2014-01-01 [16:24:27.0000] rektide: ping="" is a content attribute, i'm not sure what you meant with your comments earlier. can you elaborate? [03:08:48.0000] /me once went haiking near Nagano in a thunderstorm [03:08:52.0000] *hiking [03:09:00.0000] Not haikuing [03:10:41.0000] Why not both? [03:18:06.0000] Missed oppertunity indeed [13:00:46.0000] Ms2ger`: thanks for the chocolate! [13:01:27.0000] My pleasure :) 2014-01-02 [07:41:07.0000] Could someone kindly give me an example of something that was in the (WhatWG-era) HTML spec for a long time before implementors decided it wasn’t a good idea? [07:43:26.0000] mpt cc mathiasbynens [07:44:34.0000] mpt: command element was around for a while [07:47:54.0000] That would do nicely, thanks SteveF [07:57:47.0000] yeah the whole thing has been sad... I wish implementers would implement at least *something* like it. [08:02:05.0000] I find XUL's and elements really useful [08:10:01.0000] Domenic_: firfox has context menus... [08:10:17.0000] SteveF: right, that's true, I guess I meant "everyone" not "implementers" [08:18:52.0000] Domenic_:would like to see it widely implemented, but think that styling of menus needs to be very flexible for it to be useful [08:19:29.0000] SteveF: yeah, that's probably true, as much as I would like our designers to suck it up and use platform conventions :P [08:21:24.0000] We did get some start on discussing styling of will give \x0A for the innerHTML of the textarea but for the innerHTML of the span or the outerHTML of the textarea? [14:54:13.0000] Ms2ger: git submodule update --recursive [14:54:27.0000] i hope not [14:54:39.0000] oh wait, of the DOM... [14:54:48.0000] Nope, doesn't help [14:54:52.0000] sounds plausible [14:55:40.0000] Ms2ger: Do you have something in [wpt root]/tools/wptserve/ ? [14:56:08.0000] Nope [14:56:42.0000] Hixie: It sounds plausible but also seems mildly insane :) I'm not sure I'm going to argue to change the spec though since I would have to change my implementation ;) [14:57:09.0000] Ms2ger: Did you git submodule init? [14:57:59.0000] Okay, that seems to help [14:58:44.0000] Ms2ger: I really suggest the README ;) It also tells you how to configure /etc/hosts [14:59:09.0000] I guess I should :) [14:59:18.0000] We have to configure /etc/hosts? Ewwwww. [14:59:37.0000] jgraham: yeah, looks like we don't check what the parent is for that particular weirdness [15:00:29.0000] jgraham: what do browsers do? [15:01:01.0000] Dunno, if only I had a testsuite [15:01:05.0000] Oh wait, I do! [15:01:46.0000] \o/ [15:02:06.0000] O [15:02:12.0000] \ [15:02:15.0000] d'oh [15:02:18.0000] my / was eaten [15:02:44.0000] Now I need to remember why I wanted to run the server [15:04:12.0000] Looks like Presto follows the spec but Gecko and Chrome don't add the extra newline in the case that you would expect them to [15:04:37.0000] I have no idea about IE [15:04:43.0000] Damn it, jgraham. Making Presto break the web by following specs. [15:06:23.0000] (is there any reason to still be testing presto? i thought it had joined MacIE and Netscape...) [15:06:36.0000] Well I have it [15:06:43.0000] Which isn't true of the others [15:06:52.0000] k, just checking if i was wrong to ignore it :-) [15:06:52.0000] and is still the latest Opera for Linux [15:07:05.0000] And various still-shipping devices [15:07:10.0000] But basically no [15:07:56.0000] (but it occasionally makes me feel good about my life when Opera passes tests) [15:08:31.0000] jgraham, so do I need to click "prepare rebase"? [15:08:33.0000] (I mean not great, you understand, but slightly better than normal) [15:08:40.0000] Ms2ger: No [15:08:53.0000] For a tracking review that button should be hidden :) [15:09:17.0000] You do the rebase, then click "Rebase Review" [15:09:43.0000] /me tries, crosses fingers [15:09:54.0000] Then, when you fetch the branch, if there are more commits than you expected, you specify the parent by hand rather than using the default [15:12:08.0000] jgraham, that seemed to work, but now it's no longer tracking [15:12:26.0000] Ms2ger: Yup, you need to click enable tracking [15:12:40.0000] And then force refresh your browser for reasons that I don't understand [15:12:58.0000] Fascinating [15:13:16.0000] Okay, that's enough for tonight [15:13:19.0000] Thanks [15:13:31.0000] Well the force-refresh is only to update the display [15:13:44.0000] It reenables the tracking either way [15:13:58.0000] So, what, the devices SDK seems to have just at CES officially moved to Chromium. So I guess there are going to be projects already underway, yet to ship, based on Presto. [15:14:25.0000] Yeah, I suspected as much [15:14:38.0000] "1 minutes ago" [15:14:48.0000] Hixie: So, if Chrome and Fx aren't following the spec here is it worth changing the spec? [15:15:03.0000] To just never add the extra newline [15:24:17.0000] gsnedders: this is true. [15:24:28.0000] We are shipping new products based on presto still. :) [15:24:41.0000] Or, devicessdk-ppl are, that is. [15:25:03.0000] jgraham: never adding the newline leads to data loss. [15:25:10.0000] jgraham: so that seems like a bad idea. [15:25:16.0000] jgraham: but if they won't change... [15:25:28.0000] Well they haven't in N years [15:25:32.0000] odinho: Including stuff beyond what shipped in dsk 12.1x or not? [15:26:11.0000] gsnedders: It would be very surprising if the configuration of TVSDK was just like that of desktop [15:26:18.0000] at least it never has been in the past [15:28:02.0000] jgraham: This is true. But they were always wary of being the first to ship anything… as everyone was, really. And in this case they would be — and the last. [15:28:14.0000] gsnedders: I think so. Desktop was lagging faaar behind core, as I'm sure you remember. And I think they are at newer core integrations. [15:28:45.0000] odinho: I'm well aware. [15:29:05.0000] I know that the eternal bugs-branch is the main master now, and it seems to be getting patches still. [15:29:24.0000] So I think it's just stabilizing like crazy. Probably the highest quality it has ever had :P No churn. 2014-01-11 [20:31:24.0000] https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=24271 seems less than ideal [20:32:04.0000] I mean the situation it describes, not the bug report itself [20:32:34.0000] "I do notbelieve that any two browsers support the same exact set of unicode charactersfor document.createElement." [23:51:30.0000] MikeSmith, it'll take a test case to convince me of that belief :) [00:37:28.0000] jgraham, the file still exists because I didn't feel like doing anything else after rebasing yesterday :) [01:07:32.0000] jgraham, looks like git submodule init && git submodule update --recursive doesn't checkout resources/webidl2 [02:04:47.0000] Ms2ger: Hmm, that's annoying [04:43:41.0000] gsnedders: BTW if you know any way to serve on multiple subdomains without either a) configuriang /etc/hosts or b) installing an autoproxy, please let me know. Of these I consider a) less troublesome [06:16:39.0000] Ms2ger: was gonna say post a comment to that bug but I see now you already did [10:07:20.0000] annevk, can I have a reply on https://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/showcomment?chain=54 ? [10:09:20.0000] Ms2ger: refresh [10:10:06.0000] Ok, thanks [10:13:38.0000] jgraham, should I squash? [10:25:44.0000] es-discuss discovers there's more notions of whitespace than String.prototype.trim [10:28:37.0000] The horror [10:33:24.0000] Why is Bugzilla always down when I want to look at it? [12:45:33.0000] assert_equals(appCache.IDLE, 0, "window.applicationCache.IDLE == 1"); [13:34:21.0000] That feeling when you think "this isn't a terribly good test�" and realize that, why, yes, you're looking at a Microsoft test 2014-01-12 [08:46:52.0000] Hi [08:47:26.0000] why there is separate spec for touch events and pointer events? [08:47:50.0000] is one of those specs going to be eventually merged / dropped? [09:41:16.0000] is it just me or is whatwg.org down? [09:46:24.0000] it's down [09:46:36.0000] the filesystem became readonly so i tried to reboot it, and it didn't come back. [09:47:22.0000] Woop [09:47:52.0000] KILL ALL THE DATA. [09:54:23.0000] dreamhost contacted [10:17:18.0000] ping started working again, site should be up soon [10:17:25.0000] i hope [12:44:58.0000] /me procrastinates (cc gsnedders) [12:51:07.0000] Ms2ger: :) [12:51:19.0000] Ms2ger: Wait, you didn't expect me to be, you know, working? :P [12:51:23.0000] Nah [12:51:28.0000] I expected myself to, somewhat [12:51:32.0000] 2 hours left... [12:51:45.0000] I'm in the uni library! I'm surrounded by books! Some relevant to what I'm writing! [12:52:01.0000] /me notices the time and thinks he ought have dinner soon [15:44:25.0000] if something is in "invalid value default", what value should the idl attribute return [15:54:45.0000] ah, nm 2014-01-13 [20:29:29.0000] hsivonen: thank you for this html5 parser and the ability to set your own transition handler, it is exactly what i needed :> [21:39:58.0000] how will old browsers parse html5 shemantic elements - header footer section article? [23:40:20.0000] dekiss2: depends on the browser [23:45:04.0000] jgraham: Hixie: i don't think we should change the spec for the newline without first trying to get it implemented. we tried to get it implemented in presto and it worked :-) [23:56:19.0000] wirepair: you're welcome. are you using it in Java? [00:04:41.0000] hsivonen: yeah [00:08:31.0000] /me wonders eh what is the BarProp interface [00:10:14.0000] /me and finds http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/browsers.html#barprop [00:25:22.0000] the definitions of status bar and toolbar seem a bit poor [00:26:12.0000] since the toolbar is sometimes at the bottom and the status bar can be e.g. inside the address bar [00:27:32.0000] zcorpan: the definitions look word-for-word the same with each other [00:27:50.0000] oh [00:27:59.0000] not quite [00:28:07.0000] "below or after" vs "above or before" [00:29:00.0000] /me files [00:31:34.0000] zcorpan: seems like you could suggest some wording for what they are. Since I'd imagine the reason Hixie doesn't already describe what they are is that he wasn't t able to come up with wording that accurately describes what they are [00:32:51.0000] Hixie usually says he just wants to know the problem, not the solution :-P [00:41:36.0000] yeah treu [00:47:17.0000] but your descriptions look good to me :-) [01:27:22.0000] zcorpan: I can live with that. On that subject, feel free to look at https://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/r/523 if you have time ;) [01:28:05.0000] jgraham: ok [03:28:09.0000] So I looked at the createElement() bug... https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=24271 [03:29:37.0000] annevk: and..? [03:29:58.0000] And apart from severe disinterest, it seems there are some issues there that do not relate to 4th vs 5th [03:30:23.0000] Because initially I was going to reply that I don't care how 4th vs 5th plays out as nobody cares about XML [03:30:57.0000] However, U+0083 and U+00B5 seem forbidden by both as far as I can tell [03:35:58.0000] annevk: so it should just throw for those instead? [03:37:04.0000] oh I guess I don't know what it does now for the No cases of those [03:37:09.0000] Right. As far as I can tell Chrome is the only sane browser per XML, but it is insane for implementing the 5th edition. (The last two examples are testing 4th vs 5th.) [03:37:23.0000] throws [03:37:36.0000] annevk: OK [04:33:50.0000] Okay, so Gecko has bugs in its XML parser as far as I can tell [04:33:52.0000] data:text/xml,<%C2%B5/> [04:34:49.0000] works for me. is that incorrect? [04:35:06.0000] As far as I can tell U+00B5 is not a valid XML Name [04:35:21.0000] So that should give a parse error [04:38:06.0000] yeah, hmm, the valid range seems to start at 0xc0 apparently [04:55:39.0000] does Gecko still use expat? [05:30:51.0000] MikeSmith: Yes [05:35:42.0000] So with SimonSapin I checked some other code points, wasting yet more time [05:36:13.0000] Seems most other code points in the U+0080 to U+00C0 range do not work [05:38:14.0000] zcorpan: Am I missing something about https://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/be224de9?review=487 ? [05:38:20.0000] The unreviewed parts [05:38:53.0000] (not claiming you have special insight into the tests, but you might know if there is some strangeness in the spec I have overlooked) [05:39:21.0000] jgraham: i think i recall ms2ger saying he left those for you to review [05:39:54.0000] What'd I do? [05:40:24.0000] zcorpan: Yeah he did [05:40:26.0000] Yeah, the testharness.js-inside-a-frame thing [05:40:36.0000] So that doesn't work [05:40:40.0000] I can comment on that [05:40:55.0000] But I don't understand the pass condition on the test [05:41:04.0000] Did you notice the parentNode bits? [05:41:20.0000] Ahhhh [05:41:22.0000] No [05:41:27.0000] Why would you do that? [05:41:32.0000] Microsoft [05:41:39.0000] But why? [05:41:40.0000] I claim no understanding [05:41:57.0000] seems bogus, just change it to expect the right element directly :-) [05:43:21.0000] OK, commented [05:44:36.0000] i don't understand why it needs to run the script from a frame [05:44:55.0000] why doesn't it just run it in the frameset document and use about:blank in the frames? [05:45:46.0000] maybe set the log element manually to one of the frame's body or so [05:47:03.0000] zcorpan: I had some notion that running scripts there didn't work, but maybe I invented that [05:47:38.0000] oh you set an output document, not an element [05:52:04.0000] shankha93 are you from IIT J? [05:52:52.0000] annevk: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=501837 / http://www.w3.org/XML/xml-V10-4e-errata#E09 [05:53:11.0000] i can't get it to work though. http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/2733 [05:53:17.0000] bbl [05:53:20.0000] sankha93 seems mostly on a bad connection [05:54:11.0000] oh, I don't know always my network has problems with freenode :( [05:54:19.0000] blackhair: how did you know my college name? [05:55:58.0000] SimonSapin: yeah, B5 is not allowed in either 4th or 5th edition [05:56:04.0000] SimonSapin: that's why it's special [05:56:31.0000] ah, I confused it with B7 [06:00:48.0000] Was B7 ever allowed at the start? [06:01:26.0000] People keep derailing my overloading thread :/ [06:02:42.0000] in 4th edition [06:02:45.0000] sankha93: scrollback.io - ring any bells ? [06:03:36.0000] SimonSapin: not per http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/REC-xml-20060816/#NT-Name [06:04:04.0000] it’s in Extender which is in NameChar [06:04:17.0000] SimonSapin: but NameChar is not allowed at the start [06:04:25.0000] ah, right [06:04:47.0000] anyway [06:14:14.0000] https://twitter.com/kuvos/status/422721878508056577 "Are there other elements besides children that disappear when you document.write() them outside table? Not related to nesting

