2012-09-01 [17:27:35.0000] Hixie: Is this better (for :read-only) http://dev.w3.org/csswg/selectors4/#rw-pseudos [18:04:11.0000] TabAtkins: so all elements match one or the other? [18:04:31.0000] TabAtkins: what should type=radio match? it's neither user-alterable, nor read-only... [18:05:13.0000] TabAtkins: (also if you could make user-alterable some sort of obvious hook, e.g. give it an ID and make it italics or bold or something (), that'd be ideal) [18:07:45.0000] Hixie: I'm thinking about implementing srcset and I have a question about the spec [18:07:53.0000] othermaciej: shoot [18:07:59.0000] (since I actually have free time to code this weekend) [18:08:16.0000] ok, if an image has both src and srcset set, and src appears first textually [18:08:36.0000] (the order doesn't matter) [18:08:42.0000] if the parser treats this as the src attribute being added and then the srcset attribute being added [18:08:44.0000] (attribute order never matters) [18:08:59.0000] then the obvious consequence is that the load for the src resource will be initiated first [18:09:00.0000] the HTML parser is defined as adding all the attributes simultaneously [18:09:04.0000] is that wrong? [18:09:05.0000] ok [18:10:06.0000] hence the "or both" in: "A user agent that obtains images immediately must synchronously update the image data of an img element whenever that element is created with a src attribute, a srcset attribute, or both." [18:16:42.0000] thanks [18:19:14.0000] Hixie: I think WebKit probably has quite a few bugs in cases where that matters [18:19:35.0000] Hixie: hmm, on second thought, maybe not [18:19:50.0000] sorry for the noise [18:20:06.0000] it looks like we set them all, then process one at a time, but each attribute when processed checks if the relevant others have been set [19:39:09.0000] man, if building wasn't so slow I'd be done implementing srcset by now (at least the subset handling resolution descriptors only) [20:02:25.0000] othermaciej: yeah, i've actually seen cases of browsers having bugs due to the attribute order mattering in practice [20:02:36.0000] othermaciej: surprisingly few, all things considered [20:02:57.0000] I think I misinterpreted our code (though I certainly wouldn't promise we are bug-free in this area) [20:10:42.0000] Hixie: Yeah, it's either/or. This was based off the HTML definition. ^_^ [20:11:04.0000] type=radio I'd consider user-alterable. You can alter the checkedness, which is *like* it's content. [20:32:39.0000] hixie: ping [20:33:40.0000] I saw that you replace 'any' with a union in the Canvas spec [20:35:36.0000] I think that that will change the behavior [20:38:43.0000] TabAtkins: html's was based on css' old one, that's why i asked fantasai to change it :-) there's some bug about it [20:38:52.0000] cabanier1: sounds plausible [20:38:59.0000] cabanier1: which change in particular? [20:39:59.0000] [e] (0) Clean up some IDLs that use 'any' to specify the exact type instead, and clean up some surrounding markup [20:40:00.0000] Fixing https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17952 [20:40:00.0000] Affected topics: Canvas, DOM APIs, Microdata [20:40:00.0000] git-svn-id: http://svn.whatwg.org/webapps@7260 340c8d12-0b0e-0410-8428-c7bf67bfef74 [20:40:39.0000] what behaviour would it change? [20:41:20.0000] if you pass it something that can't be converted to a string, you will get a type error. [20:41:29.0000] while it should ignore it instead [20:41:52.0000] what can't get converted to string? [20:42:21.0000] the argument you pass to strokestyle/fillstyle [20:42:37.0000] do you have a concrete example of some code that would change behaviour? [20:42:50.0000] sorry i'm having trouble understanding [20:44:15.0000] let's say you pass in an object that implements its own 'tostring' method that returns a csscolor [20:44:38.0000] with your change, you can pass in that object and it will be accepted [20:45:01.0000] like context.fillStyle = { toString: function () { return 'blue' } }; ? [20:45:23.0000] yes [20:45:58.0000] yeah, that would have been ignored before but is now treated properly, right? [20:45:59.0000] the wording doesn't allow that [20:46:18.0000] that's true [20:46:31.0000] I guess the prose should change [20:46:44.0000] and we should try if it is allowed [20:46:57.0000] what prose? it all looks right to me... [20:47:35.0000] "The style can be either a string containing a CSS color, or a http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-canvas-element.html#canvasgradient or http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-canvas-element.html#canvaspattern object" [20:48:08.0000] oh the non-normative text [20:48:14.0000] yeah i guess the next sentence is wrong, huh [20:48:52.0000] oh, no [20:48:54.0000] it's still true [20:49:01.0000] because strings that don't parse as css colors are still ignored [20:49:01.0000] I'm still trying to understand the WedIDL stuff... [20:49:16.0000] yes. That's true [20:49:39.0000] so, you can set an object. But when you look at the value, you would get a string back [20:49:57.0000] i'm assuming "you" in those two sentences refer to different people [20:50:22.0000] correct [20:50:36.0000] if you mean that this: context.fillStyle = { toString: function () { return 'blue' } }; ...would result in the function defined in the canvas prose being handed a string, that's my understanding. [20:50:50.0000] (well, setter, not function) [20:52:01.0000] as long as people don't expect this to work: var mycolor="…"; context.fillStyle = { toString: function () { return mycolor; } }; ... [20:52:14.0000] canvaspattern and canvasgradient allow that [20:52:26.0000] why would that not work? [20:52:33.0000] "When set to a http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-canvas-element.html#canvaspattern or http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-canvas-element.html#canvasgradient object, the assignment is http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/infrastructure.html#live, meaning that changes made to the object after the assignment do affect subsequent stroking or filling of sh [20:52:41.0000] oh you mean, dynamically [20:52:42.0000] yeah [20:53:05.0000] it'll work, it'll just set the fillStyle to whatever mycolor's value is at setting time [20:53:32.0000] and it won't be live [20:53:41.0000] yes [20:54:35.0000] do you think that needs to be written down somehow? [20:55:18.0000] well it's unambiguously required by the webidl spec [20:55:38.0000] and it seems like a really esoteric detail to put in non-normative prose [20:56:21.0000] I agree [20:57:32.0000] I tried "ctx.fillStyle={ toString: function () { return 'blue' } };" [20:57:41.0000] and the fillstyle is black [21:02:30.0000] same on FireFox, Safari and Chrome... [21:04:13.0000] If you have a moment, I think "If x0 = x1 and y0 = y1, then the linear gradient must paint nothing." and "If x0 = x1 and y0 = y1 and r0 = r1, then the radial gradient must paint nothing." in the spec should change. [21:04:36.0000] The gradient should just become a line or a filled circle... [21:05:11.0000] same with color stops at the same offsets [21:08:11.0000] file a bug :-) [21:08:25.0000] (or mail the list, either way it ends up on my radar) [21:10:25.0000] (whatwg.org/newbug and whatwg⊙wo respectively) [22:52:08.0000] OK [22:52:21.0000] I will file a bug on both issues :-P [01:07:50.0000] hi [01:09:47.0000] I have a question... if I use say html4 or xhtml doc type statements will I still be able to use html5 tags? [01:11:16.0000] Calthropstu: Hi. Yes you can AFAIK, but, it wont validate. [01:13:07.0000] Calthropstu: Just use Why would you want to use old doctypes? [01:13:42.0000] Im dont [01:13:49.0000] *I dont [01:14:29.0000] annevk (assuming you read the logs): could you perhaps chime in here? https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17352 [01:15:11.0000] I'm being considered for a position and when I looked at their work I noticed their website is using a mishmash of xhtml1.0 strict, xhtml 1.1 strict, and html4 transitional [01:15:42.0000] and the biggest requirment is html 5 [01:16:12.0000] Calthropstu: OIC. Sorry to jump to the wrong conclusion. [01:16:30.0000] Calthropstu, so, doctypes basically don't do anything [01:16:38.0000] they do [01:16:52.0000] Calthropstu, except for standards/quirks mode [01:16:59.0000] And some more modes in IE [01:17:28.0000] To answer your question, yes, you can use new HTML features regardless of doctype [01:17:35.0000] well I do know if you dont have 1 at all the whole thing goes nuts [01:18:02.0000] Right [01:18:27.0000] Only in IE, though; other browsers will still support those features [01:18:55.0000] not exactly... because it also starts treating css wrong [01:19:05.0000] A good resource -> http://hsivonen.iki.fi/doctype/ [01:19:44.0000] Ive had that issue as recently as may [01:19:47.0000] Calthropstu, I'd advise to just search&replace their doctypes, it's not going to break anything [01:20:00.0000] Unless they rely on quirks-mode differences [01:20:08.0000] well I would if I already had the position :-) [01:20:51.0000] Any of the doctypes here: http://www.whatwg.org/html/#obsolete-permitted-doctype-string are fine too, fwiw [01:21:38.0000] ok [01:48:03.0000] Calthropstu: Good luck with the job. [01:59:19.0000] thx [02:00:03.0000] my first resume submittal did not specify html5 so I have to resubmit it on tuesday [02:01:03.0000] I just figured "html" would cover ALL forms of html and CSS would cover all forms of CSS but they specifically demand CSS3 and HTML5 [02:01:42.0000] Yeah, I guess then it's best to be specific. [04:12:28.0000] hi, group [11:11:15.0000] Anyone got tests for meta pre-parsing? [11:12:08.0000] Not me [11:12:09.0000] Looks like html5lib has none. And it's totally broken in Py3. [11:12:17.0000] hsivonen: I think I saw some from you? [11:12:24.0000] hsivonen: (meta