh [18:24:00.0000] maybe the better solution is to just get people to see if the spec satisfies their pet peeve rather than trying to get people to review the spec section by section [18:24:01.0000] since the latter really isn't something most people have the skillset to do sanely [18:28:00.0000] There are still some people who would be willing and able to review many sections, and those people's interests would overlap to some extent, and so it would be good to prioritise them to maximise coverage [18:28:01.0000] s/prioritise/organise/ [18:30:00.0000] I can probably do a lot of useful review but I have no idea how to prioritize it in a secion-based way [18:31:00.0000] hmm, Glazman resigning from CSS WG [18:31:01.0000] http://www.glazman.org/weblog/dotclear/index.php?post/2009/04/01/Moving-on [18:32:00.0000] oh [18:32:01.0000] April Fools [18:32:02.0000] ? [18:32:03.0000] maybe I should actually read the posting [18:33:00.0000] ah, got me [18:37:00.0000] Hixie: maybe Sierk Bornemann's comments in "Disregard of RFC 4329 and IANA MIME Media Types" are an April Fools joke [18:44:00.0000] MikeSmith: it's an old bug, i doubt it [18:44:01.0000] Philip`: any suggestions on how to do that? [18:46:00.0000] Hixie: I think it planned it well in advance. He seems like a really clever guy. I like especially the part where he says, "the browser teams of Mozilla, KDE Konqueror, Safari and Opera... did not have such problems like you in accepting and implementing these ... They simply did it. Without questioning the decision of IANA and IETF." [18:47:00.0000] s/think it planned/think he planned/ [18:47:01.0000] i wish i could think you were right [19:22:00.0000] Hixie: No [19:31:00.0000] Hixie: "the MIME type used to refer to JavaScript in this specification is text/javascript, since that is the most commonly used type." - most commonly used where? http://canvex.lazyilluminati.com/misc/stats/scripttypes2.html says the HTTP Content-Type 1.5 years ago was almost always "application/x-javascript" instead [19:31:01.0000] Hixie: Also: s/JavsScript/JavaScript/ [19:37:00.0000] hm, most commonly used isn't what i meant [19:37:01.0000] most recognisable, maybe? [19:38:00.0000] it's most commonly used in [05:11:01.0000] this.value=this.value.fontcolor(c); [05:11:02.0000] strsearch +='
    The Keyword(s) you searched :
    '.big() ; [05:12:00.0000] People seem to use these things quite a bit [07:06:00.0000] hsivonen, I took the initiative of replying to adactio's Ariability post [07:24:00.0000] annevk2: cool [08:25:00.0000] annevk2: your comment system rejected http://pastebin.mozilla.org/643135 upon Post but not upon Preview [08:27:00.0000] annevk2: in case you put it in via back door, typo fix: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/643136 [08:34:00.0000] hsivonen, added [08:34:01.0000] annevk2: thanks [08:46:00.0000] /me wonders if any browser vendors would support "grid" media features [10:05:00.0000] hsivonen: http://annevankesteren.nl/2009/04/html5-wai-aria#comment-6756 - the architectural forms link is broken [10:06:00.0000] um or at least it was broken for me. but i could search for the url in waybackmachine and then it worked [12:47:00.0000] olliej, annevk2, hsivonen, et al: the HTML String.prototype methods are broken, at least in SpiderMonkey, wrt escaping; I don't know whether this is common across implementations or not [12:53:00.0000] jwalden: The behaviour is the same in Squirrelfish and Futhark [12:54:00.0000] win! [12:54:01.0000] :-\ [12:54:02.0000] jwalden: At least it makes the spec and implementation simple :) [13:02:00.0000] jwalden, lets consider it a feature [13:03:00.0000] /me wonders where the hell i'm logged in already [13:04:00.0000] aha [13:05:00.0000] we call this hell #whatwg [13:05:01.0000] found this while digging for link rel discussions [13:05:02.0000] http://lists.whatwg.org/htdig.cgi/whatwg-whatwg.org/2006-September/007301.html [13:07:00.0000] "I wonder how open the HTML WG will be with regards to working with the WHATWG and HTML 5, especially now that the 2 specs will share the same namespace. If we don't resolve the incompatibilities, one of the specs will simply be doomed to failure." [13:08:00.0000] fast forward to today: http://www.w3.org/2009/04/16-html-wg-minutes.html#item05 [13:09:00.0000] and http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/actions/105 [13:09:01.0000] "Current status: awaiting input from plh and Steve Pemberton as to next steps, will update the working group with status as it becomes available." [13:11:00.0000] I agree with "one of the specs will simply be doomed to failure" [13:11:01.0000] give you one guess which I mean [13:11:02.0000] Yeah well there is reality and there is W3C poliics [13:12:00.0000] The goal is to not let politics affect reality too much [13:12:01.0000] And there's me buying a round to the #whatwg channel if we give up now and let them have it :p [13:13:00.0000] Though that might not help as before #whatwg it didn't gain much traction either... [13:15:00.0000] if w3c politics could affect reality it wouldn't be such a big deal [13:17:00.0000] anyone know when rel=feed was added to the spec? [13:18:00.0000] earlier discussion i can find is http://lists.whatwg.org/htdig.cgi/whatwg-whatwg.org/2006-November/008080.html which references text already in the spec [13:18:01.0000] try an svn blame and then do spec archeology :-) [13:22:00.0000] mpilgrim, http://html5.org/tools/web-apps-tracker?from=334&to=335 [13:22:01.0000] bless you [13:22:02.0000] mpilgrim, the frontpage of the tracker takes a hidden argument limit with a hidden value -1 [13:22:03.0000] oooooh [13:23:00.0000] mpilgrim, it takes a while to complete the request but then you can do text search on the svn log [13:25:00.0000] what's the query parameter for that? [13:26:00.0000] oh [13:26:01.0000] is it "limit"? [13:27:00.0000] yes, yes it is [13:27:01.0000] /me enjoys talking to himself [13:28:00.0000] wow, my article just got a whole lot better [13:28:01.0000] thanks annevk2 [13:28:02.0000] i found checkins for virtually every rel value i want to talk about [13:29:00.0000] :) [13:52:00.0000] rel="feed" - interesting, first I've heard of this. mpilgrim, do you think it's a good idea? do you agree with Mark Baker's (theoretical) points he makes in http://lists.whatwg.org/htdig.cgi/whatwg-whatwg.org/2006-November/008080.html [13:54:00.0000] mpilgrim, also if you're writing an article about many rel values, perhaps this resource may be of assistance: http://microformats.org/wiki/existing-rel-values [13:57:00.0000] rel=feed was added because of implementations, iirc [13:57:01.0000] (and mark's e-mail i believe got an answer, mostly along the lines of "i'm just doing what browsers do", i imagine) [14:00:00.0000] I thought we added rel=feed because the existing solution became a mess [14:01:00.0000] afaik only Firefox supports it [15:22:00.0000] test cases: http://diveintomark.org/tmp/relalternate.html and http://diveintomark.org/tmp/relfeed.html [15:22:01.0000] all modern browsers support the former (except google chrome, which has no feed autodiscovery at all) [15:23:00.0000] firefox 3 supports rel=feed [15:23:01.0000] sounds right [15:23:02.0000] firefox 2 does not support rel=feed [15:24:00.0000] opera 9.62 does not support rel=feed [15:24:01.0000] safari 4 beta does not support rel=feed [15:24:02.0000] IE8 final does not support rel=feed [15:37:00.0000] rel=feed originated in the Atom working group in 2005 [15:37:01.0000] http://www.intertwingly.net/wiki/pie/PaceDifferentRelValue [15:37:02.0000] this appears to be the origin: http://www.imc.org/atom-syntax/mail-archive/msg15042.html [15:38:00.0000] my reaction to it at the time: http://www.imc.org/atom-syntax/mail-archive/msg15069.html "Part of my newfound personal definition of a life well-lived is to never again argue about semantics, markup, or the "correct" way to use them. This Pace will break every aggregator on the planet, but then again, so will Atom 1.0 feeds, so... +0." [15:40:00.0000] here's annevk2 explaining the benefits of rel=feed to sayrer: http://www.imc.org/atom-syntax/mail-archive/msg15074.html [15:41:00.0000] to answer tantek's original question, i think rel=feed is an interesting idea that hasn't panned out [15:41:01.0000] only one browser vendor has implemented it in 4 years [15:42:00.0000] author awareness is zero [15:42:01.0000] AFAIK, rel=feed links are not included in any major CMS's default templates [15:43:00.0000] though perhaps Philip` has some concrete data on that [15:45:00.0000] the benefits I mention are very ahum compelling [15:46:00.0000] /me doesn't know whether "ahum" is a typo or a new word he should look up [15:46:01.0000] firefox 3 support appears to be here: http://mxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/browser/base/content/browser.js#2818 [15:46:02.0000] it looks like removing support for rel=feed would be a matter of deleting a single case statement in browser.js [15:46:03.0000] apparently it's a word in the language Twi?! -- http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/translation/Twi/ahum [15:46:04.0000] and removing the associated tests cases [15:47:00.0000] I see four pages with rel=feed [15:47:01.0000] http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ahum is also not that useful [15:47:02.0000] (based on token matches) [15:47:03.0000] 4 out of ...? [15:47:04.0000] and two of them are bogus [15:47:05.0000] Out of 130K from dmoz.org [15:48:00.0000] Oh, actually, 7 pages, but 3 are from the same site [15:48:01.0000] in the 2 valid cases, does the page also specify rel=alternate links? [15:48:02.0000] s/7/6/ [15:49:00.0000] I dunno [15:49:01.0000] I'm pretty lazy [15:49:02.0000] I think someone made me do rel=feed [15:49:03.0000] and I can at least find some ESPN feeds that use it [15:50:00.0000] my question stands: are there a statistically significant number of pages that use rel=feed to the exclusion of other feed autodiscovery mechanisms? [15:50:01.0000] http://www.dip-badajoz.es/municipios/municipio_dinamico/inicio/index_inicio.php?codigo=43 - [15:50:02.0000] http://www.volkswagen-stiftung.de/ - [15:50:03.0000] http://www.tourismcapetown.co.za/ - RSS 20 Feed [15:50:04.0000] http://www.sevillagrande.com/ - RSS [15:51:00.0000] (plus two other pages from that first site) [15:51:01.0000] mpilgrim, it's a good question. I don't know. [15:51:02.0000] dip-badajoz.es would match on existing rel=alternate autodiscovery [15:51:03.0000] (This is from searching from parsed 'rel' attributes whose value matches (.*\s)?feed(\s|") (case-insensitive) [15:51:04.0000] ) [15:51:05.0000] so would volkswagen-stiflung.de [15:51:06.0000] (Uh, where the " is a delimiter) [15:52:00.0000] (Anyway I think the regexp is about right) [15:52:01.0000] tourismcapetown appears to be a typo / misunderstanding that happens to match rel=feed by accident [15:52:02.0000] same with sevillagrande.com [15:52:03.0000] oh that's weird [15:52:04.0000] the ESPN ones are Apple documents [15:53:00.0000] honk. snort. [15:53:01.0000] i don't think those are within our scope [15:53:02.0000] ...yet [15:53:03.0000] yeah... [15:54:00.0000] if this is all the data we have, i'm going to send an email to the list recommending dropping rel=feed [15:54:01.0000] You could recommend getting more data [15:55:00.0000] I would be willing to turn it off in a beta [15:55:01.0000] i could [15:55:02.0000] There's non-zero usage of feed, so maybe there's still non-zero usage of feed without alternate, but my sample is far too small to find it :-p [15:55:03.0000] it doesn't seem to generate bug reports, so the cost seems low [15:55:04.0000] i could dust off some of hixie's mapreduce code and query against a larger sample [15:56:00.0000] sayrer: ok [15:56:01.0000] /me would like it if dotnetdotcom.org's data was more accessible (e.g. via EC2) so he could search more pages easily [15:56:02.0000] it looks a whole lot neater than all the cruft you need now, but I guess that's not sufficient [15:57:00.0000] annevk2: i'd say that was sufficient in 2005 to propose it [15:57:01.0000] yeah, worth a try, but IE and Firefox match on most other things [15:57:02.0000] but implementation has been... minimal [15:57:03.0000] so I can see how authors arrived somewhere else [15:58:00.0000] especially in a world with lower mac market share and no google browser [15:58:01.0000] we've cut larger features ;) [15:58:02.0000] based on non-implementation [15:58:03.0000] or near-zero implementation [15:58:04.0000] some of those we retain as well [15:58:05.0000] (no offense to sayrer's work) [15:58:06.0000] i think maybe philor heckled me [15:58:07.0000] lol [15:59:00.0000] or it was a way to short circuit autodiscovery [15:59:01.0000] er, sniffing [15:59:02.0000] i.e. , [15:59:03.0000] did datagrid get cut? [15:59:04.0000] annevk2: but it's not a new feature, it's a reformulation of an existing feature [15:59:05.0000] true [16:00:00.0000] into a form that virtually no one supports [16:00:01.0000] sayrer, no(t yet) [16:00:02.0000] when there's an existing form that virtually everyone supports [16:01:00.0000] IIRC, rel=alternate type=application(atom|rss)+xml links were present in 17% of all pages on the internet [16:01:01.0000] in 2005 [16:01:02.0000] but i'd have to check with hixie on that [16:02:00.0000] things that generate feeds are probably generate lots of pages [16:02:01.0000] er, no "are" needed [16:02:02.0000] (actually in 2005, it was probably all rss ;) ) [16:02:03.0000] true [16:03:00.0000] mpilgrim, did you see what your site did to AT&T? [16:03:01.0000] i wonder if i can do a mapreduce against the (pick a large number) most popular home pages [16:03:02.0000] sayrer: no [16:03:03.0000] reference? [16:03:04.0000] I had a chuckle, because that was a one of the old examples of broken RSS, and I thought it meant "Accessibility Technology" until I clicked [16:04:00.0000] I see type="application/(atom|rss)+xml" on 9942 out of ~130K pages on dmoz.org [16:04:01.0000] mpilgrim, you have that page that shows all of your internet activity [16:04:02.0000] it was on there [16:04:03.0000] ah [16:04:04.0000] yeah [16:04:05.0000] that's a bug [16:04:06.0000] i should fix that [16:04:07.0000] yeah, it's just funny that we still have it [16:05:00.0000] (2674 with atom, 9822 with rss) [16:05:01.0000] clearly ampersands are broken tech [16:05:02.0000] philip`: that's about 7% [16:05:03.0000] (But this data is a bit rubbish because it's all skewed by things like Wikipedia) [16:05:04.0000] damn, that whole firehose page is a complete hack [16:05:05.0000] yeah [16:05:06.0000] that's why i want to query just home pages [16:05:07.0000] the microformats religion supports that theory [16:05:08.0000] surely we can do that [16:05:09.0000] we're google [16:06:00.0000] if IE implements an HTML5ish parser, maybe that will work [16:07:00.0000] /me wanders off in search of food [16:48:00.0000] in what element should meta information about a blog post go (dates, tags, author name, number of comments, stuff like that) ? nav, aside, anything else ? [16:49:00.0000]

    [16:51:00.0000] surely dates should go in

    is probably the right element for most of the stuff that nobody cares about [16:52:03.0000] oh, good luck with your meta block [16:53:00.0000] Hixie: so
    is allowed [03:10:00.0000] zcorpan_, that's a fun quote [03:17:00.0000] /me is missing 5.85 [03:17:01.0000] (GBP) [03:29:00.0000] hmm, maybe the last argument to addColumn() should be *in*visible? it's weird when absent argument is the same as true [04:10:00.0000] zcorpan_: hmm, interesting thread [04:10:01.0000] apparently "it is impossible to write documents about Julius Cesar, Moses or dinosaurs using HTML 5" on teh third thread [04:13:00.0000] *third page [04:41:00.0000] Hmm, breakfast is starting to be rather tempting [07:17:00.0000] /me slaps last.fm for having no pause button [08:04:00.0000] if the HTTP WG care more about theoretical purity than having people actually implement the spec as written, they should rename the Referer header Referrer [08:09:00.0000] takkaria: But that would break non-browser UAs, which is unacceptable [08:09:01.0000] (Browsers deserve to be broken because they ignore the current specs anyway) [13:34:00.0000] hmm, can you post arbitrary HTML to www-archive? [13:34:01.0000] if you then slip such a link to a W3C Member you can presumably read all kinds of information from Member only pages [13:34:02.0000] seems dangerous [13:36:00.0000] annevk2: I guess it would be contained within lists.w3.org, and you couldn't access www.w3.org? [13:37:00.0000] (but it seems nobody has cared to fix http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-rdf-validator/2009Mar/0005.html so you can access Member-only pages on www.w3.org anyway) [13:53:00.0000] Philip`, there is http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/ [14:07:00.0000] "Seven Things You Probably Don't Know About Me"... hmm [14:08:00.0000] 1. I stopped doing memes. 2-7. See 1. Harharhar. [14:09:00.0000] :P [14:09:01.0000] What would be the appropriate markup for such a list? [14:10:00.0000]

