2013-02-01 [16:16:39.0000] eddieolson joined, eddieolson left, joined, left. He's as predictable as the spec. [16:16:49.0000] gar is there some magic when i want to enter an address bar in firefox that happens to be open somewhere else [16:16:57.0000] Hixie: should all webvtt nodes be lineBoxes? [16:17:04.0000] it demands very insistently that i switch to the other tab and refuses to autocomplete the url normally [16:17:22.0000] dgorbik_: what is a lineBox? [16:17:31.0000] Hixie: is display: block valid for any webvtt nodes in other words? [16:17:44.0000] Hixie: as far as I understand that's not valid at all [16:18:16.0000] what do you mean by "valid"? [16:18:22.0000] dgorbik_: "line boxes" isn't the right level of abstraction here. Maybe they're inline elements, but that's something different. [16:18:30.0000] Hixie: possible to have according to spevs [16:18:38.0000] (Line boxes get created out of all the inline elements participating in a given inline formatting context.) [16:18:41.0000] 'display' doesn't apply to the ::cue() pseudo-element regardless of argument, if that's what you mean [16:19:17.0000] TabAtkins: right. I am still trying to understand something about ruby [16:19:27.0000] TabAtkins: and display: ruby [16:19:40.0000] dgorbik_: Don't try to understand display:ruby. It's a bad spec that we will rewrite. [16:20:13.0000] TabAtkins: so I guess it's probably fine to drop the support for styling ruby/rt in webvtt for now? [16:20:33.0000] elements will still exist but without any default styles... [16:21:50.0000] You should still format them as ruby, but dont' worry about their interation with the current CSS Ruby spec. [16:22:12.0000] TabAtkins: what do you mean by "format"? [16:22:45.0000] As in, shrink the rt and stack it on top of the rb. Normaly ruby formatting. [16:30:30.0000] zewt: shift overrides the tab switch behavior [18:10:51.0000] in a thoroughly buggy way, it seems [22:39:26.0000] if I read https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=782211 right, Gecko will soon have a fully conforming implementation of the current Notifications spec [22:51:44.0000] MikeSmith: ah, that's the problem. You need to read it left [22:52:14.0000] heh [22:52:49.0000] :-] [03:02:14.0000] i try to do clock wih svg http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/animate.html is it a good link tu study for it [03:02:53.0000] (this channel is typically for work on the specifications themselves. But I'm sure people will try to answer other questions too) [03:03:14.0000] this is the first time i join this channel [03:03:15.0000] the #html5 channel might be better [03:03:33.0000] i mean my question is kinda off topic sorry for that [03:03:45.0000] hellyeah: you might want to start by reading an SVG tutorial instead of the SVG spec [03:03:57.0000] hmm [03:04:15.0000] can you suggest svg tutorial to me if you have time [03:04:40.0000] http://html5demos.com/svg-clock [03:05:10.0000] http://www.nimblecoder.com/blog/archive/2009/12/30/animated-clocks-for-svg-and-silverlight.aspx [03:05:40.0000] could just do "view source" on some of those to start [03:08:25.0000] it can be totally stupid question. But i should know ig it is not. Html5 is windows thing? [03:13:34.0000] Oooh, it's zcorpan [03:13:46.0000] hey [03:15:44.0000] long time not see [03:18:14.0000] indeed [03:18:43.0000] i'll be offline for another while. just popped in here now accidentally. :-P [03:19:03.0000] Heh [03:20:42.0000] so how's things? [03:21:52.0000] Pretty quiet [03:23:11.0000] Sounds like someone at moz. is implementing [03:23:31.0000] It's nto clear if they have the right idea about how to read a spec or not :| [03:24:04.0000] But I pointed them at your tests at least [03:24:11.0000] It's a group of students [03:24:20.0000] nice [03:24:27.0000] I see [03:24:33.0000] bring on the clue bat :-) [03:24:38.0000] Lead by David Humphrey at Seneca [03:24:44.0000] I will :) [03:25:19.0000] Yeah, I remember them doing things before. Pointer lock last year, perhaps? [03:25:57.0000] yeah I think his students have a done several things that ended up landing [03:26:04.0000] Yep [03:26:22.0000] Seems liek a pretty neat course [03:27:08.0000] yeah if you