2010-08-01 [21:30:00.0000] /me would like it noted for posterity that I am connecting to this channel from the Apple //e that my parents bought in 1983 [01:38:00.0000] Can someone link me to the pages that highlights the differences between releases? [01:39:00.0000] if you are talking about HTML5 there is http://html5.org/tools/web-apps-tracker [01:39:01.0000] and also http://dev.w3.org/html5/html4-differences/#changelog [01:40:00.0000] I thought the purpose of this channel is for HTML5 discussion? [01:41:00.0000] did you read the topic? ;) [01:41:01.0000] it mentions the organization and a log url, that's it [01:42:00.0000] it also says "Please leave your sense of logic at the door, thanks!" at the end [03:48:00.0000] annevk: happy birthday! [03:55:00.0000] Hixie: on the websockets protocol; I like the look of just a single format for messages; although, the idea of "oh yeah, it's just always binary data" needs to be changed [03:55:01.0000] annevk: now that gsnedders' has mentioned it, Happy Birthday! [04:15:00.0000] When people say Happy Birthday, it always puts "Unhappy Birthday" by The Smiths in my head [04:15:01.0000] annevk: But happy birthday irrespective of that [05:03:00.0000] jgraham: https://code.google.com/p/html5lib/source/detail?r=5872b5724934b9dd4193758e1d11bbaa79239236 [05:03:01.0000] jgraham: Does that get a non-ugly prize? [05:03:02.0000] (not quite what you described yesterday) [05:07:00.0000] gsnedders: Doesn't self.dataStream.read(chunkSize) just return the empty string if there is no more data? [05:07:01.0000] So you don't need to chech if data: [05:08:00.0000] Am I totally misunderstanding or shouldn't you be adding _bufferedCharacter onto the beginning of data, not onto the end? [05:08:01.0000] jgraham: No, it returns None, I think [05:09:00.0000] Philip`: Yes I should [05:09:01.0000] Also, where does _bufferedCharacter get reset? [05:10:00.0000] jgraham: where is it missing getting reset? [05:10:01.0000] gsnedders: Sounds like it needs tests cases :-) [05:11:00.0000] gsnedders: Well I don't see the code that makes _bufferedCharacter be None or the empty string or whatever when there is no character to buffer [05:11:01.0000] if there was in the last chunk [05:11:02.0000] jgraham: it is initially None, and it gets reset to None after it is used [05:11:03.0000] line 354 [05:12:00.0000] Oh [05:12:01.0000] OK [05:12:02.0000] Can you show me where dataStream.read returns None? [05:13:00.0000] Well, actually, is it not dependent on the file object? [05:13:01.0000] Right, but a file always returns "" from .read when there is no more data, doesn't it? [05:13:02.0000] Yeah, that appears to be true [05:14:00.0000] So that is what I would expect [05:14:01.0000] in file-like objects [05:15:00.0000] (also I am not quite convinced that detting bufferedCharacter to be "" when it is not needed and always doing bufferedCharacter + data should not be faster) [05:15:01.0000] (but I may be overestimating the optimisations in the python interpreter) [05:16:00.0000] jgraham: premature optimization much? [05:17:00.0000] gsnedders: Well I like it because I think it makes the logic simpler [05:18:00.0000] Bah [05:18:01.0000] jgraham: Seems like you should test that optimisation [05:19:00.0000] It doesn't seem a good idea if parsing a 5MB file results in an extra 20MB of memory-copies when you're prepending an empty string to each chunk [05:21:00.0000] That is indeed the worry [05:23:00.0000] Hmm, looks like it probably does do that optimisation, though it's not obvious exactly when it optimises strings [05:24:00.0000] Yeah, I get similar numbers for the two cases in a trivial testcase [05:24:01.0000] Which might be highly misleading [05:24:02.0000] /me was looking at the id()s of the strings [05:25:00.0000] That works too [13:05:00.0000] hi ... what language's HTML5 parser in HTML5lib is the recommended one ? [13:06:00.0000] (talking about http://code.google.com/p/html5lib/ ) [13:07:00.0000] duryodhan: Only the Python version is being relatively actively maintained [13:07:01.0000] The others are obsolete and probably broken [13:07:02.0000] thanks! [16:20:00.0000] thanks for the b-day wishes! [16:20:01.0000] /me should get some sleep [16:33:00.0000] Bleh, othermaciej isn't here. [16:33:01.0000] He mentioned something about how Apple backports fixes for significant standards issues in Safari, so I wanted to ask him if this could be backported. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40747 [16:33:02.0000] /me needs to not forget about that. 2010-08-02 [17:00:00.0000] any standards folks around? I'm just wondering if the following bug falls under a spec issue because it affects all most render engines: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=582037 [17:00:01.0000] I've reported it to just about everyone, Mozilla seems to be the first one to step up to the plate [17:16:00.0000] Alystair: Sounds more like it's just browser bugs [17:17:00.0000] given that bz called it a correctness fix [18:19:00.0000] could someone please explain to me what the difference between an IDL attribute and content attributes are ? [18:26:00.0000] variable: content attribute is the one on an element, e.g.
[18:26:01.0000] variable: IDL attribute is the one on a DOM object, e.g. myDivElement.title = 'this is an IDL attribute'; [18:27:00.0000] variable: setting an IDL attribute that reflects a content attribute will set the content attribute, and vice versa [18:27:01.0000] Philip`: well... sorta :X [18:27:02.0000] Ah, I see. Can they *ever* differ? I often see in the spec that "the content attribute must remain consitent with the IDL attribute" [18:27:03.0000] I might have made the report sound like it was a spec error, but I don't know if that was validated or not [18:28:00.0000] is there a reason that this must be stated? Or is it just clarity [18:28:01.0000] *just for clarity ? [18:28:02.0000] I mean it would make-sense(tm) but I never actually looked to the spec to see if something like that is mentioned [18:28:03.0000] variable: yeah, e.g. is the same as HTMLInputElement.defaultChecked, and is different from HTMLInputElement.checked [18:28:04.0000] variable: also, some have no correspondance whatsoever, e.g. HTMLDocument.body is an IDL attribute but there's no element, let alone a content attribute, to go with it [18:29:00.0000] Hixie: you wouldn't happen to be Ian would you? [18:29:01.0000] YOU ARE! [18:29:02.0000] Wow what luck [18:29:03.0000] um hi [18:30:00.0000] is Acid3 still modifiable or any new tests need to go into the next Acid suite? [18:31:00.0000] acid3 is only modifiable in case of serious error [18:31:01.0000] Are there plans for an acid4 ? [18:31:02.0000] I have a test inclusion request for the next version then, what's is there a procedure? [18:32:00.0000] acid4 isn't something that is likely to happen any time soon [18:32:01.0000] fair enough then :) [18:32:02.0000] so if there's a bug that you think needs fixing, i recommend just filing a big rather than hoping for an acid test :-) [18:32:03.0000] yeah I've filled a bug with everyone but only Mozilla so far has taken action :/ [18:32:04.0000] Hixie, are there concrete plans for it? or is it just some vaporware idea atm? [18:32:05.0000] which will be a problem because they will be the "odd man out" [18:33:00.0000] even if their browser does a more correct rendering [18:33:01.0000] Alystair: feel free to use the whatwg blog as a soapbox :-) [18:33:02.0000] variable: define "concrete plans" [18:34:00.0000] Hixie, "this will get done on Towel Day, May 25, 2012. Or "This will get done with all the browsers release their next major version" [18:35:00.0000] oh the plan is to wait until all five major browsers have announced they pass acid3, more or less; same as with acid2->acid3 [18:46:00.0000] Hixie: it's hard to tell how webstandards.org and whatwg relate [18:47:00.0000] they are in no way related [18:48:00.0000] (why did you think they might be related?) [18:48:01.0000] Hixie: what about mobile browsers and Acid3 ? [18:49:00.0000] Rik`: what about them? [18:50:00.0000] Hixie: just my odd mind, because you're involved in both :) [18:50:01.0000] Is the "parse an address algorithm defined by the IRI specification" exposed anywhere to JavaScript? [18:50:02.0000] ah :-) [18:50:03.0000] or rather, saw your name on the acid test site [18:51:00.0000] Hixie: you don't want to wait for specific mobile browsers to pass Acid3 too ? [18:51:01.0000] Alystair: well, i guess there is a minor relation, which is that acidtests.org and whatwg.org are hosted on the same server :-) [18:52:00.0000] but that's just because i host them both myself [18:52:01.0000] (lots of stuff is on that server) [18:52:02.0000] (e.g. bully.org, hixie.ch, voidwars.com, etc) [18:52:03.0000] /me thinks he might end up getting involved in some way [18:53:00.0000] Rik`: any in particular you had in mind? [18:53:01.0000] AryehGregor: the url decomposition attributes expose it [18:53:02.0000] Okay. [18:53:03.0000] Hixie: no, just a thought that mobile browsers are turning into "major" browsers [18:53:04.0000] mobile browsers? [18:53:05.0000] Opera Mini/Mobile [18:54:00.0000] Apple's stuff.. [18:54:01.0000] what does blackberry even use? [18:55:00.0000] Rik`: indeed, but all the major mobile browsers correspond to major desktop browsers, so it's not a huge difference [18:55:01.0000] from my point of view there's no "mobile vs desktop", there's just the web [18:56:00.0000] to me too, but one mobile browser can have more marketshare than one of the "major" desktop browsers [18:56:01.0000] only limited by pixel width/height :P [18:56:02.0000] PPI [18:59:00.0000] Rik`: which one? [19:03:00.0000] Hixie: well, marketshare varies a lot depending on the area but Safari