pre-parsing tests) [12:44:52.0000] ... the synchronous nature of javascript is part of the web platform's *use* of javascript, not javascript/ecmascript per se, right? [12:45:12.0000] (nothing in the language seems to care one way or the other, but I'm not familiar with the spec itself) [13:24:00.0000] zewt: asynchronous you mean? [13:24:49.0000] Then no, it has nothing to do with JS. It's just how all the host object APIs for the DOM have developed with callbacks. [13:25:19.0000] Probably in large part because most JS impls (i.e., all but Opera's) block everything, so synchronous APIs would be Rather Bad. [13:30:03.0000] gsnedders: synchronous in the sense of not seeing asynchronous side-effects [13:30:17.0000] (but yes, we're talking about the same thing) [13:30:42.0000] Ah, right. [13:30:56.0000] That's just a side-effect of impls, really. [13:31:18.0000] The JS spec doesn't address multiple threads of impl at all. [13:33:40.0000] yeah, that's what I've always assumed intuitively, was just looking for a sanity check before it came up in a debate :) [13:34:44.0000] is anyone else driven mad by chrome's broken text searching, heh [13:35:03.0000] i type "foo" and instead of finding the next "foo" from where I am now, it goes to the first "f" in the document before I can type the rest [13:38:21.0000] particularly annoying in the html spec when it makes me lose my place [14:08:21.0000] is rick waldron ever here? [14:25:43.0000] it's pretty (something) that anyone would seriously suggest this atrocity as a solution to anything: https://github.com/kriskowal/q/blob/master/examples/all.js 2012-09-02 [07:52:37.0000] hi, [07:52:57.0000] how is webvtt supposed to be muxed within webm/mkv? [07:53:09.0000] i'm a bit concerned about the timing line mixed with the payload [07:53:21.0000] timing line mixed with the positionning* sorry [07:54:10.0000] (so what goes in the payload?) [07:56:58.0000] not sure what you're asking [07:57:30.0000] (not to say I can necessarily answer, but I'll try if I can :) [07:59:15.0000] well, if you take a common srt file muxed in mkv, an event such as "01:02:03.04 --> 05:06:07.08\nfoobar" will be stored in mkv such as [pts_start][duration][payload="foobar"] [07:59:42.0000] what happens now when the position information is stored on the timed line, and not as part of the payload [08:00:11.0000] if you put that information in the payload, how do you differenciate it from the classic text content [08:01:55.0000] are you asking as a webm developer? i ask because this is a webm/mkv implementation detail--they can do it however they want, it's not something webvtt would define [08:02:47.0000] for static (non-streaming) videos i'd be inclined to put the whole webvtt file (perhaps preprocessed in some way) at the start of the file, not to interleave it across the video--that's a strategy that doesn't make sense with files small enough to trivially load into memory [08:03:18.0000] but that's entirely up to the file format; they can preparse and store the file however they like, of course [08:04:43.0000] putting the whole sub content is stupid since the format has capabilities to store subtitles events and an extra header [08:05:01.0000] the thing is, if we want to mux it properly [08:05:05.0000] stupid? niiice [08:05:06.0000] it doesn't look like possible [08:05:30.0000] "can do" and "should do" are not equivalent :) [08:05:32.0000] except doing the crappy way of dumping the file in it [08:06:08.0000] you can dump the whole cue text in it, or preprocess it in some way if you like [08:07:34.0000] let's back up a bit [08:07:49.0000] media containers are designed to have the split form (for audio, video or subtitles) [08:07:54.0000] but if we want to split it [08:07:59.0000] how are we supposed to do it? [08:08:10.0000] is "start time/duration/payload" the basic format mkv has to work with for subtitles, or is that just how it handles srt? [08:08:11.0000] since if we split the timing line and positionning [08:08:25.0000] the demuxer can't guess if the positionning is part of the text or a positionning info [08:08:31.0000] (it doesn't really matter, it just affects how we discuss it) [08:08:51.0000] basis for subtitles [08:08:55.0000] it's used for ASS/SSA too [08:09:12.0000] the start & end are extracted from the dialogue events [08:09:17.0000] okay, so start time and duration are straightforward; you'd have to encode the remaining information into the payload [08:09:28.0000] put into the mkv structures, and rest of the dialog line put into the payload [08:10:36.0000] for example--not suggesting this is optimal, just a simple quick way--the first byte of "payload" is the "align" setting (0: start, 1: middle, 2: end), the second byte encodes the size, etc., followed by the cue text [08:11:23.0000] (not a very robust or extensible encoding, of course, just illustrating) [08:11:49.0000] having an obvious way of muxing it in most of the container would be way better [08:11:55.0000] that is, the "payload" is all of the information in the cue block except the timestamps, not just the cue text [08:12:38.0000] or put differently, the payload is the whole cue block, with the *exception* of the timestamps (since you encode those as separate fields) [08:14:07.0000] my first more serious inclination if I was defining this would be to change the timestamps in the cue to "0.000 --> 0.000", and then just copy the entire cue block into the payload, so the parsing of the payload is defined by webvtt and no WebM format changes are needed to support new WebVTT features [08:14:33.0000] (the reason for blanking the timestamp is to make it clearly not redundant with the timestamp/duration encoded in the separate fields, to ensure that nobody accidentally uses them) [08:14:53.0000] (but leaving them in so it still parses in the same way) [08:42:01.0000] zewt: about your proposition, it's a pain if a new fields is added [08:42:10.0000] (having 1 byte per prop and stuff) [08:42:30.0000] also if formats implement that differently it will be a pain for demuxers [08:42:37.0000] ubitux: like I said, that's not an extensible (or even serious) encoding [08:42:41.0000] since we can't factor code for such trivial thing [08:42:51.0000] the latter is rather more probable [08:43:34.0000] (muxers don't have to know anything at all about new cue features) [08:43:41.0000] well the good thing i see is cutting just after the timing info [08:43:52.0000] and includes the \n in the payload [08:43:55.0000] that's more complex [08:43:58.0000] but it sucks a bit [08:44:07.0000] why? [08:44:25.0000] we can't have some heuristics on the payload to detect if it's align/size, etc [08:44:47.0000] because 1: now you have a cue block without a timestamp, meaning you can't just use webvtt's parser, and 2: don't forget about cue identifiers (whether those are often useful or not, better off not dropping them unnecessarily) [08:45:09.0000] demuxers and decoders are different [08:45:21.0000] you use a decoder to parse the payload stuff [08:45:26.0000] basically the markup and stuff [08:45:40.0000] the timing stuff is extracted by the demuxer, splitting the input into chunk [08:45:49.0000] yes, that's what i suggested :) [08:46:22.0000] so in case of a standalone webvtt, the demuxer will split the file into chunk, removing the timing stuff and send the payload to the decoder [08:46:40.0000] in case of a muxed file, it's the same, you construct a packet with the timing info from the format [08:46:51.0000] and send the payload to the webvtt decoder [08:46:52.0000] yes, that's what i suggested :) [08:46:56.0000] alright [08:47:02.0000] well then that's not answering the question [08:47:11.0000] what happens to the align & size from the timing information? [08:47:11.0000] i don't know what the question is [08:47:21.0000] they're not part of the timing information, they just happen to be on the same line [08:47:25.0000] let me give an example [08:47:28.0000] (one sec) [08:49:14.0000] http://pastebin.com/CWA5471e [08:49:35.0000] then you have the timing information two times [08:49:37.0000] that sucks. [08:49:39.0000] no you don't [08:49:55.0000] well you have a kind of weird signature [08:49:56.0000] there's no timestamp in the payload; just "0 --> 0", which is a dummy [08:50:21.0000] (0.000 --> 0.000 is a valid one no?) [08:50:25.0000] it's there only to avoid having to change the parser (since then you'd run into other issues, like how to distinguish a cue id) [08:50:26.0000] and btw why this one? [08:50:35.0000] why a so long signature? [08:50:42.0000] that's not the timestamp; the timestamp is 00:10.000 --> 00:15.000 [08:50:43.0000] and couldn't that be standardized? [08:51:00.0000] it's not a signature, it's just a dummy timestamp so the WebVTT parser can still be used [08:52:05.0000] (eg. step 37 in the WebVTT parser) [08:52:09.0000] whatever is decided, it would be *really* important to standardize [08:52:37.0000] or at least a recommendation or something [08:52:52.0000] because this will likely be an issue for various containers [08:54:09.0000] not sure it makes sense for webvtt to try to standardize how it's encoded in higher-level formats it knows nothing about, but if the webm/mkv folks want advice on this stuff, they can always come here or post on public-texttracks [08:54:31.0000] well the other way around would be to make obvious how to split that [08:54:47.0000] basically by separating the align/size stuff from the timing line [08:54:47.0000] sorry--split what? [08:55:16.0000] that's out of webvtt's scope--it doesn't know anything about that (and as I suggested above, I don't even know if that's a good idea) [08:55:32.0000] webvtt will be standardized and massively used [08:55:38.0000] webvtt's parser depends heavily on seeing webvtt timestamps to know what it's looking at [08:55:41.0000] it will have the issue of being muxed [08:55:47.0000] so it's something you should consider [08:56:18.0000] zewt: i mean maybe move it do a dedicated line [08:56:44.0000] but that would change the format and the parser significantly--the approach I suggested above (dummy timestamps) avoids that complexity [08:57:44.0000] (not to say it's the only way of doing it, though nothing else comes to mind and it seems very simple, without all the ways trying to eliminate it might bite you) [09:01:02.0000] just found http://wiki.webmproject.org/webm-metadata/temporal-metadata/webvtt-in-webm [09:01:15.0000] seems like webm has another field that can be used for that information [09:02:20.0000] i've seen that page before (it's a bit of a mess, hard to separate actual information from brainstorming) [09:03:29.0000] yeah that makes up its own vtt-esque format for storing webvtt, which sort of seems like a bad idea [09:04:50.0000] well if the format isn't good you don't have a choice [09:05:03.0000] nothing wrong with the format; i just gave a decent way to do it :) [09:06:02.0000] (and if you raise it on texttracks others may well have better ideas--or find issues with mine, for that matter) [09:06:27.0000] (though if webm's already made up its mind on how to do it, or if they're not paying attention, it won't help) [09:08:02.0000] meh the specs is missing a lot of examples [09:09:23.0000] can file bugs if you have specific examples you want: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/ (product: texttracks) [09:09:49.0000] i would like various timing examples :p [09:10:28.0000] i'll read deeply the text, but not me at first glance it doesn't look obvious if "12:23:45.123" is valid [09:10:34.0000] if "13245.12345" is also [09:10:39.0000] or if "12" is as well [09:12:02.0000] see http://dev.w3.org/html5/webvtt/#webvtt-timestamp for the timestamp format (what's "valid") and the parser (http://dev.w3.org/html5/webvtt/#collect-a-webvtt-timestamp) for precisely what happens in a particular case [10:48:13.0000] zewt: thanks :) [10:48:17.0000] (sorry for the delay) [10:48:26.0000] and yes i was refering to that part of the spec [10:48:49.0000] still a list of valid examples would be nice [10:54:06.0000] the spec really isn't obvious IMO [11:09:54.0000] zewt: i do not use chrome for number of tasks because a number of quirks are not that developer friendly :P [11:18:18.0000] heh, context loss is still an open problem for gpu-accelerated 2d canvas? i don't know why, but i thought that was only a problem with webgl [12:23:42.0000] I'm not sure. I like the vi style incremental search but it certainly doesn't work like vi ;) [12:24:27.0000] vi starts searching where you are, chrome keeps going to the top of the page [15:14:54.0000] For without a trailing slash on the URL, getting the href property returns http://example.com/ with the trailing slash in some browsers. [15:15:27.0000] Reading through http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/semantics.html#dom-base-href I can't spot any step which says to add that trailing slash. [15:15:47.0000] Am I missing it? [15:15:55.0000] /me looks [15:16:02.0000] Hixie: Thanks. [15:16:24.0000] This page reports that Firefox, Opera, and Safari add the trailing slash, and IE doesn't: http://notes.minty.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Fixing_Base_Href_Javascript_Document.Location_For_Internet_Explorer [15:16:39.0000] I've only personally checked Firefox, which does add it. [15:16:42.0000] the absolute URL returned by the "Resolve" algorithm always includes that leading slash [15:16:51.0000] ("leading" because it's the first one in the path) [15:17:22.0000] Hixie: Thanks. I'll read it again more carefully. [15:17:28.0000] i'm not sure you'll find it [15:17:40.0000] the "resolve" algorithm is currently pointing at a vague RFC [15:17:50.0000] we hope to write a more detailed spec in due course [15:17:57.0000] (i think anne's the one working on that) [15:20:25.0000] Ah. [15:20:32.0000] I read that RFC before asking here. [15:24:55.0000] I read it as at the Parse step the RFC parses hier-part, picking the path-abempty option, which allows the empty string. So is then set, but empty, and that gets copied across through the rest of the algorithm, still being empty at the end. 2012-09-03 [17:51:18.0000] sort of amusing to see people talking about one of the first things i raised on webapps a year and a half ago [17:52:12.0000] The Web Platform: Software Development Patience [19:51:52.0000] zewt: the canvas conversation? [19:53:58.0000] sync messages [01:11:43.0000] whoa [01:11:48.0000] 2119 had errata? [01:12:12.0000] maybe they should have another one to remove RECOMMEND, NOT RECOMMEND, and OPTIONAL [01:12:17.0000] *ED [01:12:45.0000] oh, and SHALL, SHALL NOT [01:13:22.0000] being able to recommend rather than encourage without it meaning SHOULD is nice [02:23:00.0000] annevk: Welcome back. [03:21:03.0000] http://www.hackermusings.com/2012/08/using-git-to-push-to-mozillas-hg-repositories/ seems quite interesting [03:21:07.0000] MikeSmith: ^ [03:21:18.0000] thanks deane [03:43:10.0000] annevk: Hey there. Not sure if you read the logs or not, so not sure if you saw this => http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/whatwg/20120901#l-384 [03:45:22.0000] deane: thanks, matjas, not sure what you want me to say [03:45:44.0000] matjas: I suggest convincing abarth [04:14:25.0000] annevk: Re http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/whatwg/20120903#l-8 onwards, is Hixie's thought that you are working on it right? [04:14:50.0000] Is there a bug tracking this specific point, or should I file one? [04:15:26.0000] Smylers: I have done some work on parsing URLs; the idea is that you will end up with the / once you serialize such an object [04:15:46.0000] Thanks. [04:15:50.0000] Smylers: but I'm not sure when I'll get around to doing the remainder of the research [04:16:00.0000] annevk: Sure. [04:17:11.0000] annevk: In terms of what to tell somebody who's encountered this, would “The non-IE behaviour will be specified, but that part hasn't been written yet.” be accurate? [04:18:30.0000] yeah I suppose [04:19:18.0000] any eventual URL specification will closely resemble Gecko/Safari/Chrome (all subtly different unfortunately) [04:19:36.0000] IE's URL parsing has many weird quirks [04:20:10.0000] Smylers: I think you tell them "You expected the most fundamental parts of the web platform to be well specified? Are you new here?" [04:22:27.0000] Smylers: You should also tell them that it could be worse; the TAG still haven't decided if http://example.org/ refers to a website or a car [04:23:21.0000] Or maybe they have now. Who knows [04:56:09.0000] jgraham: The person in question isn't “here”, so whatever I tell him may well affect his view of the web standards process. I was trying not to alarm him too much. [04:59:04.0000] jgraham: actually, the question of what a URL refers to has in fact been resolved: http://faketag.org/a-101-on-the-range-of-the-http-dereference-function/ [05:05:47.0000] jgraham: They claim to've decided it here: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2005Jun/0039.html [05:07:23.0000] jgraham: Though I note that ‘solution’ describes itself as removing ambiguity. Of the three cases they list, (b) is “could be any resource” and (c) is “unknown” — which some people may still interpret as leaving a little ambiguity there. [05:08:23.0000] Smylers: don't listen to www-tag — it's an usurpation of the real TAG! only read the faketag.org resolution, it's the only one that breaks the Web in all the right ways [05:09:10.0000] /me raises an eyebrow [05:25:10.0000] Smylers: http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/issues/14 suggests that the issue was discussed at a F2F a few months ago, and there was a TAG-Member only thread (I guess one should hide one's shame) questioning whether the issue is in fact still open [05:25:45.0000] Still it does give the impression that they aren't sure if they are dereferencing their arse or their elbow [05:27:55.0000] jgraham: thanks for the link about pushing to hg from git [05:28:23.0000] MikeSmith: Yeah, it seems like all the actual code might be somewhat hidden [05:28:37.0000] But maybe we could ask them to reuse it [05:31:37.0000] MikeSmith: BTW people on web-notifications are asking about publication status [05:32:01.0000] I imagine that is blocked by the lack of annevk [05:32:10.0000] Or, less specifically, the lack of a chir [05:32:13.0000] *chair [05:32:25.0000] But maybe you should say that since you are staff contact [05:32:29.0000] (I think) [05:32:48.0000] Did jgraham just volunteer to chair? [05:32:54.0000] Hahahaha [05:35:07.0000] Ms2ger: Lots of voulenteering happening in this channel lately. [05:35:42.0000] odinho, oh yes, you were going to edit something, I just can't remember what... [05:45:01.0000] jsbell-- [05:48:27.0000] ? [05:49:55.0000] Writing tests with some obscure test harness [05:53:51.0000] Ugh. Link? [05:54:19.0000] https://code.google.com/p/stringencoding/ [05:54:33.0000] On another note [05:54:41.0000] > we ran into site compatibility issues [05:54:42.0000] Is there a compat problem? [05:59:16.0000] Oh, qunit, yuck [06:00:38.0000] Doesn't look too hard to convert though [06:34:21.0000] How can I make a web browser display consecutive whitespace characters? [06:34:27.0000] They all collapse into one whitespace character. [06:38:40.0000] crocket, depends on what you need to do that for. There are multiple methods [06:40:10.0000] crocket, 1.
. 2. Use CSS 'white-space' property, or 3. Use non-breaking spaces   [06:40:43.0000] Lachy, How do I apply a monospace font-family? [06:41:04.0000] CSS 'font-family' property, or the 'font' shorthand. [06:41:59.0000] crocket, if you're trying to markup code and want it displayed in a monospace font with whitespace preserved, then just use

