2010-01-01 [16:00:00.0000] anyway, I'm pretty sure #whatwg is not the perfect place to discuss this [16:03:00.0000] nessy: thanks for the tweets :) [16:07:00.0000] there's also a blog post waiting :) [16:07:01.0000] but I need to get breakfast first [16:08:00.0000] oh, I thought anything html5 related can be discussed here! sorry! [16:08:01.0000] You can, nobody cares. [16:08:02.0000] It's interesting to read, and no one else is discussing anything here right now anyway. [16:11:00.0000] nessy: you're waiting to read or to write a blog post? [16:12:00.0000] Anything unrelated to HTML5 can be discussed here too, and often is [16:12:01.0000] hehe, indeed [16:12:02.0000] Socks are great, aren't they? [16:12:03.0000] /me goes off to learn about git hooks [16:17:00.0000] Happy new year, y'all! [16:18:00.0000] nessy: Everything is on-topic here :P [16:19:00.0000] I'm in the middle of writing a blog post about how cool it is that Opera released this :) [16:20:00.0000] I wanted to get it working on my mac with ports, thought, but that's obviously not going to happen :) [16:20:01.0000] Of course Opera is cool :P [16:20:02.0000] I only care about video ;) [16:21:00.0000] Well, I'll say that Carakan in the cool thing in 10.50, just to spite foolip :) [16:21:01.0000] Are you only allowed one cool thing per release? [16:22:00.0000] Well, no. But what I worked on most is by definition the coolest. [16:22:01.0000] http://9elements.com/io/projects/html5/canvas/ is awesome :O [16:24:00.0000] nessy: sorry :/ I borrowed a MacBook over the weekend so I can hack on it though [16:34:00.0000] This is a seriously awesome real-life application of canvas: http://detexify.kirelabs.org/classify.html [16:34:01.0000] At least if you're a math nerd. [16:36:00.0000] Old. [16:36:01.0000] /me hides [16:37:00.0000] foolip: no worries - I will just install it on my winodws and linux partitions :) [16:37:01.0000] but if I could have hacked it together on Mac, that would have been a bonus :) [16:40:00.0000] I think there's ample opportunity for hacking on Linux still [16:41:00.0000] foolip: nice job on the