2012-03-01 [16:08:00.0000] hixie: on TextMetrics what about s/ding/t/ ? ascent and descent are the terms I'm used to, and they're shorter [16:09:00.0000] "ascent font bounding box" isn't gramatically correct [16:09:01.0000] (ascent is a noun, not an adjective) [16:10:00.0000] if it was just .ascent, or .fontBoundingBoxAscent, i guess that could work? [16:11:00.0000] I like fontBoundingBoxAscent - also fixes the problem of *Box returning a length [16:11:01.0000] Good point. [16:11:02.0000] seems reasonable [16:11:03.0000] can you update the wiki accordingly? there's six attributes to change [16:13:00.0000] hmm - don't see where to create an account [16:14:00.0000] e-mail address? [16:14:01.0000] (i have to create it for you) [16:14:02.0000] stearns⊙ac [16:15:00.0000] check e-mail [16:15:01.0000] k, i think i have gone through all the pending canvas bugs and the pending canvas e-mail [16:15:02.0000] i'll start going through http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Canvas#Proposals and putting all that in the spec friday [16:20:00.0000] done [16:33:00.0000] MikeSmith: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=731516#c4 [17:46:00.0000] smaug____: thanks [20:59:00.0000] astearns: thanks [21:22:00.0000] what's the best way in JS to get the number out of a string in the format "123 ..." as in, numeric digits, a space character, and then anything else? [21:22:01.0000] split(' ', 1)? [21:22:02.0000] (followed by parseInt()?) [21:30:00.0000] parseInt("123 blah") should work, no? [21:47:00.0000] yeah i guess that might technically work too [21:55:00.0000] morning [21:55:01.0000] Hixie, in which time zone are you in, actually? [21:55:02.0000] technically PST [21:55:03.0000] technically? :) [21:56:00.0000] i'm much better about it now, but there was a time where my timezone really had no correlation to my online hours [21:56:01.0000] he he ... so, you're based in Mountain View? [21:57:00.0000] yes [21:57:01.0000] just wondering cause I don't recall a pattern when I see you here (it's 6am here in Galway) [21:58:00.0000] a pattern of what? [21:58:01.0000] anyways. back to fiddling with some JS - have fun [21:58:02.0000] when you're around [21:58:03.0000] online, here, etc. ;) [21:58:04.0000] i'm often around and not actively talking [21:58:05.0000] right [21:58:06.0000] and my irc client is always online (it's in norway) [21:58:07.0000] but always watching I guess :) [21:58:08.0000] ah [21:59:00.0000] one last one: where does the .ch in your domain come from [21:59:01.0000] .ch is switzerland [21:59:02.0000] i'm swiss [21:59:03.0000] (half swiss) [21:59:04.0000] oh [21:59:05.0000] Hixie: are you swi or iss ? [22:00:00.0000] I mean, I knew that .ch is Switzerland, but didn't know you've actually some physical connection into it [22:00:01.0000] jamesr: i cut it horizontally, top half [22:00:02.0000] PMSL [22:00:03.0000] mhausenblas: yup born there. not far from cern, actually. left around the time tim was coming up with the idea for the web though. :-) [22:01:00.0000] he he - a sign! [22:01:01.0000] so you speak French? [22:01:02.0000] about as well as a ten year old, but yeah [22:01:03.0000] cool [22:02:00.0000] reason being we have three children (youngest 4) and their German is getting worse and worse (we moved over to Ireland in 2009) [22:02:01.0000] so I'm always wondering what other people have experienced in that respect as I don't have any other references [22:04:00.0000] (well, besides my sister who lives in Norway, she has two children but their language mix is even worse - German, Dutch, English and now Norwegian ;) [22:05:00.0000] dunno what to tell you [22:05:01.0000] it's all about practicing [22:05:02.0000] sure [22:05:03.0000] my written french is atrocious [22:06:00.0000] and my vocab completely lacks any computer terminology [22:06:01.0000] but i think if i went to live in a french speaking area i'd get back up to speed relatively quickly [22:06:02.0000] fair enough, guess English is appropriate there to fill in the blanks [22:06:03.0000] yeah [22:06:04.0000] if there is a basis, the missing vocabs come over time [22:06:05.0000] not that that's gonna happen unless the bay area falls into the ocean [22:07:00.0000] :) [22:07:01.0000] well, maybe you wanna move to CND? [22:07:02.0000] Wow, I have just realized, that tokenizer calls parser, not vice versa! [22:08:00.0000] mhausenblas: i'm not leaving the bay area unless i'm driven out by some sort of apocalypse [22:08:01.0000] he he, fair enough. actually I envy you a bit - not because of the GOOG position, that is well deserved, but the weather ... [22:08:02.0000] it's so friggin damp and windy here [22:09:00.0000] the weather and the people/culture are the main factors for me [22:09:01.0000] so, when I'm a grown-up, in some 20y, I also want to work in the SF area ;) [22:09:02.0000] right [22:09:03.0000] plus this is where it's at as far as the industry goes [22:09:04.0000] yeah [22:12:00.0000] OMFG, luv it... http://wulffmorgenthaler.com/2012/03/01/ [22:31:00.0000] sigh… I hate how centralized the industry is. [22:36:00.0000] it's nice that the chairs seem to not only not read the content of the draft they're commenting on, but also not read the content of the email they are replying to [22:37:00.0000] and sam was quick to ask for a different editor, that's nice [23:31:00.0000] Hixie: did you not finish your sentence here? https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=16142#c6 [23:31:01.0000] i did not. i thought i had deleted what i had written. [01:17:00.0000] As I know data comes in chunks from network. Does html5 speculative parser glues all the chunks to form a whole sequence of PRUnichar*, in mozilla's firefox? [01:17:01.0000] I just can't find an entry point to mozilla's html 5 parser, to track the whole story. [02:18:00.0000] izhak: the parser has the capability to parse up to any PRUnichar boundary and suspend [02:19:00.0000] izhak: first http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/parser/html/nsHtml5Parser.cpp#222 is called [02:20:00.0000] izhak: the caller also obtains a pointer to nsHtml5StreamParser from http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/parser/html/nsHtml5Parser.cpp#178 [02:20:01.0000] (created when http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/parser/html/nsHtml5Parser.cpp#614 got called) [02:21:00.0000] izhak: then, the networking code calls nsHtml5StreamParser's OnStartRequest, OnDataAvailable (potentially many times) and OnStopRequest [02:23:00.0000] hsivonen: Thanks a lot! Your answer is exactly what I needed. [02:27:00.0000] izhak: what are you trying to do? [02:28:00.0000] hsivonen: I'm learning :). [02:28:01.0000] ok [02:32:00.0000] izhak: have you seen https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Gecko/HTML_parser_threading ? [02:34:00.0000] hsivonen: No. Seems very helpful too. [02:50:00.0000] small idea. make analog of innerHTML for document fragment. Many frameworks has something like div.innerHTML = html; while(v = div.firstChild) df.appendChild(v). Imho its too common task but this loop do nothing. IE already has applyElement(v, 'inside') and some impemenations support it so its will be good to just standardize this method http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms536341(v=vs.85).aspx [03:23:00.0000] has ie always had applyElement? never heard of it [03:24:00.0000] although it sounds nice as a convenience feature [03:24:01.0000] but it's not like innerHTML at all [06:47:00.0000] how come Opera is shipping WebGL without either requestAnimationFrame or oRequestAnimationFrame? Am I testing wrong? [08:02:00.0000] http://dev.w3.org/html5/html4-differences/Overview.src.html#changes-2011-05-25 - review appreciated (non-HTML5 changes are in a comment currently) [08:03:00.0000] (i haven't updated everything in the rest of the document to take teh changes into account yet) [08:07:00.0000] window.onerror now supports a forth argument for column position. s/forth/fourth/ [08:11:00.0000] "Things that use EventTarget now inherits from it instead of using "implements"." s/inherits/inherit/ [08:12:00.0000] "The crossorigin attribute has been added to img, video and audio to use CORS. CORS" (extra CORS) [08:16:00.0000] the extra CORS is a reference [08:16:01.0000] thanks! [08:17:00.0000] np [09:25:00.0000] Ms2ger: should Anne be added to the DOM Parsing and Serialization spec as a co-editor? [09:25:01.0000] per https://bitbucket.org/ms2ger/dom-parsing-and-serialization/changesets [10:04:00.0000] http://www.google.com/patents/US6732330?dq=6,405,366 [10:08:00.0000] What's the right way in CSS-ese to say "if is zero or negative, treat it as a parse error"? [10:08:01.0000] Oh, I see. [10:08:02.0000] "Properties may restrict the number value to some range. If the value is outside the allowed range, the declaration is invalid and must be ignored. For unrestricted values, UAs must support at least up to ±230; unsupported values must be clamped to the closest supported value." [10:11:00.0000] 2^30, I hope? [10:12:00.0000] No, it's 230. Values and Units is being very conservative about hardware limitations. Everything has to fit in nine bits with breathing room. [10:12:01.0000] (also, isn't it annoying how superscript/subscript doesn't copy-paste properly from HTML to plaintext?) [10:13:00.0000] good morning, Whatwg! [10:14:00.0000] Good, dglazkov [10:14:01.0000] :) [10:14:02.0000] i wonder if somebody already patented css vars :/ [10:14:03.0000] Good question. The spec counts as prior art, at least. [10:15:00.0000] I should probably submit a patent request to our legal team, though, just so we can be in the clear (and obviously offer it under the standard free w3c license). [10:17:00.0000] how do you call an untrue statement in an invention disclosure? [10:17:01.0000] ... [10:17:02.0000] a patent lie! [10:18:00.0000] ... [10:18:01.0000] ... [10:19:00.0000] Also: battle-scarred HTML badger:


[10:42:00.0000] What's the policy for adding new content attributes for new event types? [10:43:00.0000] There are attributes like onvolumechange in HTML. [10:43:01.0000] So if adding new content attributes fell out of favor, it must have been relatively recent. [10:43:02.0000] It fell out of favour? [10:43:03.0000] I think we just add all of them. [10:43:04.0000] Did it? [10:44:00.0000] There are no content attributes currently specced for transition and animation events. [10:44:01.0000] So the question is, should there be? [10:44:02.0000] I think so, yes. [10:44:03.0000] /me also thinks so, but wants more opinions before he posts to www-style [10:44:04.0000] Any event which can have an element as a target should have a corresponding content attribute. [10:45:00.0000] There's an onaddtrack IDL attribute on TextTrackList, so it must still be in vogue to add them. [10:46:00.0000] I presume it was just a consequence of this being a CSS spec and so the editors forgot. [10:46:01.0000] As opposed to all the things that get dumped into HTML or DOM. [12:03:00.0000] AryehGregor: what's the use case for animation event handler content attributes? [12:04:00.0000] What's the use case for onvolumechange? :) [12:04:01.0000] Hixie, the only argument I see would be consistency. [12:04:02.0000] Ms2ger: updating the volume ui [12:04:03.0000] AryehGregor: k [12:04:04.0000] I don't see a specific use-case. [12:04:05.0000] there's plenty of events that don't have them [12:05:00.0000] I mean, I don't know offhand what a use-case is for animation events at all. [12:05:01.0000] and the implementation cost in some implementations is non-zero (depends on whether they implement them all individually or have some sort of hash for the ones that are set) [12:06:00.0000] It's non-zero for Gecko, but smaller than epsilon, I'd say [12:12:00.0000] Ms2ger: Are you computing with the hyperreals or the surreals? [12:12:01.0000] Gecko, so must be surreal [12:13:00.0000] Excellent, the surreals are much more interesting anyway. [12:13:01.0000] Reals are so moring. [12:13:02.0000] morning? boring. [12:13:03.0000] Been listening to dglazkov too much. [12:14:00.0000] Not even algebraically closed [12:14:01.0000] The surreals aren't algebraicly closed either. [12:14:02.0000] Bah [12:32:00.0000] The surcomplexes are, though, right? [12:33:00.0000] Are the surcomplexes defined? [12:33:01.0000] ow [12:34:00.0000] They are now, that is [12:34:01.0000] Ah, indeed. [12:35:00.0000] Of course, the fact that the reals aren't algebraically closed is most of what makes them *interesting*. [12:35:01.0000] The complex numbers are far simpler. [12:35:02.0000] . . . it's kind of a misnomer. [12:35:03.0000] Hm? The fact that there is no solution to sqrt(-1) in the reals is what makes them interesting? [12:35:04.0000] You say interesting, I say annoying [12:35:05.0000] Real analysis is crazy more complicated than complex analysis, yeah. [12:35:06.0000] tomato, tomato [12:35:07.0000] They're called complex because they are *a* complex (of two numbers). [12:36:00.0000] Granted, I don't think the complication makes them more interesting. [12:36:01.0000] I also think reals are much more annoying. [12:36:02.0000] Things are so much easier in complex-land. [12:37:00.0000] All nonconstant polynomials have a zero. All differentiable functions are analytic. All analytic functions have a ludicrously large set of very powerful properties. [12:37:01.0000] Witness: Picard's great theorem. W. T. F. [12:38:00.0000] Or even his little theorem. [12:38:01.0000] "All entire functions are onto except possibly for one point." [12:38:02.0000] Also: well-order of the reals, wut [12:38:03.0000] You can well-order the complex numbers if and only if you can well-order the reals, no? [12:39:00.0000] I thought the reals were trivially well-orderable? [12:39:01.0000] Just on the standard < relation? [12:39:02.0000] Only if you assume full choice. [12:39:03.0000] That's not a well-ordering. [12:39:04.0000] Not trivially [12:39:05.0000] Well-ordering means every set has a least element. [12:40:00.0000] Every nonempty subset, to be pedantic. [12:40:01.0000] Gah, duh. [12:40:02.0000] Sorry. [12:40:03.0000] Like the natural numbers. [12:40:04.0000] You apparently can't even give a constructive definition of the well-order of the reals [12:40:05.0000] Countable choice isn't enough to well-order the reals. [12:40:06.0000] Well, since it requires full choice, yeah, constructive definitions are probably not going to happen. [12:41:00.0000] Nor an additive nonlinear continuous function, or the Banach-Tarski paradox, or any of that good stuff. [12:41:01.0000] s/good/evil but necessary if you want any algebra to work/ [12:41:02.0000] Analysis could get by just fine with countable choice, but algebra would kind of be dead. [12:42:00.0000] I mean, countable choice means that uncountable vector spaces need not have a basis. Bad. [12:42:01.0000] I'm sure most people in the world could get on just fine if algebra was dead [12:42:02.0000] (more precisely, vector spaces would only need have a basis if they have a countable spanning set, I guess) [12:42:03.0000] . . . well, yes, although I've heard some lame people use it for physics and cryptography and stuff instead of recreation. [12:43:00.0000] /me would like to mentally rehearse the proof of the equivalence of the axiom of choice, Zorn's lemma, the well-ordering principle, and the fact that every vector space has a basis, but decides that returning to billable work is a better idea [12:44:00.0000] /me agrees that rehearsing proofs is a fun way to spend one's time. [12:44:01.0000] I used to put myself to sleep by rehearsing the reasoning behind efficient prime searches. [12:46:00.0000] Which efficient prime searches, in particular? [12:46:01.0000] Just the basic techniques to speed up a linear search. [12:46:02.0000] This was back in middle school. [12:46:03.0000] Like the sieve of Eratosthenes? [12:46:04.0000] That's the best I know, but I have some vague idea it's not considered efficient by fancy modern standards. [12:47:00.0000] Yeah, like that. [12:47:01.0000] Heh — that came up in my maths lecture today. [12:47:02.0000] I didn't know fancy modern techniques back in the day. [12:47:03.0000] (Both the Sieve of Eratosthenes, and other techniques) [12:47:04.0000] Does anyone have any clever ideas of how to deal with this? https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15709 [12:47:05.0000] No CSS specs specify anything about rounding right now, but it's kind of hard to test programmatic APIs in that case. [12:48:00.0000] Also, reftests implicitly test rounding in some cases anyway. [12:48:01.0000] But I knew why checking only things that were 1 or 5 mod 6 was efficient and hwo to improve it, or why searching for factors only up to the sqrt of your target was okay. [12:49:00.0000] /me was given an unconvincing proof of that earlier today… [12:50:00.0000] Unconvincing proof of which? [12:50:01.0000] I should probably look at it again, and probably realize I'm just being silly [12:50:02.0000] 1 or 5 mod 6 [12:50:03.0000] 0, 2, 3, and 4 all imply the number is divisible by 2 or 3. [12:51:00.0000] Yes, but the existance of divisors greater than 6? [12:51:01.0000] Huh? [12:51:02.0000] It *only* gives a guarantee that the number is/isn't divisible by 2 or 3. [12:51:03.0000] It says nothing about any other divisors. [12:52:00.0000] 25, for example, is 1mod6. [12:52:01.0000] "Every prime p >= 5 is of the form 6k±1" [12:52:02.0000] Sounds like an advancement on simply counting sheep - you collect six sheep at once, fan them out in six different directions, drop two thirds of them into cunningly-placed bottomless pits, and then merge the remaining streams of sheep together before applying a more complex filter and only counting the ones that remain alive at the end, and then you fall asleep [12:52:03.0000] Somehow in my head I turned that around. [12:52:04.0000] (i.e., Every pos. int. k has some prime 6k±1) [12:52:05.0000] Oh yeah, that's clearly false. [12:53:00.0000] Exactly. [12:53:01.0000] I had just read a statement later in the proof that almost implies that, but it's just poor phrasing [12:55:00.0000] Also: I'm vaguely wondering why I'm not doing joint CS and maths. [12:56:00.0000] Though the real analysis my gf had for test today just scared me. [12:57:00.0000] I'm definitely not a math person. I could do math well enough to minor in it (you got a math minor for free if you did a BS in CompSci at my school), but no more. [12:58:00.0000] No one has input on ? [12:58:01.0000] gsnedders, I'm curious. What was it? [12:59:00.0000] I could likely manage, but I didn't do the majority of maths courses this year, so that chance has passed. Linguistics and CS it is. [12:59:01.0000] AryehGregor: Nothing that complex in real analysis terms, but I've never really done any real analysis. [12:59:02.0000] Really? [12:59:03.0000] (Excuse the pun) [12:59:04.0000] Well, okay, I've done the basic sort of things. [13:00:00.0000] But some of the finding limits in test my gf had to do were well beyond me. [13:01:00.0000] /me logs on to uni website to file abscene report and will look up the learning outcomes of that course… [13:01:01.0000] /me wants an example! [13:01:02.0000] ^ [13:02:00.0000] In particular, students should be able to: deal with implications and equivalences; interpret the negation of a statement involving quantifiers; recognise various methods of proof (direct, contrapositive, counterexample, contradiction, induction); show that a function is bounded/unbounded; show, directly from the definition, that a given number is the limit of a given sequence; evaluate sequence limits using arithmetic and order properties; show th [13:03:00.0000] (where did that get cut off?) [13:03:01.0000] order properties; show t [13:03:02.0000] "order properties; show th" [13:03:03.0000] show that a given sequence is monotonic; investigate sequences defined recursively; use subsequences to establish non-convergence; test series for convergence/divergence; test series for absolute/conditional convergence; determine, directly from the definition, whether a function is continuous; use the sequential characterisation to establish discontinuity;solve problems using the intermediate value and extreme value theorems. [13:03:04.0000] Hey, you got an h too? [13:03:05.0000] My client is better! [13:03:06.0000] i got an h [13:03:07.0000] xchat-- [13:03:08.0000] irssi++ [13:04:00.0000] That doesn't sound too bad [13:04:01.0000] That sounds like a standard advanced calculus course. [13:05:00.0000] It probably wouldn't seem to bad if I'd done it and been to lectures and stuff :) [13:05:01.0000] My first university calculus course was basically building up real calculus from scratch, while proving everything along the way [13:05:02.0000] /me didn't like it either [13:06:00.0000] (My gf is a chem. student, FWIW) [13:07:00.0000] (Originally a CS student, but struggled having done far less programming than most people in the course) [13:11:00.0000] I'd claim she's better than me at maths, and she'd claim the opposite. Nevertheless, both perfectly capable of it. [13:11:01.0000] Heh [13:12:00.0000] Ms2ger: First year maths courses here are quite easy — and huge numbers take them, because they're required for practically all subjects in the faculty of sciene. [13:12:01.0000] Mm [13:12:02.0000] (Actually, for most subjects they're not compulsary, just "strongly recommended", and not doing them massively limits course choice in later years) [13:13:00.0000] Everyone here gets their own math courses [13:13:01.0000] Though the perception of how easy they are is likely down to the fact that traditionally in Scotland you go to uni after five years at secondary school — one fewer than in England, but with one more year of the degree. [13:14:00.0000] Most people nowadays do six years of secondary school in Scotland, to the standard needed for English universities, and have done a lot of the first year courses for science subjects. [13:14:01.0000] (Arts subjects tend to be a far higher level than even sixth year of school courses, so it makes little difference there.) [13:15:00.0000] I did an unusually high number of subjects of the highest level at school — trying to get into Cambridge — which probably is a lot of the reason why I found first year quite so easy. [13:15:01.0000] My gf only did five years of secondary school (which admittedly I too almost did), so actually learnt quite a bit in first year. [13:19:00.0000] (I turned up to a single maths lecture a week — to hand in compulsary homework, and learnt almost nothing through it. She went to all five lectures a week and learnt a lot.) [13:20:00.0000] (I would've gone straight into second year had it not for doing joint linguistics and CS — the linguistics side dictated I had to do first year) [13:20:01.0000] Yay, linguistics [13:26:00.0000] Speaking of math, I really hope some classic textbooks that are full of definitions such as Hartshone's algebraic geometry can be turned into something as readable as the HTML LS. [13:27:00.0000] HTML LS? [13:27:01.0000] Living Standard? [13:27:02.0000] yeah [13:28:00.0000] xrefs are really helpful. [13:28:01.0000] It's a shame nobody has figured out a decent way to do maths in HTML yet [13:29:00.0000] which is presumably limiting for maths textbooks [13:29:01.0000] Is MathML decent? [13:29:02.0000] Not hand authoring it obviously [13:29:03.0000] That's like slow suicide [13:30:00.0000] Hand authoring seems like an important consideration to me [13:30:01.0000] but maybe