that's the default rendering

Lachy, What if I want a monospace serif font?

crocket, lots of monospace fonts have serifs on the glyphs.

but you can't declare both monospace and serif generic font families together

Lachy, That's unfortunate.

crocket, you can name a specific font if you have one in mind

But even Courier New has serifs, so I don't see the problem.

annevk, I guess you haven't set up the post-push hook for DOM yet?

Ms2ger: no, I should

Ms2ger: that is, my plan is to update dom.spec.whatwg.org on push

Good :)

I wanted to wait a bit for the W3C to reply to my inquiry

and then move on

with a timeout of about one more week, as I'm somewhat eager to do some spec updates

I did a few

I noticed you pushed to github already, nice :)

hg-git works well enough

Hixie: I assume you don't object to your document.open-in-unload tests being submitted to W3C under the normal license for the testsuite? I adapted them to testharness.js


jgraham: sure

jgraham: (what's the license? mit?)

Hixie: Dual W3C Testsuite / 3 clause BSD

yeah, that's fine



I may have broken the tests of course, please let me know if I did

(also, WTF, I just tried one of the tests in WebKit and got a QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR)

OK, that's just 005

how can you get a storage exceeded error

sweet lord, the tests now import tons of scripts

i make no guarantees that they are valid

(and i still don't understand why we have to do this rather than just exposing an API and using iframes)

I'm not sure what you mean by "exposing an API and using iframes"

oh i see, that's in fact what you do


i didn't realise you renamed it too :-)

Oh you mean 001.html -> 001-1.html


i also don't understand the quota error in 005

Yeah, your tests are running in their own browsing context. New windows are slightly less evil than iframes for things that poke at the history

Or document loading


jgraham: more likely to trigger unrelated issues, though (popup blockers and not being allowed to open new windows--two issues I just hit trying to run that one)

(the first is easy enough to undo, the second i'd have to go play with obscure about:config stuff so I didn't bother)

zewt: Right, alllowing popups from test sites does become necessary

I really don't understand this quota problem

But it can be a tab rather than a window

is there some infinite loop going on or something?

jgraham: i have firefox set to never allow new windows or tabs; links always open in the same tab

(too many abusive sites trying to open new windows for every single link)

zewt: Oh, well yeah I guess if you have weird non-standard configurations it is harder

one of those things i've never understood browsers allowing, since the abuse is so widespread and annoying

Hixie: So I note that 001 seems to give 012389 rather consistently in existing browsers

Ignoring Opera which is clearly broken and IE which I would have to change computers to test

yeah, several of the test cases give reliable results that differ from what i ended up requiring, but it turns out that if you examine what they're doing it is crazy and doesn't really work in all cases

(gecko and webkit in particular actually do quite different things)

(yet end up with similar results on some of the tests out of basically coincidence)


I am always nervous when the spec doesn't match implementations

Especially if they match each other

none of the implementations actually match here

see my rants on irc (i linked to them from the checkin comment) for more details

But obviously this is an insane thing to rely on

(though note that i didn't do exactly what i suggested i should do in those notes, in the end)

Which probably means that only facebook, google and twitter depend on it ;)


github is annoyingly inconsistent with URLs

 /whatwg and /WHATWG both work

as well as /whatWG and other crap

okay, that's annoying

i don't understand what this http://dev.w3.org/html5/webvtt/#webvtt-cue-ruby-span is

anyone has a simple explanation about what to do with this?


ubitux: It's a way to put Ruby annotations in captions.

ubitux: basically it's a type of oriental gloss: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_character

oh ok


that will be kind of painful to support such format :(

(how? who? where? context :)

outside a browser

C app

subtitles transcoding


transcoding is easy enough (if the format you're converting to doesn't support it, you remove the unsupported feature)

transcoding is one of the most difficult

the worst being the rendering, closely related

the problem is, for subtitles rendering, the only library we can use is libass

so we basically need to convert webvtt markup to ASS one

not due to this feature--you already have to parse the cue text, and you remove nodes for unsupported features

(converting to another format for rendering is probably not the best approach, though it may be the quickest short-term)

that's the only solution

or maybe you want to write a subtitles rendering library?

at the moment libass is the most mature one

how could it possibly be the only solution? :)

well i don't really want to dedicate 5 yr of my life to rewrite a rendering engine

rendering subtitles isn't a 5-year project unless a codebase is catastrophically broken

Who's to say it isn't so?

libass still has font glyph issues

font stuff is a complex matter

mixed with blur, rotation and misc. other transformations

that's why you don't write a font renderer, you use a font rendering engine (like freetype)

and now ruby and stuff..

that's what libass does

libass is a "small" project of 10k lines

the best move would be to fork it and make it supports the new vtt markup and stuff

but that also means supporting CSS stuff

and making available the access to the AST etc

anyway, that's far from trivial

i guess all of this is not really a problem for browsers

but for anything else it is

(nothing is "trivial", and no matter what you do you need to support vtt's subset of CSS at some level)

that's assuming browser will actually force the limit to these properties

which won't happen and users will start abusing it quite quickl


ubitux: Do you have any evidence for that?

well, that's what always happen

(i'm not assuming anything--no matter what you do, you need to be parsing CSS somewhere if you intend to support vtt's styling features at all)

if even only one browser allows all the CSS stuff (because that's likely simpler), users WILL abuse it

whether that happens as part of a transcoding layer or closer to the renderer, it's got to be somewhere

well anyway, requiring a CSS parser/matcher is kind of a problem

of course, we can just ignore all that part

now if we assume we actually write that CSS stuff (which is unlikely because of the complexity) the rendering will require something at least as big as libass

so well, this is why i said it will be kind of painful to support such format

(outside the browser)

(so any players or subtitles editor/converter)

... that's something any serious captioning format is going to need (though comparing to ass isn't accurate--it supports lots of stuff other formats, including vtt, don't, like karaoke effects)

ass supports karaoke

jacosub as well

what? i just said ass does and vtt doesn't :)

i thought vtt did

(vtt has very basic "change color at this time", but not all the goofy effects people do with ass)

vtt has features not supported by ASS

so you can't really fallback on the now-not-fully-featured-enough-ASS-system

OTOH, if a full featured (parsing/styles-and-events-AST-publicly-accessible/rendering/portable) libsubtitles/libwebvtt was available, all of that wouldn't be a problem

but that's a long term project.

