2012-12-01 [16:03:39.0000] /me wonders what exactly http://w3cmemes.tumblr.com/post/36895847700 is referring to [16:04:15.0000] jwalden: HTMLWG has two very private lists, where all the decisions about what actually gets merged into the spec appear to take place. [16:05:44.0000] so it's a gripe about those decisions not being in the open, or something? [16:05:54.0000] Yes. [16:06:07.0000] And not even being member-private, but team-private. [16:06:26.0000] it's more just an observation of how charters at the w3c are meaningless and only observed when it's convenient (the top line is a quote from the charter) [16:07:10.0000] :-) [16:07:21.0000] given the choice to laugh or cry, I laugh [16:08:20.0000] it's also implicitly a rebuke to those who say the whatwg is opaque and the w3c is more transparent :-) [16:11:17.0000] annevk: Someone in es-discuss suggests push() instead of append(), since the functionality parallels what push() does in arrays. [16:12:15.0000] can anyone prove that submit() does something synchronously? [16:12:49.0000] annevk: Also, it was pointed out that ES6's spread operator makes setAll()/appendAll() superfluous, as we can instead just make then n-ary and then spread will take care of when you've got an array of values to use. [16:13:27.0000] i guess just the navigation could be async [16:13:32.0000] That is, "u.set('foo', 1, 2, 3)" or "u.set('foo', ...[1,2,3])", so no need for "u.setAll('foo', [1,2,3])". [16:14:28.0000] "...[1,2,3]"? they couldn't just steal python's *syntax instead of making up something new (if that's what it looks like)? [16:14:40.0000] ok i could tell if that's the case because if the nav was sync, then onbeforeunload would be called before submit() returns [16:14:44.0000] ok [16:14:50.0000] that's easy to test [16:15:18.0000] zewt: Pretty sure that syntax is stolen from another language, actually. [16:15:24.0000] (Python's is kinda dumb.) [16:15:42.0000] not any language I know (and I know a decent number) [16:16:51.0000] aHA! it is async in chrome and sync in firefox [16:16:57.0000] and of course beforeunload doesn't fire in opera [16:17:03.0000] because WHY WOULD WE NEED TO BE INTEROPERABLE [16:17:06.0000] that would be too easy [16:17:35.0000] anyone got IE handy? [16:17:49.0000] for the tie breaker? [16:18:25.0000] ie9 [16:18:34.0000] http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/1946 [16:18:40.0000] what are the three events in the log [16:18:44.0000] after you click teh button [16:19:37.0000] log: event "click" using interface "[object MouseEvent]" targetted at ; bubbles; cancelable [16:19:40.0000] log: event "beforeunload" using interface "[object BeforeUnloadEvent]" targetted at "[object Window]"; cancelable [16:19:43.0000] log: event "click" using interface "[object MouseEvent]" targetted at ; bubbles; cancelable [16:19:47.0000] cool, thanks [16:19:51.0000] ok, mozilla, you win this round [16:20:08.0000] synchronous events :| [16:20:41.0000] this was just setting the stage for the real question, which is what happens when you submit the form from onbeforeunload [16:20:53.0000] if they were async that would be conveniently much easier [16:21:05.0000] but apparently easy isn't on the cards for today [16:22:06.0000] firefox apparently doesn't submit the form! [16:22:41.0000] zewt: if you're bored, see what IE does on http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/1947 (but don't worry if you can't be bothered or are busy or whatever) [16:23:22.0000] looks like firefox stops all reentrant navigations during onbeforeunload [16:23:24.0000] interesting [16:23:52.0000] log: event "click" using interface "[object MouseEvent]" targetted at ; bubbles; cancelable [16:23:55.0000] log: event "beforeunload" using interface "[object BeforeUnloadEvent]" targetted at "[object Window]"; cancelable [16:23:58.0000] log: event "beforeunload" using interface "[object BeforeUnloadEvent]" targetted at "[object Window]"; cancelable [16:24:01.0000] log: event "click" using interface "[object MouseEvent]" targetted at ; bubbles; cancelable [16:24:04.0000] o/~ spam o/~ [16:24:10.0000] and the rendered view points to what? [16:24:35.0000] nested live dom viewer, software.hixie.ch home page, other? [16:24:50.0000] nested [16:24:57.0000] wow, interop [16:24:59.0000] sweet, thanks [16:25:31.0000] zewt: just for completeness, same result for http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/1948 ? [16:25:39.0000] (changing the form to a location setter) [16:26:21.0000] yeah [16:26:33.0000] awesome [16:28:19.0000] location.reload too? [16:28:52.0000] sure, if you want [16:29:27.0000] up to you, just checking [16:29:28.0000] http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/1949 should be it [16:30:45.0000] that one lands back on the original view, and logs 6 events (click, beforeunload, beforeunload, click, beforeunload, beforeunload) [16:31:02.0000] different than gecko [16:31:05.0000] interesting [16:35:07.0000] interesting, gecko even kills navs in onbeforeunload for history.back() [16:35:20.0000] (not gonna ask you to test that cos it's a pain to set up) [16:35:49.0000] wait that wasn't firefox, duh [16:36:02.0000] twisty maze of browsers, all alike [16:36:29.0000] same result, ok [23:46:40.0000] hi everyone [23:47:46.0000] I've got a question about adjusting foreign attributes for a token at tree-construction.html#adjust-foreign-attributes [23:49:49.0000] at tokenization.html#tokenization the spec says that tag tokens have attributes and those attribute have a name and a value [23:50:05.0000] it doesn't say anything about those attributes having namespaces [23:50:52.0000] but at tree-construction.html#adjust-foreign-attributes the spec says that the token attributes should be made namespaced attributes [23:51:58.0000] i assume this means that the attributes added to the element that will be created from the token should be namespaced [23:54:41.0000] but then introduction.html#html-vs-xhtml says that namespaces cannot be represented by the HTML syntax, but the DOM can represent them [23:56:00.0000] in my head, this is a disconnect: the HTML syntax can't represent namespaces, yet parsed attributes are created as namespaces attribute in the DOM by the HTML parser [23:57:04.0000] *namespaced attributes [00:10:55.0000] jordanbtucker: yes. This is just like element names.