's." [06:14:52.0000] (question from Peter van der Zee) [06:16:26.0000] So what happened to https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/509 ? [06:20:21.0000] MikeSmith: given that the parser is context-dependent, and he doesn't define the context, the answer could be either almost all elements or none [06:21:08.0000] Ms2ger: seems like you should reopen that [07:21:59.0000] Quick review anyone? https://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/r/546 [07:22:08.0000] Ms2ger: ^ [07:22:53.0000] /me startes a browser [07:22:57.0000] startes? [07:28:40.0000] startles? [07:30:52.0000] if os.path.exists(override_path): with open(override_path) ... [07:30:58.0000] Do we care about race conditions there? [07:32:05.0000] Not really? [07:32:13.0000] I could use try/except ofc [07:32:41.0000] Yeah, I thought so [07:33:22.0000] Intentional that config.json can only override, not add keys? [07:34:02.0000] Yes [07:34:34.0000] r+ [07:35:31.0000] Takk [07:44:51.0000] MikeSmith: You might be interested in that. You can now create a config.json that will override what's in config.default.json but will be ignored by git [08:15:03.0000] Ffffffuuuuu [08:15:08.0000] test points to a.com [08:15:32.0000] test points to A.com, well that is weird [08:15:34.0000] (Firefox) [08:15:47.0000] jgraham: http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/2734 is supposed to work but doesn't, any idea? [08:15:53.0000] In Chrome both are a.com [08:16:24.0000] annevk: is that level of crazy necessary for web compat? [08:16:53.0000] Chrome even supports %ef%bc%85%ef%bc%94%ef%bc%91.com [08:17:12.0000] zcorpan: Not sure [08:17:14.0000] Which is more or less equal to what I just had, except another level of percent-encoding [08:17:22.0000] See https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=24257 [08:18:11.0000] annevk: yeah. seems to me like this is something that would only show up in test cases and attacks [08:19:19.0000] The question is of course what we should do. We could say no to this, but what do we say yes to? [08:19:40.0000] yes to \ :-) [08:21:24.0000] maybe i can run a grep, but not sure what to look for [08:24:44.0000] zcorpan: setup() won't run there [08:25:37.0000] Hmm actually, Firefox does not appear to do any percent-decoding [08:25:45.0000] There is a bug in the UI that makes it look like it does [08:29:21.0000] jgraham: ok. that makes it a bit hard to set output_document to a document that hasn't loaded yet. maybe output_window is better? i can use about:blank and append a div, but it seems a bit hacky [08:30:15.0000] zcorpan: Yeah, perhaps [08:30:40.0000] I don't remember exactly what the original case was. Possibly something with SVG that payman was doing [08:44:49.0000] jgraham: http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/2735 [08:45:19.0000] jgraham: i get an exception in blink [08:46:18.0000] zcorpan: I think the right thing is to fix this on the testharness side [08:46:46.0000] jgraham: yes [08:47:04.0000] zcorpan: [08:47:06.0000] Hmm [08:47:48.0000] try setting output_document = function() {return window[0].document} [08:47:57.0000] in setup called before onload [08:50:16.0000] that doesn't help, functions and documents aren't allowed to be cloned in postMessage [08:50:28.0000] properties: this_obj.properties [08:56:34.0000] That seems very unnecessary [08:56:50.0000] (including the properties there) [09:03:31.0000] yeah [09:04:51.0000] i realise that changing output_document to output_window doesn't help without also making the evaluation late [09:15:33.0000] good morning, Whatwg! [09:15:37.0000] jgraham: yeah saw that (config.json change) thanks, I think that will be better for the w3c-test.org case [09:16:55.0000] MikeSmith: Turns out it will be better for me too ;) [09:17:06.0000] yay [09:19:47.0000] zcorpan: if you could comment on https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=14703 that would be fantastic [09:20:43.0000] annevk: i see things like and [09:24:21.0000] zcorpan: see https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=24191#c4 [09:24:30.0000] zcorpan: both of those should probably always fail [09:24:34.0000] Hixie: yeah, i'll look into it some more [09:25:00.0000] zcorpan: thanks. i'm going to the vet now, but i'll look in an hour or two and see if i can finish the edit. [09:52:02.0000] annevk: http://pastebin.com/2Y5QwuDb [09:52:54.0000] those URLs seem pretty broken [09:53:04.0000] annevk: if you want with -H i can rerun (i.e. the url of the page containing the link) [09:55:06.0000] annevk: yeah but some do actually work in some browsers, but it's pretty rare (the set is 102,000 pages) [09:56:18.0000] i'll leave it for you to analyze the data further if you want :-) bbl [09:57:01.0000] Hmm [10:00:10.0000] smola: how do you want to be acknowledged? [10:00:35.0000] smola: is "Santiago M. Mola" as in Bugzilla? Or without the M. or with it written out? [10:00:51.0000] s/is// [10:02:45.0000] annevk: "Santiago M. Mola" is ok [10:02:51.0000] Yay, SGML like syntax in linguistic corpora: "Mum, can I have a drink?". [10:03:24.0000] (This isn't all too surprising, in the 80s a fair number of linguistic tools used SGML) [11:08:13.0000] man i wish the links in cssom were more obviously links [11:08:23.0000] i can barely see them, especially when scrolling [11:23:33.0000] anyone know when a "CSS style sheet" has its "CSS rules" set to something? [11:36:35.0000] Hixie: http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-syntax/#parse-a-stylesheet maybe? [11:36:57.0000] though it may not be in sync with CSSOM terminology [11:37:08.0000] when is that invoked? [11:37:20.0000] seems like the appropriate place for it to happen [11:38:45.0000] I don’t think we have clear spec text about this, but it should be invoked when processing the content of [11:57:00.0000] Seems like a good fit for semaphores for style parsing/script execution [11:57:11.0000] SimonSapin: you can, but at some point you need blocking [11:57:23.0000] Which would avoid blocking until necessary. [11:57:49.0000] I guess accessing document.styleSheets will block script the same way waiting on layout results block scripts [11:58:23.0000] i'm more worried about things like [11:58:52.0000] Hixie: seems more likely indeed :p [11:58:52.0000] (in xml) [11:59:09.0000] (seems less likely then) :P [11:59:10.0000] (obviously in html it's not an issue since you can't put elements there without script) [11:59:27.0000] That is beautiful though [12:00:24.0000] Hixie: document.styleSheets.length is 0 for me there [12:00:25.0000] Really if that's the only example that breaks, we are all good [12:00:38.0000] Hixie: in both Firefox and Chrome [12:01:01.0000] Hixie: which does indeed argue against what I argued, which was silly anyway from a parser point of view [12:01:07.0000] maybe a better test would be [12:01:07.0000] Yeah, seems pretty irrelevant. I mean, it's not like there's masses of XML in the first place… [12:01:54.0000] It matters how the pieces fit together [12:02:09.0000] It is of course possible to construct test cases that aren't amenable to parallisation [12:02:22.0000] It is an open question which of them actually break the web [12:03:01.0000] Or which represent an example of something that's commonplace on the web and so leads to breakage if not handled in serial [12:03:52.0000] gp hello dudes [12:03:57.0000] It is possible that the web has locked itself into requiring minimal-parallelisation [12:04:07.0000] But let's hope now [12:04:10.0000] *not [12:04:40.0000] That would be very sad. :( [12:04:55.0000] data:text/xml, [12:05:08.0000] Hixie: with that test I cannot get it to render green, no matter how long I wait [12:05:50.0000] man, you're quicker at making these tests than i am [12:05:59.0000] are you getting anything to render at all? [12:06:05.0000] Hixie: granted, I guess you might be able to get a difference with your other test depending on how things fit together [12:06:06.0000] or is it just that it blocks? [12:06:17.0000] Hixie: it blocks [12:06:33.0000] oh, for xml, not for html parsing [12:06:36.0000] i missed your data: url [12:06:40.0000] i'm writing an html version [12:06:52.0000] but good to know [12:06:56.0000] maybe we just parse on [12:07:03.0000] that would certainly be nice an simple to deal with [12:07:07.0000] and [12:07:07.0000] I also tried this [12:07:10.0000] data:text/xml, [12:07:14.0000] Also blocks :/ [12:07:16.0000] No red [12:07:33.0000] yeah you probably need to try putting a before the test [12:08:02.0000] Is red, then blue [12:08:18.0000] makes sense if it's waiting for [12:08:28.0000] what happens if you try to read offsetHeight ? [12:08:32.0000] in the alerting script? [12:08:37.0000] annevk: what version of Firefox are you testing with? [12:08:39.0000] or something else that forces layout recalc [12:08:57.0000] smola: 29.0a1 (2014-01-06) [12:09:28.0000] data:text/xml, [12:09:30.0000] annevk: ok [12:09:33.0000] Same colors, alerts 8 [12:09:45.0000] Things that annoy me: Firefox, once it has downloaded an upload, waits to be restarted. This means if you don't restart, it'll eventually be waiting to restart into an outdated build, instead of downloading yet another, but up-to-date one. [12:09:48.0000] /me updates Nightly [12:10:21.0000] gsnedders: yes yes yes! [12:10:34.0000] /me is in that circus at the moment [12:10:54.0000] I just updated to the 2014-01-02 build! [12:11:04.0000] From 2014-01-01! [12:13:05.0000] smola: 29.0a1 (2014-01-13) now :-) [12:13:21.0000] So the university library just redid their website to use some shiny third party system. It's now horrendously hard to search by ISBN. :( [12:27:59.0000] man it's hard to get browsers to render incrementally [12:28:12.0000] http://www.hixie.ch/tests/evil/page-loading/incremental/003.cgi [12:28:45.0000] ok well i've never seen a "1" [12:28:53.0000] so i guess yep, it waits for [12:34:20.0000] and changes to the contents cause re-parsing as well [12:34:32.0000] hmm [12:34:41.0000] what if the inner body{background:blue} you can effect the tree while parsing [12:38:48.0000] What if you remove the parent element? [12:39:59.0000] Wait what? [12:40:00.0000] data:text/xml, [12:40:07.0000] [14:08:51.0000] Both Gecko and Chrome throw "NotFoundError" [14:09:19.0000] However, if you change document.removeChild into alert it will give you the element you expect [14:09:35.0000] Hmm? What else would it do? [14:09:59.0000] Which suggests there is a bug in http://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-node-pre-remove for XML I guess? [14:10:17.0000] document.documentElement.childNodes[1] is a grandchild of document [14:10:33.0000] Combined with the XML parser not being defined. [14:10:39.0000] Oh [14:11:42.0000] Thanks Ms2ger! [14:11:51.0000] Np :) [14:12:02.0000] data:text/xml, [14:12:14.0000] I'd prepend "report implementation bugs" to Ms2ger's list above [14:12:41.0000] astearns, sure, if you put in "accurate" :) [14:13:03.0000] that could be added to all of the list items :) [14:13:13.0000] So the question is more what the parser does once such an element is removed. [14:13:22.0000] Review accurate specs? Nah, that's not useful [14:13:24.0000] data:text/xml, [14:13:35.0000] Points out the body{background:red} [14:14:30.0000] Points out you it executes at [14:14:53.0000] So if [14:17:04.0000] Ah okay, so it simply puts the content into the removed element and then once that closes goes back to the original tree [14:21:01.0000] same as the html parser [15:03:58.0000] ...I have no idea how my code worked before. [15:04:05.0000] been there [15:04:49.0000] a schrödinbug [15:06:59.0000] It's not really, though. I just did something unrelated which showed me that I had named one function's argument a certain thing, but I was using a completely different name for it inside the function. [15:07:08.0000] I still don't know how it's working. [15:07:24.0000] Unless I'm leaking an "editor" variable globally somewhere? [15:10:36.0000] oh it does still work? [15:10:57.0000] i meant the case where you find something shouldn't work, and mysteriously, it stops working, despite the fact that it used to work fine before you noticed it shouldn't work. [15:11:08.0000] SimonSapin: environment encoding thing: done [15:11:44.0000] Right, I know what a schrodinbug is. [15:11:48.0000] i now have a requirement that basically says "the A from spec B is the C from spec D, if any, or else the E from spec F" [15:11:50.0000] This is one where my code currently works, but I don't know how. [15:11:54.0000] Hixie: r8390 right? Thanks, will review tomorrow [15:12:18.0000] TabAtkins: that sounds even more frustrating, possibly [15:12:28.0000] SimonSapin: next one, i think [15:13:30.0000] right [15:22:35.0000] Following in Anne's proud tradition, my blog comments are unusable in FF for the next two months. 2014-01-14 [16:03:35.0000] smola: : failing is because of port parsing [16:04:08.0000] smola: so it doesn't really count I think [16:10:31.0000] annevk: yes, and then if you do a.host = 'a:b' the behaviour also differs [16:10:54.0000] smola: yeah I know, URLs are a mess [16:11:20.0000] smola: I personally like what we have now, modulo the check needing to come after IDNA [16:12:00.0000] smola: I'd really like to let someone else do the domain parsing entirely [16:12:22.0000] smola: but the IETF / Unicode crowd isn't doing much at the moment [16:13:47.0000] as far as I see, the post-ToASCII checks (and deciding which characters to allow there) are the only thing left? [16:16:45.0000] well, there's other stuff such as length limits according to DNS [16:16:53.0000] not sure if that should be part of the spec though [16:19:25.0000] if they are observable before we hit DNS, yes [16:19:31.0000] IDNA does those checks [16:19:34.0000] yeah, that is, max 127 labels, 63 bytes per label, 253 bytes in the full textual representation [16:19:39.0000] or something like that [16:19:41.0000] but maybe they are skipped if everything is ASCII? [16:19:44.0000] Firefox checks some of them [16:21:19.0000] I think they're done independently of it being ASCII or not [16:21:24.0000] but it's too late to check it :p [16:21:28.0000] oh, 12:21, I'll have a look tomorrow I suppose [16:23:30.0000] yup, I'm leaving for today, good night [16:28:05.0000] nn [23:01:41.0000] annevk-cloud: re http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/whatwg/20140113#l-961 check the error console [23:01:52.0000] annevk-cloud: you probably want document.documentElement.removeChild [23:04:49.0000] oh that was pointed out already [23:07:20.0000] annevk-cloud: presto's xml parser (and old html parser) would go wacky when removing an element during parsing, iirc [00:35:20.0000] /me wonders what happened to initialTime [00:41:14.0000] http://html5.org/tools/web-apps-tracker?from=7045&to=7046 apparently [02:37:17.0000] Lol at www-tag [02:45:42.0000] If server configuration became easier CORS could be a setting at the DNS level. Where servers announce they know CORS exists, thereby avoiding the need for preflight requests. [02:46:18.0000] Could also configure HSTS there... [02:53:44.0000] and CSP [02:55:05.0000] CSP is not quite global; CORS isn't quite either of course... [03:18:06.0000] zcorpan_: you mentioned a set of 102,000 pages containing weird URLs [03:18:10.0000] zcorpan_: is that public? [03:19:00.0000] smola: http://webdevdata.org [03:20:15.0000] smola: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=23009 [03:23:19.0000] annevk: yeah, I was checking now, thanks [03:23:56.0000] smola: I guess I should also ban 0x09, 0x0A, and 0x0D [03:24:26.0000] zcorpan_: awesome, thank you [03:24:55.0000] /me adds those [03:25:19.0000] annevk: if re-parsing must give the same result, yes [03:25:54.0000] smola: we want idempotency as much as possible for security [03:26:44.0000] yes, I also want idempotency because I use this code for URL normalization in crawling [03:26:53.0000] non-idempoency: more duplicates [03:29:21.0000] Still a bunch of open bugs around percent encoding :/ [03:29:22.0000] I hate that shit [03:33:04.0000] Hi [03:36:27.0000] annevk: btw, has someone ever seen such weird hostnames in weird intranet configurations? [03:36:51.0000] /me thinks those intranets are just magic elves [03:37:06.0000] annevk: lots of cool things could be done if 1) DNS was easy to configure (it actually can be pretty easy), 2) DNSSEC was deployed (can be bought as a service already) and 3) middle boxes allowed currently-unusual DNS responses to flow through [03:37:17.0000] annevk: the situation with #3 is really sad [03:37:26.0000] middle boxes are sad [03:37:29.0000] middleware is sad [03:38:15.0000] smola: hmm, I should have done some testing maybe, I cannot reproduce even the label limits [03:39:50.0000] E.g. try [03:39:54.0000] test [03:39:55.0000] [03:40:38.0000] IDNA interoperability is so sad [03:41:50.0000] annevk: true, it actually works in chrome [03:42:00.0000] of course it'll never resolve [03:42:06.0000] smola: works in Firefox too [03:42:41.0000] hm, or it might resolve with /etc/hosts ? [03:43:48.0000] I suppose it could, I don't really have any desire to go lower on the stack at the moment [03:43:53.0000] This part is fucked up enough as is [03:44:42.0000] on Firefox+Linux it does not resolve it in any case [04:05:33.0000] "A new body is required to take on the responsibility of providing standards for an open web." http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-restrictedmedia/2014Jan/0070.html [04:06:17.0000] WHATWG? [04:09:54.0000] Not the Web Hypermedia Including Concessions for Hollywood Working Group? [04:14:08.0000] Clever, sir, clever [04:33:44.0000] anti-DRM candidate emailing from @live.com, interesting :p [04:43:47.0000] nice one jgraham, really nice one [04:43:55.0000] and then we could go WHICH hunting [04:46:37.0000] sankha93 are you around? [04:47:25.0000] gjsrivastava: I know sankha but he is not here right now [06:41:55.0000] Domenic_: Note that "will" in spec language is a statement of fact [06:43:32.0000] So if you were to say "these steps will be run asynchronously", there would have to be text elsewhere that actually caused those steps to run [07:29:49.0000] Why do we not have utility functions for specifications? [07:29:59.0000] E.g. hex bytes to number [07:32:50.0000] jgraham: hmm thanks, good to note [07:33:21.0000] In fact, that's not much more than a note [07:33:39.0000] A statement of fact is more like "A has an associated B." [07:34:19.0000] Facts describe the world, notes explain it, and requirements make it run. [07:34:41.0000] It felt like a fact to me. It's a requirement to run those steps, but a fact about those steps is that they will happen asynchronously. [07:34:54.0000] although, they don't have to be asynchronous [07:34:59.0000] if e.g. that data is cached in memory [07:35:18.0000] Well, notes should be factual, but they are usually duplicative. [07:38:34.0000] Domenic_: http://ln.hixie.ch/?start=1140242962&count=1 is the canonical source on this [07:38:52.0000] jgraham: ah excellent. [07:46:25.0000] Seems I use statement of fact more as a definition. I try to avoid the statements of facts Hixie talks about, as, as he points out, they are confusing [07:47:35.0000] Yeah. In this case I think it would be very confusing. [07:47:53.0000] http://www.w3.org/TR/2014/NOTE-calendar-api-20140114/ [07:47:53.0000] http://www.w3.org/TR/2014/NOTE-messaging-api-20140114/ [07:47:53.0000] http://www.w3.org/TR/2014/NOTE-system-info-api-20140114/ [07:47:55.0000] http://www.w3.org/TR/2014/NOTE-contacts-api-20140114/ [07:47:57.0000] http://www.w3.org/TR/2014/NOTE-gallery-20140114/ [07:47:59.0000] http://www.w3.org/TR/2014/NOTE-webintents-local-services-20140114/ [07:48:05.0000] bye bye APIs? [07:54:36.0000] Domenic_: in https://github.com/domenic/promises-unwrapping/issues/85 what does getWebApplicationsMetadata() do? [07:55:03.0000] Domenic_: if that's about asking the user something, I don't really get how it can be synchronous [07:56:27.0000] annevk: I think marcosc's intent was that it gets and some <meta> tags, or some manifest stuff. The user-asking happens in userAgentSpecificChoooser [07:56:53.0000] <annevk> Domenic_: which also seems sync in your text [07:57:15.0000] <annevk> Domenic_: in particular https://github.com/domenic/promises-unwrapping/blob/master/docs/writing-specifications-with-promises.md#addbookmark-- seems very bad [07:57:35.0000] <Domenic_> annevk: userAgentSpecificChoooser is async [07:57:51.0000] <annevk> Domenic_: you cannot tell from that example text [07:58:18.0000] <Domenic_> annevk: yeah, we are discussing on www-tag how I seem to have implicitly assumed (as a JS programmer) that any algorithmic step that involves asking the user would automatically be async [07:58:22.0000] <annevk> Domenic_: from that example spec text you'd implement a sync chooser and resolve and then return [07:58:54.0000] <Domenic_> you can see similar confusion in my https://github.com/domenic/promises-unwrapping/blob/master/docs/writing-specifications-with-promises.md#delay-ms-, which as boris points out would naively block for ms milliseconds [07:59:20.0000] <annevk> Domenic_: yes [07:59:52.0000] <annevk> Domenic_: that's why the return early, but continue running steps in the background makes a lot of sense [08:00:00.0000] <annevk> Domenic_: I haven't seen anyone been confused with those [08:00:05.0000] <Domenic_> annevk: I maintain that it makes zero sense at all [08:00:20.0000] <Domenic_> to me it translates to return x; setImmediate(function () { /* do those extra steps */ }) [08:00:25.0000] <Domenic_> (pretending that setImmediate is a thing) [08:00:55.0000] <annevk> no, it's much more like set up an internal event listener to wait for something and then return [08:01:04.0000] <annevk> the remainder of the steps explain what [08:01:19.0000] <annevk> you don't queue a task to wait for something, you wait for something to be queued [08:02:53.0000] <Domenic_> well, where does that internal event listener get set up [08:02:58.0000] <Domenic_> it certainly can't get set up after you return [08:03:19.0000] <marcosc> /me catches up... denies everything while doing so [08:03:31.0000] <annevk> Domenic_: shrug [08:04:06.0000] <annevk> Whether you say "The remainder is run asynchronous. Return here." "Return here, but continue doing this" seems immaterial [08:04:24.0000] <jgraham> So the Hixie model isn't beautiful in that it doesn't map directly to programming language constructs [08:04:32.0000] <annevk> I'm interested in cleaning it up further, but it's much more clear than what you have, which leads everyone to assume we suddenly have sync constructs [08:04:41.0000] <jgraham> But it does do the right thing [08:06:53.0000] <Domenic_> yes, what i have right now is clearly wrong [08:07:18.0000] <Domenic_> and, after everyone explaining exactly how wrong, i'll agree it's more wrong than the current model [08:07:25.0000] <Domenic_> but i think it's important to clean up the current model [08:09:11.0000] <marcosc> oh, seems I missed the update to that bug [08:09:31.0000] <marcosc> I'll have to re-read the document [08:09:54.0000] <marcosc> Domenic_: thanks anyway for notifying me of the update - sorry I missed it. Should I review the doc now? [08:10:51.0000] <Domenic_> marcosc: sure! everyone else is doing it now :). http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2014Jan/0038.html http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2014Jan/0052.html [08:12:01.0000] <marcosc> Domenic_: ok, will try to do it later today [08:12:34.0000] <marcosc> Btw, I found it quite helpful last time around. It was the missing manual :) [08:13:29.0000] <annevk> Domenic_: so I think typically you want to listen for activity and then queue a task to do several things in response [08:13:51.0000] <annevk> Domenic_: e.g. XHR listens to network activity and then queues a single task to dispatch several events and update some properties [08:14:14.0000] <annevk> Domenic_: it's very common to group updating a property and dispatching the event directly after [08:14:53.0000] <annevk> Domenic_: I suspect most things can be implemented given those two concepts [08:15:05.0000] <annevk> Domenic_: prolly some legacy exceptions in HTML though [08:15:58.0000] <Domenic_> annevk: hmm ok, will study. [08:16:35.0000] <Domenic_> annevk: I find the task queues confusing though; e.g. it seems like it should be possible to call back from C++ to JS without using a task queue [08:16:52.0000] <annevk> Domenic_: if it's sync, sure [08:17:11.0000] <annevk> Domenic_: if it's async, not really, you'd get race issues [08:17:19.0000] <jgraham> Right. Task queues are just the event loop for the spec [08:17:19.0000] <Domenic_> even if it's async... e.g. in Node when I program C++ extensions, I can just call back into JS. [08:17:32.0000] <annevk> Domenic_: how do you know JS is not running? [08:17:35.0000] <Domenic_> it can be either sync or async; promises normalize it to async [08:17:48.0000] <Domenic_> annevk: fair point [08:19:06.0000] <annevk> I don't know what Node's model looks like unfortunately, but I do know that for the web platform we need a task queue. [08:21:39.0000] <Domenic_> nah, I think it has a task queue, I just didn't realize I was using it. [08:21:54.0000] <Domenic_> this helped click with me exactly what "queue a task" means... [08:22:17.0000] <Domenic_> I thought it was something like setImmediate(taskCode), albeit with a task queue name that the loop does complicated stuff with [08:22:47.0000] <Domenic_> but it's really more about proxying back to JS from C++ land, it sounds like... [08:22:47.0000] <jgraham> The name isn't complicated [08:23:27.0000] <jgraham> the event loop pulls a task off one of the task queues to run [08:23:37.0000] <jgraham> The name tells you which task queue [08:23:38.0000] <Domenic_> it's a lot more complicated that fifo [08:23:44.0000] <jgraham> a task goes on [08:24:03.0000] <jgraham> So things are fifo per queue [08:24:11.0000] <jgraham> But not fifo overall [08:24:35.0000] <jgraham> But of course UAs don't pick a queue at random [08:24:58.0000] <annevk> A simpler example of the listen, queue thing is setTimeout() [08:25:01.0000] <jgraham> They can have internal priority e.g. always process user events like click or whatever first [08:25:17.0000] <annevk> First you listen until some period of time has passed, then you queue a task to do some operation [08:25:41.0000] <annevk> You need to queue a task because mouse events, network events, parsing, etc. might all go on as well and they need to be ordered somehow [08:29:45.0000] <Domenic_> Yeah [08:29:50.0000] <Domenic_> I should blog all this learnings [08:36:51.0000] <annevk> Domenic_: as for the ES being complicated and more precise, that's kinda why we have IDL [08:37:22.0000] <annevk> Domenic_: now if the ES spec defined IDL and had some of its own stuff in terms of that, we might be able to make the whole thing more portable... [08:40:15.0000] <Domenic_> annevk: this is more about algorithmic steps though [08:40:43.0000] <Domenic_> annevk: I feel I often see web specs say things in one or two sentences that would take a page to express in ES-spec's precision [08:42:02.0000] <jgraham> So one of the main complaints that we get about web specs is that we aim for precision rather than the touchy-feely specs of yore [08:45:20.0000] <annevk> It's funny really [08:45:37.0000] <annevk> But I do admit to taking shortcuts now and then [08:45:41.0000] <annevk> There's too much to define [08:46:22.0000] <annevk> But I'm not sure if it then immediately lacks precision. It only lacks precision if you can implement it in two different ways... [08:51:19.0000] <Domenic_> Right... I'm not sure I'd know how to spot such instances. For the ES spec I can always see how you would, e.g. by inserting objects that trigger edge case behaviors, or testing esoteric properties of the objects you are given. [08:52:02.0000] <annevk> IDL cleans most of that up [08:53:11.0000] <jgraham> Indeed, IDL takes care of a lot of the sanitisation [08:53:30.0000] <annevk> Domenic_: as for the algorithmic steps, you could have shorthands for all the common operations [08:54:35.0000] <annevk> Domenic_: that do the magic, but it'd require a huge amount of effort to figure out all the primitives across the many many APIs [08:55:40.0000] <jgraham> You also run the risk of lasagne specs [08:56:11.0000] <jgraham> Which are neatly divided into layers, but impossible to understand overall by reading any one bit of text [08:56:24.0000] <annevk> But but but layering [09:44:44.0000] <dglazkov> good morning, Whatwg! [09:45:35.0000] <jory> Good morning to you, dglazkov. [11:52:09.0000] <Ms2ger> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-dom/2014JanMar/0016.html [15:11:09.0000] <Hixie> how very sad, scrollable regions don't get 'focus' events [15:13:15.0000] <Hixie> hm, they do if you tab, in firefox [15:28:31.0000] <Hixie> hah, chrome gets <area> focusing wrong [15:28:57.0000] <Hixie> if two <img>s use the same <area>, and you click on the second <img>'s use of the <area>, the first one gets the focus ring [15:29:25.0000] <Hixie> firefox renders them right but sends a focus event again if you just tap from one to the other [15:29:31.0000] <Hixie> even though nothing changed focus at the element level 2014-01-15 [18:12:01.0000] <dekiss> annevk-cloud [18:12:05.0000] <dekiss> here? [18:12:12.0000] <dekiss> hwo can I help making the html ? ^^ [18:12:19.0000] <dekiss> hehe [18:12:43.0000] <dekiss> suggestions on mailing list are only considered to be implemented? [20:36:17.0000] <JonathanNeal> Is there ARIA role or similar attribute that identifies a link as being to the current page, like one would find in a navigation menu? [20:47:57.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: the href="" pointing to the local page seems sufficient to indicate that, no? [20:49:36.0000] <JonathanNeal> Perhaps. Still, I was wondering if there was anything more blatantly assistive. [20:50:15.0000] <Hixie> i don't understand [20:50:21.0000] <Hixie> assistive how? [20:50:28.0000] <Hixie> the AT has access to the link... [20:51:03.0000] <JonathanNeal> Hixie: some ATs are not as A as others. Is rel="self" valid? [20:52:01.0000] <Hixie> in general i would strongly recommend against us making anything valid that is redundant with existing data [20:52:06.0000] <Hixie> since that's just asking for it to be inconsistent [20:52:50.0000] <JonathanNeal> Hixie: responding to "i don't understand", what I mean is: in theory, navigations with self pointing links have been around for ages so I would hope this has been resolved by ATs without the need for assistive roles or aria-*. Still, I'm asking because I do not know if there is, in fact, a way to be explicit. [20:53:13.0000] <Hixie> how is href="" not explicit? [20:53:20.0000] <Hixie> i don't understand what you mean by explicit [20:55:48.0000] <JonathanNeal> To be clear, you mean an href with an empty value? [20:56:51.0000] <Hixie> no i mean the href="" attribute [20:58:37.0000] <JonathanNeal> You mean an href pointing to the page itself should be explicit enough for any AT, and anything additional is harmfully redundant? [20:58:52.0000] <dekiss> Hixie can I be editor of HTML ? :) [20:59:02.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: "harmfully redundant" is tautological, but yeah [20:59:04.0000] <Hixie> dekiss: sure [20:59:11.0000] <dekiss> ^^ NICE :) [20:59:27.0000] <dekiss> is there some official application I should send? [20:59:47.0000] <Hixie> yeah [20:59:54.0000] <JonathanNeal> Hixie: not entirely so, as is the case for roles and html5 attributes. [21:00:04.0000] <JonathanNeal> err, html5 elements [21:00:08.0000] <Hixie> dekiss: attach a patch to bug https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=23659 [21:00:24.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: it's just as redundant for those [21:00:26.0000] <JonathanNeal> <nav role="navigation"> redundant but not necessarily harmful. [21:00:29.0000] <dekiss> Hixie THANKS! [21:00:34.