iOS or Opera Mini (if it counts) could be bigger than Opera desktop [19:04:00.0000] as I understand it Opera Mini intentionally breaks the specs, so it doesn't really count [19:04:01.0000] safari on iOS is something I look at, though [19:05:00.0000] yeah Opera Mini has a proxy system in place [19:05:01.0000] time to sleep, bye [19:06:00.0000] Has there been any talk about copy/paste buffers with html5? [19:06:01.0000] /me should go check mailinglist archive if there is one [19:13:00.0000] Alystair: not sure what you mean by copy/paste buffers [19:17:00.0000] well as applications move "to the cloud" you end up in the odd situation where an application cannot access or utilize the OS copy/paste buffer in a safe manner [19:17:01.0000] at the moment writing to the buffer is only possible via a cludge in flash or hacking configs in some browsers [19:20:00.0000] ah, yeah, there's some feedback on copy-and-paste... let's see [19:21:00.0000] only stuff about copy and paste events, looks like [19:54:00.0000] annevk: happy birthday btw :) [04:19:00.0000] I really have no clue why people are spending time on the polyglot thread. Isn't it a giant tar pit? [04:20:00.0000] fn + backspace [04:20:01.0000] well actually, just backspace suffices [04:21:00.0000] jgraham: http://xkcd.com/386/ is my best guess. [04:40:00.0000] It's a danger of the approach of allowing anyone in the WG to publish drafts [04:41:00.0000] Other members are likely to get dragged into discussing it even if they don't care about the subject [04:43:00.0000] and if they ignore it now then either they'll have to object to publication later when the editors are happy with the draft, or the WG will publish something technically poor [06:14:00.0000] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-html-cg/2010JulSep/0010.html is interesting [06:14:01.0000] the 3rd paragraph in particular [06:59:00.0000] hsivonen: perhaps it would be best to discourage any further contributions of patches to make the "polyglot"-checking feature complete [07:00:00.0000] it seems like it might not be a very good feature with canonical validator.nu [07:01:00.0000] I think those who want to provide it should maybe instead be encourage to host their own instance and advertise that as a value-add or whatever [07:01:01.0000] it's never really been clear to me what the use case is for that feature anyway [07:02:00.0000] because I would assume that anybody who cares to make sure their documents follow XML well-formedness rules would most likely already be using an XML toolchain to author their documents [07:03:00.0000] unless there's something I'm not aware of that they want and that any XML parser would not already be able to report to them [07:49:00.0000] AIUI, what people what from polyglot checking is nothing like the strict level of checking that would be required for full DOM consistency. But rather, most seem to checking of a few XML-like talismans that give the appearance of cleaner and more consistent markup [07:50:00.0000] for instance, I'm pretty sure most don't particularly care about the optional tbody issue, unless they actually want scripts or stylesheets to interact with it [07:52:00.0000] and most would be happy to omit boilerplate markup like xmlns [07:53:00.0000] the important issues seem to be pretty much trailing slashes in void elements, explicit end tags, double-quoted attributes, always escaping & and < characters [07:54:00.0000] Lachy: wouldn't that be the "pedagogical" profile instead of "polyglot"? [07:55:00.0000] yes [07:55:01.0000] that's why I don't really think the polyglot spec is particularly useful [07:56:00.0000] and why I think the approach I have taken in my authoring guide in recent updates (not yet checked in) is better [07:56:01.0000] Lachy: I think you mean s/spec/draft/ :-) [07:56:02.0000] yes [07:56:03.0000] Lachy: are you updating the guide again? [07:56:04.0000] yes, I started doing that last week [07:56:05.0000] Lachy: cool [07:56:06.0000] I'd also done some other major changes a while ago that weren't checked in. [07:57:00.0000] significant changes are: splitting into HTML5 Reference (for syntax and element reference) and HTML5 Guide (for more tutorial like content, describing common use cases, etc.) [07:58:00.0000] on a completely different topic: does anyone happen to have pointers to innerHTML benchmarks? [07:58:01.0000] and also updating the syntax section to more clearly describe, and compare and contrast the syntax for both HTML and XHTML, [07:58:02.0000] I'm interested in benchmarks that represent benchmarks and benchmarks that represent marketing [07:58:03.0000] Lachy- Just commenting here: I like your "splitting" idea. [07:58:04.0000] -_- [07:59:00.0000] I also intend to publish this on html5reference.org soon too with a more liberal licence, so I can bypass most of the w3c politics on that issue [08:00:00.0000] that's another reason I stopped checking it in there, cause I want it licenced liberally there first, and then dual licence it like the spec. [08:02:00.0000] on another note, I also got my copy of Windows 7 today and tried out the IE9 preview for the first time. [08:02:01.0000] Lachy: I'd love to see the proponents of the polyglot draft to state their use cases for it [08:03:00.0000] seems impressive [08:03:01.0000] Lachy: from Amazon? [08:03:02.0000] yes [08:03:03.0000] .co.uk? [08:03:04.0000] yes [08:03:05.0000] seems slow compared to how fast they delivered Windows 7 to me [08:03:06.0000] after a month of waiting, they shipped me a replacement copy last friday by UPS and it arrived this morning. The first copy got lost in the mail [08:04:00.0000] if I recall correctly that it's been a while since you ordered [08:04:01.0000] ah [08:04:02.0000] they told me I had to wait till the 29th in case of delays before they would ship a replacement. I ordered it on the 2nd [08:06:00.0000] my one complaint about windows 7 is that running it in a virtual machine on my 2.5 year old MacBook Pro can be a little slow [08:07:00.0000] Works fine in a VM on my i7 [08:07:01.0000] (without the glass UI) [08:07:02.0000] it appears that VirtualBox OSE doesn't emulate a DirectX-compliant GPU [08:07:03.0000] yeah, i7 is a lot newer and faster than my Core 2 Duo 2.4 [08:07:04.0000] *2.4GHz [08:09:00.0000] also my graphics card is technically below the minimum requirements that VMWare says will support the Aero transparencies [08:09:01.0000] though it does work [11:12:00.0000] Interesting reading this Spolsky article from 2004: http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/APIWar.html [11:12:01.0000] Particularly the bit near the bottom about webapps, and the list of things you couldn't do well in a web application. [11:13:00.0000] I think (3) was doable back then with onunload, but we've since solved 1,2,4, and 6. 5, I dunno. [11:20:00.0000] 5 (having a keyboard-driven web app) is technically doable at least. Not sure how useful that'd be. [11:21:00.0000] Yeah, it's just annoying from what I know. [11:22:00.0000] There's a chrome extension that does just that, "vimperator". It hides every user interaction with the browser behind a key. For, instance, J scrolls down, K scrolls up, ... [11:22:01.0000] lots of keys to remember [11:49:00.0000] TabAtkins: O'Reilly wants to use your blurb on the back cover of my book, and they would like to know what your job title is [11:51:00.0000] Urgh, that's a hard one. Officially I'm "Software Engineer", but that's just because I haven't customized my title yet. [11:51:01.0000] no time like the present! [11:52:00.0000] Indeed. [11:52:01.0000] Standards Wrangler [11:53:00.0000] "Web Imagineer" [11:53:01.0000] /wrist [11:53:02.0000] "CEO" [11:53:03.0000] or are there some constraints on what you can choose? [11:53:04.0000] Chief Engineering Officer [11:53:05.0000] haha [11:53:06.0000] It needs to go through approval [11:53:07.0000] I suspect that "CEO" is on some list. ^_^ [11:54:00.0000] You could spell it out [11:54:01.0000] "Web Standards Hacker"? [11:54:02.0000] Chief Entertainment Object [11:57:00.0000] "Hack" ;-) [11:58:00.0000] Unless anyone has objections, go with "Web Standards Hacker" for now. [11:58:01.0000] well, whatever you decide, they need it by the end of the day [12:00:00.0000] in unrelated news, the most popular pages on diveintohtml5.org (in order): [12:00:01.0000] video - 39Kd [12:01:00.0000] detect - 33K [12:01:01.0000] forms - 27K [12:01:02.0000] semantics - 26K [12:01:03.0000] canvas - 23K [12:01:04.0000] past - 20K [12:01:05.0000] geolocation - 7K [12:01:06.0000] storage: 7K [12:01:07.0000] offline: 6K [12:02:00.0000] microdata: 4K [12:02:01.0000] in the past month [12:02:02.0000] Those seem fairly reasonably ordered. [12:04:00.0000] the ordering also tracks fairly closely to how much i give a shit about each particular topic [12:06:00.0000] man, IRC on an Apple //e is awesomeit [12:06:01.0000] it's like a text adventure [12:07:00.0000] I suspect it's roughly similar to IRC on irssi. [12:07:01.0000] go north [12:07:02.0000] There is a spec here. [12:07:03.0000] examine spec [12:07:04.0000] The spec is large; it contains multitudes. [12:07:05.0000] look behind the spec [12:07:06.0000] You spot a cabal. [12:08:00.0000] ^^; [12:10:00.0000] What does a cabal look like? [12:12:00.0000] examine cabal [12:13:00.0000] The cabal shifts and twists in the wind, appearing to each person exactly as they imagine it to be. [12:15:00.0000] go west [12:15:01.0000] There is a cabal here. [12:15:02.0000] examine cabal [12:15:03.0000] The cabal is everywhere. [12:26:00.0000] Your words have angered the cabal. It catches you and eats you. [12:29:00.0000] mpilgrim: You just reminded me of something beyond trivial and several years out of date. You adapted some