ends up with a XHTML namespace, with a SVG namespace, but neither namespace is represented in syntax [00:16:42.0000] thanks. i understand that better now. i just didn't get it the first few times i read it [01:38:37.0000] hmm url.query = url2.query; should happen? [01:39:20.0000] I guess either it should magically clone url2.query on assignment or ignore assignment or throw [02:02:03.0000] TabAtkins: it's not called push() because of FormData http://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/#formdata (and we use append() in e.g. the DOM as well to mean the same thing) [02:02:26.0000] TabAtkins: but yeah, you can argue this one either way :/ [02:03:29.0000] TabAtkins: arity works, with appending behavior for set if there's more values given than values on the object for the given name? [02:31:03.0000] "341 e-mails remaining", lowest since April 2010 [02:38:44.0000] Hixie: Sorry, I was not [02:49:22.0000] Ms2ger: do you know what the "behind" thing means? [02:50:54.0000] So I guess given the bug Hixie pointed yesterday "query state" will actually need to do buffering before percent encoding because otherwise legacy encodings will go wrong [02:51:13.0000] legacy encodings, fuck you [02:51:21.0000] var expected = -(start/(runwayEnd-runwayStart))*(runwayNow-runwayStart)+start; [02:51:21.0000] var delta = (expected - actual).toFixed(0); [02:51:21.0000] if (delta > 0) [02:51:21.0000] return delta /*+ s*/ + ' ahead'; [02:51:21.0000] else [02:51:22.0000] return -delta /*+ s*/ + ' behind'; [02:51:50.0000] Mm [02:52:16.0000] Looks like he wants to get to zero by the start of the new year [02:52:51.0000] no Christmas for Hixie then? :p [02:53:26.0000] He'll just act like everyone is celebrating his birthday early :) [03:37:31.0000] TabAtkins: created bugzilla component for CSS Display [03:37:33.0000] https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/buglist.cgi?product=CSS&component=Display&list_id=2660 [03:37:39.0000] sorry for the delay [03:40:05.0000] hey conformance-checking fans: I integrated support into the validator for allowing you to filter out any error/warning/info messages you don't want to see [03:40:09.0000] http://qa-dev.w3.org:8888/ [03:40:18.0000] please try it and let me know if you find any problems [03:40:29.0000] this is based on Keegan Street's code [03:41:38.0000] though I rewrote quite a lot of it due to it relying on JQuery [03:43:18.0000] since it didn't seem prudent to add a JQuery dependency when it adds more than the current combined size of the whole JS + HTML + CSS for the existing UI [03:45:39.0000] MikeSmith: do you think we can remove the status column on http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/MetaExtensions ? [03:45:55.0000] annevk: saw you comment about that [03:45:59.0000] lemme look [03:46:31.0000] hmm yeah [03:46:34.0000] you're right [03:46:44.0000] it's not needed by anybody [03:46:58.0000] given the way the page is already organized [03:47:02.0000] /me takes a look at http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/MetaExtensions [03:47:03.0000] yikes [03:47:17.0000] MikeSmith: would it break the scripts from validator.nu? [03:47:43.0000] annevk: no because we are not parsing that page and extracting anything from it [03:47:47.0000] we just eyeball it [03:48:21.0000] the supported values are hardcoded [03:48:28.0000] enumerated [03:48:52.0000] we add new ones manually to the source when needed [03:49:07.0000] oh [03:50:39.0000] hmm I guess I won't change it for now and let Hixie sort it out [03:51:01.0000] the "status" thing is a concept HTML defines, although it's inconsistent with that page [07:23:05.0000] http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-http2-00#section-3.2.1 if you're going to include scheme/host/port/path, why not just pass a URL? [07:23:30.0000] Because there are no URLs, only IRIs [07:28:31.0000] they do reference some obsoleted URL RFC though [07:28:52.0000] maybe not enough IETF party line rewrite yet [13:20:27.0000] Is there a way not to get so many captchas when editing wiki.whatwg.org? [13:30:21.0000] i never get captchas... dunno [13:30:23.0000] GPHemsley? [13:34:02.0000] nessy: yt? [13:38:48.0000] SimonSapin: Wait a few days. :) [13:39:01.0000] GPHemsley: ok, thanks [14:13:41.0000] oh great … the grammars in HTTP implicitly allow white space … sometimes 2012-12-02 [16:45:20.0000] heycam|away: any progress on https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17201 ? [18:36:28.0000] youtube is a case study in the fact that a company will intentionally utterly cripple a video streaming service to save money [18:36:41.0000] been worthless for like a year or more now [18:47:47.0000] youtube seemed to work fine for streaming the recent US presidential debates, just one example, but still, didn't expect it to work as well as it did and be such high quality (HD over DSL). [18:51:23.0000] it's a case study in once a company has an effective monopoly, not giving a shit about user experience [18:56:10.0000] this 3-minute video i'm trying to watch is 12 MB, which my connection can download in about 4 seconds, yet youtube's player refuses to buffer more than ~50 seconds into the future, and it end up falling on its ass and underrunning halfway through the video [18:58:36.0000] seems like they just destroy tcp window sizing, once it clamps the buffer size it never recovers [18:59:56.0000] url? [19:00:12.0000] every youtube video, heh [19:00:17.0000] (both html5 and flash) [19:00:31.0000] the 12MB one [19:01:40.0000] not sure since i closed it already, some thelonelyisland one i think heh [19:02:08.0000] the basic case seems to be "youtube wants to throttle bandwidth usage, and if no smooth mechanisms exist to do it they're willing to use bad mechanisms instead" [19:02:16.0000] when you have one you know is small and you want me to look into it, give me a url :-) [19:02:37.0000] (youtube used to allow buffering whole videos; now once it buffers some amount into the future it stops buffering, which doesn't actually work) [19:33:45.0000] oh *that* problem. yeah I've seen the problem zewt is talking about as well. [19:34:04.0000] happens with either Flash *or* "HTML5" video [19:35:00.0000] I've developed this habit of, start Youtube video, immediately hit pause to let it buffer for a while, and then when I remember to get back to it, start playing it. So yeah, something broke for slow(er) connections in the past few months. I don't watch much video on YouTube so I haven't bothered reporting it. [19:35:26.0000] I can try a few videos (movie trailers are a good test case) when I get back to a DSL connection and provide URLs then. [02:10:14.0000] jamesr: indeed (re public-webapps) TR/ of Fetch doesn't define referrer source either [02:16:57.0000] annevk: is it ok to steal the whatwg stylesheet for http://simonsapin.github.com/data-urls/ ? [02:21:50.0000] SimonSapin: I certainly used it myself without asking for all kinds of things [02:23:48.0000] Hixie: "Browsers won't let you nest iframes that point to ancestors." The only interesting case here might be paths that differ only in percent escaping; e.g. %41 vs A or %7F vs %7f [02:26:39.0000] Oh, in WebKit DocumentFragment insertion is still not atomic? https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=91460 [02:28:22.0000] Looks much better: http://simonsapin.github.com/data-urls/ [02:28:24.0000] and has the appropriate amount of red [02:34:58.0000] nice [07:12:21.0000] In the proposed version, I've changed the links to the following specs: - [CORS], [DOM], [DOMPS], [HTML] from the WHATWG version to the