2012-10-01 [00:58:41.0000] hmm. the “multiple of two” thing is informative in the HD canvas spec text [00:59:19.0000] has anyone successfully deployed canvas backing stores with multiples of CSS px other than 1 or 2? [01:03:02.0000] hsivonen: HD canvas spec text? [01:31:43.0000] MikeSmith: http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-canvas-element.html#resolution [01:32:02.0000] hsivonen: thanks [01:32:08.0000] /me reads [01:32:26.0000] man when did this happen [01:32:35.0000] I been out of it for quite a while I gues [01:32:38.0000] /me wonders if Hixie mean “power of” rather than “multiple of” [01:33:38.0000] I’ve lost track of what is happening, too. [01:33:49.0000] s/mean/meant/ [01:36:50.0000] Interesting http://browser.yandex.com/ [01:37:42.0000] hsivonen: sounds like a bug indeed [01:37:49.0000] hsivonen: iPhone has 4:1 [01:38:59.0000] annevk: huh? is iPhone’s devicePixelRatio gone up to 4, too? [01:39:05.0000] *has [01:39:31.0000] hsivonen: dunno about that, but each CSS pixel is four device pixels [01:40:25.0000] you mean like 2 by 2 device pixels? [01:40:32.0000] well yeah [01:40:38.0000] hsivonen: about Yandex browser, https://twitter.com/chaals/status/252679467862986752 [01:40:45.0000] "Take a webkit base, add some Opera source, spice it up with Yandex taste, and serve on a cloud :)" [01:41:38.0000] MikeSmith: how much of a joke does the :) part signify? [01:41:51.0000] not sure [01:42:00.0000] Adding some Opera source to a WebKit base seems *very* surprising [01:42:09.0000] but doesn't the word "cloud" now always imply a joke? [01:42:12.0000] I winder if he meant "sauce" [01:42:33.0000] MikeSmith: not if it’s an Opera Mini competitor [01:42:45.0000] doublec: chaals is from Australia, so not a native English speaker... [01:44:08.0000] from a press release I read they're using Opera Turbo; so maybe they licensed that somehow? [01:56:23.0000] hsivonen: have you have time for what should be a quick validator patch review? [01:56:30.0000] for NPE that was reported today [01:56:42.0000] from input@pattern datatype code [02:00:14.0000] ohI just now notice the fingerprint icon that Hixie added to some notes in the spec [02:01:37.0000] anybody know which browser engines currently implemented the Media Fragments URI stuff for temporal fragments? [02:01:48.0000] I know Gecko does [02:01:55.0000] can't remember about others [02:02:00.0000] doublec: ? [02:02:19.0000] caniuse nor nobody else tracking status of it as far as I can tell [02:03:51.0000] hmm Gecko and WebKit I guess [02:03:52.0000] http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Fragments/WD-media-fragments-impl/ [02:03:57.0000] wonder about IE10 [03:32:15.0000] MikeSmith: gecko and webkit is what I know of [03:32:23.0000] MikeSmith: Opera had a demo, not sure if they finished it [03:39:41.0000] hsivonen: isn't power of two also wrong? i don't see why 3x3 device pixels per css pixel is obviously bad [03:40:23.0000] but maybe i'm missing something [03:40:39.0000] 3^2 == 3x3 though [03:42:30.0000] ....so it is [03:43:01.0000] /me tries to think of something to blame [03:43:35.0000] Uh, I don't think that's what hsivonen meant [03:43:54.0000] Or at least if he did I didn't understand him either [03:44:21.0000] the sentence under discussion is "Ideally, the number of device pixels per CSS pixel would be a multiple of two." [03:44:48.0000] 3 isn't a multiple of two (for reasonable meanings of "multiple") [03:45:10.0000] but you'd have 9 device pixels per css pixel, not 3 [03:45:45.0000] Which is still neither a power nor a multiple of two [03:46:57.0000] ah so my thinking was right anyway [03:47:15.0000] it should be n^2 not 2^n [03:47:29.0000] I think that Hixie means linearly pixels_device = 2^N pixels_css [03:48:16.0000] Or maybe he means 2N [03:48:41.0000] he clearly *wrote* 2N, what he meant i have no idea :-) [03:48:42.0000] Makes more sense [03:49:10.0000] I don't even understand why this is "ideal" [03:49:20.0000] So maybe I should just stop talking [04:19:17.0000] MikeSmith: I can review a patch, sure. [04:19:37.0000] hsivonen: ok [04:19:39.0000] thanks [04:19:51.0000] it's only a couple lines, so I'll post it here I guess [04:19:54.0000] gist [04:20:21.0000] cause seems to be lack of null check in the Rhino code [04:20:28.0000] for which I filed a Mozilla bug [04:20:53.0000] but from validator side, the fix would seem to be this: https://gist.github.com/3809647a [04:21:12.0000] passing an actual Context object instead of null [04:21:16.0000] 404 says github [04:21:32.0000] oh [04:21:41.0000] their 404 page is pretty cool [04:22:05.0000] hey yeah [04:22:16.0000] will make you dizzy though [04:22:32.0000] ok will try to re-post it [04:23:57.0000] hsivonen: OK, https://gist.github.com/3811066 should work I think [04:29:25.0000] MikeSmith: “Each call to enterContext() must have a matching call to Context.exit().” [04:29:38.0000] aha [04:29:40.0000] OK [04:29:43.0000] will fix that [04:29:45.0000] MikeSmith: in a finally block [04:29:50.0000] OK [04:29:54.0000] to make sure it gets called [04:30:03.0000] hai [04:31:13.0000] only reason I'm using enterContext() to begin with is that their API docs say simple "new Context()" is deprecated [04:31:25.0000] anyway, will fix it an e-mail to you [04:31:26.0000] it’s not a good sign that Rhino is hosted on SVN and Google doesn’t find the javadocs on www.mozilla.org [04:32:01.0000] the API is quite bizarre [04:32:22.0000] enterContext() returns a Context, but .exit() is not on that object but on the class [04:32:40.0000] apparently the class keeps a ThreadLocal somewhere [04:33:04.0000] /me is not sure how great an idea it is for this stuff to support multithreading [04:33:34.0000] considering that JS doesn’t have facilities for shared memory threads [04:33:44.0000] (at least not that I’m aware of) [04:35:27.0000] hsivonen: the whole API seems really baroque to me [04:38:36.0000] I wonder if Yandex ships NPAPI Flash or Pepper Flash [04:44:45.0000] hsivonen: OK please lemme know if the following is sane [04:44:47.0000] https://gist.github.com/3811142 [04:49:15.0000] MikeSmith: yeah, but you don’t need two try blocks. You only need one try and you can have both catch and finally on it [04:49:30.0000] ah yeah [04:49:36.0000] OK [04:57:30.0000] hsivonen: OK, the following should do it, right? [04:57:31.0000] https://gist.github.com/3811200 [05:05:44.0000] MikeSmith: yeah, r+. thanks [05:08:12.0000] hsivonen: thanks much [05:57:48.0000] MikeSmith: shouldn't it be ex.exit() ? [05:57:57.0000] MikeSmith: sorry, cx.exit() [05:58:02.0000] MikeSmith: or is it a static method? [05:58:06.0000] yeah [05:58:17.0000] so called on the class [05:58:23.0000] weird [05:58:31.0000] mind you I don't really understand that code well [05:58:43.0000] that's just exactly what the API docs say to do [05:58:55.0000] annevk: there is lots more weirdness in that code [05:59:01.0000] but they don't mean you invoke it on the instance? [05:59:12.0000] no, they don't [05:59:24.0000] not as far as I can tell [05:59:24.0000] I mean I sometimes talk about XMLHttpRequest.responseText... [05:59:26.0000] okay [06:00:05.0000] in other news, writing new slides is boring [06:00:27.0000] yeah man [06:00:42.0000] my trick was going to be to talk about 10 lines of HTML for an hour, but actually working that all out... meh [06:01:03.0000] annevk: what’s the talk? [06:01:19.0000] boringness of it is why I wait to makes slides til 3am of the morning when I need to present [06:01:24.0000] it's for http://fronteers.nl/congres/2012 [06:01:42.0000] my plan is to talk about complexity [06:02:14.0000] annevk: fwiw, my experience in seeing you present is that you can in fact actually take 10 lines of code and talk about them for an hour and actually make it interesting the whole time [06:03:55.0000] annevk: I suggest talking about browsing contexts then [06:04:22.0000] oh man, browsing contexts :) [06:04:31.0000] In my experience, the best way to be productive is not even trying to ever fix anything browsing context-related [06:04:44.0000] /me is right now trying to fix something browsing context-related [06:48:59.0000] irc.w3.org down? [06:49:39.0000] Ms2ger: yeah [06:50:04.0000] Ms2ger: MIT is having some problems. [06:50:13.0000] dunno what's going on because I can''t even get on w3c IRC to harass the systems team [06:50:18.0000] nor e-mail [06:50:27.0000] some MIT-wide outage, I think [06:50:48.0000] 15:30:58 < w3c> Network problems at MIT are causing failures connecting to W3C servers hosted there. MIT admins are working on the issue. [06:51:21.0000] /me mutters something about being awake at 6:30 am on a monday for no reason [06:51:40.0000] Better than 6:30 AM on a Sunday [06:52:20.0000] Ms2ger: Very true [06:54:59.0000] MIT is back [08:21:19.0000] darobin: is http://respec.specifiction.com/js/profiles/w3c-common.js the latest respec version? [08:29:30.0000] volkmar: nope, but hang on, I'm on a call [08:33:01.0000] volkmar: repo for the latest is at https://github.com/darobin/respec/ [08:33:13.0000] volkmar: linking to the latest is from http://www.w3.org/Tools/respec/respec-w3c-common [08:36:09.0000] darobin: great 'partial' is now supported [08:36:24.0000] volkmar: yes, and a bunch of other stuff too [08:36:50.0000] the code is 95% new, but it should be backwards compatible [08:37:01.0000] that is, if you haven't been doing dirty hacks that monkey patch the internals :) [08:38:46.0000] and I can use sequence [08:38:48.0000] great [08:45:12.0000] volkmar: if you find issues, please use the GH tracker [09:35:04.0000] good morning, Whatwg! [11:23:28.0000] cabanier: please avoid cross-posting e-mails to the whatwg list and another list -- because the whatwg list is subscriber-posts-only, it causes the threads to fragment and confuse people only on the whatwg list [11:23:45.0000] cabanier: better to either do it all in the whatwg list or do it all in the other list and then send a summary or pointer to the whatwg list [11:35:18.0000] hixie: OK. I assumed Dirk had wanted to post to both [11:35:53.0000] cabanier: he shouldn't cross-post either :-) (but i think he actually posted to both separately) [11:36:12.0000] (or at least that's now i interpreted his PS, i didn't check) [14:11:53.0000] Hixie: Yes, posted it a second time after a request of Rik ;) [15:39:31.0000] anyone have an opinion on ? (trims leading and trailing space characters in the control's /value/) [15:39:58.0000] if so, put them in https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17972 [15:40:02.0000] i'm likely to add it soonish [15:43:07.0000] anyone got IE handy? I need http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/1811's output [15:43:15.0000] and i'm too lazy to get out my laptop with the VMs... 2012-10-02 [21:28:36.0000] join #infobot [21:28:38.0000] oops [22:32:34.0000] cool http://caniuse.com/feed.php?id=136 [00:25:19.0000] IANA directly sent me some questions and comments about the application/microdata+json [00:25:42.0000] if I forward it to you on list somewhere, can you reply? [00:26:18.0000] Hixie: ↑ [00:31:31.0000] whoa, three people are now going to edit XMLHttpRequest [00:31:35.0000] I wonder how that goes [00:32:49.0000] annevk: XHR1 or real XHR? [00:33:04.0000] No idea actually, presumably real XMLHttpRequest? [00:33:58.0000] I'm somewhat skeptical about the appointed editors, but we'll see [00:38:56.0000] annevk: speaking of editors I don't remember Hallvord doing much with the clipboard spec any time lately [00:39:05.0000] wonder if he's planning to keep maintaining it or not [01:29:38.0000] System Applications WG charter just now finally approved [01:29:44.0000] congrats to abarth [01:29:52.0000] let the good times roll [01:35:37.0000] MikeSmith: is this WG meant to standardize what boot2gecko has been doing, or something like it? [01:36:26.0000] SimonSapin: http://www.w3.org/2012/09/sysapps-wg-charter [01:37:07.0000] http://www.w3.org/2012/09/sysapps-wg-charter#rec-track [01:37:26.0000] and http://www.w3.org/2012/sysapps/ [01:38:06.0000] http://www.w3.org/2012/sysapps/#roadmap [01:39:06.0000] I get the discussion on the security model will be “fun” [01:39:15.0000] s/get/bet/ [01:39:36.0000] yup [01:39:40.0000] fun in what sense? [01:39:51.0000] SimonSapin: in the "not fun" sense [01:40:00.0000] like hard to get right? [01:40:07.0000] yah [01:40:33.0000] SimonSapin: like a long list of prior art and people with differing opinions [01:40:55.0000] abarth gots a draft already at http://abarth.github.com/sysapps/drafts/security.html [01:41:29.0000] Mozilla has become better at proposal naming. Tizen tries with e.g. “Bluetooth”, but Mozilla has “Web Bluetooth” [01:41:41.0000] worked with Audio for Chrome [01:42:26.0000] http://abarth.github.com/sysapps/drafts/runtime.html#differences-from-the-web-platform is also worth reading [01:56:01.0000] hsivonen: btw dunno if you noticed that the W3C HTML5 spec now allows absolute URLs in rel values [01:56:18.0000] in addition to the standard keywords and registered keywords [01:56:32.0000] so I wrote a patch the supports that [01:56:49.0000] for the validator [01:56:57.0000] should we make that support W3C-only? [01:57:34.0000] dunno how you feel about whether it's a good idea or not to allow URLs there [02:08:09.0000] MikeSmith: oh it wasn’t allowed before? I’ve lost track. [02:08:31.0000] hsivonen: wasn't allowed before [02:08:35.0000] MikeSmith: does the W3C allow upper-case ASCII in those URLs? [02:08:51.0000] Hixie wontfixed it I think. lemme find the bug [02:09:04.0000] didn’t I even write a CP for this at some point? [02:09:13.0000] hsivonen: I think the HTML5 spec says they're treated case-insenstively [02:09:26.0000] hsivonen: oh, don't remember if you did [02:09:34.0000] /me looks for the issue [02:09:35.0000] i thought it was allowed before but then hixie removed the url support (maybe only in the whatwg version) [02:09:42.0000] but i might be making that up [02:10:30.0000] MikeSmith: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2011Oct/0058.html [02:10:50.0000] MikeSmith: I’m ok with what I wrote in that email [02:11:01.0000] OK [02:11:05.0000] /me reads [02:12:31.0000] hsivonen: OK, that's the way I got it implemented anyway, I think. Because I'm just using the common.data.uri.absolute / w:iri datatype [02:12:51.0000] MikeSmith: ok [02:12:56.0000] that is, already ignoring the ASCII-only restriction in the HTML5 spec [02:14:00.0000] it’s kinda sad, though, that some people want to be able to put URLs there [02:14:54.0000] hsivonen: I'm not sure any real people actually want to [02:14:58.0000] like http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-rdfa-in-html-20120911/ ? [02:15:41.0000] FWIW schema.org prefers the RDFa Lite idiom, where @property carries the property and relationship names (to avoid forcing publishers to guess whether @property or @rel is the place to use) [02:15:44.0000] danbri: that's an extension of the spec that already defines looser requirements on rel values [02:16:03.0000] danbri: ah good [02:16:12.0000] I like how extensions can legalise things [02:16:23.0000] hsivonen: patch (small) https://gist.github.com/3817679 [02:16:27.0000] wish real laws worked that way ;) [02:16:33.0000] heh [02:16:35.0000] that would be cool [02:17:20.0000] in http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/REC-rdfa-core-20120607/ I see only prefixed terms and simple terms, not full links [02:17:36.0000] hsivonen: you'll see the one other thing is I changed the wording on the error message that gets emitted if the rel value is not an absolute URL or valid keyword [02:17:46.0000] if you don't like that wording lemme know [02:17:56.0000] /me assumes mikesmith and ivanherman coordinate constantly on such stuff [02:18:07.0000] well [02:18:15.0000] not so constantly [02:18:19.0000] but now and then yeah [02:19:01.0000] :) [02:19:19.0000] I'm very interested to learn of non-schema.org uses of Microdata btw [02:19:25.0000] the RDFa WGers as much seem to think URLs are ugly and so we should come up with all kinds of ways to protect users from seeing them [02:19:55.0000] I just tell RDF people to buy a ****ing short domain name, these days [02:20:04.0000] heh [02:20:19.0000] there's a lot of different between http://ogp.me/foo and http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#foo [02:21:11.0000] I will be surprised if any large number of normal users ever start using RDFa or Microdata for any reason other than to get the search-engine juice or some other real benefits instead of hypothetical ones [02:22:01.0000] is someone suggesting otherwise? [02:22:10.0000] I don't think the syntax or whatever existing tool support is going to make much of a difference to normal authors either way [02:22:36.0000] danbri: no, I guess not, true [02:22:46.0000] having helpful checkers and authoring tools ought to be able to improve data quality [02:22:59.0000] having more than one high profile consumer would really help too [02:23:05.0000] yup [02:23:13.0000] currently too many people (re schema.org) just go with whatever looks good in Google Rich Snippets [02:26:05.0000] fwiw: coding polyglot uF/uF2/microdata is royal pita [02:26:34.0000] can you summarise the woes? what is baseline painfulness of polyglot? [02:26:49.0000] or do you mean mixing those systems, not mixing xhtml/html Polyglot? [02:26:51.0000] Heh, polyglot [02:26:55.0000] People actually do that? [02:28:07.0000] tried and abandoned as ridiculously non-semantic [02:28:19.0000] div/span-itis [02:29:27.0000] actually, abandoning uF would make it not so bad....cept noone parses for it yet [04:12:15.0000] hi! [04:12:52.0000] is here hsivonen? [04:13:49.0000] someone can help me? [04:16:36.0000] sps: You can try asking your question and finding out :) [04:17:39.0000] I want to know what is the relationship between pixel/point and real dimension on screen [04:19:58.0000] If I want to display a text with a height of 2cm on a screen with 128x1024 with 83.6ppi how many pixel I need to set on a text software for Win7 OS? [04:20:38.0000] and the same height on a screen of 800x600? [04:24:08.0000] sps: "height: 2cm"? http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#absolute-lengths [04:25:02.0000] (or what do you mean by text software?) [04:25:54.0000] yes 2cm [04:26:23.0000] sorry I mean a software like Word, LibreOffice, ecc... [04:27:35.0000] or any other software that displays text on the screen [04:28:15.0000] well, what I mentioned should work in a web browser. [04:28:50.0000] ok [04:28:58.0000] and for others? [04:30:45.0000] I don't know. [04:31:06.0000] Hmm, CSS 2cm won't always be 2cm [04:31:18.0000] It will be a specific number of CSS pixels [04:35:35.0000] but it should be about 2cm if you pinch your fingers at an arm's length with the intended viewing distance :-) [04:36:33.0000] that is? [04:37:42.0000] jgraham: can't it be more precise if you use it with media queries? [04:38:19.0000] media queries uses the same crappy units [04:38:42.0000] and so? [04:43:00.0000] It isn't possible on the Web Platform to specify precise physical dimensions [04:43:37.0000] This should be clear if you consider a laptop displaying a 2cm square [04:43:51.0000] how about print media? [04:44:05.0000] If you connect that to a projector, you wouldn't expect it to remain at 2cm [04:44:24.0000] payman: depends on the intended viewing distance to the printed material :-) [04:44:30.0000] That would be totally useless, not to mention impossible to actually pull off [04:44:40.0000] sps: jgraham is right. There is no way to specify true physical dimensions on the Web Platform [04:44:49.0000] so it depends on the reference pixel? [04:44:58.0000] Because with a projector you don't know the physical size of the image in advance [04:45:19.0000] payman: yes. CSS cm, etc., are all fixed multiples of CSS px [04:45:39.0000] payman, sps: All CSS units are per-spec effectively angular units [04:46:21.0000] a css pixel is an angle from the user to the intended viewing distance, where the resolution is 96 CSS pixels per physical inch at an arm's length, or some such (iirc) [04:46:37.0000] and all other css units get translated to css pixels [04:46:43.0000] (Even Prince cannot guarantee how exactly your PDF gets printed) [04:47:23.0000] http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/pixel1.png [04:47:50.0000] mmm, web platform is pretty useless. [04:47:56.0000] (for this use case at least) [04:48:03.0000] "The reference pixel is the visual angle of one pixel on a device with a pixel density of 96dpi and a distance from the reader of an arm's length. For a nominal arm's length of 28 inches, the visual angle is therefore about 0.0213 degrees. For reading at arm's length, 1px thus corresponds to about 0.26 mm (1/96 inch)." [04:48:45.0000] payman: It's hard to imagine how it could be any other way [04:48:59.0000] px could be a physical unit [04:49:17.0000] But then people would complain about it being too thin on high resolution devices [04:49:39.0000] what does 2ch mean for a font without 0 [04:49:49.0000] seems like something that ought to be defined [04:50:58.0000] jgraham: yeah, but wouldn't it be nice to have a css unit that translates ubiquitously to standard metric unit? [04:51:16.0000] payman: It would only make sense for printed media [04:51:52.0000] Given how good browsers aren't at printing, this doesn't seem like the most pressing problem [04:53:05.0000] so I guess sps might have better luck softwares other than web browsers. [04:53:22.0000] +using [04:53:49.0000] Yes, if you want precise, media-specific, layout, the web stack isn't welloptimised for your use case [04:54:57.0000] (the rule is something like "'precise', 'media independent', choose one) [05:08:20.0000] mmm [05:15:57.0000] ok, you said: in css we have absolute units but really visualization depends on distance from screen [05:17:42.0000] but I want relation real/virtual for screen display not for browser, but for usul software on OS [05:18:20.0000] sorry, for usual software [05:20:32.0000] for example: how many points I have to set text on MS Word to have a text with a real height of 2cm on my screen? [05:45:35.0000] I read this: http://hsivonen.iki.fi/units/ [05:46:09.0000] sps: that seems outdated [05:46:36.0000] I know that in typography a 1inch text height is equivalent to 72 points. But if I try to visualize a 72pt text on MS Word I see an uppercase text with an height of 1.8cm with a zoom of 90% (real ppi=89.3/96, on Windows following your suggestion), and 2cm with a zoom of 100%. When I try to print it I get a text with an height of 1.8cm, the same I see in my screen. In MS Word, with a 90% zoom, I see a dimension of page quite real. [05:55:02.0000] no-one can help me? [05:56:49.0000] sps: is this a question on MS Word or on CSS? [05:58:41.0000] I marked http://hsivonen.iki.fi/units/ as outdated. Sorry about failing to do so earlier. [06:02:15.0000] zcorpan: just came across http://simon.html5.org/test/html/rendering/color-attributes/parseColorString.js after writing out the algo in JS myself [06:02:41.0000] zcorpan: the “replace non-BMP symbols with `00`” step is missing [06:02:42.0000] matjas: that's likely outdated [06:03:00.0000] zcorpan: I used something like this for that part http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=LFGaGKhp [06:03:41.0000] matjas: the dom uses 16-bit code units so code points above BMP get turned into '00' anyway [06:04:28.0000] zcorpan: I see, I was writing something that needed to work in Node, though [06:04:41.0000] sps: When you set the font size to 72 pt, you are not setting the capital letter height to 1 inch [06:05:01.0000] sps: you are just mapping the internal coordinate space of the font [06:05:20.0000] sps: the capital letters are not required to be 1 em high [06:07:28.0000] and the em in fonts is just a font-dependent multiple of internal units [06:08:26.0000] you should assume no relationship between the metrics of the letter M and the em [06:09:33.0000] speaking of font internal units, I wonder if there’s a spec or documentation about which of the 3 way of computing the line height of a TTF/OTF font browsers are supposed to use [06:10:00.0000] zcorpan: step 11 in the algo has changed, but the change doesn’t seem to match Opera/Chrome/Safari’s implementation (unless I implemented it incorrectly) [06:10:30.0000] s/While input's length not a multiple of three/While input's length is zero or not a multiple of three/ [06:10:35.0000] weird [06:13:24.0000] fonts are not so dissimilar from the Web. weird legacy: http://typophile.com/node/13081 [06:51:42.0000] zcorpan: how would they get turned into 00 if you do not handle surrogates specifically? [07:34:32.0000] o/ [07:34:35.0000] One question... [07:34:39.0000] t = document.createTextNode(' ') [07:34:39.0000] el.appendChild t [07:34:41.0000] setTimeout( [07:34:42.0000] -> el.removeChild t [07:34:43.0000] 0 [07:34:44.0000] ) [07:34:49.0000] This does not cause refflow? [07:34:58.0000] While t = document.createTextNode('x') does? [07:35:32.0000] (the code above is CoffeeScript). I add an empty element to cause reflow. [07:42:58.0000] annevk: a code point above BMP are two code units, and each code unit gets converted to a 0, ergo 00 [07:46:05.0000] zcorpan: oh, the input is code points? [07:47:16.0000] to the spec's algorithm, yes. although the wording around code points and code units changed at some point [07:48:12.0000] oh I thought we were discussing http://simon.html5.org/test/html/rendering/color-attributes/parseColorString.js [07:48:57.0000] the input to that is a JS string [07:49:40.0000] yeah so looks like that will fail [07:49:58.0000] why? [07:57:32.0000] zcorpan: well if the spec talks about 8 code points and you take 8 code units you're in trouble [07:58:10.0000] annevk: the spec replaces code points above BMP with '00' before doing any interesting processing so it ends up the same [07:58:50.0000] (i don't know what you guys are talking about, but it sounds gross) [07:58:52.0000] sorry you had to explain that twice [07:59:14.0000] np :-) [08:11:44.0000] zcorpan: ah, my bad indeed, for JS engines that’s an unnecessary step [09:47:46.0000] been trying to make Henri's htmlparser code not emit errors "unescaped" semicolon-less ampersands but finding that in most cases the code emits the errors without ever getting to the point of seeing if there's a semicolon at the end or not [09:48:14.0000] instead what it's doing is first making sure the character sequence after the ampersand matches a sequence that begins a know entity [09:49:14.0000] known named character reference [09:49:39.0000] and if it reaches the point where the sequence does not begin a known named character reference, it emits and error at the point [09:49:55.0000] and doesn't bother to see if there's any following semicolon [09:59:32.0000] good morning, Whatwg! [11:58:54.0000] still no opinions on adding trim=""? https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17972 [11:59:05.0000] too soon? shouldn't happen? should happen soonest? [12:07:17.0000] neutral :) [12:10:41.0000] Hiixe, has sufficient need been demonstrated for trim=""? [12:11:03.0000] i dunno [12:11:09.0000] sounds like a nice-to-have [12:11:24.0000] the people in the bug (mostly moz people) seem quite emphatic [12:11:33.0000] but yeah [12:11:46.0000] sounds reasonable based on the first post but doesn't sound critical--I never expect client-side validation to be an exact match to server-side validation [12:13:47.0000] looks like all theoretical talk [12:13:50.0000] definitely agree that stripping for all @required is breaking and a bit nuts [12:13:55.0000] let's see some error rate numbers [12:14:04.0000] as opposed usability hypothesizing by non-usability people [12:14:14.0000] I'd punt [12:14:17.0000] show me the data 2012-10-03 [17:31:27.0000] heh, that's a bit user-hostile: the default firefox download page is the mobile page, even though that's obviously not what the overwhelming majority of people want [17:32:01.0000] <- not very forgiving of sites intentionally giving people something other than what they want due to ulterior motives [17:34:16.0000] strange: logs the History object in FF, ignoring the assignment entirely; doesn't happen for "URL", though [17:34:55.0000] doesn't happen in webkit; i'd think that would break any site that has a "history" global (which doesn't seem improbable) [17:37:17.0000] gripe gripe they totally broke the address bar in ff15 (or maybe 14) [17:37:44.0000] this is why i avoid updating firefox--each update means spending time hunting down ways to disable their latest bad ideas in about:config [18:18:12.0000] (address bar fix: toggle browser.urlbar.autoFill off) [23:06:15.0000] Firefox has 4 Korean entries in the Character Encoding menu. Chrome has 1. [23:06:40.0000] Is Chrome’s Korean an autodetect or is one Korean encoding enough for the legacy Web? [23:08:32.0000] IE also has just one Korean encoding [23:09:26.0000] What does the “User Defined” encoding mean in Firefox and IE? [23:34:46.0000] hsivonen: I would think that all browsers should at least have two: for EUC-KR and ISO-2022-KR [23:35:07.0000] I can't remember ever seeing those other two anywhere else [23:35:26.0000] UHC and JOHAB [23:36:46.0000] /me asks somebody [23:37:13.0000] the latter two are not part of the Encoding Standard and definitely not in all browsers [23:38:30.0000] http://support.microsoft.com/kb/170557 [23:41:29.0000] annevk: Sangwhan says "Johab is a encoding of its own, which in reality probably doesnt have much of a usecase" [23:44:06.0000] a-ja: thanks for the link [23:44:35.0000] but weird that page mentions UHC and JOHAB but not EUC-KR and ISO-2022-KR [23:44:37.0000] /me asked a search engine [23:45:21.0000] and whoah whatta they have going on with the font for the page title [23:47:33.0000] hsivonen: our friend Sangwhan from Opera suspects those are there maybe just because a Korean contributor contributed a patch [23:48:23.0000] keep in mind that's a win95-era article [23:48:48.0000] ah yeah [23:49:01.0000] hmm FF mobile has a much simpler character-encoding menu [23:49:20.0000] at least nightly does (mobile) [23:49:26.0000] I guess that's to be expected [00:17:43.0000] Hi [00:17:58.0000] I was reading the WebVTT spec at http://dev.w3.org/html5/webvtt/#webvtt-file-using-only-nested-cues [00:18:26.0000] and the example used to show a only nested cue seems to be wrong [00:19:16.0000] specifically the rule "whose cues all have an end time offset x greater than or equal to the end time offsets of all the cues whose start time