anyway, if what you want is every subtitle format to be a subset of what you already have so you don't have to implement anything, that's not likely to happen :)

yes, and that's a problem ;)

at the moment most systems rely on the fact that almost all existing subtitles can be expressed as an ASS-subset

um, most systems don't support ass at all, heh

and this is neat in the sense that there is a parsing/rendering lib to do all the stuff

zewt: most players do

they're using the libass rendering system for all the subtitles

(except the simple formats)


you mean "desktop software"; set-top stuff rarely has usable support at all (wdtv claims support, and they lie--it's so incomplete it's unusable)

i meant any app ≠ browsers

wdtv isn't a browser, heh

so players like mplayer, vlc, possible the windows one (mpc?), as well as ffmpeg and such

dunno what wdtv is

anyway, i guess the best way would be to start a subtitles library being able to represent any kind of style structures and related crazyness, as well as the rendering part

possibly a libass fork

and then port all the subtitles decoders and encoders to it

but this really is IMO a 5yr project

you're just not likely to get traction asking for all subtitle formats to be a subset of some particular library, which partially implements a particular weird ad hoc format

just to support webvtt :)

i'd call it a project of a few months, if you can find a standalone css parsing/selector matching implementation

zewt: i believe the main point of webvtt is to make a standard way of using subtitles accross the web, but i don't think it requires all that styling stuff

stylesheets are always technically optional

yes but they are used as the basis of most styles, such as coloring and stuff

what? i just agreed with you, heh

this means not supporting them is kind of a problem

i didn't say it wasn't, it seemed that you did :)

(oh and i'm omitting the charset/encoding stuff)

stylesheets are important for presentation (especially if the current hideous black-rectangle-behind-captions default doesn't change), but no, it's not required as such

encoding is straightforward; webvtt is always utf-8

you really can't ask for anything simpler than *that* :)


not so simple for japanese users :P

romanji is more than enough


really, though, if you want implementation advice, feel free to open a discussion on public-texttracks

(for example, suggestions of a standalone CSS implementation, which I don't have off the top of my head)

http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/SAC/ ?

don't know (you'd need a parser and selector matching, at least)

and then we will need a CSS rendering engine

and a robust enough API to allow iterating over :past/:future states and adding ::cue


no, you only need to be able to determine the state of properties at specific times (for example, font sizes aren't allowed to change once text is displayed, which simplifies a lot)

and the list of times at which properties change is finite, so i believe css rules + cues can be flattened to a simple list of states

anyway, i can't engineer this for you (and i need to eat), but again, mailing list :)

i need to brainstorm by myself about what i really want indeed

i think we will just make webvtt an equivalent of subrip with a lot of unsupported features

and it will be more than enough :p

which implementation is this for, so I know what to avoid :P

ffmpeg, and most likely will be used in the future by mplayer

i believe vlc won't do anything more complicated as well

and i don't think anything outside browsers will do as well

at least not in the near future

(you're making me want to implement it for xbmc, so people have a good alternative)

is xbmc linking with --enable-webkit?

oh and btw, we can't actually rely on any library

because what's the decoded packets for subtitles will contain the exploitable AST of the events & styles

so it would require api user to link on that library as well, which is a problem

so the full chain needs to be available

as builtin

no, and you seem to have a misunderstanding of the complexity of webvtt if you think you need webkit to render it

so Instant Upload from Google+

Google+ still exists?

is that known to fail when you attempt to upload 1500 at once?

is that the camera upload thing? because it's so un-instant i turned it off (useless)

it says "Starting upload..." but nothing happens

I'm not interested in paying Apple for iCloud so I figured I'd use this as backup instead, but it's rather crappy

Does anyone know if there's an ECMAScript IRC channel?

kind of

on mozilla's irc there's #jslang


ah, OK, thanks

it would be pretty nice if there was a webvtt sample file

kind of a conformance ref file making use of all the features

ubitux: there's a sample file in the spec intro

ubitux: (doesn't use all the features)

it is very limited

(i don't speak japanese so it's hard for me to make a good one that uses the vertical text features)

well even not that, i believe a file with a utf-8 bom, different timing formats, multilines events, and various nested tags would actually help

(sounds like what you're actually looking for is a test suite)

no, just a sample

and sure, to be included in our own test suite at some point

but well, for testing it's kind of nice too

as well as having a quick overview of everything that needs support

see for example http://unicorn.us.com/jacosub/demo.txt

it's kind of helpful with advanced subtitles...

should i open a bug on the bugzilla?

here we go, this is now #18770

patches welcome :-)

Hixie, do you maintain a count of the # of times you end up saying that? ;)

not that often :-)

Why is it, when I put an  element in my document head, do I get errors in HTML5?  Never had that problem in XHTML 1.0 or HTML 4.01

Well, I think I can call my first serious HTML5 project "finished".


known issue


what a crap URLs btw

Von_Davidicus: what do you mean by "get errors in HTML5"?

Validation errors.

ah. because it's not valid :-)

Okay... why was  elements in the  element deemed bad?

doesn't work

(none of the browsers implemented it)

Was it exclusively for the [declare] attribute, then?

pretty much

Oh, okay.

/me uses it for SVG declarations and preloading images.

does it work in browsers?

i mean, do they put it in the  in the DOM?

/me goes and checks.

Hm.  FizzleFox, Slopera, Google Groan, and  are putting it in the .

/me is disappointed.

Back.  Somehow I ended up leaving. :(

that's what i call interoperability, it's a good thing :-)

(and also why it's non-conforming now)

/me grumps at browsers.  GRUMPS! *

for following the spec? :-)

For not following an outdated one!

/me guesses he'll ave to put the  element somewhere in the body.