latest W3C TR doc. - [FILEAPI], [PROGRESSEVENTS], [WEBIDL] from the latest W3C ED to the latest W3C TR doc. [07:12:33.0000] ^ don't know who this guy is, but the above tells me he should never ever be editing specs [07:14:17.0000] don't even know why i'm glancing at these threads, heh [07:14:37.0000] guess it's the car crash principle [07:30:16.0000] zewt, to be fair, it's apparently plh's fault [10:38:19.0000] /me wonders if there is a canonical form for HTML5? Something like Exclusive XML Canonicalization Version 1.0? [10:42:59.0000] manu1 - there's the output of the parsing algorithm [10:44:09.0000] manu1: You could use the HTML fragment serialization algorithm with some extra constraint on the ordering of attributes, if you want a string representation and don't care about not being able to represent all possible (or even all conforming) DOMs, I guess [10:44:23.0000] annevk: yeah in the diff i mention that this is post-url-parsing/resolution so hopefully that matches what browsers do (in particular, you canonicalise the case of the scheme and host tokens, right?) [10:44:26.0000] tantek: If two different implementations implement the parsing algorithm correctly, and serialize the result of the parsing algorithm to a string, are both strings guaranteed to be equivalent? (for example, if you wanted to create a digital signature of a serialized HTML5 string, could you do it via two different implementations of the HTML5 spec)? [10:44:41.0000] Philip`: just use xml c14n and xhtml [10:46:47.0000] Hixie, Philip`, tantek: This is for the HTMLLiteral stuff that the RDF WG just created - they want a native RDF datatype for HTML Literals (as opposed to XML Literals)... and I'm trying to figure out if there is a way of deterministically generating a string that expresses such a thing (like there is for XML C14N) [10:47:14.0000] ain't no such thing as an html fragment, so... [10:47:29.0000] It would be fine to say that there is no canonical form for an HTMLLiteral... but some of the more pedantic people would be upset by that, I imagine. [10:47:39.0000] there's no form at all, let alone canonical [10:47:49.0000] so the pedantic people would be already having all kinds of trouble [10:48:07.0000] right, that's the conclusion I came to from reading various parts of the HTML5 spec. [10:49:11.0000] k, thx Hixie, tantek, Philip` - I'll try to do something sane that doesn't cause the RDF WG to flip out. [10:49:21.0000] (for example, there's no way to even know what namespace a fragment like "x" should result in, or whether it should be an element node with a child text node or a sibling text node) [10:49:25.0000] I don't know Hixie, the HTML5 spec is quite detailed, something I think pedantic people would very much appreciate. ;) [11:02:09.0000] bleh, how is it that there are no numeric comparison operators in CSS selectors [11:08:04.0000] like :nth-child ? [11:08:06.0000] (an+b) and all that [11:08:14.0000] what's the use case you're trying to solve? [11:08:32.0000] html[data-foo>5] [11:08:40.0000] /me wants to be able to select all prime-numbered paragraphs [11:08:51.0000] (where it's actually something like the window size, etc) [11:14:08.0000] i end up having to precompute all of the comparisons, which works but is pretty lame [11:35:44.0000] indeed, I want to do similar things with attributes for values for things like styling barcharts [11:36:39.0000] I think the answer to your original questions about (lack of existence) is, 1. there hasn't been well documented use cases (a few lines on IRC is a good start, but a wiki page would be nicer), and 2. we haven't figured out a good way to do so in CSS selector syntax. [11:36:59.0000] I think if you work on *either* of those, you would increase the chances of such CSS selectors being created [11:37:38.0000] as I think there would be others (myself included) interested in helping such a proposal along in CSSWG. I can see TabAtkins being interested too. [11:57:16.0000] zewt, tantek: I could be interested in making this happen too [12:50:52.0000] TabAtkins: you need to update your scripts: http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-cascade/ [12:51:04.0000] http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/csswg/rev/692c54ee5a46 [12:59:00.0000] can someone with IE load up http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/1974 then hit the submit button and tell me what it says in the log? [13:40:43.0000] So, doing some web developer stuff. Coded after specs, works in Opera. Testing in fx and chrome, oh-noes, it doesn't work. Grr. Feeling the angry webdev wrath :P [13:41:19.0000] Velmont: I can’t believe that would happen ;) [13:43:25.0000] SimonSapin: So I have to go through and debug what standard-features they don't support. :] Kinda looking forward to testing IE10 tomorrow, I actually think it'll work there. [14:30:40.0000] Hixie: the plan is to do host normalisation, but I don't know what type yet because browser vendors cannot make up their mind [14:31:23.0000] Hixie: but yes, the parser normalises URLs insofar browsers normalise URLs, I might define some additional normalisation/comparison algorithms for use in the API [14:31:37.0000] (input on which would be much appreciated) [14:32:31.0000] lgtm [14:52:54.0000] Ms2ger: fwiw, plh has done the blocking references thing to WHATWG drafts since forever [14:55:17.0000] Ms2ger: though changing things to link to TR/ is just plain moronic [14:55:42.0000] Ms2ger: I doubt they realize that means things like ByteString are not defined... [14:56:47.0000] Though thinking about it I guess it's not too different from the stuff they're doing with what they call HTML5. Monkey patching something they don't really comprehend. [14:57:54.0000] annevk: yeah i love how it is actually breaking the specs to do that these days [14:57:57.0000] annevk: so stupid [15:05:10.0000] sure is fun to be telling people over and over "never ever look at TR pages" while having idiots like that actively working to confuse people [15:09:59.0000] Yeah I don't quite understand the deal and how this is different from the deal I offered Jeff Jaffe where I would push out a W3C TR/ copy with their copyright attached it as long as I could also publish it in CC0 at the WHATWG. [15:10:39.0000] In fact, this seems to be worse for them as their copy ends up looking much worse because of all the attribution thingies attached to it and it's out of date and incorrect. [15:30:25.0000] annevk: FWIW I would love to be able to point to updated TR copies at the W3C instead of stale ones [15:33:26.0000] Don't tell me, tell the W3C. [15:40:11.0000] Hixie: btw, I got feedback about http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/MetaExtensions being confusing. In particular the "Status" column, which appears to be useless because of the separate tables, should probably be removed. [15:42:11.0000] Hixie: also under http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/MetaExtensions#Failed_Proposals it seems "Brief description" is actually the reason it failed [15:43:25.0000] Hixie: I did not change the structure of things because the HTML spec talks about it, so I wanted to hear what you thought first [15:47:19.0000] annevk: :-) 2012-12-03 [16:06:53.0000] annevk: planning on doing registry stuff in january [16:06:54.0000] nessy: yt? [16:08:05.0000] nm, gotta go [16:08:06.0000] bbl [20:08:29.0000] this morning my 8-year-old son asked me what's the difference between XHTML and HTML, and why don't people use XHTML [20:09:34.0000] Someone needs to write a book of Web standards fairy-tales for children [20:25:40.0000] roc, that's awesome. [20:26:30.0000] feel free to childrens-bookize this blog post: http://tantek.com/2010/302/b1/xhtml-dead-long-live-xml-valid-html5 [20:29:52.0000] roc: if he starts asking about http-range-14, that'd be a time to worry [00:34:19.0000] nessy: We had a discussion on TPAC about the TR page. The room agreed that the WG should be allowed to put whatever there. [00:34:54.0000] nessy: So, e.g. for IndexedDB the last year, that would be its editors draft. Because reading the WD version was utterly bogus (lots of old stuff) [00:35:59.0000] Also, as I said yesterday, I coded directly to spec, and ended up having to patch in order for it to work in contemporary Chrome and IE. -- So that caniuse-integration, and hopefully at attribute-method level would be very useful for webdevs. [00:36:17.0000] I guess that's why webdevs doesn't really use the spec. I had to do extra work in the end because of it :P [00:37:11.0000] (Well, worked in Opera, -- but guess that's because we updated dom level 3 events not too long ago. [01:23:16.0000] wow i didn't know Hixie used an *SVG* repository to edit the spec. https://github.com/w3c/html#how-the-branches-fit-together [01:26:10.0000] why isn’t that chart itself SVG? [02:06:50.0000] tabatkins: was concerned by your statement http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/whatwg/20121201#l-144 so have asked HTML WG chairs if it is correct http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2012Dec/0002.html [02:07:53.0000] Stevef: hi. does http://www.paciellogroup.com/blog/2012/04/html5-accessibility-chops-real-world-aria-landmark-use/ contain your latest findings on role=main usage? [02:08:06.0000] or is there something more recent I should be reading? [02:08:21.0000] tabatkins: I am on one of the lists as edit a few specs in the html wg, I have not noticed any decisions on that list other than administrative ones [02:08:54.0000] hsivonen: no thats the latest [02:08:56.0000] I was not aware of those treehouse lists before the meme [02:08:58.0000] Stevef: thanks [02:09:03.0000] Stevef: the real context is http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/whatwg/20121130#l-1012 [02:10:09.0000] zcorpan: SVG can do anything [02:10:44.0000] odinho: dude, mention the feature [02:12:47.0000] i'm on one of the lists too but didn't reflect over its secretness [02:13:20.0000] annevk: OK, well that statement is similar, I thought that the way it worked is/was editors are free to make changes to the specs that are interop bug related or editorial. and the wg is notified of these, anything controversial such as addition of new features or significant chnages to current spec are documented by the editors and not added until wg has agreed. [02:15:12.0000] but I could be wrong... [02:15:20.0000] Stevef: if you don't think there's a lot of private stuff going on around the HTML WG and lobbying and such you're unfortunately misled; fortunately none of it seems to have much of an effect in practice though [02:15:38.0000] or fortunately, I don't really care anymore what they're up to [02:16:36.0000] annevk: what i recently have realised in the last week is there is a lot of private stuff going on in HTML standardization full stop [02:16:37.0000] well I do, but I've given up [02:17:25.0000] and I don't think that the HTML WG is any more or less prone to it [02:18:25.0000] annevk: OH THE SUSPENSE. I was actually just not happy noone commented, now you have, so I'm happy. All is well again. [02:18:45.0000] odinho: no it's not, the curious have no answers! [02:18:47.0000] annevk: I have had a glimpse of late into a world of backchannels I naively did not know existed [02:18:55.0000] annevk: Or SimonSapin actually did, but I had forgot when I woke up this morning. [02:19:21.0000] annevk: I'm scared of being flamed for obviously not knowing that "noone else had implemented that". :P [02:19:38.0000] annevk: Or for "yeah, it's in the spec but you shouldn't use that you stupid!!!11" [02:19:39.0000] odinho: sorry I lost context [02:19:48.0000] odinho: instead you'll be herrassed for not telling! [02:19:59.0000] annevk: It's a tradeoff... ;-) [02:20:51.0000] odinho: what is this about? [02:21:44.0000] Stevef: I'm guessing you're talking about
, since there's been a lot of that lately, but it would help my understanding if you were more concrete [02:21:58.0000] annevk: Ohwell, it's only this small keyboardEvent.key. http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/DOM-Level-3-Events/html/DOM3-Events.html#events-KeyboardEvent-key [02:22:17.0000] odinho: ah, yeah, that's not implemented :) [02:22:25.0000] odinho: also, keyboard events are a mess [02:22:45.0000] But I liked it. e.key == "Enter", e.key == "Down" [02:22:47.0000] I was happy. [02:23:49.0000] But then, TADA- does not work when my friend at my hackspace tried it. And imma like, I haven't yet tested other places than Opera *embarrasedface* :P [02:24:17.0000] annevk: yeah 'remember the
' [02:24:54.0000] Stevef: so what backchannel was used there? [02:25:27.0000] /me thought Hixie rejected it on whatwg⊙wo [02:25:50.0000] annevk: I wasn't saying that was a backchannel, just responding to you saying guessist about
[02:26:11.0000] found it amusing [02:26:37.0000] SimonSapin: Oh, I'm Velmont at home... :P That's why you are loosing context. [02:27:07.0000] /me is getting more confused [02:27:37.0000] odinho: if you’re talking about DOM3 events, I’m not the one who commented on it [02:27:47.0000] annevk: will write a post about my experiences of late once the dust settles [02:28:09.0000] SimonSapin: You did. I have logs, y'know ;-) [02:28:14.0000] Stevef: Maybe you were talking about WAI then? They do indeed a lot of stuff in private... [02:28:28.0000] odinho: prove it :p [02:28:52.0000] SimonSapin: http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/whatwg/20121202#l-355 [02:28:58.0000] annevk: has nothing to do with WAI, they have not been involved [02:29:54.0000] Stevef: The alluding that there's a problem somewhere, but not telling what it is, is kind of annoying. I wish you had written that post first. [02:30:14.0000] odinho: oh, that. I had no idea what the actual issues was about, just joking about standards guaranteeing interop [02:31:10.0000] annevk: well I am sorry for that, but was just riffing on the discussion [02:32:03.0000] SimonSapin: That's commenting enough for me ;] [02:37:19.0000] Hixie: maybe add a check for " ..." in live dom viewer's filetestbug()? [02:43:30.0000] haha, just got a bug report on ReSpec for a spec produced using Anolis :) [02:43:59.0000] does anyone have a list at the top of their heads about what https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=18460 needs to handle? [02:44:14.0000] darobin: pointer? [02:44:39.0000] annevk: you don't want to know, it's the XHR spec [02:44:55.0000] the problem is that when served from https it's linking to a style sheet in http [02:45:06.0000] which is blocked by a bunch of browsers, naturally [02:45:39.0000] not sure that's natural actually [02:45:41.0000] I guess Anolis could dynamically select the matching scheme when that happen [02:45:47.0000] oh, wait, no it can't! [02:46:13.0000] and you could just use a scheme-relative URL [02:46:41.0000] yeah, but except that doesn't work great with file: [02:47:29.0000] I'd still like to see this though, browsers block cross-scheme style sheet loads? [02:47:39.0000] that's not defined anywhere I think [02:49:49.0000] zcorpan: void elements; namespaced elements; elements without namespace; CDATA conversion (unless we get rid of that);