    1. I stopped doing memes.
    2. See 1.

    Harharhar. [14:10:01.0000] (I know that doesn't work.) [14:10:02.0000] For those who don't read what I blog within two minutes: http://gsnedders.com/seven-things-you-probably-dont-know-about-me [14:10:03.0000]

    1. I stopped doing memes. 2-7. See 1. Harharhar.

    [14:15:00.0000] http://bitworking.org/news/425/atompub-is-a-failure he's blaming browsers in a non-negative way; that's new [14:29:00.0000] /me might be more interested in AtomPub if he actually had any idea what it was [14:29:01.0000] I must have read dozens of blog posts talking about it, and I still have no idea [14:33:00.0000] it's a protocol to manipulate content over HTTP [14:33:01.0000] /me needs to stop doing pointless Facebook quizzes [14:36:00.0000] Philip`, if that is too abstract you might just want to read the spec: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5023 [14:36:01.0000] HTTP is a protocol that lets me manipulate content over HTTP :-) [14:37:00.0000] annevk2: I think that's a bit too concrete [14:38:00.0000] Philip`, get over it [14:44:00.0000] Philip`: it's just a way to sequence certain kinds of HTTP requests. A protocol, if you will. [14:50:00.0000] /me wonders how to not panic at the prospect of a phone interview [14:50:01.0000] Talk to strangers on the phone in advance [14:50:02.0000] Have your friends prank call you at random times of day to answer questions [14:50:03.0000] But that's scary! [14:51:00.0000] Realize that in reality, the phone is scared of you [14:51:01.0000] Also, if I do that, they'll likely phone up at 2am, drunk, asking for pizza. [15:22:00.0000] annevk2: I do like your second latest blog post. 2009-04-19 [03:35:00.0000] Hmmm — if I get no replies on my mail, does that mean no one is interested? [05:39:00.0000] erlehmann: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warnock's_Dilemma [09:17:00.0000] http://twitter.com/michaelhkay/status/1541670540 [09:34:00.0000] Heya, everyone. I think this topic has been raised before, but has anyone in-room heard of the proposal for the @fullsize attribute on img? [09:36:00.0000] I *really* like the idea, and believe that it addresses an important use-case, but can see that it fails badly at graceful degradation. [09:37:00.0000] As such, what would the room think of a "_modal" value for @target of instead? When clicked, it loads the resource indicated in the @href, but in a lightbox-style page-modal window. [09:38:00.0000] If the resource has a title which can be auto-discovered (such as if it is an html document with a ), it would use that in a title bar; otherwise it would take the title from the @title attribute on <a> [09:38:01.0000] <jgraham> Xanthir: Why is it an important enough use-case that is deserves native support in html? Why are custom css/js solutions not better? Is a single attribute enough expressiveness to do what people actually want? [09:38:02.0000] <Xanthir> Modal windows in general, and modal image popups in specific, are used *everywhere*. Pretty much *every* image gallery that's been produced in the last two years or so uses it. [09:39:00.0000] <Xanthir> This is because it's honestly a very useful thing to do. It lets you display large numbers of low-bandwidth resources on a page, and then allow people to load large-size versions on command. [09:39:01.0000] <jgraham> Well e.g. flickr and facebook don't really do that [09:40:00.0000] <jgraham> (they just use normal links) [09:40:01.0000] <Xanthir> Indeed, because they are explicitly focused on the image itself, and so that gets loaded into the main frame. Many many personal and small-business sites use it, though. [09:42:00.0000] <Xanthir> CSS solutions don't really exist right now. With :target, they *could*, but you'd be explicitly loading all the large-size images immediately. [09:42:01.0000] <jgraham> It is really unapparent to me that there is any need to standardise what is quite a sophisticated way of displaying images. [09:43:00.0000] <jgraham> It is much more useful to standardise simple primitives in HTML and then let authors build more complex things on the platform using js + CSS [09:44:00.0000] <jgraham> Especially things that have such a limited scope for reuse [09:45:00.0000] <jgraham> (a lightbox-style image popup is really only useful if you want a lightbox style image popup; just because they are fashionable today doesn't mean that they won't be like a 2009-era mullet) [09:45:01.0000] <Xanthir_> Blar, sorry jgraham. My wireless is flaky. [09:45:02.0000] <jgraham> Join the club :) [09:46:00.0000] <Rik`> and modal dialogs are not that cool [09:46:01.0000] <Xanthir_> I'm not quite sure what you mean by "sophisticated" in this context. Lightbox implementations have some variance in exact display, but overall appearance and functionality is pretty standard across them. [09:46:02.0000] <Rik`> you can't use the page while viewing images [09:47:00.0000] <Xanthir_> Point, Rik`, but lightbox is still extremely common on the web, whether used to display images, videos, or text blocks. [09:47:01.0000] <Rik`> and functionnalities are not that standard [09:48:00.0000] <Xanthir_> Can you explain further on that? In my experience, they are. [09:48:01.0000] <Rik`> some lightboxes allow you to go to the next or previous image, some don't [09:48:02.0000] <Rik`> some accept escape to close it, some don't [09:49:00.0000] <Xanthir_> next/previous image: indeed, but that's more of a gallery thing than a modal thing in and of itself. Useful, yes, but only in limited contexts and requires more autodiscovery than would probably be possible. [09:49:01.0000] <Rik`> I still prefer popups for that kind of content but that's my point of view [09:49:02.0000] <jgraham> Some allow text some don't. Some style the text differently to others [09:49:03.0000] <Xanthir_> Allowing escape: that's a minor issue, and should be addressed by the browser itself. [09:50:00.0000] <Xanthir_> Allowing text: indeed, but there's no reason *not* to allow it. Styling should be the domain of CSS (and is, in any major lightbox implementation). [09:51:00.0000] <jgraham> So standardising this would need a way of specifying the image, a way of specifying the text (icluding maybe a title, maybe allowing rich markup for lists of e.g. photo settings), allowing a way to set the background colour and opacity, and probably more [09:51:01.0000] <Xanthir_> Rik`: It would be perfectly appropriate for the browser to open an "_modal" link in a popup or new tab or whatever. It's a display suggestion, not a requirement. [09:52:00.0000] <jgraham> So you need to work out how all that stuff is going to work and, at the end of the day, you end up with something that is rather trivial to implement in javascript+CSS [09:52:01.0000] <Rik`> Xanthir_: and :target doesn't loading all images [09:52:02.0000] <Rik`> *mean [09:52:03.0000] <jgraham> Except in a form that doesn't work in any existing browser [09:52:04.0000] <Xanthir_> jgraham: Yes. My suggestion is @target="_modal" to specify the resource. Text is specified in the resource. Setting CSS should be a CSS issue, likely via a pseudoelement. [09:53:00.0000] <jgraham> and is unlikely to work in future browsers because browser makers are unlikely to see implementing it as a huge deal [09:53:01.0000] <Xanthir_> Rik`: ?_? It would. To simulate lightboxes in pure CSS, you have to put them in the document from the beginning. A browser *could* possibly optimize by not loading the display:none images immediately, I suppose. [09:53:02.0000] <Rik`> I believe they already do that [09:54:00.0000] <gsnedders> They don't. [09:54:01.0000] <gsnedders> Opera used to, but nothing else ever did, AFAIK. [09:55:00.0000] <Xanthir_> jgraham: I'll be writing it out explicitly. These issues basically *are* already worked out, because most of them are trivial when you approach the problem from the right direction. [09:56:00.0000] <Xanthir_> The bonus is that it allows authors to do something they're already doing, but without a javascript library being required. [09:56:01.0000] <Xanthir_> Plus, it degrades to a perfectly useful new window in a non-supporting browser. [09:56:02.0000] <Xanthir_> (One named "_modal".) [09:58:00.0000] <Xanthir_> In a good browser, you'll just get a fancier display and better user interaction, similar to how many of the new input types work. [10:01:00.0000] <jgraham> Xanthir_: I don't really understand how your suggestion would work. You are suggesting creating an auxillary browsing context that im supporting browsers would be overlaid on the existing browsing context but with different default style rules? How would you get back to the first browsing context? [10:03:00.0000] <Xanthir_> Yes, that is what I'm suggesting. The browser, as part of its default UI, would provide a way to close the new context (most likely, a simple X button in the upper-right, with some keyboard ability as well.) [10:04:00.0000] <jgraham> Having browser-added chrome on the page seems odd [10:06:00.0000] <Xanthir> Really? For accessibility and discovery purposes, I'd prefer it to be browser-added. [10:08:00.0000] <jgraham> Xanthir: Right but there are very feww examples of browser added chtrome on a page. Usually keeping a clean sepaeration between browser-added things and site-added things is good for aesthetics, security, etc. [10:10:00.0000] <Xanthir> Crap, I just threw together a mock page for exploring CSS-driven modal dialogs. http://www.xanthir.com/css-modal.html [10:10:01.0000] <Xanthir> :target just keeps getting more useful. [10:11:00.0000] <Xanthir> There's still a handful of problems with it, but they might need to be solved anyway in the future. [10:12:00.0000] <Xanthir> (better centering ability in CSS, better sizing (min-intrinsic should help), ability to defeer loading of non-displayed resources) [10:12:01.0000] <jgraham> Xanthir: That is quite cool but using js has the advantage that it will work in the absence of stylesheets (and maybe in the absence of js too, if you code it well) [10:15:00.0000] <Xanthir_> Mine works in the absence of stylesheets. ^_^ You then just have the content on the page, and the link shoots you over to it. That's the beauty of using :target. [10:15:01.0000] <Xanthir_> Then the Back button returns you to where you clicked. [10:16:00.0000] <Xanthir_> It just fails in the absence of :target, and you can deploy some feature-testing js to then pick up the slack. [10:18:00.0000] <jgraham> Xanthir: For the kind of use case I imagine, having the content on the page is not the right fallback behaviour [10:19:00.0000] <Xanthir_> Elaborate? [10:20:00.0000] <jgraham> E.g. a popup with a larger verion of a photo in [10:20:01.0000] <Xanthir_> Because you want to defer loading, right? [10:27:00.0000] <Xanthir_> Does anyone in the room have the release version of IE8 on hand? If so, would you be so kind as to visit http://www.xanthir.com/css-modal.html and tell me if it works? [10:40:00.0000] <Niictar24> Xanthir_: IE 8 doesn't like your modal pop-up [10:40:01.0000] <Xanthir_> Indeed. T_T [10:41:00.0000] <Xanthir_> But now that I know that IE is the only browser that doesn't, I can just drop a conditional comment on it delivering the same functionality via jquery. [10:41:01.0000] <Niictar24> I'm really glad there is just the one single browser that is consistently annoying in that regard [10:42:00.0000] <Niictar24> Of course there is a meriad of different support for different things across browsers [10:42:01.0000] <Xanthir> Yeah, but as long as you're not on the *bleeding* edge, you're typically all right. [10:42:02.0000] <Niictar24> But imagine if Firefox and Safari were as different as IE is to either of them [10:43:00.0000] <Niictar24> different to each other* [10:45:00.0000] <Niictar24> Xanthir: Yea, but it sucks when using HTML younger than 10 years old is considered bleeding edge :P [10:47:00.0000] <Xanthir_> Niictar24: Yeah, that would be horrifying. [10:53:00.0000] <Xanthir_> Woo, with the help of :target and the magic of hidden :checked elements, I have a strong tabbed interface mockup in pure CSS. 2009-04-20 [17:24:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> hello [17:24:01.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> any major differences from xhtml? will there be compatibility issues or differences? [17:25:00.0000] <jcranmer> /me snickers [17:25:01.0000] <jcranmer> http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/HTML_vs._XHTML [17:28:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> so document.write can be used in regular without using script in html5? [17:29:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> will there be compatibility issues with html5 or will xhtml be more compatible across devices or browsers? [17:29:01.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> safari recognized <audio> tag but firefox and ie8 didnt [17:29:02.0000] <Hixie> document.write will work the same in html5 as it has in the past [17:29:03.0000] <jcranmer> HTML is designed, in part, to represent current browser semantics [17:30:00.0000] <Hixie> in fact html5 in general is supposed to work the same as in the past, yeah [17:30:01.0000] <jcranmer> besides [17:30:02.0000] <jcranmer> FF nightlies have <audio> support [17:30:03.0000] <Hixie> so html5 will likely be more compatible than xhtml in general [17:30:04.0000] <Hixie> (IE doesn't do XHTML, e.g.) [17:30:05.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> i made my site in xhtml [17:30:06.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> becuase i was told it was a standard based form [17:31:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> so i decided to use it and keep strict validation [17:31:01.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> as a noob though, but i was udner impression xhtml was the future [17:32:00.0000] <Hixie> it was, for a while [17:32:01.0000] <Hixie> then it wasn't [17:32:02.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> html5 will be lowercase? [17:32:03.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> will it have a validation feature like xhtml? [17:32:04.0000] <Hixie> html5's tags are case-insensitive [17:32:05.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> so they have to be uppercase? [17:32:06.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> i like lowercase xhtml [17:32:07.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> lol [17:32:08.0000] <Hixie> http://html5.validator.nu/ [17:32:09.0000] <Hixie> no, they can be whatever case you prefer [17:32:10.0000] <Hixie> lowercase, uppercase, both, whatever [17:33:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> will html5 require all tags to be closed like xhtml? [17:33:01.