script I wrote in "Greasemonkey Hacks" but my name never made the credits section :) [12:30:00.0000] At least I think that happened [12:30:01.0000] I could have imagined the whole thing [12:30:02.0000] Delusions of grandeur and all that [12:31:00.0000] You might think it wasn't much in the way of grandeur [12:31:01.0000] But it all depends where you started [12:31:02.0000] /me wonders if that was his Apple II catching fire [12:32:00.0000] s#I#//e# [12:32:01.0000] argh [12:32:02.0000] your regex-fu sucks. [12:32:03.0000] Yeah [12:32:04.0000] IRC magic regexp though [12:32:05.0000] Save me every time [12:39:00.0000] /me successfully upgraded to ADTPro 1.1.6 [12:42:00.0000] mpilgrim, do you have photos of #whatwg on your Apple //e? [12:45:00.0000] http://twitpic.com/2b16c2 [12:45:01.0000] oh my. beautiful. [12:45:02.0000] !!!! [12:45:03.0000] Yup, looks like a standard terminal client. ^_^ [12:46:00.0000] it's not through a terminal client program. [12:46:01.0000] Right. [12:46:02.0000] I have a real Ethernet card in the Apple //e, and a real IRC program (part of Contiki 1.3) [12:47:00.0000] I can also use it as a terminal, connected through a Super Serial card to the serial port on my Linux box [12:47:01.0000] sweet [12:47:02.0000] but this is not that [12:48:00.0000] jgraham: I apologize if I left you out of the acknowledgements for "Greasemonkey Hacks" (catching up with the backscroll) [12:49:00.0000] The acknowledgements and contributor list were several pages long. My O'Reilly editor had never seen anything like it. [12:49:01.0000] you should show him the html spec's [12:49:02.0000] lol [12:49:03.0000] 515 names currently [12:50:00.0000] At least two are the same person, though [12:50:01.0000] Hixie! By any chance, would you like to say something nice about my HTML5 book and get your name on the back cover? [12:50:02.0000] you didn't like the suggestion I gave you earlier? :-) [12:51:00.0000] (in general i'm trying to avoid getting on any html5 books, since there's so many of them) [12:51:01.0000] Wrong audience [12:51:02.0000] :) [12:51:03.0000] (and they all want me to write a foreword or whatnot) [12:51:04.0000] fair enough [12:51:05.0000] Philip`: yeah, i asked him about that, i'll remove one when i get to his mail in my pile [12:52:00.0000] Well, at least writing forewords wouldn't cause flamewars on the hybi list [12:52:01.0000] While we're bothering you, Hixie: What do you think about making the second parameter in pushState() modify document.title? Maybe that's better than the state we're in, where everyone (including, now, FF) ignores it. [12:52:02.0000] mpilgrim: It is really not something that has ever kept me up at night :) [12:55:00.0000] /me wonders how much of the book one is expected to have read to write a comment for the back or indeed a foreword [12:55:01.0000] jlebar: haven't thought about it, but i'm trying to go through the feedback pile and i know that is one of the options in the feedback [12:55:02.0000] /me guesses the answer is probably "none" [12:55:03.0000] jlebar: i recommend experimenting with it, see if it gives authors what they want [12:55:04.0000] jlebar: and then replying to the thread with your experiences from that experiment [12:56:00.0000] jlebar: if you do it and another browser picks it up and it turns out to be a good idea, it'll make my life easy when i get to the feedback :-) [12:56:01.0000] It is always mildly concerning when such comments are about the author rather than the book itself [12:56:02.0000] Or written by someone also mentioned in the acknowledgements [12:56:03.0000] Hixie, That sounds reasonable. I'll see if we want to try it out in the FF beta. [12:57:00.0000] jgraham: I guess you just need to read enough so that you don't say anything so blatantly untrue that somebody who does read the book will think you're an idiot and remember your name [12:57:01.0000] jlebar: if you can find a way to make the argument not be vestigial before the spec is even done, you'll certainly get my thanks ;-) [12:58:00.0000] I'll try. :) [12:58:01.0000] Philip`: That is the same as "none", as long as you are careful about what you say [13:37:00.0000] For the record, I've read "some" of the book. [13:37:01.0000] /me used the video chapter to remember what @type to give for video sources. [13:39:00.0000] TabAtkins: So is your quote a secret? Should we have a competition to see who guesses the most words correctly? [13:39:01.0000] No, I just posted it over in internal Buzz. [13:40:00.0000] "HTML5 is the future of the web, but Pilgrim shows you how to make it the present as well. Read this book right now if you want to know to use the most interesting features of HTML5 today, from videos to drawing to scripting, all the way down to the new elements that make your source code more beautiful." [13:44:00.0000] It's interesting how buzz sems to be popular inside Google but not really outside of it [13:45:00.0000] It is to Google what Lyskom is to Opera Sweden [13:45:01.0000] It works nicely as a Twitter+, once you have a decent critical mass. [13:46:00.0000] Hell, it's a decent Facebook News Feed+. [13:47:00.0000] jgraham: LysKOM is popular within Opera Sweden? [13:48:00.0000] gsnedders: Well it is popular in the sense of "widely used" [13:48:01.0000] Even if there are a healthy contingent of people who think it is a sin against nature [13:52:00.0000] jgraham: To be fair, the rest of Opera loathes it :P [14:01:00.0000] Workshiva: Most of Sweden does too… :P [14:02:00.0000] I don't think most of Sweden has had the displeasure of learning it exists [14:03:00.0000] How do you think we use it without knowing it exists? [14:03:01.0000] Oh, you meant Opera Sweden [14:03:02.0000] Not the country [14:05:00.0000] (to be fair to Kom, which I never am, I would prefer some of the stuff happens there rather than in email. Best to keep all the mostly-ignorable stuff together) [14:07:00.0000] You should just replace it with google wave [14:07:01.0000] They seem to occupy a similar niche :) [14:07:02.0000] Workshiva: Google employs UA sniffing to block Opera. [14:07:03.0000] Even better, reduces the amount of time people waste on it :P [14:15:00.0000] It is quite like Google wave in that there are no good clients [14:15:01.0000] But [14:15:02.0000] And this is important [14:15:03.0000] Wave doesn't store all the data as one giant sexp [14:15:04.0000] (I presume) [14:15:05.0000] Unlike LysKOM [14:15:06.0000] (allegedly) [14:18:00.0000] did i catch that the html wg voted on moving to an unversioned html specification? or am i wrong on that? [14:20:00.0000] paul_irish: there was a survey about versioning [14:20:01.0000] this one? http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/40318/issues-4-84-objection-poll/results#xkeepnew [14:20:02.0000] the results: http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/40318/issues-4-84-objection-poll/results [14:20:03.0000] yeah [14:20:04.0000] But no pronouncement from the chairs yet [14:20:05.0000] afaik [14:21:00.0000] The system allows the chairs to basically decide what they like although they have to back it up with reasons and stuff [14:21:01.0000] Roger that. Thanks [14:28:00.0000] btw, jgraham, before writing a foreword, I think you are required by law to read the entire book twice. Any technical errors or stylistic blemishes in the book then reflect on you, personally, forever. [14:30:00.0000] Harsh [14:30:01.0000] Are you sure that's not just in North Korea? [14:30:02.0000] I didn't make the rules [14:30:03.0000] hsivonen: any suggestions on a RelaxNG hacker who would be interested in helping the SVG WG put together a good (not converted-DTD) RNG schema for SVG? [14:47:00.0000] jgraham: I could tell you a lot about how things are stored, but I want to keep my job [14:51:00.0000] jgraham: I agree against version info in the doctype, but does that mean we should no longer talk about html5? Say, it would blend in the flow of continuous innovation around the draft for years and years to come, and never actually be final? Will be html5 or 6? [14:51:01.0000] will be html [14:52:00.0000] Hixie doesn't use version numbers anymore [14:52:01.0000] ... also, I can't spell device [14:55:00.0000] The survey only covered versioning in the doctype. [14:55:01.0000] Not versioning generally. [14:56:00.0000] The HTMLWG is only chartered to release one version of HTML, and W3C process doesn't allow continuous spec development. You have to freeze specs eventually. [14:56:01.0000] I guess you could charter a WG to let it only publish Editor's Drafts or some crazy hack like that, but the HTMLWG isn't, it's producing REC-track work. [14:57:00.0000] Even if you don't embrace global versionless development, the way w3c keeps splitting everything into smaller and smaller specs you get per-feature maturity tracking anyway [14:57:01.0000] espadrine, the WHATWG version of the spec mostly just calls it "HTML". It only keeps the "5" for now for buzzword purposes. [14:57:02.0000] We should just have one spec per paragraph, that would solve it. [14:58:00.0000] You don't need separate specs [14:58:01.0000] You just need per-paragraph tracking :) [14:58:02.0000] /me wonders why jgraham's objection is line-broken [14:58:03.0000] Core canvas is for all intents and purses CR already [14:58:04.0000] ... purposes [14:59:00.0000] I should go home and sleep [14:59:01.0000] A lot of HTML5 may as well be CR. [15:00:00.0000] I still like the almost-concluding sentence of my objection: "In summary, the proposal seeks to address a nonexistent problem, and fails to do even that." [15:01:00.0000] That is a pretty good sentence. [15:01:01.0000] Anyway, if the chairs pay even the slightest heed to the survey results, that proposal is completely