\n and such

zcorpan: same stuff as innerHTML basically?

what do you mean with CDATA conversion?

turn it into text?

CDATA sections?

yeah, what else is there?

CDATA elements, though i guess they're called RAWDATA now

annevk: I’ve seen browsers not blocking loading of cross-scheme stuff, but showing the page as "insecure"

SimonSapin: right

annevk: yes, look at https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/xhr/raw-file/988b577dec23/Overview.html in Chrome

I believe IE blocks that too

indeed I'm not aware of it being defined

maybe IE gives some form of insecure prompt, not sure

prompting has got to be the worst decision you can make there though

either allow it or don't, but don't ask the user


Chrome blocks cross-scheme style sheets but allows cross-scheme XMLHttpRequest fetching?

I wonder what the rationale for that is

rationale? in a browser?

fair enough

they use jQuery in the XHR spec now? that's so funny

XHR is too hard for the editors of XHR, better use $.ajax

well, Julian actually wrote $.ajax so I don't think he finds XHR too hard

are the W3C lists slower these days?

what the fuck

gmail complaints my login period expires in the middle of me writing a long email

I login in a separate window

then my email gets trashed

oh, it's in drafts

close call

the fact that https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Team/team-html-chairs/ returns a 403 and https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Team/team-html-chairs2/ returns a 404 should tell people enough

it seems whoever created the meme made a typo in the other list

it's actually https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Team/team-html-editors/

annevk: i don't have permissions to view https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Team/team-html-editors/ archive...

Stevef: only the W3C Team does

can someone enlighten me on the sudden surge of interest in these two lists?

even though I am subscribed

darobin: its where the decisions are made

yes, by the brain slugs

bastard brain slugs!

I thought WHATWG made the decisions?

where are your brain slugs?

Anyway, I was just trying to point out how you could easily figure out if a list existed or not

luckily I have all the decsions from https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Team/team-html-editors/ archived in gmail

I don't really have a stake in this game, other than enjoying the delicious memes

Stevef: better register w3cleaks.org

annevk: and unleash a whole lot of broing on the world, why waste anymore of peoples time


but maybe 'broing' too

I have seen a bit of broing from darobin on the editors list for sure



Basically, it seems inevitable that they'll have some means to communicate among themselves.

gsnedders, sure, but do we get to read along? :)

Ms2ger: As much as we do read along inside Hixie's head, seemingly.

i ahven't seen anything vaguely resembling a 'decision' made on the editors list, but was sorry to hear about darobins rash

gsnedders: Hixie's changes to the spec can almost always be derived from a public email and or bug report

annevk: aren't a;;chnages to the html5 specs now available in git commits?

or am i missing somehting?

Stevef: public commits != rationale

You want to be able to figure out why changes are made (and others not) in order to properly review them

well silvia emails the html wg list regularly on chnanges made or not made

Right, lists of changes made. Not rationale.

The whole thing that led to this was Hixie not being able to figure out if the HTML editors made a mistake in not merging a WHATWG edit or if they had a reason for doing so

annevk: if it was due to anything other than a mistake it will be documented publicly, editorial changes and interop chnages are added pretty much without question i.e. hixies rationale is the reason

Stevef: is there a public list of rejected changes then?

silvia details what has not been merged in her emails for example http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2012Nov/0154.html

gsnedders++ # funny

I don't really have any clue what the XHR editors are doing either, other than "pursuing convergence". A lot of the copy & pasting that is occurring these days strikes me as amateur hour and not really a viable strategy.

and yes, I do do a lot of broing there

annevk: put very simply, there is no decision about what commits go in that's made on the editors' list

I am sure if things are clear enough for anybody that needs to know, that the editors will seek to provide all info in amanner that is public and understandable, no conspiracy needed

in fact, not much in the way of decisions apart from stuff like "hey, you folks okay if I move that spec-generating file over there?"

I read each of silvias commit emails and respond to them (usually), I appear to be the only one that shows any interest...

I read silvia's emails but it's not impossible that I could miss stuff here and there

the point is: the commits that are merged are merged at the decision of whoever merges them

darobin: I is so wit.

I don't think there's much conspiracy, just a lack of insight into what is going on. Whether those lists are Team-only or world readable probably would not change much either way.

gsnedders: mucho wit!

Although for the Chairs list that might be different.

annevk: no matter what the access control you still can't read what's in people's brains (I think)

unless you're a brain slug

annevk: only the chairs and illuminati know

the chairs' list is much the same...

darobin: but it's not about that...

annevk: there are two other things that it can be about: a better paper trail, or transparency everywhere


I like both of those? :-)


things can probably be improved, but here's the breakdown for each

re the paper trail, everything that gets merged is listed as such

if there is no rationale, the rationale by default is that it's editorial or assumed consensual

if it wasn't, then there was a discussion on public-html

I guess those things could possibly be explained better, but that's the gist of it

re transparency, those lists are basically replacements for cc lists

they're not decision centres

can we ask anyone inolved in the development of HTML to have all there standards work related email publicly archived, also their texts, conversations, gestures, and thoughts?