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> <br /> [17:33:02.0000] <Hixie> no, but it allows it [17:33:03.0000] <jcranmer> <A hReF="#asdf"> [17:33:04.0000] <Hixie> <br> and <br/> are equivalent in html5 [17:33:05.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> nice its good you can use both :) [17:34:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> and in html5 y ou dont have to specify type for script? [17:34:01.0000] <Hixie> nope [17:34:02.0000] <Hixie> <script> is fine [17:34:03.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> of course css is still good [17:35:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> www.q4supremacymod.com is my site i am using as a learning tool :P [17:36:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> so in html5 y ou wont have to use object tag? for video? [17:38:00.0000] <Hixie> for video you'll be able to use <video> [17:38:01.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> nice [17:39:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> came across this from youtube saw a demo on html5 [17:39:01.0000] <Hixie> cool [17:40:00.0000] <Hixie> is that the "features you desperately want but can't yet use" video? [17:40:01.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> yeah [17:40:02.0000] <Hixie> i'm the guy giving that presentation :-) [17:40:03.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> the car with the laptop on the hood :) [17:40:04.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> nice [17:41:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> i will put a link on my site to www.whatwg.org :) [17:41:01.0000] <Hixie> :-) [17:41:02.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> my site is a community for quakers and doomers [17:41:03.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> :) [17:42:00.0000] <jcranmer> and my site is an intranet where my latest addition was a theming style that derives from an april fools' day prank derived from google [17:42:01.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> i dont think i saw that april fools one [17:43:00.0000] <jcranmer> well, it's an intranet [17:43:01.0000] <jcranmer> I don't think you'd see intranet april fools' day pranks [17:43:02.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> ahh [17:44:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> intranet being your personal local net not the global one? [17:44:01.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> i should have went and studied computer science instead of psychology [17:44:02.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> but my eye did catch intra vs inter [17:44:03.0000] <jcranmer> intranet = intra-net; intra- = within [17:45:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> yeah latin idea [17:45:01.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> endocrine exocrine [17:45:02.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> internal secrete versus external [17:48:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> so for <video src="firefox.ogg" controls autoplay></video> [17:48:01.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> you dont need to separate with commas? [17:48:02.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> controls and autoplay you can list them after the src? [17:49:00.0000] <Hixie> yup [17:49:01.0000] <Hixie> it's like with <input type=text value="test" readonly disabled> [17:50:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> and some habits i have with xhtml i can still keep in html5 [17:51:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> its good i dont have to have the doctype in 5 [17:51:01.0000] <Hixie> yeah just the short one [17:51:02.0000] <Hixie> <!DOCTYPE HTML> [17:51:03.0000] <Hixie> it's actually possible to memorise it! [17:52:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> hehehe yeah [17:52:01.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" [17:52:02.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> [17:52:03.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> [17:52:04.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> is a bit of a pain lol [17:53:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> i havent memorized it yet [17:54:00.0000] <Rik`> Hixie: is the lang attribute required on <html> ? [17:54:01.0000] <Rik`> oh, if i remember, <html> is not even required [17:54:02.0000] <Hixie> lang="" isn't required, but it's a good idea to put it in to declare the language, that way things like :lang() in CSS work [17:55:00.0000] <Rik`> or assistive technology can use it [17:57:00.0000] <Hixie> indeed [17:57:01.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> php will be usable to? i am looking at the file open and save [17:57:02.0000] <Rik`> I'd like to see it required but it's maybe more a WCAG concern [17:57:03.0000] <Hixie> [SMQ]Mrpsycholo: html5 doesn't really affect php [17:58:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> cause i wanted to have users to be able to upload files [17:58:01.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> but my site doesnt do php with windows i guess [17:58:02.0000] <Hixie> Rik`: i don't think in practice there's a big enough disadvantage to not including it to warrant requiring it [17:58:03.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> people in the community who have content could upload the content is what i wanted to do originally [18:01:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> will html ever use // for comment lines? or /* */ ? [18:02:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> that would interfere wouldnt it with what could be on the page? [18:02:01.0000] <Rik`> Hixie: accessibility concerns ? good practices ? but like I said, it's maybe not the role of html5 [18:03:00.0000] <Hixie> Rik`: in practice, ATs don't need the language, they'll assume the user's language, which will almost always be right [18:03:01.0000] <Hixie> [SMQ]Mrpsycholo: too many pages already include those for us to do that i think [18:04:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> do you guys have an icon? [18:04:01.0000] <Rik`> "almost always" ? i go to french and english websites, in the same proportions [18:04:02.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> when i put the link on the page i could put an icon [18:05:00.0000] <Hixie> [SMQ]Mrpsycholo: http://whatwg.org/images/ [18:05:01.0000] <Rik`> so if i used ATs, half the time it would be wrong [18:06:00.0000] <Hixie> Rik`: true. though in those cases, basic heuristics could guess the language anyway. [18:07:00.0000] <Rik`> I don't know if they have this mechanism, I believe not from the last demo I had [18:09:00.0000] <Rik`> has this subject been discussed already ? [18:12:00.0000] <Hixie> Rik`: which, requiring language declarations? [18:12:01.0000] <Rik`> yep [18:13:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> i appreciate the help i will defintiely read more on that demo site [18:14:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> its good you also provided the text too :) [18:15:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> any of you guys play quake? lol [18:19:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> when you guys need a break from coding play this :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hqWgRx7QgM :) [18:25:00.0000] <Hixie> Rik`: don't think so [18:29:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> quakelive is the new version ported into a browser actually [18:29:01.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> i was impressed with how unreal tournament used web for control of a server in unreal tournament 3 [21:15:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> is it possible to make your own tags yet? [21:16:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> document.getElementByTagName('div') could you possibly define your own? [21:23:00.0000] <Hixie> [SMQ]Mrpsycholo: to make up your own tag, you pick a tag that is closest to what you want your tag to mean, and then you put your tag's name in the "class" attribute [22:32:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> oh yeah that makes sense :) [22:33:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> under type in css you would define it as a block right? [22:33:01.0000] <Hixie> depends what kind of presentation you want, but yes [22:34:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> the most difficulty i have had so far is the positioning [22:34:01.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> thats why i went with frameset [22:35:00.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> trying that layout wiht css without using frames was such a pain for me [22:35:01.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> it was easier just to define columsand rows [22:35:02.0000] <[SMQ]Mrpsycholo> make several pages to accomplish it [22:46:00.0000] <kanchan_Tripathi> Hello to all can anybody please tell me how to post a form value using telnet [22:46:01.0000] <kanchan_Tripathi> ?? [22:59:00.0000] <kanchan_Tripathi> Hello to all can anybody please tell me how to post a form value using telnet?? [00:45:00.0000] <hsivonen> I had dinner with friends who make software [00:45:01.0000] <hsivonen> two of them have done XML signatures [00:45:02.0000] <hsivonen> and said that one should avoid XML signatures if one wants interop [00:48:00.0000] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: why is that? because not enough implementations handle XML signatures, or because they don't handle them interoperably? [00:51:00.0000] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: because XML signatures depend on canonicalized serialization of XML and everyone has bugs in the canonicalizing serializer [00:51:01.0000] <MikeSmith> ah [00:52:00.0000] <MikeSmith> yeah, that seems like a weak design [00:53:00.0000] <MikeSmith> I wonder how many of the bugs are due to ambiguities in the Canonicalization spec? [00:54:00.0000] <hsivonen> as I understand it, it's mainly that UTF-8 is tough, Namespaces are tough and string interning is tough [00:54:01.0000] <hsivonen> all in all, serializing XML is tough [00:57:00.0000] <MikeSmith> so in the case of the Widgets work, it really doesn't seem like it's necessary to use XML signatures if something less complex and more robust will work instead [00:58:00.0000] <hsivonen> seems that way to me [00:59:00.0000] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: btw, I notice that the xhtml5core.rnc whattf driver doesn't toggle off the <mark> element the way that the html5core.rnc driver does [00:59:01.0000] <MikeSmith> do you recall of that's by design for some reason? [01:00:00.0000] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: seems like a bug [01:00:01.0000] <MikeSmith> OK [01:01:00.0000] <MikeSmith> I'll try to fix it in the patch I'm working on for generating the driver files [01:14:00.0000] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: I notice also that xhtml5core.rnc has "v5only = notAllowed" but html5core.rnc does not [01:16:00.0000] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: ah, I see that v5only is, among other things, used to toggle the <mark> element [01:18:00.0000] <MikeSmith> so seems like the 'include "phrase.rnc" { mark.elem = empty }' part is maybe not necessary [01:18:01.0000] <MikeSmith> if html5core.rnc uses "v5only = notAllowed" instead too [01:19:00.0000] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: yeah, the bug is probably the other way round than first thought [01:20:00.0000] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: OK [01:47:00.0000] <hsivonen> annevk2: why do CSS namespaces allow @namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml); ? [01:47:01.0000] <hsivonen> annevk2: after all, the NS "URI" is a string and not an address [01:47:02.0000] <hsivonen> (probably too late to change now. I'm just curious.) [01:50:00.0000] <annevk2> because it's too late to change now [01:51:00.0000] <annevk2> CSS namespaces is from 99 [01:51:01.0000] <hsivonen> annevk2: ok [01:53:00.0000] <hsivonen> http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/socialweb/charter [01:53:01.0000] <hsivonen> how come W3C Widgets are now a social Web topic? [01:54:00.0000] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: no clue from me [01:54:01.0000] <MikeSmith> I guess I should actually take time to read charters [01:56:00.0000] <MikeSmith> "The scope includes issues such as widget platforms (such as OpenSocial, Facebook and W3C Widgets).." [01:58:00.0000] <MikeSmith> I didn't even know that widget platforms were an "issue", let alone one related to the idea of social Web [01:58:01.0000] <hsivonen> I guess the kind of widgets that are embedded on Web pages are commonly used on Social Media Web 2.0 sites [01:59:00.0000] <hsivonen> but W3C Widgets aren't that kind of widgets [02:11:00.0000] <jgraham> There's discussion going on of ecmascript versioning on es-discuss, for those not following along at home [02:18:00.0000] <hsivonen> /me predicts that out of band version won't be adopted by authors. [02:33:00.0000] <hendry> /me discovers http://syntax.whattf.org/relaxng/ [02:34:00.0000] <MikeSmith> hendry: don't get too used to that [02:34:01.0000] <MikeSmith> the schema drivers are likely going to disappear [02:34:02.0000] <hendry> MikeSmith: drivers? [02:35:00.0000] <MikeSmith> html5full.rnc and others [02:35:01.0000] <MikeSmith> those drivers are really intended to be used within the context of validator.nu [02:36:00.0000] <MikeSmith> and the legacy.rnc file in particular is intended to be used within the validator.nu context and not for schema-only checking [02:36:01.0000] <hendry> just thinking it would be nice to validate html5 locally with rnv and one of these schemas. some Debian Web apps (ikiwiki) want to validate generated HTML offline and rnv would be lightweight. validator.nu is too heavy to get running on a buld machine. [02:37:00.0000] <zcorpan> /me notes that 'text-shadow' does not support the effect used at http://syntax.whattf.org/ [02:37:01.0000] <MikeSmith> hendry: yeah, I can understand that [02:37:02.0000] <hsivonen> hendry: if you come up with a regexp hack to replace the proper datatypes with rnv-compatible approximations, please share it [02:37:03.0000] <hsivonen> hendry: does rnv support XSD regexps? [02:38:00.0000] <zcorpan> oh the shadow has different text [02:38:01.0000] <MikeSmith> I don't think it does [02:38:02.0000] <hendry> XSD? i thought we don't use XSD :) [02:38:03.0000] <MikeSmith> I mean I don't think RNV supports pluggable datatypes [02:39:00.0000] <MikeSmith> hendry: it's debatable whether we want to be doing