offsets are less than x is said to be a WebVTT file using only nested cues" [00:19:32.0000] Oh dear [00:20:15.0000] the fifth cue in the following example breaks the rule as far as I can tall, although it is quite late [00:22:12.0000] matjas: I wrote up a patch the htmlparser code to bring error reporting for ambiguous ampersands into line with the current spec (for the validator bug you filed) [00:22:22.0000] no in Henri's hands for review [00:22:26.0000] *now [00:48:24.0000] MikeSmith: awesome, thank you :) [01:01:36.0000] I notice that "actualy write tests" is slowly dropping off the Core Mobile radar as they realise it's quite a lot of real work [01:15:18.0000] jgraham: maaan [01:20:03.0000] odinho: It's not that surprising. For most players writing tests is against their short-term interests (consumes resources, doesn't have short term gains), but in their long term interests (makes the platform better) [01:20:28.0000] So there is way more talking about doing it than there is actually doing it [01:20:54.0000] This is pretty much textbook tragedy of the commons [01:27:12.0000] jgraham: Well, they should employ some remote people to just do tests then. We do a lot of them. It's fun-fun-fun. Sometimes. [01:29:42.0000] odinho: I think "they should employ" is the problem :) [01:31:03.0000] Traditionally the way you solve problems liek this is via socialism [01:31:13.0000] at MS they have a tester for each developer, right? [01:31:29.0000] Really? [01:31:36.0000] Doing *what*? [01:31:37.0000] so goes the legend [01:31:42.0000] dunno [01:31:47.0000] Checking their canteen food for poison? [01:32:00.0000] They have a brag video about all their hardware and big testsuites at least. [01:32:15.0000] but I think I’d not having to write tests myself and someone doing it for me [01:32:41.0000] hsivonen: There is am important word missing there [01:32:43.0000] *I’d like not… [01:33:00.0000] It is kind of the Opera system [01:33:08.0000] It has advantages and disadvantages [01:33:15.0000] Like most things [01:34:49.0000] The main disadvantage is that knowing less about the code can make you oblivious of special cases in the implementation that are unusually likely to contain bugs [01:36:02.0000] But overall I think it is a functional system that is rather good at producing tests that can be contributed to the commons [01:37:41.0000] Sometimes joaoe tells me "make a test for X" for some special case. Happily more often than once I already had the test :] [01:38:43.0000] Anyway, the communist solution would be for W3C to employ a dedicated platform test team [01:39:12.0000] And encourage them to work with implementors [01:39:28.0000] Not sure how it would add up financially though [01:40:14.0000] they already hired darobin, so they are already on the slippery slope [01:40:35.0000] Not really to do that job though [01:41:02.0000] Guess that's form "test platform platform team" [01:41:07.0000] There is also an advert for a QA manager [01:41:57.0000] (so if anyone who is first-langauge Japanese and is reading this wants a job, you might want to consider that) [01:42:16.0000] But that also doesn't mention actually developing *tests* anywhere [01:42:29.0000] It says "testing frameworks" [01:43:34.0000] (oh sorry, just fluent Japanese, not necessarily first-language) [01:43:45.0000] +in [01:43:57.0000] jgraham: we can hire somebody for that job outside of Japan [01:44:14.0000] does it really say fluent japanese is required? [01:44:19.0000] if so, it shouldn't [01:44:40.0000] Requirements: [...] Must be fluent in English as the working language of the W3C and Japanese as the first language in Japan where the Keio host is located; [01:44:49.0000] stupid [01:45:13.0000] somebody added that from when I reviewed it [01:45:16.0000] anyway, ignore that part [01:45:24.0000] the UTF-8 BOM is like namespace. I still need to look the right hex values up every time. [01:46:15.0000] does it have to do with japanese typesetting/layout? [01:46:19.0000] jgraham: lemme put is this way, we can hire somebody to do the same work outside of that Keio position altogether [01:46:31.0000] SamB_MacG5: no, not in any way [01:47:16.0000] /me was guessing at an explanation for the "fluent japanese" requirement having snuck in ... [01:47:47.0000] SamB_MacG5: that was almost certainly added just for political reasons [01:48:10.0000] to make it difficult for anybody outside of Japan to apply for it [01:49:17.0000] anyway, if anybody is interested in leading testing work HTML and related stuff at W3C, feel free to contact me directly if you want [01:50:44.0000] if we have the right person I can deal with jumping through the hoops [03:07:22.0000] annevk: do you happen to recall if there are known XSS vulnerabilities with ISO-2022-JP? [03:41:16.0000] hsivonen: only if you don't decode it properly [04:07:51.0000] I’m very much not a fan of ISO-2002-*. I’d rather not have to learn about it. [04:11:58.0000] 21 people in the new SysApps WG, and 13 of them are from Intel [04:11:59.0000] https://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=58119&public=1&order=org [04:15:34.0000] :) [04:17:22.0000] /me hadn’t realized the spec now says that encodings that can encode non-markup as US-ASCII markup bytes are ASCII-compatible [04:17:43.0000] looks like now to be ASCII compatible, the encoding only needs to encode markup as ASCII bytes [04:18:07.0000] i.e. also encoding something else as the same bytes isn’t banned [04:27:21.0000] hmm I see the spec now says the colon character in time offsets is optional [04:28:57.0000] hsivonen: in the Encoding Standard universe only UTF-16 is not ASCII-compatible [04:29:51.0000] hsivonen: I filed a bug on HTML to be updated to reflect the terminology of that, since the complete picture becomes more coherent [04:31:06.0000] annevk: do you know what x-userdefined is [04:31:08.0000] ? [04:31:53.0000] last I checked that depends on the context :/ [04:32:08.0000] what can it be? [04:32:10.0000] I haven't really figured that one out completely yet unfortunately [04:32:14.0000] is it always ASCII-compatible? [04:32:29.0000] e.g. in XHR I think it's iso-8859-1 (not windows-1252), but it depends on the implementation [04:32:54.0000] hsivonen: I think in general it might be whatever the user prefers, which could be utf-16 I suppose (though maybe implementations should forbid that) [04:33:43.0000] sigh. who comes up with this stuff? [04:34:05.0000] Brendan's old colleagues? [04:35:38.0000] hmm. what’s x-jis0208 and has it been removed from gecko while I wasn’t looking? [04:36:44.0000] ooh. it’s a font encoding [04:37:04.0000] jis0208 is a Japanese index [04:37:09.0000] used by all Japanese encodings [04:37:13.0000] dunno about that label though [04:38:46.0000] I like it how Gecko omits aliases with a colon in them, because the Java property file format does not allow colons in property keys [04:48:52.0000] annevk: hmm. maybe we should define x-user-defined as zero-extending the bytes to Unicode (i.e. what ISO thinks ISO-8859-1 is) [04:49:09.0000] looks like we have XHR tests depending on that [04:51:48.0000] oops no. it seems we map the high bytes to the PUA [04:51:59.0000] anyway, it's ASCII-compatible [05:04:14.0000] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/XMLHttpRequest/Using_XMLHttpRequest [05:04:50.0000] >// retrieve data unprocessed as a binary string [05:04:51.0000] >xhr.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined"); [05:06:32.0000] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6986789/why-are-some-bytes-prefixed-with-0xf7-when-using-charset-x-user-defined-with-xm [05:07:04.0000] hsivonen: but does it work that way for HTML documents? or is it treated as not recognised there? [05:07:40.0000] annevk: it’s blacklisted for but it should work with HTTP charset [05:07:50.0000] dear god [05:07:54.0000] http://www.alanflavell.org.uk/charset/user-defined.html [05:08:00.0000] a page from 1994 [05:08:01.0000] I just wrote a patch to remove the blacklisting, since it’s not really dangerous [05:09:57.0000] the bogus blacklisting is entirely my fault [05:10:06.0000] so it works in XML too? [05:10:17.0000] annevk: I don’t see why it would not [05:10:19.0000] I can add whatever you want to the Encoding Standard [05:10:29.0000] that is, next week [05:10:38.0000] I’m not sure if I want to add it or try to kill it [05:10:55.0000] oh, except we can’t kill it for XHR, I suppose [05:10:57.0000] sigh [05:12:50.0000] annevk: by code inspection, the ASCII range maps to ASCII and the bytes from 0x80 (inclusive) onwards map to U+F780 (inclusive) and onwards [05:15:48.0000] eww [05:16:00.0000] I wonder if all browsers do it that way [05:16:24.0000] annevk: the SO question karlcow linked to suggests WebKit does the same [05:18:05.0000] if we could at least do http://s3.amazonaws.com/files.posterous.com/temp-2012-10-02/hecCsnDHmwksACCpczqbdodzCyJBcyFDsHFoIIgCEsJGlwzFljtHnprDizbH/Submariner53ButtonCrop.jpg.scaled1000.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJFZAE65UYRT34AOQ&Expires=1349266594&Signature=O3Txcgy64Qd5%2FQOdYJyq540PO80%3D [05:18:07.0000] but no [05:18:10.0000] :) [05:18:45.0000] karlcow: I get AccessDenied in unstyled XML [05:18:52.0000] ah! [05:19:29.0000] the finger on the button here http://4cp.posterous.com/bill-everett-sub-mariner-53-page-17-1972# [05:20:47.0000] still, working on encodings is nicer than working on browsing contexts [05:27:46.0000] hsivonen, fwiw, the no-colon-because-.properties has been a lie for a while, they actually work [05:27:57.0000] hsivonen: okay, I have tried to avoid mapping to PUA, but if everyone does it maybe I should stop caring about that and just write it down [05:28:56.0000] Peter Krefting, Opera's encoding guy, does not like PUA at all; Opera almost always uses FFFD instead [05:29:15.0000] I sided with that moral high ground for now, but maybe that's not worth it [05:31:23.0000] In principle, it would be more wrong *not* to map “user-defined” gunk to PUA [05:31:34.0000] if you are mapping it to *something* [05:31:55.0000] i.e. using U+0080… would be more wrong [05:37:30.0000] I guess for this particular label you may be correct [05:37:49.0000] label/encoding* [05:44:25.0000] Hi Everyone, Ive question about Meta name="title" this is a "good" or "bad" meta name ? [05:46:59.0000] Bad, just use [05:47:25.0000] <blade3> ho ok thanks alot! [05:47:37.0000] <Ms2ger> Np [05:48:23.0000] <jgraham> annevk: There goes my plan to hack Opera to replace all instances of the letter U+004F to the PUA and ship a font with a single PUA glyph "OPERA LOGO O" [05:49:05.0000] <blade3> why the *** joomla set automatically meta name="title" ><" [05:49:06.0000] <jgraham> Uh, I think s/replace/map/ is one way to make that sentence make sense [05:52:28.0000] <zcorpan> annevk: i meant to cc you on http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-whatwg-archive/2012Oct/0032.html [05:52:51.0000] <hsivonen> blade3: content management systems seem to manage more when they emit more metadata [05:55:17.0000] <blade3> ^^ [06:28:04.0000] <blade3> I've another question.. about "rel" attribut.. [06:29:31.0000] <blade3> it's not a free attribut ? i've something like rel="albums_201" but w3c doesn't like -_-" [06:30:24.0000] <blade3> on <a> tag : Bad value albums_201 for attribute rel on element a: Keyword albums_201 is not registered [06:31:01.0000] <blade3> i need the rel for my jquery modalbox :-/ how I can fix it? [06:31:24.0000] <Ms2ger> The only allowed values are here: http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/links.html#linkTypes [06:32:31.0000] <Ms2ger> You can use the hidden input, I guess [06:34:53.0000] <fkm> Or the data-attribute. [06:36:54.0000] <Ms2ger> fkm, oh, does it support that? I didn't immediately see that in the documentation [06:36:58.0000] <blade3> fkm: like : <a data-attribute="bleh"></a> ? [06:39:27.0000] <fkm> Ms2ger: Well. Javascript does. So you could do $('whatever').get(0).dataset. Or am I confusing something here? [06:40:13.0000] <Ms2ger> fkm, he's got a library that looks at the rel attribute, or a hidden input, or something to do with forms [06:41:10.0000] <fkm> Well. He could modify it. That's what I did to the Slimbox2 so it would pass the validator. [06:41:25.0000] <blade3> it's not a form. it's just a list of <a><img ...></a> [06:42:23.0000] <blade3> and i've many a rel="albums" to generate a albums with a[rel="albums"] tag [06:43:44.0000] <fkm> blade3: Have a look at the Slimbox part http://dev.snemelk.ch/gallery/README [06:44:30.0000] <blade3> ok i will look that [06:47:29.0000] <blade3> hmm nice, I'll modify my jquery and I'll try.. I come back soon to tell you if it's working [06:59:11.0000] <annevk> zcorpan: hmm yeah, well, browsers are shipping with URL already... [06:59:24.0000] <annevk> zcorpan: unless someone tells me to rename it, I'm not going to care much I think [07:00:37.0000] <Ms2ger> We broke Yahoo maps because of URL at some point, IIRC [07:00:48.0000] <Ms2ger> But bz told me the interface was fine [07:03:02.0000] <Ms2ger> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15765 [07:04:02.0000] <zcorpan> hey, past me suggested renaming :-P [07:06:14.0000] <zewt> yeah, i'm curious as to which discussion led people to decide that the window.URL was OK for web-compat, that's indeed an odd one [07:07:37.0000] <zcorpan> results for "CSS": web200904: 30, stevef-all: 1 [07:08:35.0000] <zewt> (aside, personally I don't care about breaking big things like Yahoo, because big, live users like them should be able to fix things quickly and probably before it even hits production; it's the hoard of tiny, dead, unmaintained pages that are the worry) [07:10:09.0000] <jgraham> zewt: You're not a browser QA, are you :p [07:10:45.0000] <karlcow> heh [07:11:13.0000] <Ms2ger> Hey, at least it wasn't hotmail [07:11:26.0000] <jgraham> A motto to live by there [07:11:29.0000] <zewt> i think hotmail should be broken as often and as badly as possible [07:12:03.0000] <zewt> ideally with freak bugs that somehow cause the browser to redirect the user to other mail services [07:12:39.0000] <Ms2ger> How about the people with corporate email hosted by hotmail? [07:12:58.0000] <zewt> they should be updating resumes [07:13:31.0000] <Ms2ger> Students whose college email is hosted by hotmail? [07:14:00.0000] <zewt> transfer time [07:14:53.0000] <zewt> heh, i had a database class in college that turned out to be more like "how to autogenerate SQL using MS Access wizards" :| [07:15:12.0000] <Ms2ger> "Fun" [07:15:29.0000] <zewt> aka "how to learn nothing about databases" [07:15:38.0000] <MikeSmith> help I'm trying to come up with a regexp to express "valid duration string" [07:15:58.0000] <zewt> "duration"? [07:15:59.0000] <jgraham> Oh no! MikeSmith is stuck in a RegExp factory [07:16:05.0000] <MikeSmith> heh [07:16:05.0000] <zewt> sending help [07:16:13.0000] <jgraham> Or, if this is java a RegExpFacrotyFactory [07:16:14.0000] <MikeSmith> help me escape! [07:16:17.0000] <zewt> now you have two problems, etc [07:16:19.0000] <Ms2ger> /me managed to avoid the XHTML + VBA class [07:16:23.0000] <MikeSmith> or send somebody in to kill me now [07:16:42.0000] <MikeSmith> so basic pattern is P[dD][T[hH][mM][s[.s]S]] [07:16:51.0000] <MikeSmith> where all the stuff in brackets it optional [07:17:04.0000] <MikeSmith> BUT it must have at least one of the things in brackets [07:17:12.0000] <MikeSmith> but it doesn't matter which one [07:17:53.0000] <Ms2ger> P[dD()] [07:18:01.0000] <zewt> d_D [07:18:01.0000] <zewt> ___ [07:18:30.0000] <zewt> MikeSmith: intuition is "regex is the wrong tool" [07:18:38.0000] <MikeSmith> yeah well [07:18:43.0000] <zewt> maybe there's a non-horrifying way to do it but it isn't occurring to me [07:18:44.0000] <MikeSmith> we're way past that already [07:18:56.0000] <jgraham> Yeah, it sounds like you are way into "now you have two problems" territory [07:19:01.0000] <MikeSmith> I think I just have to OR all the possible combinations [07:19:08.0000] <zewt> (non-horrifying as in not repeating the regex four times, each time with a different item non-optional) [07:19:54.0000] <zewt> afk [07:19:58.0000] <jgraham> OK, two problems was an underestimate [07:20:19.0000] <Ms2ger> N problems [07:20:44.0000] <MikeSmith> private static final Pattern THE_PATTERN = [07:20:44.0000] <MikeSmith> Pattern.compile("^\\p{Zs}*(?:(?:([0-9]{4,})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})(?:\\p{Zs}*(?:T|\\p{Zs})\\p{Zs}*([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(?::([0-9]{2})(?:\\.[0-9]+)?)?\\p{Zs}*(?:Z|(?:([+-][0-9]{2}):?([0-9]{2})))?)?)|(?:([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(?::([0-9]{2})(?:\\.[0-9]+)?)?\\p{Zs}*(?:Z|(?:([+-][0-9]{2}):?([0-9]{2})))?)|(?:([0-9]{4,})-(W?)([0-9]{2}))|(?:([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}))|(?:Z|(?:([+-][0-9]{2}):?([0-9]{2})))|(?:([0-9]+)) [07:20:45.0000] <MikeSmith> (?:(P([0-9]+D)?(T(([0-9]+)H)?(([0-9]+)M)?(([0-9]+)(\\.[0-9]{1,3}S)?))?)))\\p{Zs}*$"); [07:21:00.0000] <MikeSmith> is what the full regexp in the code looks like now [07:21:00.0000] <Ms2ger> r- [07:21:05.0000] <MikeSmith> heh [07:21:17.0000] <MikeSmith> for this bad boy: http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/text-level-semantics.html#datetime-value [07:21:26.0000] <MikeSmith> this stuff is heinous [07:21:36.0000] <MikeSmith> nobody even wants to use the <time> stuff [07:21:41.0000] <MikeSmith> except for weirdos [07:22:15.0000] <jgraham> Really the people that insist on having this stuff in the spec should code up the validation for it themselves [07:22:35.0000] <MikeSmith> their should be parts of the spec marked with some kind of annotation to say, "This feature for OCD people only." [07:22:52.0000] <MikeSmith> jgraham: they're too busy writing ontologies [07:23:03.0000] <MikeSmith> and troubleshooting XML namespace problems [07:23:19.0000] <Ms2ger> AKA "XML namespaces" [07:23:24.0000] <MikeSmith> and pulling their pants up to their chest [08:23:38.0000] <Hixie> i would hope UTF-32 and EBCDIC would be non-ASCII compatible... [08:38:02.0000] <Hixie> MikeSmith: tantek had some reasonably good use cases for <time> [08:38:07.0000] <Hixie> MikeSmith: have him do it :_) [08:47:31.0000] <MikeSmith> Hixie: I got most of it done now. The first part ended up being not quite as nauseating as I thought'd be [08:47:54.0000] <MikeSmith> now working on the "duration time component" part [08:48:32.0000] <MikeSmith> Hixie: hey btw you saw my question about IANA and application/json+microdata ? [09:27:48.0000] <dglazkov> good morning, Whatwg! [09:30:51.0000] <Hixie> MikeSmith: rings a bell, but i don't recall what the question was [09:32:02.0000] <MikeSmith> Hixie: IANA replied to me directly with some questions and comments [09:32:25.0000] <MikeSmith> so I wanted to know if you could respond [09:32:38.0000] <MikeSmith> if I forward the reply to you [09:32:44.0000] <MikeSmith> and Cc some list I guess [09:32:46.0000] <Hixie> sure, though depending on the question i may not give answers they like :-) [09:32:50.0000] <MikeSmith> OK [09:33:00.0000] <Hixie> (e.g. "oh well, it's ok, i don't think we'll be using the iana registry for long" :-P) [09:34:37.0000] <tantek> /me scrolls up [09:34:45.0000] <tantek> hello MikeSmith and Hixie [09:34:54.0000] <MikeSmith> hey tantek [09:36:28.0000] <tantek> all the features of <time> were based on actual real world publishing examples where things either broke (accessibility problems), or people got them wrong because the alternatives were even more complicated. [09:37:04.0000] <tantek> all the experience came from the microformats community - and we try to avoid ontologies. [09:40:25.0000] <MikeSmith> OK [09:48:20.0000] <Hixie> hober: btw if you just right "bug 12345" bugzilla will automatically generate the link [09:48:27.0000] <Hixie> hober: you can also do "bug 12435 comment 6" [09:50:55.0000] <Ms2ger> *write [09:50:59.0000] <Hixie> uh [09:51:01.0000] <Hixie> yeah [09:51:03.0000] <Hixie> -_- [09:51:38.0000] <Ms2ger> And https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/page.cgi?id=linkify.html for previews [09:52:32.0000] <Hixie> huh [09:52:41.0000] <Hixie> when would you want to use that? weird [09:54:43.0000] <Hixie> MikeSmith: i disagree that it would be unwise to inherit parameters [09:55:01.0000] <Ms2ger> Hixie, to test syntax without spamming bugs? :) [09:55:06.0000] <MikeSmith> Hixie: OK [09:55:08.0000] <Hixie> Ms2ger: what is there to test? [09:56:05.0000] <Hixie> MikeSmith: and their comment about the security implications are bogus. If application/json doesn't define them properly, then that should be fixed. There's nothing new in microdata+json re securit. [09:56:12.0000] <Hixie> y [09:56:30.0000] <Hixie> MikeSmith: (in particular, i've no idea what tehy're talking about regarding "active content") [09:56:55.0000] <Ms2ger> To see if "bp-1166c631-aa95-4077-a103-90eed2120413" turns into a link, for example [09:56:58.0000] <MikeSmith> Hixie: me nt [09:57:04.0000] <MikeSmith> *me neither :) [09:57:10.0000] <Hixie> MikeSmith: the specification link of course is wrong, it should point to the whatwg spec. :-) [09:57:11.0000] <tantek> Hixie, btw - I've normalized the microformats2 JSON data model to also use the same "items:" array structure as well, type, properties etc. Pretty sure they're now aligned. [09:57:15.0000] <MikeSmith> I had been hoping you'd have some idea [09:57:45.0000] <Hixie> MikeSmith: the "applications" coment makes sense. let me fix that... [09:57:50.0000] <tantek> btw - I have to ask, what's the use-case for a new mimetype for this? [09:58:08.0000] <tantek> that you get above and beyond just sending it as application/json? [09:58:19.0000] <hober> Hixie: thanks [09:58:47.0000] <Hixie> tantek: distinguishing it in drag-and-drop [09:59:12.0000] <tantek> really? enough people are using drag-and-drop to have run into this? [09:59:29.0000] <tantek> /me thought web developers had given up on using drag-and-drop [09:59:39.0000] <tantek> due to the unintuitive model etc. [09:59:41.0000] <Hixie> i'm not aware of anyone having even implemented this, so no, but it's hard to see how you could use it if it didn't have its own type. [09:59:47.0000] <Hixie> and having a new type is essentially free [09:59:49.0000] <Hixie> so... [09:59:54.0000] <Hixie> brb [10:00:17.0000] <tantek> I guess I try to avoid creating new things until someone comes forward with a real world need for it. Even if it does seem theoretically necessary. [10:00:42.0000] <tantek> /me wouldn't be surprised if drag-and-drop was something sufficiently ignored as to eventually be dropped and/or rewritten with a new model. [10:01:19.0000] <tantek> every new thing created has a cost (dialog, review, maintenance, support) - having a new XYZ is never essentially free [10:13:15.0000] <Hixie> tantek: a new mime type for drag and drop is exceedingly cheap even by web standards [10:13:48.0000] <Hixie> tantek: i'd be much less surprised to see microdata (and rdfa and so forth) going away than drag and drop :-) [10:13:49.0000] <tantek> FWIW in my experience, nothing to do with IETF/IANA is "cheap". [10:14:02.0000] <Hixie> "nothing to do with IETF/IANA" is exactly right :-) [10:17:08.0000] <Hixie> MikeSmith: ok, i updated the applications line. I disagree with everything else. [10:17:17.0000] <MikeSmith> OK [10:17:18.0000] <MikeSmith> thanks [10:17:29.0000] <Hixie> MikeSmith: i don't intend to worry about it since i think the ietf/iana mime type registration thing is dead [10:17:43.0000] <Hixie> MikeSmith: i expect to do something about it next year sometime [10:17:48.0000] <MikeSmith> hai [10:42:17.0000] <MikeSmith> OK I finished writing up a validator patch to support datetime value in all its baroqueness [10:42:38.0000] <MikeSmith> and updated the wiki too [10:42:39.0000] <MikeSmith> http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/MicrosyntaxDescriptions#time-datetime [10:42:59.0000] <MikeSmith> will get it into Henri's review queue [10:47:24.0000] <JonathanNeal> At what point would https://github.com/scottjehl/picturefill be more appropriate to polyfill with a <picture> element? Never? Once the spec is at X stage? [10:47:57.0000] <TabAtkins> When at least one browser implements <picture>. [10:48:41.0000] <SamB_MacG5> what the heck is picture? [10:49:45.0000] <MikeSmith> SamB_MacG5: alternative proposal for same use case as srcset [10:49:50.0000] <MikeSmith> responsive images [10:49:52.0000] <JonathanNeal> SamB_MacG5: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-proposals/raw-file/tip/responsive-images/responsive-images.html [10:49:56.0000] <MikeSmith> aka adaptive images [10:52:30.0000] <JonathanNeal> aka flossy may swanson aka lulu pearl mccloud aka tita chicita juanita [10:55:42.0000] <SamB_MacG5> oh, for retina and such! [10:57:18.0000] <SamB_MacG5> huh, very much under construction I see [10:59:17.0000] <tantek> MikeSmith - yes, dates and times are difficult, welcome to the club. :) [10:59:57.0000] <SamB_MacG5> also, monolithic regular expressions are unreadable [11:00:39.0000] <MikeSmith> tantek: I'm only a temporary member of the club [11:00:44.0000] <MikeSmith> Killroy was here [11:01:16.0000] <tantek> MikeSmith, glad to have you, even ephemerally :) [11:01:22.0000] <MikeSmith> :-) [11:01:27.0000] <tantek> we are all temporary members of the club, some more or less so. [11:01:42.0000] <SamB_MacG5> Emacs has at *least* three different libraries for building regular expressions in pieces [11:03:32.0000] <jgraham> SamB_MacG5: Since that was obviously a setup line, I will oblige: emaces has at least 3 different libraries for everything (but no good text editor) [11:03:44.0000] <jgraham> (actually I use emacs and like it as text editor ;) [11:04:15.0000] <jgraham> (I'm not really an emacs user though; I don't know any elisp at all) [11:04:44.0000] <jgraham> (note the subtle semantic difference) [11:05:45.0000] <SamB_MacG5> You're supposed to build your own text editor out of it ;-P [11:06:02.0000] <SamB_MacG5> what it really needs is a decent syntax highlighting framework [11:06:09.0000] <say2joe> i have to agree on emacs [11:06:56.0000] <SamB_MacG5> you know, one that actually uses grammars, rather than just highlighting stuff that matches certain regular expressions [11:07:32.0000] <jgraham> With that in mind hober promised a html-mode based on an actual parser *years* ago [11:07:36.0000] <jgraham> :p [11:07:47.0000] <SamB_MacG5> hey, at least now there's a spec ... [11:08:07.0000] <jgraham> (nxml is famously based on an actual elisp xml parser) [11:08:29.0000] <SamB_MacG5> yes, I know, but that's the *only* such mode I'm positive exists [11:08:39.0000] <SamB_MacG5> er. wait ... yes, js2-mode does parse [11:08:45.0000] <jgraham> Yeah [11:08:54.0000] <SamB_MacG5> /me was having trouble remembering whether it did or not [11:08:57.0000] <jgraham> (it is also kind of broken, at least versions I used) [11:09:19.0000] <jgraham> (and sometimes decides that you are in the middle of a string) [11:09:41.0000] <SamB_MacG5> hmm, I think maybe it doesn't actually turn off font-lock mode? [11:11:37.0000] <SamB_MacG5> oh, huh, hober seems to have gotten as far as starting on the tokenizer :-( [11:11:45.0000] <SamB_MacG5> two years ago [11:39:32.0000] <hober> SamB_MacG5: yeah, sorry. it's tough to find time to work on it. [11:39:47.0000] <SamB_MacG5> hober: that was not intended as a complaint [11:40:15.0000] <SamB_MacG5> I only looked at the repository because of the vague description in el-get's listing [11:41:32.0000] <SamB_MacG5> /me had been wondering if there was some kind of "look up <foo> in HTML5" tool [11:43:46.0000] <hober> SamB_MacG5: something like (defun html5-lookup (element) (interactive "sElement: ") (browse-url (format "http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#the-%s-element" element))) should work [11:43:49.0000] <hober> untested of course [11:44:50.0000] <SamB_MacG5> hober: yeah, I had noticed that there was such a pattern... [11:45:08.0000] <SamB_MacG5> ... too bad there isn't one for the multi-page versions [11:45:11.0000] <Hixie> there's an index :-) [11:45:27.0000] <Hixie> SamB_MacG5: actually for teh multipage version just go to http://whatwg.org/htm/#the-%s-element [11:45:30.0000] <Hixie> er [11:45:32.0000] <Hixie> /html/ [11:45:36.0000] <SamB_MacG5> oh really? [11:46:21.0000] <Ms2ger> Yep [11:46:42.0000] <SamB_MacG5> I was thinking that there should be one of those, but I hadn't considered the possibility of it being at the root ;-) [11:47:29.0000] <Hixie> also http://whatwg.org/c [11:47:48.0000] <Hixie> ("c" for "complete" because for a while /html/ went to a subse) [11:47:50.0000] <Hixie> subset [11:49:55.0000] <SamB_MacG5> I expect the W3C version doesn't have the fancy javascriptery? [11:53:16.0000] <Hixie> w3c version is missing a bunch of stuff, see the intro to the whatwg version for a summary [11:59:42.0000] <pablof> are there any examples of overloaded functions in the dom that anyone can think of, besides setRangeText? [12:00:11.0000] <pablof> overloaded as in different definitions of the same function, which vary in the number of parameters [12:01:12.0000] <Hixie> yeah, there's lots of them [12:01:24.0000] <Hixie> e.g. window.open(), document.open() [12:01:37.0000] <Hixie> document.open() is especially eggregious [12:05:16.0000] <pablof> Hixie: indeed, thanks, any others, off the top of your head? [12:06:39.0000] <jgraham> A whole bunch of canvas functions [12:06:45.0000] <jgraham> I'm pretty sure [12:07:02.0000] <jgraham> (document.open would be funny if it wasn't so sad) [12:08:04.0000] <pablof> canvas indeed, thanks [12:08:13.0000] <jgraham> "what's that? Three parameters? Hmm... I guess you just typoed 'window' to 'document'! Let's do that instead!" [12:11:49.0000] <Hixie> pablof: yeah, e.g. XMLHttpRequest.send() [12:12:12.0000] <Hixie> pablof: setTimeout() and setInterval() [12:13:10.0000] <Hixie> HTMLSelectElement.add() [12:13:14.0000] <pablof> found what i needed, thanks everyone! [12:13:18.0000] <Hixie> the Option constructor [12:13:20.0000] <Hixie> there's lots :-) [12:42:20.0000] <SamB_MacG5> /me boggles at the mention of Netscape 2 and IE 3 in http://www.quirksmode.org/js/strings.html [12:48:46.0000] <say2joe> @samb_macg5 not sure that quirksmode.org is updated much these days despite it being a valuable resource… Netscape 2 (I can only remember back to 3)? [12:49:53.0000] <SamB_MacG5> I started out with IE 3.2 and then Netscape 4, I think... [13:02:09.0000] <TabAtkins> People who started webdev in the last 8 years or so have only had to worry about IE6, I