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: it's both redundant and harmful [21:00:49.0000] <Hixie> dekiss: (the patch should actually fix the bug, obviously) [21:00:54.0000] <Hixie> dekiss: (not just any random patch) [21:01:29.0000] <dekiss> ok :) [21:02:31.0000] <JonathanNeal> well, I don't believe that redundancy for compatibility is as harmful as redundancy for, say, uniformity or verbosity. [21:02:50.0000] <JonathanNeal> If you don't sympathize with that statement, I'd love to read your thoughts on why. [21:03:23.0000] <Hixie> redundancy in HTML leads to copy-pasta which leads to ATs being given bogus data where they would instead work fine if there was no redundancy [21:07:06.0000] <JonathanNeal> Thanks. [21:08:20.0000] <dekiss> Hixie you think Webgl will be used much? [21:12:44.0000] <JonathanNeal> Hixie, speaking of redundancy, do you think the <head> element has any real value? [21:13:03.0000] <Hixie> dekiss: not my department [21:13:09.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: never really thought about it, since we can't drop it [21:13:12.0000] <dekiss> ok [21:16:23.0000] <JonathanNeal> That's interesting and curious. So, if you did think about it, and found it to be the meta equivalent of <font>, why couldn't you drop it? [21:19:10.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: we can't drop it just like we can't drop <font> [21:19:18.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: browsers implement it, pages depend on it [21:19:45.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: we couldn't even make it non-conforming (which is what HTML4 did with <font>) since the parser implies it [21:19:47.0000] <JonathanNeal> I just learned something. I thought <font> was deprecated in HTML4 and removed in HTML5. [21:20:02.0000] <Hixie> it's obsolete, but browsers still have to support it [21:23:39.0000] <dekiss> Chrome has some bug with antialising on Helvetica Neur [21:23:58.0000] <dekiss> also it had with css transitions on fixed elements [21:24:12.0000] <dekiss> where can I send those bugs? [21:28:52.0000] <GPHemsley> Hixie: Is the HTML UA stylesheet available in a single file or block of text? [21:29:29.0000] <Hixie> dekiss: crbug.com [21:29:53.0000] <Hixie> GPHemsley: it's available in a single file, but not separate from interleaving other text [21:30:05.0000] <Hixie> GPHemsley: in part because it's not entirely expressible in CSS [21:30:08.0000] <GPHemsley> Hixie: :P [21:30:25.0000] <GPHemsley> fair enough, I suppose [21:31:33.0000] <GPHemsley> /me uses CSS 2.1's default stylesheet for HTML 4 instead. [21:32:15.0000] <Hixie> GPHemsley: what's your purpose? [21:32:28.0000] <GPHemsley> just looking for a sample CSS file [21:32:40.0000] <Hixie> ah [21:34:37.0000] <GPHemsley> /me wonders how easy it is to find a sample ECMAScript file that's not contaminated by JavaScript extensions... [21:36:32.0000] <JonathanNeal> GPHemsley: last updated 2012 http://www.iecss.com/whatwg.css [21:38:24.0000] <dekiss> thanks [21:39:35.0000] <GPHemsley> JonathanNeal: Thanks; need an ECMAScript file now. [21:41:37.0000] <JonathanNeal> Are there (and what are the) standard ways to communicate the language of a document outside of using <html> with lang=""? [21:44:58.0000] <GPHemsley> JonathanNeal: The Content-Language HTTP header [21:47:05.0000] <Hixie> The Content-Language HTTP header actually sets the intended languages understood by the reader, not the language of the document. [21:47:10.0000] <Hixie> iirc [21:48:47.0000] <GPHemsley> Hixie: That's Accept-Language [21:49:01.0000] <GPHemsley> JonathanNeal: http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-http-and-lang [21:49:52.0000] <GPHemsley> JonathanNeal: http://www.w3.org/International/techniques/authoring-html#language [21:50:12.0000] <GPHemsley> JonathanNeal: http://www.w3.org/International/tutorials/language-decl/ [21:57:09.0000] <Hixie> GPHemsley: no, i mean content-language [21:57:14.0000] <Hixie> GPHemsley: accept-language is what the client sends [21:58:05.0000] <GPHemsley> Hixie: Content-Language is the language of the document. Not sure what you expect the server to know about what languages the reader understands... [21:58:43.0000] <Hixie> "The Content-Language entity-header field describes the natural language(s) of the intended audience for the enclosed entity." [22:00:16.0000] <GPHemsley> == "the language of the document" [22:01:55.0000] <Hixie> not necessarily [22:02:46.0000] <Hixie> consider for example a document written in french but intended to teach english speakers french [22:07:33.0000] <JonathanNeal> i understand the arguments, but i didn't catch which header the server should send, Content-Language? [22:08:50.0000] <Hixie> lang="". [22:09:03.0000] <Hixie> if you want to set the language of the document, that's the best way to do it. [22:10:37.0000] <GPHemsley> Hixie: In that case, the server would probably send `Content-Language: fr, en` [22:11:27.0000] <Hixie> not much point a french language speaker looking at it :-) [22:11:45.0000] <JonathanNeal> Like I originally asked, the server solution was the one I was looking for. "Content-Language", got it. [22:13:28.0000] <GPHemsley> Hixie: Despite it being easy to get that interpretation in the letter of the spec, I'm not sure the spirit of the spec meant for that to be the case. [22:13:50.0000] <GPHemsley> JonathanNeal: Yeah, we're just quibbling about specs at this point. Content-Language is what you want. :) [22:16:08.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: content-language is almost certainly not what you want unless you're writing some sort of intellectual exercise [22:16:15.0000] <Hixie> GPHemsley: specs mean what they say [22:16:34.0000] <Hixie> GPHemsley: you can't just say "well the spec says X, but it obviously means Y", and then interpret it as saying something else [22:17:08.0000] <JonathanNeal> Is there a header that defines the language of the document? [22:17:27.0000] <Hixie> no [22:17:37.0000] <Hixie> (but even if there was, you wouldn't want to use it) [22:18:27.0000] <JonathanNeal> Well, if I intend something for a French audience, can I use "Content-Language"? [22:18:44.0000] <JonathanNeal> I would surely be following the spec and not "obviously" interpretting. [22:19:14.0000] <Hixie> unless you're writing an intellectual exercise, you almost certainly don't want to bother with HTTP headers. [22:19:18.0000] <Hixie> almost nothing does anything useful with them. [22:19:34.0000] <GPHemsley> that's true [22:20:40.0000] <GPHemsley> Hixie: I do believe French is a "natural language of the intended audience" if the intended audience is trying to learn French. [22:20:53.0000] <JonathanNeal> Hixie: with all HTTP headers or just language ones? [22:21:31.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: certainly all the metadata ones. things like caching headers have more implementations. [22:21:43.0000] <JonathanNeal> Cause I would disagree with all HTTP headers being useless in general. UTF-8 is super useful. So is X-UA. [22:21:48.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: security-related headers tend to be useful, too [22:21:54.0000] <Hixie> UTF-8 isn't a header? :-) [22:21:59.0000] <Hixie> X-UA is way bogus. [22:22:14.0000] <JonathanNeal> UTF-8 comes with Content-Type [22:22:37.0000] <Hixie> content-type is mostly bogus too [22:22:37.0000] <JonathanNeal> And the HTTP spec is goofy and follows ISO. [22:22:47.0000] <GPHemsley> Hixie: Nearly by definition, the natural language(s) your intended audience must include whatever language the document is in. [22:22:53.0000] <GPHemsley> +of [22:23:53.0000] <JonathanNeal> But speaking of intellectual exercises, how many browsers require <!doctype html> to render the page in non quirks mode. [22:23:54.0000] <JonathanNeal> ? [22:23:55.0000] <GPHemsley> Put another way, why would you send a document in a particular language to your intended audience if it was not one of their languages? [22:24:17.0000] <GPHemsley> 42 [22:24:29.0000] <GPHemsley> /me should go to bed... [22:26:58.0000] <Hixie> GPHemsley: to teach them the language, as above [22:27:15.0000] <GPHemsley> Hixie: But then it is one of their languages [22:27:17.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: all of them, i think [22:27:46.0000] <GPHemsley> Hixie: It seems to all come down to what "of" means in this context. [22:27:47.0000] <Hixie> GPHemsley: i read zero hebrew, but one could make a page to teach me hebrew that was exclusive in hebrew (and lots of pictures, probably) [22:28:40.0000] <GPHemsley> Hixie: I still think Hebrew would be a "natural language of the intended audience" in that case. [22:29:21.0000] <GPHemsley> Also, "describe" and "specify" mean different things, IIUC. [22:29:31.0000] <GPHemsley> "Describe" is much more broad and hand-wavy [22:29:38.0000] <Hixie> hebrew isn't, by any definition i can see, a natural language of mine. [22:30:05.0000] <JonathanNeal> Hixie: actually, IE8+, Chrome, Safari. [22:30:06.0000] <Hixie> any definition that would put hebrew into the category of "hixie's natural languages" would put all natural languages into that category. [22:30:29.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: and firefox, and opera [22:30:48.0000] <GPHemsley> Hixie: Yes, this use of "natural" is meant to distinguish from "artificial" or "constructed" or "programming" [22:30:56.0000] <JonathanNeal> Yea, I didn't realize that. [22:31:12.0000] <GPHemsley> Hixie: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_language [22:31:33.0000] <Hixie> GPHemsley: i'm not sure what you're arguing against [22:31:35.0000] <GPHemsley> Hixie: Don't confuse "natural" or "native" [22:31:39.0000] <GPHemsley> s/or/with/ [22:32:10.0000] <GPHemsley> I don't either [22:32:15.0000] <GPHemsley> Which is why I should go to bed [22:32:22.0000] <GPHemsley> g'night everybody [22:32:24.0000] <Hixie> nn [22:34:15.0000] <JonathanNeal> That was fun. I learned a lot. [23:05:49.0000] <gjsrivastava> moo [23:14:26.0000] <SteveF> JonathanNeal: ATs recognise and expose in page links, there is no ARIA property to indicate them [23:14:41.0000] <JonathanNeal> Thanks, SteveF! [23:19:02.0000] <SteveF> JonathanNeal: <nav role=navigation> is not yet redundant as <nav> is not exposed correctly via accessibility APIs in some browsers see https://rawgithub.com/stevefaulkner/HTML5accessibility/master/index.html, so suggest if you want AT users to recognise <nav> then addition of role=navigation is useful, but in general see note http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/dom.html#aria-usage-note [23:20:08.0000] <JonathanNeal> Yes, there was some discussion about this. Ultimately, the redundancy will likely create some headaches later, once ATs have caught up. [23:20:34.0000] <JonathanNeal> So, my take is: for now, they're useful, but keep an eye on them. [23:20:49.0000] <JonathanNeal> You also wrote a blog about this that I consulted, SteveF. [23:20:52.0000] <SteveF> JonathanNeal: "Ultimately, the redundancy will likely create some headaches later, once ATs have caught up." how so? [23:22:04.0000] <JonathanNeal> SteveF: IMO, people will misunderstand the redundancy later and use the roles inappropriately during copy and pasting. That may or may not be similar to what Hixie was getting at when he mentioned copy-pasta. But that's my take. [23:22:47.0000] <SteveF> Jonathanneal: using <nav> for something other than a <nav> will always create a headache regardless of presence of role=navigation [23:23:18.0000] <JonathanNeal> I'm guilty of this too. Until today, I didn't know the difference between "menu(-item)" and "list(-item)", as I saw them used interchangeably in stackoverflow posts. [23:24:14.0000] <JonathanNeal> But someone is more likely to accidentally <nav><ul role="navigation"> if role is left in prominent examples on the web long enough. [23:24:46.0000] <SteveF> JonathanNeal: you may also find Using WAI-ARIA in HTML http://rawgithub.com/w3c/aria-in-html/master/index.html useful [23:25:15.0000] <zcorpan> i wonder why the AT situation with <nav> is still worse than role=navigation. the two were invented about at the same time [23:25:29.0000] <SteveF> JonathanNeal: <nav><ul role="navigation"> is a conformance error [23:25:45.0000] <zcorpan> and it was almost 10 years ago now [23:26:41.0000] <SteveF> zcorpan: because (some) browsers have not implemented the mappings [23:27:56.0000] <SteveF> zcorpan: bugs have been filed on implementers in most cases [23:29:30.0000] <zcorpan> yeah, so from that i conclude that accessibility is low priority [23:32:39.0000] <SteveF> zcorpan: depends on the browser [23:33:12.0000] <zcorpan> indeed [00:28:25.0000] <zcorpan> TabAtkins: did anything happen with <http://www.w3.org/mid/CAAWBYDCodt_vi7ajvnWLYMNLwN-8rjYqyMHW8jb40HXHOguVog⊙mgc> ? [00:34:57.0000] <JonathanNeal> SteveF: i'm having trouble finding something in the spec, is the first or root <header> implicitly role="banner" or *must* it be declared? [00:37:14.0000] <Ms2ger> Default: no role; [00:37:15.0000] <Ms2ger> If specified, role must be banner [00:37:23.0000] <Ms2ger> http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/elements.html#wai-aria [00:39:48.0000] <JonathanNeal> Thanks! [01:17:47.0000] <SteveF> JonathanNeal: am progressively adding such info into the 'head' section of each element definition , for example http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/sections.html#the-header-element, the default role for <header>header element that is not a descendant of an article or section element. is banner, otherwise no role [01:18:27.0000] <SteveF> (as implemented) in webkit/firefox [01:23:46.0000] <JonathanNeal> oh, that's different. [01:25:13.0000] <SteveF> JonathanNeal: suggest filing a bug against the whatwg spec as the w3c spec reflects implementations [01:26:03.0000] <SteveF> and implementer consensus [02:03:21.0000] <xDevz> If you need any help with development, full Website coding, Script modifications, small fixes and others.. msg me [02:09:49.0000] <wilhelm> No. [02:13:28.0000] <odinho> Agreed. [02:13:46.0000] <annevk> I'm somewhat against making private email public, but what the fuck: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-restrictedmedia/2014Jan/0074.html [02:17:54.0000] <Ms2ger> wat [02:47:13.0000] <annevk> I don't like what Gecko and IE do for hostname [02:47:17.0000] <annevk> and Chrome does not do it [02:47:43.0000] <annevk> and Safari does not do it [03:04:56.0000] <smaug____> annevk: and what does Gecko do? [03:05:10.0000] <annevk> smaug____: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11587 [03:05:15.0000] <smaug____> /me doesn't see anything too interesting in the code [03:05:23.0000] <annevk> obj.hostname = "2001::1" works [03:05:31.0000] <smaug____> ah, that is low level stuff [03:05:34.0000] <smaug____> Necko stuff [03:05:41.0000] <annevk> even though 2001::1 needs to be [2001::1] in order to parse [03:06:08.0000] <annevk> so there is some check somewhere to see if there's a : in the input [03:06:14.0000] <annevk> same when serializing [03:06:17.0000] <annevk> it's somewhat ugly [03:10:12.0000] <Ms2ger> Dammit IPv6 [03:11:11.0000] <smaug____> http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/netwerk/base/src/nsStandardURL.h#352 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=134793 [03:11:54.0000] <smaug____> er, even older [03:12:15.0000] <smaug____> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=124042 [03:12:29.0000] <smaug____> ancient stuff [03:13:35.0000] <smaug____> hmm, or is there something when we parse the url [03:19:19.0000] <annevk> Ms2ger: reviewed https://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/r/539 for you [03:19:55.0000] <Ms2ger> Thanks! [03:21:21.0000] <annevk> smaug____: so that StandardURL.h thing is for returning right? [03:22:00.0000] <annevk> well yeah must be [03:23:53.0000] <annevk> http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/netwerk/base/src/nsStandardURL.cpp#1447 