anything to facilitate schema-only validation outside of the context of a complete conformance checker [02:41:00.0000] <hsivonen> hendry: we don't use XSD. However, the XSD regexps aren't all bad, although they have surprising quirks. [02:41:01.0000] <hendry> i prefer a 'less is more' approach. or i want a non-complete lightweight conformance checker. [02:42:00.0000] <hsivonen> hendry: so if you don't port the HTML5 datatype library for rnv and rnv supports XSD regexps, you are better off using regexps than no attribute value checking at all [02:43:00.0000] <hsivonen> hendry: I'd expect it to be feasible to run a perl or python script over the schemas so that the proper datatypes are trashed and the commented regexps uncommented [02:44:00.0000] <MikeSmith> hendry: outside of the datatype issue, you'll still be able to do that kind of checking with the schemas, by taking the schema modules and writing your own drivers [02:47:00.0000] <annevk2> One problem with ECMAScript versions is that Mozilla uses its own versioning stuff for JavaScript. E.g. JavaScript 1.7. (Not too different from UA=IE8...) The other of course that the specification does not actually document how to react to different version identifiers and such. [02:47:01.0000] <hendry> MikeSmith: sorry, bit confused by terminology; so a driver = .rnc = RelaxNG Schema ? [02:48:00.0000] <hsivonen> hendry: driver as in XHTML2 WG Modularization speak :-) [02:48:01.0000] <hsivonen> hendry: a schema that just imports other schema files [02:49:00.0000] <hendry> hsivonen: and i'm confused about you talk of regexps. were you saying you could not to use rnv and use regexps to validate? [02:49:01.0000] <MikeSmith> hendry: the drivers are the files there that don't define any content models themselves, but just import the other schema files that have the actual definitions [02:49:02.0000] <hendry> MikeSmith: gotcha [02:50:00.0000] <MikeSmith> http://www.davidashen.net/rnv.html says: [02:50:01.0000] <MikeSmith> "Besides built-in support for XML Schema datatypes, RNV provides two different ways to add user-defined datatype libraries." [02:51:00.0000] <hsivonen> hendry: I'm saying that it'll be easier for you to approximate the HTML5 datatype with XSD regexps than to write a an implementation of the HTML5 Datatype Library in such a way that it can be used with RNV [02:52:00.0000] <annevk2> you in the US hsivonen? [02:53:00.0000] <hsivonen> annevk2: not yet [02:53:01.0000] <hsivonen> annevk2: flying on Saturday [02:53:02.0000] <hendry> hsivonen: ok, i grok .rncs, though i have no real exp with 'XSD regexps'. do you have XSD examples i could peer at? and what tool uses them? xmlstarlet? [02:53:03.0000] <hendry> hsivonen: San Francisco? :-) [02:53:04.0000] <hsivonen> hendry: there are commented-out examples in common.rnc [02:53:05.0000] <hsivonen> hendry: first Mountain View, then Alexandria, VA [02:56:00.0000] <hendry> MikeSmith: so you think rnv can support XDF with an external command or something? what tool grok XSD regexps then? [02:56:01.0000] <hendry> s/XDF/XSD/ [02:56:02.0000] <hendry> hsivonen: what's in Alexandria? [02:57:00.0000] <MikeSmith> hendry: to use that feature in rnv, I think you have to roll the external command yourself [02:57:01.0000] <MikeSmith> or use RNV's alternate support for expressing the datatype-checking in scheme [02:57:02.0000] <MikeSmith> if you know scheme or lisp already, that might be a good way to go [02:58:00.0000] <MikeSmith> or a useful project for somebody who does know lisp or scheme well [02:58:01.0000] <hsivonen> hendry: friend's wedding [03:01:00.0000] <hendry> MikeSmith: i don't know lisp well. i didn't like my dr scheme class and University. or emacs. drat. [03:01:01.0000] <hendry> s/and/at :-) University was great [03:02:00.0000] <MikeSmith> hendry: anyway, there are some examples and more info in the README that's distributed with rnv [03:04:00.0000] <hendry> MikeSmith: yup. I see them. [03:41:00.0000] <hsivonen> Philip`: I was able to find and fix the bug you reported about parsing http://www.giftology.co.uk [03:42:00.0000] <hsivonen> Philip`: I'm unable to reproduce the bugs about http://www.villatraining.ca/ and http://www.autobanga.lt/ [04:20:00.0000] <hsivonen> Philip`: do you have additional clues on how to track down http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/whatwg/20090401#l-410 ? [04:30:00.0000] <hsivonen> "Use aria-label only if the interface is such that it is not possible to have a visible label on the screen" [04:30:01.0000] <hsivonen> I wonder how strict "possible" is there [04:33:00.0000] <hsivonen> /me wonders how aria-label use cases differ from title attribute use cases [04:34:00.0000] <zcorpan> /me wonders why one can't use css positioning to hide labels off-screen [04:35:00.0000] <zcorpan> hsivonen: have you had a look at http://philip.html5.org/data/table-implicitly-closed-p.txt ? [04:36:00.0000] <hsivonen> zcorpan: only took a look at a tiny sample so far [04:36:01.0000] <hsivonen> zcorpan: tiny as in 10 [04:37:00.0000] <zcorpan> hsivonen: maybe it's possible to set up a script that takes a screenshot using the old moz parser and using the html5 parser and then comparing the screenshots [04:43:00.0000] <hsivonen> zcorpan: I guess the reftest framework could be changed to do something like that [04:44:00.0000] <hsivonen> why did ARIA hois aria-invalid to a global state??? [04:44:01.0000] <hsivonen> *hoist [04:44:02.0000] <hsivonen> and required [05:22:00.0000] <Philip`> hsivonen: Hmm, that might just be because I was using a really old version [05:22:01.0000] <Philip`> (1.0.7 apparently) [05:22:02.0000] <hsivonen> Philip`: oh. I thought you were using my special Philip` build [05:23:00.0000] <Philip`> hsivonen: Oh, maybe I was [05:24:00.0000] <Philip`> hsivonen: I can try testing it some time later, if I don't forget [05:34:00.0000] <hsivonen> Philip`: thanks [06:00:00.0000] <hsivonen> how does JAWS 10 get the landmark roles from a browser? [06:11:00.0000] <annevk2> if they don't map to an accessibility API direcltly I believe accessibility APIs (maybe not all) have some way to store unknown roles [06:12:00.0000] <annevk2> are there no posts on the benefits of e.g. using role=navigation in current screen readers? [06:12:01.0000] <annevk2> seems quite logical that some would have toyed with it already and posted results [06:17:00.0000] <jgraham> http://www.paciellogroup.com/blog/misc/landmarks.html [06:20:00.0000] <jgraham> /me makes a note to self that evolving the language seperatly from the implementation requirements is bad beacuse feedback from implementation can't affect the language design [06:21:00.0000] <annevk2> I'm thinking that dealing with screen readers must suck. I hate learning shortcuts but there you'd have to learn whole sets of words and their meaning to figure out what the screen reader is talking about. [06:21:01.0000] <Philip`> annevk2: That's probably why most people aren't voluntarily blind [06:23:00.0000] <annevk2> You think better software is holding them back? [06:23:01.0000] <Philip`> (Well, not specifically because of that issue with screen readers, but the general issue of it making life much harder) [06:23:02.0000] <annevk2> So only JAWS supports them. [06:24:00.0000] <jgraham> I guess it is interesting that there is no common use of audio to supplement the browsing experience [06:24:01.0000] <jgraham> Presumably that means that visuasl input is so high bandwidth that trying to add audio would just cause blocking [06:25:00.0000] <Philip`> jgraham: That's not true - a large number of pages use audio to provide information such as "this page was designed in the 90s" to their readers [06:26:00.0000] <Philip`> Also there's the click sound when you click links (at least in IE, at some point in the past) [06:27:00.0000] <annevk2> hsivonen, "IO Error: <http://annevankesteren.nl/2009/04/html5-wai-aria#comment-6768> Code: 59/PROHIBITED_COMPONENT_PRESENT in FRAGMENT: A component that is prohibited by the scheme is present." is annoying [06:27:01.0000] <annevk2> hsivonen, just ignore the fragment (maybe say you did if you really want to) [06:27:02.0000] <jgraham> Philip`: I'm not sure author-supplied midi files count :) [06:33:00.0000] <annevk2> "I worked hard to get a good list of landmarks from the PF group, but what it ended up as was spec writers deciding what users should want." -- https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=459395 [06:34:00.0000] <annevk2> What is it again they criticize the WHATWG for? [06:41:00.0000] <annevk2> http://wiki.whatwg.org/index.php?title=MetaExtensions&diff=3626&oldid=3467 o_O [06:44:00.0000] <Lachy> woah. That's a lot of proposals [06:45:00.0000] <Lachy> I thought he only added the useless addmark and addmarklocal extensions to address the non-existent problem he imagined in bug 6774 [06:45:01.0000] <annevk2> it's from the guy "spamming" W3C bugzilla [06:46:00.0000] <Lachy> yeah, I realised that [06:47:00.0000] <annevk2> hmm, per https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=459395 browsers don't support ARIA roles. It's the AT being creative [06:48:00.0000] <Lachy> dammit, my email on dreamhost is down. That explains why I haven't received anything for a few hours :-( [07:07:00.0000] <zcorpan> annevk2: s/roles/landmarks/ [07:08:00.0000] <zcorpan> annevk2: the value of the role="" attribute is, in firefox, always exposed as-is via xml-roles [08:10:00.0000] <takkaria> I think that Nick guy thinks the mark element is going to be used like MS' smart tags were going to be [08:11:00.0000] <takkaria> but I'm not quite sure where he thinks the third-party servers are going to come in to it from [08:26:00.0000] <Philip`> takkaria: Maybe the third-party servers are like Google's cache servers, that serve pages and insert extra markup to highlight search term matches? [08:27:00.0000] <Philip`> /me assumes this is related to bug 6774, but he only skimmed the first half of the first comment before getting terminally bored [08:31:00.0000] <jgraham> If you got terminally bored, are you posting from beyond the grave? [08:36:00.0000] <Philip`> It was terminal to my reading of the bug, not to my life [08:38:00.0000] <annevk2> zcorpan, yeah, that's what I meant; hoped it was clear that the statement was scoped by the bug; guess not :) [08:45:00.0000] <jgraham> http://socialcollider.net/ is a kind of interesting way of killing browsers [08:45:01.0000] <jgraham> (because it's so slow) [08:46:00.0000] <jgraham> (especially in gecko) [08:48:00.0000] <annevk2> hsivonen, your HTML parser is not used for everything in Gecko? [09:37:00.0000] <zcorpan> hsivonen: still appears to be crashy for me [09:52:00.0000] <zcorpan> hsivonen: http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/87 [09:53:00.0000] <annevk2> whoa, Firefox 3.6something uppercases ö to Ö [09:56:00.0000] <gsnedders> WebKit does too [09:56:01.0000] <gsnedders> (Saf4b, this is) [10:29:00.0000] <gsnedders> /me is trying to get lyrics from music [10:30:00.0000] <gsnedders> /me supposes he could just ask the vocalist [10:34:00.0000] <gsnedders> /me is listening to Epic Fail by Hit the Breaks [10:34:01.0000] <Philip`> You could try listening to it and writing down the words [10:34:02.0000] <gsnedders> I expect a lot of you would find this amusing. [10:34:03.0000] <gsnedders> http://www.myspace.com/hitthebrakesno5 [10:48:00.0000] <gsnedders> Philip`: I was trying to listen to it and write down the world [10:48:01.0000] <gsnedders> *words [12:30:00.0000] <nitroball> Hey, wassup? Anyone try using the canvas tag with the Wii brower? It works very well except the color is missing for me on the lines. [12:31:00.0000] <nitroball> Color does show up in the IE, Opera, Firefox, etc. [12:46:00.0000] <weinig> annevk2: ping [13:01:00.0000] <nitroball> I think I figured it out... ctx.lineStyle = "rgba(255,165,0,1)"; doesn't work on the Wii browser. ctx.lineStyle = "rgb(255,165,0)"; does [13:01:01.0000] <nitroball> its the alpha value that was turning everything black [13:51:00.0000] <Hixie> so i'm going through the rdf folder looking for actual use cases and requirements [13:51:01.0000] <Hixie> 99% of the e-mails have absolutely nothing to do with use cases, despite the e-mail i sent saying that that's all i was looking for [13:51:02.0000] <Hixie> of the remainder, there are use cases like "provide information useful for improving the accessibility of Web content" [13:52:00.0000] <Hixie> which are the most vague, under-defined, and useless use case descriptions in the history of mankind [15:06:00.0000] <gsnedders> Hixie: Time to beat that: "to improve the long-term direction of the human race" [15:08:00.0000] <Dashiva> gsnedders: Can you prove that axiomatically? [15:08:01.0000] <gsnedders> Proof? Peh. [15:30:00.0000] <gsnedders> http://www.tesco.com/books/search.aspx?Ntt=%EF%BF%BF&Ntk=primary&VSI=1&Ntx=mode%2Bmatchall&Nty=1&N=0 [15:43:00.0000] <gsnedders> /me has interview 8am tomorrow morning, yay 2009-04-21 [19:26:00.0000] <Hixie> /me is half-way through 14000 lines' worth of text on microdata in html5, and has so far found 296 lines' worth of use cases, requirements, scenarios, and problem descriptions [19:26:01.0000] <Hixie> (of which i wrote about half myself) [19:27:00.0000] <Hixie> (and 71 of which are blank lines) [00:57:00.0000] <gsnedders> /me has interview any minute… [00:59:00.0000] <MikeSmith> NicolasRaoul: http://hsivonen.iki.fi/testing-html5-parsing/ [01:02:00.0000] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: is there any way I can tell Minefield to automatically look for updates from the try server instead of wherever it normally looks? [01:04:00.0000] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: I don't know. Does it look for updates at all? [01:04:01.0000] <hsivonen> AFAIK, tryserver builds don't look for updates on the tryserver. [01:04:02.0000] <MikeSmith> OK [01:05:00.0000] <MikeSmith> I think Minefield itself normally checks for updates [01:06:00.0000] <hsivonen> nightly builds do update to later nightly builds [01:12:00.0000] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: about the statement "Other HTML parsing operations still use the old parser unconditionally." [01:12:01.0000] <MikeSmith> what other parsing operations are there? [01:12:02.0000] <hsivonen> off the top of my head: [01:13:00.0000] <hsivonen> feed payload sanitizing [01:13:01.0000] <hsivonen> Netscape bookmarks import [01:13:02.0000] <hsivonen> HTML clipboard import [01:13:03.0000] <hsivonen> text/plain loading [01:13:04.0000] <hsivonen> view source syntax highlighting [01:14:00.0000] <hsivonen> I wouldn't be at all surprised if there were other cases lurking somewhere [01:14:01.0000] <hsivonen> DOMParser and XHR2 will introduce new cases [01:15:00.0000] <MikeSmith> OK, I see [01:17:00.0000] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: so in my about:config, html5.enable is not showing up as an option [01:18:00.0000] <MikeSmith> I just installed from hsivonen⊙ifd [01:19:00.0000] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: is there any test I can do to make sure it's actually using the HTML5 parse? [01:19:01.0000] <MikeSmith> parser [01:19:02.0000] <gsnedders> /me takes a deep breath [01:19:03.0000] <gsnedders> My hand is sore from holding the phone so tight during the interview… [01:19:04.0000] <MikeSmith> gsnedders: interview? [01:20:00.0000] <gsnedders> MikeSmith: Summer internship, Opera [01:20:01.0000] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: http://hsivonen.iki.fi/test/moz/html5-parsing.html [01:20:02.0000] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: if you see proper math and the video has a clip path [01:22:00.0000] <MikeSmith> /me checks [01:22:01.0000] <MikeSmith> wow, cool [01:23:00.0000] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: thanks [01:23:01.0000] <MikeSmith> btw, I notice that the blur also blurs the default video controls [01:24:00.0000] <hsivonen> I guess it's a feature :-) [01:24:01.0000] <MikeSmith> heh [01:24:02.0000] <MikeSmith> I wonder if it's also a feature that it doesn't let me actually use the controls [01:25:00.0000] <MikeSmith> if I mouse over the video, the controls pop up, but then I when I most down to try to click, they disappear again [01:26:00.0000] <hsivonen> hmm. that used to work some builds ago [01:26:01.0000] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: anyway, fwiw, html5.enable pref is definitely not showing up in the OSX environment I'm trying it on [01:26:02.0000] <hsivonen> I wonder if it is a bug or a clickjacking prevention feature [01:27:00.0000] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: you need to add the pref [01:27:01.0000] <MikeSmith> d'oh [01:27:02.0000] <MikeSmith> OK [01:27:03.0000] <MikeSmith> gsnedders: about my tweet, I don7t think thy are using Unicode at all, but whatever the normal mainland Chinese encoding is [01:28:00.0000] <MikeSmith> or some subset of it [01:28:01.0000] <MikeSmith> or some font that doesn't have all the glyphs [01:28:02.0000] <MikeSmith> or something [01:28:03.0000] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: PRC national standard maps to Unicode, IIRC [01:28:04.0000] <hsivonen> GB18030 IIRC [01:28:05.0000] <MikeSmith> OK [01:29:00.0000] <hsivonen> it would have been madness to make it not fully mappable [01:29:01.0000] <hsivonen> fortunately that was situation was avoided [01:30:00.0000] <MikeSmith> it may be that the characters in question are neither in Unicode nor in GB18030 [01:31:00.0000] <MikeSmith> that's probably it, actually [01:31:01.0000] <MikeSmith> I know that's the case for some name characters in use in Japan [01:31:02.0000] <MikeSmith> variant kanji [01:31:03.0000] <MikeSmith> so-called gaiji [01:32:00.0000] <hsivonen> "Like UTF-8, GB18030 is a superset of ASCII and can represent the whole range of Unicode code points; in addition, it is also a superset of GB2312." says Wikipedia [01:32:01.0000] <MikeSmith> OK [01:34:00.0000] <hsivonen> /me still hasn't found out the technical specs for personal names in Finland [01:35:00.0000] <MikeSmith> I've tried to find an estimated of how many not-in-Unicode gaiji for personal names there are in use in Japan, but nobody seems to know [01:36:00.0000] <MikeSmith> estimate of [01:36:01.0000] <MikeSmith> it's sort of a long tail, I guess [01:39:00.0000] <hsivonen> I think the tone of the NYT article is a bit hypocritical considering that the U.S. requires European to coerce their names to ASCII on DHS forms [01:39:01.0000] <hsivonen> *Europeans [01:41:00.0000] <MikeSmith> I didn't know the US required that [01:41:01.0000] <MikeSmith> can't say that I'm surprised, though [01:45:00.0000] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: the problem with that is, I seem to remember reading something a while back that said US was requiring people to also have boarding passes that exactly match the name as it it on their passports [01:46:00.0000] <hsivonen> fortunately, I have an ASCII-compatible name [01:47:00.0000] <MikeSmith> me too [01:47:01.0000] <MikeSmith> even including the parenthesis [01:52:00.0000] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: so are there any pages that currently have problem behavior if I use the HTML5-enabled build with them? [01:52:01.0000] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: I think there may be problems around meta refresh and HTML5 application manifests [01:53:00.0000] <MikeSmith> OK [02:19:00.0000] <hsivonen> sigh. aria-dropeffect now has even more possible tokens [02:20:00.0000] <hsivonen> one would think the tokens were mutually exclusive... [02:34:00.0000] <jgraham> hsivonen: AFAICT the only choice that makes sense to combine with anything else is execute since that seems to be a different way of saying "other" [02:37:00.0000] <hsivonen> it seems to me that the principle applied to ARIA is the exact reverse of what the PFWG applied to alt: [02:37:01.0000] <hsivonen> if there is a semiconceivable possibility of a combination maybe making sense, allow it [02:45:00.0000] <Hixie> hsivonen: it's different people, isn't it? [02:46:00.0000] <hsivonen> Hixie: I don't know. I haven't done Member-only mailing list archeology to find out who wanted what. [02:46:01.0000] <Hixie> ah ok [02:48:00.0000] <hsivonen> what's the point of having values "true", "false", "undefined" where "undefined" is equivalent to not specifying the attribute? [02:53:00.0000] <annevk2> that's what you get when you define things in terms of markup rather than states I suppose [02:54:00.0000] <annevk2> it would be nice if for consistency the empty string mapped to true as well [02:56:00.0000] <hsivonen> as far as I can tell, the empty string is equivalent to "undefined" [03:00:00.0000] <jgraham> <span aria-checked> == <span aria-checked="undefined">? Nice... [03:05:00.0000] <annevk2> aria-checked=false actually being false is somewhat inconsistent already [03:07:00.0000] <hsivonen> whoa! the new values for aria-invalid are, umm, interesting [03:07:01.0000] <hsivonen> "true", "false", "grammar", "spelling" [03:07:02.0000] <zcorpan> o_O [03:08:00.0000] <MikeSmith> beautiful [03:08:01.0000] <MikeSmith> I'm pretty sure it's some kind of surrealist put-on [03:09:00.0000] <jgraham> Submit it to the Daily WTF? [03:11:00.0000] <hsivonen> hmm. "rude" is no longer supported for aria-live :-( [03:11:01.0000] <annevk2> I was hoping I did not have to review the actual vocabulary [03:13:00.0000] <annevk2> "User agents may refuse to submit the form as long as there is an element for which aria-invalid is true." [03:13:01.0000] <hsivonen> the authoring requirements of aria-posinset and aria-level still depend on things that aren't well-defined [03:13:02.0000] <annevk2> Same for aria-labelledby [03:13:03.0000] <annevk2> I thought the idea was that there would be no user agent requirements other than exposing information correctly to assistive technology? [03:14:00.0000] <hsivonen> annevk2: are you going to send feedback for that form submission thing? [03:14:01.0000] <annevk2> /me sighs [03:15:00.0000] <jgraham> /me adores the note for aria-labelledby that explains that they have chosen a word with known ambiguous spelling to "minimize the difficulty for developers" [03:16:00.0000] <annevk2> ouch [03:18:00.0000] <annevk2> hsivonen, the deadline for comments was last Friday I believe; I wonder if any new comments would be in vain [03:20:00.0000] <hsivonen> annevk2: depends on whether they want to make to REC fast or whether they want a proper spec. [03:21:00.0000] <hsivonen> annevk2: also, does Process require anything about a DL or just about things happening before the next transition? [03:21:01.0000] <hsivonen> it's still unclear to me, how ARIA can make it to REC with two interoperable implementations [03:22:00.0000] <hsivonen> is there another criterion for transitioning to REC? [03:22:01.0000] <hsivonen> or do desks count as implementations [03:22:02.0000] <annevk2> Looking at PF minutes I'm not sure they're addressing my comments in a sensible way. Mu [03:23:00.0000] <annevk2> The XHTML2 WG uses schema "implementations" as implementations so I'm pretty sure anything goes. [03:23:01.0000] <annevk2> Of course, XHTML2 is not something that makes it into browsers so that is not really a concern, but WAI-ARIA is somewhat. (Although it remains to be seen how good it will work.) [03:24:00.0000] <jgraham> This is why I have given up taking the time to review aria. The process seems set up to produce bad results [03:24:01.0000] <hsivonen> huh? does Google Groups intentionally require login to browse? [03:26:00.0000] <zcorpan> at some point, the aria spec referenced html5 for the definition of "whitespace" [03:26:01.0000] <zcorpan> then, the reference was removed because aria was going to rec before html5 was [03:26:02.0000] <zcorpan> so whitespace is now undefined [03:26:03.0000] <MikeSmith> I think if the ARIA spec includes testable assertions about UA requirements, the normal criteria for it transitioning beyond CR would need to be that there are at least two interoperable implementations that meet those requirements [03:27:00.0000] <MikeSmith> but I don't think the process doc has any specific language stating that [03:27:01.0000] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: I think any browser since circa IE4 or Netscape 6 is a conforming implmentation, then [03:29:00.0000] <MikeSmith> /me looks back and sees annevk2's quote "User agents may refuse to submit the form as long as there is an element for which aria-invalid is true." [03:29:01.0000] <MikeSmith> but I see also that's a "may" [03:31:00.0000] <jgraham> /me wonders if the requirement "User agents MUST implement all supported states and properties for the role" is as silly as it sounds [03:32:00.0000] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: even exposure to AT is only a "should"! [03:32:01.0000] <zcorpan> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xml-core-wg/2009Apr/0031.html [03:32:02.0000] <jgraham> "Assistive technology must treat an article like a document in that article must be processed like an application" makes no sense [03:34:00.0000] <jgraham> "When a value is indicated as the default, the behavior prescribed by this value MUST be followed when the state or property is not provided" - sounds almost like a conformance criterion [03:37:00.0000] <jgraham> I wonder if I can claim that section 6.1 requires two host langauges to implement @role, both of which must presumably reach REC before aria :) [03:40:00.0000] <zcorpan> jgraham: svg 1.2 tiny could be one of them [03:41:00.0000] <hsivonen> can SVG 1.2 tiny be one of them the same way HTML 4.01 can be one of them? [03:42:00.0000] <zcorpan> hsivonen: no, i think svg 1.2 tiny actually includes role="" [03:42:01.0000] <hsivonen> oh [03:42:02.0000] <zcorpan> but not the other aria-* [03:42:03.0000] <hsivonen> also, IIRC, SVG 1.2 Tiny can time-warp the REC track :-) [03:45:00.0000] <annevk2> jgraham, are you sending in comments? [03:46:00.0000] <hsivonen> annevk2: I sent a comment about form submission [03:46:01.0000] <jgraham> annevk2: No. Should I? I don't have any faith that they will be dealt with in a sensible way but if you think it is a good idea I will [03:47:00.0000] <annevk2> jgraham, yeah, lets give it the benefit of the doubt [03:47:01.0000] <jgraham> OK [03:51:00.0000] <jgraham> Has someone already commented on the use of must vs MUST? [03:53:00.0000] <MikeSmith> zcorpan: that message from Paul Grosso about avoiding "must" is disappointing [04:02:00.0000] <annevk2> /me isn't even sure whether the behavior of aria-invalid="false spelling" is defined or aria-invalid="false x" for that matter [04:03:00.0000] <zcorpan> is the behavior of aria-invalid="false" defined? :) [04:03:01.0000] <annevk2> yes [04:03:02.0000] <zcorpan> ok [04:04:00.0000] <annevk2> "If the attribute is not present, or its value is false, or its value is an empty string, the default value of false applies." [04:04:01.0000] <jgraham> Does section 4.2.2 make any sense to anyone? [04:05:00.0000] <annevk2> jgraham, not a whole lot [04:06:00.0000] <jgraham> /me is starting to understand little [04:07:00.0000] <jgraham> s//a/ [04:11:00.0000] <zcorpan> hsivonen: http://alfonsopina.eresmas.net/ looks weird in minefield-html5 [04:24:00.0000] <hsivonen> zcorpan: just that the heading isn't centered? [04:24:01.0000] <zcorpan> hsivonen: no, i get text like "�������t hesitate to contact the author (see end of page).', TEXTFONT, 'Comic Sans MS', TEXTCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', FGCOLOR, '#3366ff') " onMouseOut="nd();">" [04:25:00.0000] <hsivonen> hmm. that's bad [04:26:00.0000] <zcorpan> and "Libro de visitas Ver &n�����a) " [04:26:01.0000] <hsivonen> zcorpan: what's your character encoding setting? [04:27:00.0000] <zcorpan> hsivonen: UTF-8 [04:27:01.0000] <hsivonen> if I switch to UTF-8, the result is totally bogus, indeed [04:27:02.0000] <hsivonen> I think I don't understand the Gecko unicode converter API contract right [04:27:03.0000] <hsivonen> zcorpan: thanks [04:28:00.0000] <hsivonen> I still wonder why the heading/header isn't centered [04:28:01.0000] <zcorpan> hsivonen: maybe because of <p><table>? i tested a random url from the list [04:29:00.0000] <zcorpan> hsivonen: if i select another encoding or check autodetect, it crashes [04:29:01.0000] <hsivonen> zcorpan: indeed, it's a <p><table> issue. [04:29:02.0000] <hsivonen> <p align=center> [04:41:00.0000] <zcorpan> /me wonders if it's possible to fix the styling issues in the parser by copying over attributes to the table [04:42:00.0000] <hsivonen> I wonder if it's possible not to close <p> if it has the align attribute [04:42:01.0000] <hsivonen> and whether that's even worse than having one quirk [04:42:02.0000] <zcorpan> oh yeah that's probably better than copying attributes [04:46:00.0000] <zcorpan> <P ALIGN=RIGHT><TABLE - http://123relax.holisticwebdirectory.com/drhypnosis/ [04:51:00.0000] <zcorpan> thinking about it, i wonder whether <p><form> would benefit from the same treatment [05:00:00.0000] <zcorpan> - <p align=center>...