think. [13:06:18.0000] <Hixie> gotta love how the canonical way of installing "make" on a mac involves downloading a 1.6 gig file [13:17:43.0000] <ap> Hixie: Just noticed that HTML spec doesn't ever mention respecting Content-Language HTTP header field. Is that intentional? Are browsers allowed to respect it? [13:18:18.0000] <Hixie> it's mentioned somewhere, iirc [13:18:33.0000] <ap> Hixie: I can only find http-equiv [13:18:57.0000] <Hixie> search for "then language information from a higher-level protocol (such as HTTP)" [13:19:16.0000] <ap> Hixie: thanks [13:20:04.0000] <ap> Hixie: surprising that pragma wins over HTTP here [13:20:29.0000] <Hixie> *shrug* [13:20:38.0000] <Hixie> i've long stopped being surprised :-P [13:22:55.0000] <ap> Hixie: last occurrence of "surprise" on May 8th, 2012, it appears :-P [13:23:17.0000] <Hixie> :-) 2012-10-04 [18:20:41.0000] <Yuhong> <Hixie> anyone got IE handy? I need http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/1811's output [18:21:15.0000] <Yuhong> Using IE9 on Win7 in IE9 mode: Button, bamm, bamm2, bamm2 [18:21:59.0000] <Hixie> thanks [18:22:19.0000] <Yuhong> Using IE9 on Win7 in IE8 mode: Button, bamm, bamm2, bamm [18:25:01.0000] <Yuhong> Hixie: Did cwilson help you reverse engineer IE quirks, BTW? [18:26:16.0000] <Yuhong> I wish that MS could join the WHATWG, but in the meantime.... [18:26:34.0000] <Hixie> cwilson works for google now [18:26:42.0000] <Yuhong> And you work for Google too, right? [18:27:01.0000] <Hixie> yes, but i mean, he doesn't have any access that i don't... [18:27:26.0000] <Yuhong> No, but cwilson worked on IE at MS up to the IE8 era. [18:27:41.0000] <Hixie> i'm sure he's under NDA about that [18:32:05.0000] <Yuhong> Some other people that worked on IE before going to Google include jbeda, who worked on the DOM: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3233935 [18:40:13.0000] <MikeSmith> can any Opera folk suggest somebody I can talk with at Opera about <ruby> ? [23:09:44.0000] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: a nice regexp you have sent for review… [23:10:09.0000] <hsivonen> this is why perl allows comments inside regexps [23:35:58.0000] <hsivonen> Hixie: in the syntaxt for the <time> element, why is there “A valid non-negative integer representing a year” without requiring a minimum of 4 digits? [23:37:02.0000] <hsivonen> what are the use cases for thing thing again… [23:45:36.0000] <hsivonen> *this thing [00:09:54.0000] <[tm]> hsivonen: "nice" is one way to describe it i guess :-) [00:14:37.0000] <zcorpan> matjas: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=18162 - html wg doesn't use LATER but instead changes product to HTML.next [00:21:21.0000] <tantek> zcorpan, I heard .next is now HTML 5.1 :) [00:21:59.0000] <zcorpan> tantek: there's no such thing in the Product drop-down :-P [00:22:06.0000] <hsivonen> [tm]: it took me about 50 minutes to dissect the regexp and compare it with the spec :-( [00:22:36.0000] <zcorpan> r-! [00:22:58.0000] <tantek> zcorpan - is that in bugzilla? I think there needs to be a product first before it can show up in the product drop-down. [00:23:23.0000] <zcorpan> tantek: yes. there is HTML.next in there which is being used [00:23:45.0000] <tantek> the nice thing about .next is that it's never .now [00:24:18.0000] <zcorpan> maybe they'll create a 5.1 product and move some bugs from .next to that [00:24:22.0000] <zcorpan> but that's just speculation [00:34:09.0000] <othermaciej> zcorpan: our tentative plan is to have products with names like "HTML spec" and "HTML spec (5.0 stable version)" [00:34:22.0000] <othermaciej> where "HTML spec" would cover all post-5.0 stuff [00:34:27.0000] <othermaciej> HTML.next product would be obsoleted [00:34:40.0000] <othermaciej> and someday there may be an "HTML spec (5.1 stable version)" component, but not yet [00:35:50.0000] <hsivonen> othermaciej: what’s the deal with publishing single-champion extension specs through the HTML WG? [00:36:26.0000] <hsivonen> othermaciej: how is that better than Hixie putting an unbaked idea in the WHATWG spec and making it look like it has more buy-in than it has? [00:36:43.0000] <othermaciej> hsivonen: are you looking to publish one, or are you worried that it will happen? [00:37:06.0000] <othermaciej> (or do you think there is an existing publication that is single-champion?) [00:37:07.0000] <hsivonen> othermaciej: Steve’s actions around hgroup confuse me [00:37:39.0000] <othermaciej> ah [00:37:48.0000] <othermaciej> so far he's got editor's drafts [00:37:54.0000] <othermaciej> perhaps he will take one or more to FPWD [00:38:27.0000] <othermaciej> I think it is unlikely all of them will be able to meet CR exit criteria, and I don't know if even one of them will (but if so, it probably deserves to replace hgroup) [00:39:16.0000] <hsivonen> othermaciej: so the path forward is to throw stuff on the wall and see if you can bait someone to implement so that you can exit CR? [00:39:32.0000] <hsivonen> and in the meantime, authors out there are confused about what they are supposed to use [00:39:43.0000] <hsivonen> and the W3C validator is supposed to support everything? [00:39:51.0000] <othermaciej> my personal opinion is that <hgroup> is not a very good syntax for subheadings but I don't particularly love any of Steve's alternatives [00:40:11.0000] <othermaciej> I doubt the W3C validator will support each of the alternatives [00:40:36.0000] <othermaciej> I agree there are potential downsides to "let the market decide", at least in this specific case [00:41:00.0000] <othermaciej> for stuff like longdesc or pubdate, it's less likely we'd have competing alternatives for the same use case [00:41:08.0000] <hsivonen> I’m generally unhappy about moving to FPWD without implementor buy-in and revisiting buy-in at CR exit [00:41:45.0000] <othermaciej> historically HTML WG has let you FPWD just about anything but we nominally ask for three independent supporters [00:41:46.0000] <hsivonen> If bad stuff is published like that if one implementor gets tricked into implementing, we might all have to implement bad stuff [00:42:22.0000] <hsivonen> (applies to Hixie’s unbaked ideas, too, but I sort of expected the W3C to improve this aspect) [00:42:48.0000] <othermaciej> I personally think that Microdata vs. RDFa was a case where "let the market decide" worked out ok and in the meantime ended the painful permathread flamewars [00:43:57.0000] <tantek> hsivonen - I think there's quite a bit of that going on: "bad stuff is published like that ... one implementor gets tricked into implementing, we might all have to implement bad stuff" [00:44:02.0000] <danbri> do we have any Microdata users (in terms of vocabulary) beyond schema.org yet? [00:44:51.0000] <othermaciej> granted, hgroup vs hsub vs outlineMask vs the other form of hsub vs sublime vs "don't even address the use case" is not quite the same [00:45:03.0000] <tantek> othermaciej - you mean worked out well for the market of folks (no pun intended) who like to learn handfuls of new attributes for adding semantics? [00:45:11.0000] <othermaciej> in that it is both lower stakes, and more confusing [00:45:57.0000] <tantek> hgroup always seemed fined to me (except for being potentially too rare a use-case to be worthy of inclusion in the core - despite the fact that I personally find it often handy) [00:46:16.0000] <tantek> it's the "outline algorithm" that never made any sense to anyone that I know of [00:46:40.0000] <othermaciej> the outline algorithm doesn't make much sense to me and I doubt it will make it out of the w3c's CR process [00:46:54.0000] <tantek> yeah, I don't know of anyone with any intent to implement it [00:47:05.0000] <tantek> might as well propose punting it to 5.1 now [00:47:11.0000] <hsivonen> othermaciej: I’m rather unhappy the Chairs just didn’t tell the RDFa folks to publish through their WG. after all, they have a WG, so they don’t need another WG to publish their stuff [00:47:18.0000] <othermaciej> I think one of the forms of <hsub> seems more logical to me than <hgroup>(though I would probably call it <subhead> or something) [00:47:23.0000] <hsivonen> (whereas the WHATWG didn’t have a WG) [00:47:34.0000] <othermaciej> hsivonen: we did now tell the RDFa folks to publish through their WG, and they will [00:47:37.0000] <tantek> hsivonen - it's because in order to be marketing buzzword compliant, you need to have an "HTML5 …" prefix at the start of your spec [00:47:54.0000] <hsivonen> tantek: yes [00:48:15.0000] <tantek> I think it shows insecurity in your own WG if you feel you must publish in another WG. [00:48:17.0000] <othermaciej> http://www.w3.org/2012/09/rdfa-wg-charter [00:48:39.0000] <tantek> I think it also shows insecurity in your spec if you feel you must hardcode it into a more popular spec in order to get adoption. [00:48:43.0000] <danbri> For a long while the two groups were too far apart [00:48:43.0000] <hsivonen> othermaciej: I think debating subheadings is premature until we have someone implementing a section level selector and has a good idea about the perf impact of various ways of masking stuff from the outline [00:49:00.0000] <tantek> danbri - which two groups? any two groups? ;) [00:49:03.0000] <danbri> at least they're not heading in much closer directions (rdfa more clearly detached from xhtml-isms, etc) [00:49:11.0000] <othermaciej> yeah, in retrospect it was probably a mistake to implement support for <hgroup> without implementing any of its relevant semantics [00:49:12.0000] <danbri> rdfa/html [00:49:53.0000] <danbri> re marketingisms, webgl seems to be perceived as 'part of' html5 by a lot of people; even if much of the speccing happened elsewhere [00:49:58.0000] <tantek> danbri, wasn't that just a side effect of staying on the XHTML2 bandwagon too long? [00:50:24.0000] <tantek> and btw - good to see you here in #whatwg [00:50:36.0000] <danbri> yes, but also understimating how much work converging w/ html would be [00:51:09.0000] <tantek> I think another large forcing function has been the massive developer preference for consuming JSON over all other syntaxes. [00:51:10.0000] <danbri> thanks :) I lurk in a lot of irc channels but usually just read [00:53:53.0000] <hsivonen> Speaking of extension specs: glazou asked about supporting epub:type in the validator. epub:type is like ARIA landmarks but from a different group and, hence, under a different (namespaced) name to comply with Conway's Law. I wonder what the benefit/harm considerations would look like for an XHTML5+EPUB option on Validator.nu. [00:55:57.0000] <hsivonen> epub:type degrades gracefully if it leaks onto the Web, but there's other EPUB stuff that won't degrade gracefully if it leaks to the Web. [00:57:06.0000] <hsivonen> Also, namespacing the attributes means they won’t have DOM Consistency if/when IDPF decides to adopt the text/html serialization of HTML [00:57:49.0000] <hsivonen> as for implementations, so far I’m only aware of iBooks supporting one particular pair of epub:type values [00:58:06.0000] <hsivonen> I have no idea if the rest are supported by anyone [00:59:32.0000] <hsivonen> EPUB really needs its equivalent of caniuse.com. I have no idea how real any of the EPUB extensions to either XHTML or CSS are [01:06:20.0000] <othermaciej> I wish IPDF used epub-type instead of epub:type and so forth; or better yet managed to avoid extending [X]HTML5 [01:10:52.0000] <hsivonen> or had folded their landmarks into ARIA landmarks as I, IIRC, suggested at TPAC 2 years ago [01:12:16.0000] <Ms2ger> He. He. He. [01:14:03.0000] <annevk> hsivonen: does iBooks and such enforce XHTML? [01:14:19.0000] <hsivonen> annevk: no idea [01:14:54.0000] <annevk> cause you know, people told us mobile was XHTML too [01:14:59.0000] <annevk> they lied [01:16:05.0000] <jgraham> I really don't think I should find the word "landmarks" as funny as I do. [01:16:38.0000] <annevk> jgraham: think less, enjoy more? [01:16:41.0000] <jgraham> But in common usage it's not really used in the sense of "things you would navigate by" [01:16:52.0000] <jgraham> More "tourist attractions" [01:17:05.0000] <jgraham> Or, rather, in its commenest usage [01:17:16.0000] <jgraham> *comnmonest [01:17:22.0000] <jgraham> Oh for fucks sake [01:19:28.0000] <tantek> epub:type huh - what's its use case? [01:21:48.0000] <hsivonen> tantek: Someone who should know claims on the Internet that it can be used in iBooks to make links to footnotes causes a footnote to appear as a pop-up instead of causing navigation to the footnote. As for the other values, I can make guesses about use cases but I don't really know. [01:22:10.0000] <hsivonen> s/causes/cause/ [01:22:20.0000] <tantek> oh it's how epub makes up their own element names and shoe horns them into HTML - http://idpf.org/epub/vocab/structure/ [01:23:03.0000] <hsivonen> the more landmarkish values seem redundant with OPF <guide> [01:24:07.0000] <tantek> here's a nice one: http://idpf.org/epub/vocab/structure/#pagebreak [01:24:22.0000] <tantek> because that's semantic after all and has nothing to do with presentation ;) [01:24:38.0000] <hsivonen> tantek: is that an idea, a draft or a spec? I haven’t seen that doc before when navigating from the front page [01:24:55.0000] <tantek> hsivonen - found referenced from here: http://matt.garrish.ca/epub3/guidelines/content/semantics/epub-type.php [01:25:28.0000] <tantek> hsivonen I'd say neither draft nor spec but yet another semantic registry [01:25:40.0000] <hsivonen> tantek: the page break thing is for correlating epub positions to print page numbers at a book club or in class [01:26:28.0000] <hsivonen> so it’s not crazy. Amazon automates the generation of that data for Kindle files. [01:27:08.0000] <tantek> nah, it's pretty crazy [01:27:20.0000] <tantek> reminds me of the Palm WebOS extensions to HTML [01:27:27.0000] <tantek> back when that was happening [01:28:38.0000] <tantek> hsivonen, "make links to footnotes causes a footnote to appear as a pop-up instead of causing navigation to the footnote" sounds presentational and something that could/should be added to CSS. [01:29:01.0000] <hsivonen> I find it remarkable that Amazon refuses to ship an EPUB reader for their devices, but one of the main paths for publishing for Kindle is preparing an EPUB file an running it through an Amazon-supplied converter. [01:29:24.0000] <hsivonen> tantek: has any iBooks stuff resulted in proposals to the CSS WG? [01:29:38.0000] <tantek> good question for hober [01:30:03.0000] <tantek> why bother with an EPUB reader for Kindles when Kindles already have a web browser of sorts [01:30:37.0000] <hsivonen> to avoid device/store lock-in [01:31:33.0000] <jgraham> hsivonen: I presume that's about funneling as many sales to kindle devices via amazon.com as possible [01:32:04.0000] <jgraham> +book [01:32:38.0000] <hsivonen> of course. Giving the converter to publishers but not automating conversion on the device for users is Amazon showing their corporate middle finger to their users. [01:33:38.0000] <hsivonen> why doesn’t the DOJ look into *that*? [01:36:43.0000] <jgraham> Is it illegal? I mean I agree it is obnoxious, but no more so than - for example - Apple's "no competing software" policy or Microsoft's "Microsoft-only API" policies (on windows 8/ARM) [01:38:20.0000] <zcorpan> so the html wg still hasn't published eh? the drafts were supposed to be ready and done on 15th last month [01:38:41.0000] <zcorpan> not that i'm surprised [01:39:17.0000] <tantek> publishing is hard, let's create process [01:40:19.0000] <zcorpan> publishing should be automated [01:41:42.0000] <zcorpan> speaking of which, what's the plan with FSAs? are we waiting on something? [01:41:59.0000] <zcorpan> Hixie: ^ [01:42:11.0000] <jgraham> Finite State Automotons? [01:42:35.0000] <tantek> you have to spend your FSA by the end of the calendar year or else it disappears [01:42:55.0000] <jgraham> Free Software Allowance? [01:43:02.0000] <tantek> :) [01:44:19.0000] <zcorpan> Fish Spawning Aggregation [02:41:25.0000] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: it took me at least 50 minutes to dissect that part of the spec to write that regexp :-) [02:42:03.0000] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: if you think it'd be useful for ease of maintenance to split it up, I can do that [02:45:48.0000] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: also fwiw I don't know that the use case is for allowing years of less than 4 digits there [02:46:07.0000] <MikeSmith> nor do I know what the use case is for allowing bare timezone offsets [02:47:07.0000] <MikeSmith> but the spec allows those [02:47:52.0000] <MikeSmith> "A valid time-zone offset string" is item 6 in the list at http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/text-level-semantics.html#datetime-value [02:49:52.0000] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: about the epub stuff, you know they are maintaining their own validator [02:50:03.0000] <MikeSmith> and epub books are not Web content [02:50:45.0000] <MikeSmith> oh maybe I'm confused about what epub extensions are [02:51:19.0000] <MikeSmith> if they are attributes that are meant to be added to web content instead of epub books, I guess I'd really wonder what the use case is [02:54:40.0000] <MikeSmith> annevk, hsivonen : HTML files in epub 3.0 books are required to be well-formed XML XHTML [02:55:11.0000] <MikeSmith> I briefly tried to get that epub wg to not make that a requirement, but I lost [02:55:41.0000] <MikeSmith> some people in that group were insisting on it as a requirement because they said there was no way to validate them otherwise [02:56:26.0000] <MikeSmith> which is wrong of course but oh well [02:57:19.0000] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: I’m OK with a single regexp if you can track the capture groups right. :-) the code for that is still to be written, right? [02:58:07.0000] <MikeSmith> well I saw that question in your e-mail message but I have to admit I don't understand why we need to track the capture groups [02:58:18.0000] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: I’m aware that there is such a thing as epubcheck, but I don’t know what exactly it checks [02:58:54.0000] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: as I understood it, glazou didn’t suggest using epub:type on the Web [02:59:01.0000] <MikeSmith> we already had a monster regexp in that code but were not tracking the capture groups in other parts of the code as far as I can see [02:59:03.0000] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: OK [02:59:29.0000] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: the superclass is trying to track the capture groups [03:00:26.0000] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: I don't know what epubcheck is checking either but I know they forked the vnu schema and are using that -- without the HTML5 datatype library (the replaced all of them with regexp patterns in the schema itself) [03:00:30.0000] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: ah OK [03:00:40.0000] <MikeSmith> OK, will address that then [03:01:18.0000] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: fwiw, epub schema is at http://epubcheck.googlecode.com/svn/branches/epub3/com.adobe.epubcheck/src/com/adobe/epubcheck/schema/30/mod/html5/ [03:01:37.0000] <hsivonen> The other day, I was trying to find some test EPUB files and got worried because I didn't find them. So either I'm bad at searching, EPUB test cases are secret or, worst case, there isn't a proper test suite. [03:01:52.0000] <MikeSmith> of course that schema can't recognize data-* attributes [03:02:08.0000] <MikeSmith> I don't think they have a proper test suite [03:02:15.0000] <MikeSmith> I've not seen it anywhere at least [03:02:48.0000] <hsivonen> they broke fantasai’s indent style :-( [03:03:09.0000] <MikeSmith> they broke a lot of things in that schema… [03:04:25.0000] <MikeSmith> I met with Murata-san to talk about it before they forked it. He didn't want to do it without talking about it first. But I just told him it's free software and they're welcome to do what they please with it [03:07:06.0000] <hsivonen> oh, breaking the indent style is permitted by the license, sure [03:08:51.0000] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: anyway, given that the IDPF schema is relaxed, I think it’s not unreasonable for glazou to be interested in Validator.nu + the EPUB stuff [03:09:10.0000] <MikeSmith> yah true [03:10:15.0000] <hsivonen> some day, I’m going to make some test books to learn the truth about EPUB readers [03:11:42.0000] <MikeSmith> I wish the whole thing would move to actually putting books on the Web at URLs [03:12:32.0000] <hsivonen> yeah, though I kinda sympathize with the desire to make it clear what the bounds of a book are for caching [03:12:50.0000] <hsivonen> and I sympathize with the desire to let users hold copies of their books forever [03:13:01.0000] <hsivonen> though DRM pretty much reverses that benefit [03:13:18.0000] <hsivonen> also, to read it private [03:13:23.0000] <hsivonen> again, foiled by DRM [03:20:54.0000] <MikeSmith> the DRM issue muffs up everything about the user experience [03:21:38.0000] <MikeSmith> it effectively restricts you to only being able to read your purchased books in the reader provided by the vendor that sold you the book [03:22:11.0000] <MikeSmith> and it gives the vendors almost no incentive to compete for quality in their readers [03:49:11.0000] <hsivonen> MikeSmith: it appears that almost everyone except Apple and Amazon is Adobe’s OEM basically [03:58:51.0000] <MikeSmith> hsivonen: yeah I guess it's like that [04:41:20.0000] <annevk> MikeSmith: well mobile was required to be XHTML too [04:41:33.0000] <annevk> MikeSmith: doesn't mean a) it is and b) that clients actually enforce [04:55:34.0000] <MikeSmith> annevk: yeah [05:00:50.0000] <darobin> I strongly doubt that it's enforced [05:01:15.0000] <darobin> book readers are slow machines, you don't want to do anything other than feed the content straight to the rendering engine [05:01:25.0000] <darobin> which is normally an HTML rendering engine [05:01:47.0000] <annevk> no man, XML is faster!!!! [05:02:01.0000] <annevk> how they mighty have fallen [05:02:05.0000] <annevk> the* [05:02:09.0000] <MikeSmith> well their loss -- they're missing out on the benefits of catch fire and fail [05:02:12.0000] <MikeSmith> ask Tim Bray [05:02:21.0000] <hsivonen> darobin: is Adobe’s SDK an HTML engine? [05:02:47.0000] <MikeSmith> if I have an e-book reader in my pacemaker I certainly don't want it to be using loosy-goosey unlclean tag soup parsing [05:03:02.0000] <hsivonen> AFAICT, pretty much every non-Amazon e-Ink device embeds Adobe’s engine [05:03:05.0000] <darobin> hsivonen: I haven't looked closely, but last I heard they had somethin WebKit based, no? [05:03:25.0000] <hsivonen> darobin: I have no idea what Adobe’s SDK is based on [05:03:49.0000] <darobin> my understanding from talking to book people is that it's all webkit [05:04:01.0000] <darobin> Amazon used to use NetFront but they thankfully ditched that [05:04:43.0000] <darobin> annevk: they should really use EXI — now *that* is faster :) [05:05:13.0000] <darobin> /me only half joking, it would actually make some sense to use exified HTML on that level of dumb device [05:05:58.0000] <hsivonen> Linux on Freescale ARM SoC is not that dumb [05:06:02.0000] <darobin> hsivonen: I reckon that a good way of assessing what works in epub world would be to grab a bunch of books from one of those book pirate teams [05:06:16.0000] <darobin> because they tend to produce stuff that has been properly corrected to actually be interoperable [05:06:46.0000] <darobin> hsivonen: the ipad isn't so dumb either, but many of those devices are pretty slow [05:07:17.0000] <darobin> the K3 can barely keep up with its screen :) [05:44:42.0000] <jgraham> Isn't "as soon as someone writes a js library for it" to obvious answer to "when will we see a filesystem library on top of IndexedDB" [05:44:45.0000] <jgraham> ? [06:39:35.0000] <darobin> does whatwg.org have some kind of protection against spidering? [06:41:12.0000] <darobin> same for html5.org [06:41:33.0000] <darobin> I'm running link checking on the spec, and those both seem to just drop the connection [08:10:45.0000] <odinho> There's an Opera survey and they want different people to answer, anyone in this channel is obviously qualified :P -> http://fluidsurveys.com/s/operasurvey/ [08:27:09.0000] <Lachy> odinho, where was that survey announced? I don't see it mentioned in any internal mail. [08:28:06.0000] <odinho> Lachy: http://my.opera.com/chooseopera/blog/2012/10/04/help-opera-improve-its-products-and-services [08:28:38.0000] <odinho> Lachy: To be honest I just talked with the guy who made it randomly on the bus. [08:29:08.0000] <Lachy> ok [08:29:38.0000] <Lachy> might be more useful to have it posted on Opera's twitter account [08:31:36.0000] <odinho> Lachy: Ah, they prolly will. I would've just thought that whatwg would probably be forgotten, so I took it upon myself to fix that :P [08:32:45.0000] <Lachy> The question about industry partners is asking a bit too much for any useful responses, as it includes too many vastly different groups, of which Opera's need and ability to establish connections with varies greatly. [08:33:38.0000] <odinho> Lachy: Uh, you're an employee of Opera, you have a different survey. [08:33:59.0000] <Lachy> I'm not completing the survey. I just went through it with blank answers to take a look [09:09:45.0000] <dglazkov> good morning, Whatwg! 2012-10-05 [17:03:10.0000] <grom358> I'm looking at http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/tokenization.html I don't see anywhere where it enters RCDATA state [17:07:21.0000] <grom358> oh.. i think i see.. the tree builder puts it into that mode on certain elements? [17:55:33.0000] <MikeSmith> grom358: yeah [17:57:23.0000] <grom358> also i think I found an error.. section Data state says for NULL to emit the current input character.. but the current input character will be the NULL character [17:57:54.0000] <grom358> it should be emit the REPLACEMENT CHARACTER if I'm correct [17:58:36.0000] <MikeSmith> grom358: for which state? [17:59:54.0000] <grom358> the data state, http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/tokenization.html#data-state [18:00:28.0000] <MikeSmith> I think that's right [18:00:47.0000] <MikeSmith> you can test it in live DOM viewer to see what browsers actually do [18:08:24.0000] <grom358> well firefox and chrome seem to ignore it [18:09:21.0000] <MikeSmith> grom358: that's what would be expected if they were following the spec [18:09:41.0000] <MikeSmith> the null character never gets consumed [18:09:46.0000] <MikeSmith> it gets ignored [18:09:53.0000] <grom358> where you getting that from? [18:10:06.0000] <MikeSmith> the algorithm for the data state [18:10:21.0000] <grom358> it says emit the current input character though.. not to ignore it [18:11:10.0000] <MikeSmith> oh [18:11:51.0000] <grom358> which makes me think its a bug with the spec [18:12:11.0000] <MikeSmith> but I think the tree builder will then ignore the null, right? [18:12:33.0000] <MikeSmith> if it's in content that was tokenized from the data state [18:12:55.0000] <grom358> idk.. that part is throwing me. Everywhere else in the spec NULL is replaced with the Unicode replacement character [18:13:09.0000] <grom358> in the tokenization section I mean [18:14:19.0000] <grom358> ah I see.. section says it ignores character token that is U+0000 NULL [18:15:17.0000] <MikeSmith> yeah that's the part I was thinking of I think [18:15:57.0000] <MikeSmith> anyway it's still worth raising a bug for or posting to the whatwg list about if you think it's not clear [18:16:42.0000] <grom358> yeah.. the spec is just so big and the tree construction and tokenization so closely coupled [18:16:52.0000] <MikeSmith> Hixie could always add a note to that part of the tokenizer code to clarify why it's not replaced with a U+fffd tehre [18:17:58.0000] <grom358> yeah... that would help [18:18:44.0000] <grom358> what I don't understand is why doesn't the tokenizer just handle all the NULL characters... Like I can see sometimes in the tree construction it is ignored and sometimes replaced with U+FFFD [18:18:54.0000] <grom358> but why not just always replace it with U+FFFD [18:19:24.0000] <grom358> could be done as part of the input stream preprocessor then [19:31:37.0000] <grom358> ah... http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/tokenization.html#consume-a-character-reference . For the codepoints like 0x0001 etc.. is it meant to say return replacement character?? I don't see anything in the tree construction that replaces them [02:07:24.0000] <hsivonen> In Aldiko (based on Adobe’s SDK), I get a blank screen if I remove space between two attributes to make XHTML ill-formed [02:07:31.0000] <hsivonen> annevk: ^ [02:07:41.0000] <hsivonen> annevk: so XML is not a lie this time [02:09:33.0000] <annevk> cool cool [02:09:37.0000] <hsivonen> annevk: test files: http://hsivonen.iki.fi/test/epub-xml/ [02:10:36.0000] <hsivonen> annevk: this is most awesome. No error message or anything. Just a blank screen. [02:11:13.0000] <annevk> technology is awesome :) [02:12:24.0000] <hsivonen> I’d appreciate it if someone with an iDevice could load the two test files in iBooks and report the results here [02:29:39.0000] <annevk> can do it later [04:25:34.0000] <hsivonen> Hixie: Your response about hoping that browsers eventually "fix" the implementation of the title attribute for footnotes seems like the same kind of misplaced optimism as hoping that browsers eventually "fix" the implementation of longdesc. [05:42:29.0000] <annevk> hsivonen: both work in iBooks [05:43:20.0000] <annevk> hsivonen: that the files are identical in content makes them somewhat confusing [05:53:32.0000] <annevk> hsivonen: so yeah, I guess Apple uses the HTML parser if you use .html as extension [05:53:57.0000] <annevk> so maybe you should make another one with .xml or so [05:57:43.0000] <annevk> zcorpan: maybe you should list me as former editor or something on html5-diff [05:57:52.0000] <annevk> zcorpan: and maybe remove the Opera affiliation [05:58:01.0000] <annevk> or say "formerly" there too [06:04:47.0000] <zcorpan> annevk: fixed in the editor's draft [06:05:12.0000] <annevk> cool [06:09:39.0000] <annevk> matjas: thanks for sorting out the separators [06:10:14.0000] <annevk> matjas: now some final word on browsers with regards