2013-08-01 [17:16:33.0000] Hixie: okay, tell me when done then I'll touch html5lib [18:28:36.0000] ambiguous ampersand is called string for writing unicode characters with their unicode codes? [18:28:45.0000] from "< -- "&#x" and ";" is called ambiguous ampersand? [18:35:58.0000] gsnedders: i don't know what the eta on that would be [19:32:02.0000] Hixie: I'm finally hacking on the stuff I've wanted to work on for ages. Try and learn something over the summer. So, well, not too fussed about html5lib. It mostly works. [01:44:22.0000] "We accounted for some tests around algorithms but believe that many algorithm steps, especially intermediate steps, do not require separate tests." [01:45:28.0000] URL? [01:45:55.0000] http://www.w3.org/mid/E557E34E53296846B3E3EDF9A8640B1923664DCC⊙Ecc [01:55:42.0000] /me wonders where darobin is nowadays [02:12:10.0000] annevk, and happy birthday and stuff [02:12:48.0000] I am making web site about web design, it will have reference to html css javascript php mysql nginx apache etc. Before I put it online I think it will be very nice if someone of the officials here have little time to check it fast, check articles to see if they are 'ok', because I want to give best information to the public without any errors [02:13:24.0000] all the articles are made from html specification [02:37:46.0000] question: [02:37:49.0000] iframe.contentDocument [02:37:51.0000] t3oss: documenting all of this (and maintaining it as new stuff comes up) seems like a lot of duplicated work :( [02:37:58.0000] is there any spec stating *when* is this available? [02:38:07.0000] e.g. "immediately after setting src" [02:38:12.0000] or "after onload" [02:38:13.0000] or so? [02:39:56.0000] I think there are some things lacking on the WEB right now and I want to make them but I in order to do so I must have full control so making my own website is only way to go [02:41:34.0000] I believe new web devs will find hard to begin learning directly from HTML spec, even in the spec it says they should read some books or tutorials so there is need to guide them through the spec and describe some intermediate things they might lack that can confuse them [02:49:18.0000] t3oss: http://www.webplatform.org/ [02:49:32.0000] Argh cross posting [02:49:59.0000] Now I don't know what to do [02:50:15.0000] annevk: also happy birthday if it is indeed your birthday [02:54:41.0000] Does HTML allow text to be written outside of element directly in the body element? [02:57:35.0000] t3oss: of course documentation is needed. But it’s a lot of work and thus takes a lot of people. Trying to do it all yourself will just fail. Why do you want full control over this? [02:58:13.0000] also character reference is < and < is code point? [02:58:44.0000] SimonSapin, because I disagree with people most of the time on some things :)) [03:00:56.0000] yeah, what could go wrong [03:07:35.0000] also can I write all Unicode characters on the html or just these that are written here? http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/syntax.html#named-character-references [04:19:11.0000] jgornick: ta [04:19:26.0000] oops, jgraham / Ms2ger ta [04:19:37.0000] didn't realize we had a new jg [04:25:22.0000] odinho: haven't really planned visiting Oslo yet [04:25:28.0000] odinho: I should soonish I guess [04:36:19.0000] annevk: Yeah man <3 [06:22:55.0000] transient registered observers, I hate you [06:51:27.0000] https://github.com/whatwg/dom/commit/df0f8f510445533697840087262e0724d601eb08 ... [06:54:05.0000] what is going on? http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/ [06:54:07.0000] I can't open links [06:54:52.0000] t3oss: use http://whatwg.org/C [06:57:33.0000] because web dev edition doesn't have info on it [06:57:45.0000] you're confused [06:58:23.0000] I didn't point you to http://developers.whatwg.org/ [08:33:10.0000] Hixie: there's part of a thread in es-discuss addressed to ianh ("Realm, schmealm!"); basically others finding out about what bz has been raising for a bit