seems to be for setting [03:25:44.0000] <annevk> http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/netwerk/base/src/nsStandardURL.cpp#387 [03:26:08.0000] <annevk> it has the exact weird ass magic you'd expect [03:26:18.0000] <smaug____> yup [03:26:35.0000] <annevk> and it's been there since the CVS era [03:27:14.0000] <smaug____> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=103916 [03:28:16.0000] <annevk> that bug doesn't mention IPv6 [03:28:25.0000] <smaug____> but look at the patch [03:29:02.0000] <annevk> whoa, Alec Flett is also from back in the days [03:30:07.0000] <annevk> smaug____: but given how much code it adds I guess it's even older [03:30:12.0000] <annevk> smaug____: this seems more like a rewrite [03:31:27.0000] <annevk> hmm maybe not [03:31:50.0000] <jgraham> annevk: How many digits in the bug number do you need to make you happy? :p [03:35:41.0000] <annevk> So it's a nice legacy thing that Alec and Darin forgot to port to Chrome :-) [03:36:05.0000] <annevk> It seems pretty trivial to remove from Gecko, but compat... Of course the compat thing applies to other engines too. [03:41:48.0000] <annevk> /me filed https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=960014 [03:46:59.0000] <smaug____> annevk: I'd guess it was added because IE did it [03:47:11.0000] <smaug____> but don't have old IE to test [05:44:37.0000] <zcorpan> MikeSmith: heycam|away: please can http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/WebIDL/ be a proper redirect? [05:45:06.0000] <MikeSmith> zcorpan: to where? [05:45:18.0000] <MikeSmith> oh that's ugly now [05:45:51.0000] <MikeSmith> I dint make that [05:46:02.0000] <MikeSmith> so heycam|away must have [05:46:22.0000] <zcorpan> likely [05:46:41.0000] <zcorpan> i'm only bugging you because heycam|away is away and you might be able to fix it :-) [05:47:23.0000] <darobin> zcorpan: I'm sure you have a dev CVS account up your sleeve somewhere :) [05:48:57.0000] <annevk> Why is João asking that question on www-dom rather than WHATWG? [05:49:32.0000] <zcorpan> true. but i haven't used cvs on this laptop so i'd have to spend some time to set things up [05:50:35.0000] <MikeSmith> zcorpan: lame :) [05:50:41.0000] <jgraham> annevk: I'm not sure João believes in WHATWG [05:51:05.0000] <zcorpan> MikeSmith: guilty :-) [05:51:14.0000] <MikeSmith> anyway I'll do it before I forget because otherwise .. I'll forget. And I do really love CVS [05:53:36.0000] <MikeSmith> Ms2ger: re forgetting, is w3c-test.org w-p-t getting updated again after pushes? [05:54:12.0000] <Ms2ger> Doesn't seem to be [05:54:52.0000] <MikeSmith> ちぇ [05:55:00.0000] <MikeSmith> OK [05:57:06.0000] <MikeSmith> "fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/w3c/testharness.js/': transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining" [05:57:19.0000] <MikeSmith> darobin: ↑ [05:57:45.0000] <MikeSmith> nm [05:57:52.0000] <darobin> MikeSmith: is that the error you're getting from the sync script? [05:58:40.0000] <MikeSmith> cron job [05:58:47.0000] <MikeSmith> from teh sync script yeah I guess [05:58:57.0000] <MikeSmith> /me looks at the cron job [05:59:10.0000] <darobin> MikeSmith: that looks like a submodule is unhappy [05:59:21.0000] <darobin> perhaps trying to run the script by hand would work? [05:59:29.0000] <MikeSmith> yeah will try [05:59:30.0000] <darobin> most of the time when it breaks it's a permissions problem [06:01:08.0000] <MikeSmith> "fatal: remote error: Repository not found." [06:01:16.0000] <MikeSmith> that might be a clue possibly [06:02:23.0000] <MikeSmith> darobin: url = git://github.com/w3c/html-testsuite.git [06:03:08.0000] <jgraham> Does GH still support git:// urls? [06:03:19.0000] <jgraham> I don't think you can get them from the UI at least [06:04:14.0000] <darobin> I'm pretty sure it does [06:04:21.0000] <MikeSmith> ah that's for the old path on the filesystem anyway [06:04:22.0000] <darobin> oh [06:04:23.0000] <darobin> WTF [06:04:33.0000] <darobin> that repo has not existed in ages [06:05:00.0000] <darobin> MikeSmith: you want to make that github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests [06:05:12.0000] <darobin> well, with the gits at both ends [06:05:23.0000] <darobin> something went wrong with the restore? [06:05:50.0000] <MikeSmith> darobin: makes me wonder how it's been getting update recently if now from that cron job [06:05:54.0000] <MikeSmith> *not from [06:06:32.0000] <darobin> MikeSmith: yeah, that's... bizarre [06:07:18.0000] <MikeSmith> d'ogh [06:07:41.0000] <MikeSmith> I was checking the www-data user, not the github user [06:07:47.0000] <darobin> aha! [06:07:54.0000] <MikeSmith> so not bizarre, just pilot error [06:10:17.0000] <MikeSmith> ah figured out the cause of the problem. again my fault. I had made local changes to config.json and serve.py and it's refusing to clobber them [06:14:43.0000] <annevk> zcorpan: did you test https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=14832 as well? [06:15:19.0000] <zcorpan> annevk: nope [06:17:29.0000] <zcorpan> maybe it's relatively easy to add though. not for all possible places but <a href> (and maybe <form action>) could be enough [06:18:53.0000] <annevk> if you have tests I'd be interested in hearing adhoc results [06:22:27.0000] <zcorpan> actually i wouldn't know how to test mailto: in an automated fashion, but i recall mailto: having to be utf-8 in presto to work correctly. but that's my memory so not so reliable :-) [06:25:20.0000] <MikeSmith> zcorpan heycam|away I set up the redirect for the WebIDL spec. Should be working now [06:26:15.0000] <zcorpan> annevk: data:text/html;charset=windows-1251,<!DOCTYPE html><a href="mailto:foo@bar?subject=å">foo shows literal "å" in the status bar in (new) opera while same for http: form-escapes it [06:26:42.0000] <annevk> cool [06:26:52.0000] <zcorpan> annevk: and clicking the link makes the å round-trip successfully to opera mail in both opera and firefox [06:27:28.0000] <zcorpan> annevk: but firefox falls back to utf-8 for unencodeable characters so that's not telling much [06:27:42.0000] <zcorpan> don't have ie right now [06:28:25.0000] <zcorpan> i guess javascript: and data: can be automated [06:29:36.0000] <zcorpan> and mailto: for getting .href, too [06:31:58.0000] <zcorpan> data:text/html;charset=windows-1252,<!DOCTYPE html><a href="mailto:foo@bar?subject=å">foo<script>alert(document.links[0].href)</script> gives mailto:foo@bar?subject=%C3%A5 in both opera and firefox. and now the character is encode-able so looks like firefox uses utf-8 for mailto: [06:33:32.0000] <zcorpan> data:text/html;charset=windows-1252,<!DOCTYPE html><a href="data:text/plain;charset=windows-1252,?å">foo<script>alert(document.links[0].href)</script> -> utf-8 in opera/firefox [06:34:39.0000] <zcorpan> data:text/html;charset=windows-1252,<!DOCTYPE html><a href="javascript:'?å'">foo<script>alert(document.links[0].href)</script> -> utf-8 in opera/firefox [06:37:42.0000] <zcorpan> ftp: %E5, ws: %E5 (boo!), bogus: utf-8 [06:41:43.0000] <zcorpan> ftps: utf-8 (is it supported?) [06:47:20.0000] <annevk> no [06:47:22.0000] <annevk> ftp is [08:02:23.0000] <annevk> Anyone suggestions for how to define "domain label"? [08:14:04.0000] <annevk> Where are all the opinions? Maybe I should go back to arguing about <cite> or some such... [08:14:15.0000] <Ms2ger> Ships, dammit! [08:14:17.0000] <Ms2ger> And cats! [08:17:07.0000] <jgraham> annevk: Too busy working out whether I have already gone past the point of "if you touch it you own it", meaning that I may as well just rewrite all this code [08:17:37.0000] <Ms2ger> You own it [08:17:59.0000] <Ms2ger> Following the "you ask about it, you own it" rule [08:18:02.0000] <jgraham> Ms2ger: Sadly I think that is probably the truth [08:18:19.0000] <annevk> I feel like I fixed enough URL bugs for a while. Maybe I can now try to fix the major Encoding bug... [08:18:23.0000] <Ms2ger> /me does not ask about the context [08:18:38.0000] <annevk> Unless someone has any suggestions for how to define "domain label" that is... [08:44:55.0000] <Ms2ger> Hixie, ping [09:15:28.0000] <JonathanNeal> would anyone confirm that quirksmode behaviors are not winning @ http://sandbox.thewikies.com/notype.php ? [09:18:50.0000] <jsbell> JonathanNeal: FWIW, they look identical to me in Chrome 31 [09:36:11.0000] <GPHemsley> They look identical to me in Aurora 28, too [09:39:03.0000] <GPHemsley> annevk-cloud: "A *domain label* is a string of characters identifying a level of a _domain_." [09:39:06.0000] <GPHemsley> annevk-cloud: How's that? [09:41:44.0000] <GPHemsley> /me wonders why 'host', 'domain', and 'domain label' are "defined" in section 4.0 when their actual definitions are in section 4.2... [09:42:16.0000] <GPHemsley> actually, s/'host',// [09:43:11.0000] <GPHemsley> actually, more usefully, s/'host'/'IPv6 address'/ [09:45:15.0000] <GPHemsley> annevk-cloud: I also recommend s/Otherwise, $host is a domain, return its _labels_ separated from each other by U+002E./Otherwise, $host is a domain; return its _domain labels_ separated from each other by U+002E./ [09:45:32.0000] <GPHemsley> (Step 3 of *host serializer*) [09:46:07.0000] <GPHemsley> Because presumably "it" refers to $host not _domain_ [09:46:25.0000] <GPHemsley> (forgot the markup for _domain_ in my suggestion) [09:48:22.0000] <MikeSmith> annevk-cloud: A domain label is one or more URL code points other than the code points U+002E, U+3002, U+FF0E, and U+FF61. [10:43:30.0000] <dglazkov> good morning, Whatwg! [11:59:23.0000] <Domenic_> Anyone remember the title of marcosc_'s bookmarking spec? [12:04:06.0000] <Domenic_> found it http://w3c-webmob.github.io/installable-webapps/ [12:13:25.0000] <Domenic_> are MS's GestureEvents specced anywhere? [12:23:50.0000] <bterlson> Domenic_: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/dn433243(v=vs.85).aspx might be helpful [12:24:21.0000] <Domenic_> bterlson: yeah, I kind of meant proposed for other browsers to implement, i guess. [12:24:45.0000] <Domenic_> was trying to counter a coworker's claim that you needed a phonegap-like shell to get a platform's native gesture events, by saying the open web has that covered [12:24:53.0000] <Domenic_> but i guess it doesn't yet [12:33:58.0000] <Hixie> Ms2ger: pong [12:34:37.0000] <Ms2ger> Hixie, can you fix https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=24301 soon? Gecko wants to implement [12:34:51.0000] <Hixie> just started on it 5 minutes ago [12:35:15.0000] <Ms2ger> Great, thanks [12:36:31.0000] <Hixie> wonder why the w3c version has both width and height [12:36:34.0000] <Hixie> that doesn't make much sense [12:39:17.0000] <Hixie> wow, the w3c spec text for this really makes no sense [12:39:32.0000] <Hixie> /me closes that tab and disregards it [12:40:20.0000] <marcosc_> Domenic_: that's the use cases doc... the spec is manifest.sysapps.org [12:40:38.0000] <Domenic_> marcosc_: right, yeah, misspoke [12:40:46.0000] <Domenic_> the use cases doc is more fun to read :) [12:40:53.0000] <Domenic_> especially now that dont-share-cookies-and-stuff is gone :( [12:41:29.0000] <marcosc_> heh, need to rename more properties [12:41:51.0000] <marcosc_> "and-what-do-you-think-you-are-doing": [12:41:57.0000] <Hixie> btw i fixed a few things in html that were needed by that [12:42:07.0000] <Hixie> i think the only thing html doesn't handle itself now is the orientation thing [12:42:17.0000] <marcosc_> Hixie: yep [12:42:24.0000] <marcosc_> awesome, thanks for doing that [12:42:43.0000] <marcosc_> still trying to work out orientation with mounir [12:43:33.0000] <Hixie> yeah i looked at orientation but it wasn't clear that html was the right place for it really, nor that i had the requisite expertise [12:43:37.0000] <Hixie> so i punted on that [12:43:50.0000] <Hixie> let me know if anything else comes up [12:44:11.0000] <marcosc_> do you have any pointers on what you changed? [12:44:46.0000] <marcosc_> (been away last 6 weeks) [12:44:52.0000] <Hixie> not at hand [12:45:16.0000] <marcosc_> I'll check the change logs [12:45:49.0000] <Hixie> at least r8348 and r8349, looks like [12:46:02.0000] <Ms2ger> marcosc_, slacker :) [12:48:46.0000] <TabAtkins> zcorpan: No, unfortunately. In fact, I still have a tab open for that as a reminder. I've never gotten around to getting a working Blink install again to add this myself. [12:50:47.0000] <marcosc_> Hixie: the i18n support for application-name there looks good. Icon stuff looks good too. [12:51:16.0000] <marcosc_> I've been testing icon support and it's fairly good in IE and Chrome, but fairly sad in Gecko [13:04:10.0000] <Hixie> hmmmm [13:04:34.0000] <Hixie> Ms2ger: if you create an ImageBitmap from an ImageData object, what density should the ImageBitmap have? [13:04:50.0000] <Hixie> if we're using constructors, there's no way to forward the density from the canvas [13:04:53.0000] <Hixie> since there's no canvas.. [13:04:55.0000] <Ms2ger> E_DONTSUPPORTDENSITY [13:05:21.0000] <Hixie> ? [13:06:51.0000] <Hixie> oh like make drawImage() always assume 1:1 source data to backing store pixel? [13:06:53.0000] <Hixie> hmm [13:07:18.0000] <Hixie> i guess that could work [13:07:50.0000] <Hixie> whatever replaces srcset="" will have to expose the actual density, too [13:08:02.0000] <Hixie> so that you can know what to do with it [13:10:42.0000] <TabAtkins> Yeah, I was wondering if I should add a property to <img> to expose the density of the chosen resource. [13:15:52.0000] <Hixie> oh man, i painted myself into a corner with these createImageData() methods [13:15:53.0000] <jory> TabAtkins: I'd find that really useful. [13:16:10.0000] <Hixie> i have a createImageData(imagedata) method that returns a new blank imagedata of the same dimensions [13:16:27.0000] <Hixie> but an ImageData(imagedata) constructor should obviously be a copy constructor [13:16:43.0000] <Hixie> and having both do different things would be highly confusing [13:16:46.0000] <Hixie> what a mess [13:24:16.0000] <Hixie> Ms2ger: should this constructor copy the data? or reference the underlying ArrayBuffer object? [13:25:23.0000] <Ms2ger> No opinion [13:25:33.0000] <Ms2ger> Maybe bz has one [13:52:55.0000] <heycam> MikeSmith, thanks [14:10:51.0000] <Hixie> jgraham: ping (you're the one maintaining hoppipolla.co.uk right?) [14:11:11.0000] <Hixie> jgraham: bugs update thing seems to be broken [14:12:35.0000] <Ms2ger> He is [14:15:56.0000] <jgraham> Hixie: What thing now? [14:16:12.0000] <Hixie> jgraham: looks like the bugs update thingy that you have hasn't updated in fa ew months [14:16:15.0000] <Hixie> in a few [14:19:55.0000] <Hixie> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=24298 [14:20:11.0000] <Hixie> the whatwg vs w3c thing isn't even causing as much confusion as the w3c vs w3c thing [14:20:16.0000] <Hixie> sigh [14:38:35.0000] <arunranga> I think it's just confusion with workflow tools and bad labeling ^Hixie. [14:44:15.0000] <JonathanNeal> ah, whatwg versus whichw3c [14:45:28.0000] <Hixie> arunranga: it's the natural outcome of the w3c process, sadly. [14:45:40.0000] <Hixie> arunranga: even with labeling, people end up reading random old TR/ drafts [14:47:22.0000] <arunranga> Maybe. [14:47:45.0000] <arunranga> Hixie, do you have an opinion on https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17765 [14:47:51.0000] <Hixie> no maybe about it, people are confused about that all the time [14:47:55.0000] <Hixie> looking... [14:48:48.0000] <Hixie> arunranga: i have many opinions on it, but nothing really helpful, unfortunately [14:48:50.0000] <arunranga> Hixie: The problem is implementations shake out bugs with /TR specs VERY fast these days. [14:49:07.0000] <Hixie> no, the problem is that TR/ specs exist at all [14:49:46.0000] <Hixie> they serve no useful purpose except for patent lawyers and government contract lawyers [14:49:51.0000] <Hixie> and should be treated accordingly [14:50:19.0000] <arunranga> Hixie, re: bug 17765, MY opinion is we don't necessarily need a URL parse bit. Fetch alone should solve this for mediastream, blob, etc. [14:50:37.0000] <Hixie> (e.g. having a snapshot directory that just automatically archives versions every 6 months with a boring style sheet and a clear heading like "January 2014 Snapshot of the Foo Bar Standard for the Purposes of Patent Lawyers and Government Officials") [14:51:04.0000] <arunranga> Hixie: unfortunately, /TR exists directly to serve the patent issues. But even within /TR, it's now become commonplace to cross-refer to WHATWG specs. [14:51:16.0000] <Hixie> TR/ doesn't exist to serve the patent issues [14:51:24.0000] <Hixie> it exists because the w3c thinks their process is good [14:51:27.0000] <arunranga> So /TR specs have normative WHATWG refs. [14:51:38.0000] <Hixie> if it was just patent issues, the process would be very different [14:51:51.0000] <arunranga> Hixie: umm, process is an upshot of patent circumvention IHMO [14:51:59.0000] <arunranga> s/IHMO/IMHO [14:53:03.0000] <Hixie> arunranga: no, come on, that's not even close to true. the process existed in much the same as its current form long before the patent stuff was added. [14:53:14.0000] <Hixie> arunranga: the process predates the w3c, for one [14:53:20.0000] <Hixie> arunranga: it's basically the same as the IETF's [14:53:53.0000] <Hixie> arunranga: if all the process was for was patents, it would be much more light-weight and would just consist of automatic snapshots and a review period for those snapshots [14:54:05.0000] <Hixie> arunranga: it wouldn't have any of the WD/LC/CR/PR/REC crap [14:54:06.0000] <Ms2ger> Mmm, more process arguments [14:55:31.0000] <arunranga> Hixie, Ms2ger, I'm not actually *arguing.