to IDNA2003 vs IDNA2008 vs UTS #46 and we're all set :) [06:10:23.0000] <annevk> s/on browsers/from browsers/ [06:12:09.0000] <zcorpan> annevk: i want IDNA5! [06:12:20.0000] <zcorpan> and that's final. [06:12:56.0000] <annevk> "Domain Name Standard" [06:13:04.0000] <annevk> but I fucking hope not [06:13:10.0000] <Ms2ger> Living Domain Name Standard [06:13:16.0000] <annevk> or at least not with my name on it :) [06:13:48.0000] <hsivonen> annevk: thanks. boo Apple then. [06:13:54.0000] <Ms2ger> zcorpan, IDNA120? [06:14:12.0000] <zcorpan> Ms2ger: why 120? [06:14:16.0000] <Ms2ger> 5! [06:14:24.0000] <hsivonen> annevk: the rendering engine is supposed to take the mime type from the opf manifest—not from the file name [06:14:47.0000] <hsivonen> facepalm time: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=19277 [06:15:26.0000] <annevk> hsivonen: where does it say it's XML in that manifest? [06:15:55.0000] <Ms2ger> 'there is no hidden="" in HTML5 that I am aware of' [06:16:38.0000] <annevk> well, it's hidden [06:16:38.0000] <hsivonen> annevk: <item id="main" href="test.html" media-type="application/xhtml+xml"/> [06:16:52.0000] <Ms2ger> annevk, nicely done, sir [06:17:17.0000] <hsivonen> annevk: I guess more testing with prefixed SVG, etc. is required to find out if iBooks uses an HTML parser or a bogo-XML parser [06:17:51.0000] <annevk> hsivonen: ooh, that's the test.opf file [06:18:05.0000] <annevk> hsivonen: in the toc.ncx file it just points to the file [06:18:37.0000] <hsivonen> annevk: the point of the <manifest> in the opf is to provide MIME types for the zip entries [06:18:52.0000] <hsivonen> annevk: the NCX is a machine-readable table of contents [06:19:08.0000] <hsivonen> annevk: the NCX format is very, very sad, as you can see [06:19:15.0000] <hsivonen> from DAISY [06:19:21.0000] <annevk> so you search for *.opf files or is it required to be named test.opf? [06:19:35.0000] <annevk> yeah, that format is ugly [06:19:36.0000] <hsivonen> annevk: no, there’s more indirection [06:19:37.0000] <zcorpan> curious how john tries to find the answer to what the spec says about hidden="" by reading about what the spec says about <noscript> [06:20:05.0000] <Ms2ger> zcorpan, sounds like the best way to approach HTML4 [06:20:06.0000] <hsivonen> annevk: META-INF/container.xml is the well-known zip entry. It points to the opf [06:20:12.0000] <annevk> zcorpan: prolly the same way the tag talks about URLs by reading HTML rather than the new document [06:20:40.0000] <annevk> hsivonen: man, shit's complicated [06:20:54.0000] <annevk> the TAG, apologies [06:21:56.0000] <darobin> the epub format is a stinking mess [06:22:41.0000] <hsivonen> NCX is like a format parody. It requires the generator to supply an incrementing integer on the nav points for order instead of just using the order of the elements in the XML tree [06:22:57.0000] <annevk> hahahaha [06:23:02.0000] <darobin> oh yeah [06:23:13.0000] <hsivonen> darobin: what stinks except NCX? [06:23:14.0000] <darobin> and it's all in the name of performance [06:23:24.0000] <annevk> cannot make that shit up [06:23:39.0000] <darobin> because, you know, jumping everywhere around a zip archive is fast [06:23:54.0000] <darobin> hsivonen: what else is there to stink? :) [06:24:17.0000] <darobin> they would have been better off using Widgets [06:24:22.0000] <annevk> hsivonen: please make a /epub/ entry on your blog [06:24:29.0000] <annevk> hsivonen: even if just bullet points [06:24:36.0000] <darobin> s/points// [06:24:40.0000] <hsivonen> well, XML Encryption, XML DigSig and the excessive indirection of META-INF/container.xml [06:25:08.0000] <darobin> oh I'd forgotten they had the XML security stack imported in there [06:25:12.0000] <hsivonen> but the <manifest>, <spine> and <guide> stuff is rather OK [06:25:25.0000] <hsivonen> for EPUB 2.0, the metadata was OKish, too [06:25:39.0000] <darobin> I reckon it should all be in the HTML [06:25:42.0000] <hsivonen> in EPUB 3.0, they made it more complicated for no apparent practical reason [06:25:56.0000] <darobin> even if it means having to perform an indexing pass on first open [06:26:33.0000] <hsivonen> I think the use of XHTML instead of HTML is not a big deal. [06:26:46.0000] <hsivonen> and their legacy UAs now need XHTML rather than HTML [06:27:24.0000] <hsivonen> If you don’t sign stuff, you can ignore DigSig as an author [06:27:47.0000] <hsivonen> and for font mangling, you can treat XML Encryption as cargo cult boilerplate [06:27:49.0000] <darobin> I've heard a few horror stories from a small shop here that does ebooks about things like readers crashing hard because the various meta files were out of sync with the content [06:28:34.0000] <darobin> less indirection would help there [06:29:05.0000] <hsivonen> I think NCX stinks the most. I think changing metadata in an incompatible way is the weirdest decision. [06:32:33.0000] <zcorpan> i replied on the bug, not sure if that was a mistake or not [06:38:49.0000] <annevk> hsivonen: looks like XML usage would fail in iBooks [06:38:57.0000] <annevk> hsivonen: e.g. if you prefix stuff [06:39:35.0000] <hsivonen> annevk: :-( [06:39:41.0000] <hsivonen> annevk: even as .xhtml? [06:39:57.0000] <hsivonen> I thought iBook even extended XHTML with namespaced stuff [06:40:05.0000] <annevk> hsivonen: dunno about that (I think that would work, but I have not tested) [06:40:07.0000] <hsivonen> *iBooks [06:40:54.0000] <hsivonen> I guess this explains why glazou enforces .xhtml naming even though opf is supposed to allow any naming you like [06:58:04.0000] <matjas> annevk: http://mathias.html5.org/tests/url/idna2003-separators/ (using `iframe) vs. http://mathias.html5.org/tests/url/idna2003-separators/a.html (using `a`) [06:59:52.0000] <annevk> fucked up [07:00:02.0000] <matjas> me or The Web? [07:01:26.0000] <Kaelig> Hi, I have a meta proposal to make (apple-mobile-web-app-title), is it possible to have a personal account to the Wiki so I can add it? [07:01:35.0000] <karlcow> matjas: choose your pain [07:02:42.0000] <annevk> matjas: the behavior [07:02:47.0000] <Kaelig> Basically I'd like to be able to edit that page: http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/MetaExtensions [07:02:55.0000] <matjas> i just hope my test is correct [07:03:14.0000] <annevk> Kaelig: sure thing, need a desired account name and email [07:03:17.0000] <matjas> if this is a bug, which spec does it belong to? [07:03:57.0000] <annevk> matjas: URL needs to define this I think, unless we really want distinct behavior [07:04:19.0000] <matjas> want me to file a separate issue for this then? [07:04:42.0000] <annevk> matjas: might want to raise this on the WHATWG list actually, so bz sees it :) I can take a closer look at your tests though [07:05:10.0000] <annevk> matjas: problem is a.src [07:05:14.0000] <annevk> matjas: it's a.href [07:05:21.0000] <matjas> ah duh [07:13:37.0000] <Kaelig> annevk: Cheers, account: "kaelig", email: "kaelig⊙df" [07:16:02.0000] <annevk> "A randomly generated password for Kaelig has been sent to kaelig⊙df" [07:17:44.0000] <Kaelig> Thanks annevk :) [07:17:49.0000] <Kaelig> appreciate it [07:19:10.0000] <Kaelig> I'm not sure I understand the process of proposing a meta extension [07:22:45.0000] <smaug____> /me hates touch events [07:23:10.0000] <matjas> /me touches hate events [07:23:23.0000] <matjas> /me events hate touches [07:23:35.0000] <Kaelig> Hopefully I did it correctly :) [07:28:23.0000] <zewt> annevk: headed to work and just throwing this out there so I don't forget--does XHR guarantee that tasks queued by "make progress notifications" to fire onprogress always happen before switching to DONE, to make sure those tasks aren't run later, firing progress after load/loadend have been fired [07:28:44.0000] <annevk> zewt: yeah I think I changed that based on your comment [07:29:23.0000] <annevk> Kaelig: looks fine to me, thanks for your effort [07:29:25.0000] <hsivonen> annevk: new test files in case you are interested in poking iBooks: http://hsivonen.iki.fi/test/epub-xml/ [07:29:45.0000] <hsivonen> findings so far: ezPDF on Android uses an HTML parser always, even for .xhtml [07:29:55.0000] <annevk> /me gets his iPhone [07:30:05.0000] <hsivonen> so you have to make polyglot content if you want to support broken reading systems like that [07:30:20.0000] <annevk> so the xhtml files are new right? [07:30:35.0000] <Kaelig> Cheers annevk, plus I didn't know Anne could be a male name! [07:30:55.0000] <zewt> don't see it offhand (maybe the task ordering implies this--not sure which task queue the actual fetch happens in) [07:31:32.0000] <annevk> Kaelig: heh yeah, kind of an exclusively Dutch thing I found out :) [07:31:42.0000] <zewt> (same thing for "timeout error", etc) [07:31:46.0000] <zewt> anyway gotta go [07:31:47.0000] <annevk> hsivonen: ill-formed renders, including both circles [07:31:59.0000] <hsivonen> wow [07:32:05.0000] <zewt> reading html specs has a way of making me late for work :) [07:32:08.0000] <annevk> hsivonen: I am kinda wondering what is going on now [07:32:08.0000] <hsivonen> so they have a bogo-XML parser [07:32:17.0000] <annevk> XML5 in iBooks? [07:32:53.0000] <hsivonen> annevk: what about the line break? does it behave like single <br> or like two? [07:33:02.0000] <annevk> I saw Apple was writing a new XML parser for WebKit at some point [07:33:06.0000] <annevk> maybe that was related somehow [07:33:31.0000] <annevk> hsivonen: single [07:33:59.0000] <annevk> "Second para. SINGLE line break: [07:33:59.0000] <hsivonen> annevk: also possible that their XML parser has a bug and my way of making the file ill-formed is too subtle [07:34:05.0000] <annevk> Line after break." is how it renders [07:34:11.0000] <hsivonen> annevk: ok [07:34:48.0000] <annevk> data:text/xml,<test test=""test=""/> fails in Safari fwiw [07:35:11.0000] <annevk> ooh [07:35:13.0000] <annevk> data:text/xml,<test xmlns=""xml:lang=""/> does not [07:35:22.0000] <hsivonen> wild [07:35:31.0000] <annevk> it's the xmlns thing [07:35:49.0000] <annevk> but Safari uses libxml2 no? [07:35:54.0000] <hsivonen> so I thought [07:36:02.0000] <hsivonen> more test cases needed! [07:36:07.0000] <annevk> heh [07:36:11.0000] <hsivonen> sadly, I’m not going to write those today [07:36:16.0000] <annevk> is this just for fun btw? or are you doing something with epub? [07:36:22.0000] <hsivonen> for fun [07:36:26.0000] <annevk> kk [07:36:36.0000] <hsivonen> I got interested in epub [07:36:42.0000] <hsivonen> so I read the spec... [07:37:07.0000] <hsivonen> and then got in the asshole mode according to Pilgrims taxonomy [07:40:22.0000] <annevk> zewt: whenever the load/error event is fired progress is fired too explicitly [07:45:56.0000] <karlcow> epub is a tad depressing, not only on the ereader side, but also on the authoring side. [07:45:56.0000] <karlcow> It would be interesting to run a survey collecting the authoring practices on epub. Maybe someone at Amazon could do that. [07:52:28.0000] <MikeSmith> http://www.slideshare.net/mnot/what-http20-will-do-for-you [07:52:58.0000] <MikeSmith> HTTP 2.0 is the new HTML5 [07:54:08.0000] <annevk> still missing error handling in HTTP [07:54:19.0000] <annevk> although I guess SPDY will make it different if there's compression and stuff [08:31:56.0000] <fantasai> Hixie: I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the mailing list post you're linking to on http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Specs_todo is not the right mailing list post. [08:41:06.0000] <jgraham> /me counts four links to mailing lists on that page [09:45:20.0000] <Hixie> hsivonen: longdesc="" is unfixable due to content corruption because most people didn't see it; with title="" the problem is the opposite: we have good content, we just aren't exposing it to quite everyone. [09:49:01.0000] <Hixie> fantasai: can you elaborate? [10:03:53.0000] <fantasai> Hixie: It says "This mailing list post has some advice on the matter." [10:04:07.0000] <fantasai> Hixie: where the matter is volunteering to edit specifications [10:04:35.0000] <fantasai> Hixie: But the post linked from there is some random commentary wrt text breaking and <wbr> [10:38:34.0000] <stevefaulkner> hixie: your statement about good content in the title attribute is demonstrably false there loads of redundant and crap content stuffed into title attributes, especially on links, some representative examples: http://www.html5accessibility.com/tests/title-usage.html [10:56:06.0000] <TabAtkins> Ah, I didn't know zcorpan left Opera. [10:56:17.0000] <Wilto> I can vouch for that. Windows 8’s Narrator reads every `title` aloud, and the vast majority of the time it’s a duplicate of the text inside the element. It’s pretty obnoxious. [11:04:29.0000] <Ms2ger> TabAtkins, what makes you think so? [11:05:25.0000] <TabAtkins> Le sigh. Reading comprehension fail. I was reading a line from annevk *directed* to zcorpan. [11:08:06.0000] <Velmont> TabAtkins: Quit messin' with me health :S [11:08:38.0000] <Ms2ger> Velmont, so I heard this odinho guy left Opera? [11:08:48.0000] <Velmont> Ms2ger :| [11:09:05.0000] <Ms2ger> Velmont, apparently he wants to work for Mozilla? [11:09:29.0000] <Velmont> Ms2ger: Hey, I was the one giving _you_ a job offer! [11:09:36.0000] <Ms2ger> Heh [11:15:33.0000] <jgraham> Wait, what? Velmont wants to work for Ms2ger? [11:16:16.0000] <Velmont> jgraham: annevk left a big open space next to my desk, I invited Ms2ger to fill it :] [11:16:44.0000] <jgraham> You're calling annevk fat now? [11:16:55.0000] <Ms2ger> Zing [11:17:07.0000] <Velmont> O_o [11:18:27.0000] <Velmont> Ms2ger: Not coming to TPAC I guess? [11:18:46.0000] <Ms2ger> Or did you call *me* fat? [11:18:57.0000] <Ms2ger> And no, no tpac for me [11:19:41.0000] <jgraham> If Ms2ger ever comes to TPAC, we will have o rename it 2PAC [11:19:56.0000] <Ms2ger> He's aliiiiiive [11:20:07.0000] <Velmont> Ms2ger: So that's who you really are! [11:20:17.0000] <Ms2ger> Uh-oh [11:20:23.0000] <Ms2ger> I confirm nor deny that [11:20:30.0000] <Velmont> Hence the psedonym [11:21:04.0000] <jgraham> That will be the year that we all get gunned down by IETF representatives in a standards body turf war [11:21:23.0000] <jgraham> Just think [11:22:08.0000] <jgraham> The last words you will hear are destined to be "we don' need no motherf-in' text/html" [11:48:46.0000] <TabAtkins> zcorpan: Apparently we (Webkit) have a quirk that allows "width: 20 px;", etc., to match WinIE. Any evidence that this is still needed? (afaik it's not in your quirksmode draft, since I didn't fold it into Syntax). [11:50:45.0000] <Ms2ger> TabAtkins, I'm pretty sure Gecko doesn't have it, and I've never heard someone complain [11:51:29.0000] <TabAtkins> Ms2ger: Cool. I'll write a removal patch, then. [11:51:40.0000] <Ms2ger> \o/ [11:54:27.0000] <Velmont> Opera doesn't either, -- in my small test, if it's correct, http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/?saved=1818 [11:55:58.0000] <TabAtkins> If someone could check IE, that'd be great. We have a bunch of "hacks to match WinIE" that are way outdated. [11:56:02.0000] <Velmont> Not Iceweasel either, only the "Web" on this machine does it. :P [11:56:10.0000] <TabAtkins> (Killed one in <marquee> yesterday. ^_^) [11:56:12.0000] <Velmont> TabAtkins: I can on monday when I'm back at work :P [11:56:39.0000] <TabAtkins> Unhelpful for me right now. ^_^ [11:56:53.0000] <Velmont> I guess "Web"'s real name is Epiphany, but they prolly didn't like the name, so made it generic. [11:57:11.0000] <TabAtkins> Anyway, since FF and O don't do it, and zcorpan didn't think it was a useful enough quirk to go in his draft, I'll try to kill it. [11:57:46.0000] <Velmont> Strange that I don't have the real browsers for the engines on this random hackspace computer, - "Web" for webkit, and Iceweasel for Gecko. The Presto one is Opera though. [12:45:02.0000] <Hixie> fantasai: no idea what i was trying to link to. I looked through the list around the time of hte wiki edit, but i don't see anything relevant. Oh well. Removed it. Thanks for the heads-up. [13:44:48.0000] <stevefaulkner> hixie: never claimed it was, (re longdesc) but would be surprised if the ratio for useful info in title is greater than 20% if you call that 'balance'. UAs have voted with their almost total lack of showing tooltips on mobile/touch [13:46:45.0000] <zewt> (a useful thing, i'd say: it discourages people from designing bad UIs that are unusable without tooltips; very annoying if you're like me and turn off tooltips because they're annoying) [13:49:05.0000] <Hixie> GPHemsley: i haven't examiend the GIF spec, so i've no idea [13:49:21.0000] <Hixie> GPHemsley: i don't know how good interop is for gif or how well the spec matches reality [13:49:28.0000] <Hixie> GPHemsley: animated gifs in particular aren't specced well though [13:49:49.0000] <Hixie> stevefaulkner: given that "90% of everything is crap", 20% seems damn good :-) [13:50:30.0000] <TabAtkins> Uh, mobile doesn't show title because you don't have the ability to communicate "hover". [13:50:32.0000] <zewt> (wow, splitting a quote in Gmail caused a random paragraph I wrote elsewhere to just vanish) [13:50:39.0000] <stevefaulkner> zewt: i have no problem with it, the only thing a title attribute is good for at this point (after 19 years) is providing an accessible name for a control, it cannot be relied upon for exposing visible content to users in any browser [13:51:27.0000] <GPHemsley> Hixie: So do you suppose it would be best to just re-spec the whole thing? As it is, it seems the spec is only available in plaintext, anyway. [13:51:57.0000] <zewt> TabAtkins: heh, my phone detects touches when my finger gets close to the screen, without touching it; probably a hardware bug, but could perhaps be leveraged for "touch hovering" :) [13:52:40.0000] <TabAtkins> zewt: Yeah, phones are reactivity-based, so getting *close* can alter the current enough to be detected. [13:53:14.0000] <zewt> probably a mis-configured capacitance threshold [13:53:47.0000] <Hixie> GPHemsley: i have no opinion because i don't have enough data to form an opinion. As a general rule, i wouldn't recommend rewriting a spec unless it was absolutely necessary, though (necessary meaning "the spec doesn't match reality so interop is poor") [13:55:00.0000] <GPHemsley> Hixie: So, if I were to want to help fulfill that todo-list bullet point, what would you recommend my first steps be? [13:55:40.0000] <Hixie> GPHemsley: read the existing spec, write a test suite, see how closely the browsers match the spec [13:55:57.0000] <Hixie> GPHemsley: collect samples of real content, see how much of it works as the spec expects [13:56:17.0000] <zewt> perhaps step 0: find a single example of an animated GIF in the wild that doesn't work in every browser :) [13:56:34.0000] <GPHemsley> zewt: I was hoping Hixie might have such examples :) [13:56:38.0000] <zewt> (not saying they don't exist, but I've never seen one) [13:56:38.0000] <Hixie> GPHemsley: (e.g. i'd expect teh latter to find that the web relies on timings doing something different than the specs say) [13:56:54.0000] <Hixie> zewt: it's good to spec things even if all today's browsers do them [13:57:24.0000] <Hixie> zewt: because (a) it helps new competition to be possible and (b) it means that in 1,000 years, archeologists can write browsers for their architectures to read today's web content [13:57:25.0000] <zewt> Hixie: sure, but the answer to that question goes towards answering whether "interop is poor" [13:58:00.0000] <Hixie> certainly wouldn't hurt to do that kind of research. indeed [13:59:46.0000] <GPHemsley> zewt: There are a ton of GIFs on the Internet that go way too fast or way too slow, but I don't know where the fault lies there. [14:00:00.0000] <GPHemsley> (Presumably somebody somewhere thought it was at some point the right speed.) [14:00:51.0000] <zewt> that might be where the delay is 0 [14:01:05.0000] <zewt> which might be an underspecced point, yeah [14:02:46.0000] <zewt> another thing that may differ, though I can't think of how it might matter, is some browsers always showing the same frame for each gif anywhere it's shown (even cross-tab/window) [14:02:56.0000] <zewt> presumably due to the underlying image implementation being the same object [14:03:09.0000] <TabAtkins> Yeah, I think we might share timers sometimes? [14:03:27.0000] <zewt> think i've seen that in FF [14:04:19.0000] <zewt> i find it odd that i've actually seen people objecting to *not* showing animated favicons in tabs, heh [14:05:39.0000] <zewt> (had to jump some hoops to prevent obnoxious sites from constantly showing animations in my tabs in FF; don't recall if that was fixed or if I just have some workaround sitting in my userChrome) [14:05:59.0000] <zewt> oh yeah i hide .tab-icon-image[src$=".gif"] [14:06:11.0000] <zewt> (and others) [14:06:25.0000] <Hixie> wtf, the building i'm in feels like it's being driven down a road on a truck [14:06:42.0000] <Hixie> (doesn't feel like an earthquake, and it's been going on for far too long to be one) [14:07:30.0000] <SimonSapin> Hixie: earthquakes can last several minutes [14:07:40.0000] <Hixie> this has been going on for like 30 [14:07:48.0000] <zewt> perhaps armageddon [14:07:56.0000] <Hixie> pretty sunny for armageddon [14:08:11.0000] <SimonSapin> (ok, japan on 2011-03-11 is not the average example) [14:08:49.0000] <zewt> armageddon: surprisingly anticlimactic [14:08:49.0000] <Hixie> brb [14:09:01.0000] <zewt> are you rebooting to see if it makes the building stop shaking? [14:09:40.0000] <TabAtkins> Hixie: No earthquake. [14:26:16.0000] <annevk> once had such a thing at Opera, was some kind of cleaning equipment iirc [14:27:32.0000] <annevk> xkcd uses title="" [14:29:03.0000] <zewt> off-hand, is conformance criteria ever applied towards JS API usage, or only HTML authoring? [14:29:34.0000] <annevk> so far I only encourage stuff with JS things [14:29:58.0000] <annevk> and some stuff I don't provide a domintro for intentionally [14:30:16.0000] <annevk> but it's not really structured or planned [14:30:21.0000] <zewt> <annevk> zewt: whenever the load/error event is fired progress is fired too explicitly <- but the "make progress definitions" might have a task queued to fire progress again (the task may have been queued right before the other firing of progress) [14:30:25.0000] <Hixie> TabAtkins: yeah i think it's really just the B40 A/C [14:31:06.0000] <Hixie> zewt: as a general rule, because scripting is impossible to statically test, we rarely bother to define authoring criteria [14:31:11.0000] <zewt> eg. 1: queue task 2: "timeout error" happens and fires progress, then 3: the queued task runs [14:31:44.0000] <annevk> no that cannot happen because timeout is also queued [14:32:13.0000] <annevk> you could get a "duplicate" maybe [14:32:38.0000] <annevk> but I think that was rather unlikely with the current definitions [14:32:53.0000] <zewt> duplicates aren't a big deal [14:33:07.0000] <annevk> I don't really like how this part of XHR is defined, but I haven't really come up with a better way [14:33:44.0000] <annevk> and putting it on github has not inspired people to fix things :) [14:33:52.0000] <annevk> they just tweet about it [14:34:29.0000] <annevk> but I suppose such a thing might take a while and editing is prolly kinda daunting still [14:34:30.0000] <zewt> like it's not clear to me when the "if timeout is not 0..." conditional is actually performed [14:35:16.0000] <zewt> those look like a set of callbacks somehow handed off to Fetch, but i don't think that's the right reading [14:35:50.0000] <annevk> fetch queues tasks [14:36:08.0000] <annevk> those tasks then run past those steps [14:40:14.0000] <zewt> annevk: aren't they in different task sources? [14:40:25.0000] <zewt> fetch is in the networking task source, XHR's queue-a-task is in the XHR's own [14:41:21.0000] <zewt> hmm, might help clarity if fetch had a name for "the algorithm run by the queued tasks", which just says "uses the resource as appropriate" [14:41:51.0000] <Hixie> yeah, one day [14:41:54.0000] <zewt> (had to squint for a bit to make that connection) [14:42:04.0000] <Hixie> we'll probably do that when we redo fetch.spec.whatwg.org [15:09:47.0000] <Hixie> annevk, zewt: did you guys see my e-mail about the 'fetch' algorithm in the thread where you're responding to bz? [15:10:10.0000] <zewt> did but don't recall it, rereading [15:10:28.0000] <Hixie> actually in your case it looks like the miscommunication is about a different issue [15:10:38.0000] <Hixie> bz is talking about links that are in documents that don't have browsing contexts [15:11:01.0000] <Hixie> not about links that are associated with documents that have browsing contexts but that aren't _in_ the document [15:11:04.0000] <zewt> ah yeah i see the difference [15:11:46.0000] <zewt> so i guess in the a.click() case, it *can't* work, since it doesn't know *what* to navigate? [15:17:15.0000] <zewt> (and doesn't have anything to navigate, for that matter) [15:19:12.0000] <Hixie> well it definitely can't work [15:20:05.0000] <Hixie> as to why it doesn't... i think a.click() might actually be a special case i should consider more closely [15:27:32.0000] <Hixie> TabAtkins: don't change [hidden] to ua.css !important! [15:27:45.0000] <Hixie> TabAtkins: i have many times made it have other styles, e.g. opacity:0 with animation [15:27:57.0000] <zewt> why not? i'm tired of having to fix hidden in every page I make, heh [15:28:20.0000] <zewt> really obnoxious that <div hidden class=foo> .foo { display: inline-block; } breaks hidden [15:28:52.0000] <Hixie> if you can find a solution that doesn't prevent me from using hidden="", please be my guest :-) [15:28:59.0000] <zewt> Hixie: i'd call that something other than hidden :) [15:29:04.0000] <Hixie> why? [15:29:10.0000] <zewt> because they're very different [15:29:14.0000] <Hixie> how are they different [15:29:24.0000] <zewt> because opacity: 0 is still there and affecting layout [15:29:32.0000] <Hixie> what's layout got to do with it [15:29:45.0000] <zewt> what doesn't it :) [15:29:56.0000] <Hixie> say i have a login <section> and an app <section>, and only one is relevant at a time [15:30:00.0000] <Hixie> hidden="" is set on the other one [15:30:17.0000] <Hixie> but i want the two to cross-fade when i switch which is hidden="" [15:30:20.0000] <zewt> not familiar with <section> [15:30:35.0000] <Hixie> <div> then [15:31:27.0000] <zewt> then now you have the "hidden" one still on top, pushing the second one down the page, so now you have to change other things to move it back up [15:32:03.0000] <zewt> (btw/fwiw, you'd probably also want pointer-events: none in that case, and IIRC that isn't supported everywhere yet) [15:32:08.0000] <Hixie> nah you just make the non-hidden one have a positive z-index [15:32:18.0000] <Hixie> and various other things like pointer-events [15:32:23.0000] <Hixie> the point is just that it should be styleable [15:35:52.0000] <zewt> my point is that the current hidden is "wrong" very often, and people can use a different attribute (data-invisible, or whatever) if they want something else--neither is ideal, but currently it seems like *everyone* has to jump hoops with hidden (anyone combining @hidden with display, anyway, which I hit constantly) [15:36:36.0000] <zewt> if there was a way to say "more important than UA styles, but less important than UA !important styles" then that'd probably be ideal, but I'm guessing that's harder, heh [15:36:52.0000] <zewt> er, less important than user !important styles [15:37:10.0000] <zewt> (i don't know half enough about the details of style resolution to state that accurately) [15:37:47.0000] <Hixie> you want it to be a higher specificity at the author level [15:37:52.0000] <Hixie> rather than being at the UA level [15:37:57.0000] <Hixie> but yeah [15:38:01.0000] <Hixie> i'm all for a better solution [15:38:29.0000] <Hixie> i guess we should drop http+aes [15:49:49.0000] <Hixie> MikeSmith: i tweaked <time> [15:56:56.0000] <zewt> (FWIW, i tend to think a better solution is to just add another CSS style eg. "rendering: none" that works like display: none, giving us the "hide this element" CSS style that should never have been part of display in the first place) [15:57:59.0000] <zewt> maybe too late for that now :( [16:03:06.0000] <MikeSmith> Hixie: yeah just saw the checkin for that [16:03:13.0000] <MikeSmith> thanks [16:03:26.0000] <MikeSmith> /me updates his <time> validation patch [16:37:14.0000] <zewt> (though I suppose if it's not too late to change [hidden] to display: none !important, then it wouldn't be too late to change it to a different style, either--same effect) [16:58:46.0000] <tantek> Hixie, how did you tweak time? [16:58:49.0000] <tantek> <time> that is 2012-10-06 [17:47:59.0000] <MikeSmith> tantek: he just added a restriction that if you have just a year -- like <time>2011</time> -- it has to be 4 digits and it has to be greater than 1 (0001 or after) [17:48:12.0000] <tantek> why only 4 digits? [17:48:19.0000] <tantek> or is it 4+ digits? [17:48:29.0000] <tantek> /me is a member of longnow.org :) [17:48:31.0000] <MikeSmith> because it's consistent with the requirements for years elsewhere in the spec [17:48:42.0000] <MikeSmith> ah yeah, I meant 4+ digitis [17:48:43.0000] <tantek> "elsewhere in the spec" ?!? [17:48:48.0000] <MikeSmith> yeah [17:49:05.0000] <MikeSmith> there are other places in date-time values where you can have years... [17:49:28.0000] <MikeSmith> http://html5.org/tools/web-apps-tracker?from=7434&to=7435 [17:49:30.0000] <tantek> can we put "the requirements for years" in *one* place (e.g. with <time> or microsyntax) and then reference it instead of having there be "requirements for years elsewhere in the spec" ? [17:49:54.0000] <tantek> in other words, if you know of specific "requirements for years elsewhere in the spec", please provide URLs to those other places so we can fix them to use a reference rather than duplicating requirements. [17:50:08.0000] <tantek> at least it's 4+ digits [17:50:10.0000] <tantek> that's good [17:50:12.0000] <MikeSmith> feel free to do that if you want to take the time man [17:50:17.0000] <tantek> I don't know of any [17:50:22.0000] <tantek> you asserted the existence thereof [17:50:27.0000] <tantek> hence why I asked you [17:50:40.0000] <tantek> I'm happy to file the bugs accordingly [17:50:46.0000] <tantek> if you mention the URLs when you see them [17:50:55.0000] <tantek> otherwise I'll just pretend there are no requirements for years elsewhere in the spec [17:50:58.0000] <MikeSmith> I suggest reading the spec [17:51:00.0000] <MikeSmith> in general [17:51:10.0000] <MikeSmith> and I'm fine with you pretending that [17:51:45.0000] <tantek> I think I forgot a ;) in there somewhere :) [17:51:59.0000] <tantek> I prefer to read the spec "as needed" [17:52:18.0000] <tantek> and thus unimportant parts get ignored, hopefully unimplemented, and eventually hopefully dropped accordingly. [18:28:38.0000] <Hixie> tantek: (the requirements for years are in two, maybe three places, because they're shorter than the name i would use to refer to a generic definition :-P) [18:30:59.0000] <tantek> oh that's a decent excuse. ok fine. :) [19:14:55.0000] <TabAtkins> Hixie: I assume in your responsive thread, you meant to say "Not without good reason"? [19:20:08.0000] <TabAtkins> zewt: That's not necessarily true. If people are currently reading el.style.display, for example, that'll still return "none" in my suggestion. [19:20:41.0000] <TabAtkins> zewt: But, unrelated to hidden, yes, we should absolutely have some property that does the display:none thing without being tied into display. [19:46:46.0000] <zewt> TabAtkins: i mean it'd break pages that have CSS expecting <div hidden class=x> .x { display: block; } to be displayed [20:05:13.0000] <Hixie> TabAtkins: probably :-) [21:12:59.0000] <MikeSmith> fyi "W3C Bugzilla will be down starting at 20:00 UTC on 2012-10-09 for an upgrade" [01:05:01.0000] <Ms2ger> /me looks for annevk [01:05:16.0000] <annevk> /me runs [01:07:15.0000] <Ms2ger> document.implementation.createDocument(null, null, null).documentElement [01:07:30.0000] <Ms2ger> annevk, null or non-null? [01:08:17.0000] <annevk> "null" per spec [01:09:02.0000] <Ms2ger> documentElement is a string? :) [01:09:10.0000] <annevk> well you know what I mean [01:09:38.0000] <annevk> if we make null work we should just make the arguments optional altogether [01:09:47.0000] <annevk> but maybe a better approach is making new Document() work [01:10:15.0000] <Ms2ger> Wouldn't necessarily mind that [01:10:28.0000] <annevk> the constructor? [01:10:34.0000] <Ms2ger> Yeah [01:10:46.0000] <Ms2ger> But right now I'm looking at what browsers do here :) [01:10:51.0000] <annevk> okay [01:10:56.0000] <annevk> WebKit has the optional stuff I guess [01:11:16.0000] <annevk> by virtue of their old bindings [01:11:52.0000] <Ms2ger> AFAICT, nobody creates an element for a null qualifiedName [01:12:36.0000] <MikeSmith> annevk: btw I made a new bugzilla component for URL under the whatwg product [01:12:44.0000] <annevk> cool [01:13:22.0000] <annevk> /me updates spec [01:14:10.0000] <Ms2ger> Gecko throws if you pass a null qualifiedName and a non-null namespace [01:14:19.0000] <Ms2ger> IE appears to throw if you pass a null or empty qualifiedName and a non-null namespace [01:14:31.0000] <Ms2ger> WebKit and Opera don't throw [01:15:20.0000] <Ms2ger> Neither does the spec, so I'd leave that alone [01:16:35.0000] <annevk> hmm [01:16:51.0000] <annevk> the spec already allows for omitting the element by setting qualifiedName to the empty string [01:16:59.0000] <annevk> so we'd just be adding null to that conditional? [01:17:24.0000] <Ms2ger> Yep [01:17:25.0000] <annevk> and appending ? to DOMString [01:17:32.0000] <annevk> k will do that now [01:17:39.0000] <Ms2ger> Or TreatNullAs=EmptyString [01:18:16.0000] <annevk> ah yeah, I hate that syntax, but okay [01:18:28.0000] <annevk> it's nicer to not change the prose [01:20:57.0000] <annevk> Ms2ger: fixed [01:21:00.0000] <Ms2ger> Thanks :) [01:23:14.0000] <Ms2ger> /me fixes his implementation [01:40:12.0000] <MikeSmith> Ms2ger: there's a couple bugs you re-assigned to me that I wasn't sure what I needed to do with, so I moved them to resolved-needsinfo with a comment [01:40:47.0000] <Ms2ger> Oh, are you the default assignee for Unwelcome? [01:41:15.0000] <MikeSmith> aha [01:41:19.0000] <MikeSmith> yeah, that's why [01:41:22.0000] <MikeSmith> OK [01:41:29.0000] <MikeSmith> I'll figure out what to do with those [01:42:20.0000] <annevk> what's Unwelcome? [01:43:33.0000] <Ms2ger> The component where we stick editorless bugs [01:51:37.0000] <annevk> ah okay [01:51:46.0000] <annevk> should maybe link that from specs_todo [01:52:12.0000] <annevk> that's https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/buglist.cgi?product=WHATWG&component=Unwelcome&resolution=--- I guess? [01:53:15.0000] <annevk> man [01:53:16.0000] <annevk> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17659 hahaha [02:32:51.0000] <zcorpan> TabAtkins: spec's source says "Opera supported this quirk (copied from IE), but then dropped it because it broke sites that expected IE's different margin collapsing or Firefox's non-support for the quirk, or some such, and was thus dropped." [02:33:49.0000] <zcorpan> a grep founds some matches, but it seems we're screwed either way, so might as well drop it [02:35:06.0000] <zcorpan> (the grep i ran doesn't differentiate between normal text and css, so some of the matches might not be css at all) [02:35:46.0000] <tantek> annevk - why is that bug marked "Product: WHATWG" ? [02:36:20.0000] <Ms2ger> Because that's where the Unwelcome component lives [02:37:16.0000] <Ms2ger> zcorpan, that's pretty much a constant around here, no? :) [02:37:41.0000] <Ms2ger> (Being screwed either way) [02:37:53.0000] <tantek> whoa, what? "where the Unwelcome component lives" ?!? [02:38:10.0000] <zcorpan> Ms2ger: maybe you are :-P [02:38:31.0000] <zcorpan> /me isn't actually here [02:39:06.0000] <annevk> tantek: WHATWG/Unwelcome is for some leftover bugs that didn't fit elsewhere, not sure why that one is classified as such, but it appears to be filed against it as history doesn't show products/components changing [02:39:44.0000] <annevk> tantek: WHATWG as a product exists because the W3C allows us usage of their infrastructure [02:40:27.0000] <annevk> e.g. that's why http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-whatwg-archive/ exists too [07:26:25.0000] <smaug____> when was ErrorEvent added to the spec [07:40:40.0000] <Ms2ger> When onerror was specced? [07:58:45.0000] <smaug____> Ms2ger: I'd assume onerror was spec'ed way before ErrorEvent [07:59:14.0000] <smaug____> is there some easy way to see the blame for the spec [08:00:00.0000] <smaug____> "Thus, error reports propagate up to the chain of dedicated workers up to the original Document, even if some of the workers along this chain have been terminated and garbage collected." [08:00:02.0000] <smaug____> huh [08:00:22.0000] <smaug____> but I'm not going to care about workers for now [08:01:02.0000] <Ms2ger> http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/blame.r6666 [08:02:28.0000] <Ms2ger> smaug____, http://html5.org/tools/web-apps-tracker?from=2881&to=2882 [08:04:24.0000] <smaug____> ah, is errorevent for workers only [08:05:04.0000] <Ms2ger> Apparently? [08:07:21.0000] <smaug____> but looks like the spec is just wrong here [08:08:40.0000] <smaug____> but not about ErrorEvent but on error handling in general [08:18:53.0000] <Hixie> it's always possible [12:53:52.0000] <GPHemsley> How does one obtain a WHATWG wiki account? [13:02:59.0000] <gsnedders> GPHemsley: Main page says prod annevk (who isn't around) or Hixie [13:09:44.0000] <GPHemsley> gsnedders: Ah, that's simple. Thanks. 2012-10-07 [19:28:04.0000] <zewt> Unfortunately, we are unable to continue due to one of the following: Incorrect use of the browser's Back button [19:28:16.0000] <zewt> the good old "blame the users for exposing your bugs" tactic [19:29:22.0000] <MikeSmith> hah [19:39:17.0000] <divya> where that zewt ? [19:39:34.0000] <divya> also who all from here is going to be at Test the Web Forward Paris? [19:39:42.0000] <divya> the correct answer is ALL OF US [19:40:16.0000] <zewt> aa.com [19:40:25.0000] <zewt> and i'll go if it's in austin! [19:40:32.0000] <divya> zewt: :((( [19:40:41.0000] <divya> zewt: planning to make it more like barcampy [19:40:46.0000] <divya> so maybe one soon in austin! [00:42:24.0000] <th3l0rd> hi [11:53:16.0000] <Famic> ll/server -m anonnet.org 2012-10-08 [02:46:21.0000] <odinho> Grrr. Mercurial. Hate, hate. [02:46:30.0000] <odinho> Y U NO rebase? :| [02:47:10.0000] <hsivonen_> odinho: it has rebase, but last I heard, the advice was not to use it because of a catastrophic bug [02:47:44.0000] <hsivonen> I’m rather unhappy about the impact of ambiguous ampersand checking [02:51:30.0000] <zcorpan> hsivonen: impact being that less cases are flagged by the validator? [02:55:00.0000] <odinho> Finally able to push. Phew. hg always manages to make me grumpy. Have to do something fun now. Lunch I guess :P [02:55:18.0000] <hsivonen> zcorpan: the impact being having to touch the most brittle part of the tokenizer code [02:55:29.0000] <zcorpan> hsivonen: ah [03:23:47.0000] <zcorpan> TabAtkins: re https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=39140 doesn't webkit already use a different parser for html colors? [05:37:14.0000] <darobin> so for a redirect on a DELETE, Firefox prompts (and does it if you accept the prompt), Safari and Opera automatically fail (they send a GET to the redirect URL), Chrome automatically redirects as a DELETE [05:37:34.0000] <darobin> /me wonders if anyone is concerned with HTTP interop [05:49:23.0000] <karlcow> /me is not concerned but interested by HTTP interop ;) [06:08:48.0000] <zcorpan> darobin: have a TC? [06:09:17.0000] <zcorpan> darobin: is this xhr? [06:09:36.0000] <darobin> zcorpan: yup, gisting TC, gimme a sec [06:11:27.0000] <darobin> zcorpan: https://gist.github.com/3852447 [06:15:40.0000] <darobin> zcorpan: note that when I say "fail" above, I mean "fail against what I'd like them to do" — it may well be that some exegesis of the HTTP spec could construe that as the correct behaviour [06:16:18.0000] <zcorpan> xhr spec has a note saying "Note: HTTP places requirements on the user agent regarding the preservation of the request method and request entity body during redirects, and also requires end users to be notified of certain kinds of automatic redirections." [06:17:46.0000] <zcorpan> http says "The action required MAY be carried out by the user agent without interaction with the user if and only if the method used in the second request is GET or HEAD." [06:18:42.0000] <zcorpan> (for 3xx) [06:18:47.0000] <zcorpan> for 302, "If the 302 status code is received in response to a request other than GET or HEAD, the user agent MUST NOT automatically redirect the request unless it can be confirmed by the user, since this might change the conditions under which the request was issued." [06:20:39.0000] <karlcow> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-p2-semantics-21#section-7.4 [06:20:48.0000] <zcorpan> same with 307 [06:24:36.0000] <zcorpan> well, after reading the spec, i have no idea what's supposed to happen [06:24:48.0000] <darobin> zcorpan: that's pretty much where I ended up after trying to read it :) [06:25:33.0000] <darobin> a strict reading might give Firefox as the one right way, but frankly prompting people to accept a redirect for an XHR request is UI madness [06:27:50.0000] <zcorpan> http://trac.tools.ietf.org/wg/httpbis/trac/report/9 seems to be the open non-editorial issues [06:29:25.0000] <zcorpan> i guess filing an issue "actually define what is supposed to happen" is not likely to do the trick [06:30:11.0000] <zcorpan> darobin: browsers could refuse the redirect without prompting [06:30:45.0000] <darobin> zcorpan: that's what Opera and Safari do, but it's not really all that useful either [06:31:10.0000] <zcorpan> darobin: i thought you said they change to GET [06:31:23.0000] <zcorpan> that's not the same as not redirecting [06:31:30.0000] <darobin> oh, yes, you actually not do anything — yes, indeed [06:32:00.0000] <darobin> in Firefox if you cancel the prompt that's what it does, you get the redirect response directly in XHR [06:32:01.0000] <zcorpan> but i don't know what kind of web compat impact that would have [06:32:09.0000] <karlcow> If the [06:32:09.0000] <karlcow> required action involves a subsequent HTTP request, it MAY be carried [06:32:09.0000] <karlcow> out by the user agent without interaction with the user if and only [06:32:09.0000] <karlcow> if the method used in the second request is known to be "safe", as [06:32:09.0000] <karlcow> defined in Section 5.2.1. [06:32:26.0000] <karlcow> The GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, and TRACE request methods are defined to be safe. [06:32:33.0000] <karlcow> DELETE is not safe [06:32:36.0000] <darobin> zcorpan: presumably none given that no two browsers do the same thing [06:33:37.0000] <zcorpan> darobin: all browsers allow following the redirect in some way (opera/safari get the method wrong, firefox prompts first) [06:34:30.0000] <zcorpan> (dunno about ie) [06:34:32.0000] <darobin> zcorpan: right, but I doubt anyone relies on this — though I wouldn't be shocked otherwise [06:34:43.0000] <darobin> have been too lazy to test IE, might fire up the VM later [06:34:51.0000] <karlcow> so basically for XHR it would mean a piece of UI for asking the user which I guess would make some designers go ballistic about the ugly modal window, but that's another story [06:35:11.0000] <darobin> karlcow: FF prompts on XHR — it's damned stupid [06:35:22.0000] <karlcow> darobin: for all methods [06:35:27.0000] <karlcow> or only unsafe methods [06:35:39.0000] <darobin> only for unsafe [06:35:47.0000] <karlcow> so I'm glad it does [06:35:52.0000] <darobin> well, I only tested DELETE here but I know it doesn't prompt on GET redirect [06:36:08.0000] <karlcow> There could be nasty side effects. [06:36:25.0000] <darobin> karlcow: except that that requirement is built on the assumption that the UA's user knows they're issuing a DELETE over HTTP — that's not the case here.... [06:36:40.0000] <karlcow> hmm? [06:36:48.0000] <darobin> I mean you click a little cross in a UI and you get a modal saying "This site is redirecting you, do you really want that?" [06:37:02.0000] <darobin> that's a guaranteed user "WTF???" [06:37:04.0000] <karlcow> So you mean the prompt is dumb. [06:37:13.0000] <karlcow> Not the fact that there is a prompt [06:37:26.0000] <darobin> there is no generic prompt that could make sense here [06:37:26.0000] <zcorpan> darobin: or worse, it happens at some random time and the user has no idea what's going on [06:37:27.0000] <karlcow> "the prompt message" I meant [06:37:37.0000] <karlcow> UX issue [06:37:50.0000] <darobin> zcorpan: well yeah, it could happen several ms later, after the UI has removed what's being deleted... [06:38:23.0000] <zcorpan> darobin: i mean the author could issue an XHR at any time without it being bound to something the user does [06:38:42.0000] <darobin> for XHR, given we're not in an interactive environment, I would expect either the script to have an option to say it knows what it's doing, or to just assume that by default [06:38:57.0000] <darobin> zcorpan: indeed, though that's unlikely for DELETE [06:38:59.0000] <darobin> but yes [06:39:16.0000] <zcorpan> this is the web we're talking about, nothing is unlikely :-P [06:39:42.0000] <darobin> heh, sure :) [06:39:48.0000] <karlcow> I guess there are two ways to deal with that. Forbid in browsers any unsafe redirections altogether. Always. [06:39:48.0000] <karlcow> Or have prose explaining that Browsers should be really explicit about the damages it might create. [06:40:41.0000] <karlcow> darobin: XHR, trusting the script is not a good idea. [06:40:50.0000] <darobin> karlcow: I would agree with you for stuff like <a href=foo.html method=DELETE> but in XHR I don't think interactive rules should apply [06:40:55.0000] <karlcow> think about POST which is unsafe too [06:41:51.0000] <zcorpan> this discussions seems moot unless someone's gonna write a spec :-) [06:42:20.0000] <karlcow> darobin: hmm… I think I still apply. I do not want to have a script kiddie doing something for me which is not safe. [06:42:28.0000] <darobin> I'll mull over making this defined for XHR — fixing HTTP is probably hopeless [06:43:14.0000] <darobin> karlcow: I'm not sure I can think of a useful attack scenario that 1) isn't blocked by SOP or 2) isn't already an attack anyway [06:43:42.0000] <karlcow> /me is looking for SOP acronym [06:43:56.0000] <darobin> same-origin policy [06:44:09.0000] <darobin> in any case I stumbled over this issue while coding for a project; writing a spec is unlikely to fix the issue within the project's time frame ;) [06:44:20.0000] <karlcow> heh [06:54:27.0000] <karlcow> /me wonders if IE and Chrome still support this https://htaccess.wordpress.com/2009/09/22/x-content-type-options-nosniff-header/ [06:54:40.0000] <karlcow> X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff [07:06:42.0000] <darobin> karlcow: wish I could send that header to my own nose [07:07:52.0000] <karlcow> :) [09:20:38.0000] <TabAtkins> zcorpan: Now it does, yes, because I fixed it. ^_^ We're now just waiting for someone to write the Color 4 module and actually specify 4/8 digit hex colors. [10:28:53.0000] <rniwa> a silly question. is a boolean attribute still considered true even if the value doesn't match its name? [10:28:57.0000] <rniwa> e.g. checked=true [10:29:52.0000] <TabAtkins> Yes. Booleans are true if they exist, regardless of value, and false if they dont'. [10:30:06.0000] <TabAtkins> Ie they use hasAttribute for true/falseness. [10:30:08.0000] <rniwa> TabAtkins: apparently the U.S. government doesn't know how to use them correctly [10:30:09.0000] <rniwa> :( [10:30:15.0000] <TabAtkins> Lots of people don't. [10:30:26.0000] <rniwa> TabAtkins: go to https://egov.uscis.gov/crisgwi/go?action=coa.Terms [10:30:33.0000] <rniwa> TabAtkins: Accept terms [10:30:51.0000] <rniwa> and click on "Yes, this change of address is not for a US Citizen" [10:30:58.0000] <rniwa> Ugh… "No,..." [10:31:13.0000] <rniwa> then all text fields that are NOT required, has required=true :( [10:31:28.0000] <rniwa> and Chrome thinks they're required and won't let me submit the form [10:31:39.0000] <miketaylr> i've tried to contact them for about 2 years to fix that [10:31:59.0000] <rniwa> miketaylr: maybe we need to fix the browser UI to ignore required fields in some cases? [10:32:11.0000] <miketaylr> rniwa: http://my.opera.com/miketaylr/blog/u-s-citizenship-and-immigration-services-change-of-address-bless-their-hearts [10:32:23.0000] <TabAtkins> rniwa: That's what your inspector is for. [10:32:29.0000] <rniwa> I mean… as ridiculous as it sounds, having to modify the page on Inspector just to omit my middle name, etc… was insanely annoying to say the least. [10:32:39.0000] <rniwa> TabAtkins: that's not an acceptable option for a lot of people. [10:32:56.0000] <TabAtkins> But required=true is just nonsense. If it was required=false and they were expecting it to not be required, that's a different story. [10:32:57.0000] <rniwa> TabAtkins: you can't expect an average user to be able to use this form. [10:33:07.0000] <rniwa> TabAtkins: they have "required=no" [10:33:09.0000] <TabAtkins> rniwa: No, I can't. They have a broken page. [10:33:17.0000] <TabAtkins> rniwa: Oh, you said required=true. [10:33:34.0000] <rniwa> TabAtkins: i mean… required=true is also bad. [10:33:35.0000] <rniwa> TabAtkins: required=true and required=no are the same thing [10:33:37.0000] <TabAtkins> Oh goddammit I just crashed chrome. [10:33:53.0000] <rniwa> TabAtkins: as far as HTML is concerned [10:34:06.0000] <rniwa> I guess I'm gonna just file a chromium bug about this :/ [10:34:10.0000] <TabAtkins> Yes, I know. That's what I said earlier. ^_^ [10:34:26.0000] <miketaylr> they *really* dont' want to fix that page [10:34:36.0000] <TabAtkins> Dude, I will shut down that bug. We should *not* go down the rabbit's path of trying to guess what retarded attribute values people try to put in. [10:34:37.0000] <miketaylr> "We cannot support Google Chrome for completing your Change of Address at this time. Change of Address is optimized to use Internet Explorer 6 and 7." [10:35:17.0000] <TabAtkins> That leads to supporting "false", "n", "no", "off", and more. [10:35:19.0000] <rniwa> :( [10:35:35.0000] <rniwa> TabAtkins: that's a terrible user experience. [10:35:46.0000] <TabAtkins> rniwa: I... agree? That's their fault. [10:35:51.0000] <rniwa> TabAtkins: so you're telling me that the correct way to deal with this is to abandon Chrome [10:35:54.0000] <rniwa> TabAtkins: and use IE? [10:36:09.0000] <rniwa> TabAtkins: I mean that's the only option for many users here. [10:36:32.0000] <TabAtkins> That's the right thing *for this page*, because they're complete fucking morons and don't know how to internet. [10:36:49.0000] <rniwa> TabAtkins: that's not an acceptable decision as far as I'm concerned. [10:37:18.0000] <rniwa> TabAtkins: all non-US citizens living in the U.S. needs to use this change. [10:37:42.0000] <rniwa> TabAtkins: that's in the order of millions [10:37:46.0000] <TabAtkins> rniwa: I don't think breaking our browser against the spec is the right answer to every single retardely-authored webpage. [10:38:00.0000] <rniwa> TabAtkins: what if this was youtube or yahoo.com? [10:38:02.0000] <TabAtkins> It's not even broken. It just means you ahve to fill in every field. [10:38:06.0000] <rniwa> TabAtkins: would you still say the same? [10:38:07.0000] <TabAtkins> It's not. [10:38:21.0000] <rniwa> anyway, i'm gonna stop talking about this with you [10:38:23.0000] <rniwa> it's not productive [10:38:24.0000] <TabAtkins> And if it were, it wouldn't be "optimized to use INternet Explorer 6 and 7" [10:38:41.0000] <TabAtkins> Hokay. [14:27:31.0000] <annevk> is licensing gonna be clarified for webplatform.org? [14:27:42.0000] <annevk> or am I not looking in the right place? [14:27:46.0000] <annevk> paul_irish: ^^ [14:29:34.0000] <hober> annevk: in "Half-day tasks" on http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/WPD:Getting_Started it says "Content original to the site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY 3.0) for maximum reusability." [14:29:56.0000] <hober> (It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying 'Beware of the Leopard'.) [14:30:08.0000] <annevk> heh [14:30:25.0000] <annevk> maximum would be public domain imo, but I guess that license works [14:31:17.0000] <hober> also, wat: http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/html/elements/custom [14:32:25.0000] <annevk> well it originates from Microsoft [14:32:46.0000] <Hixie> when they say "original to the site" i presume they're excluding all of msdn which is all i came across [14:32:53.0000] <Hixie> (pretty bogus content, too) [14:33:24.0000] <annevk> hmm yeah, e.g. http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/css/color/CSSOM_view [14:33:36.0000] <annevk> clearly alpha [14:33:39.0000] <paul_irish> yup [14:33:55.0000] <paul_irish> we did an automated import of MSDN docs and a lot of items are not exactly standard.. [14:34:07.0000] <paul_irish> so we need to flag those as proprietary [14:34:17.0000] <annevk> what's gonna happen to MDN? [14:34:32.0000] <paul_irish> https://hacks.mozilla.org/2012/10/welcoming-the-new-kid-web-platform-docs/ answers that best [14:35:07.0000] <paul_irish> there's a little bit of "wait and see" approach from some folks, others in moz want all future docs at WPD [14:35:14.0000] <paul_irish> so its a little complicated [14:35:41.0000] <paul_irish> but not bad in any way [14:35:50.0000] <annevk> ah shit, Mozilla did licensing wrong [14:36:01.0000] <Hixie> the agreement when you get an account is kinda weird, too. refers to "Contributions" with a capital C but doesn't define what those are. [14:36:20.0000] <annevk> thanks paul_irish! [14:37:36.0000] <paul_irish> yeah drop me a link on anything that looks totally whack or shouldnt belong and i'll file a ticket for people to look at it. [14:38:33.0000] <Hixie> http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/html/elements/html_comment_data-type is basically entirely wrong at every level. :-) [14:50:55.0000] <zewt> can progressive jpegs please be removed from all jpeg compressors already [14:51:08.0000] <zewt> we're not on 300 baud modems and people keep using it by accident and they make my eyes bleed [14:51:30.0000] <Hixie> ew no [14:51:35.0000] <Hixie> more progressive please [14:51:44.0000] <zewt> "progressive jpeg" doesn't mean "progressive decompression" [14:51:52.0000] <Hixie> i wish every pic would start off as one pixel of colour and then 4 and then 16 and then 64 etc [14:51:55.0000] <Hixie> oh [14:51:57.0000] <Hixie> then nevermind [14:52:07.0000] <zewt> it's analogous to "interlaced" pngs [14:52:16.0000] <zewt> where you get a big hideous blurry blob first [14:52:31.0000] <Hixie> isn't that what i just said i wanted? [14:53:09.0000] <zewt> dunno, progressive decompression is just "don't wait for the whole image to decompress before showing it", which doesn't require that sort of ugliness [14:53:25.0000] <TabAtkins> Hixie: I'd be interested to see if delta-compressing *that* much would be worthwhile. [14:53:27.0000] <Hixie> i don't want the images to decompress like window shades [14:53:38.0000] <Hixie> TabAtkins: oh i'm sure it'd be negative compression ratio :-) [14:53:45.0000] <zewt> blurry images hurt my eyes [14:53:48.0000] <Hixie> TabAtkins: at least to do it actually as silly as i describe [14:53:58.0000] <Hixie> zewt: just seeing eyes is even worse [14:54:08.0000] <zewt> if it starts at a non-blurry resolution and goes up from there, maybe okay (eg. upgrading from regular resolution to retina, so to speak) [14:54:20.0000] <Hixie> "regular" is blurry [14:54:29.0000] <zewt> but progressive jpegs start as a big artifacty gross mess [14:54:33.0000] <zewt> (usually) [15:01:44.0000] <jgraham> paul_irish: Repeating what I already said to karlcow and miketaylr, I think at this point the actual content is so confusing that you should add a big "under construction" gif and (more seriously) add links to the "how we want the site structure to end up" pages to the front page [15:02:28.0000] <jgraham> It's not really possible to figure out how to help yet because all there is is a big mess of stuff an no obvious coherent structure that it is supposed to be tidied into [15:20:26.0000] <paul_irish> jgraham: haha so i totally lost the argument that we should put http://codepen.io/joshnh/pen/ohbHl on the site 5 days ago :) [15:20:56.0000] <paul_irish> jgraham: agreed about the IA. thanks for the feedback [15:21:06.0000] <paul_irish> ill start some convos on that [15:26:32.0000] <say2joe> @paul_irish … love the animated gif [15:27:17.0000] <say2joe> (rather the animated gif turned css) [15:35:30.0000] <TabAtkins> paul_irish: Out of curiosity, what was the point of doing the under-construction thing with CSS rather than a GIF? [15:35:55.0000] <paul_irish> "because", i think.. [15:36:11.0000] <paul_irish> turns out its smaller.. but only after gzip. [15:36:13.0000] <TabAtkins> Sounds legit. [15:36:34.0000] <TabAtkins> Likely slower to render, since we don't fast-path solid shadows yet. [15:36:39.0000] <TabAtkins> At least, in Chrome. [15:46:10.0000] <Hixie> http://codepen.io/joshnh/pen/ohbHl is seriously messed up [15:47:00.0000] <say2joe> @Hixie: too much coffee? [15:48:21.0000] <annevk> Hixie: using box-shadow or radial gradients via background to draw images is a thing now [15:49:09.0000] <annevk> Hixie: hopefully at some point the drawing primitives from SVG just move over so it gets less clunky [15:49:19.0000] <annevk> and then we can drop SVG :p [15:49:38.0000] <annevk> -> sleep [15:50:30.0000] <Hixie> i hope it'll go the way of using html tables for bitmaps... [16:20:43.0000] <Hixie> anyone know how many files are in web200904 ? [16:24:11.0000] <Hixie> about 600,000 apparently [16:25:19.0000] <TabAtkins> I think just count the number of nulls and divide by 3. [16:25:41.0000] <Hixie> i wonder what they've been up to since 2009 [16:28:26.0000] <TabAtkins> Crawling more internet, presumably. [16:28:42.0000] <Hixie> you'd think they'd have posted an update in the meantime 2012-10-09 [17:12:45.0000] <grom358> Test case: http://pastebin.com/pRUqGS9G .. The spec parses the hello string as the end of the script tag. [17:14:02.0000] <grom358> that does not seem like the wrong behavior to me [17:16:09.0000] <grom358> because if the javascript is in external file then you don't get that behavior [22:02:11.0000] <zewt> what the holy hell [22:03:04.0000] <zewt> firefox went from a regular annoying fullscreen "hit button to exit" notification, to an obnoxious intrusive fullscreen dimming (absurd), and apparently that wasn't stupid enough, since now it opens a dialog on top of the fullscreened page that you have to click away [22:03:29.0000] <zewt> /me switches youtube back to flash; screw it [22:04:19.0000] <zewt> people oversealously contriving make-believe security issues that don't actually exist have taken over all UX design in firefox; 9/11fox [22:05:08.0000] <zewt> end disgusted rant [23:55:30.0000] <zcorpan> Hixie: +00:10.000 --> 00:04.000 looks wrong [23:55:41.0000] <zcorpan> http://html5.org/r/7442 [23:56:33.0000] <zcorpan> Hixie: the example rendering also looks wrong since it doesn't minimize delta [23:59:29.0000] <zcorpan> http://dev.w3.org/html5/webvtt/ doesn't follow the style rules for CLA -- the w3c logo isn't in the top left corner [00:03:44.0000] <zcorpan> s/style rules for CLA/CG report requirements/ [00:23:27.0000] <ashemedai> /me chuckles [00:23:35.0000] <ashemedai> The irony of webplatform.org not passing validation [00:27:30.0000] <AryehGregor> Where's the correct XHR spec these days? [00:27:44.0000] <AryehGregor> This? http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/xhr/raw-file/tip/Overview.html [00:27:55.0000] <AryehGregor> Looks right, last updated yesterday and edited by annevk. [00:38:21.0000] <zcorpan> AryehGregor: it says *previous* editor is annevk [00:38:34.0000] <zcorpan> AryehGregor: if you want the spec annevk edits, it's http://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/ [00:39:41.0000] <AryehGregor> Ah, okay. [00:39:44.0000] <AryehGregor> Thanks. [01:17:20.0000] <annevk> yeah dunno how that is going to work out... [01:55:37.0000] <feross> hey, anyone here? [01:55:53.0000] <feross> so, I just wrote this blog post about how to attack the javascript fullscreen api: http://feross.org/html5-fullscreen-api-attack/ [01:56:03.0000] <feross> and i realized that this isn't the most effective way to get the api fixed [01:56:29.0000] <feross> it's actually not really an api issue as much as a UX/UI design issue [01:56:57.0000] <feross> i'm curious what you recommend i do [01:57:16.0000] <feross> file a bug on the spec? file a bunch of browser bugs? [02:06:19.0000] <AryehGregor> feross, you could post to the spec mailing list. IIRC, the API doesn't allow the page to accept more than highly limited user input in fullscreen mode, so attackers can't actually get them to type anything in without abruptly exiting full-screen mode. Also, Flash has such a feature already and it's not widely used for phishing. [02:07:57.0000] <feross> AryehGregor: thanks for the reply. i was able to use keyboard input while in fullscreen mode in both firefox and chrome, so despite what the spec says i think that browsers are allowing this to happen. safari blocks keyboard input. [02:07:58.0000] <AryehGregor> The spec doesn't seem to give useful guidance. Definitely a spec bug. http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/fullscreen/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#security-and-privacy-considerations [02:08:21.0000] <AryehGregor> I haven't been following discussions. [02:08:32.0000] <AryehGregor> I'd post to the appropriate spec mailing list. [02:09:58.0000] <feross> okay, will do that. thanks for the help. [02:10:46.0000] <jgraham> SO I recall there being discussion about this before [02:10:55.0000] <AryehGregor> Needless to say, phishing has been discussed very extensively with this feature, so I'm guessing the people involved will have answers, but I'm not one of them, so I don't. :) [02:11:03.0000] <jgraham> The use case for keyboard input is, of course, fullscreen games [02:11:09.0000] <AryehGregor> Yes, lots and lots of discussion. IIRC, security issues delayed the feature for a lot of time. [02:11:30.0000] <AryehGregor> jgraham, the idea I saw floated was that most games could make use with a very limited set of keys, like arrow keys and so on, that would be useless to phishers. [02:11:39.0000] <AryehGregor> Arrows, Enter, space, whatever. [02:11:48.0000] <jgraham> Well that clearly isn't true [02:11:53.0000] <AryehGregor> Ones that wanted more would have to get some type of elevated permission. [02:12:02.0000] <AryehGregor> It's true for a lot of games, like simple platformers. [02:12:25.0000] <AryehGregor> You could allow arrows, Enter, space, and modifier keys with no real problems. [02:12:29.0000] <jgraham> I thought the consensus was that having a clickthrough dialog was enough that keyboard input could be allowed [02:12:56.0000] <jgraham> Sure, but people are trying to do more advanced games on the web [02:12:59.0000] <AryehGregor> I don't remember, I only followed part of the discussions. [02:13:16.0000] <jgraham> What keys does bananabread sdepend on? [02:13:18.0000] <AryehGregor> It seems like the current spec doesn't distinguish between allowing keyboard input and not. [02:13:24.0000] <AryehGregor> Some earlier versions did. [02:13:45.0000] <zcorpan> AryehGregor: games need more than the arrows. e.g. i need about half the keyboard for quake [02:13:59.0000] <AryehGregor> Sure, but a lot of games aren't Quake. [02:14:10.0000] <zcorpan> so? [02:14:11.0000] <AryehGregor> More complicated games certainly need the whole keyboard. [02:14:26.0000] <jgraham> Bananabread already uses way more keys [02:14:27.0000] <AryehGregor> So the games that don't need much of the keyboard could get away with less annoying security stuff. [02:14:38.0000] <AryehGregor> The ones that do can opt in to more annoying security stuff. [02:14:46.0000] <AryehGregor> That's what an earlier API version did. [02:14:49.0000] <AryehGregor> Seems the current one doesn't. [02:16:15.0000] <zcorpan> yeah ok. i recall that being proposed [02:16:41.0000] <jgraham> I'm not sure "make the experience simpler for a subset of use cases" is a winning proposition compared to "make the experience consistent across all use cases" [02:16:54.0000] <AryehGregor> It seems the conclusion was to agree with you. [02:17:05.0000] <AryehGregor> Doesn't that kind of stink for, e.g., full-screen video? [02:17:19.0000] <AryehGregor> Or is the idea that that gets special-cased somehow, using nonstandard magic? [02:17:33.0000] <zcorpan> if the user trusts youtube.com, he can always allow youtube.com [02:17:47.0000] <jgraham> (do video players typically use more than just arrow keys for keyboard a11y?) [02:18:03.0000] <jgraham> Plus tab, plus modifiers [02:18:44.0000] <AryehGregor> Dunno. [02:20:54.0000] <jgraham> Seems like youtube also supports 0-9 to move to various points in the video + home + end [02:21:00.0000] <jgraham> (and space) [02:33:51.0000] <annevk> AryehGregor: I kinda think keyboard input should work, if it's made clear to the user that he entered fullscreen and that he can exit it, it should all be okay... [02:34:29.0000] <AryehGregor> It's pretty easy to get a substantial fraction of users to not notice that they entered fullscreen. [02:34:44.0000] <AryehGregor> Even if 90% will spot it, that doesn't matter -- phishing is cheap, and you still get the 10%. [02:35:34.0000] <AryehGregor> More generally, Flash already has fullscreen and it doesn't seem to have caused catastrophic security failures. If we match its features, we don't have to worry much. If we're more liberal, like allowing unrestricted keyboard input when Flash doesn't (does it?), that's a lot riskier because it's uncharted territory. [02:44:52.0000] <annevk> crippling functionality of the web platform lets proprietary platforms take over; it's not exactly a zero-sum game [02:46:14.0000] <ShaneHudson> Is the WHATWG involved in this new wiki the W3C have created? Looks nice a nice site to destroy w3schools! [02:46:18.0000] <AryehGregor> No, but I don't think "it's made clear to the user" is good enough by itself. A substantial number of users aren't going to even know what "fullscreen" means. The web is used by lots of people who aren't so clever with computers, or just aren't paying attention in the slightest. [02:46:30.0000] <AryehGregor> Anyway, I'll leave that up to the implementers. They have security teams for a reason. [02:53:26.0000] <jgraham> I like the fact that the TPAC site says "Remember: do not microblog W3C Member confidential matters". Presumably those looking to leak sekrits should write full blog entries. [03:02:27.0000] <darobin> jgraham: it's just based on experience. People don't blog confidential stuff, but they mistakenly livetweet stuff [03:02:52.0000] <darobin> not that there's all that much confidential stuff going on in the first place — finding something to leak is actually hard work :) [03:04:24.0000] <jgraham> s/microblog/publish/ sould make the whole thing less silly [03:05:13.0000] <jgraham> *would [03:07:04.0000] <darobin> in fairness, I think that not caring about such trivial details would be less silly [03:09:16.0000] <jgraham> Me? Well maybe, but I doubt I am the only one that would find it faintly ridiculous that there is a swpecific admonishment for "microblogging" but not for any other form of communication [03:10:04.0000] <jgraham> Is HTMLImageElement.complete too difficult an example to use for explaining testharness.js? Pros: has obvious list of cases, has sync and async cases. Cons: Slightly obscure, depends on networking, one case is pretty hard to test, only really uses assert_true [03:12:07.0000] <jgraham> low [03:12:28.0000] <jgraham> Ohh, focus doesn't follow brain [03:36:45.0000] <zcorpan> jgraham: .complete is pretty unique in that it can change value while script is running [03:37:23.0000] <zcorpan> (is that needed for web compat? or did we just blindly copy ie?) [03:37:29.0000] <jgraham> Yeah, that's kind of icky [03:37:36.0000] <jgraham> One reason I don't like [03:37:37.0000] <jgraham> it [03:39:59.0000] <jgraham> But I am not doing well thinking of a better alternative that naturally has sync and async parts [03:40:16.0000] <jgraham> Everything to do with <iframe>s is whacked beyond belief [03:40:53.0000] <jgraham> Maybe localStorage? [03:42:51.0000] <zcorpan> seems chrome doesn't update it while script is running. http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/1828 [03:42:59.0000] <zcorpan> /me files spec bug [03:44:15.0000] <zcorpan> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=19388 [03:44:30.0000] <jgraham> It also didn't update it in the timeout for me… [03:44:42.0000] <zcorpan> does for me [03:45:01.0000] <zcorpan> might be racy? [03:45:38.0000] <jgraham> yeah, seems to be OK if you increase the timeout to 10ms [03:46:23.0000] <zcorpan> maybe it doesn't decode the image until it paints it, i.e. until the second alert is discarded, and then there's a race between the timeout and image decode [03:46:30.0000] <zcorpan> or something, i'm just guessing here [03:46:37.0000] <jgraham> Better to write that test using sync XHR than alert, I think [03:46:45.0000] <jgraham> Or maybe even just a loop [03:48:15.0000] <jgraham> http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/1829 [03:48:55.0000] <jgraham> Huh? [03:49:02.0000] <jgraham> Gecko is giving false everywhere [03:49:47.0000] <jgraham> Turns out that this is a really interesting case :) [03:50:00.0000] <zcorpan> yeah, was just going to say. but it doesn't do that with my version [03:50:40.0000] <jgraham> Right, but alert is special sauce in gecko [03:50:53.0000] <zcorpan> yes [03:51:09.0000] <jgraham> Makes everything taste weird [03:51:46.0000] <zcorpan> it seems interesting to test how things interact with alert [03:52:17.0000] <zcorpan> and sync xhr.. [03:53:30.0000] <jgraham> sync XHR gives the same result as alert [03:54:03.0000] <jgraham> In gecko [03:54:03.0000] <zcorpan> jgraham: why do you need a feature with both sync and async? why not use separate features? [03:55:46.0000] <jgraham> zcorpan: Just seems easier to give the presentation an overall arc [03:55:59.0000] <zcorpan> ok [03:56:08.0000] <zcorpan> use <script>! [03:56:40.0000] <jgraham> "Here's a simple case, here's a more complex case (this is the point at which people stop listening) this is a convenience function, these are some general principles to keep in mind" [03:56:58.0000] <jgraham> Haha [03:58:46.0000] <jgraham> Homework: write a testsuite for <script> scheduling. Bonus credit for <script> + XSLT [03:59:38.0000] <AryehGregor> darobin, I'm getting an error when trying to run pegjs in webidl.js: Error: require.paths is removed. Use node_modules folders, or the NODE_PATH environment variable instead. [03:59:42.0000] <AryehGregor> Any idea what's up with that? [04:00:21.0000] <darobin> AryehGregor: I haven't touched that code in a while, so sadly no [04:00:25.0000] <AryehGregor> Oh, wait. [04:00:27.0000] <AryehGregor> I think I see. [04:00:32.0000] <AryehGregor> It was looking at an outdated local version. [04:00:38.0000] <darobin> but I know what the error is: something is using require.paths and it really shouldn't [04:00:40.0000] <darobin> ah, good [04:00:42.0000] <zcorpan> jgraham: :-) [04:01:13.0000] <darobin> AryehGregor: I'll be updating webidl.js as soon as the HTML WG gets into full testing crunch, i.e. hopefully pretty soon [04:01:37.0000] <AryehGregor> darobin, good to hear. [04:01:57.0000] <darobin> /me has to jump out, bbiab sorry [04:02:52.0000] <jgraham> /me hopes darobin's parachute opens [04:03:14.0000] <AryehGregor> darobin, I just submitted a one-line pull request for you. [04:03:39.0000] <AryehGregor> /me is reminded how vastly better git is than hg [04:04:20.0000] <zcorpan> jgraham: i'm having a hard time finding an api that isn't totally quirky and complex and has both sync and async parts [04:04:42.0000] <jgraham> Not just me then [04:06:24.0000] <jgraham> But what about localStorage? Or maybe I shoudl go for the simple parts of img.complete and then suggest that there is potential to do the more complex part and turn it into a full testsuite during the hack parts of ttwf [04:09:30.0000] <zcorpan> localStorage seems ok [04:10:04.0000] <zcorpan> can involve subframes if you want to show how that's done [04:24:39.0000] <paul_irish> hsivonen: there were policy decisions made at moz that disallowed importing MDN. [04:25:28.0000] <zcorpan> zewt: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/xhr/raw-file/tip/Overview.html is also out of date, as it happens :-P [04:25:57.0000] <darobin> AryehGregor: PR merged, thanks! [04:26:02.0000] <AryehGregor> darobin, thanks! [04:26:10.0000] <darobin> no, thanks to you :) [04:26:27.0000] <darobin> hg? I thought only Ms2ger and W3C still used that [04:29:39.0000] <AryehGregor> Sadly, I deal with the W3C a lot. :( [04:29:47.0000] <AryehGregor> Also, Mozilla does, and I haven't switched to the git mirrors yet. [04:32:22.0000] <annevk> yeah I don't really get the reverse xhr forking [04:32:58.0000] <annevk> not really sure what their plan is either [04:35:00.0000] <annevk> hmm [04:40:03.0000] <darobin> AryehGregor: any group that makes you use hg, don't hesitate to ask that it moves to GH [04:40:04.0000] <AryehGregor> darobin, do you think it would make sense to make things like .members or .inheritance be empty arrays instead of null if they're not present? [04:40:09.0000] <AryehGregor> GH? [04:40:13.0000] <darobin> GitHub [04:41:00.0000] <darobin> AryehGregor: yeah, I think that would make sense, there's not useful distinction between null and empty here and it would help code against the API [04:41:09.0000] <AryehGregor> Sounds great. [04:41:21.0000] <AryehGregor> /me will probably write a patch soon, but is in the middle of something else [04:41:29.0000] <AryehGregor> (namely, documenting idlharness.js) [04:41:31.0000] <darobin> or, you know, if you're the primary committer to something that a WG is doing, you can just move to GH and tell them later... [04:41:40.0000] <darobin> whee, more docs! [04:44:27.0000] <odinho> 13:42 < AryehGregor> (namely, documenting idlharness.js) <3 [04:49:10.0000] <hsivonen> paul_irish: the policy decision of having used ShareAlike or something else? [04:50:09.0000] <hsivonen> paul_irish: on your blog post, you mentioned MDN, Wikipedia and Stackoverflow. All of those are SA, so deciding not to make WebPlatform.org SA is the policy decision that prevents importing from any of them. [05:07:37.0000] <divya> hsivonen: why is SA necessary. [05:08:00.0000] <divya> hsivonen: also where is license info for webplatform.org [05:08:07.0000] <AryehGregor> hsivonen, so that things can be imported from other sources that use SA, presumably. [05:13:16.0000] <hsivonen> divya: MDN, Wikipedia and Stackoverflow have SA, so SA is necessary to import content from them [05:15:06.0000] <hsivonen> divya: it seems like a tremendously bad use of contributor time to re-express SA content in order to clean it of copyright and, therefore, copyleft. See half-day tasks: http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/WPD:Getting_Started [05:16:17.0000] <divya> hsivonen: it seems right now MDN turns a blind eye to scraped content that is not rendered in CC-BY-SA [05:16:51.0000] <divya> hsivonen: I was not aware they need to re-express SA content [05:16:57.0000] <divya> i assumed they could just scrape it. [05:17:15.0000] <jgraham> That wouldn't be SQ though [05:17:18.0000] <jgraham> *SA [05:17:45.0000] <hsivonen> divya: failure to enforce previously (I’m taking you at your word) doesn’t mean that it’s reasonable for webplatform.org to rely on being able to violate a license [05:18:01.0000] <divya> hsivonen: i didnt know about SA restrictions. [05:18:15.0000] <divya> ideally this content should be free to use by whoever where-ever [05:18:26.0000] <divya> i would love for commercial products to rely on this for their documentation. [05:18:44.0000] <hsivonen> CC-BY-SA allows the use in commercial docs [05:19:00.0000] <divya> how so? if it is 'share alike' [05:19:05.0000] <divya> what use is restricted? [05:19:21.0000] <hsivonen> divya: you have to share alike but you can use it for commercial purposes [05:19:37.0000] <hsivonen> divya: NC is the license component that’s non-Free and prohibits commercial use [05:19:46.0000] <divya> /me wikis [05:19:54.0000] <hsivonen> (Opera’s curriculum was CC-BY-SA-NC) [05:20:43.0000] <divya> right so Share Alike means you must use sam licensing [05:21:17.0000] <hsivonen> divya: right. but the license doesn’t prohibit commercial use [05:21:18.0000] <divya> +e [05:21:47.0000] <divya> yeah but i do not think that is worth enforcing, especially given companies have preferences for different licenses. [05:21:56.0000] <divya> either way, well we need to fix this licensing thing. [05:23:01.0000] <divya> i honestly think CC-BY-SA is a model that would make companies baulk at using content from that source. [05:23:50.0000] <divya> have had experiences with it at Adobe. [05:24:00.0000] <hsivonen> divya: plenty of companies seem to be OK with shipping a copyleft kernel on their phones [05:24:32.0000] <hsivonen> divya: the first copyleft-licensed Adobe thing I can think of is the Source Sans font [05:24:44.0000] <hsivonen> the first I can think of that is [05:24:44.0000] <divya> what is 'copy-left'? [05:24:54.0000] <hsivonen> not necessarily Adobe’s first [05:25:19.0000] <hsivonen> divya: the concept of share alike more generally than the CC ShareAlike in particular [05:25:20.0000] <jgraham> divya: SA [05:26:02.0000] <AryehGregor> So in JavaScript, how can I do something like a derived class calling a base class' constructor? I currently have A and B, where A.prototype and B.prototype both have C.prototype as their prototype. I want new A() and new B() to have the same effect. [05:26:24.0000] <divya> hsivonen: i thought it was apache license. no? [05:26:30.0000] <AryehGregor> I guess I could do function A() { C.call(this); }. [05:26:35.0000] <AryehGregor> Hmm, yeah, let me do that. [05:27:00.0000] <divya> bah its some other license called open font license. [05:27:18.0000] <hsivonen> divya: right [05:28:12.0000] <hsivonen> oh and Adobe seems to be distributing WebKit, parts of which are also copylefted [05:28:18.0000] <divya> hsivonen: yeah seems SA from reading the open font license. [05:28:56.0000] <divya> hsivonen: all i am saying is lawyers @ adobe do not like using licenses that are not the licenses they recommend. [05:29:12.0000] <divya> unless it goes through a long process of review and then figuring out if it is worth the risk [05:29:26.0000] <divya> i am sure companies like mozilla, adobe, apple have $$$s to go through such reviews [05:29:29.0000] <divya> not many companies do. [05:29:56.0000] <divya> so having it a 'share-alike' means some small companies either just risk it or do not bother. [05:30:07.0000] <divya> individuals dont give a damn of course. [05:30:21.0000] <hsivonen> my point is that Mozilla doesn’t own the copyright on all MDN content, StackExchange doesn’t for StackOverflow conten and Wikimedia doesn’t for Wikipedia, so you can’t just get SA waivers from a handful of parties to import content [05:31:05.0000] <divya> yeah it is unfortunate. I do not think SE content can be imported per se anyway. [05:31:51.0000] <divya> licensing suckss [05:32:04.0000] <hsivonen> to me, it would make sense to prefer compatibility with the existing body of potentially importable content than to prefer compatibility with the sensibilities of *potential* contributors [05:33:45.0000] <divya> i understand the cost of existing compatibility is significantly lesser, but we should worry about the cost of this model after a few months and finding how it is working or not. [05:35:00.0000] <zcorpan> why is a new header not better for <http://www.w3.org/mid/op.wlwusmc2a3v5gv@hr-desk> ? [05:41:04.0000] <AryehGregor> darobin, would you be okay with me breaking up some of the long lines in grammar.peg as I make other changes? It's hard to read diffs with lines that long. [05:43:07.0000] <darobin> AryehGregor: I'm okay with you changing whatever you need for this to be easier for you man [05:43:14.0000] <AryehGregor> darobin, okay, great. [05:56:12.0000] <zcorpan> zewt: isn't it up to browsers' decoders to decide at which level of blurriness they want to start showing the image? [06:13:41.0000] <shepazu> hsivonen: I made the call on WebPlatform using CC-BY, rather than CC-BY-SA, and I still believe it is the right one. Yes, it will take more time and effort to build the content up to a great state, but once we get there, the content will be much more reusable, without the confusion of SA [06:19:39.0000] <zcorpan> why was Array.isArray introduced? isn't it nonsensical to introduce sugar for *one* kind of object while not solving the problem for all other kinds? [06:20:59.0000] <annevk> zcorpan: I think the problem was only with arrays [06:21:32.0000] <zcorpan> really? then what was the problem? [06:21:48.0000] <annevk> javascript:typeof [] [06:21:50.0000] <annevk> I think [06:22:22.0000] <zcorpan> Object.prototype.toString.call([]) === '[object Array]' [06:25:04.0000] <zcorpan> http://www.adobe.com/devnet/html5/articles/categorizing-values-in-javascript.html says isArray was introduced because of the different global objects problem, but that still applies for all other objects [06:26:02.0000] <annevk> http://web.mit.edu/jwalden/www/isArray.html explains [06:26:22.0000] <annevk> ' One test in this style is Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === "[object Array]", but that relies on Object.prototype.toString and Function.prototype.call not being changed (probably a good assumption but still fragile). It's also a bit more of an obvious hack than any of the other ideas.' [06:29:30.0000] <zcorpan> ah. that's true. but doesn't explain why it was only solved for arrays [06:30:10.0000] <hsivonen> shepazu: thanks [06:30:29.0000] <hsivonen> shepazu: for saying it was you—not for the call to choose CC-BY [06:31:21.0000] <annevk> zcorpan: typeof works for the other cases? [06:32:02.0000] <zcorpan> annevk: no? typeof is not useful for differentiating different objects [06:34:03.0000] <shepazu> hsivonen: uh… you're welcome? [06:34:19.0000] <shepazu> not sure what you meant by that :) [06:36:58.0000] <shepazu> to be honest, I found it disconcerting to see complaints in this channel, taking a position against the more open option, for a more restrictive content license [06:37:27.0000] <annevk> lets not generalise shepazu [06:37:38.0000] <hsivonen> shepazu: I just meant avoiding the confusion of looking like I was thanking for the license choice [06:38:05.0000] <annevk> shepazu: e.g. http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/whatwg/20121008#l-10 [06:38:35.0000] <hsivonen> shepazu: I just think it’s a terrible waste of time to rewrite stuff to work around a license instead of going with what’s established out there [06:38:55.0000] <shepazu> like HTML5? :D [06:39:25.0000] <darobin> ouch, burn! [06:39:27.0000] <hsivonen> shepazu: from my point of view, this is another bad licensing call by the W3C [06:39:28.0000] <zcorpan> html5 wasn't rewritten to work around a license. it was rewritten because html4 was like w3schools [06:39:51.0000] <shepazu> annevk: I didn't mean to generalize… I meant "some complaints" not "all complaints" [06:39:55.0000] <darobin> <annevk> lets not generalise shepazu # yeah, having one of those is enough [06:40:21.0000] <shepazu> /me SHEPAZU ALL THE THINGS! [06:40:34.0000] <annevk> I think only hsivonen and I complained, and argued opposite sides [06:40:51.0000] <annevk> ;) [06:41:09.0000] <hsivonen> I don’t mind webplatform.org using CC-BY or CC0 even for new content [06:41:24.0000] <annevk> and I'm just calling it out because everytime someone says something here, someone broadcasts it to the outside as "the WHATWG has spoken..." [06:41:27.0000] <shepazu> annevk: that seems quite consistent with your general philosophy on licensing :) [06:41:34.0000] <hsivonen> I just think it’s terribly wasteful not to be able to import from MDN, Wikipedia or StackOverflow [06:41:49.0000] <shepazu> annevk: fair enough, but I know better [06:42:26.0000] <shepazu> hsivonen: and with all due respect to those fine sites, which I admire, I think the mistake was on their part in choosing restrictive licenses [06:43:03.0000] <shepazu> I think we made the right call for the future use of the content [06:43:22.0000] <annevk> could we not have gone for new content in the public domain? and try to move there over time reusing the existing content under their more restrictive licensing? [06:43:30.0000] <annevk> I guess time will tell how it goes [06:43:46.0000] <shepazu> annevk: yes, but that would dramatically complicate and confuse things [06:44:06.0000] <hsivonen> shepazu: CC0 avoids the confusion [06:44:42.0000] <shepazu> CC0 provides less incentive to contribute for many people who like a little recognition [06:44:53.0000] <shepazu> but yes, we considered that [06:45:04.0000] <shepazu> code is all CC0, btw [06:45:12.0000] <hsivonen> shepazu: you really want attribution to individual authors and not just to webplatform.org? [06:45:22.0000] <hsivonen> shepazu: yay for CC0 code [06:45:41.0000] <shepazu> hsivonen: for commercial uses, yes, lists of authors, not just wpd [06:45:52.0000] <shepazu> it's only fair [06:46:04.0000] <hsivonen> also terribly impractical in the long run [06:46:21.0000] <shepazu> we've already got a ton of interest in improving this site, so I think in 6-12 months the site will not suffer for a lack of imported content [06:46:48.0000] <shepazu> hsivonen: depends how it's managed [06:46:57.0000] <annevk> well, I still acknowledge contribution to specs even though they're licensed under CC0, fwiw [06:47:27.0000] <annevk> don't really need to cater to that through licensing [06:47:28.0000] <shepazu> annevk: that's because you're trying to be a good player, not eveyone would be [06:47:50.0000] <shepazu> license are not there for good players, they are there for the exceptions [06:48:06.0000] <shepazu> anyway, thanks for the interesting discussion! I have some work to do [06:51:40.0000] <AryehGregor> darobin, it looks like WebIDL doesn't support multiple inheritance, but the parser does -- is there a reason for that? Did WebIDL used to support multiple inheritance? Can I remove parser support, or do we have to worry that that will break things? [06:51:55.0000] <jgraham> I think WebIDL did used to support it [06:52:02.0000] <jgraham> But I might be wrong [06:52:23.0000] <divya> zcorpan: !!!! you never reply https://github.com/h5bp/html5please/issues/194 [06:52:56.0000] <zcorpan> divya: indeed [06:53:16.0000] <divya> just gimme the words and i will replace zcorpan i do not know enough about it to work on it! [06:54:32.0000] <zcorpan> i'm looking at it now [06:54:42.0000] <divya> thanks zcorpan !! [06:54:46.0000] <darobin> AryehGregor: WebIDL used to support it, I think there's still some IDL out there that uses it [06:54:58.0000] <AryehGregor> darobin, okay, I'll leave support in the parser. [06:55:10.0000] <darobin> part of the problem is whether these old things should be removed, or if we still want to parse old IDLs [06:56:00.0000] <AryehGregor> Inheritance [06:56:00.0000] <AryehGregor> = herit:InheritanceInner? [06:56:00.0000] <AryehGregor> { return herit ? herit : []; } [06:56:09.0000] <AryehGregor> darobin, do you know of a better way in general to do that? [06:56:40.0000] <darobin> AryehGregor: mmmm, not that I can think of off the top of my head [06:56:44.0000] <AryehGregor> It seems like if I try this, I get an error because "herit" is undefined: Inheritance = (":" w herit:ScopedNameList)? { return herit ? herit : []; } [06:56:45.0000] <AryehGregor> Okay. [06:57:02.0000] <darobin> but then again I'm not a PEG expert, I just picked it up because I needed a Q&D WebIDL parser in a hurry for a project [06:57:32.0000] <darobin> hmpf, I'd expect PEG to pass herit = null there... [06:57:39.0000] <darobin> oh, no, I remember now [06:57:53.0000] <darobin> when you have a Foo?, if it doesn't match then the variable is undefined [06:57:56.0000] <darobin> which really sucks [06:58:08.0000] <darobin> you need to test that herit is defined [06:58:45.0000] <darobin> I think that when I get around to this I'll rewrite without PEG — it'll make for something faster, too [07:00:47.0000] <AryehGregor> typeof herit == "undefined" seems to break things in weird ways. [07:05:45.0000] <zcorpan> divya: replied [07:06:13.0000] <divya> thanks zcorpan !! [07:07:11.0000] <darobin> AryehGregor: I'm doing something else at this second, but the way I've tracked these things down before has been to look at the generated code to see why it's weird [07:07:33.0000] <AryehGregor> I looked, and didn't see any mention of the label. [07:07:40.0000] <AryehGregor> In the code. [07:07:45.0000] <AryehGregor> But this way works, so good enough for me. [07:08:04.0000] <darobin> if it works, then great [07:19:30.0000] <annevk> Is it time to admit defeat on initCustomEvent? [07:19:31.0000] <annevk> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15259 [07:27:28.0000] <annevk> so I want to add new Document() [07:27:53.0000] <annevk> but the age-old what argument is it going to take thing pops up [07:28:19.0000] <annevk> I guess I'll just add it without argument and then let people debate that bit :) [07:31:23.0000] <zcorpan> divya: i forgot to mention that web developers of course can opt to not rely on flash or java for any functionality [07:42:18.0000] <annevk> jQuery also calls it timeStamp [07:56:25.0000] <jgraham> I hate mercurial [07:56:42.0000] <jgraham> /me again trys to work out how do squash a few changesets together [08:09:19.0000] <jgraham> Oh Sweet Jesus [08:09:31.0000] <jgraham> So I just tried to use hg histedit to do this [08:09:39.0000] <jgraham> and it deleted all the files [08:46:24.0000] <marcosc_> Question: with the img@srcset attribute, it's not clear to me how commas are handled in a candidate image string's path, fragment, and query. Like, for example: <img srcset="generate.php?x=1,w,x23&title=hello, generate.php?y=3,32,23&title=hello x2"> [08:51:31.0000] <annevk> Ms2ger: http://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-document [08:55:53.0000] <zewt> marcosc_: at least one descriptor always exists; the space between the url and the descriptor ends the url [08:56:26.0000] <zewt> see http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#processing-the-image-candidates for particulars [08:57:10.0000] <tantek> jgraham does hg have a "-undo" option? [08:57:33.0000] <marcosc_> zewt: thanks [08:57:47.0000] <jgraham> tantek: It turned out that the files were still in history [08:57:57.0000] <jgraham> But it had made a commit that deleted them [08:58:05.0000] <zewt> heh, when I'm using git I make wholesale cp -a backups a lot [08:58:25.0000] <jgraham> and then refused to do anything else, possibly because I was in a path that no longer existed [08:58:48.0000] <jgraham> In the end I managed to invoke some mq magic to do what I needed [08:59:09.0000] <jgraham> But it realy does seem like everything slightly advanced is a minefield in mercurial [09:22:09.0000] <marcosc_> annevk, are you still maintaining: http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html ? [09:22:31.0000] <Ms2ger> marcosc_, no, we edit dom.spec.whatwg.org now [09:22:56.0000] <marcosc_> Ms2ger: ok, cool. Maybe add a note to the W3C one :) [09:26:32.0000] <annevk> marcosc_: https://twitter.com/annevk/status/250503261138849792 [09:27:06.0000] <annevk> (took me longer to find that tweet to not repeat myself than it would be to just answer...) [09:27:40.0000] <annevk> marcosc_: yeah, Ms2ger, if you can add that note; I guess you're still allowed [09:28:07.0000] <annevk> marcosc_: fwiw, https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/url/raw-file/tip/Overview.html [09:28:12.0000] <annevk> marcosc_: has happened before [09:28:28.0000] <marcosc_> exactly like that would be awesome [09:28:33.0000] <annevk> it's not gonna be me [09:28:45.0000] <Ms2ger> <title class="now3c">Moved [09:56:38.0000] annevk, how do you test what the name of an encoding should be? I get "UTF-8" for document.characterSet in Gecko/WebKit, and seemingly "utf-8" in Opera (except in a different test it returns the empty string), and "unicode" in IE. [09:56:56.0000] Spec seems to suggest "utf-8"; "UTF-8" seems like it makes more sense. [09:57:05.0000] (if that's the data source you're using) [09:57:24.0000] AryehGregor: the spec does indeed suggest all lowercase [09:57:34.0000] Any reason for that, given existing browsers' behavior? [09:57:54.0000] AryehGregor: hope we could make that work? [09:58:09.0000] Why is it worth it? Just go with uppercase. [09:58:10.0000] AryehGregor: string identifiers are always lowercase [09:58:21.0000] Well, it's an acronym. [09:58:24.0000] Also: tagName. [09:58:26.0000] AryehGregor: well not all is uppercase I think; e.g. windows-1252 would be Windows-1252 or some such [09:58:31.0000] Probably. [09:58:40.0000] AryehGregor: tagName is obsoleted with localName [09:59:02.0000] anyway, I don't feel that strongly and am taking patches or suggested renaming if you think that'll be better [09:59:09.0000] could you please file a bug? [09:59:23.0000] I just don't want to write tests for a spec that needlessly doesn't match browsers. I'm not testing the whole spec, but I want some test or other for .characterSet in some DOM tests I'm writing right now. [09:59:23.0000] Sure. [09:59:56.0000] Where? I don't see an Encoding component in the W3C Bugzilla. [10:00:07.0000] is it not under WHATWG? [10:00:14.0000] Oh, I see. [10:00:21.0000] it's linked from the spec too I think [10:00:30.0000] you're reading http://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/ right? [10:00:42.0000] gotta go [10:00:44.0000] Yeah. [10:10:53.0000] AryehGregor: ah, so you're not gonna test all of them? [10:12:59.0000] TabAtkins: your twitter handle makes me laugh every time [10:22:19.0000] annevk: I'm implementing MutationObservers based on the spec and generally everything works and matches Gecko and WebKit. However, there is one issue. When appending a record to the queue both Gecko and WebKit replaces the last record if it represents the same mutation and the new record has an oldValue. [10:23:10.0000] how does that happen? [10:23:44.0000] also, a bug + changes requested would be a big help, not gonna be able to do much more today [10:23:59.0000] annevk: OK. I'll file a bug with a test case [10:24:15.0000] thanks arv! [10:27:55.0000] annevk, I'd be happy to test all of them. I can write a little harness that uses a simple data structure for all the encoding maps that you can keep updated along with the spec. [10:27:58.0000] It's just not what I was testing just now. [10:28:19.0000] (I was doing simple tests on properties of Node and its various derived interfaces.) [10:29:44.0000] that sounds sweet [10:30:04.0000] I saw hsivonen might do some work on encodings too for Gecko [10:31:22.0000] I'm happy to help out too btw, getting browsers aligned on byte -> code point mapping would be a great improvement [10:38:26.0000] /me tries to remember what he was trying to fix about NoInterfaceObject [10:55:37.0000] Huh [10:55:40.0000] AryehGregor, yt? [10:55:44.0000] Ms2ger, yep. [10:55:49.0000] (probably not for too much longer, though) [10:56:45.0000] I'm looking at IdlInterface.prototype.test_self [10:56:51.0000] Okay. [10:57:06.0000] Oh [10:57:44.0000] I thought you were testing Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, this.name) twice [10:58:02.0000] But the other one was for Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window[this.name], "prototype") [10:59:08.0000] Might be nice if we could make those asserts a little less verbose [10:59:25.0000] Like a wrapper of some type, yeah. [11:02:20.0000] It could also do more rigorous tests, like actually trying to write and seeing if it succeeds. [11:06:51.0000] Yeah, but that'll need more code to (try to) revert the changes [14:31:36.0000] karlcow: I would have expected you to describe http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2012Oct/0063 as beautiful, not ironic, since you like crazy stuff [14:33:14.0000] what is amazing in that email is the misguided labeling and rudeness. Like the person being ballistic on me on really the wrong person. [14:33:30.0000] I don't get it [14:33:39.0000] going ballistic on people is generally best avoided [14:35:07.0000] karlcow: I also love how he transforms to and apparently considers himself an expert :-) [14:35:11.0000] double irony when I have managed my own entire Web site for a few years with XHTML 1.0 + XSLT [14:36:21.0000] wow, why did i follow that link [14:36:49.0000] Hixie: dude www-tag should give you a hint [14:36:50.0000] i could have gone my day happily ignorant that www-tag is still discussing stuff that we resolved ten years ago [14:38:43.0000] "working at w3c I was an XML evil lover, now working at Opera I'm an XML hater". Some humans make me sad. Boxes, labels, and stuff. Ah yes I should add my RDF label for some others too. [14:40:01.0000] @opera.com -> must be a WHATWG XML-hating fanboy is indeed kinda nonsense, but you do hang out here ;-) [14:40:25.0000] yeah i love the assumption that whatwg = xml-hating [14:40:29.0000] seems to rather miss the point [14:40:33.0000] the other thing with that kind of stuff is that often the people here know much more about XML and how it works for web sites / browsers than any of those complaining [14:40:53.0000] annevk: I hang out on #swig too, aka Semantic Web Interest Group [14:41:09.0000] i take it this latest spat started because of the url spec work? [14:41:24.0000] I'm the evil evil evil, all sins in one cow ;) [14:41:31.0000] Hixie: maybe, I saw a few tweets, but www-tag thinks URL spec work is inside the HTML spec... [14:41:51.0000] o_O [14:41:58.0000] if they wanted to do the url work, they had plenty of time [14:42:08.0000] it's not like either you or me actually wants to do it [14:42:22.0000] in fact they can still do it if they want to :-) [14:42:34.0000] I don't really care, I just wanna fix problems [14:42:39.0000] hear hear [14:43:01.0000] i hate xml, but i do have my reasons :) [14:43:09.0000] does this mean i can get a job at opera? [14:43:15.0000] ahaha [14:43:29.0000] i guess the association is one-way :( [14:43:50.0000] zewt: if you're serious I think you'd have a good chance of getting a job, but they might ask you to move [14:44:09.0000] zewt: I do not think it is a requirement, my cover letter/resume was xhtml 1.1 served as application/xhtml+xml ;) [14:44:11.0000] heh, i moved for my current job, i'll give it a chance first :P [14:44:21.0000] zewt: http://www.opera.com/company/jobs/ [14:44:30.0000] zewt: anyone with above average standards knowledge is a serious candidate for sure [14:45:01.0000] "above average" sure sounds like "any whatsoever" [14:45:15.0000] after I hit enter I realised that was kinda vague [14:45:21.0000] but I'm pretty sure you fit the criteria [14:45:34.0000] which after years of most specs being IETF-style walls of descriptive text, is a bit understandable [14:47:11.0000] man, google docs spreadsheets is nearly unusable in FF [14:48:58.0000] What I meant to say is people knowledgable enough about complex algorithms in standards and can comment on them to the extent they need to be changed are sure employee candidates for browser vendors [14:50:05.0000] personally I see "complex algorithms in standards" and "complex algorithms in code" as the same thing [14:50:49.0000] they are [14:50:54.0000] Sure, but you need to have an interest in standards to comment on the former, which is kinda important [14:52:57.0000] also in "complex algorithms" (but in my opinion, people who can't do that picked the wrong field) [14:54:07.0000] heh yeah [14:54:44.0000] it's just that complex algorithms is much broader; getting complex algorithms to work the same in n implementations is somewhat different problem [14:54:49.0000] and not for everyone [14:56:24.0000] there's also sort of a "web mindset" that you have to be able to see, i suppose in the same way that some people understand the security mindset and some don't [14:56:41.0000] heh, I love and TabAtkins and Hixie speculate and ask respectively about upcoming Google products [14:56:50.0000] s/and/how/ [14:57:11.0000] Hahaha, yes. [14:57:32.0000] reading http://www.w3.org/TR/html-design-principles/ without saying WTWTF all the time also helps [14:57:41.0000] I was asking about _current_ displays, not speculation :-) [15:01:27.0000] Hixie, current displays, you mean something like http://thereisnofold.com/ ? [15:02:41.0000] I mean whatever Mark was referring to in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-whatwg-archive/2012Oct/0073.html [15:02:49.0000] btw: re: XSLT - I tend to avoid using/creating/modifying it, but it (combined with a Tidy pre-processing step) has been quite good at keeping the production-dependent h2vx.com service going (based on X2V) that people use to convert hCards to vCards and hCalendar to iCalendar. [15:03:11.0000] what about current displays? [15:03:35.0000] physical pixel density, sure [15:03:59.0000] 3x density displays, sure is faster than printing things to test stuff ;) [15:04:17.0000] there are definitely devices with more than 3x96 dpi [15:04:21.0000] the iPhone 5 is one [15:04:34.0000] but I don't think there are any that out of the box run with 3x scaling of the UI [15:04:41.0000] Hixie, best part of that email, the footer "This electronic mail message may contain confidential and privileged information from HI Corporation. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, photocopying, distribution or use of the contents of the received information is prohibited." - yeah, on an archive, nice. [15:04:42.0000] that's what matters [15:05:12.0000] (and css pixel scaling is generally based on ui scaling, not literally dividing the physical DPI by 96, which is why use of CSS DPI is generally more confusing than informative) [15:06:41.0000] yeah i try to use "device pixels per CSS pixels" [15:06:46.0000] isn't CSS dpi these days dependent on how you define CSS px? [15:07:04.0000] CSS dpi is 96 by definition [15:07:27.0000] i don't know what "CSS dpi" is [15:07:32.0000] wait, it's 96 times the scale factor [15:07:36.0000] I always confuse myself [15:07:39.0000] CSS has a "dpi" unit [15:07:54.0000] oh, that [15:07:56.0000] who uses that [15:07:57.0000] it's 96 times dppx which is "device pixels per css pixel" [15:08:18.0000] "device pixels per CSS pixel" is what matters [15:08:20.0000] other than the css wg? probably no one [15:08:27.0000] and so far, excluding zoom, it seems to be either 1 or 2. [15:08:41.0000] what's the opposite of <3? !<3? that's kinda how I feel about dppx [15:09:09.0000] it's certainly a hideous unit name [15:09:55.0000] That's why Images 4 has the 'x' unit which means the same thing. ^_^ [15:10:26.0000] othermaciej: It went through LC twice. Why u not complain earlier? :) [15:10:27.0000] you and your aliases [15:10:46.0000] fantasai: I have complained many times, and I don't need to have another conversation with the hand [15:11:15.0000] /me wonders what going through LC has to do with anything :-P [15:11:21.0000] we asked for comments [15:11:26.0000] nobody sent any on the name of the unit [15:11:30.0000] do you not ask for comments at other times? :-) [15:11:37.0000] Hixie: it's a thing the W3C has where they think stuff is stable but it really isn't [15:11:40.0000] "Mr Dent, you realize the plans have been available...." [15:11:44.0000] annevk: how quaint [15:12:08.0000] Hixie: sure, we asked for comments before that too [15:12:13.0000] Hixie: but nobody sent any [15:12:16.0000] but not after? :-) [15:12:27.0000] here is one example of someone complaining about the 'dppx' unit name: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012Apr/0685.html [15:12:41.0000] (w/ more on that same thread IIRC) [15:12:55.0000] I like your use of "someone" [15:13:04.0000] here's another: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012May/0915.html [15:13:17.0000] I don't know if that was before or after Last Call but I did not get the impression that the CSS WG wanted me to make the same comment over and over [15:13:19.0000] starts with "There's been a decent bit of feedback recently about the 'dppx'" and is written by a WG member [15:13:27.0000] othermaciej: that was after [15:14:33.0000] one of my problems with the CSS WG is that they adhere to da Process so much they get stuck up in it [15:14:46.0000] e.g. one of those emails cites Process concerns [15:14:49.0000] as if they fricking matter [15:14:52.0000] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011May/0560.html "Plus, 'dppx' is a hard unit to pronounce", May 2011 [15:15:11.0000] presumably may 2011 is before the point at which you stopped asking for comments [15:15:20.0000] both those specific comments were followed up by a bunch of discussion [15:15:24.0000] what matters is a) has it shipped and b) does content depend on it [15:15:34.0000] Ignoring all of this, I've addressed it in the newest draft. [15:15:36.0000] annevk++ [15:15:38.0000] so I think if the CSS WG chose not to take action on them, that is due to the CSS WG, not because "nobody sent any" [15:17:40.0000] (btw, this kind of thing is one reason why i guarantee that i'll respond to all substantial feedback on the whatwg list: so i can't miss any) [15:17:42.0000] Hixie: It is, and I missed that as being something to act on [15:17:46.0000] TabAtkins: don't see anything in (though I do see an issue marker for a context-specific alias of 'x' in ) [15:18:07.0000] othermaciej: That's what I meant by "latest draft". [15:18:10.0000] Hixie: I took that comment as "should this unit exist", and the answer was "yes, it's useful to have that functionality" [15:18:23.0000] I haven't worked on Images 4 enough to push that out of an issue and into normative text. [15:18:45.0000] fantasai: anyway, has it shipped and been used by anyone yet? [15:19:03.0000] TabAtkins: that does save you from having to use 'dppx' in one context, though not in the 'resolution:' media query which was my original complaint as linked above [15:19:06.0000] fantasai: if not, then it's not too late to fix [15:19:31.0000] Hixie: Given the commenter there is an editor of the relevant drafts, though, and is able to raise issues and resolve issues on his own, I guess it wasn't seen as important enough to do something about at the time [15:19:31.0000] technically a WG is required to give a substantive response to all comments at every point from LC onward [15:19:36.0000] Hixie: It's been shipped, I believe [15:19:53.0000] Hixie: Not sure about whether it's in release builds yet [15:20:42.0000] othermaciej: Once we get 'x' as a unit, it'll be usable in the 'resolution' MQ too. [15:20:56.0000] not clear to me if the CSS WG has given a substantive reply to my comment on 'dppx' [15:20:56.0000] fantasai: so no content is relying on it? [15:21:08.0000] TabAtkins: is the plan to add it to units & values rather than to images? [15:21:18.0000] TabAtkins: if so, the issue marker is in the wrong place, no? [15:21:20.0000] http://memegenerator.net/instance/28084024 [15:21:43.0000] Hixie: Probably not much [15:21:58.0000] othermaciej: It's there because the relevant thing *introducing* the unit is image-set(), and specifically WebKit's implementation fo it. [15:22:09.0000] fantasai: so then just fix it already :-P [15:22:37.0000] TabAtkins: is it actually the plan to add it to Units & Values though? (I care more about the actual result than the process niceties here) [15:22:52.0000] Yeah, once we agree to *have* it, it'll move to V&U. [15:23:58.0000] tantek: http://imgflip.com/i/4e3k [15:25:47.0000] tantek: http://imgflip.com/i/4e3o [15:25:59.0000] some more comments in the general area, http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012May/0409.html and http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012Apr/0674.html [15:26:10.0000] Hixie: I can't make substantive changes to a spec that's in CR without CSSWG approval, especially for something that's implemented and will require a change to those implementations. We can raise it as an issue, but it doesn't mean the WG will agree to change. Seems unlikely given it's "bikeshedding". [15:26:18.0000] hahaha [15:26:19.0000] Hixie: But Tab's super excited about the 'x' unit, so maybe he can convince them :) [15:26:31.0000] fantasai: http://imgflip.com/i/4e3o [15:27:05.0000] i was going to add a second line to this one, but really it stands alone even with just the top line: http://imgflip.com/i/4e3w [15:27:06.0000] Really, we can only do that if we're willing to publish the draft outside of CSSWG space. [15:27:21.0000] gah, why is the bug tracker sending notification emails in a fixed-width font; that's just wrong [15:27:25.0000] Which, sure, possible, but annoying. [15:27:48.0000] tantek Hixie: those are all good w3cmemes candidates... [15:28:46.0000] TabAtkins: if the only way you can fix a spec is by not publishing it through the csswg, one wonders why one would ever consider publishing it through the csswg in the first place [15:29:07.0000] Because it's rarely a problem, and useful in many other ways? [15:31:00.0000] hober: done :-P [15:31:13.0000] though i was enjoying the previous one [15:31:22.0000] (http://w3cmemes.tumblr.com/image/32354094056) [15:33:11.0000] hober: (we have a dupe! cleanup on aisle 5!) [15:34:36.0000] Hixie, the multi-attachement posts break the flow of tumblr [15:34:43.0000] attachment event [15:34:44.0000] even* [15:34:59.0000] actually i thought it worked kinda well, since they were related [15:35:16.0000] though the cropping on insanity wolf was unfortunate [15:35:18.0000] the linear series works well [15:35:27.0000] where you can see the back/forth in the flow :) [15:35:47.0000] presumably someone here has http://whatwgmemes.tumblr.com/ ? [15:35:57.0000] there's very little "back and forth" on w3cmemes :-P [15:35:59.0000] Hixie, the The Office one belongs there [15:36:09.0000] it's mostly just f"orth" :-P [15:36:10.0000] need more back forth on w3cmemes ;) [15:36:11.0000] er [15:36:14.0000] "forth" [15:36:15.0000] mostly it's back [15:36:27.0000] if it was forth, the tumblr wouldn't exist [15:36:31.0000] whichever is "bitching" :-P [15:37:07.0000] seriously though, i am finding it unbelieveable that even now the csswg can't fix a mistake that hasn't shipped yet, for purely process reasons [15:37:10.0000] that's such BS [15:37:32.0000] this is the kind of crap that the AB never believes me about [15:37:33.0000] I thought it had shipped (implementations) ? [15:37:45.0000] or is this a different kind of "shipped"? [15:38:26.0000] even if it has "shipped", we should still be able to fix things that are mere aliasing like that. that's what deprecation is for ;) [15:38:47.0000] unless there's content depending on dppx, it can just be dropped or renamed [15:45:36.0000] hmm, what has w3 done to their bugzilla [15:45:42.0000] bugmail looks odd [15:46:24.0000] odd == unreadable [15:46:42.0000] shepazu: do you happen to know [15:46:49.0000] they just did an upgrade [15:46:57.0000] but i don't see any differences with my textmode client... [15:47:06.0000] I sure don't get that kind of bugmail from Moz bugzilla [15:47:23.0000] and I think Mozilla is using the latest bugzilla release [15:47:29.0000] oh it looks like they turned on html mail? [15:47:39.0000] I guess so [15:47:45.0000] really annoying [15:54:57.0000] damnit, bugzilla changed in a way that broke my scripts [15:55:23.0000] Hixie: It has shipped, though content dependent on it is likely verly low. [15:55:24.0000] scrapers gonna scrape [15:57:15.0000] TabAtkins: that isn't what you and fantasai said before, before you just said the process wouldn't let you fix it in the wg. [15:57:38.0000] ew, the summaries are links now [15:57:43.0000] in search results [15:57:51.0000] way to make things unreadable [15:58:04.0000] ROFL [15:58:08.0000] merge conflict on the search page [15:58:23.0000] smaug____: ugh [15:58:36.0000] I'll ask them to change that... [15:59:03.0000] shepazu: while you're at it, the search page (advanced) has a visible merge conflict [15:59:34.0000] Hixie: thanks, I'll relay that [15:59:43.0000] thanks [16:00:12.0000] hope it'll be fixed soon [16:00:17.0000] sorry for the hassle [16:00:44.0000] no hassle, search works fine [16:00:47.0000] just looks ugly :-) [16:02:59.0000] Hixie tantek: deduped [16:13:37.0000] shepazu: where is the bugzilla preference to switch from html email to plain text? [16:16:20.0000] hober: excellent question [16:16:29.0000] ask smaug____ [16:18:00.0000] hober: ah [16:18:01.0000] hmm [16:18:22.0000] but w3 did change something very recently [16:18:39.0000] and they have some default no other bugzilla has [16:19:04.0000] shepazu: while i have your attention, did you see my request in #webplatform? [16:19:05.0000] at least not bmo nor bwo [16:19:39.0000] hober: I missed it [16:19:44.0000] what is it? [16:22:38.0000] shepazu: could you remove the element around Apple in the list on webplatform.org/stewards/? Alternately, it could link to apple.com. [16:24:35.0000] hober: I can add a link... [16:24:47.0000] I need the for the CSS [16:26:43.0000] smaug____, hober, Hixie, sent an email to sysreq [16:32:15.0000] shepazu: thanks [16:34:47.0000] reading w3cmemes makes me alternately lol and cringe in shame [16:35:49.0000] smfr: I have a patch for CG blending: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=98450 [16:35:57.0000] "I need the for the CSS" - LOL. And this is why stubbornella advocates styling classes, not elements. [16:36:10.0000] smfr: my problem yesterday was a silly typo [16:36:36.0000] othermaciej, the joker one is gold [16:43:11.0000] this one is all "defensive, much?" http://w3cmemes.tumblr.com/post/29103302932 [16:43:42.0000] (in response to http://w3cmemes.tumblr.com/post/29085196102/disaster-girl-has-an-interesting-take-on-the ) [16:43:58.0000] heh [16:44:18.0000] yes, even the shady cabal behind w3cmemes have differences of opinion from time to time :) 2012-10-10 [17:30:22.0000] othermaciej - the original web intents w3cmeme: http://w3cmemes.tumblr.com/post/22399681762 (though I suppose it could apply to any number of features proposed by first-time web platform feature requesters ;) ) [17:44:37.0000] ah... so looking at the UTF-8 2.4 section it says to replace overlong forms with U+FFFD [17:45:17.0000] and I'm wondering.. is overlong form pretty much whenever you have 80 bytes at the start of the sequence [18:25:42.0000] hober: I made a bad mistake and decided to read that whole www-tag thread [18:37:45.0000] /me just gives up w3 bugmail for now. They are totally unreadable [18:37:52.0000] shepazu: ^ [18:38:22.0000] smaug____: I've filed a bug… sorry about that... [18:39:08.0000] shepazu: do you have the bug# ? [18:39:37.0000] smaug____: sysreq doesn't use bugzilla... [19:40:48.0000] weird [19:41:10.0000] there seems to be a higher proportion of crazy bugs filed using the form on the /TR/ specs than on the whatwg ones [19:56:01.0000] http://www.bugzilla.org/releases/4.2/release-notes.html#v42_feat_email [20:58:43.0000] Hixie higher proportion for spam? → Google karma ? [00:22:28.0000] Sigh. Can someone tell sicking to lay off the flamebait [00:26:34.0000] “I wish to not be involved in threads regarding the W3C process any more.” hear hear [00:28:25.0000] hober: maybe clean up @w3cmemes a bit? [00:28:37.0000] annevk: Link? [00:28:39.0000] or maybe it doesn't matter much [00:29:00.0000] my inbox, but also http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2012Oct/0012.html it seems [00:29:18.0000] jgraham: link? [00:31:00.0000] http://i.qkme.me/3p5tkf.jpg [00:31:17.0000] hsivonen: On dev.mozilla.platform. I have no idea how to link to it [00:31:40.0000] google groups of course [00:31:52.0000] hsivonen: I guess I might have been being unfair, but it kind of read like "Opera people write crappy testsuites" [00:32:04.0000] annevk: How do I link to a specific post? [00:32:56.0000] you mean like https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mozilla.dev.platform/AUJaVnuGFKI/q_giMS1einEJ ? [00:33:08.0000] press some arrow on the side [00:33:18.0000] Ah [00:33:26.0000] jgraham: I think you’ve heard the same feedback about the complexity of the harness from various Mozilla devs over the last couple of years [00:34:03.0000] jgraham: if you want us to write to your harness instead of mochitest, proposing a harness that’s harder to use does not make it an easy sell [00:34:55.0000] hsivonen: Well mostly from you and sicking tbh [00:35:03.0000] But that's not the point [00:36:07.0000] The point is it's easier to work on some compromise if you don't write something that sounds like "their requirements aren't important and they write crappy tests ahyway" [00:36:35.0000] annevk: not impressed with him saying that on a thread he started by invoking W3C process bs [00:37:38.0000] othermaciej: you could see it as a positive, he learned something ;-), but sure [00:38:26.0000] othermaciej: also poor form not to say a clear yes or no to a yes or no question [00:38:49.0000] which isn’t a false dichotomy or trick question [00:38:51.0000] personally I'm happy to talk to Jeff & co about W3C Process and more importantly copyright, but I suspect my changes of success are rather low [00:39:02.0000] chances, even [00:39:21.0000] https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=19311 oooh i want an html5 too! [00:39:33.0000] annevk: the copyright stance of the W3C stinks [00:40:21.0000] That's some nifty use of HTML5 there: http://www.drawtheline.org/ [00:40:28.0000] hsivonen: indeed, particularly when the answer could free him from being involved in further w3c process threads [00:41:01.0000] annevk: after all, the W3C isn’t paying you [00:41:37.0000] annevk: you might be able to get an audience with him and he is generally sensible in my experience [00:42:08.0000] othermaciej: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2012Oct/0008.html [00:42:27.0000] I would personally greatly prefer for the w3c to use a permissive license for all its spec; indeed I can't think of any good reason not to [00:42:37.0000] but continuing to press the point is frustrating [00:43:21.0000] on the other hand, while it is arguably hypocritical for the w3c to deny forking of its own specs while making use of it, it is also poor form to publish something under a permissive license and then complain about people making use of the permissiveness [00:44:08.0000] annevk: so my prediction about being able to meet with him was right, though it turns out to be a postdiction [00:45:03.0000] Not that poor form, really. Like the quote about free speech "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" [00:45:17.0000] othermaciej: I think "we don't allow you to fork, but we're happy to fork you" is kinda silly too though [00:45:51.0000] othermaciej: and I think mocking such a stance is fine, I don't think anyone is really complaining about it [00:46:03.0000] I don't think Ms2ger is defending the w3c's right to fork to the death :-/ [00:46:11.0000] oh Ms2ger [00:46:26.0000] Well he is publishing under a license that allows it [00:46:50.0000] thought you were talking about http://w3cmemes.tumblr.com/post/30399969240 [00:46:50.0000] So he is. He might also be grumpy about the fact that they are taking the option :) [00:46:55.0000] yeah but https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11204#c54 [00:47:10.0000] I can't argue with that particular meme [00:47:39.0000] Ms2ger is just trolling [00:47:54.0000] cannot really read what he wrote in that bug in any other way :-) [00:48:52.0000] I know but it is trolling gone a bit too far (particularly since he already made his point on public-webapps) [00:49:45.0000] othermaciej: in some cases, having license to fork is like having a credible army. [00:50:18.0000] othermaciej: that is, it’s not something you are supposed to use, but the threat is supposed to make others behave reasonably. [00:50:46.0000] I guess I may have a different perspective because webkit is probably one of the most forked projects ever and many forkers have never contributed back [00:51:23.0000] The W3C's position seems to be something like: We and other Established Standards Bodies should be the ones developing standards. Therefore, if someone else writes some type of spec outside of an Established Standards Body, we're doing the world a favor by taking it over. If we write a spec and some non-Established Standards Body tries to take it away from us, however, that's bad. [00:51:28.0000] if I got upset about it I wouldn't have time to do real work (or chatter semi-pointlessly on irc) [00:51:40.0000] I don't agree with the position, but it's not hypocritical. [00:51:47.0000] Self-serving, yes. [00:52:17.0000] hsivonen, what people have objected to the complexity of testharness.js who have actually written a nontrivial number of tests in it? [00:52:25.0000] I've used it a lot, and mochitest, and they seem about equally easy to use. [00:52:31.0000] (although mochitest has more features, understandably) [00:52:33.0000] I don't know if it's about Established per se; the W3C would not favor other Established bodies forking their specs