2010-07-01 [17:01:00.0000] I've seen a few sites suggest alt="" but I didn't trust it. [17:01:01.0000] No, the content next to it is the meaning of the image, not a description. [17:02:00.0000] (Assuming I'm imagining the same page you are.) [17:02:01.0000] JonathanNeal: not sure what you're asking but in general http://dev.w3.org/html5/alt-techniques/ has some guidance [17:02:02.0000] and the section on img in the spec [17:03:00.0000] TabAtkins, thanks. MikeSmith, I'll check it out, thanks. [17:04:00.0000] hober: Donald Knuth? [17:04:01.0000] has there been some news about him planning to announce something? [17:05:00.0000] MikeSmith, ah very useful. [17:06:00.0000] JonathanNeal: thank Steve Faulkner for editing it :) [17:06:01.0000] I refuse! [17:07:00.0000] I kid! [17:07:01.0000] Thank you Steve Faulkner, wherever you are. [17:08:00.0000] I make Julienne Fries! [17:13:00.0000] MikeSmith: yes: http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~uno/news.html#lectures [17:13:01.0000] he's to make "an earthshaking announcement" tonight [17:25:00.0000] http://www.facesaerch.com/banana.html [17:31:00.0000] zcorpan_, ah, html5 [17:31:01.0000] aka css3 [17:34:00.0000] hsivonen: the tier 1 implementations of WebSRT are highly likely to include software that aren't browsers [17:34:01.0000] hsivonen: e.g. quicktime, srt authoring software, youtube [17:41:00.0000] /me loves making tools that people use. [17:43:00.0000] MikeSmith: ah that's what i thought! :) \o/ [17:56:00.0000] hober: interesting -- thanks [19:55:00.0000] anybody know what is #hohtml5 #VTM_WD [19:55:01.0000] ah, Voices That Matter [19:56:00.0000] http://www.voicesthatmatter.com/webdesign2010/ [19:57:00.0000] looks like a great event [19:58:00.0000] but the marketing collateral is .. well, I guess it's marketing speak like most other events [19:58:01.0000] "The Pearson Education Voices That Matter Conference series gives voice to the most important thought leaders in technology, design, and business today. These conferences give our readers access to those who have devised new technologies, new approaches and new inventions. Our speakers are the individuals who have made the strongest contributions impacting their industry. They are highly visible practitioners and luminaries who [19:58:02.0000] lead the way, spawn new technologies and inspire passionate communities." [19:58:03.0000] thought leaders spawning [20:01:00.0000] http://webdesign2010.crowdvine.com/talks/10513 is #hohtml5 I guess [20:01:01.0000] Hands-On HTML5 Workshop [20:01:02.0000] tantek [20:01:03.0000] cool [20:23:00.0000] webkit is getting a UI for examining and changing application-cache contents [20:23:01.0000] https://bug-24529-attachments.webkit.org/attachment.cgi?id=60172 [20:25:00.0000] oh that's handy [21:06:00.0000] oh wow. excellent [21:07:00.0000] MikeSmith: did you like the webk.it shorturl at least? [21:08:00.0000] paul_irish: yeah [21:08:01.0000] i hooked that up. #nobigdeal [21:09:00.0000] oh cool [21:09:01.0000] good to see that you're finally finding some ways to make yourself useful :) [21:09:02.0000] precisely! [21:09:03.0000] heh [21:10:00.0000] paul_irish: I wasn't pooh-poohing the fragment-ID thing, btw [21:10:01.0000] I just hadn't realized it actually worked [21:10:02.0000] it *should* work [21:10:03.0000] there's just some browsers it doesn't work in yet [21:11:00.0000] and the solution is for those browsers to make it work as well [21:11:01.0000] hahaha. yes i agree [21:11:02.0000] paul_irish: you settled in out there yet? got a place and all? living in the city or mountain view, or? [21:12:00.0000] (if you don't mind me asking) [21:12:01.0000] (if you do mind me asking, just make up fake answers) [21:13:00.0000] MikeSmith: living in SF (right between Mission and Noe). shuttling down to Mtn View. got a pet giraffe. [21:13:01.0000] heh [21:14:00.0000] I like the "between Mission and Noe" part you made up.. nice [21:14:01.0000] anyway, nice area [21:15:00.0000] Don Knuth's "Earthshaking Announcement": TeX has new successor. Fix mistakes of tex78. New will use XML, arbitrary prec, autolayout [21:16:00.0000] oh boy [21:16:01.0000] that is a change [21:16:02.0000] paul_irish: got a URL? [21:18:00.0000] no i dont. just looking at twitter search. other tweets indicate its "all a joke" .. shrug. [21:19:00.0000] ah [21:19:01.0000] should have seen that one coming I guess [21:36:00.0000] How should one propose a change in a HTML5 tag [21:40:00.0000] no_mind: you can suggest it on one of the mailing lists (public-html or whatwg) if you want discussion, or you can just file a bug at http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/enter_bug.cgi?product=HTML%20WG&component=HTML5%20spec%20%28editor%3A%20Ian%20Hickson%29&priority=P3 [21:41:00.0000] ok, posting to whatwg mailing list is a betteridea [21:42:00.0000] in the