2013-07-01 [00:05:47.0000] why when I paste few letters in text node that is in contenteditable element it splits nodes at te place where I paste the letters? this is making me very big troubles [00:49:36.0000] http://jsfiddle.net/jMKX5/ first write some letters in that section, then copy paste few letters in it, you will see when you paste the letters it will split the text nodes at the place of the paste. Why this is happening? This is making me a lot of troubles [01:32:27.0000] Ms2ger: now http://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#nodeiterator detach() does nothing, referenceNode can be Node rather than Node? right? [01:34:54.0000] annevk, that looks correct [05:24:38.0000] good morning [05:41:57.0000] anybody have parser tests for