/me sticks it just before the menu and changes the  element to 
* [23:01:56.0000] Hm... seems to work just as well. http://www.mrinitialman.com/ [23:06:10.0000] I "preloaded" the image so my CSS rollovers would work properly. [23:21:44.0000] /me has recently finished an XML project more or less to his satisfaction. [03:48:25.0000] annevk, yt? [04:20:07.0000] Ms2ger: yup [04:21:30.0000] Is it just me, or is the isEqualNode spec wrong if the context object has more attributes than the argument? [04:23:20.0000] see under -> Element [04:24:04.0000] Ah, right [04:24:06.0000] Well hidden [04:24:14.0000] (Or, I can't read) [04:24:30.0000] feel free to move it around as you see fit [04:24:43.0000] it's not the best wording [05:02:26.0000] w3c bugzilla is down [05:02:34.0000] systems team is working on it [05:02:38.0000] other stuff down too [05:57:33.0000] Chrome guys, think you have a regression, don't have old versions in though so can't really check. :-( [05:57:47.0000] ^ helpful guy [05:57:50.0000] http://odin.s0.no/web/theora-video/video.htm << streaming video from icecast using ogg theora used to work. [05:58:18.0000] Ms2ger: Hehe... I meant they're kinda hard to find. :-) [06:00:16.0000] (that is, I found it for Windows, but no Linux) [06:01:46.0000] odinho: BUT YOU NEED THE LATEST VERSION OR YOU'RE HOLDING THE WEB BACK! [06:02:04.0000] gsnedders: But but... Regression. test. Help... Nice guy. [06:02:39.0000] odinho: BE HORRIBLE. [06:04:49.0000] gsnedders: Okay, I'll sniff it and say "get a better browser", then :-D [06:39:57.0000] "Umm, isn't the before method the wrong way round? I thought div2.before(div1) would put div2 before div1" - Opera developer on reading the new DOM4 mutation methods [06:41:18.0000] "there is a typo in the spec as well" [06:42:11.0000] "'the append nodes method must run these steps' should be nodes" [06:42:20.0000] *shoulfd be node [06:42:32.0000] (I am just quoting haven't checked) [06:42:37.0000] Ms2ger, annevk ^ [06:43:17.0000] Those new things are annevk's thing [06:43:51.0000] please file a bug on the typo [06:43:55.0000] checking the other thing now [06:44:08.0000] The other thing isn't a "bug" [06:44:45.0000] the before method matches http://api.jquery.com/before/ [06:44:48.0000] afaict [06:44:51.0000] It's a "oh this method does something different to what I expect" [06:45:11.0000] jl/bratell prolly haven't used jQuery like the rest of the web? :) [06:45:13.0000] Right, this is bratell who afaik is not too familiar with jQuery [06:45:43.0000] But the number of future web developers who haven't used jQuery >> number of current web developers who have [06:46:08.0000] maybe it helps if he thinks of it like insertBefore, but with the method directly on the object on which to insert things before [06:46:58.0000] also, Maciej suggested renaming them to addBefore/addAfter [06:47:00.0000] But usually a mehod on an object mutates that object, not its argument [06:47:02.0000] does that help? [06:47:12.0000] annevk: But if it [06:47:15.0000] neither the object nor the argument is mutated [06:47:22.0000] the parent is [06:47:23.0000] it's on the object on which to insert things before, it's not like insertBefore [06:47:52.0000] Workshiva: well yeah, that's kind of the point [06:48:18.0000] If the node didn't have a parent and now does have a parent that seems like a more substantial change than being the N+1th child [06:48:25.0000] instead of the Nth [06:48:47.0000] before() cannot give a node a parent [06:49:04.0000] insertBefore can [06:49:13.0000] Really? [06:49:47.0000] Workshiva: how? [06:49:49.0000] So if I p = createElement("p") and document.body.before(p), p doesn't end up with a parent node? [06:50:16.0000] jgraham: I thought you meant body ending up with a parent node [06:50:33.0000] annevk: p = createElement("p"); // no parent // document.body.firstChild.insertBefore(p) // now has a parent [06:50:45.0000] Um, that was before I guess [06:50:47.0000] Right, it woudl if you write p.before(document.body) [06:50:49.0000] See, it's already confusing me! [06:51:15.0000] (i.e. if the this object and the argument were swapped) [06:51:42.0000] Anyway, I don't know [06:51:58.0000] again, comments on the suggested renaming welcome [06:52:29.0000] It seems to me that non-verb methods are pretty terrible and that this design is potentially confusing [06:52:34.0000] updates next week ideally [06:53:47.0000] assignSiblingRelationshipPreceding() [06:57:04.0000] element.assignRelationshipSiblingEarlier(), aliased as element.aRSE() to keep the names short and memorable [07:04:55.0000] lol [07:10:13.0000] I like addBefore, addAfter, -- they even have a better symmetry than before/insertBefore. But I think we are smart people and will be perfectly able to use whatever. But no more hard-to-write and long words like "stopPropagation". :-) [07:11:07.0000] If we're going to be jquerish, why not "andThen" and "butFirst"? [07:12:48.0000] Workshiva: because only in your mind is that jQueryish [07:13:10.0000] My mind sees no problem with that [07:13:18.0000] stopPropagation isn't overly long (close to borderline, maybe, but only that); now, findElementById ... [07:13:28.0000] get* [07:13:35.0000] y [07:13:45.0000] Clearly you meant to say getElementsByClassName [07:13:47.0000] <- just got out of shower, slack requested :P [07:14:04.0000] only granted for out of bed or drunk [07:14:12.0000] zewt: I have problems writing it... Always have to stop and think about it... It could be cancelPropagation. There's also the preventDefault, cancelDefault, stopDefault. What was it now again :] [07:14:18.0000] /me wonders if zewt put any clothes on [07:14:59.0000] did jgraham just kill the conversation? [07:15:05.0000] cool, adobe air just popped up a dialog saying "we have an update!!! [update now] [update later]" ... and "update now" was greyed out [07:15:10.0000] Everyone picturing zewt naked [07:15:28.0000] I have trouble picturing zewt [07:15:51.0000] zewt sounds like a kind of newt [07:16:04.0000] It sounds a bit like a newt in a boyband [07:16:05.0000] Maybe a very intense one, like zomg [07:16:12.0000] annevk: if that makes it harder to picture me naked, then we can consider that a win for all of us [07:16:12.0000] Right, exactly [07:16:31.0000] And newts tend to be naked, so I'm not really very affected [07:17:11.0000] At risk on underailing the conversation, I think I like zewt's proposed Sync API better than sicking's [07:17:47.0000] (no! don't derail a conversation about a bunch of guys picturing me naked!) [07:17:52.0000] But I am not convinced I have enough experience with this kind of thing to offer a convincing argument [07:18:21.0000] Wait, what did I just walk into? [07:18:23.0000] (I also like the idea that javascript should grow some primitives to make async stuff more linear) [07:18:32.0000] Ms2ger: zewt in the nude [07:18:42.0000] Ms2ger: What did you just walk out of? (shower?) [07:19:04.0000] jgraham: "zewde" [07:19:15.0000] jgraham: in principle--though it's probably too late in the game for this to fit--the "wait for message" api could have been the basis for all worker sync apis [07:19:49.0000] eg. xhr.send(); getMessage(xhr.send()); // wait for what would have been the next message to the xhr client [07:20:14.0000] /me puts on http://www.leekspin.com/ for fun [07:20:32.0000] not quite as nice as a real sync API that returns stuff and throws exceptions, but without the need to fork every single async API into two interfaces [07:21:13.0000] reader = new FileReader(blob); arrayBuffer = getMessage(reader); [07:21:29.0000] oh well [08:40:13.0000] would other ECMAScript engine implementors be open to escaping ', < and > as well as " in the String.prototype HTML extensions, as per V8? http://code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=2217#c15 [08:42:06.0000] seems a bit over the top to me, but hey [08:42:27.0000] matjas: I'm pretty sure we would try anything once [08:43:03.0000] jgraham: reason V8 does the extra escapes is: '_'.link(' [01:56:06.0000] most browsers load local.js relative to the current file, Gecko does not [01:57:00.0000] with a twist of course, Firefox view source resolves it relative too [01:57:10.0000] that's some confusing mismatch [02:02:22.0000] does Firefox's view source respect in general? [02:03:33.0000] not for http://example.org/ either [02:03:48.0000] so yeah, might be a more generic bug [02:07:02.0000] annevk: file a bug, please. CC hsivonen [02:07:23.0000] (although this might be a UI problem) [02:07:54.0000] I suspect this to be filed already [02:10:24.0000] annevk: ah, perhaps https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=617789 [02:19:02.0000] looks like it [02:19:08.0000] dynamic base is prolly filed too [02:31:51.0000] heh, hsivonen is on air: http://futuradio.fi [02:36:30.0000] The volume control on the radio image doesn't actually control the volume :( [02:39:52.0000] that's how the future of radio is! [02:40:50.0000] Clearly we need a volume content attribute [02:42:04.0000] darobin: Excessively loud? [02:43:03.0000] jgraham, no, that's the present [02:43:28.0000] jgraham: yeah, you know, Finnish radio is special [02:43:41.0000] I think they still have the one and only channel broadcasting in Latin [02:44:15.0000] they are also known for having broadcasted computer programs over FM radio (you could tape it, and then just load the tape) [02:44:46.0000] plus, they have hsivonen talking about browsers and mobile networks [02:45:33.0000] he's making me all sad about the Android update situation [02:50:48.0000] darobin: it is not a channel, but just one program in Latin [02:50:54.0000] basically news in Latin [02:51:09.0000] smaug____: my version of reality sounds better [02:51:26.0000] sure [02:51:40.0000] :) [02:52:00.0000] next you're going to tell me it's just one program with hsivonen and not a whole 24/7 broadcast of his thoughts [02:52:59.0000] no no, hsivonen has his own channel and talking 24/7/365 [02:53:23.0000] Oh, I assumed he had some sort of helmet to read his thoughts in realtime [03:48:38.0000] I wish I had heard all of that interview with hsivonen. [04:25:50.0000] test [04:26:13.0000] failed [04:26:35.0000] there's red all over the floor [04:26:37.0000] aaaah [04:26:44.0000] you're being eaten by a grue [04:27:02.0000] Dammit [04:27:05.0000] haha [04:29:59.0000] I wish hsivonen had done the whole interview in LAtin [04:49:20.0000] Chrome has something weird [04:49:40.0000] about:blank as base with "unknown :test" as link creates "about:unknown%20:test" [04:50:12.0000] no other browser tries to resolve URLs against about:blank [04:52:30.0000] Yeah, resolving against about:blank seems weird [04:56:04.0000] kinda wish URLs were simpler [04:56:11.0000] but then somebody might have defined them already I guess [05:02:07.0000] Ms2ger: (I just came up with another test that can run with a fragment ID on the URL) [05:02:22.0000] (or not, but to test slightly different things) [05:02:30.0000] heh, in Gecko a data URL is only valid if it matches the whole data URL production [05:02:37.0000] (same part of the spec still) [05:02:45.0000] (except there is no spec yet) [05:03:54.0000] annevk, that sounds... sane? [05:04:08.0000] Though Julian did something with base64 and ; [05:04:11.0000] Ms2ger: well it means data URL parsing becomes part of URL parsing [05:04:40.0000] Ms2ger: if you want every URL library to behave the same way anyway [05:04:58.0000] Pff ;) [05:05:12.0000] I mean if you stop caring about the details all of this is very simple [05:05:57.0000] but if you do care about whether "DATA:test" becomes normalized and of which .protocol returns "data:" rather than the empty string (that's for invalid) you suddenly need to define this [05:06:32.0000] well [05:06:36.0000] invalid might also return ":" [05:06:41.0000] piffle [05:06:43.0000] browsers are in dispute of course [05:06:49.0000] only quiche eaters process URLs with an API [05:06:50.0000] I only care about browsers :) [05:07:01.0000] darobin: just had some quiche [05:07:02.0000] real hackers do it with a twenty page long regex [05:07:11.0000] my point exactly [05:07:21.0000] and I'm using a 200 line incomplete tokenizer [05:07:31.0000] bah, kids these days [05:09:31.0000] so I take it URLs becomes a "this is implementation-dependent" in "HTML5"? [05:11:20.0000] No [05:11:27.0000] They become IRAs [05:11:30.0000] ARIs? [05:11:33.0000] ARAs? [05:11:39.0000] URX I think [05:12:36.0000] so ™ in the authority part becomes normalized to tm... [05:13:00.0000] if somebody could explain authority parsing to me that would be awesome [05:13:04.0000] heh, I wonder how well http://search.cpan.org/~gaas/URI-1.60/URI.pm#PARSING_URIs_WITH_REGEXP actually fares in the real world [05:13:12.0000] unfortunately that also seems to differ wildly [05:14:58.0000] e.g. "http:test test" yields invalid in Gecko/Safari, "http://test%20test/" in Chrome [05:15:05.0000] maybe invalid is okay [05:15:55.0000] you'd sort of hope so [05:18:56.0000] well [05:19:05.0000] http:annevankesteren.nl "works" [05:19:09.0000] in most browsers [05:19:15.0000] giving http://annevankesteren.nl/ [05:19:17.0000] unless [05:19:19.0000] there's a base URL [05:19:45.0000] in which case it's a relative path and you get something like http://example.org/annevankesteren.nl (scheme has to match) [05:20:05.0000] but that part I got covered already [05:20:17.0000] I'm wondering more about what characters to allow and to reject in host [05:20:22.0000] well, authority [05:29:34.0000] man [05:30:10.0000] http:test -> http://test/ in Safari, but http:maraña.org is invalid, only works with // [05:30:30.0000] Chrome's URL code is a little better there [05:30:49.0000] Gecko too, but doesn't use punycode [05:30:57.0000] because, why would anything here match each other... [05:33:22.0000] annevk++ for speccing this [05:34:03.0000] annevk++ just because [05:40:01.0000] annevk++ to increase hit points agianst attacks from RFC-wonks [05:40:03.0000] annevk-- for destroying Poney and Rainbow tales ;) [05:42:28.0000] annevk: re the HTML5 thing with MikeSmith, are you only doing it in .nl or are you travelling a bit too? [05:42:34.0000] specifically, to the Paris one [05:58:56.0000] http://i.imgur.com/jxBZG.jpg [06:11:35.0000] aaah, the browser spec. https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=14689 [06:12:22.0000] gotta monkey patch xslt in the browser spec [06:18:58.0000] There is no scope, dammit [06:19:11.0000] /me kicks zcorpan out of the secret tree house [06:21:06.0000] i just find it amusing that the *xml core wg* who refused to have me specify this in the *xml-stylesheet PI spec* think that it is most appropriate to spec it in HTML [06:21:59.0000] "We don't have to deal with it" [06:26:15.0000] (UI requirements for the xml-stylesheet PI is still absent, except i think CSSOM has rules for CSS) [06:38:42.0000] darobin: I do not know about a Paris one, so presumably just here [06:38:59.0000] annevk: ah, shame, it could have involved beer [06:39:02.0000] darobin: I also only plan to put travel money into vacation for now [06:39:17.0000] or wine, since they seem to be paying for wine and pizza [06:39:17.0000] does kinda sound like vacation :p [06:39:32.0000] you're going to take even more vacations??? ;-) [06:40:04.0000] Oh dear [06:48:50.0000] haha, no, unfortunately not [06:48:56.0000] apart from some weekends [06:51:44.0000] so in Gecko http://\0example.org/ yields http://example.org/ [06:51:52.0000] is that safe? [06:53:10.0000] Safari treats the zero byte as eof [06:53:36.0000] same for Opera [06:54:00.0000] Chrome converts to %00 [06:58:12.0000] %00 or treating the whole url as invalid seem like the sane options [06:59:35.0000] during authority -> invalid otherwise %00 is what I'm going with I guess [06:59:36.0000] in the end [07:00:06.0000] sounds good [07:01:30.0000] it seems in the host name you need to unescape %.. too [07:01:38.0000] in the path only Chrome does it [07:01:52.0000] which I think might result in some bugs [07:02:03.0000] some sites expect paths to be pretty much literals [07:13:26.0000] hsivonen: why does Gecko give the unbalanced tree message if all I write is
? [07:13:32.0000] there's behaviour that I can't find to be specified anywhere, I'd appreciate a pointer if any [07:13:51.0000] ask, don't ask to ask [07:14:05.0000] I wasn't asking to ask, I was introducing my question :) [07:14:11.0000] if you serve something as XML containing