people in real life write maths textbooks in Word instead of LaTeX? [13:31:00.0000] Heresy! [13:31:01.0000] It might depend what you consider "real life" [13:31:02.0000] Outside of academia? [13:31:03.0000] Probably so [13:31:04.0000] Probably people who are university professors writing undergrad level textbooks use LaTex [13:32:00.0000] But doing some-TeX-like-dialect-to-MathML is a problem that has been solved many times [13:32:01.0000] So probably anyone writing that kind of book would start by solving it again, differently [13:33:00.0000] It's somewhat annoying, I now cringe when I have to study from non-LaTeXed texts [13:35:00.0000] jgraham: "real life" is what people other than me experience [13:38:00.0000] In real life one learns the way to the supermarket in < 4 years, perhaps. I'm not sure how that affects their choice of typesetting software, but does make it easier to get milk. [13:38:01.0000] s/their/one's/ [13:40:00.0000] Relevant: http://xkcd.com/1015/ [14:45:00.0000] abarth (and whoever else cares about registerProtocolHandler): any thoughts on http://www.w3.org/html/wg/wiki/User:Eoconnor/ISSUE-189 before I send it to public-html? [14:46:00.0000] reading [14:47:00.0000] looks reasonable [14:47:01.0000] ok, thanks [14:50:00.0000] Ah nice. -- Although I hoped it was a reply to the "deprecate register*handler in favour of webintents" [14:51:00.0000] I'd really like that to read, "deprecate webintents in favour of extending registerprotocolĥandler" instead. Which IMHO makes more sense. [14:52:00.0000] heh [14:57:00.0000] how do registerProtocolHandler and Web Intents differ in their purpose? [15:00:00.0000] hober: you could add an example of a specific hypothetical future use case for a web+ URI, that would be a stronger rationale than just citing the general desire to be upward compatible [15:06:00.0000] othermaciej: WebIntents lets you do a "share" intent, -- so that you don't hardcode Facebook. Nice for me since I don't use Facebook but rather identi.ca. So it's doing verbs and stuff. Lets the browser have some UI to delegate your wanted action to your service. [15:07:00.0000] othermaciej: ok, will do [15:07:01.0000] othermaciej: So registerprotocolhandler could do the same with e.g. a special intent+share:// protocol or something like that. [15:07:02.0000] Instead of NIH-ing a totally new system. [15:07:03.0000] Velmont: it seems like one could imagine registering a web+share: protocol instead [15:07:04.0000] othermaciej: Ah, but the problem is ofc that noone will really use that. [15:07:05.0000] I guess web intents can be (as currently proposed) registered declaratively [15:08:00.0000] othermaciej: And browsers will not implement it. [15:08:01.0000] If I like blog about it and put it on my home page. [15:08:02.0000] It kinda needs to have some weight. [15:13:00.0000] we should make web intents and the handler methods just be one feature [15:13:01.0000] that does declarative and imperative and so on all together [15:13:02.0000] no need for two features [15:15:00.0000] Yep. [15:16:00.0000] heh, even after a restart, firefox is still in this weird "everything gets a text cursor" mode [15:16:01.0000] as if all text on every page is an uneditable text box [15:18:00.0000] zewt: press f7 [15:18:01.0000] ... f7? [15:18:02.0000] caret mode browsing? [15:18:03.0000] You're in the caret-navigation mode. [15:19:00.0000] It's very confusing when it happens. [15:19:01.0000] what a braindamaged feature [15:19:02.0000] Took my wife a week to figure out how to back out of it last time it happened. [15:19:03.0000] it's quite an important feature, for certain users [15:19:04.0000] it does give you a prompt the first time you invoke it [15:19:05.0000] sometimes I seriously wonder if anyone's at the wheel with FF UX [15:19:06.0000] I was also baffeled once it happened. Took me a long time as well. [15:19:07.0000] Hixie: That doesn't help when it was triggered by your cat while you weren't looking at the computer. [15:20:00.0000] i definitely havn't seen that prompt before, but I see the default is "yes", so it's probably not improbable to fat-finger enter and never realize there was a dialog (or see it flash and go "well, I wonder what that was") [15:21:00.0000] my favorite is when programs steal focus with a dialog that accepts space to select "yes" to something, which invariably happens while I'm typing [15:21:01.0000] Maybe it should pop up a "Did you know you're in caret navigation mode?" message every 2^n minutes, to give you chances to get out of it [15:22:00.0000] Philip`: Along with a "never show this again" checkbox so that the people who use it don't go crazy? [15:23:00.0000] well, for starters the default action on the initial confirmation should be no [15:23:01.0000] Hm. I wonder where I can find a font that doesn't have the necessary metrics to extract an x-height from? [15:23:02.0000] Velmont: No, because your cat might select that option [15:23:03.0000] Velmont: The exponential decrease in frequency means that long-term users won't get too annoyed [15:24:00.0000] heh, well, no, the word would be "infuriated" [15:24:01.0000] Philip`: I get very annoyed about some Opera defaults every time I install it, - like tab focus mode. -- It's very easy to change, -- but it's very very frustrating to always have to change it to be sane. [15:25:00.0000] Sane as in "what a power user would expect". [15:25:01.0000] Velmont, does Opera have a settings sync feature? [15:26:00.0000] jamesr__: hmmm. working on it at least, I think. Although I could actually figure out how the settings are stored and just put it in my unison configuration file, then it'd be synced to all my computers. [15:27:00.0000] Anyway, -- if I'm irritated by stuff like that, I always think that there's someone else who is as well. 2012-03-02 [20:56:00.0000] TabAtkins: I'm wondering since when did emscripten break the order-of-magnitude barrier [20:57:00.0000] last I saw from Joel Webber's figures it still was pretty much an order of magnitude at least [21:12:00.0000] I didn't think code hand-translated into JS had even broken the order of magnitude barrier [22:25:00.0000] Why isn't @scoped allowed on . I kind of expect that there was previous discussions about this but I can't find any. [22:37:00.0000] /me found it http://lists.whatwg.org/htdig.cgi/whatwg-whatwg.org/2011-March/031049.html [22:42:00.0000] Hmm… that didn't say why it is bad to allow @scoped on , besides potentially a lack-of-use-case argument (aka. you can you ). [22:45:00.0000] the lack-of-use-case argument is sufficient to keep anything out of the spec :-) [22:53:00.0000] Hixie, well, if implementation cost of adding @scoped to isn't much, not allowing it on confuses authors. (just got a feedback like this) [22:54:00.0000] i don't really understand the use case for using for scoped stylesheets [22:54:01.0000] the whole point is that the style sheet will be embedded in syndication [22:57:00.0000] Hixie, how would an author know he/she is supposed to use instead of in this use case when the former is not so apparent? [22:57:01.0000] Or, do you think shouldn't be used here too? [22:57:02.0000] i don't think @import makes much sense either [22:57:03.0000] hmm… ok [22:58:00.0000] I don't know the details of the use case here but it makes more sense now. [23:02:00.0000] when people propose something potentially very dangerous, they go "don't be judgemental in *technical* WG" [23:08:00.0000] DRM systems' Web sites--with smiling stock photo people [23:09:00.0000] Absent from supported platforms of the Google DRM: desktop Linux [23:10:00.0000] does Google have a DRM platform of their own? [23:10:01.0000] othermaciej: http://www.widevine.com/ [23:12:00.0000] It's interesting that it's considered OK to ask browsers to support unspecified and open-ended DRM but it's not OK to ask Netflix to arrange their CDN to have the capability to set particular HTTP headers [23:14:00.0000] hsivonen: yeah, that's such BS. I called Mark on it, I notice he ignored my e-mail completely. (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2012Feb/0497.html) [23:15:00.0000] hsivonen: (the "don't judge, be technical" thing) [23:15:01.0000] hsivonen: i notice nobody ever says we shouldn't be judgemental when the accessibility problem being discussed is for people with disabilities [23:16:00.0000] Hixie: the most curious thing is people who have branded themselves a11y folks rooting for DRM [23:16:01.0000] yeah that is so completely baffling [23:17:00.0000] Hixie: one would expect them to resist vigorously and with extreme judgementalness [23:25:00.0000] Google's demo of their multiplatform DRM tells me: "Your operating system is not supported." [23:31:00.0000] I wonder what the Director would think of an effortt to standardize a DRM API [23:31:01.0000] interesting that Google uses Sintel for a DRM demo even though Sintel is CC-licensed and all the CC licenses have an anti-TPM clause [23:32:00.0000] also interesting that Google's DRM player works in a virtual machine [23:32:01.0000] lol FAIL? [23:33:00.0000] they make a big deal about detecting screen recording software and then the thing runs under a VM [23:33:01.0000] Widevine looks to be a recent-ish acquisition, I would guess Google would add desktop Linux support before putting this in Chrome [23:34:00.0000] DRM in web video is a thorny issue [23:35:00.0000] it seems that if it is not offered, providers of Hollywood video content use plugins or platform-specific native apps for delivery, instead of DRM-free Web video [23:35:01.0000] othermaciej: I think platform-specific native apps are better for the health of the Web in this case [23:36:00.0000] othermaciej: since they don't poison browser competition even though they retain the status quo as far as OS lock-in goes [23:36:01.0000] I can understand that point of view but I can also see how reasonable people may differ [23:36:02.0000] othermaciej: also, if 10 years from now Hollywood follows the path of the music industry, the legacy won't be in the browser platform [23:37:00.0000] Hollywood content coming in native apps is aligned with my corporate financial incentives but notheless I am not sure it is the best thing for the Web [23:38:00.0000] Hollywood content coming in plugin runtime environments has no real upside for me though [23:38:01.0000] Hixie: why is download="" not in w3c html5? [23:38:02.0000] same reason ping="" isn't, iirc [23:38:03.0000] but i could be wrong [23:39:00.0000] /me barely follows the htmlwg these days [23:46:00.0000] what was the reason for ping="" again? [23:48:00.0000] make link tracking a little easier, not pollute links while doing that, and put users in control [23:48:01.0000] it sort of lost to redirects (and thereby polluting links) for now :( [23:48:02.0000] annevk: no the reason it's not in html5 [23:48:03.0000] oh [23:49:00.0000] some lobby that hit the right chair keywords? [23:49:01.0000] /me forgot [23:51:00.0000] hsivonen: haha, your twitter reply is golden [23:51:01.0000] hsivonen: the one to fantasai [00:39:00.0000] when did
    become allowed? [00:45:00.0000] http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/WD-html5-20101019/grouping-content.html#the-ol-element is the earliest WD with ol type [00:50:00.0000] /me doesn't find it in http://html5.org/tools/web-apps-tracker?from=5643&to=5779 [01:11:00.0000] https://plus.google.com/109925364564856140495/posts [01:11:01.0000] win [01:12:00.0000] the fact that use cases of @ping can be solved by server redirects reminds me of the fact that the use cases of URI template for