read his blog postings, seems like he's got a great approach [03:28:06.0000] I haven't seen any about this time; perhaps he fell foul of the weird planet mozilla policies [03:28:42.0000] though comments from the guy that was here earlier asking implementing track parsing does make you think maybe they need some better direction in how to read a spec and how to implement from a spec [03:29:34.0000] in other news I'm going to make a serious effort this weekend to get github->w3c-test.org sync set up [03:29:41.0000] sorry it's taking so long [03:30:24.0000] Specs are hard, let's go shopping [03:30:40.0000] MikeSmith: Cool [05:08:56.0000] hello everybody. [05:11:09.0000] iam getting bad respone if using canvas EventListener. i´m using this in a phonegab application so base is webkit... [05:12:41.0000] Are threre any other choice than EventListener detecting a touch area? [05:14:40.0000] or frameworks to get smoother respone....? [08:31:55.0000] good morning, Whatwg! [09:00:55.0000] /me snorts [09:02:34.0000] cocaine? [09:03:03.0000] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-script-coord/2013JanMar/0120.html [09:06:23.0000] Ms2ger: he plays a mean bass [14:21:38.0000] ios 6 safari ignores maxlength for but doesn't support max? :| [15:12:12.0000] gavin: ping [15:20:34.0000] smaug____: pong [15:21:23.0000] gavin: nm. I think I can access bugzilla after all. Need to get the connection limit to moznet increased. This hotel is full of geeks [15:23:26.0000] gavin: but if you could hint to the right people that fixing Bug 837310 asap would be really nice [15:25:37.0000] I can ping some people [15:26:04.0000] though looks like dumitru's already on it [15:31:43.0000] ok, thanks 2013-02-02 [18:11:15.0000] ... what possible sense does prefixing calc() have [18:11:32.0000] doesn't that make it impossible to use? heh [18:12:44.0000] guess it just makes things ugly, as usual [18:43:52.0000] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/CSS/Using_CSS_flexible_boxes#Basic_flex_example somebody has a wildly mistaken understanding of "basic examples" [19:24:04.0000] why do browsers not cache js files as opcode? is parsing js just not that much overhead? [01:03:49.0000] What the WG? [05:50:17.0000] jgraham: Web mirror of the github html-testsuite repo is now at http://w3c-test.org/html-testsuite/ [05:51:29.0000] lacking any other brilliant ideas for how to automate the sync using hooks or whatever, I just have a cron job set up to pull into there every 10 minutes [05:51:45.0000] the submission branches are at http://w3c-test.org/html-testsuite/submission/ [05:52:24.0000] I do not have any cron jobs set up to sync those [05:55:06.0000] I need to talk to Robin first to see if we even need those there at all [07:25:11.0000] MikeSmith: Cool. -- The submissions mirror, how does that even work? Just checking out the changed files? [07:25:28.0000] The links there doesn't seem to go anywhere helpful though :-) Probably leftover something. [07:34:11.0000] Velmont: yeah that HTML page should just be removed from the submissions sources [07:35:35.0000] the submissions mirrors I just created with, e.g., "git checkout -b Mozilla origin/submission/Mozilla" [07:57:33.0000] MikeSmith: Hmm. So how is origin/submission/Mozilla? Is it not a branch off from the repo itself, but a root commit? [07:58:34.0000] yeah i'm not reading the "allow..." thread any more, heh [07:58:51.0000] seems like people are just stream-of-consciousnessing and not even reading replies [07:59:41.0000] Ah, no, they're full as expected, okay :-) [08:04:50.0000] Velmont: no clue. i didn't the original (remote) branches. Robin did. So you'd need to ask him. [12:57:19.0000] has anyone tried to make an mp3 encoder in js yet? :) [13:01:51.0000] i sure hope not [13:03:36.0000] lol [13:31:28.0000] somebody needs to tell whoever's editing mdn that his elementary schoolteacher lied to him, and it's perfectly okay to end a sentence with a preposition [13:32:23.0000] painful to read text where people contort sentences endlessly because they were misled by a well-meaning but clueless teacher at some point in their past [13:45:10.0000] A preposition is never okay to end a sentence