2013-09-01 [04:43:30.0000] https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=22889#c1 [06:04:48.0000] Mm, patches for css variables in Gecko [09:15:00.0000] jgraham, around, perhaps? [09:18:31.0000] Nvm, commented in the review [10:05:13.0000] jgraham, hrm, I seem to have been assigned IDB reviews in critic... That's probably a bad idea :) [10:18:45.0000] Ms2ger: Not around, but you can exclude yourself from certain paths using filters [10:19:29.0000] jgraham, the strange thing is that my filters don't (currently?) include idb [10:20:33.0000] Oh [10:20:47.0000] I can check. Remind me tomorrow? [10:21:20.0000] Okay, thanks [10:21:27.0000] Enjoy your weekend :) [11:02:31.0000] MikeSmith, needs-test and has-test keywords would be nice on the W3C bugzilla [11:21:23.0000] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-talk/2013SepOct/0000.html [11:21:28.0000] I wonder how that will go [13:08:59.0000] Ms2ger: Which review(s)? [14:21:51.0000] jgraham, I'll look tomorrow :) [14:34:59.0000] about Ms2ger needs-test and has-test keywords, I see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/describekeywords.cgi has testcase-wanted and testcase keywords instead, so I reckon I will make ours match those instead 2013-09-02 [17:31:39.0000] hi guys [17:31:59.0000] Internet Explorer 8,9,10 can't display http://pastebin.com/9wRMvk3c [17:32:13.0000] I think IE can't display an image if its src attribute contains ampersands. [21:45:24.0000] jgraham: Do you want to handle your doc loading tests? [21:45:32.0000] jgraham: Review-wise, etc.? [22:00:49.0000] TabAtkins, the SVG WG's review of CSS Variables will be one day late; hope that's ok [22:01:35.0000] (forgot to get to the review earlier, and our call to approve the review comments will be on Thursday) [01:12:57.0000] TabAtkins: why not drop dppx altogether if we add x? [01:28:05.0000] zcorpan_: isn't it too late to remove it from MQs? [01:28:21.0000] SimonSapin: dunno? [01:28:44.0000] oh, wait, it’s not in MQ [01:29:23.0000] at least not in the L3 spec [01:29:58.0000] but L4 refers to Values & Units which does have dppx [01:31:16.0000] and it’s implemented data:text/html,