    can be solved by server redirects. Or is this not a good analogy? [01:12:01.0000] I like both of them though. [01:22:00.0000] Found a lovely Opera Mobile bug [01:23:00.0000] Just have no clue how to properly describe it in the issue tracker [01:30:00.0000] Hmm. I just saw that microsoft updated their idb tests. [01:30:01.0000] just go "OMG YOU SUCK ok here's a tc" [01:30:02.0000] So they resemble mine quite much now, -- but they actually redid them. [01:31:00.0000] So we're doubleworking all the way to the bank :P [01:31:01.0000] Sounds like something Microsoft would do [01:31:02.0000] did they make them non-automated in the process? [01:31:03.0000] I'll try to find out any good improvements they've done, and tests added that I don't have written myself. But it's quite the diff. [01:32:00.0000] zcorpan: Not sure if I can fully find a howto reproduce it, I did encounter it a few times, but not sure if logic bug in the application or due to a site's markup in some weird way. [01:32:01.0000] zcorpan: No, they did improve them in all they ways I suggested in my review. [01:32:02.0000] Trying my best in the ticket though XD [01:34:00.0000] new home page http://isittacosunday.com/ [01:36:00.0000] annevk: nice background for the yay :P [01:39:00.0000] Hmm. Maybe I should align with MS on the tests, now that they have fixed the actual problems. -- Although I hate all the boilerplate in the tests. [01:39:01.0000] But it makes it easier to understand an individual test. [01:40:00.0000] There we go ANDMEX-6845⊙boc [01:41:00.0000] I've got db = createdb(t); instead of the multiline big open() onupgradeneeded, setting up failing functions on the other event handler, etc. [01:43:00.0000] david_carlisle: no worries man :) [01:43:01.0000] david_carlisle: I was unable to spot that two files changed in a ten line diff yesterday [01:44:00.0000] still you'd think if I got as far as reading the makefile and seeing i needed a source of that name I might have spotted the file in the same directory. [02:13:00.0000] does Canonical use DRM in their Ubuntu for TVs that they've demoed with Hollywood movies in the movie rental lens? [02:13:01.0000] if they use DRM, which DRM? [02:14:00.0000] and have they already struck deals to carry the movies whose titles/posters appear in their demos? [02:26:00.0000] hsivonen: I haven't heard anything about it so far. [02:57:00.0000] hmm [02:57:01.0000] exposing SVGMatrix on might be problematic [02:58:00.0000] wasn't there an idea to reconcile that with CSS somehow? [03:10:00.0000] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/html5/html4-differences/Overview.src.html.diff?r1=1.143;r2=1.144 - http://dev.w3.org/html5/html4-differences/Overview.src.html [03:12:00.0000] zcorpan: casing of doctype was consistent with HTML until you changed it... [03:14:00.0000] i like lowercase better :-) [03:16:00.0000] Look out, you'll get an ISSUE on that [03:16:01.0000] heh [05:03:00.0000] hmm [05:03:01.0000] iso-2022-cn is the worst of -kr and -jp combined it seems [05:03:02.0000] and then it doesn't even need to be supported if not for XSS [05:03:03.0000] to which IE is vulnerable [05:38:00.0000] "Wait — I'm confused. Isn't the primary purpose of media type RFCs to be wilfully violated? What are we doing wrong?" Robin on public-xml-er [05:38:01.0000] :) [07:02:00.0000] defining UTF-8 is harder than I thought [07:08:00.0000] annevk: How is it hard? [07:09:00.0000] It's an encoding [07:09:01.0000] gsnedders: lots of conditions mostly [07:10:00.0000] annevk: I guess that just makes it awkward in prose more than anything else. [07:10:01.0000] Just define it in C89 and reference the C spec :P [07:11:00.0000] gsnedders: compared with the table-based encodings it's just a little less straightforward [07:12:00.0000] Well, yeah, all the algorithmic ones are less simple. [07:12:01.0000] You defining things like GB108030 (or whatever the number is) as a table-based encoding and hence supporting ranges in the tables? [07:13:00.0000] yeah that one is hard too [07:13:01.0000] It is pretty much the most horrible encoding out there. [07:21:00.0000] That's a pretty strong statement [07:22:00.0000] "CSS Selectors as Fragment Identifiers Community Group" [07:23:00.0000] Wow that's quite soemthing to form a community around [07:23:01.0000] there's a CG to put forward a proposal for too [07:24:00.0000] Presumably they will hold their meetings in the annex of the parish hall alongside the "insects in local history" society [07:25:00.0000] Is that next to the astrophysicists? [07:27:00.0000] Pretty sure astrophysics would draw more of a crowd mathematics [07:27:01.0000] +than [07:29:00.0000] Hmm. Presumably Microsoft will ship with CORS enabled for sync XHR. And then it'll be quite impossible to change that given MS's backwards compat never-break-anything policy. [07:30:00.0000] Has anyone reached out? [07:30:01.0000] astearns: sup sup [07:30:02.0000] Mozilla wanted to remove it, if that is still happening. [07:38:00.0000] Velmont: haven't seen much recently on that front [07:51:00.0000] annevk: Probably needs to happen now, -- before Microsoft releases IE10. [07:52:00.0000] Microsoft was also hatin' on sync XHR in their blog post, -- so maybe they'd be up for removing CORS from sync XHR. [07:55:00.0000] hmm yeah [07:55:01.0000] maybe email them? [07:55:02.0000] hmm [08:26:00.0000] MikeSmith: https://github.com/jgraham <-- any chance we can arrange for these to be moved to the W3C account and a cron job set up to auto sync them with the hg copy (should be OK if we don't ever push directly to master on git) [08:26:01.0000] That is, all pushes much go first to hg master and then to git master [08:26:02.0000] AryehGregor, so I've got an issue with Range-intersectsNode.html... [08:26:03.0000] It's timing out after 540769ms [08:26:04.0000] But they can ofc live on a branch in git first if the author is sane^W^Wprefers [08:27:00.0000] s//in/ [08:40:00.0000] https://github.com/jgraham/testharness.js/pull/1 << ohwell, others might want to review as well: Pull Request #1: Add new DOMExceptions, from DOM4 and from IndexedDB [08:50:00.0000] Velmont, that doesn't seem to make sense [08:51:00.0000] I doubt we want assert_throws("SYNTAX_ERR", fn) and assert_throws("SyntaxError", fn) to test different things [09:01:00.0000] annevk: Why are WebIDL platform arrays not quite JS arrays? [09:03:00.0000] Because they can be live? [09:05:00.0000] good morning, Whatwg! [09:05:01.0000] Good day to you too [09:28:00.0000] shit… is http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/whatwg/ dead already? [09:29:00.0000] kennyluck: Works for me [09:30:00.0000] Philip`, OK, good to know. Let me see if I can make it work for me. [09:49:00.0000] What's the incantation to summon david_carlisle? Do I just have to mutter "MathML" under my breath? [09:50:00.0000] You could try "LaTeX", and hope he comes in to express his distress [09:52:00.0000] I can't parse the way that different services often use different communication means even [09:52:01.0000] Let's try that again. [09:53:00.0000] I can't parse "the way that different services often use different communication means even [09:53:01.0000] when sharing the same underlying protection technology. [09:53:02.0000] " [09:53:03.0000] Dammit, replaying linebreaks. [09:54:00.0000] DRM? [09:54:01.0000] Yes, latest email from Adrian Bateman. [09:54:02.0000] I just don't understand his sentence structure. [09:54:03.0000] Yeah, I can't parse it at all. [09:54:04.0000] That's because you're not on a supported platform [09:56:00.0000] [[(the way (that different sevices)) (often) (use) (different communication)] (means) (even when) (sharing) (the same (underlying) (protection) technology)]] maybe? [09:56:01.0000] s/]]/]/ [09:56:02.0000] Your diagramming is not enlightening. [09:56:03.0000] (different communication means)? [09:57:00.0000] arv: ask heycam|away [09:57:01.0000] Ms2ger: No, noun phrase followed by another noun phrase [09:57:02.0000] Why? [09:57:03.0000] Ms2ger: Maybe a noun phrase pre-modifying another noun phrase, actually… [09:57:04.0000] i.e., ((different communication) means) [09:58:00.0000] /me should not argue with linguists [09:58:01.0000] Ms2ger: I can't tell you exactly for the very reason NLP is hard [09:58:02.0000] Is it NP-hard? [09:59:00.0000] TabAtkins, fwiw, hg rebase is known to delete random files occasionally [09:59:01.0000] Depends on the language, but typically far harder, if it can indeed be solved by a Turing machine [09:59:02.0000] Ms2ger: Interesting. [09:59:03.0000] (which is a questionable subject) [09:59:04.0000] I only know git rebase, so I assumed it was similar. [10:00:00.0000] I dunno, I presume git is at least as buggy :) [10:00:01.0000] Also, OMG only four more days: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bG2mdZ23eP8 [10:00:02.0000] A lot of us in webkit use rebase workflows, and I havent' heard complaints, so shrug. [10:00:03.0000] (English for example *likely* only parsable unambiguously by a machine more powerful than a Turing machine — probably an Oracle machine, or at least that's my opinion) [10:01:00.0000] So you're implying that humans can't parse english unambiguously? [10:01:01.0000] TabAtkins: Yes. [10:01:02.0000] TabAtkins: The fact humans often misunderstand each other suggests that. [10:01:03.0000] I would put out the alternative hypothesis that English is fundamentally ambiguous is some circumstances. [10:02:00.0000] http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m06xeh4nf21rqvy12o1_500.jpg < how did webkit memes get a picture of bz's brain? [10:02:01.0000] TabAtkins: English is fundementally ambiguous in some circumstances, so you need an Oracle machine to unambiguously parse it. [10:02:02.0000] (Which obviously is impossible) [10:02:03.0000] "Fundamentally ambiguous" does not jive with "unambiguous to a sufficiently powerful machine". [10:03:00.0000] TabAtkins: An Oracle machine can solve the halting problem. [10:03:01.0000] Yes? [10:03:02.0000] The halting problem is perfectly solveable if you have infinite time. [10:03:03.0000] It's not ambiguous. [10:03:04.0000] TabAtkins: An Oracle could determine intent, no? [10:04:00.0000] A TM could determine intent, no? [10:04:01.0000] Only in a subset of cases. [10:05:00.0000] (Adrian's sentence is likely a fragment, as far as I can tell, with only what should be an embedded clause present) [10:05:01.0000] You're asserting that intent determination is sometimes equivalent to the halting problem, rather than simply being ambiguous at times. [10:05:02.0000] I don't find that obvious. [10:06:00.0000] TabAtkins: On the whole, intent can likely be solved using a TM, but in practically infeasible time, but such knowledge of psychology needed for it is likely beyond us. [10:06:01.0000] But this is all massively theoretical. [10:07:00.0000] If we're talking about arbitrary brains, I'll agree with you. But human brains probably require at most exponential simulations for a good reading of intent. [10:07:01.0000] And since human brains are limited in size, we're okay. [10:07:02.0000] exponential-in-the-size-of-the-mind [10:07:03.0000] Ms2ger: Also, trying to parse stuff like that off the top of my head without paper to scribble on is hard :) [10:07:04.0000] TabAtkins: Also likely related to time. [10:08:00.0000] The older someone is the more knowledge they have to complicate it. [10:08:01.0000] So it's not just the size of the mind, but what it can recall. [10:08:02.0000] Not if you're bruteforcing. A hard-drive with more data isn't any heavier. [10:09:00.0000] Right. [10:10:00.0000] I expect the whole-mind-simulation problem to break down in the next century at most. [10:10:01.0000] And from there it's an engineering problem to, for practical purposes, solve human psychology. [10:10:02.0000] (A trivial and typical example of NLP being hard is a discourse of two people A and B, as follows: A: "Do you want to go for lunch?"; B: "Sorry, haven't