Everything except my identity

Stevef: sure we can, but as far as I know anything that matters is already public

i know who you are you are Ms2ger

if you see a decision being made on team-* then that's a bug


the only things that resemble decisions are about bikeshedding stuff

darobin, so I wonder, why does it need to be team-*?

darobin: and the chair decisions?

and frankly, I would think it wonderful if all mailing lists had a separate hidden place for bikeshedding

darobin: before they become public

darobin: "if you see a decision being made on team-* then that's a bug" I have not, but others claim they are

Stevef: "others"?

well hixie and tab for example

Ms2ger: it makes it possible for us to discuss things like your identity without revealing it publicly

which started this conversation

Stevef: so you're saying that people with no access to that list are stating that there's shady stuff going on there?


that's a lot of hooplah over a rumour....

I guess you don't see the issue

I mean, I could equally talk about the decisions made on private-whatwg⊙wo — those are really evil!

experience suggests “pursuing convergence” is not good

darobin: hence my enquiry to the chairs http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2012Dec/0002.html

Stevef: you're on that list, I think you have a decent idea of the vital importance of the decisions we make their thanks to the brain slugs

/me initially wrote "brain sluts" there — not sure what to make of it

guess I'm a bit of a brain slut myself

darobin: thats why I am trying to throw up a smoke screen of  boring truth

yes, good — that way we can also keep the chupacabras hidden until they're done hatching

darobin: when i amone of the chosen who gest to see the decisions behind the decisions and who really controls the whatwg's mutant child that is HTML5

it all hinges on the identity of 'the director' and I can assure you its not who you may think

the Director Brain Slug!

time to subscribe to yet another W3C mailing list. public-css-testsuite ahead.

hsivonen: why?

annevk: UTF-16

/me still wonders why

gsnedders: http://w3cmemes.tumblr.com/post/35332222321/css-2-1-syndata-is-awesome

That's not a testsuite problem though?

hsivonen: ouch

it is when implementing Level 3 makes Level 2.1 tests fail and people notice

hsivonen: just read that Polyglot post and comments from Sam o_O

hsivonen: Ah, there's a process for dealing with that at least.

who created the lists?

Re mailing lists: if you have a WC3 Member account, there is a tool for viewing who is subscribed to a list. Even if you’re not in that list, and even if the list is Team-only.


don’t know if that’s a bug, but the tool is linked from the "Membership Administrivia" page


/me has no access anymore to verify

/me knows most of the links

You're correct

Interesting, it even has a "Last mail arrived" line

it's not a bug, it's just a mailing list audit tool

darobin: is it a bug that I can query Team-only lists?

"Interesting" != "bug"

SimonSapin: no

that ways you can always check your cc list to know whether someone really needs to be copied or not

of course, everyone does that!

http://www.w3.org/mid/1354040792.4860.822.camel⊙ll — final paragraph is beautiful (MO, sadly)


hahaha, Liam's funny :)

gsnedders: I’m surprised by who takes what position in that thread

CSS WG violating its charter again?

annevk: No.

mmmm, does anyone know where it's defined what actually triggers resize events?

(if anywhere)