dead. [15:03:00.0000] We had at least two people who objected so thoroughly to the proposal that they went over the 5 KBish limit in writing their responses, and the only ones objecting to the no-change proposal were 1) an academic who likes versioned doctypes because they help him date historical HTML pages, and 2) a two-sentence statement that doesn't state support of the other change proposal. [15:04:00.0000] To be fair, it was dead before the survey. It was a dumb idea in the first place. [15:04:01.0000] /me thinks that when it comes to serious issues, the change proposal procedure is a waste of time but not likely to produce particularly bad results. [15:04:02.0000] Well, yes. [15:05:00.0000] It exemplifies the problem with letting one person waste everyone's time with a giant pile-on of opposition when no one agreed with him in the first place. [15:05:01.0000] Yup. [15:23:00.0000] AryehGregor: emacs [15:24:00.0000] You just write stuff there generally in case web forms eat it? [15:24:01.0000] Or do you have some cool plugin that transforms textareas to emacs? [15:24:02.0000] I wish I had that for vim. :( [15:24:03.0000] Workshiva: But since you wouldn't say "s-expressions" it's not interesting [15:25:00.0000] AryehGregor: No I wrote it there because it is a superior text editor to my browser and it was a reasonable amount of text [15:25:01.0000] I would love to be able to use it seamlessly for textareas [15:25:02.0000] or at least I would like textareas to suck less [15:26:00.0000] The closest I've seen is a Firefox extension that lets you right-click on textareas to open them in an external editor. [15:26:01.0000] Awkward, but it's more convenient than cut-and-paste. [15:26:02.0000] It basically creates a temporary file, invokes the editor on the file, then updates the textarea whenever the file is written, and deletes the file when you submit the form. [15:26:03.0000] Something like that. [15:27:00.0000] I thought about writing that some years ago [15:27:01.0000] I didn't of course [15:27:02.0000] The only major thing that annoys me about vim is that there's no way I know of to easily move up and down between logical lines, which is really a necessity when you're dealing with something that's not full of line breaks. [15:27:03.0000] I mean. [15:27:04.0000] Visual lines, not logical lines. [15:27:05.0000] You know, the way up and down work in regular text editors. [15:28:00.0000] /me should go ask in #vim, although he thinks he's done that before [15:28:01.0000] Emacs' handling of visual lines is pretty abysmal [15:28:02.0000] As far as I can tell there is no way to get it to break on whitespace [15:28:03.0000] (visually) [15:28:04.0000] I don't mind that part so much. [15:29:00.0000] For code it is fine [15:29:01.0000] But when j and k jump me like a page at a time, it's really annoying. [15:29:02.0000] For prose, not so much [15:29:03.0000] With some HTML pages, etc. it's seriously obnoxious. [15:29:04.0000] Well, if you do version control on your prose, you want to line-break it anyway. [15:29:05.0000] (so you have to use auto-fill-mode and hope that people don't mind the line breaks) [15:32:00.0000] In vi, you can type "80 l", and you get down to the next visual line [15:32:01.0000] but there should be a builtin macro for that [15:32:02.0000] Oh, here we go: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/motion.html#up-down-motions [15:32:03.0000] gk, gj. [15:32:04.0000] Yay. [15:33:00.0000] /me didn't realize how many motions there are in vim, yikes [15:33:01.0000] nice! [15:34:00.0000] It's kind of crazy to have things like "+" when it's really just the same as "j^" or whatever, but if you get used to this kind of thing, it becomes a real time-saver . . . [15:34:01.0000] I think it's time for me to memorize a bunch more vim commands. I've gotten used to all the ones I know long ago. [15:36:00.0000] It seems like the _ vi move makes ^ redundant [15:37:00.0000] There's a lot of redundancy here if you look. [15:37:01.0000] Wow, now there are four different Chrome channels? [15:39:00.0000] AryehGregor: That textarea->texteditor plugin for Firefox was *awesome*. I used the crap out of it. It was great for long comments, and extra-great for code, since I can actually use tab in my texteditor. [15:45:00.0000] Maybe I'll try it again if I switch back to Firefox when they release 4.0. I'll have to see if I want to. [15:45:01.0000] when Chrome was released it was no contest for me, Firefox was massively less responsive than Chrome on Linux, but that's way better with 4.0. [15:45:02.0000] hmm. jailbreakme.com (new iPhone jailbreaking website) is nice, though somewhat scary in how it works. [15:46:00.0000] AFAICT, it's using some sort of PDF exploit to actually perform the jailbreak. [15:46:01.0000] I don't understand the content of the PDF file beyond that to know what exactly [15:47:00.0000] all jailbreaks are exploits [15:47:01.0000] but it does make me wonder what other hacks a malicious website could perform using a similar technique [15:47:02.0000] yes, I know that. [15:47:03.0000] But the fact that they can do it from just having the user load a web page [15:47:04.0000] that's the scary bit [15:49:00.0000] yes, remote code execution exploits are scary :-) [15:51:00.0000] to be pedantic that is a client side exploit, not remote ;) [15:52:00.0000] it's remote to the attacker [15:52:01.0000] wirepair: oh, we feel much better know ;) [15:52:02.0000] espadrine ehe [15:52:03.0000] but yeah, i guess it's not a remote code execution since you can't force it to occur remotely [15:52:04.0000] /me nods [15:53:00.0000] It's remote code execution because you can trigger it without access to the machine. You just have to get them to visit a URL, which is fairly trivial. [15:54:00.0000] As opposed to requiring that they install a program or something. [15:54:01.0000] well the reasoning for seperate terms is to differentiate between someone exploiting a service, versus client software [15:55:00.0000] Does a web page really count as client software? [15:55:01.0000] no but a pdf does [15:55:02.0000] It's supposed to be sandboxed. [15:55:03.0000] Hmm. [15:55:04.0000] PDF does. [15:55:05.0000] Er, that. [15:55:06.0000] I guess. [15:55:07.0000] It's sort of intermediate. [15:55:08.0000] in the end, it really doesn't matter, one requires client interaction, the other does not [15:56:00.0000] (I don't know why a webpage would not count but a PDF would) [15:56:01.0000] i'd consider a webpage as well actually [15:56:02.0000] the browser being the client software [15:57:00.0000] no but a pdf does (sorry meant adobe acrobat/whatever is reading the doc) [16:00:00.0000] http://validator.w3.org/check?verbose=1&uri=http://www.hp.com <- there's really some irony to this [16:02:00.0000] Why? [16:03:00.0000] who donated the hardware to w3c :P [16:03:01.0000] HP donates to w3c yet doesn't uphold the standard themselves? [16:04:00.0000] Oh, come on. [16:04:01.0000] There are web pages on mozilla.org that don't validate. [16:04:02.0000] there are pages on whatwg.org that don't validate [16:04:03.0000] e.g. the forums and maybe parts of the blog [16:04:04.0000] Probably on w3.org too. [16:04:05.0000] not to mention the wiki [16:05:00.0000] /me has been idly planning to make a "blacklist all HTML5-forbidden tags in user input" mode for MW, but it would break copy-paste from Wikipedia, so probably wouldn't be too popular [16:05:01.0000] :( [16:23:00.0000] Hi, is anyone here? [16:31:00.0000] JF47: No. [16:31:01.0000] JF47: (In other words, if you have a question, ask it, rather than asking if anyone's here and then asking your question.) [16:33:00.0000] Hixie: Just checking each new context against the last successfully requested context assumes that compatibility is transitive, right? (It should be.) [16:33:01.0000] yeah, see a bit later the definition of the wiki page [16:33:02.0000] it says the compat has to be transitive and symmetric [16:34:00.0000] kk, those are reasonable and sane requirements. [16:34:01.0000] i thought so :-) [16:34:02.0000] (It prevents silly things like requesting a 3d and then a 2d to implicitly create a texture in the 3d context that the 2d context draws to.) [16:35:00.0000] (That should be explicit instead.) [16:35:01.0000] Does anyone know about how to use File Thingie the free PHP File Manager? [16:36:00.0000] I'd recommend asking in a php-focused channel. [16:37:00.0000] #php-focused [16:37:01.0000] I wasn't suggesting a specific channel name. [16:37:02.0000] Ok [16:37:03.0000] Oh [16:38:00.0000] So why did you say recommend asking in a php-focused channel [16:38:01.0000] Because that's what I recommend? I'm not saying to go visit some channel named #php-focused. I have no idea if there is any channel named that in this server, and even if there is, I have no idea what its quality is. [16:39:00.0000] I was just suggesting finding a channel that is more focused on php matters. This room is for HTML5 talk and related stuff. [16:39:01.0000] Oh [16:39:02.0000] Do you know anything about File Thingie the free PHP File Manager? [16:40:00.0000] No, and I doubt anyone else in the room is either. Thus my suggestion. [16:40:01.0000] No, we don't. [16:40:02.0000] Try #php or some other channel. 