got paid yet this week.") [10:11:00.0000] How the two sentences relate is hard to computational determine [10:11:01.0000] s/sentences/utterences/ [10:11:02.0000] TabAtkins: Leads to interesting questions of free-will, though. [10:11:03.0000] Free-will is an incoherent concept, so we're in the clear. [10:12:00.0000] TabAtkins: How so? If the mind can be simulated, is it not inherently predicable? Yes, the system is that of the whole universe pretty much given inter-personal communication and subjects such as astronomy. [10:13:00.0000] If it is entirely predicable, that implies there is no free-will, as every event within the mind in the future is predicable. [10:13:01.0000] The universe is a combination of deterministic and random processes. Nowhere in there is there space for free-will. So, it doesn't exist. [10:14:00.0000] Another hard problem with NLP is the effect of culture on a language. [10:15:00.0000] An Indian English speaker will rarely say, "No", preferring "Yes, but [some reason for saying no [10:15:01.0000] ]" [10:15:02.0000] If an English person said the same thing, it would imply they would do the action but without agreeing with it. [10:16:00.0000] If an Indian person said it, it would imply they wouldn't do it. [10:16:01.0000] That's a fairly radical difference. [10:20:00.0000] the English version of "yes, but…" meaning "no" is "that's a good idea" [10:21:00.0000] "imma let you finish, but" [10:21:01.0000] astearns: Nah, that depends on tone-of-voice. [10:23:00.0000] /me grumbles something about the W3C validator considering "HTML5 Validator Error" a single type... [10:25:00.0000] (FWIW, I'm probably actually less interested in NLP than one might expect given my degree) [10:26:00.0000] Man, if it weren't for all the crazy stuff, SVG fonts would be pretty awesome. [10:26:01.0000] which specific crazy stuff? [10:27:00.0000] The fact that you can use all of SVG in a . [10:27:01.0000] gsnedders: what's your degree? [10:27:02.0000] everyone has their own list of "crazy stuff" [10:27:03.0000] If it was just the basic geometry stuff and transforms, it'd be simple and great. [10:27:04.0000] StoneCypher, linguistics + CS [10:28:00.0000] ah. neat. [10:28:01.0000] /me often wonders why that cluster of people doesn't generate more programming languages [10:28:02.0000] StoneCypher: Technically English Language (i.e., linguistic study of English) & Computing Science, but for the former I'm mostly doing generic linguistics options. [10:28:03.0000] StoneCypher: They get too caught up in ambiguities. [10:28:04.0000] gsnedders: neat [10:28:05.0000] TabAtkins: makes sense [10:29:00.0000] somehow i got put on an unremovable NLP mailing list from NYU... [10:29:01.0000] gsnedders: does that mean you have a special place in your heart for infocom games? [10:29:02.0000] shepazu: Thoughts about hosting SVG2 on XML-ER? [10:29:03.0000] StoneCypher: Heh, not really. [10:30:00.0000] StoneCypher: My main interest in them is actually more in the implementation. [10:31:00.0000] well [10:31:01.0000] there's an old language called AGT, or a more modern one called Inform 7, which may each be of interest [10:31:02.0000] inform has a fascinatingly deep debugger [10:40:00.0000] miketaylr: the shorthand for "unremovable mailing list" is "spam", btw [10:41:00.0000] heh [10:41:01.0000] Perl was explicitly influenced by linguistics, but that seems rarer in other languages [10:42:00.0000] perl and one of the most absurd structures in programming: "x if y" [10:42:01.0000] python, for some reason, decided to one-up it with "y if x else z" [10:42:02.0000] it's like someone took yoda and stuck him in a blender [10:43:00.0000] Perl's version sounds perfectly natural if you want to emphasize the action over the condition [10:44:00.0000] flow control should be written in order of evaluation [10:44:01.0000] If you want to emphasize the condition over the action, then you can do it that way too [10:46:00.0000] (Python's version seems much more rarely natural to me) [10:46:01.0000] c's ternary expressions are much saner; python's are unnatural, hard to read and hard to write [10:46:02.0000] the possible results are on the outside, sandwiching the condition in between--wtf? [10:47:00.0000] "x()? 5: 2" is much easier to read (especially at a glance) than "5 if x() else 2" [10:47:01.0000] every language has at least one wart; python has a couple, and that's one of them :) [10:49:00.0000] /me agrees about preferring ?:, though it might not hurt to have nicer syntax [10:52:00.0000] I think I use "x if y" most commonly in situations like 'print "foo: $foo\n" if $verbose;', where the condition would get in the way and disrupt the flow when reading the code if it was the most prominent thing on the line (or even worse if it was forced onto multiple lines) [10:55:00.0000] that annoys me, because it means as I'm reading the code I'm thinking "it does A, B, C, then prints $foo, then"--then all stop because suddenly there's flow control retroactively injected into something earlier [11:12:00.0000] Is test262 public to public submission? [11:12:01.0000] No [11:12:02.0000] ECMA members only [11:12:03.0000] My repo on bitbucket, otoh, is open to everyone ;) [11:19:00.0000] Ms2ger, huh that sucks. Thanks for your redirection by the way. [11:22:00.0000] Ms2ger, I couldn't find your js tests though. Do they fall under web-tests? [11:22:01.0000] Yeah [11:23:00.0000] There's only one of them, though :) [11:36:00.0000] http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transforms/ [11:37:00.0000] examples w/ errors [11:37:01.0000] .container > :last-child [11:37:02.0000] should be .container > ::last-child or .container :last-child [11:38:00.0000] bga, I you can file the bug here → https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/enter_bug.cgi?product=CSS [11:38:01.0000] s/I// [11:38:02.0000] bga: ::last-child isn't a thing. [11:38:03.0000] ah [11:39:00.0000] That example is completely correct. [11:39:01.0000] isnt pseudo element [11:39:02.0000] ah, I missed that. [11:43:00.0000] Sigh at Glenn trying (badly) to misdirect the conversation. [11:43:01.0000] Bringing up a no-op DRM module as it was relevant to the concerns Henri's outlining? Really? [11:45:00.0000] s/as/as if/ [11:46:00.0000] DRM? Really? [11:46:01.0000] Is that sarcasm? [11:46:02.0000] I hope the DRM proposal is sarcasm, if that's what you mean [11:47:00.0000] hsivonen, btw, did you review http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webcomponents/raw-file/tip/spec/templates/index.html#parsing ? [12:02:00.0000] Ms2ger, the actual original Range-intersectsNode.html running in testharness.js times out, or some version adapted to mochitest does? [12:03:00.0000] Mochitest [12:03:01.0000] This might just be because I'm on a debug build [12:04:00.0000] Running the actual file takes like two or three seconds for me. [12:04:01.0000] 50-whatever seconds seems amazingly excessive. [12:05:00.0000] I'm not sure I'm any better situated to debug the fact that it's taking a long time than you are. [12:07:00.0000] Scumbag linux. >_< [12:08:00.0000] nvidia [12:08:01.0000] /nvidia [12:10:00.0000] Blame nvidia [12:10:01.0000] Linux is FOSS, it can't be buggy [12:14:00.0000] No, that's seL4. [12:15:00.0000] (not that that is open-source) [12:16:00.0000] Ms2ger, try some open source graphics drivers on linux for a laugh [12:19:00.0000] How? My browser blacklists them. [12:19:01.0000] :P [12:37:00.0000] kennyluck: test262 isn't even open to some ECMA members due to the legal-policy idiocy that's complicating submitting our existing tests to them :-\ [12:37:01.0000] how sad [12:39:00.0000] jwalden, btw, SM's score on my ES test suite is horrible ;) [12:44:00.0000] Ms2ger: Your testsuite? [12:45:00.0000] Yeah, one test I wrote this week [12:45:01.0000] I was more looking for URLs :P [12:45:02.0000] bitbucket.org/ms2ger/web-tests off the top of my head [12:47:00.0000] Anyway to run it without clioning the repo? [12:48:00.0000] /me is lazy [12:48:01.0000] Or just tell me how we do :P [12:49:00.0000] Ms2ger, let me guess…. SM scores 0 right? :p [12:49:01.0000] gsnedders, you pass everything, actually [12:49:02.0000] Ms2ger: That's what I suspected, on the whole [12:49:03.0000] Heh [12:50:00.0000] We tend to be good at following the spec in general. [12:50:01.0000] The fact we were basically written against ES3.1 drafts probably helps compared with decade old engines. :) [12:51:00.0000] /me wonders if Chakra development only started after ES5's publication. [12:51:01.0000] ms2ger.freehostia.com/tests/various/js/Array.prototype.join-order.html [12:52:00.0000] http://ms2ger.freehostia.com/tests/various/js/Array.prototype.join-order.html when Firefox is helpful [12:52:01.0000] anyone want to edit an http+aes:// url scheme spec? [12:52:02.0000] No [12:52:03.0000] i suppose i could just stick it in the HTML spec [12:54:00.0000] it's basically "do exactly what http says except decode the message body (after decoding any transfer-encoding applied to the entity body) using AES-CTR with the key given in the url" [12:55:00.0000] Hixie: Isn't that practically another transfer-encoding? [12:55:01.0000] more or less [12:55:02.0000] but the key comes from the url [12:55:03.0000] so we can't use another t-e [12:56:00.0000] Does RFC2616bis require a specific handling for userinfo, or could you use that? [12:56:01.0000] zewt: what's the spec out of sync with the whatwg spec that doesn't mention 'missed cues'? [12:56:02.0000] gsnedders: 2616 doesn't mention userinfo. haven't checked 2616bis. [12:57:00.0000] Hixie: Well, yeah, when 2616 was written the URI spec didn't have such a concept. [12:57:01.0000] what's hte url for the latest http spec? [12:58:00.0000] http://tools.ietf.org/wg/httpbis/ [12:59:00.0000] christ [12:59:01.0000] what a mess [12:59:02.0000] End of 2.7.1, in messaging [13:00:00.0000] Hixie, you must be new here [13:00:01.0000] http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/video.html vs http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-video-element.html [13:01:00.0000] Hixie: Using userinfo and t-e seems cleaner than using a new scheme, IMO [13:01:01.0000] gsnedders: oh, interesting approach [13:02:00.0000] (I could be speaking of something infeasible here, I've been in JS-land for a while.) [13:02:01.0000] zewt: dunno how you got that dev.w3.org url, but that's an ancient file [13:02:02.0000] zewt: you want http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/media-elements.html [13:03:00.0000] Hixie: then it should be removed, since that's where I've ended up every time I've viewed that spec in a long time [13:03:01.0000] Hixie, http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/, click "the video element" [13:03:02.0000] zewt: ask mike? [13:03:03.0000] i just type "video" in firefox to get there [13:03:04.0000] Oh [13:03:05.0000] Nvm me [13:03:06.0000] The bug is assigned to Mike, IIRC [13:04:00.0000] anyway, use the single-page whatwg copy, you'll avoid these problems :-) [13:04:01.0000] Hixie: that hardly addresses the problem [13:04:02.0000] Then you've just got other problems :) [13:04:03.0000] gsnedders: finally got there... [13:04:04.0000] but lunch now [13:04:05.0000] as much as people say "use the editor's drafts", TR's are still a problem [13:04:06.0000] bbl [13:27:00.0000] Ms2ger: SYNTAX_ERR is legacy, SyntaxError is new. -- And I think the old code didn't test for name, -- and new should test for type=SyntaxError. [13:52:00.0000] Oh jeez, my computer's broken now. [13:52:01.0000] Wedged in some inconsistent state after attempting to update graphics drivers. [13:53:00.0000] fyture [13:53:01.0000] f [13:53:02.0000] future [14:12:00.0000] http://www.fxitech.com/products/ [14:32:00.0000] gsnedders: i think requiring