2009-06-01 [17:15:00.0000] hober: Sensible stuff [17:31:00.0000] hober: nice. (hi) [19:07:00.0000] Just making sure I'm not crazy: If I have

, the

node gets placed *outside* of , correct? [19:27:00.0000] Should active formatting elements list every contain a single element which is null? [19:27:01.0000] *ever [19:30:00.0000] Oh, that's their internal representation of Marker [19:48:00.0000] Where in the spec does it specify that, after I encounter the tag, I'm supposed to somehow switch back into IN_FOREIGN_CONTENT? [19:50:00.0000] It looks like the spec makes a half-hearted attempt to keep the mode in "in foreign content", but as soon as we have some sort of complicated code inside that, we move to another mode and consequently lose the ability to "go back" [19:58:00.0000] Also, assuming that this is a spec error (I'd put it at an 80% chance it's not, but I'm hoping it is), PHP html5lib now has 100% tests passing [19:59:00.0000] erm, s/tests/specced tests/ [19:59:01.0000] And has, maybe, three nasty workarounds (one for empty doctypes, and two for namespaced attributes) [00:29:00.0000] ezyang: The table taint thing is the only case where the tests deviated from current spec intentionally because of me [00:30:00.0000] hsivonen: you can flip a setting in ie8 to disable the xss filter [00:30:01.0000] zcorpan_: where? [00:33:00.0000] hsivonen: internet settings, security, custom level, scripting, enable xss filter [00:34:00.0000] zcorpan_: you still around? [00:34:01.0000] MikeSmith: yep [00:35:00.0000] about "If the area element has no href attribute, then the area represented by the element cannot be selected, and the alt attribute must be omitted." [00:35:01.0000] does v.nu not already handle that correctly? [00:35:02.0000] /me wonders why the labels are "(o) Disable-ON ( ) Enable-OFF" [00:36:00.0000] MikeSmith: dunno, that was re the spec bug you filed [00:36:01.0000] oh [00:36:02.0000] remind me which bug that was? [00:37:00.0000] http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6976 [00:38:00.0000] ah [00:38:01.0000] I didn't file that one, it just got auto-assigned to me [00:38:02.0000] oh [00:38:03.0000] because dude filed it against the h:tml draft [00:39:00.0000] anyway, I'll reply to it and close it out [00:39:01.0000] i didn't look carefully enough at the labels [00:40:00.0000] np [00:40:01.0000] it did make me think some about how v.nu error-reporting could be improved for this case [00:41:00.0000] because right now, v.nu just says, "Error: Required attributes missing on element area." for cases like this [00:41:01.0000] MikeSmith: hack jing to emit more useful messages? :) [00:42:00.0000] well, I think hsivonen's already done some improvements that way [00:42:01.0000] I was thinking about possibility adding it in the separate-pass assertions-checking [00:42:02.0000] the assertions.sch Schematron file and the Assertions.java code [00:43:00.0000] could have that specifically report, "An area element without an href attribute must not have an alt attribute." [00:43:01.0000] or whatever [00:43:02.0000] as another message? [00:44:00.0000] yeah, it would need to be another message [00:44:01.0000] if we did it that way [00:44:02.0000] (as opposed to hacking jing) [00:45:00.0000] i think it would be a better long-term solution to hack jing [00:45:01.0000] zcorpan_: thanks. not the most discoverable thing [00:45:02.0000] but then again i'm not the one who's hacking [00:46:00.0000] hsivonen: indeed, ie's preferences are even worse than opera's :) [00:46:01.0000] at least opera has opera:config [00:46:02.0000] maybe I should put software.hixie.ch into my "intranet" and set the pref only for that [00:47:00.0000] hmm. but then the compat mode thing could do intranet weirdness and confuse my live DOM testing [00:48:00.0000] hsivonen: you could make the compat mode not depend on intranet, no? [00:48:01.0000] yes [00:49:00.0000] i just disabled the xss filter since all i use ie8 for is for viewing the live dom viewer :) [00:50:00.0000] I don't use it for much else, either, but sometimes I browse to a test case somewhere else or seach the Web in IE8 if I'm already in the IE8 window [00:50:01.0000] /me noticed that opera's new mac native skin looks better than the previous skin [00:50:02.0000] is there a new public build of Opera? [00:51:00.0000] my opera just auto-updated [00:51:01.0000] does Opera have different auto-update channels? [00:51:02.0000] though i have flipped the "download all snapshots" pref [00:52:00.0000] ah. nice [00:52:01.0000] /me didn't know about that pref, either [00:53:00.0000] maybe I should put Chrome on dev channel, too [00:53:01.0000] /me wonders if WebKit nightlies on Windows have autoupdate these days [00:53:02.0000] in chrome it's even harder to discover [00:53:03.0000] although i guess it depends on how you go about to find out how to do it [00:54:00.0000] if you google for it it might be easier in chrome [00:58:00.0000] hmm. has Chrome 2 even not been pushed to stable channel yet? [00:59:00.0000] or is my instance of chrome just slow to update because I don't leave the Windows VM idle for long enough times with Chrome open? [01:00:00.0000] hmm. looks like Chrome defaults to SSL cert CRL off [01:00:01.0000] cert security FTW [01:09:00.0000] I don't believe Chrome 2 is in the stable channel [01:09:01.0000] I think it's "beta" [01:09:02.0000] stable is 1.0 [01:09:03.0000] dev is 3.0.x [01:09:04.0000] ok. [01:09:05.0000] yay for burning through version numbers [01:10:00.0000] othermaciej: 2 is in stable [01:10:01.0000] it seems to me that Chrome 3 is slow to start playing Ogg files [01:10:02.0000] othermaciej: 1.0 is dead [01:10:03.0000] abarth: I guess I was out of date [01:10:04.0000] I wonder if they wait for the whole file in order to show the time track [01:10:05.0000] othermaciej: i'm not sure whether it's been pushed out for auto update or just for folks who ask for it [01:15:00.0000] "plugin prison" seems to be an effective buzzword [01:15:01.0000] it's much more hostile than I would go for in explaining the benefits of