* [14:55:41.0000] <Ms2ger> Mmm, more process talk [14:57:22.0000] <arunranga> Hixie, File/FileSystem are cases in point about /TR being overridden, so no *real* arguments. However, till ALL browser vendors bail uniformly on process, we're in it. [14:58:12.0000] <arunranga> /me supposes he has to wait for annevk (annevk-cloud) in order to fix https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17765 properly [14:58:23.0000] <Hixie> i'm not sure what you mean by "till ALL browser vendors bail uniformly on process, we're in it" [14:58:32.0000] <Hixie> all the browsers _have_ bailed [14:58:43.0000] <Hixie> nobody references TR/ specs for what to implement except by accident [14:59:09.0000] <Hixie> i mean, do you see any browsers who have skipped out on the improvements to HTML since 1999? [15:00:29.0000] <Domenic_> I feel fortunate to have gotten the message "see TR in URL = outdated, click on latest ED link asap" early in my spec-reading career [15:00:29.0000] <arunranga> Hixie: *sigh NO, but some of the post-99 improvements were done under W3C's watch, at least as far as IE team's external claims [15:01:48.0000] <Hixie> arunranga: if it was only the IE team left, they'd quickly move on. [15:02:25.0000] <arunranga> Hixie, ANYway, I still have no real love for /TR (and less for LCWD --> RC). [15:14:27.0000] <Hixie> arunranga: feel free to not use /TR :-) [15:14:37.0000] <Hixie> nobody's forcing you :-) [15:33:03.0000] <TabAtkins> miketaylr: Yo, you have a corpus of JS to run regex on, right? [15:35:54.0000] <miketaylr> TabAtkins: yeah, just a folder on my HD right now, hopefully something more structured in the near future [15:36:53.0000] <TabAtkins> miketaylr: kk. I'm just wondering about checking for any usage of CSSCharsetRule, CHARSET_RULE, or ".encoding". [15:37:26.0000] <miketaylr> TabAtkins: sure thing, will grep for those later tonight and ping you (about to peace out for dinner) [15:37:32.0000] <TabAtkins> Thanks! 2014-01-16 [01:23:08.0000] <zcorpan> annevk-cloud: "If url's relative flag is set, set encoding override to utf-8." http://url.spec.whatwg.org/#query-state [01:23:24.0000] <zcorpan> annevk-cloud: isn't that backwards? or am i misreading it? [01:24:30.0000] <zcorpan> annevk-cloud: i read that encoding override gets set to utf-8 for urls with relative schemes [01:28:10.0000] <zcorpan> annevk-cloud: also, should ws/wss not always use utf-8? not that they're useful in <a href> but still [01:31:43.0000] <SteveF> arunranga: FWIW moves afoot to have editors drafts at /TR http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/spec-prod/2014JanMar/thread.html [02:49:31.0000] <annevk> Is WHATWG down? [02:50:37.0000] <annevk> Hmm just slow [03:04:23.0000] <annevk> Was there no Gecko bug for https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=24005 ? [03:09:52.0000] <zcorpan_> annevk: added tests https://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/showcommit?first=c94f486e&last=70f343af&review=437 [03:10:16.0000] <wefo> Hmm. [03:10:51.0000] <wefo> Can somebody please confirm with me that line 1 loads the font "whenever it feels like it", and line 2 loads the font "right now, before loading anything else"? http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=7m8LnWeK [03:10:53.0000] <annevk> zcorpan_: I can do the utf-8 thing for ws/wss [03:11:02.0000] <wefo> That is, somebody who knows this stuff. [03:11:04.0000] <annevk> zcorpan_: your bug report seems accurate [03:11:12.0000] <zcorpan_> annevk: ok [03:12:09.0000] <annevk> wefo: the second line uses an invalid data URL; it won't get you anywhere [03:12:20.0000] <wefo> Yeah, I just noticed. [03:12:25.0000] <wefo> Because it breaks on my computer. [03:12:36.0000] <wefo> annevk: I was told to use the latter. [03:12:42.0000] <annevk> wefo: there's no guarantees on when a data URL is interpreted and applied to a page with respect to fonts at the moment [03:12:46.0000] <wefo> Because it supposedly works "block-mode". [03:12:54.0000] <wefo> So then that guy was lying. [03:13:00.0000] <wefo> I will have to do the insane hack after all. [03:13:07.0000] <annevk> wefo: well if you include the entire font inline it's reasonable to assume it'll apply faster [03:13:18.0000] <wefo> Include the entire font inline? [03:13:23.0000] <annevk> wefo: since the font will download together with the style sheet, but you need to know how to use data URLs [03:13:47.0000] <wefo> Oh... is that the direct data stuff in base64 or something? [03:14:56.0000] <wefo> I was going to use this insane hack to determine if the user indeed has the font loaded: http://www.kirupa.com/html5/detect_whether_font_is_installed.htm [03:15:05.0000] <wefo> Frankly, it's kind of ingenious. [03:15:16.0000] <wefo> I like it when things like that "work", even if they are not ideal. [03:23:28.0000] <jgraham_> annevk: I nominate you to do that code review btw [03:24:38.0000] <annevk> jgraham: zcorpan_: done [03:25:06.0000] <annevk> Oh I see there is a bunch more... [03:25:10.0000] <jgraham> Heh [03:25:51.0000] <annevk> jgraham: so this move: https://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/57951ecc?review=437 [03:25:56.0000] <annevk> jgraham: that should just be fine no? [03:26:03.0000] <annevk> jgraham: you already reviewed a bunch [03:27:46.0000] <jgraham> annevk: I reviewed all the trivial bits [03:27:54.0000] <jgraham> Basically all the hard stuff is the .js file [03:28:56.0000] <annevk> Can you give me a review link for that file? [03:29:09.0000] <annevk> I have the feeling I keep looking at individual commits [03:30:30.0000] <jgraham> https://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/showcommit?review=437&filter=pending [03:31:10.0000] <zcorpan_> annevk: you can drag-and-drop in the commit list to get a squashed review [03:31:24.0000] <jgraham> Yeah, or use the filter links just above it [03:34:15.0000] <annevk> Ah great [03:34:24.0000] <annevk> So this looks okay to me... I take it you have run it all? [03:35:34.0000] <annevk> My only nit is using a string rather than array... [03:36:08.0000] <annevk> I guess you didn't want to type all the quotes or something? [03:37:59.0000] <zcorpan_> yeah [03:39:01.0000] <zcorpan_> i've run it, yes. but some browser bugs cause some tests to time out, so it's not awesome [03:39:42.0000] <zcorpan_> also search for XXX [03:41:27.0000] <jgraham> zcorpan_: If some tests time out that's probably OK as long as the other tests still run [03:41:45.0000] <zcorpan_> ok, yeah they do [03:42:52.0000] <jgraham> I can live with that. We can always improve it in followup commits if there's something that causes problems [03:53:56.0000] <jgraham> /me assumes annevk didn't *really* care about the array thing [03:54:53.0000] <jgraham> zcorpan_: Worth squashing before pushing or should I just merge? [03:54:59.0000] <annevk> I'd like to hear some reasoning [03:55:05.0000] <annevk> But I'm not going to block on it :-) [03:55:15.0000] <zcorpan_> i commented in critic [03:55:43.0000] <zcorpan_> jgraham: no opinion [03:56:44.0000] <jgraham> Let's just merge [03:57:21.0000] <jgraham> Done [03:57:41.0000] <jgraham> zcorpan_, annevk: Thanks [03:57:50.0000] <zcorpan_> thank you! [04:18:30.0000] <MikeSmith> annevk: http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/whatwg/20140115#l-803 [04:22:25.0000] <hsivonen> what make people post to Usenet using DOS encodings? [04:27:21.0000] <hsivonen> *makes [04:29:22.0000] <MikeSmith> fashion statement [04:30:01.0000] <icaaq> hi, here they use the label element http://filamentgroup.com/lab/bulletproof_icon_fonts/ to "label" som text. is that really semantically correct? [04:34:01.0000] <hsivonen> "Windows codepage 1252, the codepage commonly used for English and other Western European languages, was based on an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) draft. That draft eventually became ISO 8859-1, but Windows codepage 1252 was implemented before the standard became final, and is not exactly the same as ISO 8859-1." [04:34:11.0000] <hsivonen> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee719641.aspx [04:34:21.0000] <hsivonen> so windows-1252 even existed first! [04:34:40.0000] <Ms2ger> Sounds like the box model in old-IE [05:10:10.0000] <annevk> hsivonen: man, the more I hear about ISO and encodings, ... [05:11:39.0000] <annevk> MikeSmith: interesting suggestion :-) [05:29:59.0000] <annevk> MikeSmith: that doesn't quite work for suggesting what it is [05:31:20.0000] <MikeSmith> annevk: maybe it's not necessary to suggest what it is. In the end it's just an opaque string, right? [05:32:05.0000] <annevk> It's an opaque string, most typically used as part of the DNS or as a local network address. [05:32:18.0000] <annevk> Maybe something like that could work, if I can find good references for both. [05:45:27.0000] <zcorpan> Hixie: http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/embedded-content-0.html#text-tracks-exposing-in-band-metadata doesn't seem to exist in whatwg html [05:47:06.0000] <zcorpan> Hixie: what's the deal? [05:48:46.0000] <MikeSmith> annevk: A domain label is either an IN-ADDR.ARPA suffix or an opaque string that represents one octet of an Internet address. [05:49:44.0000] <MikeSmith> hmm what does that even mean [05:49:48.0000] <Ms2ger`> How about IPv6? [05:50:41.0000] <annevk> Ms2ger`: well we know that's not a domain label :-) [05:51:02.0000] <zcorpan> a domain label is an extremity of Jesus [05:51:24.0000] <MikeSmith> heh [05:51:45.0000] <annevk> "The text attribute, on getting, must return UTF-16 text converted from data of the text track cue that the TextTrackCue object represents." more like what's the deal with that text [05:52:27.0000] <Ms2ger`> No ip6.arpa? [06:12:40.0000] <zcorpan> w3c-test.org doesn't use wpt-serve yet? [06:13:21.0000] <jgraham> MikeSmith was working on it [06:14:51.0000] <MikeSmith> still "working" on it yeah [06:15:04.0000] <MikeSmith> meaning, procrastinating [06:16:00.0000] <MikeSmith> if only the CSS WG didn't exist, things would all be much simpler [06:35:48.0000] <zcorpan> not sure how i got here but it was a bit funny http://9gag.com/gag/agyOxmx [06:39:18.0000] <wefo> zcorpan: "These are Satan. Bears." [06:41:26.0000] <annevk> GitHub down? [06:52:48.0000] <mathiasbynens> annevk: WFM [07:12:21.0000] <annevk> mathiasbynens: ta [08:01:33.0000] <annevk> IBM emailed the WHATWG list. Can someone confirm hell froze over? [08:02:43.0000] <jgraham> Can't verify, too busy dodging flying pigs [08:12:12.0000] <GPHemsley> /me is in cold Georgia. Does that count? [08:39:07.0000] <wefo> Wait... there is a textAlign property to contexts? So all those hours of measuring the width and doing complex math calculations to get it centered were wasted? [08:39:35.0000] <wefo> Is this some kind of bleeding edge feature? I hate never being able to tell. There is no clear documentation whatsoever. [08:57:01.0000] <dglazkov> good morning, Whatwg! [09:06:15.0000] <Hixie> zcorpan: DataCue doesn't make sense. If you don't know the format, how can you expose it? If you do know the format, then use the interface that that format provides. [09:32:14.0000] <MikeSmith> CORS is Recommendation [09:32:39.0000] <MikeSmith> now all the confused deputy attacks can begin in earnest [09:32:50.0000] <Ms2ger`> /me confuses MikeSmith [09:33:32.0000] <MikeSmith> ... [09:33:56.0000] <Hixie> isn't CORS obsolete? i thought Fetch replaced it a while back. [09:34:13.0000] <MikeSmith> Hixie: well yeah [09:35:23.0000] <MikeSmith> it has joined the ranks of the undead [09:35:49.0000] <Hixie> wait is that the one anne was telling me about where they decided to just ignore all the open bugs? [09:36:05.0000] <MikeSmith> bingo [09:36:17.0000] <MikeSmith> they "resolved" them though [09:36:47.0000] <MikeSmith> which is technically different from ignoring them [09:37:12.0000] <Hixie> iirc they ignored them for 2 years then resolved them as not relevant since nobody had looked at them in two years [09:37:36.0000] <MikeSmith> that would be one way to describe it, yes [09:37:41.0000] <MikeSmith> the accurate way [09:37:47.0000] <Hixie> which is some bug system ninja juju that i have to say is pretty impressive [09:38:12.0000] <MikeSmith> hey this is what we WGs for man [09:38:19.0000] <MikeSmith> that kind of magic [09:39:24.0000] <jgraham> Wait what? MikeSmith is a deputy? [09:39:35.0000] <Hixie> i wish there were journalists who cared about this kind of crap enough to report on it [09:39:40.0000] <jgraham> So who's the sheriff in this town? [09:40:12.0000] <jgraham> Isn't that a trick they learnt from the chrome bugtracker? [09:40:17.0000] <Hixie> i mean, this is just as messed up as some political shenanigans, and has similar long-term effects (which is to say, mostly none) [09:40:57.0000] <jgraham> Well it's mildly more interesting than who the president of France is sleeping with, but I'm not sure why that's being reported either [09:42:08.0000] <MikeSmith> yeah it's like politics but robbed of all the debauchery [09:42:28.0000] <MikeSmith> which just makes it depressing instead of scandalous [09:42:33.0000] <jgraham> Anyway, if EME has taught you nothing else it should have been that getting press attention only leads to a bunch of people with extremely shallow understanding of the issues getting rilled up in an entirely impotent way [09:42:59.0000] <MikeSmith> jgraham: but, freedom! [09:44:03.0000] <Hixie> jgraham: at least it'd make me feel like i wasn't alone in thinking it was ridiculous :-) [09:44:46.0000] <Domenic_> "Congratulations Anne on today's publication of the CORS Recommendation!" hmmmm [09:44:47.0000] <MikeSmith> jgraham seems to not understand about the Wisdom of the Crowds [09:46:02.0000] <jgraham> I only think it's ridiculous if you are measuing against The Process. If you think a Process where things