with! [13:46:08.0000] ooh, tis trouble you beg for... [13:46:22.0000] The border-image-outset property describes, by which amount the border image area extends beyond the border box. [13:46:26.0000] ^ : | [13:47:43.0000] Why the comma!? [13:47:50.0000] That just doesn't make sense at all with the comma there. [13:47:50.0000] buh, no way to use css border-image with sprite sheets? [13:47:55.0000] "... describes the amount by which the ..." would probably be best there [13:48:04.0000] wish there was a url() syntax that let you pick a rect [13:48:39.0000] in general any time you find yourself saying "by which", back up and sanity check. heh [13:52:03.0000] i guess image() is supposed to do that, but isn't implemented [13:57:59.0000] or media-frags, which isn't either [14:48:03.0000] "It's fairly simple to implement so I added it to the spec" seems like a dangerously slippery slope... [14:54:58.0000] making every link play fart sounds when clicked is fairly simple to implement [14:58:33.0000] Okay, so now I know that grammar myth about never ending sentences with prepositions. [14:58:54.0000] The stuff you learn in #whatwg :] [14:59:21.0000] up with which i will not put and all that [15:04:34.0000] how can send() return less than the length that it was given, but with errno==0 [15:04:39.0000] that makes no sense [15:14:14.0000] mystery solved. Ms2ger has been seen 2013-02-03 [16:25:10.0000] Hixie: ENONBLOCK? [16:26:52.0000] er, O_NONBLOCK or whatever [17:41:04.0000] zewt: ENONBLOCK is 0? [17:41:54.0000] i mean, if it's a nonblocking fd then writing to it might write a partial amount of data (however much fills in the kernel buffer), and it'll return that amount [17:42:19.0000] with tcp, anyway, not udp (and i'm not sure since i normally use write, not send) [17:42:31.0000] right, and set errno te EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK [17:42:46.0000] but it set it o 0 [18:09:52.0000] errno is only set if there's an error, if it partially writes the buffer then there's no error [18:10:33.0000] send()'s documentation says the error is set to EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK in the case that the length returned doesn't equal the length provided. [18:10:41.0000] if you get -1 and EAGAIN, that means nothing was written (or read) at all, but partial writes return the number of bytes written, which isn't an error (meaning errno is ENOERR) [18:11:19.0000] well clearly you're right, but imho that's not at all clear in the documentation [18:11:48.0000] what documentation? [18:12:02.0000] linux man page [18:12:22.0000] very loose documentation, that [18:12:56.0000] write(2) is much slower to reality, i think [18:13:26.0000] wait, i have different OS's in different shells, hold on [18:14:12.0000] write(2) in OSX is closer (slower? i blame the weekend): [18:14:21.0000] [EAGAIN] The file is marked for non-blocking I/O, and no data could be written immediately. [18:17:29.0000] well in any case this is a pain because i have to rearchitect my code so that i can check for write-readiness in my select loop and the "write" code is in an object that doesn't have access to the select loop's configuration variables. boo. [18:18:49.0000] (not that this is the most serious of problems, it happened once during an overnight run of continuously sending data) [20:27:24.0000] has anyone considered adding inline SVG to WebVTT? [20:27:35.0000] considered and rejected :-) [20:28:02.0000] aww [20:28:11.0000] too complex? [20:28:15.0000] the first T in WebVTT stands for "Text" [20:28:46.0000] thus, no images in HyperText Markup Language [20:28:48.0000] if you want graphics overlayed on your movie... put them in your movie :-) [20:29:05.0000] hmm [20:29:17.0000] shepazu: i didn't name that one, so the same logic doesn't apply :-) [20:29:19.0000] technically, couldn't you put images in background-image: url()? heh [20:29:57.0000] it'd be nice to have an ASS-like standard supported in web for more specific timing on overlays [20:30:37.0000] (i suspect no non-browser implementation will actually implement anything but simple background colors, though) [20:30:39.0000] rcombs: if what you're looking for is just a generic vector animation