element with Some Company logo but this outliner (http://gsnedders.html5.org/outliner/) doesn't show the alt text in the outline. Do you think it would be possible to make it reads the alt text and show it if no other text is present? [01:44:00.0000] Mrmil: zcorpan_ was trying to get me to implement that :P [01:45:00.0000] i think Hixie is wasting people's time with making , and do something other than being ignored [01:46:00.0000] gsnedders: Hehehe, did he succeed? :) [01:46:01.0000] Mrmil: I guess I probably will [01:46:02.0000] (get around to doing it) [01:47:00.0000] gsnedders: Ok. *grins* [01:48:00.0000] zcorpan_, he's right about whitespace roundtripping though [01:48:01.0000] zcorpan_, but supposedly editors have to deal differently with whitespace anyway [01:49:00.0000] zcorpan_, though that would indicate the current parsing algorithm is not suitable for editors [01:49:01.0000] i guess editors would want to preserve whitespace between attributes too [01:49:02.0000] yeah [01:49:03.0000] which means that the dom is not a suitable model for editors [01:50:00.0000] Hmm, Sims 3's first release date is tomorrow [01:50:01.0000] I think Dreamweaver preserves all sorts of crazy parse errors [01:50:02.0000] the suitability of the parsing algorithm depends on the kind of editor [01:50:03.0000] if you want to make a GUI-only editor, it's fine [01:51:00.0000] yeah i guess you'd want to preserve weird doctypes and bogus comments etc too [01:51:01.0000] if you want to make a dual GUI/text editor like Dreamweaver, you are in the world of hurt and complexity [01:55:00.0000] man, jd really has his job cut out for him when his customers go to lengths like these: http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/8opdq/html_5_and_web_video_freeing_rich_media_from/c09yhr2 [02:02:00.0000] /me wonders when accessibility enters the Flash v. HTML5 comparisons with more force [02:02:01.0000] Hixie: his new story appears to be that HTML is just the next Silverlight [02:02:02.0000] How's Flash accessibility doing on Mac and Linux these days? [02:02:03.0000] othermaciej: wow, that's quite the compliment he's giving us [02:03:00.0000] hsivonen: that comparison is why I try to discourage people from citing Bespin as an HTML5 poster child... [02:03:01.0000] bespin is a poster child for us providing