hsivonen: is there a reason you talk about class names instead of id values in your mail about 
? One of the confusions in the argument appears to be referring to class instead of id [08:59:11.0000] hsivonen: don't know if you saw this analysis i started working on last night: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlVP5_A996c5dHozOW14RkF4NEdEUFRvemxCZ2I4Z3c [09:03:53.0000] SimonSapin: Argh, of course. I'll fix that. ^_^ [09:07:54.0000] good morning, Whatwg! [09:07:56.0000] annevk: Do you expect to extend FormData into being a MultiMap as well? [09:08:39.0000] annevk: Even if not, the naming of the method isn't that important. Set uses Set#add for similar functionality, after all. [09:08:55.0000] MikeSmith: Thanks for the component! The delay wasn't important. [09:11:21.0000] zewt: I want to add numeric attribute comparisons in Selectors5. It's no problem grammatically. [09:13:34.0000] Stevef: I was just relaying the intended meaning of the meme. I dunno who actually authored it. [09:16:48.0000] Stevef: Hixie’s chart claimed to be about classes, right? [09:19:21.0000] hsivonen: yes , one of issues with that data set is that no data on id values was published [09:20:38.0000] hsivonen: but use of main, content as class names has been used as argument why the values are not semantically menaingful and do not represent a main content area [09:38:18.0000] hsivonen: but I think that can be easily countered with reference to data like I pointed to above [09:57:23.0000] annevk: Do you suppose it would make sense to separate out all non-sniffing MIME stuff into a separate spec? [09:57:57.0000] annevk: I think this would help with, e.g., SimonSapin's data: spec, with regard to MIME type parsing. [10:02:18.0000] since a data: URL is basically "data:" "," [10:06:07.0000] well, , I guess [10:11:30.0000] GPHemsley: almost. You can also omit text/plain and just have parameters like data:;charset=foo,data [10:11:58.0000] but yeah, anything to help define parsing this would be great [10:42:33.0000] nessy: yt? [10:43:05.0000] SimonSapin: Yikes! Whose idea was that? [10:45:29.0000] don’t know, but it’s in the RFC [10:45:51.0000] eek [10:47:32.0000] http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2397#section-3 [10:54:24.0000] /me wonders if that was intended. [10:54:41.0000] SimonSapin: They don't show any examples using that, do they? Are there any in the wild? [10:55:07.0000] Although, I suppose if they didn't want that, they wouldn't have used square brackets at all... [10:55:42.0000] any people with IE around? [10:55:44.0000] GPHemsley: square brackets in the grammar, and prose in the section before [10:56:00.0000] looking for a description of what happens when you hit the buttons in http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/1974 http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/1979 [10:58:03.0000] SimonSapin: Just a PSA: Don't forget to read the errata. [10:58:48.0000] /me glances at the author of the document. [11:03:37.0000] SimonSapin: So, IIUC, you actually have two defaults if omitted: the MIME type (text/plain) and the charset (US-ASCII)? [11:03:44.0000] heycam: yt? [11:05:59.0000] GPHemsley: our shared list for getting accounts on the wiki isn't working, we're all hoping the other people will do it :-) [11:06:31.0000] Hixie: Oh, I usually do it. But it's hard to distinguish real requests from spam/misunderstandings. [11:06:45.0000] I'll check the archives and get to it. [11:06:54.0000] oh ok :-) [11:07:11.0000] i tend to leave them in my inbox until i see a reply or until i do it myself [11:07:23.0000] but i noticed recently there's three of them i haven't done that nobody else has done either :-) [11:07:53.0000] feel free to childrens-bookize this blog post: http://tantek.com/2010/302/b1/xhtml-dead-long-live-xml-valid-html5 [11:08:35.0000] Personally, I don't like this. It is basically suggest people write XML-valid markup, but omitting the xmlns because of a hate for namespaces which is silly. [11:08:37.0000] abarth: as far as i can tell, http headers are basically free [11:09:02.0000] abarth: possibly cheaper than harder working existing headers, at least :-) [11:09:33.0000] Yuhong: You're missing the very first subheading in the post, "Draconian = FAIL", which is a pretty huge benefit to not write XML. [11:10:09.0000] Of course, but that blog article is suggesting making your markup XML-valid. [11:10:34.0000] It can be a problem too (XSS), BTW. [11:10:51.0000] Yes? There's nothing wrong with trying your best to make your markup valid, while simultaneously valuing the fact that if you get it wrong (or down the line, some user-generated content mixed into your page gets it wrong), your page doesn't die. [11:11:19.0000] Hixie: OK, which is the third? [11:11:27.0000] XML doesn't stop XSS, either. At best, it turns some XSS attempts into DOSes. [11:11:41.0000] Which is still better than nothing. [11:12:04.0000] GPHemsley: gotta go. i'll do the third if you replied to the others. [11:12:05.0000] bbiab [11:12:09.0000] http://lcamtuf.blogspot.ca/2011/10/origin-is-forever.html [11:12:10.0000] k [11:12:15.0000] But that is a different topic. [11:12:16.0000] I don't agree that a DOS is substantially better than an XSS. They're all bad, and all mean your page is broken. [11:12:51.0000] Yes, but one is still better than the other in terms of security, see the link above. [11:14:48.0000] Again, though, the DOS only happens if you're incompetent with your XSS. If you know how your code is being inserted, you can always (maybe there's some times you can't?) craft it to remain well-formed and still XSS. [11:15:18.0000] In other words, it's not real security. And then you layer on the fact that lots of *non*-attack errors also cause a DOS, and you see there's no benefit. [11:15:54.0000] I agree it is not a substitute for an XSS filter. [11:16:19.0000] I'd suggest it as a defense-in-depth in case of bypass. [11:16:54.0000] In fact, I said that before, I think. [11:17:23.0000] It's a defense-in-depth that triggers much more often on innocent things. In biology we call that an auto-immune disorder. [11:18:32.0000] In any case, it is not what the blog article is advocating anyway. [11:18:53.0000] They are advocating "XML-valid" HTML5. [11:18:59.0000] Which does not make sense. [11:19:39.0000] And does not provide much benefit over just putting the xmlns. [11:33:14.0000] The benefit over not putting in the xmlns is what I've already said - your page doesnt' break when you get your validity wrong. [11:41:41.0000] Hixie: :) [11:56:22.0000] TabAtkins: I've had requests to make FormData editable like a map [11:56:48.0000] TabAtkins: and to seed a
with FormData, etc. [11:57:31.0000] TabAtkins: so yes, it would be a MultiMap like URLQuery except that it's backend is multipart/form-data rather than application/x-www-form-urlencoded [11:57:56.0000] (both are really quite terrible formats, I wish they had done a better job back in the day) [11:58:39.0000] GPHemsley: I prefer not to have too many specifications [11:59:44.0000] annevk: Well, I think sniffing is a bit more niche of an issue than e.g. MIME type parsing. [12:00:36.0000] GPHemsley: if the whole is omitted, it defaults to text/plain;charset=US-ASCII [12:00:39.0000] GPHemsley: I suppose, but that's not directly a reason to create a new specification [12:00:56.0000] I don’t know if only whitespace or percent-escaped whitespace counts as omitted [12:01:18.0000] GPHemsley: We might move concepts around over time, as we figure out their appropriate place, but if we don't know the place yet, it might as well be close to the other MIME stuff [12:01:34.0000] If "/" is omitted, it defaults to text/plain [12:01:39.0000] SimonSapin: note that US-ASCII means windows-1252 [12:01:42.0000] annevk: Because it really has nothing to do with MIME types, really. It's just about identifying what format a resource uses. The MIME type concept is merely one way to formalize it. [12:01:46.0000] annevk: yes [12:01:56.0000] annevk: Which is basically what you were arguing for fonts. [12:02:27.0000] SimonSapin: text/plain in what charset? [12:02:30.0000] err [12:02:34.0000] GPHemsley: again, we don't know the appropriate place yet :) [12:02:59.0000] It might be that most of this needs to come together in Fetch somehow [12:03:08.0000] GPHemsley: no default charset in the later case. The point is to only specify the charset, as in data:;charset=foo,data [12:03:30.0000] SimonSapin: Yeah, I'm trying to figure out what question I actually want to ask you... [12:04:12.0000] annevk: FYI, this MIME type parsing algorithm is turning out to be a lot longer than I expected. [12:04:36.0000] GPHemsley: I