CDNs to send transfer encoding headers may be too high a bar [14:39:00.0000] Okay. All done. Back to where I was before, I think. And now Chrome has its accelerated compositing disabled, so my browsing won't be interrupted by a transforms-heavy page crashing metacity. [14:54:00.0000] how do you even refernece this httpbis beast [14:54:01.0000] in verse [15:10:00.0000] TabAtkins_, how do i make a new CSSRule to stick in this list? [15:11:00.0000] That's an excellent question. [15:11:01.0000] lawl "To parse a CSS rule ..." [15:11:02.0000] http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/cssom/raw-file/tip/Overview.html/#parse-a-css-rule [15:12:00.0000] ok i'm pretty sure i inserted a rule but nothing happened [15:13:00.0000] Just insert a lolwat [01:58:02.0000] nice [01:58:09.0000] data:text/html,lolwat [01:58:12.0000] nice [01:59:00.0000] but… data:text/html,lolwat is rendered in sans-serif [01:59:20.0000] but… data:text/html,lolwat is rendered in sans-serif [02:01:00.0000] pasted the wrong thing? or what's the difference? [02:01:24.0000] pasted the wrong thing? or what's the difference? [02:01:46.0000] also, you don't need to escape the spaces :-) [02:02:00.0000] also, you don't need to escape the spaces :-) [02:06:43.0000] matjas: also see http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2010Mar/0395.html [02:07:00.0000] matjas: also see http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2010Mar/0395.html [02:07:01.0000] zcorpan: the difference is that the first one uses comic sans ms, but the second one doesn’t [02:07:04.0000] zcorpan: the difference is that the first one uses comic sans ms, but the second one doesn’t [02:08:00.0000] http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/1389 [02:08:20.0000] http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/1389 [02:08:32.0000] they are the same string and they both use the same font for me :-) [02:09:00.0000] they are the same string and they both use the same font for me :-) [02:09:01.0000] zcorpan: your IRC client merges multiple spaces together [02:09:14.0000] zcorpan: your IRC client merges multiple spaces together [02:09:29.0000] aha [02:09:50.0000] http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/1390 [02:10:00.0000] aha [02:10:01.0000] http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/1390 [02:10:31.0000] ok so you have the identifiers "\63 omic\ " and "sans\ ms" [02:10:33.0000] the escapes spaces + the \63 was just to test identifier escapes [02:10:44.0000] which after unescaping become "comic " and "sans ms" [02:10:57.0000] M7 earthquake just now off the coast of Hokkaido [02:11:00.0000] ok so you have the identifiers "\63 omic\ " and "sans\ ms" [02:11:01.0000] the escapes spaces + the \63 was just to test identifier escapes [02:11:01.0000] then join with a space, you get "comic sans ms" (with two spaces between comic and sans) [02:11:02.0000] which after unescaping become "comic " and "sans ms" [02:11:03.0000] M7 earthquake just now off the coast of Hokkaido [02:11:04.0000] then join with a space, you get "comic sans ms" (with two spaces between comic and sans) [02:11:05.0000] which doesn't match a font family name [02:11:06.0000] it is shaking things in Tokyo even [02:11:06.0000] which doesn't match a font family name [02:11:16.0000] it is shaking things in Tokyo even [02:11:38.0000] zcorpan: ok, so i shouldn’t have explicitly escaped that one space [02:11:42.0000] got it [02:11:47.0000] I think a Tsunami is going to hit eastern Hokaido and nothern Honshu [02:11:58.0000] http://quake.twiple.jp/quake/view/20120314180905 [02:12:00.0000] zcorpan: ok, so i shouldn’t have explicitly escaped that one space [02:12:01.0000] got it [02:12:02.0000] I think a Tsunami is going to hit eastern Hokaido and nothern Honshu [02:12:03.0000] http://quake.twiple.jp/quake/view/20120314180905 [02:14:28.0000] http://nmz.mogken.com/20120314180905 [02:15:00.0000] http://nmz.mogken.com/20120314180905 [02:17:46.0000] are there any nuclear power plants there? [02:18:00.0000] are there any nuclear power plants there? [02:18:28.0000] probably [02:18:32.0000] but none running [02:18:51.0000] 52 of the 54 plants in Japan are shut down right now [02:19:00.0000] probably [02:19:01.0000] but none running [02:19:02.0000] 52 of the 54 plants in Japan are shut down right now [02:19:03.0000] anyway, news is saying the tsunami will only be .5m [02:19:04.0000] http://weather.excite.co.jp/tsunami/t-2012-03-14+18%3A12%3A56/ [02:19:04.0000] anyway, news is saying the tsunami will only be .5m [02:19:06.0000] http://weather.excite.co.jp/tsunami/t-2012-03-14+18%3A12%3A56/ [02:20:00.0000] what does that mean in terms of damage? [02:20:10.0000] what does that mean in terms of damage? [02:20:44.0000] probably not much I guess [02:21:00.0000] probably not much I guess [02:21:35.0000] and it's not going to his the coast for until another 20 minutes from now [02:21:41.0000] "is ok to let your children play at the beach until you see the tsunami coming, at which point you should walk up the beach about 50m" or "will wipe out houses that are 150m to the beach or closer" or something in between? :-) [02:22:00.0000] and it's not going to his the coast for until another 20 minutes from now [02:22:01.0000] "is ok to let your children play at the beach until you see the tsunami coming, at which point you should walk up the beach about 50m" or "will wipe out houses that are 150m to the beach or closer" or something in between? :-) [02:22:02.0000] dunno [02:22:12.0000] dunno [03:06:00.0000] must. not. read. Slashdot or Ars comment threads about Mozilla & H.264. Too much 386. [03:06:08.0000] must. not. read. Slashdot or Ars comment threads about Mozilla & H.264. Too much 386. [03:07:00.0000] speaking people being wrong on the Internet: http://ask.slashdot.org/story/12/03/04/047248/ask-slashdot-life-after-firefox-36x?sdsrc=popbytid [03:07:01.0000] /me learns that width:0 and width:0% on table cells is ignored [03:07:02.0000] "3.6.x has been known for generally being more stable and using less RAM than the modern Firefox 10 and even Chrome." [03:07:06.0000] speaking people being wrong on the Internet: http://ask.slashdot.org/story/12/03/04/047248/ask-slashdot-life-after-firefox-36x?sdsrc=popbytid [03:07:07.0000] /me learns that width:0 and width:0% on table cells is ignored [03:07:20.0000] "3.6.x has been known for generally being more stable and using less RAM than the modern Firefox 10 and even Chrome." [03:09:00.0000] "Netscape 4 has been known for generally being more stable and using less RAM than the modern Internet Explorer 5.5 and even Opera." [03:09:18.0000] "Netscape 4 has been known for generally being more stable and using less RAM than the modern Internet Explorer 5.5 and even Opera." [03:11:47.0000] People who want to talk about browser memeory consumption on the internet should be forced to either a) work for a browser vendor or b) read all of Nicolas Nethercote's blog before they get to say anything [03:12:00.0000] People who want to talk about browser memeory consumption on the internet should be forced to either a) work for a browser vendor or b) read all of Nicolas Nethercote's blog before they get to say anything [03:12:01.0000] The % of misinformation on that topic is unusually high even for the internet [03:12:12.0000] The % of misinformation on that topic is unusually high even for the internet [03:15:57.0000] (if there is anyone else providing such a useful public resource on why browsers use memory I would also happily suggest that) [03:16:00.0000] (if there is anyone else providing such a useful public resource on why browsers use memory I would also happily suggest that) [03:16:35.0000] jgraham, you could do something for Opera? :) [03:17:00.0000] jgraham, you could do something for Opera? :) [03:17:01.0000] I'm not sureI would be the right person to write that, sadly [03:17:12.0000] I'm not sureI would be the right person to write that, sadly [03:31:32.0000] Hixie, with those diagrams, I might finally understand what arc() does :) [03:32:00.0000] Hixie, with those diagrams, I might finally understand what arc() does :) [03:36:00.0000] Ms2ger: now pretend you're on the phone and need to explain the diagrams to someone else, or the bunny gets it. what'd ya say? [03:36:12.0000] Ms2ger: now pretend you're on the phone and need to explain the diagrams to someone else, or the bunny gets it. what'd ya say? [03:37:32.0000] Bye bye bunny? [03:38:00.0000] Bye bye bunny? [03:40:00.0000] (bonus point for knowing the bunny reference) [03:40:10.0000] (bonus point for knowing the bunny reference) [03:52:28.0000] matjas: about "criteria that cannot be expressed by a DTD, but can still be checked by a machine” see my comments in the logs [03:52:53.0000] and https://bitbucket.org/validator/syntax/src/tip/relaxng/datatype/java/src/org/whattf/datatype/ScriptDocumentation.java and https://bitbucket.org/validator/syntax/src/tip/relaxng/datatype/java/src/org/whattf/datatype/FunctionBody.java [03:53:00.0000] matjas: about "criteria that cannot be expressed by a DTD, but can still be checked by a machine” see my comments in the logs [03:53:01.0000] and https://bitbucket.org/validator/syntax/src/tip/relaxng/datatype/java/src/org/whattf/datatype/ScriptDocumentation.java and https://bitbucket.org/validator/syntax/src/tip/relaxng/datatype/java/src/org/whattf/datatype/FunctionBody.java [03:53:02.0000] those check the text content of script elements [03:53:08.0000] those check the text content of script elements [03:54:00.0000] MikeSmith: http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/whatwg/20120314#l-218, I missed those before, thanks! [03:54:22.0000] MikeSmith: http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/whatwg/20120314#l-218, I missed those before, thanks! [03:54:31.0000] cheers [03:55:00.0000] cheers [04:09:00.0000] jacobolus: "I thought graphics hardware was designed for multiplying square matrices!" - as I understand it, modern GPUs expand shader code into single-float instructions (e.g. "color.rgb *= 2.0" is 3 instructions, and matrix multiplications are lots) [04:09:24.0000] jacobolus: "I thought graphics hardware was designed for multiplying square matrices!" - as I understand it, modern GPUs expand shader code into single-float instructions (e.g. "color.rgb *= 2.0" is 3 instructions, and matrix multiplications are lots) [04:09:38.0000] so they're not designed for doing anything with matrices or even with vectors [04:10:00.0000] so they're not designed for doing anything with matrices or even with vectors [04:10:01.0000] Philip`: what about when you say "here's a transformation matrix and here are points a, b, c, d in space", etc.? [04:10:15.0000] Philip`: what about when you say "here's a transformation matrix and here are points a, b, c, d in space", etc.? [04:11:00.0000] (though they run the same shader code over ~16 streams of data in parallel, and run ~32 of those in parallel, so you get huge bandwidth even if each individual shader is many more instructions) [04:11:12.0000] (though they run the same shader code over ~16 streams of data in parallel, and run ~32 of those in parallel, so you get huge bandwidth even if each individual shader is many more instructions) [04:12:26.0000] jacobolus: That's just part of the application-facing API (or in the case of OpenGL ES it's not even there, it's entirely in the application), and gets turned into vertex shader code that multiplies the per-vertex data with the uniform transform data [04:12:48.0000] *ES 2.0 [04:13:00.0000] jacobolus: That's just part of the application-facing API (or in the case of OpenGL ES it's not even there, it's entirely in the application), and gets turned into vertex shader code that multiplies the per-vertex