either (unless through a delta spec, which they are totally cool with apparently) [00:53:14.0000] Yeah, in practice people fork W3C specs all over the place [00:53:21.0000] othermaciej, no, but they also don't generally fork specs that are already actively maintained by organizations like the IETF or ISO, do they? [00:53:33.0000] For practical definitions of "fork" [00:53:54.0000] do the IETF or ISO have licenses that would permit doing so? [00:53:59.0000] Like "you can't implement W3C spec A and spec B in the same codebase and conform to both" [00:54:01.0000] Doubtful. [00:54:05.0000] (as far as I am aware the answer is no) [00:54:18.0000] Delta specs are perhaps less objectionable because they inherently cannot supplant the original spec, and so they can't really take anything away from the original standards body. [00:54:20.0000] so we don't have a natural experiment available to us [00:54:35.0000] (well, maybe there is usually some way you could e.g. by switching on some magic marker) [00:55:21.0000] AryehGregor: That's a very standards-body centric view [00:55:26.0000] Anyway, I don't think anyone at the W3C has said that forking specs is bad per se, only that other people shouldn't fork *their* specs. [00:55:32.0000] jgraham, what do you expect from a standards body? [00:55:39.0000] Well sure [00:55:54.0000] I'm just pointing out that it doesn't really make sense outside the echo chamber [00:56:13.0000] Member companies pay good money to be part of the W3C, they're not going to vote to allow forking specs they could have paid influence over. [00:56:23.0000] I don't think it doesn't make *sense*, it's just not true. [00:56:28.0000] At least for web stuff. [00:56:42.0000] Depends which Member companies [00:56:49.0000] Because mostly it's just a few organizations and they move really quickly and can change things easily. [00:57:05.0000] For, I dunno, electrical wiring standards, probably standards bodies are a lot more essential. [00:57:20.0000] available evidence would indicate that most Members with an opinion do not favor allowing forking [00:57:34.0000] I think it's a quite clear majority, no? [00:57:46.0000] (though the Members with opinion are not necessarily the ones contributing to the specs in question) [00:57:56.0000] Right, that was going to be my point [00:58:11.0000] I recall the result of the HTMLWG tally being roughly: members that heavily contribute to web standards mostly favor allowing forks, other members overwhelmingly oppose. [00:58:12.0000] I have no idea what the results of that vote were, because they are Super Secret [00:58:37.0000] There was a public-ish vote within the HTMLWG a few years ago. [00:58:39.0000] But yes, exactly, the people who care are the people that are least affected [00:58:56.0000] HTML WG participants survey had very different results from the AC survey [00:59:06.0000] Which doesn't back up the theory that it's about having paid influence [00:59:14.0000] Yes, probably because it was so heavily weighted toward contributing organizations. [00:59:56.0000] jgraham, the organizations that write the spec control what it says anyway, so they don't need influence through the W3C. The ones who don't only have influence through the W3C, and in fact the W3C is their only real way of having influence on the web platform. [01:00:23.0000] I suspect it's more about having a theoretical model of the guarantees that a standards body should provide, and a limited understanding of how stuff actually works in the case of the Web Platform [01:01:56.0000] for those who can see Member stuff: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/htmllicense2010/results [01:02:00.0000] Then why should they care either way? What's their stake in it? Some of these companies have no direct involvement in any part of things like HTML, so why should they bother even voicing an opinion? [01:02:02.0000] You get people saying things like "we need the standard to be stable so that we can deploy things to our multi-thousand seat intranet and then leave it alone for a decade" [01:02:31.0000] When of course there is no such guarantee [01:02:41.0000] othermaciej, didn't Sam do a breakdown by organization at the time? [01:02:56.0000] Oh, I'm thinking of a different vote. [01:04:21.0000] this is the html wg survey: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2011May/0121.html [01:05:21.0000] I believe w3c management refused to forward the results to the AC because the survey included licenses that allow forking [01:09:11.0000] Not much point in pestering the AC with things it already decided decisively. [01:34:07.0000] if not for @BrendanEich I would have thought NaCl to be dead [01:36:33.0000] AryehGregor: I would contend that the push to get the AC to agree to a fork-friendly license was poorly made last time around [01:37:10.0000] Maybe, but do you think they could realistically be convinced regardless? [01:37:13.0000] darobin: I definitely agree with that - the w3c team did not frame it in a way that was likely to get a good reception [01:37:17.0000] if people are interested in making a fork-friendly license happen, I think it's possible but it requires a will to make it happen through the AC, with a decent plan, and the energy to match [01:37:46.0000] AryehGregor: I think there's a chance, but it should be driven from the floor, and open with strong political momentum [01:38:13.0000] in other words, it would require an AC rep to organise a statement and come to the table with the goods already written up in a convincing fashion [01:38:29.0000] someone would have to [01:38:33.0000] 1) draft a license [01:38:38.0000] 2) draft a statement of support [01:38:48.0000] 3) get as many supporters offline as possible to already sign off on it [01:38:55.0000] and 4) *then* submit that package to the AC [01:39:33.0000] AC votes don't typically involve the whole membership, so you don't need 200 members to carry the day on this [01:40:16.0000] during the last attempt, at least two things went wrong IMHO [01:40:24.0000] one is that it was pitched as an exception granted to the HTML WG [01:40:54.0000] that's just bad politics, and it doesn't make sense to make changes for one WG — it should be a WG-level decision which license to use [01:41:20.0000] and two much of the criticism levelled at the forkable options was that it wasn't clear whether they enabled forking or not [01:41:32.0000] some of the votes against those cite that as the reason — which is a shame [01:41:44.0000] I think pitching it as an exception was partly to make people less scared that it was changing how all WGs would work [01:42:21.0000] it's possible this was counterproductive though [01:42:23.0000] othermaciej: yeah, but a) the HTML WG triggers knee-jerk antagonistic reactions and b) it's unfair to other WGs [01:42:41.0000] I personally would like all WGs to have the option [01:42:54.0000] for those with access (hey darobin) you might to check how many members actually voted; it's fascinating how democrazy works [01:43:00.0000] the way it was managed with the AC was not in any way in accordance with my preferences [01:43:53.0000] annevk: well, votes are won by those who show up — nothing new there [01:44:43.0000] so I guess my overall point here is: there's a shot at making this happen, but it can only happen from an organised action within the AC [01:44:57.0000] here's a way to do it: "We're gonna do CC0 unless a two-third majority objects." [01:45:16.0000] or you know, one-third would already cut it, or even less... [01:45:21.0000] I'd be happy to sit down with whoever is interested to chat out the details at TPAC [01:46:10.0000] annevk: nah, proposing a brutal vote like that will just backfire. Besides, there's no support in Process for such a modality [01:47:30.0000] I don't even know what the official Process is for changing the W3C Document License or adding an alternative [01:48:42.0000] as far as I can tell, the W3C Process and the W3C Membership Agreement both entitle the W3C to use whatever license it wants [01:49:34.0000] (though oddly the membership agreement mentions the software license by name) [01:51:05.0000] In fact, if you read the W3C Membership Agreement literally, it seems to require that all copyrightable materials produced by the w3c must be published under [01:51:07.0000] (IANAL) [01:51:32.0000] "Specific exceptions may be made upon approval of the Director, with the advice of the Advisory Committee." [01:52:20.0000] othermaciej: if the AC votes on changing that, then it becomes effective after the vote [01:52:41.0000] my process point was that you can't introduce a 2/3rds majority rule out of the blue [01:52:51.0000] you'd have to have a vote on that first, and then we're in process hell :) [01:52:53.0000] yeah, but it seems like in principle the w3c is allowed to publish specs under the (GPL-compatible, forking-permitting) W3C Software License without consulting the AC at all [01:53:05.0000] mmmmmm [01:53:12.0000] in fact, publishing a spec under anything else (such as the W3C Document License) requires a Director exception [01:53:26.0000] http://www.w3.org/2009/12/Member-Agreement [01:53:49.0000] I wonder how closely organizations are legally held to this sort of thing. [01:54:03.0000] that would make for an interesting loophole; though if it's true it'll be a shitstorm to apply it :) [01:54:15.0000] well, one could presume the Director is making an exception for each and every spec published [01:54:36.0000] though I don't see the AC giving advice on each specific exception [01:55:02.0000] seriously, read the "b. Ownership of Copyrights and Patents" section [01:55:08.0000] /me reading [01:55:19.0000] I should ask someone at w3c who is in the know whether the w3c believes they are in compliance with that section [01:55:34.0000] (it is also possible that this membership agreement is not the operative one as it is labeled "draft") [01:55:53.0000] wait, that document says ***DRAFT*** [01:56:29.0000] find me a Member Agreement that does not say DRAFT [01:56:43.0000] could not find one last time [01:56:46.0000] yes, but it it;s the latest version linked from here: http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Agreement/ [01:57:09.0000] ah I know [01:57:19.0000] this is a draft contract — but it is the actual agreement [01:57:32.0000] you remove the draft after parties have agreed to the content [01:57:59.0000] the latest version that does not say DRAFT is here: but it says it has been superseded by the 2005 version [01:58:36.0000] (and it also has the bit about the w3c software license) [01:58:58.0000] darobin: what is btw with W3C people and their tendency to suggest "lets discuss this at this later date" instead of actually fixing it? [01:59:27.0000] annevk: have I done that? [01:59:39.0000] you just said you're happy to discuss this at TPAC :-) [02:02:11.0000] annevk: heh, fair enough :) [02:02:42.0000] I was suggesting TPAC because it's pretty soon and that I'll have some time to devote to that then [02:02:59.0000] but if you want to get the ball rolling for this, I'm happy to help you now [02:03:19.0000] just now in a synchronous fashion because I have a bunch of other things to attend to [02:03:23.0000] so email is fine! [02:03:39.0000] not really sure how, and Jeff could only devote time to it around that time too [02:04:08.0000] I was mostly curious about this postponing strategy, some managers at Opera did the same thing, even for particularly pressing issues [02:04:31.0000] (not saying licensing is pressing) [02:04:43.0000] I don't think anyone is deliberately postponing anything — in Jeff's case I don't want to speak for him but I suspect that he just wanted to chat with you f2f [02:05:00.0000] in this case, if you have the time to devote to it, I reckon the first thing you need to do is select a licence [02:05:05.0000] one that's reasonable and all [02:05:48.0000] as part of the license, explain how it interacts with IP — it's important that members aren't scared of changing the patent policy just because a document is forkable [02:05:58.0000] (that's possibly the hard part, you'll need a lawyer friend) [02:06:18.0000] then draft a grandiose statement about how forking will save the world and is the future of the web [02:06:21.0000] (and I mean that) [02:06:39.0000] the sort of thing that companies would be proud to put their names at the bottom of [02:06:47.0000] (if you draft I can help with the language) [02:07:07.0000] ah, Date.now() and performance.now() are not at all compatible... :/ [02:07:17.0000] then we can start putting together a list of supporters [02:07:43.0000] I don't have the bandwidth to lead on this (otherwise I'd be doing it) but I can help [02:07:59.0000] I know the AC decently well :) [02:08:46.0000] sounds like we need lawyers really :/ [02:10:57.0000] annevk: there are quite a few people here who work for companies that have lawyers — maybe one of them could help there [02:11:09.0000] /me nails anne to the channel so he stops dropping out [02:13:21.0000] I wrote a mini essay for the HTMLWG vote, if anyone is interested. [02:13:50.0000] AryehGregor: sure [02:14:05.0000] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2011May/0008.html [02:14:34.0000] I doubt it's ideal for convincing anyone. [02:14:58.0000] Probably too long, and likely some of the points should be dropped or revised depending on the audience. [02:15:18.0000] Also, some parts are quite HTML5-specific. [02:15:51.0000] I'll read that later today, thanks [02:19:28.0000] And the end could definitely use tightening up -- the last two paragraphs are tacked on. [02:19:40.0000] Possibly could use some more sources, too. [02:25:29.0000] AryehGregor, does http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1862848 look better to you? [02:25:38.0000] darobin: sorry about that, was home -> cycle -> train (with tethering) -> walking -> with RobbertAtWork [02:30:13.0000] darobin: I guess I should talk to tantek; he and Mozilla care [02:30:15.0000] Ms2ger, 1) FYI, the patch conflicts with a change I pushed a few hours ago. this.inheritance is now this.base, which is either string or null. Should be easy to fix. 2) Don't we have at least one other place already in the file where we try to figure out if an interface prototype object is correct? I'd unify the checks into a helper function. But that doesn't make the patch wrong, it could be done later. At least add a TODO, though. 3) [02:30:15.0000] Why did you move up the assert_class_string check? Any specific reason? [02:30:23.0000] Other than that, LGTM. [02:30:32.0000] hey look, it's Ms2ger [02:30:45.0000] Hi annevk :) [02:30:46.0000] Ms2ger: going to add Event.systemTime later today [02:30:48.0000] Busy week :) [02:31:19.0000] If you want to push that, I'm fine with it. Good catch. I think that code can use more work, but I'm happy to be the one to do that. [02:31:53.0000] (we can really do all the same checks for NoInterfaceObject interface prototype objects as for any other interface prototype objects) [02:32:07.0000] (I didn't prioritize it because DOM doesn't contain any NoInterfaceObject -- right? -- and that's what I was focusing on) [02:32:48.0000] 1) Yay, 2) don't immediately find one, 3) because I wanted the NoInterfaceObject mess to not get in the way :) [02:32:55.0000] Class starts, see you [02:34:37.0000] See you. [02:42:51.0000] https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=19402#c0 I'm not even seeing the problem :-( [02:43:25.0000] oh, I might now [03:04:34.0000] wtf happened to W3C bugmail? [03:04:39.0000] ow sorry [03:04:42.0000] wtwtf happened [03:05:04.0000] annevk: bugzilla has been upgraded [03:05:23.0000] if you're seeing issues -> sysreq⊙wo is a good place to report [03:10:08.0000] ta [03:15:00.0000] I think Nightly just froze my entire system [03:22:02.0000] the W3C bugmail doesn’t look that bad to me [03:22:15.0000] I think I even like the HTML table in place of the ASCII art table [03:24:07.0000] darobin: who is ledahulevogyre? [03:24:46.0000] hsivonen: some guy on Twitter — why? [03:24:54.0000] with a cool nick I may add [03:26:28.0000] anyone know where heycam is? [03:26:32.0000] darobin: well, the nick looked like it might be your Twitter alter ego, but then I saw him comment on github, too [03:26:57.0000] hsivonen: heh, no, I only go by one identity :) [03:27:26.0000] darobin: since you follow him, I though you might know who he is [03:27:37.0000] the cult of the dahut is far more widespread than you realise hsivonen, we are everywhere [03:27:50.0000] darobin: So you deny beingg Mr Last Week> :p [03:27:53.0000] I follow him because he has a cool nick, and we've exchanged a few times [03:27:55.0000] s/>/?/ [03:28:23.0000] Le Dahu Levogyre… lévogyre seems a reference to Goldorak. Probably someone in between 35 and 45 [03:28:23.0000] jgraham: indeed, I can say "it waddunt me" :) [03:28:52.0000] karlcow: I hadn't seen the Goldorak reference there [03:29:07.0000] I suspected he trolled me on Twitter instead of really thinking I was confused, so I didn’t reply. Maybe I was impolite. [03:29:25.0000] darobin: Come out of this body robinCornofulgure [03:30:06.0000] karlcow: dahuts can be either lévogyre or dextrogyre, it's part of their nature [03:30:28.0000] /me is unlikely to get Goldorak references, didn't watch that much tv as a kid :) [03:30:56.0000] hsivonen: I suspect I've probably met him IRL, but I tend to have a very poor memory of people I've seen only a few times at busy conferences.... [03:30:56.0000] karlcow: I thought lévogyre was a joke on making polarizing comments [03:31:38.0000] hsivonen: You writing a HTML parser in Rust? [03:32:18.0000] jgraham: I’m probably translating the one I’ve already written to Rust [03:32:28.0000] /me is a one-trick pony [03:32:51.0000] I suspect lévogyre is actually an indication of political orientation [03:32:57.0000] hsivonen: I think he was confused [03:33:03.0000] at least, the tradition in dahut jokes is that it is [03:33:08.0000] aaaaah no, darobin, au temps pour moi, it is Clavicogyre [03:33:15.0000] hsivonen: That… might or might not be a good idea. I guess I hadn't considered the possibility. [03:33:19.0000] http://membres.multimania.fr/armelanuel/armes.html [03:33:23.0000] hsivonen: I doubt many people realise that effectively UTF-16 is the only encoding that breaks ASCII [03:33:43.0000] I wonder if it's the first time that goldorak is mentioned on #whatwg [03:33:54.0000] There is an achievement there [03:33:55.0000] karlcow: you are a fount of wisdom about things I didn't even know existed :) [03:34:06.0000] jgraham: today, I’ve mostly been writing a Java to Java transform that removes fall-through in switch [03:35:13.0000] I see [03:35:43.0000] Rust seems nice enough that it would be fun to write from-scratch to get it idiomatically correct [03:36:17.0000] (I have only played with it a very little bit though) [03:41:45.0000] darobin: so how do lévogyre and dextrogyre map to politics? Left and right respectively? [03:41:57.0000] yeah, turning towards left or right [03:45:43.0000] ☺ and not the same level of turn depending on the country [03:46:43.0000] levels of turn famously vary by language :-) [03:51:21.0000] I always get this impression that sicking (or maybe someone he works with) just implements something and then bothers to tell everyone else involved in the standards process after the fact [03:51:21.0000] https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17242#c9 [03:51:25.0000] it's getting kinda annoying [03:51:50.0000] especially if you read elsewhere about Mozilla "doing the right thing" all the time [03:52:58.0000] \o/ my Java to Java transform still passes the test suite [03:55:01.0000] annevk: always or just after B2G started? [03:55:15.0000] annevk: mostly since b2g ramped up I suspect [03:55:17.0000] I had it with CORS too [03:55:55.0000] and I've been doing my best to follow up in bug reports and such [03:56:05.0000] but I don't get the same courtesy it seems [03:57:00.0000] you can't both complain about NaCl and just extend XMLHttpRequest without telling other vendors about it [03:57:28.0000] well, apparently you can [03:58:00.0000] hooray. ibm864 removed from Gecko [03:58:20.0000] nice [03:58:31.0000] can't stay mad at Gecko too long it seems :p [04:00:24.0000] AryehGregor: so yeah, e.g. shift_jis is Shift_JIS [04:00:52.0000] AryehGregor: seems like a more annoying API, but you're right that we should probably just go with it and advice people to use toLowercase() or some such [04:01:15.0000] annevk, yes, I don't think it's worth trying to get browsers to change from the plurality on little things like this. [04:01:39.0000] Opera will need to change though [04:01:45.0000] because Opera has a nice API [04:01:49.0000] and the web wants it ugly [04:01:52.0000] booo [04:01:56.0000] boooooooooo [04:02:17.0000] I don't actually think all-lowercase is inherently nicer than sensible mixed-case. [04:02:24.0000] The only thing that's really ugly is all-uppercase. [04:04:17.0000] says the guy called AryehGregor [04:04:25.0000] maybe if you were annevk you'd see the world differently [04:04:31.0000] :) [04:06:08.0000] hsivonen: you still think we should define x-user-defined right? http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/whatwg/20121003#l-461 [04:06:19.0000] hsivonen: and x-user-defined is also its only label correct? [04:09:54.0000] annevk: I think we should define the way it’s defined in Gecko (and WebKit if SO is to be believed) [04:10:07.0000] let’s see about the labels… [04:10:31.0000] annevk: it’s the only label [04:11:03.0000] that is, lower half maps to Basic Latin and the upper half to PUA [04:11:05.0000] okay, I'll try to fix that today as it seems the other things I wanted to fix require some confirmation from others [04:11:19.0000] but first the casing sadness [04:11:31.0000] casing sadness? [04:11:31.0000] thanks hsivonen [04:11:42.0000] well utf-8 -> UTF-8, shift_jis -> Shift_JIS [04:12:00.0000] annevk: in what context? [04:12:07.0000] windows-1252 stays the same though, but iso-8859-2 becomes ISO-8859-2 [04:12:19.0000] hsivonen: the encoding name is exposed through document.characterSet [04:12:27.0000] annevk: does the Web depend on the case exposed by Gecko? [04:12:46.0000] annevk: or is it IE’s fault and Gecko just does the same? [04:12:56.0000] I'm not sure (Opera has lowercase and no bugs), but AryehGregor argued that we should not change casing as Gecko/WebKit/IE agree [04:13:02.0000] Does IE agree? [04:13:07.0000] not sure IE agrees [04:13:10.0000] I don't have IE [04:13:13.0000] I only tested UTF-8, and IE seemed to call that "unicode". [04:13:17.0000] oh [04:13:21.0000] http://dump.testsuite.org/encoding/label-test.html can be used to test others [04:13:38.0000] AryehGregor: really? I thought IE called UTF-16LE unicode [04:13:49.0000] just type in a label, hit enter, and it'll give you the name back [04:13:49.0000] Hmm. [04:14:01.0000] I wish I had IE [04:14:09.0000] According to that page, IE says "utf-8". [04:14:15.0000] oooh [04:14:20.0000] So I don't have a problem with that, if it's matching IE/Opera instead of Gecko/WebKit. [04:14:40.0000] Yeah, seems to be all lowercase. [04:14:59.0000] /me makes a happy dance [04:15:00.0000] annevk, I use Windows 8 Developer Preview, which I downloaded for free and run in VirtualBox. [04:15:03.0000] Works well for me. [04:15:07.0000] You use some type of Linux, right? [04:15:08.0000] euh no, not enough room [04:15:16.0000] Oh, really? Oh well. [04:15:22.0000] not enough room to dance [04:15:30.0000] I'll try that preview [04:16:53.0000] IE10 standards mode might not be Web-compatible [04:18:03.0000] That's true. [04:18:16.0000] othermaciej, my comments on bug 11204 are unrelated to forking, they are about the HTMLWG Process [04:18:59.0000] IE9 mode also lowercases. The page doesn't seem to work at all in IE7 or IE8 mode. [04:21:03.0000] I think I’m better at remembering the canonical casing for charset labels in Gecko than I am at remembering namespace URLs [04:21:04.0000] maybe IE8 does not support characterSet? [04:21:41.0000] if namespaces were short strings instead of something silly like URLs they might have succeeded [04:21:56.0000] othermaciej, I don't deny that the W3C has the right the fork the spec, but I think it doesn't align with the W3C's policy; that's why I objected to the publication in WebApps [04:23:13.0000] Which spec is this, parsing and serialization? [04:25:14.0000] Yeah [04:26:42.0000] annevk, heycam appears to be away until 5 November [04:26:46.0000] hsivonen: should I define x-user-defined using an index like the other single-byte encodings or should I define it as an algorithmic encoding somehow? [04:26:51.0000] thanks Ms2ger [04:26:56.0000] Np [04:29:33.0000] /me goes off for food [04:31:34.0000] hsivonen: going with algorithmic I think [04:32:39.0000] annevk, so are you going to stick with lowercase for everything? hsivonen, are we okay with changing to that? [04:33:14.0000] AryehGregor: if I can, yes; if Gecko objects I'd like to know from Travis or Adrian what they think [04:33:21.0000] Sounds good. [04:38:35.0000] annevk: algorithmic bytes to UTF-16 code points is super-simple to define at least [04:39:15.0000] AryehGregor: I have no idea of the Web compat impact. [04:39:30.0000] Hmm. [04:39:32.0000] AryehGregor: in terms of elegance and sanity, I’d prefer lower case [04:40:11.0000] Are we willing to try in principle? Really I just need to know whether I can fairly test that spec requirement -- I don't want to test it if it's not clear what we want the spec to say. [04:40:13.0000] AryehGregor: but if we break something, it will be really hard to justify to product management [04:40:18.0000] Sure. [04:40:41.0000] We could ask Opera if they've hit any compat issues. [04:41:01.0000] AryehGregor: I’d we willing to *try*, but you should ping smontagu and perhaps bz. [04:41:24.0000] AryehGregor: I almost filed the bug already. :-) [04:41:35.0000] AryehGregor: Opera has no registered compat issues [04:42:03.0000] AryehGregor: I would have been cc'd on any such bugs and also researched this when writing the standard [04:43:22.0000] So, anyone want to guess what doc.URL does if doc is something other than the current document? [04:43:26.0000] (in browsers) [04:44:47.0000] IE: The page's current URL (dunno what happens with iframes). Chrome: Empty string. Firefox: The page's current URL if doc is an HTML document, undefined if it's XML. Opera: about:blank if the doc is an HTML document, undefined if it's XML. [04:44:55.0000] Spec: about:blank. [04:44:58.0000] /me scratches head [04:45:51.0000] documents and URLs are a big mess [04:46:14.0000] I think the cleanup the spec did here makes sense [04:46:33.0000] I'd hope at least *you* think what you wrote makes sense. :) [04:46:38.0000] What's the point of .URL anyway? [04:46:51.0000] Is it different from .documentURI in implementations in any useful way? [04:47:49.0000] Is there any way to change a document's URL if it didn't start its life attached to a window? [04:48:03.0000] I guess about:blank makes as much sense as anything. [04:48:23.0000] (I hope Gecko and Opera make .URL defined for XML documents if the current page is an XML document.) [04:48:31.0000] .URL was first [04:48:31.0000] /me leaves the test matching the spec [04:48:36.0000] and for some reason they added documentURI [04:48:42.0000] and the spec makes both the same [04:48:47.0000] Sounds good to me. [04:49:04.0000] oh, and makes them readonly, which they were in most implementations already [04:50:14.0000] AryehGregor: thanks for writing these tests! [04:50:22.0000] Most? [04:51:05.0000] I think WebKit implemented setting but then removed it because Gecko didn't allow it [04:51:08.0000] dunno about others [04:51:12.0000] well, don't remember [04:51:21.0000] but they aligned on that point to some extent already [04:52:03.0000] interfaces.html should already test that, in principle. [04:52:07.0000] Whether it's read-only, I mean. [04:53:34.0000] hsivonen: do you happen to know how the encoder works for x-user-defined? [04:54:36.0000] hsivonen, are you going to file a bug on case-folding here, or shall I? [05:06:13.0000] /me finds three slightly different implementations of the same basic algorithm in nsDocument::GetDocumentURI, nsHTMLDocument::GetURL, and nsSVGDocument::GetURL [05:06:14.0000] /me unifies! [05:20:38.0000] AryehGregor: please go ahead and file [05:20:59.0000] annevk: let’s see… [05:22:25.0000] Whoa. We have nsUnicodeToZapfDingbat.cpp [05:25:03.0000] Isn't that from the legay practice of doing A and expecting an alpha character, or something [05:25:16.0000] annevk: sorry, the interesting part seems to be buried somewhere outside the encoder itself [05:25:35.0000] annevk: I don’t know what happens to unencodable characters [05:25:59.0000] Which worked in IE and Netscape 4, but not in Mozilla who insisted finding an actual A glyph (and ignoring the font, since it didn't contain one) [05:26:29.0000] jgraham: more likely for rendering Unicode on OS/2, Classic Mac OS or legacy X11 [05:26:47.0000] Oh, it's from the inverse problem [05:26:50.0000] I see [05:29:25.0000] AryehGregor: could you cc me on your DOM and Encoding-related activities? [05:31:26.0000] hsivonen: okay, I'll dig a bit [05:35:38.0000] wow crazy legacy. Gecko knows about Zapf Dingbats. So does FreeType. And PDF.js. [05:35:47.0000] yay magic fonts [05:37:37.0000] annevk, sure. [05:39:35.0000] Added in 1999 with the helpful comment “add unicode encoders” [05:41:34.0000] jgraham: it’s quite possible this thing has never solved a problem but exists merely for completeness [05:42:05.0000] to cover everything someone has bothered to contribute to unicode.org data [05:43:39.0000] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=799913 [05:44:14.0000] annevk, why does this output the empty string in Opera? [05:45:17.0000] /me is trying to get a test-case to illustrate the Gecko bug he's filing [05:45:39.0000] Also, IE seems to say "unicode" here. [05:45:47.0000] Do they not pick up the charset declaration properly somehow? [05:46:25.0000] AryehGregor: are you testing with document.open() or with real network? [05:46:36.0000] Live DOM Viewer. [05:46:46.0000] AryehGregor: there’s your problem [05:46:53.0000] AryehGregor: it uses document.open() [05:47:02.0000] Oh. [05:47:03.0000] so always "unicode" in IE [05:47:36.0000] I'd try data: URLs, but those don't work in IE for this. [05:50:18.0000] AryehGregor: seems Opera is affected by the document.open() thing too [05:50:29.0000] AryehGregor: data URL in an