system, SVG itself supports that natively [20:31:12.0000] Hixie: can't embed that in a video [20:31:27.0000] rcombs: ? [20:31:39.0000] e.g. screenshot #2 linked here: https://plexapp.lighthouseapp.com/projects/14382/tickets/1414-transcoder-baking-subtitles-results-in-artifacts-quality-degradation-and-incorrect-placement [20:31:56.0000] the actual bug there is in a very unrelated piece of software [20:32:14.0000] and the screenshot shows an incorrect rendering, but demonstrates my purpose well [20:32:37.0000] (with one of the most hated seasons of anime of all time) [20:32:59.0000] the text is precisely positioned over the original in-video text, and a shaped box between the new and old text masking the original out [20:33:03.0000] zewt: yep [20:33:14.0000] zewt: I actually watched all 8 [20:33:56.0000] rcombs: this isn't what WebVTT is for. WebVTT is for subtitles. If you're trying to localise a movie, updating graphics, changing text, etc, then subtitles aren't the right technology. [20:33:58.0000] zewt: there were originally only supposed to be about 3, but they were extended when the animators ran out of material when Disappearance was moved to a movie [20:34:05.0000] nothing in webvtt is designed for replacing moving text in-frame [20:34:18.0000] Hixie: WebVTT may be the wrong standard, but I think there should be a right one [20:34:28.0000] at the moment, the best thing we've got is ASS [20:34:34.0000] rcombs: well that's fine, i have no objection to people making other standards for stuff :-) [20:34:38.0000] that may just be the standard to support [20:34:49.0000] ssa/ass is not a standard, heh [20:34:54.0000] it's an ad hoc file format [20:34:56.0000] zewt: therein lies the problem [20:34:59.0000] rcombs: i would have thought Ogg Theora and WebM were pretty good standards for it myself [20:35:15.0000] rcombs: gives you ultimate control over each pixel [20:35:40.0000] Hixie: do those support overlaying text over video in a precise manner that allows you to make paint edits without encoding, storing, and distributing multiple versions of each video? [20:36:07.0000] rcombs: no, the whole point is what you're doing _should_ involve "encoding, storing, and distributing multiple versions of each video" [20:36:12.0000] rcombs: because what you're doing is creating multiple versions of each video [20:36:14.0000] Hixie: it absolutely should not [20:36:21.0000] Hixie: disagreeing there [20:36:39.0000] ok well i have no particular horse in this race, just letting you know what i think is the right answer [20:37:12.0000] Hixie: for a change as small as text replacement, which is done (and done well, most of the time) in ASS, there's no good reason for the "correct answer" to involve making a new version of the entire video [20:37:26.0000] when Pixar made a localised version of Monsters, Inc for the non-US market, they didn't just take Monsters, Inc and overlay it with subtitles [20:37:31.0000] they changed entire parts of the video [20:37:35.0000] that's true [20:37:53.0000] and there are plenty of videos where that is necessary [20:37:54.0000] which means people who want to see the original version have to buy two copies, making it a poor solution [20:37:58.0000] but also plenty where it's not [20:38:13.0000] ok well as i said, you guys do as you wish :-) [20:39:08.0000] (I'm also saddened by MKV's lack of a feature that lets you skip a portion of a video if a particular audio track is selected, and one that specifies a particular subtitle track to accompany a particular audio track) [20:39:37.0000] subtitle tracks and audio tracks are by definition orthogonal [20:39:49.0000] caption tracks and audio tracks are related (same language) [20:39:54.0000] (or allow swapping to another audio and subtitle track for a particular scene) [20:40:59.0000] zewt: e.g. associate a non-original audio track with a signs/songs subtitle track, and an original audio track with a full subtitle track [20:41:30.0000] zewt: or, if multiple full subtitle tracks are present, choose the user's preferred language out of them [20:41:44.0000] (current behavior, that last bit) [20:41:57.0000] that's an implementation feature, not a file format issue [20:42:02.0000] I'm not sure what a better channel for this is [20:42:33.0000] zewt: the implementation can choose a track, but if you have multiple English tracks, it has no way of knowing which is a signs/songs and which is a full dialogue [20:42:57.0000] never seen a case where that even makes sense to have [20:44:45.0000] zewt: e.g. file with 4 sub tracks (S/S english, D english, D French, D German) and 2 audio tracks (Japanese, English). If English user and English audio, show S/S English by default. If German user, show German by default (same with French). If English user and Japanese audio, show English D by default [20:45:36.0000] "S/S" and "D" are not meaningful abbreviations :) [20:45:49.0000] zewt: S/S = signs/songs, D = dialogue; sorry [20:46:20.0000] real users listening to english audio who speak english don't want to see captions for signs [20:46:59.0000] zewt: example on skipping/swapping: if English audio, but a portion was never dubbed, either skip that scene or revert to Japanese audio and English full subtitles (no need to double-encode the JP audio or English subtitles for the scene) [20:47:22.0000] (well, i expect anything with english audio to be a commercial release, with signs actually translated in-band--which isn't really relevant to mkv, since i've never heard of commercial releases of anything in mkv) [20:47:46.0000] zewt: signs here refers to any original-language text present in the video [20:49:02.0000] also bear in mind that not every single possible thing you might want to do in localization can be soft-encoded, and a whole lot of nittier things where trying to do it will just complicate everyone's lives and probably not actually work very well [20:49:37.0000] zewt: commercial releases should be able to include both audio tracks _and_ regular subtitles _and_ provide a way to show translated signs (SSA-style) [20:50:45.0000] zewt: what I'm currently suggesting could be done by making a few additions to the MKV spec (with more specific language than mine) and ASS being properly standardized [20:51:15.0000] there's no good reason why commercial releases shouldn't be able to use any of this [20:51:25.0000] but it'll never allow changing everything they want to change, and if it doesn't do everything, they'll probably use it for nothing (if they have to pay the cost of reencoding anyway) [20:51:43.0000] side-note: any idea of a better channel for this? [20:52:03.0000] well it's pretty irrelevant for commercial releases, since they'll always use whatever the home media standard is (eg. bluray), and that'll never be mkv [20:52:05.0000] This stopped being web-related quite a while back, and I feel like I'm cluttering the channel now [20:52:42.0000] (well, commercial-movies-on-a-disc releases--who knows what'll happen with online delivery, of course, which is more potentially relevant for mkv, webvtt, and so on) [20:52:48.0000] zewt: why can't MKV be used commercially as a home media standard? [20:53:08.0000] zewt: online delivery is becoming very popular, and commercial movies on discs are dying slowly [20:53:13.0000] but dying they are [20:54:25.0000] the industry will always favor a single, universally-supported standard, and open formats simply haven't yet dented that space [20:54:55.0000] while they haven't at the present time, I see no reason why they can't [20:54:58.0000] maybe they will eventually, but I wouldn't put my money on it any time soon :) [20:56:12.0000] (and no, I don't know what channels are relevant to this; it's not something I've sought out) [20:56:29.0000] well, that's about all I've got to say about that [20:56:51.0000] /me returns to his regularly-scheduled bug report filing about bad ASS rendering in Plex [20:58:15.0000] i filed a bug on libass at one point, and his response was along the lines of "people should fix their files, i don't need to make my software work with real data", so I quickly gave up that line of contribution, heh [20:59:10.0000] <_< [20:59:14.0000] >_> [20:59:31.0000] http://code.google.com/p/libass/issues/detail?id=67 heh [21:02:28.0000] zewt: well, I can see the guy's point [21:02:55.0000] it's an academic point, with no understanding of the file