go to Rec. irrespective of bugs, and then are worked on further, is better then CORS is doing all the right things. Now W3C probably don't realise that, but perhaps they will cotton on one of these decades [09:46:42.0000] <jgraham> (actually closing the bugs is nonsense of course) [09:48:42.0000] <arunranga> I think we should add text that refers to CORS as a snapshot subset of Fetch. [09:48:44.0000] <Hixie> jgraham: what i find ridiculous is the hypocrisy of claiming to care about a process and then _blatently_ not caring about it [09:50:59.0000] <MikeSmith> well they are standing on the shoulders of some giants, as far as that pattern goes [09:51:23.0000] <MikeSmith> well maybe not giants [09:52:23.0000] <Hixie> i really don't understand why anyone would claim to believe in one set of principles, but act in a way contrary to them. i really don't see the point. why lie about your values? or if it's not a lie, why not do a good job of actually meeting them? [09:52:28.0000] <Hixie> i just don't get it [09:52:50.0000] <jgraham> Because they don't see it as a moral problem [09:53:46.0000] <jgraham> It's a simple path-finding exercise. "I need to achieve X. Constraints Y exist. How can I get to X as fast as possible given Y" [09:54:10.0000] <Hixie> ok but then why claim that one is trying to achieve Z? [09:54:16.0000] <jgraham> The only confusion is the fact that the *stated* Y and the reality of Y are quite different [09:54:27.0000] <Hixie> right, that's what i'm saying [09:54:33.0000] <Hixie> why not state the truth? [09:54:52.0000] <jgraham> Well see it from the point of view of the W3C [09:55:14.0000] <Hixie> i don't understand the point of view of the W3C, that's my problem [09:56:04.0000] <Domenic_> It seems like there are pretty obvious gains, in general, from stating a position of one thing and then doing another thing [09:56:10.0000] <Domenic_> That shouldn't be hard to understand [09:56:22.0000] <jgraham> If they rigrously enforced all the stated Y, it would take forever to get anything done and people would do work elsewhere. But part of Y is that changing the stated Y is very difficult, so instead they make up Y' which is Y with a whole load of concessions to the people actually trying to do X" [09:56:59.0000] <Hixie> Domenic_: what are the gains here? [09:57:43.0000] <Hixie> jgraham: nothing is "very difficult" [10:07:40.0000] <jgraham> I mean the W3C can only really cause limited damage. It can annoy you and cause the rest of us to have to point everyone we know to whatwg specs [10:08:12.0000] <Hixie> i'm not making any judgements as to absolute objective harm :-) [10:09:00.0000] <jgraham> OK, well I guess it's pretty normal that your personal sense of disappointment isn't correlated with objective harm [10:10:55.0000] <Hixie> btw, i would appreciate a review of https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=23475#c16 from people here [10:11:02.0000] <Hixie> it's a proposal for revamping how focus works [10:11:14.0000] <Hixie> (new proposal from yesterday with more readable terms and more web compatability) [10:12:04.0000] <Hixie> it handles, amongst other things, scrollable regions (long ignored by specs) and <dialog>s (new) [10:24:59.0000] <Hixie> on a different note... i wonder where to spec that the 'select' event fires sometimes [10:26:17.0000] <Hixie> (in response to user interaction, i mean) [10:28:49.0000] <annevk> I have another REC... [10:29:11.0000] <annevk> css3-namespace and cors [10:29:24.0000] <annevk> And I'm not a big fan of either [10:35:55.0000] <Hixie> annevk: http://w3cmemes.tumblr.com/post/73529051245 :-P [10:36:40.0000] <annevk> Hixie: no wonder I act out like in http://w3cmemes.tumblr.com/post/73519371870/anne-van-kesteren-ladies-and-gentlemen-csswgs [10:38:45.0000] <Hixie> annevk: :-P [10:42:21.0000] <aklein> annevk: hi there, still about? [10:42:37.0000] <annevk> aklein: if it's quick [10:42:57.0000] <annevk> aklein: I'll be in SF starting Monday 4/5PM [10:43:10.0000] <annevk> aklein: until the 31st [10:43:11.0000] <aklein> annevk: another time, then, I was just curious if you think there's anything else to be done about ShadowRoot.baseURI without isolation [10:43:28.0000] <aklein> annevk: ah, cool, we should meet up at some point [10:43:45.0000] <annevk> aklein: after you brought up your point I wasn't so sure anymore what the point would be [10:44:04.0000] <aklein> annevk: yeah, that was my thought, just wondering if there were things I hadn't thought of [10:44:32.0000] <annevk> aklein: in the declarative scenario it might work better [10:44:38.0000] <aklein> the good news is that without <element> being specced, folks have to do something to set up their ShadowRoot anyway so they can fix their URLs by hand for now [10:44:49.0000] <aklein> sounds like we're on the same page [10:44:49.0000] <annevk> aklein: right [10:45:13.0000] <annevk> aklein: I'm still interested in defining baseURI though, potentially removing most of the cruft for now then [10:46:31.0000] <aklein> annevk: indeed, the current HTML definition of baseURLs is...not good [10:47:00.0000] <aklein> especially since Gecko actually fully supports xml:base [10:47:11.0000] <aklein> anyway, I'll let you go for now and catch up later [10:48:23.0000] <Hixie> wait what? [10:48:28.0000] <Hixie> what's wrong with the HTML definition? [10:48:35.0000] <Hixie> HTML supports xml:base [10:48:54.0000] <annevk> We don't want to support xml:base :-) [10:49:09.0000] <aklein> Hixie: neither Blink nor WebKit support xml:base in HTML documents [10:49:33.0000] <Hixie> i'm not following the problem here [10:49:35.0000] <aklein> or rather, they appear to support it (Node.baseURI is affected by it) but don't (URL completion/loading is unaffected) [10:50:10.0000] <annevk> Hixie: it's not really a problem, it's an opportunity to massively simplify base URL handling [10:50:32.0000] <Hixie> ah so by "the current HTML definition of baseURLs is...not good" you mean you want to change it, not that it's buggy [10:50:32.0000] <aklein> and avoid tree-walking to do URL handling [10:50:35.0000] <Hixie> ok [10:50:41.0000] <Ms2ger`> That would be nice [10:50:55.0000] <Hixie> i'm fine with dropping xml:base, though xml:base does make web components work better [10:50:59.0000] <aklein> Hixie: sorry, there are bugs, xml:base is not the bug [10:51:00.0000] <Hixie> we'll need something if we don't have xml:base [10:51:06.0000] <Hixie> oh [10:51:08.0000] <Hixie> what are the bugs? [10:51:23.0000] <aklein> Hixie: I've been meaning to file one about <img> [10:51:30.0000] <Hixie> Ms2ger`: ping https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=24238 [10:51:36.0000] <aklein> it reloads when affected by a base URL change [10:51:43.0000] <Ms2ger`> Oh dear [10:51:49.0000] <Hixie> aklein: it does? wow [10:52:01.0000] <aklein> Hixie: in Webkit/Blink/Gecko at least. really need to try some IEs. [10:52:04.0000] <Hixie> aklein: i intentionally made the spec not reload images in that case [10:52:11.0000] <Hixie> aklein: it would cause all kinds of hassle with pushState(), e.g. [10:52:17.0000] <Ms2ger`> Hixie, no strong opinion here [10:52:31.0000] <Hixie> Ms2ger`: should i wontfix then? [10:52:35.0000] <Ms2ger`> Hixie, if you prefer not-resolving, that's fine with me [10:52:35.0000] <aklein> Hixie: only sometimes [10:52:45.0000] <aklein> Hixie: when <img> switches documents it reloads [10:52:46.0000] <Ms2ger`> /me isn't sure ping will happen anyway [10:52:48.0000] <aklein> not necessarily on pushState [10:52:59.0000] <Hixie> aklein: oh when it switches documents, ok. that's easy to believe. [10:53:07.0000] <Hixie> aklein: that's not when changing base URL, that's when changing documents. [10:53:36.0000] <aklein> Hixie: speaking of web components, agreed that it would be nice to have something. that's what I was talking to annevk about above, see https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=20976#c24 [10:53:50.0000] <aklein> is there some changing documents hook in HTML I've missed? [10:54:52.0000] <aklein> Hixie: err, https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=20976#c20 is probably a better starting point, that was esprehn's last suggestion [10:55:10.0000] <Hixie> aklein: the html spec doesn't currently reload images crossing documents, no. please do file that http://whatwg.org/newbug [10:57:57.0000] <Hixie> aklein: the scripts in these comments are expected to be running where? in the context of a component? [10:58:18.0000] <Hixie> aklein: i guess web components' documents aren't "live" documents, so they don't run script? [10:58:25.0000] <Hixie> aklein: what's the global scope of a script in a component? [11:03:03.0000] <aklein> Hixie: when you say "component" I think you may be combining two concepts, "imports" and "custom elements" [11:03:13.0000] <aklein> I realize that those were historically more intertwined :) [11:03:17.0000] <Hixie> i've no idea what either of those are, but ok [11:03:33.0000] <Hixie> i just mean whatever it is that you use to create proprietary widgets using DOM and JS [11:03:40.0000] <aklein> I'd say that in your terms, the script in a component runs in the global scope of the hosting page [11:03:47.0000] <Hixie> wow [11:03:50.0000] <Hixie> ok [11:03:56.0000] <Hixie> yeah, that'll give you all kinds of issues [11:04:02.0000] <aklein> indeed [11:04:04.0000] <Hixie> why not the xbl approach of running the scripts in the binding document? [11:04:28.0000] <aklein> I'd have to go look up xbl to answer that question well, dglazkov might have a better answer [11:04:40.0000] <aklein> the short answer is there is no other global at present [11:04:54.0000] <aklein> that is, none of the current web components specs involve additional global scopes [11:04:59.0000] <Hixie> right, but why not? [11:05:01.0000] <aklein> though they do involve additional documents [11:05:15.0000] <Hixie> seems like you'd want a global scope per resource defining widgets [11:06:00.0000] <aklein> Hixie: there's a public-webapps thread about this somewhere [11:06:32.0000] <aklein> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2013OctDec/0483.html [11:06:38.0000] <aklein> not sure there are actual answers there [11:06:42.0000] <aklein> but there's discussion [11:07:24.0000] <Hixie> well that e-mail pretty much summarises my concern, yes :-) [11:08:39.0000] <Hixie> looks like dglazkov's answer is that you can have a new scope using modules, or something [11:08:46.0000] <Hixie> so that it works even within just one doc [11:08:48.0000] <Hixie> which makes sense i guess [11:08:54.0000] <Hixie> but in that case, the problem you had earlier is easy [11:09:06.0000] <Hixie> you just make the modules be where you put the base URL scopes [11:09:26.0000] <Hixie> (presumably modules hook into the script settings object mechanism) [11:20:13.0000] <Hixie> man, i hate it when headless computers start acting up and need rebooting [11:20:14.0000] <Hixie> such a pain [13:03:43.0000] <TabAtkins> annevk-cloud: What are your thoughts on fetch()? Do you have sufficiently organized thoughts to write something down I can put into a spec? Maybe talk about this next week when you're here for ServiceWorker stuff? [13:42:30.0000] <Hixie> so... why does inserting an audio element into another document do something to whether the audio is playing or not? [13:45:04.0000] <jgraham> A better question might be "why do we have a model where moving things between documents isn't just a deep clone?" [13:45:16.0000] <jgraham> To which the answer is probably "legacy" [13:45:39.0000] <jgraham> So I think my answer to your question is "see /topic" [13:47:49.0000] <Hixie> why would moving things between docs be anything interesting at all? [13:47:53.0000] <Hixie> i don't understand what's going on here [13:48:02.0000] <Hixie> however, firefox's inability to play my test audio isn't helping [13:48:09.0000] <Hixie> what formats does firefox support? [13:49:06.0000] <Hixie> i've tried ogg, wave, and mp3 [13:50:43.0000] <Hixie> oh ffs, it's mime types [13:51:04.0000] <Hixie> i hate mime types so much [13:51:05.0000] <jgraham> Hixie: Moving elements between documents is quite problematic in general because of the prototype chain [13:51:06.0000] <Hixie> so pointless [13:51:25.0000] <Hixie> jgraham: yeah the problem there is that we have this crazy idea of mutable prototypes and per-page prototypes [13:51:44.0000] <Hixie> ok, with the mime type set, wave works. ok. [13:53:29.0000] <aklein> Hixie: thanks for doing the experimentation, apologies for my laziness [13:53:51.0000] <aklein> the other one I've been wrestling with (and which needs more testing) is urls in CSS [13:54:40.0000] <Hixie> that one is conveniently not my problem :-) [13:54:49.0000] <Hixie> but yeah [13:55:01.0000] <Hixie> audio was easy to test because i can hear it [13:55:05.0000] <Hixie> now to test <img>... [13:55:19.0000] <Hixie> maybe i need a counter cgi that returns a different number each time or something [13:56:05.0000] <aklein> I would have posted a live dom viewer example for that if it had been easy...I just did it locally [13:58:13.0000] <Hixie> hehe [14:28:38.0000] <Hixie> aklein: firefox isn't doing anything when the img is inserted into another doc either: http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/?saved=2758 [14:30:22.0000] <Hixie> but if the resolved url is different, then it does [14:30:26.0000] <Hixie> interesting [14:34:50.0000] <Hixie> anyone got IE around to test with the three tests in https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=24312 ? [14:39:59.0000] <JonathanNeal> Hixie: still need someone to look? [14:43:18.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: yup [14:48:32.0000] <Hixie> is it me, or is textContent wrong for elements? http://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-node-textcontent [14:48:43.0000] <Hixie> it says to replace the nodes, but i thought if the only child was a text node, it was preserved [14:52:20.0000] <TabAtkins> We were just talking about this on blink-dev, and we think we want to change the spec to preserve the node in that case. [14:53:07.0000] <Hixie> k well i'll assume Top People are on it then [14:53:35.0000] <JonathanNeal> Hixie: unsure of how to follow the test, but I have IE up. [14:53:52.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: ok, let me walk you through it [14:54:03.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/2755 - what audio plays? [14:54:17.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: and what does it say in the log? [14:54:29.0000] <JonathanNeal> It actually says "Invalid Source" to me in IE11 [14:55:29.0000] <Hixie> ugh [14:55:40.0000] <Hixie> ok, let's ignore that. [14:55:43.0000] <Hixie> ok, next test. uh [14:55:50.0000] <Hixie> http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/2758 [14:56:01.0000] <Hixie> there should be two numbers in the log [14:56:11.0000] <Hixie> what are they? [14:57:22.0000] <JonathanNeal> checking [14:57:38.0000] <JonathanNeal> the two numbers are 27 and 0 [14:58:47.0000] <Hixie> 0! [14:58:50.0000] <Hixie> interesting [14:58:56.0000] <Hixie> and in http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/2759 ? [14:59:01.0000] <Hixie> (should be two numbers again) [15:03:07.0000] <JonathanNeal> just a moment [15:03:12.0000] <Hixie> no rush [15:03:25.0000] <JonathanNeal> 17, 0 [15:05:50.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: fascinating. thanks. [15:09:06.0000] <JonathanNeal> what does it mean? [15:24:32.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: means that IE is further away from the other browsers than is useful to include IE in our sample set :-) [15:49:10.0000] <Hixie> man [15:49:33.0000] <Hixie> i could really do with dreamhost giving me more visibility into what processes are taking up all the memory when it decides that my machine is out of RAM and should be rebooted 2014-01-17 [17:32:25.0000] <JonathanNeal> Hixie: tried digital ocean? [17:59:36.