and bz explaining it (including the bit where it will take other browsers to adopt Gecko's model for the specification to change the security model with regards to multiple globals and different origins) [10:13:49.0000] Hixie: Is there an error in the presentation hints for quotes when it comes to en/en-AU/en-GB? Shouldn't some of those be 'test "test" test' ? [10:24:01.0000] GPHemsley: Why would they be? (I think you're asserting that the order of double vs single should be reversed?) [10:24:42.0000] TabAtkins: It is my understanding that certain varieties of English use the inverted order (double inside single) instead of the listed order. [10:24:55.0000] en-US uses single inside double [10:25:05.0000] which is not listed [10:25:16.0000] Ah, I didn't realize that was even a thing. [10:25:30.0000] Arent' dialog conventions the same across them, though? [10:25:33.0000] en-AU and en-GB are listed even though they don't differ from en (as written) [10:26:18.0000] Amy said, "Bob said, 'I speak English.'" [10:26:24.0000] en-US ^ [10:26:29.0000] Right. [10:26:49.0000] en-GB (I think): Amy said, 'Bob said, "I speak English."' [10:27:14.0000] Huh. Well, I don't see that in books I read from Britain, unless they've been converted for an american audience. [10:27:19.0000] 「quotes suck」 [10:28:16.0000] GPHemsley: Really? [10:28:29.0000] [citation-needed] on eb-GB [10:28:31.0000] "Double quotes are preferred in the United States, and also tend to be preferred in Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Single quotes are more usual in the United Kingdom and South Africa, though double quotes are also common there.[" [10:28:37.0000] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quotation_mark [10:28:55.0000] The Penguin Guide to Punctuation, R. L. Trask, p. 94. [10:28:59.0000] ;) [10:29:09.0000] Yeah, that doesn't match my experience [10:29:17.0000] Or I have never noticed [10:29:27.0000] <- user styles away superscripts on wikipedia (was: re: hard to read) [10:30:09.0000] either way, as it stands, the specific rules for en-AU and en-GB are useless, because they duplicate en and there aren't any other en-* styles [10:31:01.0000] http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#quotes [10:31:12.0000] :root:lang(en), :not(:lang(en)) > :lang(en) { quotes: '\201c' '\201d' '\2018' '\2019' } /* “ ” ‘ ’ */ [10:31:13.0000] :root:lang(en-AU), :not(:lang(en-AU)) > :lang(en-AU) { quotes: '\201c' '\201d' '\2018' '\2019' } /* “ ” ‘ ’ */ [10:31:13.0000] :root:lang(en-GB), :not(:lang(en-GB)) > :lang(en-GB) { quotes: '\201c' '\201d' '\2018' '\2019' } /* “ ” ‘ ’ */ [10:31:23.0000] "Use double quotes at the start and end of a quoted section, with single quotes for quoted words within that section." - Guardian style guide [10:31:31.0000] Right, given their current definition, we can just drop the two specific lines. [10:32:07.0000] http://www.theguardian.com/styleguide/q [10:32:56.0000] Yeah, perhaps the inverted order is on its way out [10:33:06.0000] someone should check on South Africa [10:33:20.0000] (en-ZA) [10:36:52.0000] "quotation marks: use double quotes except in heads, captions or crossheads. Quotes within quotes are single; quotes within quotes within quotes are double" [10:37:05.0000] From The Telegraph [10:38:57.0000] GPHemsley: i autogenerate those parts of the spec from the Unicode CLDR [10:39:06.0000] should be at most a few days behind [10:39:23.0000] then perhaps someone should ping the CLDR [10:40:50.0000] And now I wonder why "order of magnitude" is a banned term in The Telegraph [10:53:41.0000] Maybe it's unclear what it means? It does have different multiplies in different fields. [10:54:06.0000] *2 in comp sci, *10 in physics, often roughly *1000 in common parlance [11:14:14.0000] rafaelw: ping https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=22400 [11:55:32.0000] Hixie: pong (on behalf of rafaelw), see my last comment [11:55:57.0000] Hixie: it logs 1 for me in Chrome and 2 in Firefox [11:56:56.0000] (the presence of the