format, that doesn't lead to reliable software [21:03:27.0000] zewt: it's a bit like keeping bugs in software because people have written around them, and fixing the bugs would break other people's stuff [21:04:14.0000] except the other way around, since it's vsfilter that everything works with and libass that tries to be "pure" and doesn't work as a result [21:04:21.0000] zewt: I really wish the original web browsers completely stopped, XHTML-style, when presented with an invalid file [21:04:35.0000] i prefer a web that works :) [21:04:47.0000] zewt: because then people would write valid files [21:05:38.0000] but it's too late for that now [21:06:15.0000] putting aside other issues (it's pretty author-hostile), as soon as a browser has a bug and lets through an authoring error, it breaks down--now everyone else has to let it through, too [21:06:36.0000] (just as in this case, vsfilter tolerates the broken section header, since it doesn't even parse them, which means libass needs to, too) [21:07:51.0000] (it also doesn't allow for backwards-compatible format extensions, if older software rejects anything it doesn't already know about) [21:08:23.0000] zewt: anyone who cares about people actually being able to play their videos/view their webpages wouldn't write invalid stuff if it only worked in one browser [21:08:55.0000] except real-world Joe Authors often only test in a single UA (whether that's a browser or a media player) [21:09:16.0000] zewt: and it'd be trivial to specify, say, for HTML, that unknown tags are allowed and parsed as
s [21:09:21.0000] actually, isn't that how it works now? [21:09:25.0000] (just an example) [21:10:34.0000] regardless, it's too late for any of this to actually happen [21:35:16.0000] it's a bit more complicated than that; it's not simply "fatal errors or not", it's "what's an error and what's a warning", which is an analog scale [21:38:15.0000] that's less important than making the "warning" cases behave predictably (which HTML tries very hard to do, and in the above case, ASS failed at) [22:03:43.0000] hello 2013-02-04 [05:49:10.0000] darobin, I'm not an existing contributor? :) [05:49:43.0000] Ms2ger: your productivity increased too — I can feel the anger powering your commits :) [05:54:57.0000] btw I left http://w3c-test.org/html/ for now because I figured there were existing links to it and such [05:55:11.0000] but at some point I guess we need to drop it [05:55:20.0000] or set up redirects [05:57:50.0000] redirects++ [05:58:01.0000] MikeSmith: Thanks for doing the work btw [05:58:16.0000] I was away when you pinged me about it, so forgot to reply :) [05:59:05.0000] no worries [06:03:32.0000] darobin: Why "Artur Barstow" but "ext Odin Hørthe Omdal"? :-( [06:04:02.0000] The ext is an Art-ism, I think [06:04:11.0000] Nokiaism it seems. [06:04:34.0000] Ms2ger: But this was from darobin's email... Although I guess the client might've just copied it in. [06:04:49.0000] Ms2ger: Or darobin is evil and just ext-ing me. [06:07:16.0000] Well, darobin *is* evil, we know that ;) [06:07:55.0000] Oh, and we might want a new index.html for http://w3c-test.org/html-testsuite/ [06:08:05.0000] /me will leave that to odinho and darobin_ [06:08:34.0000] Why am I suddenly someone to defer to? I usually do the deferring :P [06:09:07.0000] That's why :) [06:09:46.0000] So, is krisk going to resubmit the MS tests? [06:10:08.0000] I also see Opera's still need to be done... [06:10:14.0000] /me looks at odinho and jgraham [06:10:18.0000] odinho: huwah? [06:10:32.0000] Oh, and we might want a new index.html for http://w3c-test.org/html-testsuite/ [06:10:43.0000] Ms2ger: I think he's planning to. I think he was saying it was blocked on me getting the mirroring set up [06:10:51.0000] Ah, good [06:10:57.0000] Do we meet tomorrow? [06:11:05.0000] yeah I think so [06:11:09.0000] odinho: I didn't do anything with your name or whatnot, whatever weirdness happened is entirely Art's fault [06:11:20.0000] Or, well, you; I probably won't make it [06:11:45.0000] hmm I guess the HTML index page for the CR branch needs to be replaced or nuked [06:11:50.0000] So, the only comments we really have hanging is the naming