2013-12-01 [00:51:59.0000] SimonSapin, you can log into critic with your github account [03:27:30.0000] how do I add something to http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/MetaExtensions? the w3c validator didn't like Google's AJAX crawling meta-tag (https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/specification) and told me to add it to that page [11:24:26.0000] "Lesson from today: don't ever favor process over empathy." [11:24:30.0000] That took long :) [11:24:50.0000] if element A is in a document D associated with browsing context and setAttribute("onclick", "/*some script*/"); is called. Then A is adopted to document E which isn't associated with a browsing context and A.onclick is accessed, should it be null or compiled event handler? [11:25:43.0000] /me sticks his head in the sand [11:29:09.0000] /me wonders where "the Window object with which document is currently associated." is defined [12:42:59.0000] SimonSapin: idk, I'm just wondering aloud in the bug :) [14:19:49.0000] Hixie: ping [14:21:46.0000] Hixie: I can't seem to find where "the Window object with which document is currently associated." and "the Document with which the Window is currently associated." are defined. Trying to figure out http://logbot.glob.com.au/?c=freenode%23whatwg&s=1%20Dec%202013&e=1%20Dec%202013#c842849 2013-12-02 [23:53:29.0000] hsivonen: about the validator XHTML1 schema, I'm wondering if you remember why the xml:space attribute for the style element in the schema [23:53:32.0000] https://bitbucket.org/validator/validator/src/7625938e679a27265ae625e57b5ed33c063dfacb/schema/xhtml10/style.rnc?at=default#cl-44 [23:54:28.0000] oh wait maybe I see why [23:56:10.0000] you added it to some other patterns [23:57:19.0000] anyway, I ask above if you remember why you zapped it from style [23:58:41.0000] I assume it's probably because you intended that it be included in some other pattern that the style schema inclluded [00:00:40.0000] but anyway at this point it doesn't, and the effect is that the validator flags any style element with an xml:space attribute as an error [00:03:21.0000] which is especially a problem if you turn the "load external entities" option on, because the XHTML1 DTD makes xml:space #FIXED 'preserve' for style [00:04:37.0000] so the XML parser adds it if it's not there already, and then the validator flags it as an error even though it's not even present in the input document (pre-parsing) [00:04:59.0000] which from a user perspective is pretty confusing [00:09:38.0000] OK yeah I see now that you created an "xml.space.attrib" pattern and added it to the "Core.attrib" pattern [00:11:53.0000] the problem is that because the style.attlist pattern doesn't include Core.attrib, that has the effect of xml:space no longer being allowed for the style element [00:14:35.0000] Ms2ger: do you know, is Servo still using hubbub for HTML parsing? [00:14:38.0000] Yup [00:14:50.0000] Want to finish the translation? :) [00:15:27.0000] heh [00:15:56.0000] thanks for the kind offer, but no thanks [00:16:05.0000] Aww [00:16:13.0000] Oh hey, tests for marquee [00:17:00.0000] nice [00:17:04.0000] who from? [00:17:20.0000] Ms2ger: btw,

Test [00:17:25.0000] in servo [00:17:37.0000] with no

end tag [00:17:38.0000] Intel [00:17:43.0000] hmm [00:18:24.0000] I think Intel may have some people with too much time on their hands then [00:18:49.0000] which person at Intel? Not Zhang? [00:19:11.0000] xiaojunwu, but I don't know if they wrote or just submitted them [00:19:39.0000] so can I assume that