data with the uniform transform data [04:13:01.0000] *ES 2.0 [04:13:02.0000] ah. I guess I should really learn openGL seriously sometime [04:13:24.0000] ah. I guess I should really learn openGL seriously sometime [04:15:35.0000] (Old GL has e.g. VertexPointer to give it vertex positions, which originated with the fixed-function pipeline (when I guess GPUs did have dedicated hardware for vertex transforms), but GLES2 (and the non-compatibility profile of GL3.2) removes that and just has a generic semanticless vertex attribute system) [04:16:00.0000] (Old GL has e.g. VertexPointer to give it vertex positions, which originated with the fixed-function pipeline (when I guess GPUs did have dedicated hardware for vertex transforms), but GLES2 (and the non-compatibility profile of GL3.2) removes that and just has a generic semanticless vertex attribute system) [04:16:47.0000] ((and modern implementations of old GL will translate everything into the new shaderier system)) [04:17:00.0000] ((and modern implementations of old GL will translate everything into the new shaderier system)) [04:17:01.0000] hmm shouldn't the polyglot spec disallow CDATA sections? [04:17:10.0000] hmm shouldn't the polyglot spec disallow CDATA sections? [04:17:28.0000] Philip`: can you recommend any resources for learning whatever OpenGL thing will be compatible with WebGL? [04:17:51.0000] MikeSmith, but that's the nicest part of polyglot! [04:18:00.0000] Philip`: can you recommend any resources for learning whatever OpenGL thing will be compatible with WebGL? [04:18:01.0000] MikeSmith, but that's the nicest part of polyglot! [04:18:02.0000] jacobolus: I can't :-( [04:18:03.0000] Philip`: and also, to what extent can I use WebGL just to do computation, without necessarily displaying anything on screen? [04:18:03.0000] jacobolus: I can't :-( [04:18:04.0000] ah, darn [04:18:05.0000] Philip`: and also, to what extent can I use WebGL just to do computation, without necessarily displaying anything on screen? [04:18:11.0000] ah, darn [04:18:29.0000] (other than the obvious things like the OpenGL ES 2.0 spec and delta spec) [04:19:00.0000] (other than the obvious things like the OpenGL ES 2.0 spec and delta spec) [04:19:01.0000] how much of that transfers to webgl? [04:19:02.0000] I haven't taken much serious look at webgl [04:19:03.0000] I've never really learned OpenGL from anywhere specific - I've just aggregated whatever rubbish I happen to encounter on the web and assume it to be true [04:19:03.0000] how much of that transfers to webgl? [04:19:10.0000] I haven't taken much serious look at webgl [04:19:12.0000] I've never really learned OpenGL from anywhere specific - I've just aggregated whatever rubbish I happen to encounter on the web and assume it to be true [04:19:32.0000] so I don't know what's a good place to look [04:20:00.0000] so I don't know what's a good place to look [04:20:26.0000] (though I did recently see http://fgiesen.wordpress.com/2011/07/09/a-trip-through-the-graphics-pipeline-2011-index/ which seems like a nice overview of the lower-level implementation details if you already understand the basic concepts) [04:21:00.0000] (though I did recently see http://fgiesen.wordpress.com/2011/07/09/a-trip-through-the-graphics-pipeline-2011-index/ which seems like a nice overview of the lower-level implementation details if you already understand the basic concepts) [04:21:01.0000] do you know if it's possible to use WebGL just for fast computation on the GPU, and not for showing anything? [04:21:02.0000] I've never really used WebGL, so I could be mistaken, but I believe it's very close to GLES2 [04:21:10.0000] do you know if it's possible to use WebGL just for fast computation on the GPU, and not for showing anything? [04:21:12.0000] I've never really used WebGL, so I could be mistaken, but I believe it's very close to GLES2 [04:22:00.0000] You can use it to render onto an off-screen buffer, and then use that as input for further GPU processing or (very slowly) copy it back to the CPU [04:22:13.0000] You can use it to render onto an off-screen buffer, and then use that as input for further GPU processing or (very slowly) copy it back to the CPU [04:22:55.0000] but I think GLES2 (and WebGL) is pretty limited in buffer formats etc, so it's likely to be awkward to fit non-graphical problems into it [04:23:00.0000] but I think GLES2 (and WebGL) is pretty limited in buffer formats etc, so it's likely to be awkward to fit non-graphical problems into it [04:24:00.0000] (http://www.khronos.org/webcl/ is more designed for GPU computing) [04:24:06.0000] (http://www.khronos.org/webcl/ is more designed for GPU computing) [04:25:00.0000] MikeSmith: why? [04:25:12.0000] MikeSmith: why? [04:25:26.0000] (http://webcl.nokiaresearch.com/tutorials/tutorial4.html has an example) [04:26:00.0000] (http://webcl.nokiaresearch.com/tutorials/tutorial4.html has an example) [04:26:01.0000] zcorpan: because the HTML spec says it's not allowed [04:26:14.0000] zcorpan: because the HTML spec says it's not allowed [04:26:45.0000] MikeSmith: it's allowed in foreign lands [04:26:53.0000] yeah I know that [04:27:00.0000] MikeSmith: it's allowed in foreign lands [04:27:01.0000] yeah I know that [04:27:02.0000] but the polyglot spec should explicitly say that it's not allowed anywhere else [04:27:17.0000] but the polyglot spec should explicitly say that it's not allowed anywhere else [04:27:29.0000] oh you mean like in " and "<\/script>"? [23:14:14.0000] i thought i had it figured out at http://mths.be/etago :( [23:14:22.0000] matjas: "" would break out of the script [23:14:35.0000] matjas: "<\/script>" would work [23:14:53.0000] yeah… so why bother with the Unicode escapes? [23:14:58.0000] matjas: so I could have used "<\/script>" here [23:15:14.0000] matjas: because they work for "\u003C!--" too [23:15:28.0000] aah, there it is. that’s what i was missing, thanks! [23:15:40.0000] matjas: and I want to give advice that works for both and [10:27:46.0000] smaug____: That's not a literal quote is it?! [10:28:05.0000] jgraham: the part inside "" is [10:28:51.0000] heh, and in this entire dataset charset is never followed by a space [10:28:59.0000] maybe that's a bug in the regexp [10:29:23.0000] smaug____: euh wut, pointer? [10:29:30.0000] sounds like vp8 [10:30:53.0000] annevk: it is here http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-audio/2012JanMar/0543.html [10:31:07.0000] I know Raymond had other suggestions too [10:31:57.0000] but is felt very strange that one can even write such idea that let's use some implementation as reference and not really specify stuff [10:32:02.0000] Oh, it's not a quote from the spec. Well that's a little better [10:32:32.0000] jgraham: oh, that would be strange language in a spec [10:33:03.0000] is anyone from Opera in the Audio WG? [10:33:09.0000] Well the spec does mention webkit [10:33:28.0000] I... don't think so. foolip perhaps? [10:33:30.0000] don't think we're in the WG, but reverse engineering the market leader is not something we're interested in [10:33:35.0000] that's why we have standards... [10:36:58.0000] sweet [10:38:48.0000] so out of 964, 14 pages declare big5-hkscs [10:39:16.0000] and one of those does so via ColdFusion :p [10:43:05.0000] Oh foolip is in the group [10:43:36.0000] But he is stretched pretty thin :( [11:10:42.0000] does html5lib do character encoding detection correctly? [11:10:54.0000] hmm, but I can't actually use html5lib [11:11:07.0000] I need a byte-level tokenizer [11:11:20.0000] man :( [11:11:42.0000] I guess it should be easy enough to adapt the html5lib tokenizer to work on bytes [11:12:00.0000] but it's getting pretty convoluted just to analyze some data [11:12:22.0000] Can you just decode as iso-8859-1 chars then tokenise? [11:13:00.0000] probably [11:13:44.0000] the other problem is actually analyzing the data [11:14:59.0000] there's about 630000 code points that will map to PUA in IE but are potentially better decoded as HKSCS [11:15:42.0000] I guess if foolip is around I can try feeding him the first 100 or so and see whether it makes sense to continue and do something more elaborate [11:16:36.0000] and I should probably generate the ~1000 files so I can inspect them each individually and make sure they are indeed encoded as big5/big5-hkscs and not utf-8 or some such [11:35:56.0000] is it true that you want to replace http? [11:37:37.0000] no that's not true [11:37:47.0000] I want to replace http. [11:37:49.0000] some people do [11:37:50.0000] With telepathy. [11:37:50.0000] whatwg claims nothing about http [11:37:55.0000] So probably not a practical desire. [11:38:14.0000] I'm very confused as to where this meme came from, bga. [11:38:27.0000] prolly the HTTP 2.0 / SPDY stuff [11:38:31.0000] but spdy, webrtc, http://blogs.msdn.com/b/interoperability/archive/2012/03/26/speed-and-mobility-an-approach-for-http-2-0-to-make-mobile-apps-and-the-web-faster.aspx [11:38:45.0000] spdy has absolutely nothing to do with whatwg. [11:38:53.0000] webrtc isn't whatwg anymore either. [12:44:48.0000] no [12:44:58.0000] we need to define the concept it seems [12:45:01.0000] oh [12:53:36.0000] there's no single place in every url-fetching api that's correct for that feature [12:53:49.0000] Is Hixie around? [12:54:02.0000] also it's much more than a "nit", heh [12:58:25.0000] When Hixie gets back, I'd like to talk more about http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/whatwg/20120328#l-1010 ; I talked to people I expected to balk at it, and to my surprise, it might be doable. I just have a few questions, and perhaps we can make it happen as soon as Monday. [12:59:04.0000] zewt, you're right, it's more than a nit. Do you think it's worth defining it for Blob URIs in FIle API? I'm inclined to think so. [12:59:52.0000] (note my new nick ^) [13:00:24.0000] i think the "automatically-released blob urls" feature is worth doing it, yes (though as I mentioned later in the thread, I think the "release at a later point" instead of "on first use" is a better way of doing it) [13:00:42.0000] (of course, it's not me that has to do the work, so take my "worth it" with whatever weight you like :) [13:01:58.0000] I think it's worth defining 'dereferencing.' That shouldn't be bandied about loosely. [13:01:58.0000] i'd definitely say that if we can't or won't define it, then the auto-releasing thing needs to be dropped entirely, since it's doomed to not being interoperable [13:02:27.0000] zest, I agree. I just worry that it is a harder problem than it looks like. [13:02:35.0000] well, it looks like each spec that takes a URL and initiates a fetch will need to invoke "dereference" explicitly somewhere [13:02:36.0000] gah, ^ zewt I mean [13:03:12.0000] I wonder what's rigorous enough here. [13:03:15.0000] for example, "let urlRef be the dereferenced value of url", where urlRef is logically either 1: the underlying blob data or 2: the url itself (if it's just a regular URL) [13:03:23.0000] then, urlRef is what's passed to the fetch algo [13:03:47.0000] i'm sure there are plenty of hard parts of actually doing that, since so many places fetch [13:03:51.0000] Right. Where here 'fetch' is the dereferencing steps. [13:04:01.0000] no, "fetch" is the "fetch a resource" algorithm [13:04:20.0000] http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/fetching-resources.html#fetch [13:04:41.0000] afk a few [13:07:02.0000] Hmm, nobody told rubys that Hixie is away [13:07:08.0000] Maybe he will read the logs [13:07:11.0000] zewt, I think we can put dereference in terms of fetch. More thought needed on this. [13:07:50.0000] zewt, but the call for doing it more rigorously or bailing is a good one. [13:11:26.0000] otherarun: this must be done synchronously, before the surrounding