issue. [06:11:59.0000] web-tests? [06:12:11.0000] SHIP IT [06:12:13.0000] browser-tests? [06:12:13.0000] I like that [06:12:19.0000] web-tests [06:12:26.0000] it's shorter [06:12:26.0000] Yeah, I like web-tests too. [06:12:46.0000] Yeah, but I don't want semantic-web-tests ;) [06:13:29.0000] drive-by-web-tests [06:13:47.0000] "drive-by"-web-tests [06:14:03.0000] jgraham or someone proposed webplatform-tests IIRC, -- but web-tests is shorter and works just as well IMHO. [06:14:08.0000] The quotes are to exclude people that can't figure out obscure shell quoting rules [06:14:32.0000] Why do you want to exclude me? First git, now this :( [06:14:45.0000] I think I excluded myself first :) [06:17:07.0000] odinho: The only reason I like webplatform-tests is that it ties in with webplatform.org [06:17:20.0000] It would give the impression that the W3C has a strategy [06:17:42.0000] Which might not be true, but we could fake it for them [06:29:50.0000] that's the spirit [06:31:53.0000] Someone figure out what's the right rendering for http://jsfiddle.net/pGrSN/2/ , please [06:32:52.0000] Philip`: I think he's talking to you :) [06:34:14.0000] I've long given up on expecting anything from Philip` [06:55:13.0000] jgraham: errr, I'd rather the testing effort weren't conflated with webplatform.org [06:55:27.0000] otherwise people might start looking there for docs which we plan to put elsewhere :) [06:56:01.0000] Ms2ger: I think the right rendering is "some sort of penis-like shape" [06:56:22.0000] you should probably be using assert_looks_like_a_penis() [07:06:46.0000] darobin: I don't think it is similar enough to be confusing [07:06:58.0000] But it creates what you might call a unified brand [07:07:10.0000] If you were the sort of person that worked in marketing [07:07:35.0000] If you *are* the sort of person that works in marketing, I should introduce you to Bill Hicks :) [07:10:25.0000] lol [07:10:37.0000] jgraham: it's a unified brand between two things that I don't think should be unified [07:10:53.0000] Well [07:10:58.0000] I reckon that tobie wanted to just grab a new domain under which to put all the testing stuff [07:11:10.0000] I'd defer to him, as my new Testing Overlord [07:11:20.0000] I maybe don't know enough about the webplatform.org stuff [07:11:38.0000] (except that they still seem to have badly imported MSDN docs, which is a bit worrying) [07:11:46.0000] heh [07:12:13.0000] But "web platform" is to #whatwg what "HTML5" is to the rest of the world [07:13:07.0000] W3C uses OWP with similarly resounding success [07:14:03.0000] I do so cherish the irony that the people who complain most about the success of the "HTML5" moniker are from #whatwg though :) [07:14:20.0000] /me doesn't complain [07:14:38.0000] yeah I simply couldn't give less of a shit [07:14:50.0000] if people are using the right tech, they can call it whatever they want [07:14:52.0000] It is, to quote the TV show Green Wing "the unexpectedly bitter taste of victory" [07:15:05.0000] lol, indeed :) [07:15:46.0000] grr @ setTimeout minimum delays [07:16:53.0000] zewt: Feel free to grrr at all the people that accidentially created 100% CPU usage by abusing it [07:16:57.0000] ios safari always has a minimum delay (not just on recursion), which means that when setTimeout(fire click event, 0) within a touchend event, there's a delay between them and a chance for the page to do a style update [07:17:17.0000] W3C Member access again [07:17:21.0000] jgraham: not relevant (you only need to delay on recursion to stop that, not all the time) [07:17:33.0000] (iirc that's also all the spec requires) [07:17:39.0000] zewt: Oh, well that sounds more like grr at iOS Safari bug [07:17:41.0000] aka back in the bubble [07:17:54.0000] annevk: So, there's a downside as well? [07:17:59.0000] yes, that's what i said :) [07:18:55.0000] so my workaround for safari click delays has to fire click at the start of touchend (during the capture phase on window), which is earlier than it should be [07:21:03.0000] and that introduces other problems. bleh--what possible reason does apple have for that horrid click delay thing in safari, anyway [07:21:20.0000] other than "make web apps look unresponsive so