<table [05:01:00.0000] <annevk2> is it just <p align>? [05:02:00.0000] <zcorpan> from what i've looked at so far, yeah [05:03:00.0000] <zcorpan> <p align="center"> http://www.shopin.co.il/ [05:06:00.0000] <zcorpan> <p class="topbana"><table border="0" width="" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" style="width: 583px"> http://www.ace-company.net/~coolcat/ [05:07:00.0000] <zcorpan> .topbana { margin-top: 5; margin-bottom: 12 } [05:07:01.0000] <zcorpan> nothing too serious i guess [05:08:00.0000] <annevk2> it would regress layout of the page [05:08:01.0000] <hsivonen> maybe we should just fix Acid2 instead [05:10:00.0000] <annevk2> we could do that I suppose, but all UAs interoperate on this now [05:10:01.0000] <hsivonen> annevk2: yeah. I blame Hixie. [05:12:00.0000] <annevk2> we almost had this with comments too [05:12:01.0000] <annevk2> http://ln.hixie.ch/?start=1137799947&count=1 [05:13:00.0000] <hsivonen> I was thinking of that blog post, too [05:17:00.0000] <zcorpan> <p>  <table> http://adsg.syix.com/ - would get more space above the table [05:18:00.0000] <zcorpan> http://agri.astate.edu/Ag%20Education/education.htm too [05:21:00.0000] <zcorpan> http://alexey-savrasov.ru/ has <p align=justify> blah blah <table align=right>...</table> blah blah [05:22:00.0000] <hsivonen> ooh. I now see my character decoding bug [05:29:00.0000] <zcorpan> ok i've looked at the 50 first urls [05:30:00.0000] <zcorpan> i think our options are (1) having the quirk, and (2) changing acid2 [05:30:01.0000] <hsivonen> zcorpan: I agree [05:31:00.0000] <zcorpan> looking at align="" is not enough [05:33:00.0000] <hsivonen> I wonder if we could get rid of the quirks mode these days if CSS 1) defaulted to px for unitless numbers and 2) defaulted to almost standards cell height [05:33:01.0000] <hsivonen> perhaps inheriting into tables should have been author opt-in via CSS itself way back when [05:34:00.0000] <annevk2> case-insensitive class names are important too I think and there are probably a few more [05:35:00.0000] <zcorpan> hsivonen: i'm pretty sure people use unitlessness as a css filter [05:35:01.0000] <annevk2> case-insensitive class names are not scoped to HTML by the way at this point [05:35:02.0000] <zcorpan> hsivonen: to fix the ie5 box model [05:35:03.0000] <annevk2> though actually getting rid of quirks mode would be awesome [05:36:00.0000] <hsivonen> it seems to me that after IE3 none of the CSS quirks have been so horrible that CSS2 developed according to HTML5 principles couldn't have had backwards-compatible default behavior [05:36:01.0000] <hsivonen> too late now, I guess [05:36:02.0000] <hsivonen> hindsight 20/20 [05:36:03.0000] <hsivonen> the attitude towards 'standards' was very different back then [05:37:00.0000] <annevk2> https://twitter.com/erikdahlstrom/status/1574170590 sweet [05:37:01.0000] <annevk2> guess that's next on my list of things to change on my site [05:38:00.0000] <hsivonen> /me notes that ed doesn't even mention IE [06:07:00.0000] <hsivonen> zcorpan, Philip`: thanks for doing the <p><table> research [06:14:00.0000] <Philip`> annevk2: It's a shame that Opera doesn't support APNG favicons properly, and only Mozilla does [06:17:00.0000] <zcorpan> Philip`: have you filed a bug? [06:19:00.0000] <Philip`> zcorpan: No [06:19:01.0000] <annevk2> whoa, air greeland has instant customer service via email, what a treat [06:19:02.0000] <Philip`> since I'd probably just be told that it was a design decision to not animate favicons, or something [06:19:03.0000] <annevk2> what do you mean with "properly"? [06:21:00.0000] <zcorpan> Philip`: we animate gif favicons i think [06:21:01.0000] <jgraham> annevk2: You're going to greenland? [06:22:00.0000] <annevk2> yup [06:22:01.0000] <jgraham> Nice [06:22:02.0000] <annevk2> yup :) [06:24:00.0000] <Philip`> annevk2: Animatedly [06:25:00.0000] <annevk2> i doubt it's a design decision since we let you animate them through JavaScript [06:29:00.0000] <zcorpan> annevk2: we let pages animate things through javascript when the "disable animated images" option is set, too [06:31:00.0000] <Philip`> /me attempts to upload a less-subtly-animated test [06:36:00.0000] <hsivonen> /me predicts that in future studies, Philip` will find role=complimentary on the Web [06:37:00.0000] <Philip`> http://philip.html5.org/tests/apng/favicon.html [06:38:00.0000] <Philip`> hsivonen: That seems to be presupposing that people will use role at all [06:38:01.0000] <Philip`> Oh, some people do use it already [06:38:02.0000] <Philip`> Especially http://www.tee-rail-alliance.de/ [06:39:00.0000] <Philip`> which uses loads of different roles [06:39:01.0000] <hsivonen> Philip`: that one uses role="complementary" [06:40:00.0000] <Philip`> and then there's one site with a role="navigation" on each page, and two with a role="" [06:40:01.0000] <hsivonen> Philip`: I meant that complementary is one of the English words that people can't spell [06:42:00.0000] <Philip`> hsivonen: Indeed, I was just wondering whether anybody would bother with role at all, because that's necessary before they'll have an opportunity to mis-spell it [06:44:00.0000] <zcorpan> does a label in javascript need to be followed by anything? i.e. is onclick="http://example.org" a valid script? [06:46:00.0000] <jgraham> zcorpan: a label must be followed by a statement [06:46:01.0000] <jgraham> So no, that's not valid [06:46:02.0000] <zcorpan> ok [06:46:03.0000] <zcorpan> i don't seem to get anything in the error console though [06:47:00.0000] <zcorpan> i get an error in firefox [06:47:01.0000] <zcorpan> bug in opera? [06:48:00.0000] <Dashiva> hmm [06:58:00.0000] <Dashiva> I've seen similar cases before. Error in sort comparison function didn't cause error in sorting, error in a statement that would've been a nop was optimized away. [07:02:00.0000] <hsivonen> why would an user want to read an accessibility conformance claim? http://www.brucelawson.co.uk/2009/rel-accessibility/ [07:02:01.0000] <hsivonen> or a conformance claim of any kind? [07:12:00.0000] <jgraham> hsivonen: http://diveintoaccessibility.org/day_30_creating_an_accessibility_statement.html although it seems rather tenuous to me [07:14:00.0000] <jgraham> In particular it seems to be predicated on the assumption that you are using a UA that does not provide clues about the avaliable functionality [10:40:00.0000] <sicking> Hixie, ping [10:43:00.0000] <annevk5> weinig, did you ping me the other day? still needed? [10:55:00.0000] <annevk5> hmm, OWL 2 [13:09:00.0000] <gsnedders> Ow. In Saf4 for a display:table the 'width' property isn't the content width: the content width is 'width' - 'border-left'/'border-right' when it has borders (padding/margin is untested…) [13:13:00.0000] <gsnedders> /me stops going through bugs that need a reduction [13:14:00.0000] <annevk5> sounds like box-sizing is applied to table frames rather than HTML table elements or some such [13:15:00.0000] <gsnedders> Yeah, that's what I was guessing [13:52:00.0000] <Hixie> gsnedders: sounds vaguely like what the spec says to do [13:52:01.0000] <gsnedders> Hixie: Really? I had a look and it seemed wrong. Sites break if you implement the spec then, and Firefox and Opera don't follow it. [13:53:00.0000] <gsnedders> https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13519 [13:53:01.0000] <Hixie> i forget exactly what the spec says [13:54:00.0000] <gsnedders> I didn't see any special case for a table itself, only table cells [14:44:00.0000] <jgraham> gsnedders: BTW if you put 200px in the pass condition for the test it is really annoying because you have to verify that the shapre is really 200px to confirm if the test has passed [14:45:00.0000] <jgraham> Which doesn't really seem to be necessary here [14:45:01.0000] <gsnedders> jgraham: The test is the widths are calculated correctly, so it does seem relevant [14:46:00.0000] <a-ja> hi folks. i may be missing something something, but is anyone aware of a reason placeholder shouldn't be supported on input type=search ? [14:47:00.0000] <jgraham> gsnedders: If you really care you should put a 200px green image and a 200px green box and make them line up and say something like "you should see a green rectangle below" [14:48:00.0000] <jgraham> Basically you don't want the pass condition to be anything that you can't verify in a second or two unless it is really super necessary [14:49:00.0000] <jgraham> (or hope that you have reftests so that you can say "this box should look exacly like this other box") [14:50:00.0000] <gsnedders> /me shrugs, and goes back to trying to shorten his English dissertation, as he thinks it is a bit more important [14:50:01.0000] <jgraham> a-ja: The only reason I can think of is some convention that input type=search should always have "search" as a placeholder [14:51:00.0000] <jgraham> gsnedders: Yeah that is more important :) Just a tip that may make some poor QA's life easier someday [14:51:01.0000] <gsnedders> Oh wow. I don't have the spec in my history [14:52:00.0000] <gsnedders> a-ja: placeholder is supported on input@type='search' [14:53:00.0000] <a-ja> jgraham: possible, i suppose...guess i'll followup with hixie, in case it's just an oversight [14:53:01.0000] <a-ja> oh, guess i *did* miss it, then [14:53:02.0000] <gsnedders> a-ja: search is grouped with text in the spec. What makes you think it isn't supported? [14:56:00.0000] <a-ja> haven't read spec section lately....just recent change log comments / diffs re:placeholder [14:57:00.0000] <a-ja> makes sense if search is just subtype of text [15:15:00.0000] <gsnedders> \emph{That's} whom you should have married, […], instead of all that we \emph{teased} her to death! [15:15:01.0000] <gsnedders> What should the position of comma be around the […]? 2009-04-22 [17:39:00.0000] <cgriego> Say HTML 6 adds a new void element. How would an HTML 5 parser know that the rest of the document isn't a child of that element? [17:40:00.0000] <Hixie> it wouldn't [17:42:00.0000] <cgriego> That seems problematic. [17:43:00.0000] <Hixie> why? [17:47:00.0000] <cgriego> Any new void element then creates a chicken & egg problem. Authors won't adopt it because they can't use it in a progressive enhancement safe way since it corrupts the DOM. Agents won't add it because authors don't use it. Similar situation to XHTML 2. [17:50:00.0000] <Hixie> doesn [17:50:01.0000] <Hixie> er [17:50:02.0000] <Hixie> doesn't seem to have caused particular problems in the past [17:50:03.0000] <Hixie> people don't really want to use new elements until the browsers use them anyway [17:51:00.0000] <Hixie> er, until they implement them i mean [17:51:01.0000] <Hixie> browsers add lots of stuff before authors use them [17:51:02.0000] <Hixie> in fact, they add everything before authors use them [17:51:03.0000] <cgriego> People are jumping in and using section/header/footer/etc now without proper browser support. [17:51:04.0000] <Hixie> not many people :-) [17:52:00.0000] <Hixie> and those people will get burnt anyway, e.g. when we rename <headeR> [17:52:01.0000] <Hixie> (or remove it, or whatever we end up doing with it) [17:52:02.0000] <cgriego> Not if they're serving as text/html ;) [17:52:03.0000] <Hixie> well i mean their pages won't be correct html5 anymore [17:52:04.0000] <Hixie> i don't mean that their site will break or anything [17:53:00.0000] <cgriego> As for the past, there's never been a time where HTML was actively evolving with so many authors and authoring programs. [17:53:01.0000] <cgriego> …as we have today [17:53:02.0000] <Hixie> yup, it'll keep on increasing until we have everyone on the planet online [17:54:00.0000] <Hixie> (and then it'll keep increasing until the population stops growing) [17:55:00.0000] <cgriego> I'd propose that HTML 5 parsing treat unrecognized elements (and only unrecognized elements) similar to foreign elements, where the SOLIDUS marks the start tag as self-closing. [17:56:00.0000] <Hixie> what problem does it solve? [17:56:01.0000] <cgriego> Author adoption of new void elements. [17:57:00.0000] <Hixie> wouldn't the fact that the browsers don't support those elements be a bigger barrier to adoption than the fact that the author has to jump through some minor hoops to get teh styling right? [17:57:01.0000] <Hixie> (if we introduce <foo>, you can always just do <span><foo></span> to get the parsing right in older browsers) [17:58:00.0000] <Hixie> put it this way: historically, HTML has never had a void element that was useful without the browser actually supporting the element directly somehow [18:01:00.0000] <Philip`> What about <meta>? That's useful for some UAs (e.g. search engines) even if browsers don't do anything with it [18:01:01.0000] <Hixie> elements in <head> have much bigger problems in the parser than whether they're void or not [18:01:02.0000] <cgriego> When <area> was first introduce, authors would add an image map to their site but also provide supplemental navigation below the image. Authors were able to adopt the element before all agents supported it. [18:02:00.0000] <Hixie> cgriego: but with <area>, the elements all get closed by the <map>, so it doesn't matter if the element gets closed or not [18:03:00.0000] <cgriego> You can't know that all new void elements will have a mandatory parent element. [18:05:00.0000] <Hixie> no, but i can predict the likelihood of there being a problem if unknown elements can't be closed by />, based on past experience [18:06:00.0000] <Hixie> (note that "span" is an unknown element per the parser, and we definitely don't want to support <span/>) [18:06:01.0000] <Hixie> (so actually what we would need to do is more complex than what you describe) [18:09:00.0000] <cgriego> Didn't realize span was unknown to the parser. Why is that? [18:09:01.0000] <Hixie> because only the elements with weird rules have to be known [18:10:00.0000] <cgriego> ah, like void elements :) [18:10:01.0000] <Hixie> yeah [18:11:00.0000] <cgriego> One of the solutions offered on the mailing list back in August was to have not add any new void elements. [18:11:01.0000] <Hixie> i maintain that there's no problem, so discussion of solutions seems pointless to me :-) [18:11:02.0000] <Hixie> but sure, we could just not add more void elements if that makes people happy :-) [18:13:00.0000] <Hixie> (at least until we have a need for one!) [18:14:00.0000] <cgriego> Not a fan of the idea, would just lead to more cases like <script src=# /> [18:15:00.0000] <Hixie> hm? [18:17:00.0000] <cgriego> I can see how not allowing new void elements would lead to elements with empty content models instead, which then authors would just try to self-close (like with script src) causing more problems in the end. [18:19:00.0000] <Hixie> well then we'd just use a void element [18:20:00.0000] <Hixie> or we could just not introduce elements with empty content models as well [18:23:00.0000] <Hixie> wooot! i've finally gotten through all the feedback on microdata stuff [18:23:01.0000] <Hixie> ok now i have to go through all the notes i collected [18:23:02.0000] <Hixie> and actually come up with a set of use cases, requirements, and scenarios [18:23:03.0000] <Hixie> so that i can evaluate solutions [18:25:00.0000] <Hixie> so far i've boiled down 15000+ lines of e-mail and dozens of pages of wiki and blog comments into 600 lines or so of notes [18:38:00.0000] <Hixie> here are my notes http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Microdata_Problem_Descriptions [18:38:01.0000] <Hixie> i'll clean it up later [19:07:00.0000] <Dashiva> The tomato video comment thing seems painful [20:50:00.0000] <MikeSmith> Hixie: the two tables in 4.10.4 "the input element" with info about states and attributes [20:51:00.0000] <MikeSmith> it would be nice if those had IDs so the could be more easily referenced with fragment IDs [20:51:01.0000] <MikeSmith> and maybe table titles on them [21:58:00.0000] <Hixie> MikeSmith: file a bug [22:23:00.0000] <MikeSmith> Hixie: OK [22:23:01.0000] <MikeSmith> http://twitter.com/_masaka/statuses/1581828896 [22:23:02.0000] <MikeSmith> "hmm, **HTML5** web addr says relative path to be % encoded with UTF-8, but query with document encoding. What if path+query in non UTF-8 doc?" [22:26:00.0000] <Hixie> i don't understand the question [22:36:00.0000] <MikeSmith> Hixie: I don't either. was hoping you would [23:14:00.0000] <MikeSmith> Hixie: 'wondering if a relative URI "パス?