JS call returns; fetch is often done asynchronously, or in a queued task [13:11:45.0000] hmmm [13:11:52.0000] seems overly restrictive to try to require every usage of fetch be initiated synchronously [13:12:12.0000] (we should have this discussion when anne or hixie are around) [13:13:51.0000] basically, though, "dereference" can basically transform the URL into something that (at the spec level) can be used like the URL as far as fetch is concerned, but actually holds a reference to the underlying blob data [13:14:12.0000] there could be a better way, of course [13:15:29.0000] zewt, that's probably what'll end up being the case. I'm not sure exactly how much normalization the Blob URI needs to undergo. [13:15:48.0000] (note that the entire protocol is defined like GET is) [13:15:55.0000] what do you mean "normalization" exactly? [13:16:54.0000] Oh, I mean what you mean when you say "basically transform the URL into something that (at the spec level) can be used lie the URL as far as fetch is concerned" [13:17:08.0000] ^ lie = like above [13:17:31.0000] in JSish pseudocode, it'd be something like var someUrl; urlOrBlob = dereference(urlOrBlob); fetch(urlOrBlob); [13:17:34.0000] to his surprise, heh [13:17:49.0000] MikeSmith, oh hai [13:18:02.0000] where dereference would be eg. function dereference(url) { if is_a_blob_url(url) return theBlob; else return url; } [13:18:14.0000] zewt, aha! [13:18:20.0000] (except it would dereference to the *underlying* data of the blob, not the actual blob, so it's unaffected by blob.close() and transfers) [13:18:37.0000] zewt, what happens on unsuccessful deref? [13:18:38.0000] (we may also need some clear way of referring to "the underlying data of a blob") [13:18:54.0000] hmm. leave the URL as-is, so you get an error at fetch time? [13:19:03.0000] (the same error you get now, whatever that is) [13:19:05.0000] Yeah, ok. [13:19:14.0000] (Well you get a 500) [13:19:23.0000] (cribbing from HTTP parlance) [13:19:31.0000] (404 seems to make more sense, but it's not terribly important) [13:19:51.0000] (since it should never really happen in non-buggy code anyway) [13:20:10.0000] try to constrain discussion to some very narrow outcome and the express "surprise" when someone says "hey let's maybe not constrain the discussion to your artificially constrained outcome" [13:20:22.0000] surprise, surprise [13:20:35.0000] what battle are you fighting? heh [13:21:05.0000] Some concern existed about information reveal about underlying filesystem, so chose to make invalid retrievals return 500s [13:21:32.0000] can't imagine how that could happen, but it's not important enough to worry about now [13:21:49.0000] +1 [13:22:51.0000] hmm [13:22:52.0000] well [13:23:02.0000] if a spec is *already* initiating the fetch synchronously, this is probably unneeded [13:23:08.0000] i don't know if anyone does that [13:23:26.0000] In our case, fetches are synchronous [13:23:37.0000] anyone = specs [13:25:02.0000] for example, XHR send() in async mode goes asynchronous before initiating the fetch [13:26:08.0000] (as opposed to starting a fetch with the fetch synchronous flag unset, so fetch step 4 would do it) [13:26:56.0000] I think that's part of the problem with use of terms like 'dereference.' It traipses over sync/async considerations. [13:27:09.0000] (actually, it does both, depending on the code path ... don't recall why) [13:28:46.0000] /me = afk [13:38:29.0000] jgraham: do you know when Hixie is expected back? [13:38:37.0000] saturday or sunday [13:38:53.0000] ok, will try back then. Thanks! [13:51:36.0000] Here's the short list of websites that are using multiple column layout: [13:51:37.0000] http://galjot.si/multiple-columns#current_use [14:00:21.0000] those layouts are usually really terrible ... that one at the top is utterly unreadable [14:04:46.0000] I would like to comment (either agree or disagree) on that, but since i've only found 7 examples ... :) [14:05:08.0000] Can't really tell whether they're terrible or not. [14:08:22.0000] TabAtkins, Hixie: what's the rationale behind limiting the number of on* event handlers we add? Why not just support on* events for all events? [14:08:32.0000] I don't know. I'd like to add them for everything. [14:08:40.0000] Hixie's the one who wants to limit them. [14:09:29.0000] The only think I can think of is the fear that we'll conflict with some existing on* attribute that the existing pages use...so then we'd have to name the event something less optimal for back-compat. [14:09:36.0000] that doesn't seem like a great reason though [14:10:27.0000] TabAtkins: any news on https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=66032 ? [14:10:53.0000] Not from me. ;_; [14:11:37.0000] k, I'll try to track down Tantek sometime… [14:18:54.0000] Is ;_; crying? Like ^_^ unhappy: ·_· and with tears? [14:19:00.0000] Yes. [14:19:05.0000] Nice. [14:19:05.0000] ;_; and T_T are both crying. [14:25:20.0000] sedovsek: Ofc there's much more usage than that. I've used it for several sites a long time. -- Biggest problem ofc is that they continue too long. So will always have to "guarantee" that the text isn't higher than a screenful. [14:26:01.0000] Velmont: nice point regarding text height. [14:26:29.0000] tantek: I think I'm supposed to ping you about https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=66032 — any chance of this getting some attention soon from the CSS working group? (sorry if that's not quite the right name for the group, I'm not entirely up to speed here) [14:26:33.0000] Yeah, until multicol has (1) the ability to wrap to a new "row" when your height is constrainted and you've filled up your width, and (2) the ability to *not* columnate when the content is below a certain length, it's not really usable for arbitrary web paes. [14:26:58.0000] TabAtkins: Yep. So not for template driven stuff. [14:27:16.0000] Yeah. [14:27:31.0000] I use it on an personal web page to flow a whole bunch of recipe names across the page. [14:27:32.0000] Hi isherman [14:27:45.0000] I've recently seen the light though, and will do more custom stuff going forwards. It's so freeing to actually be able to customize more stuff by writing special css and markups for different pages. [14:27:46.0000] checking your www-style message now [14:27:50.0000] But it's okay for that to get taller than the page, because they're not meant to be read straight through. [14:27:55.0000] tantek: thanks :) [14:28:05.0000] TabAtkins: Yep, - like wikipedia's references. That is a good usage. [14:28:17.0000] TabAtkins, Velmont: I've used it here: http://galjot.si/talks/future-layouts/#slide30 [14:28:21.0000] isherman I believe there is some work being done on this [14:28:25.0000] Yeah, exactly like Wikipedia. [14:28:36.0000] But that's because I need not care, or at least not so much, about degradation. [14:28:53.0000] Wikipedia is great example, yes. [14:29:04.0000] tantek: any way for me to stay in the loop on that work? [14:29:31.0000] isherman ok found where it's being tracked for CSS4-UI: http://wiki.csswg.org/spec/css4-ui#more-selectors [14:29:43.0000] :autofill is what you're asking about right? [14:30:01.0000] tantek: yep, that's exactly it [14:30:35.0000] tantek: would it be appropriate to add support for this selector to WebKit, or is it too early for now? [14:30:58.0000] I presume you mean prefixed, like :-webkit-autofill [14:32:37.0000] tantek: sure, prefixed if that's still the recommendation (I seem to recall having seen a long thread on WhatWG wondering about the value vs. cost of prefixes) [14:32:56.0000] WhatWG has no authority on prefixing CSS features, the CSSWG does ;) [14:33:26.0000] and yes, there's been lots of permathreads on several mailing lists about prefixing, few of them actually concluding with anything actionable or reasonably summarized. [14:35:10.0000] But in the case of this selector, adding the prefixed ":-webkit-autofill" selector sounds appropriate? If so, I'll go ahead with that :) [14:35:10.0000] sedovsek: Found a page I randomly remember from a few years ago that I thought used it, but I see now it's just placed divs. Although it could've used it. [14:35:36.0000] yes - implementations are always encouraged to innovate in ways that make sense to them. it helps more sensibly shape the standards :) [14:36:08.0000] isherman, there's a couple of paths to advance this pseudo-class, I don't have a preference, but you may have an opinion. either we can develop it in CSS4-UI, or, because it is a selector, it can also go into the next version of Selectors. [14:36:32.0000] If I compare this one http://platform.html5.org/ in multi column layout or IE9 (fallback) ... [14:36:53.0000] I kinda like it better with IE9 ... it feels like it's easier to find links you are looking for. [14:37:37.0000] tantek: Hmm, I'm not sure what the difference between those two paths is — are they both targeted at CSS4 (or whatever the next version of CSS will be named)? [14:39:06.0000] one difference is that there is a FPWD of selectors4: http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/ whereas I have yet to write-up even an editor's draft of CSS4-UI (I'm still working on wrapping up CSS3-UI, now that its second LC has closed). [14:39:49.0000] so selectors4 is further along from that perspective, and thus putting the feature there may get it a) into an editor's draft sooner, b) into a public WD sooner, and perhaps even LC/CR sooner. [14:40:33.0000] tantek: well, I guess a faster path is better from my perspective :) [14:41:00.0000] but these things of course depend on individual editors, their time/interest etc. however since fantasai is editing Selectors4 I expect it to proceed reasonably swiftly (unless she takes on more work that slows her down) and likely faster than I can get CSS4-UI to the same draft state. [14:42:41.0000] that makes sense [14:43:12.0000] I think either way sounds fine to me — I'll leave it to your discretion, since you're much more familiar with this process [14:43:48.0000] I'd also encourage lurking in irc://irc.w3.org:6665/css [14:43:53.0000] but I'll go ahead and push forward on getting the prefixed version into WebKit [14:44:00.0000] makes sense [14:44:15.0000] and will help add weight/incentive/priority to get it spec'd [14:46:04.0000] perfect — thanks again for the advice :) [14:47:22.0000] isherman - no problem at all - thanks for the heads up. [14:48:21.0000] isherman - I've also filed a bugzilla bug for the :-moz-autofill equivalent in Gecko: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=740979 [15:31:55.0000] no aklein 2012-03-31 [17:12:16.0000] Hixie, the string dictionary default values in HitRegionOptions should use double quotes [21:33:58.0000] Hixie: you're too clever by half [22:26:53.0000] no other mutationobserver people here :( [22:27:15.0000] /me decides then the correct behavior without asking anyone else :) [00:00:03.0000] <[tm]> smaug____: did the decision include unilaterally minting a new element name? [00:02:07.0000] /me has plenty of new element names in his pocket [00:58:27.0000] seems it's time to remove myself from ietf-http-wg [00:58:45.0000] not really interested in following another hybi-like discussion [01:00:44.0000] and done [04:40:04.0000] hmm, so I thought XHR and Image behaved differently [04:40:43.0000] apparently not [04:53:03.0000] Hi [04:53:11.0000] according to http://commons.oreilly.com/wiki/index.php/SVG_Essentials/Coordinates: [04:53:31.0000] "Specifying units in the element does not affect coordinates given without units in other elements." [04:54:20.0000] why is it so? Even if a specify unit in top level element (svg), I have still to repeat all over the place? [04:54:30.0000] s/if a specify/if I specify [16:32:05.0000] Yay, MutationObserver in Gecko