people install ios apps instead" [07:23:16.0000] jgraham: from the outside it was easier to see how closed certain things are, such as the TAG [07:34:59.0000] annevk: that's kind of weird. The TAG should be super visible. [07:36:54.0000] darobin: Testing Overlord seems like exactly the right thing to put on my new business cards. Will that make you all fear me? [07:37:36.0000] tobie: we've sometimes tended to want to hide the TAG, actually ;) [07:37:44.0000] tobie: yes, sure! [07:37:56.0000] /me muahaha, and another falls for the "overlord" trick! [07:38:11.0000] along with jgraham, my new Coffee Delivery Overlord! [07:39:38.0000] titles are only useful if they're inspire fear (lots of it). Seems you're not taking this seriously enough, darobin. [07:42:03.0000] darobin: does respec have any provision for adding a "This document is informative only."? Or otherwise any switch for flagging a doc as non-normative? [07:43:45.0000] tobie: oh I do [07:43:51.0000] my title says "HTML Editor" [07:44:03.0000] I would expect the prospect of that being true to scare quite a few people off [07:44:22.0000] MikeSmith: no, but Denis has asked me to do that [07:44:32.0000] I was planning on doing it as soon as I'm through with email [07:44:48.0000] Isn't it more "HTML Copy-Editor"? [07:45:15.0000] darobin: you clearly don't get this. Purpose of a scary title is to scare others not yourself. [07:45:37.0000] heh [07:49:50.0000] my official title speaks intimidation pretty strongly I guess [07:50:00.0000] Special Missions Subsection Junior Interim Floor Manager [08:38:29.0000] tobie: will try to make it that way I suppose [08:38:42.0000] tobie: congrats with the Fellow appointment btw [08:40:34.0000] Case sensitivity as the first thing on a Monday morning [08:40:49.0000] annevk: https://twitter.com/t/status/298471161090686976 [08:40:50.0000] /me is glad he doesn't have to go to CSS F2Fs [08:41:15.0000] Ms2ger - you're just afraid of outing yourself to more people ;) [08:41:21.0000] Pah [08:41:33.0000] Should've come to fosdem [08:49:41.0000] tantek: sounds like you guys are having a good time :) [08:50:18.0000] annevk - I'm smiling, which is good enough for now. :) [08:50:41.0000] /me is suppressing an impulse to bring up prefixing. [08:50:47.0000] I hope John still has the energy to fight the good fight [08:51:25.0000] oh he's going strong [08:51:29.0000] only with a prefix you'll get Unicode case folding? :p [09:02:06.0000] "Who's in favor of a straw poll?" [09:04:16.0000] CSS WG: doing it wrong so you don't have to [09:05:31.0000] heh [09:10:05.0000] OH: "That should be clearly specified." [09:11:26.0000] FAILED (errors=499, failures=234) [09:11:29.0000] Yay! [09:11:34.0000] Okay, not quite. :) [09:11:37.0000] good morning, Whatwg! [09:11:42.0000] (html5lib, single codebase for Py2/3) [09:11:56.0000] It runs?! :) [09:13:16.0000] And the majority of the tests pass, now. [09:13:28.0000] (27k tests) [09:19:55.0000] (still on case (in)sensitivity) :) [09:22:20.0000] tantek, did you guys put a time limit on the discussion or is this just going to go on until lunch? [09:26:20.0000] hey annevk [09:26:34.0000] good day slightlyoff [09:26:47.0000] what's your thinking on having addEventListener() return the EventTarget itself by default? [09:26:49.0000] hey tantek [09:27:27.0000] So, why do we have HTMLTimeElement.datetime and HTMLModElement.dateTime? [09:27:31.0000] annevk: was talking this through with JakeA, and since it returns undefined right now, I don't think it'll break much, if anything [09:27:42.0000] I can imagine that someone might be testing it for falsey [09:27:50.0000] but I can't think of any other scenario where it'd break things [09:28:02.0000] /me waves [09:29:19.0000] Ms2ger - we just decided to break and summarily end discussion on that topic! (for today ;) ) [09:29:31.0000] .datetime vs. .dateTime. W.T.F. [09:29:52.0000] tantek, if you guys are talking about case, maybe throw that in the group :) [09:30:43.0000] Ms2ger, can we call .datetime a bug and fix it to .dateTime? [09:30:58.0000] since HTMLModElement is likely an older interface than HTMLTimeElement? [09:31:08.0000] That would be nice [09:31:39.0000] /me looks who supports