think you argue that we should find the place and that if we cannot find it let it be a separate document. And I argue that lets just define it and move it once we figure out the appropriate architecture. [12:04:46.0000] SimonSapin: Oh, I mean, what if the type is specified without a charset parameter? [12:05:34.0000] annevk: What I'm really arguing is that I don't want to overload mimesniff with all this stuff that has nothing to do with it. Whether it's in Fetch or a brand new document doesn't matter much to me. [12:05:54.0000] (My point about Fetch was that MIME sniffing might need to be in Fetch.) [12:06:00.0000] oh [12:06:08.0000] /me doesn't know much about what Fetch is for. [12:06:29.0000] not about fetching :p [12:06:40.0000] Fetch takes a URL and returns a resource. [12:07:08.0000] So... URL -> Fetch -> MIME Sniffing? [12:07:29.0000] But it does a whole lot more too, such as giving feedback as to when to dispatch progress events, whether or not to follow redirects for HTTP requests, how to apply CORS headers, how to set Referer, etc. [12:08:17.0000] So wait... is Fetch incoming or outgoing? [12:08:21.0000] GPHemsley: Yeah, might be. And the reason it makes sense to have MIME type parsing defined in MIME sniffing is that MIME sniffing depends on how Content-Type is parsed sometimes... [12:08:21.0000] annevk: a quick glance at fetch.spec.whatwg.org makes it look like it’s about whether you’re allowed to fetch, not about the fetching itself. In my mind fetching would be an HTTP client, data: parser etc. [12:08:50.0000] SimonSapin: your quick glance missed the red box at the top I think [12:09:03.0000] annevk: indeed [12:09:24.0000] /me wonders if we should sit down and determine some sort of relationship document about the various specs. [12:09:55.0000] GPHemsley: Is that not what we do whenever it's design time in #whatwg? :-) [12:10:11.0000] Oh, I didn't get the memo. When's the next design time? :) [12:10:25.0000] I'm thinking something like this: [12:11:03.0000] URL -> Fetch -> MIME Sniffing -> MIME -> HTML [12:11:18.0000] (or perhaps MIME -> MIME Sniffing, depending on the scope of each) [12:12:23.0000] or perhaps Fetch -> MIME -> HTML trololo [12:12:51.0000] e.g. http://mimesniff.spec.whatwg.org/#determining-the-sniffed-media-type-of-a-resource does some MIME type parsing [12:13:02.0000] it does byte comparisons on the value of Content-Type [12:13:04.0000] would data: be part of Fetch? (And would it be cross-origin?) [12:13:55.0000] SimonSapin: yes and ideally it's treated as same-origin unless there was a redirect [12:14:31.0000] SimonSapin: at least that's the model I've been thinking of which would work for XHR/Workers//etc. that want data: URLs to work [12:14:47.0000] annevk: And perhaps that could be abstracted out to MIME or Fetch, since there are multiple ways to trigger the no-sniff flag. [12:15:13.0000] WebKit refuses to let me test data: in anyway because it is supposedly cross-origin :( [12:15:16.0000] Leaving MIME Sniffing to only be the matching resource byte patterns part [12:15:57.0000] GPHemsley: so my idea is that Fetch gets the bits; MIME determines who gets to handle the bits; HTML/SVG/CSS/JavaScript handle the bits [12:16:23.0000] with "who" being the format specs [12:16:31.0000] the only sign of life I can get is with data:text/html, [12:16:31.0000] but that’s not exactly simple [12:16:32.0000] right, hmm [12:17:01.0000] (in an iframe) [12:17:15.0000] SimonSapin: yeah, that's a bug in WebKit but they're not compelled to fix it at this stage I think [12:17:24.0000] SimonSapin: hopefully once we have clearer specs... [12:17:31.0000] annevk: In that case, the sniffing wouldn't return a MIME type so much as a format to parse...? [12:17:33.0000] compelled? [12:17:59.0000] annevk: Or is it merely transforming a HTTP MIME type to a handler MIME type? [12:18:34.0000] annevk: Or, put another way, transforming an untrusted MIME type into a trusted MIME type. [12:18:51.0000] annevk: I think that some things like @import bypass MIME completely [12:18:57.0000] GPHemsley: or finding a MIME type (if there was none) [12:19:09.0000] annevk: "" is an untrusted MIME type ;) [12:19:30.0000] GPHemsley: and no Content-Type header is too I guess? sure [12:19:34.0000] "You silly server. All resources have types!" [12:20:11.0000] annevk: hi there. I take it from your resolution of https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=20131 that you were swayed by the consistency argument re: mutation record identity? [12:21:27.0000] aklein: I was also swayed by the lack of further resistance, the simplicity of doing what smaug asked for (and Microsoft seemed to ask for), and the lack of clarity in what exactly the WebKit model would be and whether that would be error proof (smaug seemed to demonstrate a few unexpected cases) [12:22:51.0000] annevk: k. I'm still a bit concerned about the memory impact, but I don't have data to show, and if it is really bad smaug is right that we could go to extra effort to optimize it (e.g., share the impl and hand out unique wrappers) [12:23:02.0000] SimonSapin: yes so an API (say @import) does Fetch + MIME and then decides whether what to do is probably closer to the model [12:28:34.0000] aklein: I was not really swayed by the expandos argument fwiw. Just that what WebKit did was not consistent and what smaug proposed was simple and straightforward. [12:30:07.0000] annevk: good to know. I knew that oldValue design would bite us! :) [12:41:08.0000] annevk: Oh, another thing I was going to add was aliases (like Encoding) that are interpreted as the canonical MIME type... but now I'm thinking the resource handlers should be the "canonical" output. ...? [12:42:03.0000] since a lot of the Web types have multiple MIME types associated with them [12:42:13.0000] GPHemsley: example? [12:42:40.0000] GPHemsley: oh, like text/xml vs application/xml? [12:42:45.0000] sure [12:42:59.0000] or "The official IANA-registered MIME type for ICO files is image/vnd.microsoft.icon, registered in 2003. Erroneous labels "image/ico", "image/icon", "text/ico" and "application/ico", along with the unofficial name "image/x-icon" were in use at the time of official registration and assignment of the MIME type.[8]" [12:43:32.0000] I guess that one is always sniffed or do UAs actually recognise those MIME types? [12:44:04.0000] I don't know about this particular one, but I know there are formats that they accept multiple MIME types for. [12:44:18.0000] (Don't know off the top of my head which ones) [12:44:31.0000] WAVE is similar [12:44:52.0000] (Funnily enough, UAs don't accept the one WAVE type registered at IANA) [12:45:12.0000] yeah, don't pay too much attention to IANA I guess [12:45:19.0000] it's a mess for encodings too [12:45:45.0000] annevk: Well, my point is, the MIME type is treated as holy, when all that matters is what parser parsers the file (or handler handles, etc.) [12:46:09.0000] so MIME types and sniffing are just ways to funnel resources to the appropriate handler [12:46:24.0000] GPHemsley: yeah, but SimonSapin is right that MIME might not be the right place to make the call about the handler [12:46:41.0000] annevk: Oh, did he say that? [12:46:52.0000] GPHemsley: e.g. XMLHttpRequest sometimes pays attention, but often ignores MIME [12:46:59.0000] GPHemsley: too [08:37:33.0000] always in files that have right above it [08:37:41.0000] which, ahm, how shall I put this? [08:37:59.0000] Kris [08:38:01.0000] anyway, I'm going to fix those pretty quickly I reckon [08:38:11.0000] I fixed one of these [08:38:15.0000] ok [08:38:24.0000] but don't bother, I'll fix them with automation [08:38:59.0000] Everybody Stand Back! [08:39:04.0000] (ob https://xkcd.com/208/) [08:39:07.0000] /me stands well back [08:43:04.0000] Nice. [08:49:50.0000] JonathanNeal: for you from earlier (in case you missed) http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/whatwg/20121219#l-326 [08:50:34.0000] thanks Stevef, reading [08:51:57.0000] JonathanNeal: also see http://www.w3.org/html/wg/wiki/User:Sfaulkne/main-usecases#Introduction if it is of interest [08:52:49.0000] Wow, just finished the first one. That's a pretty strong correlation. [08:56:34.0000] JonathanNeal: the data set is freely available for anyone to analyse and provide argument against... [09:00:18.0000] JonathanNeal: I also drilled down into a random sample of the pages that use id=main|content to look at what elemtn with the id contains https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlVP5_A996c5dHozOW14RkF4NEdEUFRvemxCZ2I4Z3c [09:06:56.0000] Stevef: one question, regarding "The
element is a semantic element not unlike other new semantic elements such as