クエリ" in EUC-JP doc, "パス" to be % encoded as UTF-8 octets while "クエリ" as EUC-JP octets?' [23:18:00.0000] <MikeSmith> http://twitter.com/_masaka/status/1582345343 [23:28:00.0000] <Hixie> MikeSmith: yes, that is indeed what browsers do (and what the spec says to do) as far as i'm aware [23:29:00.0000] <MikeSmith> Hixie: OK [23:58:00.0000] <hsivonen> the use case starting "Getting data out of poorly written Web pages" is clearly a winner [23:59:00.0000] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: where? [00:02:00.0000] <Hixie> http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Microdata_Problem_Descriptions [00:02:01.0000] <Hixie> extracted out of 15,000 lines' worth of use case descriptions [00:02:02.0000] <Hixie> or what should have been 15,000 lines' worth [00:02:03.0000] <Hixie> but was actually 600 lines' worth about about 10,000 lines of stuff that had nothing to do with use cases [00:04:00.0000] <MikeSmith> Hixie: I see [00:04:01.0000] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: were you being sarcastic? "Getting data out of poorly written Web pages" does seem to be at least like a pretty decent use case [00:05:00.0000] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: I was being sarcastic. if the use case is about poorly written pages, a solution that requires the cooperation of the poorly-writing authors is likely to fail [00:06:00.0000] <MikeSmith> ah, yeah [00:06:01.0000] <MikeSmith> wasn't clear to me that it would require that cooperation [00:06:02.0000] <Hixie> hsivonen: you're assuming that that came from something to do with rdfa, which i don't think it did [00:07:00.0000] <hsivonen> Hixie: I'm not assuming anything about the origin of the use case [00:07:01.0000] <MikeSmith> "Getting data out of poorly written Web pages" seems similar to what browsers are already designed to do as far as rendering [00:07:02.0000] <olliej> MikeSmith: hehe [00:08:00.0000] <hsivonen> Hixie: I am assuming it is about new syntax rather than new algorithms, though [00:08:01.0000] <Hixie> hsivonen: use cases aren't about any kind of solution [00:08:02.0000] <Hixie> hsivonen: that's rather the point :-) [00:08:03.0000] <Hixie> we come up with problems then try and solve them, instead of coming up with solutions then trying to find problems for them [00:13:00.0000] <hsivonen> all the use cases that contain the word "commercial" seem like problems of CC's own creation [00:15:00.0000] <hsivonen> see also http://twitter.com/diveintomark/status/1256490748 [02:42:00.0000] <hsivonen> I'll implement the <p><table> quirk... [02:56:00.0000] <annevk2> you could write a little story around it how Hixie infected HTML parsers with a quirks mode switch [03:00:00.0000] <hsivonen> annevk2: yeah, I was thinking I'd blog about this [03:01:00.0000] <annevk2> I was thinking about a comment in the source code to be laughed about by people who know, but I suppose that works too :) [03:14:00.0000] <hsivonen> made innerHTML propagate the document quirkiness properly, too [03:15:00.0000] <hsivonen> which means this thing now has API surface! [03:24:00.0000] <annevk2> /me finds it weird that only Gecko has this quirk: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=489532 [03:24:01.0000] <annevk2> usually it's the other browsers that are less strict [03:28:00.0000] <hsivonen> annevk2: IIRC, someone behind a firewall complained [03:29:00.0000] <annevk2> if we really need to have it zcorpan better documents how it works, but hopefully Gecko people are willing to fix the bug [03:30:00.0000] <annevk2> e.g. afaict it doesn't match what IE does [03:30:01.0000] <hsivonen> oh? [03:31:00.0000] <annevk2> I read that IE supports attributes as well, createElement("<x foo=bar>") [03:34:00.0000] <zcorpan> check the source of web dom core [03:44:00.0000] <hsivonen> anyone got Netscape 1.1 around to test how it laid out <p align=center><table>? [03:45:00.0000] <hsivonen> out of historical interest [03:51:00.0000] <zcorpan> hsivonen: netscape 1.1 seems to not support the align attribute [03:54:00.0000] <Philip`> zcorpan: <p align=center> works in Netscape 1.1 [03:55:00.0000] <Philip`> But <p align=center><table> looks left-aligned [03:55:01.0000] <Philip`> /me goes away for a bit [04:00:00.0000] <zcorpan> hmm it didn't want to center for me at first but then suddenly it did [04:00:01.0000] <zcorpan> netscape 1.1 seems to close the p [04:04:00.0000] <zcorpan> hsivonen: http://simon.html5.org/dump/p-table-nn11.PNG [04:05:00.0000] <zcorpan> same in netscape 2 [04:13:00.0000] <hsivonen> I wonder how the non-closing behavior was introduced [04:33:00.0000] <zcorpan> even netscape 4 doesn't center the table [04:37:00.0000] <zcorpan> when did ie first support tables? [04:39:00.0000] <zcorpan> ie3 is the earliest i could get running, and it centers the table [04:42:00.0000] <zcorpan> netscape 6 does not center [04:52:00.0000] <Philip`> Netscape 1.1 would be more usable if it used HTTP 1.1 [04:52:01.0000] <Philip`> (particularly because of Host headers, I guess) [04:52:02.0000] <Philip`> Currently even Google doesn't work in it [04:58:00.0000] <Philip`> (...where "doesn't work" means it always returns a 302 response saying it's moved to exactly the location I was looking at) [05:05:00.0000] <Philip`> IE 2.0 centers the table [05:08:00.0000] <Philip`> IE 1 (which calls itself "Microsoft Internet Explorer/4.40.308" but I think really is version 1) also centers the table [05:12:00.0000] <Philip`> zcorpan: (It seems easy enough to run IE1 and IE2 (at least on Linux) - download from http://browsers.evolt.org/?ie/32bit , make Wine pretend to be Windows 95, start the installer, copy the .cab file out of c:\windows\temp, cabextract it, then run iexplore.exe) [05:39:00.0000] <jgraham> /me wonders if anyone has got timbl's broser running on anything other than NeXT [06:16:00.0000] <hsivonen> zcorpan, Philip`: thank you for the testing. (the Netscape 4 and 6 results surprise me) [06:33:00.0000] <annevk2> in HTML4 <link> has a charset attribute [06:33:01.0000] <annevk2> I think browsers use that to determine e.g. the encoding of an external style sheet [06:35:00.0000] <Philip`> jgraham: Surely it wouldn't be too hard to recompile on modern Linux [06:37:00.0000] <Philip`> It's nice how its documentation still works correctly in modern web browsers [06:38:00.0000] <Philip`> though it looks a bit outdated since it says <HEADER> <TITLE>WorldWideWeb source files [10:04:00.0000] "HTML5 poses to make web development less secure, more complicated and more expensive" http://loud.anotherquietday.com/post/98616203/the-threshold-of-ebook-progress [10:04:01.0000] Sounds like technological progress to me [10:06:00.0000] since adding features will cause those effects, and it's impossible to remove features, so the only alternative is to stagnate [10:09:00.0000] ("HTML5 allows more flexibility in the markup format, which will lead to more XSS vulnerabilities" just seems incorrect, since it's no more flexible than what browsers already accept, and at least it'll be more consistent and better defined) [10:10:00.0000] (but "adds a layer of the most maliciously exploited software layer in mankind to every page (SQL)" seems a reasonable criticism, because SQL is easy to misuse and so people will misuse it) [10:14:00.0000] It's not reasonable to say it adds it to "every page", though [10:16:00.0000] Ah, yes [10:16:01.0000] /me missed that bit [10:18:00.0000] I wonder how long it'll be before some writes a sqlite_real_escape_string function so they can safely concatenate values into their query [11:02:00.0000] hsivonen: in my defence, i was just trying to get the browsers to follow the specs. the real problem is html 4.01 didn't go through a real CR phase. [12:43:00.0000] Hixie - can you name any W3C RECs that went through a real CR phase? [12:49:00.0000] tantek: not yet. Selectors is close. [12:50:00.0000] I would tend to agree with that assessment. 2009-04-23 [18:45:00.0000] any opera people here? i'm trying to work out how to complete this sentence: [18:45:01.0000] Chaals could improve the Opera intranet if he had a mechanism for identifying the original source of various parts of a page, because... [18:46:00.0000] it's based on something chaals said but i don't seem to be able to find anything about how knowing the original source of a page would actually help improve the intranet [21:51:00.0000] i love this use case (paraphrasing): "how come if a tv guide site doesn't include a link to imdb my browser can't detect that it's a tv show from the microdata the author puts in the page and create an implied link to imdb?" [21:53:00.0000] if the tv guide author isn't including the link you want... what makes you think he'll include the microdata you want? [21:59:00.0000] Hixie: because experience has shown us that right-thinking authors will always go out of their way to embed hidden content that's only intended to be exposed to users of specialized tools, but not to normal users [21:59:01.0000] and they will never make any mistakes when they do it [22:00:00.0000] well actually some of the summary="" data did show that that does hapen sometimes! [22:00:01.0000] they have to be pretty motivated authors though [23:47:00.0000] Hixie: am I'm reading it incorrectly, or does abarth's content-sniffing data indicate that 0x00000100 signature almost never actually triggers in practice? [23:47:01.0000] http://webblaze.cs.berkeley.edu/2009/content-sniffing/metrics.html [23:48:00.0000] the metric counter is probably not being triggered for favicons [23:48:01.0000] but you'd have to speak to abarth for details [23:49:00.0000] I see [23:49:01.0000] just asking because that seems the be the only remaining case where Gecko content-sniffing behavior is different from the spec [23:50:00.0000] and abarth recommendation in the related Mozilla bug is that signature just be removed [23:51:00.0000] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=465007 [00:13:00.0000] http://twitter.com/200ok/status/1592050739 [00:13:01.0000] "why isn't NOSCRIPT valid inside HEAD? there are perfectly legit uses..." [00:14:00.0000] noscript is allowed in head, right? [00:16:00.0000] ah, I guess it's not allowed in HTML4 [01:02:00.0000] Lachy: have you heard any news of a a requiem that works with the latest iTunes? [01:33:00.0000] Hixie, no [01:34:00.0000] Hixie, my only source of information is that forum thread. So if you checked there, I'm unlikely to know anything more than you [01:35:00.0000] but I just started freenet to see if the page has been updated since the last version was released [01:46:00.0000] /me wonders why they don't just publish all the news and updates on, like, a web page [01:50:00.0000] Philip`, because Requiem is techically illegal to distribute, and so an ordinary web page is subjected to DMCA take down notices and subsequent legal issues for failing to comply [01:50:01.0000] Using Freenet helps to avoid that by keeping anonymous [01:51:00.0000] Lachy: requiem? [01:51:01.0000] it's illegal because of the anti-circumvention clauses in the DMCA and similar laws in other countries [01:51:02.0000] olliej, an iTunes DRM removal utility [01:53:00.0000] happily at least some of that drm is gone [01:57:00.0000] /me recently discovered get_iplayer which can download BBC programmes via the streaming Flash RTMP protocol, including a few in HD (1280x720 3Mbps H.264), which is pretty nice, and much more useful than the official Flash interface [01:58:00.0000] (They have a cross-platform programme downloader built on Adobe Air, but Air only installs onto deb/RPM-based Linuxes, not Gentoo, so I can't use it) [01:59:00.0000] /me would prefer it if they didn't have to make things so unnecessarily complex (rather than e.g. providing a download link to an .mp4 file) [03:04:00.0000] /me realises that one of his scripts has broken because he installed a namespace-aware html5lib [03:05:00.0000] except s/one/many/, just that I haven't tried to use the others yet [03:27:00.0000] lol [03:27:01.0000] check http://www.stockholmgamlastan.se/ in Opera [03:28:00.0000] It would be much less funny if the photographs on the site weren't so crappy [03:29:00.0000] Nice, simpel protection :) [03:29:01.0000] heh [03:29:02.0000] /me toggles dom.event.contextmenu.enabled and happily rightclicks a couple of times [03:29:03.0000] That'll teach them! [03:30:00.0000] wow, that's stupid [03:30:01.0000] errr [03:30:02.0000] annevk2: hallvord should write a patch for browser.js that unblocks opera and then replaces all the images on the pages with lolcats or something [03:31:00.0000] /me left-clicks and drags the image into Firefox's location bar, and then uses Ctrl+S [03:32:00.0000] speaking of stupid: http://www.torchmobile.com/blog/?p=29 [03:33:00.0000] Philip`: Why not jut drag the image to your folder of choice? [03:40:00.0000] jgraham: Because I don't trust drag-and-drop to work in any scenario more complex than from one application to itself [03:41:00.0000] (Actually it often works between native KDE applications too, but Firefox isn't one of those so I still wouldn't trust it) [03:43:00.0000] http://sourcefrog.net/projects/meantime/ is interesting [03:43:01.0000] basically cookies through HTTP caching [03:44:00.0000] so you'd have to disable your cache altogether if you want to prevent tracking [04:11:00.0000] it might also explain why Hixie got such strange values back for Last-Modified although somehow I doubt a lot of sites would be using the technique [04:16:00.0000] /me set his cache to 2MB a