2010-08-03 [19:08:00.0000] othermaciej: comet does have built-in compression [19:09:00.0000] Hixie: ok, I guess you can use transfer-encoding: gzip [19:09:01.0000] Hixie: but is it commonly used for Comet-like use cases? [19:09:02.0000] it is for google [19:09:03.0000] (I honestly don't know) [19:09:04.0000] dunno about elsewhere [19:13:00.0000] interesting [19:14:00.0000] supporting use cases of google services is probably important to the success of WebSockets (if only because they are a decent model of what other large-scale deployments will care about) [19:27:00.0000] i'm sure there is a version of WebSocket that both suits Google's needs and also has more than a passing resemblance to sockets and "tcp for the web" [22:34:00.0000] gsnedders, do you maybe know how I could serialize the DOMNodeList which is returned by the php html5lib? [23:17:00.0000] also, why doesn't it return a DOMDocumentFragment? [00:10:00.0000] urgh... I hate it when Hixie goes on a reply rampage >_< [00:35:00.0000] so I'm both second and eight place on Karl's list [01:58:00.0000] shepazu: Have you asked MikeSmith? I can't volunteer right now. [01:58:01.0000] hsivonen: what was shepazu asking about? [01:59:00.0000] MikeSmith: help with a RELAX NG schema for SVG [01:59:01.0000] ah [01:59:02.0000] I'll talk with him about it [02:01:00.0000] hg is so slow on a traditional disk. I should revitalize my MacBook by replacing the hard drive with an SSD. [02:02:00.0000] hsivonen: just did that yesterday, it is soooooo worth it [02:03:00.0000] hsivonen: On Mozilla-sized repositories? [02:03:01.0000] Philip`: yeah. [02:03:02.0000] (It seems very snappy for me on small ones, especially compared to SVN) [02:03:03.0000] (but that's a much less hard problem) [02:03:04.0000] Philip`: my comparison is with my Linux box than has an SSD [02:04:00.0000] (my Linux box also has more RAM and a faster CPU) [02:04:01.0000] I think I won't ever use a hard drive [03:11:00.0000] couple of mac questions; how do I get commandline cvs/svn/hg to run and what is a good basic text editor? [03:11:01.0000] annevk5: You install hg/svn/cvs and run them from the command line... [03:12:00.0000] At least hg is trivial since you can easy_install mercurial [03:12:01.0000] (maybe even pip install if you are feeling very modern) [03:12:02.0000] And emacs is always a good text editor :) [03:12:03.0000] (specifically aquamacs in this case) [03:13:00.0000] (but I think that isn't the answer you were looking for) [03:13:01.0000] erlehmann: no [03:13:02.0000] well, i just used DomDocument in the end and cut off the superfluous html, head and body tags. [03:14:00.0000] i wonder how to install them [03:15:00.0000] got an editor [03:15:01.0000] erlehmann: Serializing as HTML is possible. There's a patch for PHP awaiting review. [03:15:02.0000] annevk5, nano is a good simple text editor. also, there is always macports … don't you have access to a real operating system with a package manager? ;) [03:15:03.0000] annevk5: Either look for disk images [03:15:04.0000] erlehmann: http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=50973 [03:15:05.0000] Lots of people will come after you now for not suggesting vim, erlehmann ;) [03:15:06.0000] Or install macports or fink or something [03:15:07.0000] http://xkcd.com/378/ [03:16:00.0000] nano is not a good simple text editor [03:16:01.0000] Nano is what you use when the choice is vim or nano or ed [03:17:00.0000] gsnedders, pastebin.ca seems down from here. that patch will stay in limbo for eternally. [03:18:00.0000] but thanks. [03:18:01.0000] erlehmann: Yeah, I just noticed that. And noticed they had patch support in their bug tracker now… [03:18:02.0000] erlehmann: I guess I'll dig it up locally later and post it again [03:18:03.0000] well, in the end, saveXML is enough for me. [03:19:00.0000] ugly realiable code is still ugly, but then it gets the job done. [03:19:01.0000] TextWrangler is a good, basic text editor if you want to get all fancy and use a GUI, I think. [03:21:00.0000] Peter` you should know that i am part of the „randall munroe gets unfunnier with time“ camp. [03:21:01.0000] The important thing to note about that comic is that the nano guy is the only one doing work [03:21:02.0000] The others stand around talking [03:22:00.0000] what shiva said. :P [03:22:01.0000] Also, i did not know about Rocky Mountain oysters till RIGHT NOW. CANNOT UNSEE. [03:22:02.0000] aah [03:22:03.0000] macports looks nice [03:23:00.0000] "nano is an editor, not a religion" [03:23:01.0000] erlehmann, I think I'm giving up on Ubuntu for a while until hardware manufacturers catch up with Apple [03:23:02.0000] erlehmann, I'm not too married to any particular OS [03:24:00.0000] well, Windows I wouldn't really wanna go back to [03:24:01.0000] You could run Ubuntu on Apple hardware [03:24:02.0000] sure [03:24:03.0000] annevk5, the lack of package management really put me of OSX (and windows, too). but many of my hacker friends with macbooks use linux. [03:24:04.0000] Or you could buy the same parts apple buys [03:24:05.0000] sorry, it is „put me off of“ [03:24:06.0000] but I doubt it would be as efficient [03:24:07.0000] Build your own [03:25:00.0000] well, depends on your task. for programming, i have found package management immensely useful. [03:25:01.0000] What kind of programming? [03:25:02.0000] I mean in terms of battery usage and all :) [03:25:03.0000] that kind where you need to quickly pull libxyz [03:26:00.0000] ah, okay. got that. [03:26:01.0000] I usually just write text and programming I do on a server [03:26:02.0000] That doesn't sound like programming, it sounds like dependency management [03:26:03.0000] Workshiva, libxyz-dev? ;) [03:26:04.0000] It's not programming if you use third-party libraries? [03:27:00.0000] "real programmers write their floating-point routines all by themselves" [03:27:01.0000] I generally agree FWIW; unless you stay firmly in the Mac ecosystem, the packaging story on OSX sucks [03:28:00.0000] erlehmann: No, not in that sense. But rather that you pull dependencies once per dependency, and the total number tends to stay rather low over time [03:28:01.0000] jgraham, it confuses me to hell. after all, its not as if apple would not have the resources to set up repositories. [03:28:02.0000] erlehmann: They could call it an "App Store" [03:28:03.0000] hehe [03:28:04.0000] and let people charge money for their apps [03:29:00.0000] Call it the Book Depository [03:29:01.0000] get libcaca, for the low price of 200g of nazi gold [03:29:02.0000] Workshiva: You pull dependencies n times each, if you want to keep up with bug fixes and security updates and new features [03:29:03.0000] what that guy says [03:30:00.0000] and not-trivial programs use dozens of libraries, so it adds up to quite a lot [03:30:01.0000] Philip`: Yeah, but you have n people on the team pulling them [03:30:02.0000] s/not/non/ [03:30:03.0000] don't apple app packages contain every library they need, as with windows? [03:30:04.0000] So the amortized cost is fairly constant [03:30:05.0000] Workshiva: I'm assuming a case with 1 person [03:30:06.0000] but the libraries get updated n times [03:32:00.0000] Well, 1 person could just ignore the updates [03:32:01.0000] And say 'patches welcome' [03:32:02.0000] Task: Compare software installation overhead for a team of N developers using a) Windows XP SP2 b) Debian GNU/Hurd c) OS X 10.4 . Use big O notation. :P [03:33:00.0000] annevk5: MacPorts for hg/svg/etc. TextWrangler for editor. (It installs a command-line tool called 'edit' for invoking it from he command line.) [03:33:01.0000] Debian GNU/Hurd is O(0) because no one actually uses that [03:33:02.0000] Whenever people talk about software having to work on Windows XP, I remind them that it's older than my little sister. [03:34:00.0000] That's quite a meaningless analogu [03:34:01.0000] *analogy [03:34:02.0000] Your little sister could, literally, have been born yesterday [03:34:03.0000] erlehmann: My program isn't meant for kids [03:35:00.0000] So clearly supporting XP is even more important now [03:36:00.0000] /me wonders what happens to things like the famous Boeing intranet once XP reaches EOL [03:36:01.0000] haha [03:36:02.0000] (since XP Mode will reach EOL together with the unvirtualized XP) [03:36:03.0000] I recently got told that the european parliament still uses IE6. [03:37:00.0000] hsivonen: They could just pull it off the internet and give everyone two computers [03:37:01.0000] maybe they manage to patch the wine program loader so it works under windows as well till then? [03:38:00.0000] that would be one hell of a hack. [03:38:01.0000] It's not like XP will stop working, it will just stop being supported [03:39:00.0000] yeah and most people are wary to eat stuff that is past its expiration date. [03:39:01.0000] The UK government still uses IE6 [03:39:02.0000] They aren't wary of sitting in chairs past their warranty date, though [03:39:03.0000] Your analogies are weird, erlehmann [03:39:04.0000] But Microsoft will still support it whislt there are still big deployments [03:40:00.0000] Who knows, IE6 might eventually kill them :) [03:40:01.0000] /me wonders how much money the Boeing account brings to MS and how much costs it adds [03:40:02.0000] Workshiva, you are not the first person to tell me that. [03:42:00.0000] Even funnier are the ones who point out that I am „IRL just the same as in IRC“. As if that is somehow unexpected. [03:47:00.0000] hsivonen, great, I settled on textwrangler independently already :) [03:47:01.0000] i'll now struggle with macports [04:20:00.0000] /me is glad that he doesn't share a name with anyone particularly famous [04:20:01.0000] Because every time I see something on the list from "James May" I read it as "Captian Slow" [04:21:00.0000] Which is annoying enough for me, let alone him [04:21:01.0000] I'm the only one with my name, so far :P [04:23:00.0000] Idea: pick a name from the Bible. Chances are, your child is going to be the first one to bear this name since Jesus' times. [04:23:01.0000] My name's that way [04:24:00.0000] Well sure there are lots of ways to generate a unique name [04:24:01.0000] Take a well0known name and rot-13 it, for example [04:25:00.0000] Challenge: Find a pair of common names that are rot13 twins [04:25:01.0000] My (first) name's in the Bible and I don't think that helped it be unique :-( [04:26:00.0000] /me wonders how many people there are called Judas nowadays… [04:26:01.0000] Or Lucifier [04:31:00.0000] gsnedders: I met a Judas once. It was at a loud party and when he introduced himself, I laughed and said "For a second there, I thought you said your name was Judas." He was not amused. I was embarrassed. [04:32:00.0000] I know a Judas too, can't be cool to have a name like that [04:32:01.0000] lol [04:32:02.0000] Makes you wonder why parents make such a decision.. ignorance or self-knowledge? [04:43:00.0000] gsnedders: in Finland this year there has been at least one baby named Juudas. Also at least one between 1940 and 1959. other than that, none. No Lucifer or Lusifer. Not popular names, it seems. However, since the beginning of data, there has been no one in Finland named Jeesus (the Finnish form). (there have been people named, Jesus, though. As part of Spanish names, I would assume.) [04:44:00.0000] You can't name your baby "Jeesus" in Finland, AFAIK. [04:44:01.0000] Hixie, you broke http://www.whatwg.org/specs/html5/current-work/ as a link [04:44:02.0000] nw_: I'd expect that to be the case. [04:45:00.0000] nw_, hsivonen: Why? [04:46:00.0000] Well, the naming policies in Finland are pretty strict, as far as I know. Not an expert on the subject, but I've understood that you can't change your surname to, let's say, "Tiikerimetsä" (translates as "Tiger Forest") because there are no tigers in Finland. For example. [04:47:00.0000] wow [04:47:01.0000] that sounds crazy [04:47:02.0000] In any case, you can't give your baby just any ol' name in Finland, it has to be approved by someone. [04:47:03.0000] Yeah, grain of salt and all that, though. [04:47:04.0000] gsnedders: I'd expect Jeesus to be deemed culturally inappropriate as a Finnish name. But if you claim Spanish heritage, you can probably explain Jesus as appropriate [04:47:05.0000] I guess I'll have to change my name to Geffe Snedderström in se then… [04:49:00.0000] Having some approval to protect children from their parents seems reasonable. Banning Tiikerimetsä "because there are no tigers in Finland" seems crazy [04:49:01.0000] nw_: is there some stated rationale for this policy? do people in Finland support it? is it one of those "that's the way it's always been kind of things"? [04:49:02.0000] there's a policy like that in Japan too [04:49:03.0000] a guy tried to name his kid "Akuma" a few years back [04:49:04.0000] which means "demon" [04:50:00.0000] MikeSmith: I haven't seen rallies to change the statute [04:50:01.0000] I see [04:50:02.0000] MikeSmith, well, like I said, I don't know too much about the subject, but as hsivonen said, no one seems to complain. [04:50:03.0000] Well, almost no one, I suppose. [04:50:04.0000] OK [04:51:00.0000] /me noticed that Swedish royalty have longer names than what is legal in Finland [04:51:01.0000] I don't see it as an altogether bad thing, though, what with all the Pilot Inspektors and whatnot in the US. [04:51:02.0000] heh [04:51:03.0000] yeah [04:51:04.0000] I wonder if Sweden has the same length limit as Finland for common folk and the extra length is a specifically royal thing [04:52:00.0000] fixed-length names? [04:52:01.0000] makes me think of hybi [04:52:02.0000] annevk5: there's a statutory limit on the number of tokens [04:52:03.0000] You are crazy [04:52:04.0000] That I didn't know. [04:52:05.0000] annevk5: It bothers me that I've never seen the specs for the tokens [04:52:06.0000] hsivonen, in 16-bit code units? [04:52:07.0000] ah [04:53:00.0000] you can have up to 3 given names in Finland [04:53:01.0000] (Swedish royalty have 4 each) [04:53:02.0000] jgraham, but yeah, I agree that the whole Tiikerimetsä thing is a bit silly (if true). Especially since Eero Tiikerimetsä would be such a badass name. [04:54:00.0000] the statute doesn't say what character reportoire is permitted, which bothers me [04:55:00.0000] but Cyrillic letters apparently aren't part of the permitted reportoire and have to be transliterated [04:55:01.0000] but that's not in the statute [05:01:00.0000] wow, been a long time since I heard an installer DVD spinning [05:02:00.0000] /me didn't wanna register so is installing Xcode from DVD [05:02:01.0000] You didn't give up and use Ubuntu instead then :) [05:02:02.0000] not yet [05:02:03.0000] macports is next [05:03:00.0000] then cvs et al en then I can review your tests and do work other than email [05:03:01.0000] as a backup i have my other laptop here on standby [05:06:00.0000] [02:40] so I'm both second and eight place on Karl's list [05:06:01.0000] annevk: yes the code compile on email addresses as an identifier. :((( Maybe I should do a second parsing on the list with names OR create manually a list of P(emails, name) [05:07:00.0000] annevk: the code is here http://www.la-grange.net/2010/08/02/mail-analysis.py [05:08:00.0000] if someone wants to play, modify, twist, etc. feel gpl. :) [05:08:01.0000] two places means I must have been way more active before I joined Opera [05:08:02.0000] comparatively, anyway [05:09:00.0000] I was thinking also about a data visualization through time for top posters. [05:11:00.0000] oh yes [05:11:01.0000] port install ftw [05:36:00.0000] sigh. doing data-driven pref optimizations is annoying when you get to the area where you find some cases became slightly better and some slightly worse [05:36:01.0000] hsivonen: s/pref/perf/ ? [05:37:00.0000] hsivonen: What are you optimising? [05:37:01.0000] yes, perf [05:37:02.0000] tokenizer state transitions [05:38:00.0000] Is that a significant part of the parse time? [05:39:00.0000] /me found with html5lib that simply reading the input string seemed to be the most expensive thing and any computation was basically free, but presumes it's very different in non-scripting languages [05:40:00.0000] Philip`: well, it's more like this optimization seemed like an obvious thing to do, but the rewards are less obvious than I expected :-( [05:41:00.0000] Philip`: in general, the parse time is a small part of what the browser does, so no matter what you tweak inside the parser core, you can't make a huge overall impact [05:43:00.0000] I guess it makes sense to just optimise for non-general cases where it's a larger part, if there's any such cases [05:44:00.0000] (Nobody cares how long it takes to parse Wikipedia but maybe some people care how long it takes to parse the HTML spec, or is still a small part there?) [05:45:00.0000] Reflowing during script execution is what kills browsers there [05:45:01.0000] has anyone already repurposed the HTML5 spec as a parser perf test case? [05:45:02.0000] installing subversion takes loooong [05:46:00.0000] (i.e. making the whole thing display: none; and making it time itself?) [05:47:00.0000] hsivonen: That seems trivial to do [05:47:01.0000] lol [05:47:02.0000] WOFF same-origin restrictions are mentioned in the introduction [05:47:03.0000] Although having scripts is a bit annoying [05:48:00.0000] including a reference to CORS and HTML5 et al [05:48:01.0000] jgraham: sure. I was thinking I'd be lazy if someone has done it already. [05:48:02.0000] http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/WD-WOFF-20100727/#Introduction [05:48:03.0000] well hopefully everyone ignores the obvious non-normativeness of that [05:50:00.0000] Philip`: actually, I was kinda wishing micro optimizing the parser would benefit innerHTML [05:51:00.0000] Philip`: the problem is, I don't know what benchmark I should optimize for in order to optimize "innerHTML< [05:51:01.0000] s/ Is there any way to find real-world sites that spend significant amounts of time on innerHTML? [05:53:01.0000] hrm. the spec is so large gedit behaves slowly [05:53:02.0000] huh, there are PutForwards in the draft. Need to get rid of those [05:54:00.0000] Seems like some kind of instrumented browser would be very helpful, to tell people what kind of behaviour ought to be tested in benchmarks [05:54:01.0000] Philip`: indeed [05:54:02.0000] smaug: Huh? [05:54:03.0000] Does anyone do that yet, or are benchmarks all just made up? [05:55:00.0000] smaug, what draft? [05:55:01.0000] What's the problem with PutForwards? [05:55:02.0000] tml5 draft [05:55:03.0000] PutForwards is evil. A sign of bad API [05:55:04.0000] html5 [05:55:05.0000] why is it bad? [05:55:06.0000] consistency [05:55:07.0000] it breaks consistency [05:56:00.0000] Philip`: The V8 benchmark did that with the regexp tests iirc [05:56:01.0000] set and get start doing very different things [05:56:02.0000] smaug: It is mostly part of the legacy platform at this point though [05:56:03.0000] not really [05:56:04.0000] Have we introduced it in more places? [05:56:05.0000] I can understand it for .location [05:56:06.0000] yes [05:56:07.0000] for .location it is for legacy [05:57:00.0000] but I think it is rather elegant [05:57:01.0000] I think it is terrible [05:57:02.0000] #javascript has a lot of visitors asking why they can't do window.location.indexOf [05:58:00.0000] yeah, we shouldn't introduce similar problems as what .location has [05:59:00.0000] hmm. the spec has lots of images these days [06:00:00.0000] (removing the srcs for those so that they don't bother parser timing) [06:15:00.0000] unless anything unforeseen happens XMLHttpRequest will go to CR today [06:17:00.0000] annevk5: cool. finally. [06:18:00.0000] yeah just checked [06:19:00.0000] >4 years since first W3C draft [06:22:00.0000] I thought it was much less [06:33:00.0000] hmm [06:33:01.0000] /me wonders about XMLHttpRequest.priority [06:50:00.0000] macports doesn't do tab-autocompletion [06:50:01.0000] wtf [06:50:02.0000] mercurial requires freetype [06:50:03.0000] euh [07:19:00.0000] I've been neglecting to add the NE keyword to bugs recently [07:19:01.0000] or for quite a while now, actually [07:19:02.0000] and nobody else has been doing it either [07:19:03.0000] we need to start doing it again [07:19:04.0000] Are there ne NE bugs left? [07:20:00.0000] there are some still open [07:20:01.0000] but we have a lot of existing open bugs that aren't marked with it that should be [07:20:02.0000] unless somebody has a better idea for how we can distinguish editorial bugs [07:21:00.0000] we basically just want to be able to ignore the editorial bugs [07:21:01.0000] because really only the editors need to care about those [07:21:02.0000] What percentage of bugs are filed via the inline tool now? [07:25:00.0000] yay [07:25:01.0000] edit ... [07:25:02.0000] hg clone ... [07:25:03.0000] cvs ... [07:26:00.0000] prolly requires some further setup stuff but the basics are there [07:29:00.0000] Workshiva: dunno… maybe 50% [07:39:00.0000] So I guess that means asking the bug reporter to mark NE or not is not viable [07:55:00.0000] annevk5: http://test.w3.org/webapps/tests/XMLHttpRequest/info.htm is quite empty, how can it go in CR ? [07:57:00.0000] exit criteria [07:57:01.0000] not entrance [08:05:00.0000] I find it weird to set an exit criteria date when we don't have a date for the availability of the test suite [08:05:01.0000] it's just the minimum amount of time [08:37:00.0000] MikeSmith, you around? [08:47:00.0000] each time I set up a new laptop CVS is a pain [08:47:01.0000] someone please move dev.w3.org out of CVS hell so I no longer have to deal [09:04:00.0000] annevk5: here now [09:05:00.0000] I guess I could probably set up some rewrites to point selected dev.w3.org stuff to dvcs.w3.org [09:06:00.0000] the problem now is that first cvs complaints my ssh file is not protected [09:06:01.0000] and when I do protect it I get prompted for a password when I run the cvs lines [09:06:02.0000] and none of the passwords I can think of are correct [09:09:00.0000] Did you protect the file from yourself too? [09:11:00.0000] now it just says "permission denied (publickey)" [09:11:01.0000] even if I set chmod to 777 [09:11:02.0000] argh [09:11:03.0000] it needs to be 600, right? [09:13:00.0000] i guess, but it's no longer working [09:15:00.0000] "permission denied (publickey)" means that the server denied access based on your public key, not that the client can't access your public key, I think. [09:15:01.0000] ok, but that makes no sense [09:15:02.0000] it works fine elsewhere [09:16:00.0000] if you do "ssh -v -v -v cvs.w3.org" and send me the output, maybe I can figure out something [09:16:01.0000] oh lol [09:16:02.0000] or I can ask systems team [09:16:03.0000] it was sudo that was the problem [09:16:04.0000] Using the same public key as elsewhere? [09:16:05.0000] so I guess this was my fault [09:17:00.0000] Philip`, yeah, I just copied stuff from Ubuntu [09:17:01.0000] /me thought that was generally considered not ideal from a security perspective [09:17:02.0000] well, I'm only using this mess for dev.w3.org [09:17:03.0000] when someone takes over editing we'll find out soon enough :) [09:18:00.0000] Fair enough :-) [09:40:00.0000] where can I store environment variables in Mac OS X? [09:40:01.0000] having CVS_RSH=ssh set by default somewhere would be nice :) [09:40:02.0000] annevk5: .bashrc probably [09:40:03.0000] or .bashprofile [09:41:00.0000] annevk5: ~/.profile [09:44:00.0000] thanks [10:02:00.0000] annevk: setting env vars in ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist will ensure that non-shell processes launched from the Dock also see them [10:06:00.0000] Philip`: What did you do to make the annotated spec for the canvas tests? [10:07:00.0000] Oh I guess I can read the source [10:33:00.0000] jgraham: I don't quite remember [10:33:01.0000] I think it involved regexps [10:35:00.0000] MikeSmith: You around? I dunno if you can touch the listserv stuff, but I got an odd email today that I think points to a problem on the listserv. [10:36:00.0000] TabAtkins: I don't have access to the mailing-list backend [10:36:01.0000] what was odd about the message? [10:36:02.0000] Someone just emailed me saying they'd received literally hundreds of copies of one of my emails to the CSSWG list over the last few weeks. [10:36:03.0000] jgraham: (Also, lots of manual annotation-markup) [10:47:00.0000] can anyone explain what em does/means? as opposed to px [10:47:01.0000] im having trouble understanding the explanations online [10:47:02.0000] An em is the current font size. [10:48:00.0000] Philip`: Hmm [10:48:01.0000] So, for an element with font-size:16px, 1em = 16px. [10:48:02.0000] Philip`: So not easy to generalise to the whole spec? [10:48:03.0000] jgraham: What do you mean by easy, and by generalise? [10:49:00.0000] The basic annotation approach should work on any HTML document, I think [10:49:01.0000] TabAtkins: so how do you set a font-size and an em size? [10:49:02.0000] Otherwise, em is just an absolute length unit and works the exact same way as px/in/etc. [10:49:03.0000] im guessing em just means scaling [10:49:04.0000] dandaman: Through CSS. [10:49:05.0000] Philip`: The desired end result I have is a way to have a list of tests and a list of positions in the spec (somehow) and associate the two [10:49:06.0000] well you use font-size:15px [10:49:07.0000] Philip`: So that one can see "oh that test tests this statement" [10:49:08.0000] then what is the tag for em [10:49:09.0000] ? [10:50:00.0000] Huh? [10:50:01.0000] "em" is a unit, just like px. You just use it like "margin-top: 1.5em;" [10:50:02.0000] jgraham: For "positions in the spec", is my approach of copying the relevant assertion text from the spec into a separate text file and adding some annotations adequate, or would you want something more/less fragile or requiring more/less effort? [10:50:03.0000] em tag is for emphasis. [10:50:04.0000] oh [10:50:05.0000] Oh, did you mean ? [10:51:00.0000] no, you understood me correctly [10:51:01.0000] em unit is for scaling. [10:51:02.0000] how does the scaling work KaOSoFt? [10:51:03.0000] Dude, I just told you - 1em is always equivalent to the font-size of the element you're specifying the property on. [10:51:04.0000] What TabAtkins said: " So, for an element with font-size:16px, 1em = 16px." [10:51:05.0000] jgraham: (I think it's worked well enough for the canvas section - it doesn't take that much effort to maintain the annotation file, and it means it can automatically generate warnings when the spec text changes and lets me know that some tests are possibly invalid now) [10:51:06.0000] i know, but where do i set the em value? [10:51:07.0000] So 2em would be 32px. [10:52:00.0000] You don't set the "em" value. *It's equivalent to the font-size.* [10:52:01.0000] ohhh, 1 em is ALWAYS 16px? [10:52:02.0000] ... [10:52:03.0000] No, it's equal to 16px if the font-size for that element is 16px. [10:52:04.0000] If you set it like that before. [10:52:05.0000] If the font-size for that element is 30px, then 1em = 30px. [10:52:06.0000] If it's font-size:8px, then 1em=8px for that element. [10:52:07.0000] ok lets say i have my inline style like this [10:52:08.0000]
[10:53:00.0000] Philip`: Oh that sounds promising [10:53:01.0000] The size of the em unit is relative to the element it is being used on. [10:53:02.0000] so everything INSIDE of that div tag using the em unit will be in terms of 12px? [10:53:03.0000] jgraham: (http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html/file/tip/tests/submission/PhilipTaylor/tools/canvas/spec.yaml if you didn't see that file yet) [10:53:04.0000] If nothing else changes the font-size inside there. Also, any properties on the
itself that use the em unit will get 1em=12px [10:54:00.0000] Whatever is font-size related, yes. [10:54:01.0000] Maybe if one is clever and writes a js frontend for making the annotation file, one can click on a bit of the spec, grab the right text and add a list of tetss or something [10:54:02.0000] Philip`: I saw it existed [10:54:03.0000] KaOSoFt: No need for it to be font-size related. You can use ems for anything. [10:54:04.0000] (like the status annotations, but a bit more complex) [10:54:05.0000] jgraham: ("<^>" means "put the test marker here", "<...>" means match any string of characters, "*must*" means that's the relevant keyword, etc) [10:54:06.0000] ok, thanks [10:55:00.0000] jgraham: (plus there's some ugly hacks with 'previously' for sentences that aren't uniquely identified by their text) [10:55:01.0000]