, it consistently gets rendered as a source tree [07:14:34.0000] if however you add the namespace to an inner element no matter how deep, as in


[07:14:41.0000] it gets upgraded to an HTML document [07:15:01.0000] (even if the namespace happens after megabytes of useless XML [07:15:27.0000] everyone seems to do the same thing (at least given a cursory look) but I can't find it specified [07:15:55.0000] if http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/history.html#read-xml does not have it, prolly a bug [07:16:17.0000] yeah, that's what I was looking at [07:16:36.0000] or maybe that's more about rendering XML [07:16:41.0000] dunno if we have a section for that [07:17:10.0000] I investigated because of https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15180 [07:18:30.0000] I don't believe there's anything about rendering XML [07:18:37.0000] I'll figure something out, cheers [07:19:34.0000] Is there a shorter term for "documents without a browsing context"? [07:21:16.0000] cookie-averse Document object, though that also means something else [07:27:39.0000] man, IDNA is some vague shit [07:27:54.0000] I was hoping for "detached documents" or something. [07:29:08.0000] "contextless document" seems accurate, but ... it's sort of a tonguetwister, heh [07:30:30.0000] it's really funny, foo and even foo work, but the namespace declaration on its own is not enough [07:31:08.0000] jgraham: how about aloof documents [07:32:08.0000] darobin: if you want to define this I would just say that the document needs to be rendered per CSS rules if there's at least one element in the HTML namespace [07:32:27.0000] darobin: and maybe MathML namespace [07:32:40.0000] yeah, that's what I was thinking of [07:32:46.0000] lemme do a few more tests [07:34:10.0000] works for MathML and SVG [07:35:42.0000] I guess SVG gives you a CSS context as well [07:36:27.0000] be careful not to make Rendering and XML Rendering sound exclusive [07:41:10.0000] I'll put it on GitHub, nothing's exclusive there! [07:44:05.0000] this channel did need more non sequitur [07:44:15.0000] or does [07:44:16.0000] hmm [07:47:50.0000] jgraham: just curious, and I think the answer is that you aren't allowed to say anything... how does Opera handle cycles in C++ objects [07:47:58.0000] well, C++ -> JS ->C++ cycles [07:56:25.0000] smaug____: The answer is honestly that I don't know [07:56:52.0000] I just asked if that kind of a cycle was a problem for us ans was told by the relevant developers that it wasn't [07:57:16.0000] zero bytes on the other hand :p [07:57:53.0000] Yeah, excuse me while I list the zero websites that affects :p [07:58:28.0000] well I have this file here on my local hard drive... [07:58:44.0000] Well, sometimes it is annoying [07:59:00.0000] I wrote a fuzzer once where it truncated the debug output [07:59:22.0000] But it's not like it makes sense to prioritise fixing it [08:34:57.0000] darobin: can you elaborate on your reasoning for https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=18067 ? I was thinking about it myself but wasn't convinced it wouldn't be a security problem. Can you elaborate on why you think it's safe? [08:35:55.0000] Hixie: I looked at the gopher protocol and the sort of content that it supports, and I could find no reason to believe that it would be more unsafe than any of the others [08:36:08.0000] if there are rules for assessing this more systematically, I'd be happy to hear [08:36:21.0000] wouldn't it have the same risks as http:? [08:36:49.0000] /me checks his watch [08:36:55.0000] No, doesn't seem to be 1992 [08:37:20.0000] you mean highjacking all those gopher clients out there? [08:37:26.0000] jgraham: yeah, i'm not saying it would be useful in any way in the first place, but... [08:37:38.0000] how is one supposed to discover which *.specs.whatwg.org exist? [08:37:48.0000] zcorpan: one is currently not, sadly [08:38:38.0000] darobin: well not just that, but in theory, e.g. in-place mitm in an iframe, or similar [08:38:54.0000] Hixie: "i'm not saying it would be useful in any way" no usecases -> not allowed, seems more reasonable [08:38:55.0000] darobin: to the extent that anyone supports it, it seems bad to support it inline [08:39:06.0000] jgraham: yeah, that's kinda my thinking [08:40:44.0000] frankly I couldn't think of any reasonably mitm that would do anything useful — at the same time I can see this as useful for whoever wants to maintain historical gopher connectivity to implement it that way [08:42:00.0000] to the extent that it can be useful, it seems like it could be used in an attack. [08:42:09.0000] to the extent that it's not useful, it seems pointless to support. [08:42:47.0000] the UC that I have in mind is exposing historical document retrieval systems [08:44:04.0000] that said I can't say I am overwhelmed with desire for gopher, so I won't stand in the way of reversal [08:44:47.0000] i think the whatwg spec will be erring on teh side of abundant caution on this one, fwiw [08:45:02.0000] /me has a fleeting image of an "I'll die for gopher" t-shirt [08:46:08.0000] gopher is one of the schemes at least WebKit-based browsers use to trigger their relative URL handling [08:46:21.0000] If the usecase is "historical curiosity" it doesn't seem like integration with the web is important so you could require urls to be rewritten as web+gopher (and do so automatically where you have access to the URL) [08:46:31.0000] yeah [08:46:36.0000] gopher implies a hierarchical URL, so to say [08:47:49.0000] can one of the logbots here give a URL pointer to the logs? [08:48:00.0000] that's a good point jgraham [08:48:08.0000] http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/whatwg [08:48:10.0000] darobin: see the topic [08:48:23.0000] Also, now I need to review D3E again [08:48:35.0000] no, that much I know, I meant a pointer to the current entry [08:48:40.0000] (but I'll live without) [08:48:49.0000] At least krijn isn't really a logbot [08:49:15.0000] It's more like a radiator that also saves IRC conversations [08:49:19.0000] unless you count mIRC as a logbot :) [08:51:58.0000] In a conversation about gopher mIRC is almost modern [08:52:14.0000] bbiab [08:52:15.0000] Zing [08:53:23.0000] Go for ever [08:53:38.0000] You want Hixie killed? [08:53:46.0000] No, just gone [08:53:55.0000] Oh, not "gone" [09:11:45.0000] Hixie: re https://github.com/w3c/html/commit/c953c8da7b2363af2ec119f14c9383f0cee1b13b it confused someone, I could see how "this" may be slightly unclear, I figured that a two word non-normative change that had confused someone wouldn't hurt [09:16:56.0000] good morning, Whatwg! [09:31:58.0000] good morning, Dimitri (and fellow west coaster) [09:39:23.0000] Hah: https://github.com/apache/httpd/commit/a381ff35fa4d50a5f7b9f64300dfd98859dee8d0 [09:39:28.0000] /me thinks you'd have to be mad to steal a cookie from a gopher [09:39:28.0000] darobin: you'll notice i made the change also :-) [09:39:40.0000] Hixie: yes, I was just reacting to your comment :) [09:40:13.0000] darobin: there are definitely cases (not this particular one) where people are like "this is confusing" and despite my best efforts at working out why, i end up concluding it's just because they were tired or don't know how to read [09:40:36.0000] yeah, I clearly saw a few of those in the bugs [09:40:38.0000] lol [09:41:12.0000] in this case, I could see how it may be confusing (if I tilted my head right) [09:41:48.0000] I sometimes wish the comment thing had a name field [09:43:10.0000] In Chrome Developer Tools, I'm using the Resources panel on the LATimes.com web site. I've got about 60 cookies from that site (and others) being utilized on LATimes.com — if I select all of them and try to delete them, nothing happens. However, I can remove 1-2 at a time it seems… is anyone here familiar with this being a bug or simply the way it works for some reason? [09:49:52.0000] darobin: if they're logged in on the spec, it includes their e-mail address on the line with the IP address [09:50:43.0000] Ms2ger this is all insane the apache thing [09:50:50.0000] Hixie: yeah I saw, but the weirder ones aren't the logged in ones ;) [09:50:57.0000] yeah [09:51:03.0000] karlcow, how about we call it "the IE thing" ;) [09:51:19.0000] not going into that discussion again :) [09:51:25.0000] Me neither [09:51:30.0000] darobin: it's a natural trade-off between reducing the barrier to getting feedback, and getting more info [09:52:00.0000] darobin: the bugs filed on the w3c copy require that they get a login, so you get a name there (but less feedback overall) [09:52:27.0000] I know, I wasn't suggesting requiring logins for all, au contraire [09:52:54.0000] I was just wondering if adding a name field there might make sense — just mulling it over [09:53:30.0000] darobin, hey, shouldn't you be removing references to the WHATWG from HTML5 instead of hanging around here? :) [09:55:54.0000] Ms2ger: nah, that was fun while outside W3C [09:56:11.0000] now that I'm on the inside, I seem to mostly focus on pissing off XML Core WG and I18N [09:56:21.0000] Not a11y? [09:56:58.0000] haven't gotten around to that yet :-) [09:57:20.0000] /me prepares some popcorn [09:57:24.0000] I've never seen them in a non-pissed-off state so I'm not sure how you would know the difference [09:58:20.0000] Zing [10:00:39.0000] ouch [10:03:23.0000] Hixie, you got your HTMLCollection test wrong, btw [10:03:29.0000] no surprise there [10:03:35.0000] what specifically did i get wrong? [10:03:51.0000] ToUint32('test') == 0 [10:03:59.0000] So it didn't prove anything [10:04:12.0000] https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=18789 [10:04:19.0000] d'oh [10:05:13.0000] i want strict typing damnit [10:05:15.0000] anyway [10:05:17.0000] bbl again [10:06:52.0000] I find that a spellchecker can help lots with strict typing [10:06:55.0000] /me gets his coat [10:07:40.0000] /me kicks darobin out [10:11:30.0000] miketaylr: fullscreen is a single word [10:11:37.0000] miketaylr: I blame Mozilla for realizing that too late [10:12:19.0000] annevk: yeah my intuition says that too [10:12:21.0000] miketaylr: in a couple of years from now people will be thankful not to have to write full-dash-screen [10:12:24.0000] too lazy to look it up [10:12:41.0000] well it used to be full screen [10:12:47.0000] then full-screen, and nowish fullscreen [10:12:59.0000] the English language sucks that way, so you better just remove that hyphen right away [10:14:00.0000] can't wait to find all the broken sites where people create an analogous requestFullScreen from the prefixed guys [10:14:10.0000] (html5test is the first i know of) [10:14:37.0000] miketaylr: got spec link handy? [10:14:44.0000] or list discussion? [10:15:13.0000] paul_irish: here's a PR w/ a spec link inside https://github.com/NielsLeenheer/html5test/pull/196 [10:16:12.0000] thx [10:18:51.0000] paul_irish: spec is hosted here for now: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/fullscreen/raw-file/tip/Overview.html [10:19:01.0000] will prolly be fullscreen.spec.whatwg.org at some point [10:19:07.0000] have to sort all that out still [10:21:43.0000] oh man that's a hot URL. looking forward to it [10:22:07.0000] annevk: im going to update the MDN and html5rocks tutorials with their casing and point this out more clearly. [10:24:25.0000] thanks paul_irish! [10:25:11.0000] paul_irish++ [11:25:22.0000] very slowly approaching more followers than commits on @WHATWG [11:25:30.0000] oh dear [11:25:33.0000] i'd better commit more [11:25:43.0000] per character commits! [11:26:54.0000] actually since i don't have to deal with the htmlwg process any more i've been grouping typo commits again [11:28:31.0000] sicking: ping [12:34:00.0000] hober: looks like some bugs in the html5 spec component are getting assigned to me? [12:34:28.0000] not sure why [13:21:09.0000] Hixie: pong [14:03:32.0000] Hixie: link(s)? [14:04:40.0000] Hixie: nvm, i see the mail on p-h-b [14:33:29.0000] Hixie: maybe the live dom viewer bug thing should have its own bugzilla component? also, maybe prompt() for a description? [14:36:33.0000] Hixie: Why is the "DOM view" link a data:text/plain, when its contents are clearly HTML? [14:37:21.0000] Also: it would be nice to have the data url include the styles that it's normally rendered with. [14:38:23.0000] hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. http://www.w3.org/community/texttracks/wiki/608_to_WebVTT [15:07:19.0000] the style sheet there also has bogus selectors [15:16:36.0000] Indeed - is never rendered, and ::cue-part() should hang off the