couple of years ago as a compromise between mostly preventing this and still having some use of the cache while staying within a single website. [04:18:00.0000] /me enables cookies and uses a mostly-static IP, so people don't have to bother wasting time on such tricks to track people [06:28:00.0000] re the right clicking on stockholmgamlastan.se , I guess they're not aware that Firefox has had the option to prevent context menu blocking for years [06:32:00.0000] or aware of browser caches... [06:34:00.0000] generally, people who try to prevent right clicking just want to use it as a deterrent [06:34:01.0000] Or drag and drop of view-page info or any of the other hundreds of ways of getting at those images [06:34:02.0000] besides, simply dragging the image from the browser to the desktop is the quickest way to save images now anyway [06:35:00.0000] The illusion of security is more valuable than security itself [06:36:00.0000] Philip`: To whom? In this case I would prefer the ability to access the site and use the context menu than the ability to save the files [06:37:00.0000] jgraham: To the people who are choosing to implement illusory security, I guess [06:38:00.0000] (I am, of course, entirely wrong) [06:38:01.0000] it would be interesting to see some sort of usability study that analysed common techniques real users used when saving images, to find out if using the context menu is still a significantly relevant technique compared with others [06:38:02.0000] (because they'd prefer real security, but the cost is too high (since it's impossible), so they make do with the best can they easily implement) [06:39:00.0000] s/can they/they can/ [09:04:00.0000] hurray: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/ [09:09:00.0000] I assume someone has already pointed out that the brackets in media="print and (color)" look weird and stupid and unintuitive? :-) [09:10:00.0000] not sure, but at this point the comment comes about seven years too late [09:11:00.0000] /me wonders why it's restricted to disjunctive normal form [09:13:00.0000] recommendations for "this week" happenings? [09:13:01.0000] i'm covering the datagrid and the keygen elements [09:13:02.0000] HTML5 was just published [09:13:03.0000] ah, indeed it was [09:13:04.0000] and presumably your html-differences document as well? [09:13:05.0000] also the drafts that were splitted out from HTML5 as well as Web Workers have been published too [09:13:06.0000] yes it was [09:13:07.0000] ooh [09:13:08.0000] excellent [09:13:09.0000] mpilgrim: it looks a lot like there's going to be a parsing quirk (unless Hixie changes Acid2 and all browsers agree) [09:14:00.0000] is this the

    thing? [09:14:01.0000] mpilgrim: yeah [09:14:02.0000] yes, i saw your blog post on it [09:14:03.0000] /me adds that link to the list of "around the web" [09:14:04.0000] mpilgrim: zcorpan's public-html post has the conclusion, though [09:15:00.0000] checking [09:15:01.0000] annevk2: It may have been seven years but pretty much nobody uses it, so it'd be easy to change without breaking compatibility much :-) [09:16:00.0000] /me can't tell if Philip` is joking [09:16:01.0000] mpilgrim: dunno if you'd find this newsworthy [09:16:02.0000] it's used quite often for mobile stylesheets for iphone, ipod, android [09:16:03.0000] http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/e6812f79d2ba [09:16:04.0000] "Harmonize content sniffing in HTML5 and Firefox" [09:16:05.0000] abarth checking in on April 5 [09:16:06.0000] billyjackass: absolutely! [09:17:00.0000] As far as I can see, the only examples more complex than comma-separated tokens are (I guess) trying to select mobile devices based on screen width [09:17:01.0000] (and they're not using the weird single-token-in-parentheses syntax) [09:17:02.0000] mpilgrim: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=465007 is the related bug [09:17:03.0000] /me first learned about css media queries from an article on iphone-specific stylesheets [09:17:04.0000] 1 only screen and (max-device width:480px) [09:17:05.0000] 31 only screen and (max-device-width: 480px) [09:17:06.0000] 1 screen and (min-device-width: 481px) [09:17:07.0000] 1 screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) [09:18:00.0000] (Total occurrence counts, and values, from 130K pages) [09:18:01.0000] i was ready to rant about how apple was making shit up again and polluting the web, until i checked discovered that it was a standard that nobody else was using [09:18:02.0000] :) [09:18:03.0000] it's been in Opera for a long time [09:18:04.0000] Philip`: that's interesting [09:19:00.0000] Firefox 3.5 has it too [09:19:01.0000] Polluting the web with standards isn't really any better than polluting the web with proprietary technologies [09:19:02.0000] mpilgrim: media queries are nice with Opera Mini, too [09:19:03.0000] Philip`: blasphemy! [09:19:04.0000] ;) [09:19:05.0000] (They might be a bit better documented but that's the only real difference, and they equally add to complexity and not-working-in-everyone's-browser-ity and so on) [09:22:00.0000] where is the new html5 draft published? [09:22:01.0000] http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/ still lists the feb 12 draft [09:23:00.0000] http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-html5-20090423/ [09:23:01.0000] seems the latest version links aren't updated yet [09:23:02.0000] MikeSmith, ^^ [09:23:03.0000] it is however announced on http://www.w3.org/ [09:23:04.0000] Hmph, the multipage splits are all stupid now [09:24:00.0000] yeah, TR symlinks are not set up yet [09:24:01.0000] webmaster is working on it now [09:24:02.0000] hmm, webstorage, websockets, and workers [09:24:03.0000] nobody did a sanity check on the shortnames? :) [09:24:04.0000] annevk2: what's wrong with the shortnames? [09:25:00.0000] Rik|work: thanks [09:25:01.0000] MikeSmith, nothing much, but if either all were prefixed with web or none would've been better (preferably all, given webidl) [09:26:00.0000] annevk2: point taken [09:27:00.0000] Hmm, www.w3.org actually links to http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-html5-20090421/ which redirects to ...23 [09:39:00.0000] the /TR versions are up now [09:39:01.0000] Philip`: I'll get that fixed [09:55:00.0000] Is there any way, or current discussion on the audio and video tags to prevent the browser from downloading the content? [09:56:00.0000] No [09:56:01.0000] I'm pretty new to how this works, so please humour me - but how do I start that discussion (or is it just via here!)? [09:57:00.0000] remysharp: http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/FAQ#Is_there_a_process_for_adding_new_features_to_the_spec.3F [09:57:01.0000] yeah, don't like to any resource [09:59:00.0000] annevk2: I mean to prevent the tag from saturating the bandwidth when the tag's in heavy used on the page [09:59:01.0000] remysharp: Why are you using it without wanting it to be downloaded? [09:59:02.0000] but then, thinking out loud, there's no way to say start loading without explicitly using some JS function [09:59:03.0000] gsnedders: if there's 50 audio tags on the page [09:59:04.0000] and they all come down at once [09:59:05.0000] remysharp: But why would there be? [09:59:06.0000] then my bandwidth is going to go loopy [09:59:07.0000] one second - I'll give you a link [10:00:00.0000] http://huffduffer.com/tags/sxswi2009 [10:00:01.0000] so this page - not 50, but a lot right? [10:00:02.0000] these used to be audio tags [10:00:03.0000] and it would fail back to flash for the play buttons [10:01:00.0000] that seems like something the browser should optimize [10:01:01.0000] http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/video.html#attr-media-autobuffer [10:01:02.0000] as in, don't download them in parallel? [10:01:03.0000] remysharp: isn't it the purpose of autobuffer ? [10:01:04.0000] remysharp, as in, do whatever is best for the user [10:01:05.0000] Rik|work: just reading that now... [10:02:00.0000] so would I set this to false to tell the UA to not go and get all this data? [10:02:01.0000] (for example) [10:03:00.0000] from what I read, it is just a hint [10:03:01.0000] maybe a browser could first download media with autobuffer=true and then those with false [10:04:00.0000] again, just thinking out loud, but what about when mobile devices support html5 - [10:04:01.0000] bandwidth is a cost for some plans [10:04:02.0000] wouldn't we want to be able to prevent this? [10:04:03.0000] I guess this could boil down to the UA having to have a setting in the phone I guess. [10:04:04.0000] is this not just something which should be left to UAs to sort out? [10:04:05.0000] (I guess...I guess) [10:05:00.0000] I'm starting to see that for the mobile case, yes. [10:07:00.0000] remysharp: It's a problem for any number of images, videos, and audio files [10:08:00.0000] gsnedders: yeah, you're definitely right, and putting images in that context, kind of makes me see that it's definitely down to the browser. [10:08:01.0000] that said... [10:09:00.0000] remysharp: Limited bandwidth is not a new problem, we already had it with img (esp. in the days of dial-up being normal) [10:09:01.0000] didn't the image tag used to have a low-rez attribute or something... [10:09:02.0000] like a preview on the image tag...am I making this up?? [10:09:03.0000] remysharp: Um, maybe HTML 3.0? It did sometime. Nobody ever implemented it. Nobody cares about it. [10:09:04.0000] :D [10:09:05.0000] okay, I was harking back a bit then! [10:10:00.0000] Before I had ever used the web, I think :) [10:10:01.0000] Nobody implemented it? [10:11:00.0000] I'm sure I remember it as actually working [10:11:01.0000] (a long long time ago) [10:11:02.0000] Well, nobody somebody. Nobody relevant with enough influence, though. [10:11:03.0000] s/nobody/maybe/ [10:11:04.0000] Philip`: I'm pretty sure it did, I'm sure I used it back then [10:11:05.0000] Apparently it worked in Netscape [10:11:06.0000] nobody relevant == me :) [10:11:07.0000] who had influence [10:11:08.0000] http://www6.uniovi.es/gifanim/gifhtml.htm [10:12:00.0000] "Only Netscape (that I know of) supports the Netscape extension of LOWSRC" [10:12:01.0000] that was the one lowsrc [10:13:00.0000] I guess that technique for GIF animation didn't take off [10:13:01.0000] I just wonder whether there's a usecase for some attribute like 'loadondemand' [10:13:02.0000] (for video + audio) [10:47:00.0000] remysharp, you start with the use case, not the solution [10:47:01.0000] remysharp, i.e. you're doing it wrong :) [10:47:02.0000] annevk5: okay, so I should start with my own experience when I visited the page, and it tried to load all the audio thus slowing my connection and killing my experience [10:48:00.0000] it's a bit over the top - but that's the point you're making right [10:48:01.0000] how do we make sure the experience is still fast and not hammered by lots of things downloading that I don't want. [10:48:02.0000] by getting a better browser [10:49:00.0000] it's not the browser - it was my connection [10:49:01.0000] remysharp: That seems like a reasonable statement of the problem [10:49:02.0000] Philip`: okay, cheers. [10:49:03.0000] at least I post together my thoughts on it, *then* it can be poo-pooed :-) [10:50:00.0000] I take back what I said about connection - you could be right, maybe it's the browser, perhaps not. That I can test myself fairly easily. [10:51:00.0000] my point is that the browser is more likely aware of the user's available bandwidth than the website owner [10:51:01.0000] I guess the solutions are something like (1) require page authors to add an attribute to most of their audio elements when they've got quite a few and they think it might be bad for most of their users; (2) make browsers manage resources sensibly, by not opening a hundred socket connections at once or downloading dozens of megabytes automatically or whatever; (3) something else [10:51:02.0000] so if someone (between the browser and website owner) needs to be in control of bandwidth usage (and disk usage, and memory usage, etc.) it's the browser [10:52:00.0000] and (2) seems a solution that's likely to work better for users [10:52:01.0000] Sure, but as a developer of page, I'm creating a listing page with video tags, I know the user doesn't want them all at once down the wire though. [10:52:02.0000] (in response to annevk5) [10:52:03.0000] yeah, and the browser can know that too [10:53:00.0000] Philip`: I definitely agree that browsers should need to be wary of concurrent downloads for audio and video tags - [10:53:01.0000] I assume browsers already apply their 6-connections-per-domain-name limit to media downloads? [10:53:02.0000] but, right now, that's limited to 2 for IE and 4(?) for FF (I think?) [10:54:00.0000] I thought FF was on 4. [10:54:01.0000] remysharp: I think it's 6 in IE8 and recent FFs etc [10:54:02.0000] Right, cool. [10:54:03.0000] at least for normal page content [10:54:04.0000] ("recent" might mean "not yet released"; I'm not at all sure) [10:54:05.0000] I guess that would actually be a big problem point then too [10:55:00.0000] big-ish [10:55:01.0000] because if there's images or scripts below the 6th video, they're all going to hang if they're the same domain [10:55:02.0000] obviously solved by splitting your content - but I don't think that's the point [10:55:03.0000] http://stevesouders.com/ua/ [10:55:04.0000] check the conns/host column [10:56:00.0000] /me bookmarks - cheers [10:56:01.0000] Rik|work: Nice, thanks [10:56:02.0000] btw, webkit will be 6 conns/host soon [10:57:00.0000] remysharp: Only while the videos are actively downloading - the connections should be released when it's stopped buffering, and it probably shouldn't be buffering the entire video before you've started playing it [10:58:00.0000] are you saying that they would buffer a bit, then move on to the next video then? [10:58:01.0000] I suppose I don't see why they'd buffer anything at all [10:58:02.0000] other than the poster image [10:59:00.0000] Yeah, that's the problem though - in WebKit, last I saw, the just download the whole shebang [11:00:00.0000] which is why Jeremy's site (the link I posted above) was changed from the audio tag to just flash [11:15:00.0000] mpilgrim: "Adam Barth's [PDF] whitepaper" seems misleading, since I interpret 'whitepaper' as being a marketing document (and Wikipedia seems to agree so I must be right), whereas this thing is an actual proper academic paper (so I'd just call it a 'paper') [11:16:00.0000] proper response :) [11:17:00.0000] (?) [11:17:01.0000] joking [11:17:02.0000] is also not quite as new as mark said [11:18:00.0000] /me is confuzzled [11:18:01.0000] you'll get over it [11:18:02.0000] I may [12:35:00.0000]