Test fails to render as expected because of broken parsing? or some other reason? [00:20:28.0000] Looking [00:22:26.0000] Looks like we don't do a reflow [00:23:09.0000] well [00:23:18.0000] that's odd [00:24:01.0000] I wouldn't think that should be depending on the presence of the end tag in the input document [00:25:46.0000] Or not [00:26:27.0000] seems like it must be constructing a different DOM [00:27:11.0000] so please add an Inspect Element in Servo so I can inspect the DOM [00:27:44.0000] Heh [00:27:45.0000] in exchange I'll contribute some marquee tests for Servo [00:27:52.0000] DOM looks sane [00:27:58.0000] weird [00:28:28.0000] Oh no it doesn't [00:28:32.0000] There's no Text [00:29:06.0000] that would probably do it I guess [00:30:04.0000] File an issue? [00:30:08.0000] hai [00:30:27.0000] Not that I expect it to be fixed before we get the new parser [00:30:31.0000] this will be the first non-build-related bug I reported for Servo [00:30:36.0000] Which brings us to... :) [00:30:40.0000] heh [00:31:15.0000] first I'd need to learn Rust [00:31:47.0000] which I think would require me dosing up more than normal [00:32:19.0000] It's actually quite nice :) [00:32:38.0000] btw by file an issue you mean a bugzilla.mozilla bug? or a gh issue? [00:32:54.0000] Github [00:32:58.0000] oK [00:33:03.0000] Unfortunately [00:35:18.0000] yeah well I guess they're going to fully break new ground they might as well use a broken bug-reporting system too [00:35:26.0000] Ouch. [00:36:12.0000] well I was going to say if they're going to make a toy browser engine they might as well use a toy bug-reporting system [00:36:19.0000] but I decided not to say that [00:36:46.0000] because that would be really obnoxious [00:39:38.0000] Hey, Samsung might actually ship it [00:41:13.0000] good maybe they can have somebody finish the parser work [00:41:38.0000] it is going to be very cool when it does finally ship [00:42:00.0000] it's pretty crazy how far along it is after just a year [00:42:09.0000] Could use more people who know about the DOM, fwiw ;) [00:42:43.0000] plh! [00:43:04.0000] I won't tell him but I'll suggest to him that he learn Rust just for fun [00:43:11.0000] Heh [01:02:39.0000] yipes Mike West getting a little carried away in the blink "Intent to remove"-fest https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/#!topic/blink-dev/14q_I06gwg8 [01:02:55.0000] "what we currently do with the tag is strange, and doesn't seem to actually support it's usage in the wild. [01:03:52.0000] where what they are currently doing with the tag = conforming to what the HTML spec requires them to do with [01:04:10.0000] which is admittedly pretty strange [01:04:53.0000] but you'd hope engineers would be reading the specs before proposing to yank stuff [01:06:32.0000] especially when he's citing the spec in his message [02:11:20.0000] /me wants a version of http://simon.html5.org/tools/js/unicodeize/ that also gives the names of the characters [02:15:07.0000] Ms2ger: fork it :-) [02:15:37.0000] Sorry [02:15:43.0000] I want someone else to make it :) [02:19:26.0000] there's http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/cgi/unicode-decoder/character-identifier but i don't know if that helps [02:21:05.0000] i wonder why https://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/r/437 doesn't show the meta refresh commit [02:21:35.0000] Oh, that's neat too [02:22:02.0000] Even though it says (this script is currently broken) [02:22:30.0000] I'd fix it to match what I need, but it's perl :/ [02:22:42.0000] /me specs PI serialization instead [02:26:38.0000] /me notices that Travis didn't serialize the target [02:38:10.0000] So, a PI with an empty data [02:38:19.0000] "" or ""? [02:39:06.0000] zcorpan: Better? [02:39:41.0000] jgraham: yep, thanks [02:39:55.0000] Ms2ger: in xml? [02:40:05.0000] Yeah [02:41:33.0000] 08:32 < Ms2ger> It's actually quite nice :) [02:41:44.0000] Ms2ger: One word: AbstractNode [02:42:20.0000] jgraham, we're busy removing that ;) [02:42:47.0000] Ms2ger: what does ie do? [02:43:29.0000] Ms2ger: Sure, but the fact that it ever happened :) [02:44:01.0000] (I like Rust btw, but the inability to model the DOM without craziness is rather unfortunate) [02:44:31.0000] IE and Chrome have the space, Gecko doesn't have one [02:46:07.0000] Ms2ger: then include the space :-) [02:46:36.0000] http://www.browserstack.com/screenshots/b7d6431d229dc231b4dbd4948514028a882dfed6 :-| [02:47:43.0000] How about in HTML? [02:48:19.0000] Chrome and IE throw when you create a PI, Gecko serializes without a space [02:48:54.0000] /me tries something else [02:49:19.0000] http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-end.html#html-fragment-serialization-algorithm defines that already, with space [02:55:28.0000] if i understand the spec correctly then should create a browsing context that is able to load basically anything into it [02:59:08.0000] zcorpan: no, because that's not a plugin that the browser supports [03:01:01.0000] annevk: hmm. in that case the resource has to have image/svg+xml content-type to create the browsing context. and then you can navigate to anything [03:01:46.0000] zcorpan: yeah [03:02:04.0000] Hmm, HTML is interesting [03:02:55.0000] The HTML spec and Gecko do , IE and Chrome do [03:03:37.0000] zcorpan, so what do you think about that? :) [03:04:07.0000] Ms2ger: i think the spec is right [03:05:43.0000] Ms2ger: html ends the bogus comment on the first > and in sgml PIs end with > [03:06:29.0000] It's been a while since I heard SGML used as an argument here :) [03:06:51.0000] Is this for serializing a processing instruction? [03:07:21.0000] Yeah [03:07:39.0000] Just do the same as in XML? [03:07:52.0000] zcorpan disagrees :) [03:08:00.0000] Either that or serialize as a plain comment [03:08:11.0000] [03:08:14.0000] /me steps back to let the people who care fight it out [03:08:20.0000] annevk: why? [03:08:54.0000] zcorpan: same path as XML is simpler and more predictable, HTML comments generates less errors on a reparse [03:17:24.0000] /me will post to the list later [03:25:36.0000] MikeSmith: Maybe I added xml:space to all elements and had to remove it from