[10:55:02.0000] ^^^ The div's border will be 12px wide, the p's border will be 8px wide. [10:55:03.0000] TabAtkins- Oh, wait, yeah, no idea how come I was thinking in other elements (images, for instance) have anything to do with font. [10:55:04.0000] ._. [10:56:00.0000] jgraham: It makes more sense to me that the test case identifies what part of the spec it's testing, rather than the spec identifying the tests, because it seems less likely to get out of sync if the test is updated [10:57:00.0000] Philip`: In either case I think we need an intermediate file [10:58:00.0000] Because the tests in general can't identify which part of the spec they are testing [10:58:01.0000] (we can't really add that metadata to all tests) [10:58:02.0000] Yeah, if we want it to be more specific than linking to a fragment ID [10:59:00.0000] With the canvas section it's fairly easy to tie each "must" to a set of tests, so sentence-level annotation is reasonable [10:59:01.0000] Don't know how well that'll generalise to the rest of the spec [11:00:00.0000] For some parts it is reasonable [11:00:01.0000] For the parser not so much [11:00:02.0000] Some tetss have a one to many relationship with sections [11:01:00.0000] Solved problem in the CSS test format - the tests carry links to the spec sections they're testing. [11:01:01.0000] TabAtkins: "the tests in general can't identify which part of the spec they are testing" [11:02:00.0000] Yeah, that statement doesn't make any sense to me. [11:02:01.0000] And greater than fragment-id level precision is desirable anyway [11:02:02.0000] Okay, we suffice with section-level precision. (Nearest heading.) [11:03:00.0000] TabAtkins: Well there are tests like the parser tests which a) are not in a format that is conducive to adding that data and b) test many parts of the algorithm [11:03:01.0000] jgraham: I don't think one-to-many is necessarily a problem - the way I usually try to write tests is by looking at a sentence (or word etc), then writing enough tests so that an implementation which does everything perfectly except for that word/sentence/etc will fail [11:03:02.0000] and it doesn't matter if the test case also depends on many other spec requirements [11:03:03.0000] and then there are tests that require quite specific DOM setup [11:04:00.0000] not sure if im asking in the right place, but is there a way to make text scale with screen size(besides with javascript) [11:05:00.0000] With the parser you could write tests for line N of the spec by finding cases where a parser that implements everything except line N will fail [11:05:01.0000] i would hate to have to go through every element in javascript and multiply by a factor of the screen size :\ [11:06:00.0000] dandaman: Ideally what you want is to use the vh/vw units, which scale with the size of the screen. Nobody implements them yet, though. [11:06:01.0000] But it doesn't work if buggy behaviour is caused by a complex interaction of steps and you can't point to a specific place in the spec where it's clearly wrong [11:06:02.0000] Philip`: It seems unlikely that anyone will start again with the parser tests [11:06:03.0000] and also, what you said [11:06:04.0000] I think that some browsers implement the rem unit, which is just like em but is always based on the font-size of the root element. Then you can just change the font-size of the element via js. [11:06:05.0000] /me isn't sure how often that situation occurs [11:06:06.0000] Otherwise, you're stuck changing them all. [11:07:00.0000] Actually I suppose it occurs a lot when testing negative handling [11:07:01.0000] dandaman: Are you wanting to make *everything* relative to the screen size, or just certain elements? [11:08:00.0000] vh and vw units you say hmmm [11:08:01.0000] TabAtkins: everything [11:08:02.0000] like making sure the tag isn't parsed specially, where foobar is some non-standard tag that some browsers might handle crazily [11:08:03.0000] dandaman: What's the use-case? [11:08:04.0000] since then you can't point to a specific place in the spec about it [11:08:05.0000] jgraham: All we need to do is write a one-to-one implementation of the spec, run the test suite through it, then delete or buggify line N of the implementation and see which tests fail [11:08:06.0000] You can point at the "any other tag" requirements? [11:08:07.0000] and then we know which lines each test is testing [11:08:08.0000] and if no tests fail then write more tests [11:09:00.0000] Easy :-) [11:09:01.0000] TabAtkins: just when the page is loaded [11:09:02.0000] dandaman: I mean, why are you wanting to scale everything by the page size? [11:09:03.0000] /me is making sure you're doing something reasonable before he offers his next suggestion. [11:10:00.0000] TabAtkins: its for a mobile website, and different phones=different screen widths [11:10:01.0000] Just to ask, are you aware of ppk's work on dealing with mobile phones and their horrible lies about their sizes? [11:10:02.0000] no i am not :( [11:11:00.0000] Go read some of the recent stuff in the quirksmode blog. [11:11:01.0000] I've heard of Java testing tools which mutate the bytecode (e.g. randomly flip a conditional) and if that doesn't cause any test cases to fail then your test cases are insufficient [11:11:02.0000] (or your code is redundant) [11:12:00.0000] I wonder if something like that could work on the validator.nu parser... [11:14:00.0000] TabAtkins: do you remember the article name? [11:18:00.0000] dandaman: http://www.quirksmode.org/mobile/viewports.html [11:19:00.0000] espadrine: Ah, you just beat me. I'd been chasing down through his twitter feed. [11:19:01.0000] Also viewports2.html [11:20:00.0000] ;) [11:20:01.0000] ty [11:21:00.0000] so what it looks like is i just need to set my style widths to percentages [11:21:01.0000] and i'll be good [11:22:00.0000] Yeah, that should generally work. You'll have to be a little careful, but it should be okay. [11:24:00.0000] did not work :\ [11:24:01.0000] looks good on browser, not so much on emulator [11:30:00.0000] doh, was using device-width [12:31:00.0000] Why does this give "submit" instead of "" on Firefox, Chrome, and Opera? That seems wrong per spec. data:text/html, [12:31:01.0000] Is it a spec bug or browser bug? [12:38:00.0000] AryehGregor, looks like a spec bug, button.type should be limited to only known values, like input.type [12:40:00.0000] Firefox 3.6 doesn't treat it that way, but Firefox 4 does. [12:40:01.0000] I'll file a spec bug. [12:40:02.0000] (so do the other browsers I tested) [12:40:03.0000] firefox 4 is using the html5 parser [12:41:00.0000] That's surely irrelevant to this. [12:42:00.0000] fairly easy to check if that is the cause of the change in behavior in firefox 4, about:config filter on html5 double click to flip the pref [12:42:01.0000] volkmar probably changed it to match the spec [12:42:02.0000] AryehGregor, I just filed one [12:42:03.0000] Where? [12:43:00.0000] I did too. :/ [12:43:01.0000] http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=10290 [12:44:00.0000] -289 [12:44:01.0000] AryehGregor: i changed that to match the specs [12:44:02.0000] volkmar, which spec? [12:44:03.0000] Ms2ger: btw, i think bug 9635 is more "fixed" than worksforme [12:45:00.0000] HTML5 seems to say that Firefox was more correct before . . . [12:45:01.0000] AryehGregor: hmm, s/to match the specs//, i don't really remember, i did that months ago [12:45:02.0000] It matches other browsers better. [12:45:03.0000] Matches the spec worse, but the spec doesn't match reality here and is probably what should be changed. [12:46:00.0000] AryehGregor: why not having button.type limited to only known values? [12:47:00.0000] I don't understand the question. Having button.type limited to known values matches browser behavior, but not the spec. [12:47:01.0000] Thus, the spec should be changed. Right? [12:48:00.0000] AryehGregor: I hope, I don't see why button.type shouldn't be limited to only known values [12:48:01.0000] it would behave like input.type which seems better [12:48:02.0000] Exactly [12:48:03.0000] I think we should change all enumerable attributes to be limited like that [12:49:00.0000] I completely agree [12:49:01.0000] it makes sense to ignore on setting to unknown value [12:49:02.0000] it is what does as well [12:49:03.0000] and gives the ability to do feature testing [12:50:00.0000] I guess we should just implement it so the spec can remove the whole concept of "limited to known values" and make it part of the enumerable attributes definition [12:50:01.0000] That would require changing a lot of attributes' behavior. Would it break anything? [12:50:02.0000] WebKit seems to treat audio.preload, video.preload, form.enctype as limited to known values too. [12:51:00.0000] (which other browsers don't, and nor does the spec) [12:51:01.0000] actually, some time ago i proposed (in a mail) to move the default behavior to be limited to only known values [12:51:02.0000] volkmar, yeah, http://dev.w3.org/html5/decision-policy/decision-policy-v2.html seems to prefer WFM, though [12:51:03.0000] /me wonders what the spec bug is [12:51:04.0000] and if, needed, case by case, don't limit the attribute [12:51:05.0000] Am I missing something? [12:51:06.0000] What spec bug? [12:51:07.0000] http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=10290 [12:51:08.0000] It doesn't say "limited only to known values". [12:52:00.0000] AryehGregor: The testcase you made seems fine afaict [12:52:01.0000] Ms2ger: ok [12:52:02.0000] AryehGregor: button.type has a missing value default [12:52:03.0000] jgraham, behavior doesn't match the spec. Look at the details of the rules for reflecting. [12:53:00.0000] If it's an enumerated attribute but it doesn't say it's limited to known values, IDL set and get is supposed to work like a normal string. [12:53:01.0000] jgraham, this is purely about IDL attribute behavior [12:53:02.0000] So if it's not present, it returns "", etc. [12:53:03.0000] jgraham, IDL attribute behavior of enumerated attributes [12:53:04.0000] jgraham, if it just reflects the content attribute you cannot do feature testing; if it reflects only known values you can [12:54:00.0000] AryehGregor, I suspect no content relies on this, though I'm not a 100% sure of course [12:54:01.0000] AryehGregor, the most problematic are probably knew enumerated attributes on existing elements [12:54:02.0000] s/knew/new/ [12:55:00.0000] I just went through the spec; there are not too many either [12:57:00.0000] The sentence about reflecting enumerated attributes that are limited to known values is impossible to read [12:57:01.0000] It is like 5 lines long [13:00:00.0000] (but yeah it is a spec bug) [13:06:00.0000] If you increased your resolution, it wouldn't be five lines long. [13:12:00.0000] What is up with this? 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