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: what's digital ocean? [17:59:52.0000] <Hixie> oh, another provider [18:00:00.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: i'm happy with the value for money i get at dreamhost [18:17:28.0000] <JonathanNeal> Hixie: I'm at an impasse. I love dreamhost support, but I love the control and performance of digital ocean. [18:33:56.0000] <JonathanNeal> I didn't know that the whatwg spec allows for multiple main elements. Am I getting that right? [18:51:13.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: yup, it's like class=main basically [18:51:30.0000] <Hixie> or role=main in aria [18:51:41.0000] <Hixie> it gives the main content of something [18:51:46.0000] <Hixie> as opposed to the header, footer, nav, etc [20:28:40.0000] <JonathanNeal> Hixie: what did <main> solve? Does the absence of <main>, in theory, imply that all content of a document or sectioning element is the main content? [20:28:48.0000] <Hixie> <main> doesn't solve anything. [20:28:50.0000] <Hixie> it's pointless. [20:36:50.0000] <JonathanNeal> Then why is it in the WHATWG spec? [20:44:01.0000] <Hixie> browsers implement it, so it has to be in the parser [20:44:11.0000] <Hixie> once it's in the parser, *shrug*, it's like <samp> [20:44:18.0000] <Hixie> not much point to it, but no point making it non-conforming. [20:44:46.0000] <JonathanNeal> Wow, that's all it takes to force the issue? Ouch. [21:03:40.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: well it's all it takes to force the issue on the browser conformance criteria, certainly [21:03:56.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: on authoring conformance criteria, i just try to make the spec be the most helpful given what browsers do [21:04:08.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: so if you want to characterise that as "force", sure [21:05:14.0000] <JonathanNeal> Is there a version of the spec that only shows "the good parts" and hides the conformance stuff? [21:06:01.0000] <Hixie> developer.whatwg.org ? [21:06:09.0000] <Hixie> developers.whatwg.org sorry [21:10:13.0000] <GPHemsley> In case anyone's wondering, I just committed a change to anolis that sorts attributes alphabetically [21:12:10.0000] <Hixie> /me tries to work out what he did that broke his pipeline [21:12:20.0000] <Hixie> i'm getting an error in my index preprocessor that has zero to do with anything i changed. wtf. [21:40:17.0000] <GPHemsley> Hixie: That's not related to my anolis change, is it? [21:40:28.0000] <GPHemsley> The mimesniff spec is once again open for business, BTW. [21:40:44.0000] <Hixie> no, it works fine with the earlier version of the html spec [21:40:50.0000] <Hixie> excellent to hear about mimesniff [21:41:07.0000] <GPHemsley> (Now that I've fixed anolis, I can get back to committing without worrying that all my attributes are gonna rearrange themselves randomly) [21:41:28.0000] <GPHemsley> Yeah, it seems to have finally attracted some notice... [21:43:12.0000] <GPHemsley> Hixie: I'm tracking that <video> bug, but I haven't seen anything that warrants any changes on my end. If something comes up, make sure I realize it. (Calling me out by name in the bug would be enough.) [21:44:00.0000] <Hixie> well, the relevant algorithm isn't finished [21:44:07.0000] <Hixie> other than that, i'm not aware of any needed changes yet [21:44:27.0000] <GPHemsley> ok [21:44:53.0000] <GPHemsley> feel free to point out the parts that need finishing [21:45:05.0000] <GPHemsley> in the meantime, though, I think I'm gonna go to bed [21:46:36.0000] <Hixie> the parts are in red :-) [22:30:37.0000] <zcorpan> cors's a rec? woot [22:31:29.0000] <zcorpan> annevk-cloud: second rec, is it? [22:34:53.0000] <wirepair> hsivonen: quick question, why does nu.validator.htmlparser.test.TokenPrinter go totally bonkers when encountering scripts that contain < >? [22:35:02.0000] <wirepair> http://pastie.org/private/cloijixbsxsaxh5h3uxfza <-- example [22:35:57.0000] <wirepair> do i need to tell the driver to ignore script data? [22:37:26.0000] <wirepair> (and if so, how)? [22:38:55.0000] <JonathanNeal> Here's a blog I'm working on addressing the subject of subheadings in W3C's HTML spec, http://www.jonathantneal.com/blog/introducing-subhead/ password: review [22:40:28.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: you give the w3c way too much credit :-) [22:40:46.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: most of what you describe as "you" was done in the whatwg, much of it long before the w3c came along [22:41:17.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: not to mention that <hgroup> doesn't force a grouping pattern, so it works fine :-) [22:43:36.0000] <JonathanNeal> It does, on <h1-6>, as does the entire outline algorithm. [22:44:00.0000] <Hixie> the html4 outline algorithm forces grouping? what? [22:44:32.0000] <Hixie> i don't understand the problems you're trying to solve [22:44:39.0000] <Hixie> what's a page hgroup doesn't work on? [22:45:01.0000] <JonathanNeal> The new outline algorithm; <section>, <aside>, etc. And I would argue that <hgroup> is most "convoluted" example of it. [22:45:36.0000] <Hixie> the outlining of the new sectioning elements, if you ignore the html4 stuff, is literally just nested elements. [22:45:39.0000] <Hixie> there's not much to it. [22:45:54.0000] <Hixie> what's convoluted about <hgroup>? [22:45:59.0000] <Hixie> /me is baffled by this conversation [22:47:09.0000] <JonathanNeal> <hgroup> does not allow child elements like <a> or <span>, which is too strict. [22:47:30.0000] <Hixie> do you have a sample page where i can look at what you're trying to do? [22:48:25.0000] <JonathanNeal> Outside of <hgroup>, things like <h3>Lord of the Rings</h3><h2>The Two Towers</h2> mean something very different. [22:48:46.0000] <Hixie> yes, that's why we have hgroup... [22:49:48.0000] <JonathanNeal> Hixie: when I was at Liferay, our CMS let users dynamically add a heading and slogan, and when we used <hgroup> it meant developers couldn't stick presentational elements inside it without adding them one of the inner headings themselves. [22:50:21.0000] <Hixie> so, regardless of what we do with hgroup, you know that all the presentational elements are no longer conforming, right... [22:50:45.0000] <JonathanNeal> <span>s? [22:51:00.0000] <Hixie> can you paste an example of what you want to do? [22:54:42.0000] <JonathanNeal> https://gist.github.com/jonathantneal/8469464 [22:56:11.0000] <Hixie> that shouldn't be conforming even if you replace the <hgroup> with <div>s and the <hx>s with <p>s [22:56:14.0000] <Hixie> use CSS for that kind of thing [23:06:57.0000] <JonathanNeal> In the example I provided, I agree with you. To the more general point, <subhead> can be a child or sibling of a <h1-6>, which is more flexible. Sorry if I'm starting to repeat our last discussion. [23:07:24.0000] <Hixie> do you have an example that shows what you want to do with <hgroup> that you can't do that you agree you should be able to do? [23:10:46.0000] <JonathanNeal> Probably none that you haven't disputed already. [23:11:04.0000] <Hixie> i'm only looking for ones _you_ think are legit, not for ones _i_ think are legit [23:15:58.0000] <JonathanNeal> Any subheading that is best expressed as a child of the heading. <h1>Dr. Strangelove <subhead>or: ...</subhead></h1> [23:16:40.0000] <Hixie> in what sense is that "best expressed as a child"? seems entirely equivalent to <h1>Do Strangelove</h1> <h2>or: ...</h2> [23:19:44.0000] <JonathanNeal> That subheading is intrinsically inline. [23:20:19.0000] <Hixie> hm, actually, looks like it's not a subheading [23:20:23.0000] <Hixie> the title is just that long [23:21:59.0000] <MikeSmith> bingo [23:22:08.0000] <MikeSmith> in that case at least [23:22:24.0000] <MikeSmith> it's just a title with a colon in it [23:22:51.0000] <JonathanNeal> Hi Mike! [23:22:58.0000] <MikeSmith> hey man [23:24:25.0000] <MikeSmith> JonathanNeal: fwiw, to me subheadings have always seemed to be something that end users don't care much about or are not even aware of [23:25:34.0000] <hsivonen> wirepair: I don't know. I haven't look at TokenPrinter in years [23:25:41.0000] <JonathanNeal> MikeSmith: there's a dangerous, grey, probably swerving and overlapping line between clarity and verbosity. [23:26:22.0000] <MikeSmith> JonathanNeal: how so? To end users they're rendered the same regardless of how you mark them up [23:27:32.0000] <MikeSmith> I mean you can put a line break into the title wherever you choose [23:28:52.0000] <JonathanNeal> I could try to semantically distinguish bylines from headings (eg https://gist.github.com/jonathantneal/7818198#project-gutenberg ) but the visual styling will mean more to most users than the elements behind them. I might argue the world doesn't *need* <abbr> (it can be accomplished with a span and title="") or <h2-6> (could just have easily had <h id=""> [23:28:53.0000] <JonathanNeal> and <h for="">). [23:29:20.0000] <MikeSmith> or you can just use a colon if you want, which in practice has the meaning "the part after this colon is the subheading|-title" [23:29:51.0000] <MikeSmith> JonathanNeal: sure [23:29:52.0000] <wirepair> hsivonen: hrm, ok [23:30:24.0000] <wirepair> i'll look at ff source to figure out why they don't consider it a start of a new tag [23:30:26.0000] <JonathanNeal> And with ever advancing CSS selectors, it could be all the easier to style. However, it can be nice to be clear at when you intend those breaks. "Mission: Impossible" [23:30:47.0000] <MikeSmith> JonathanNeal: like all such things, I guess it comes down to how you choose to spend your authoring time [23:31:53.0000] <MikeSmith> and yeah there are always exceptions but the exceptions are almost always common sense [23:32:02.0000] <JonathanNeal> Right. To my original point, if W3C thinks <hgroup> is too restrictive (which I sympathize with as seen in our above discussion) then I thought to write that "letter to a friend" blog post. [23:32:19.0000] <MikeSmith> I mean, nobody thinks "IMpossible" in that example is a subheading [23:32:32.0000] <JonathanNeal> WHATWG saw the need (first) and contributed their solution. [23:32:52.0000] <MikeSmith> JonathanNeal: yeah fair enough [23:33:47.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: personally i still don't really see needs that aren't met by hgroup. You could easily do hgroup > { display: inline } if you really needed it. [23:33:56.0000] <Hixie> JonathanNeal: i'm more worried about your letter causing further forking. [23:38:50.0000] <JonathanNeal> That's a valid concern, to which my must assert an opinion: <hgroup> died long before W3C killed it. Bruce Lawson complained about it back in 2010. It wasn't the cowpath that won over developers. As a result, there is a void, and <subhead> is a solution that addresses the specific reasons <hgroup> was rejected. To that end, can you think of reasons <subhead> [23:38:51.0000] <JonathanNeal> is worse than using <hgroup>? [23:39:16.0000] <JonathanNeal> "my must assert" ... seriously, my apologies for such poor writing. [23:40:17.0000] <Hixie> hgroup is widely used, widely implemented, and mentioned in many tutorials. how is it dead? [23:41:23.0000] <Hixie> the only thing that's slowed use of hgroup is the FUD over it causing people being confused about whether they can use it or not [23:41:59.0000] <JonathanNeal> I've found ONE so far on Google, and the bottom paragraph is rather telling http://webdesign.about.com/od/html5tutorials/a/use-hgroup-element.htm [23:43:00.0000] <Hixie> the "controversy" one? [23:43:05.0000] <JonathanNeal> I'm looking for one from the last twelve months that recommends it. [23:43:40.0000] <Hixie> in the last 12 months people will have avoided recommending it because of the nonsense about it being deprecated [23:44:32.0000] <zcorpan> i recommend that JonathanNeal uses <hgroup>! [23:44:37.0000] <zcorpan> there, mere seconds ago [23:45:05.0000] <Hixie> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/hgroup was last updated in 2013 [23:45:42.0000] <Hixie> http://www.html5tutorial4u.com/hgroup-element.htm is (c) 2014, dunno when last updated [23:46:17.0000] <JonathanNeal> My requirements were probably loaded. Sorry. When I said "that recommends it" I think your example mentioning "refrain from using it" disqualifies it. [23:46:58.0000] <JonathanNeal> But who would write a tutorial and ignore the controversy, so I concede that it should be impossible to find a tutorial that recommends it since W3C removed it, if only because they removed it. [23:47:18.0000] <Hixie> well yeah, everyone who tries to be independent is going to say "but be wary kids, the w3c has dropped it!" [23:48:28.0000] <Hixie> http://developers.whatwg.org/ recommends it and was updated within the last month or so [23:49:21.0000] <JonathanNeal> My opinion™: Before it was officially removed, it was shrouded in controversy, and before that it was often complained about, loudly by (i'm guessing) Lawson and Falkner. [23:49:42.0000] <Hixie> i never heard of any controversy before it was dropped, other than from faulkner. [23:49:59.0000] <Hixie> at least, not any more than the same background complaining we get about everything [23:50:09.0000] <JonathanNeal> Tangent, "developers" is beautiful. I am so glad that was done. I love it, and just want to affirm it again. [23:50:23.0000] <Hixie> if you want to see controversy, you should see e.g. the complaints on appcache. [23:50:27.0000] <Hixie> now _that_ is controversy [23:51:12.0000] <JonathanNeal> what's appcache? you mean manifest? *runs* [23:51:29.0000] <MikeSmith> face punching [23:51:58.0000] <Hixie> appcache is the feature that includes manifest="", yes [23:51:59.0000] <JonathanNeal> If it wanted to be part of html5 so badly, why wasn't it written in XML? RSS knew better. [23:52:53.0000] <JonathanNeal> Sorry, I was running, but MikeSmith nailed me in the face. [23:54:32.0000] <MikeSmith> JonathanNeal: no I geuss the appcache hater guy did accidently [23:54:55.0000] <MikeSmith> or maybe he wants to punch subheadings in the face too [23:55:45.0000] <MikeSmith> I think he should really save his punches for the DOM [23:55:58.0000] <zcorpan> yeah careful with inventing new stuff, your face might become a target for punches [23:56:41.0000] <zcorpan> subpunch in the <subhead> [23:57:02.0000] <MikeSmith> I bet this guy probabably doesn't pay too much attention to CSS yet [23:57:08.0000] <JonathanNeal> oh... [23:57:11.0000] <JonathanNeal> /me puts aside the suggestion to drop <, >, and allow css selectors as elements. [23:57:35.0000] <MikeSmith> or maybe he tried to but then as soon as he started he keeled over and died right away from anger [23:58:02.0000] <MikeSmith> before he could unleash the punches [23:59:29.0000] <MikeSmith> anyway in other news I guess Domenic_ is afk by now [23:59:59.0000] <MikeSmith> would really like to chat with him some about Streams stuff [00:00:12.0000] <MikeSmith> and/or marcosc [00:06:31.0000] <MikeSmith> /me wonders if foolip's full-time job is now demolition [00:10:35.0000] <MikeSmith> Hixie if you're still awake didn't Philip`s multipage script used to correct fragment references so that they get rewritten to the right URL? [00:10:50.0000] <MikeSmith> redirected [00:10:50.0000] <Hixie> yeah is it not working? [00:11:27.0000] <MikeSmith> Hixie: unless I'm misunderstanding it doesn't seem to be working now [00:11:33.0000] <MikeSmith> e.g., http://www.whatwg.org/htm/#event-0 [00:11:36.0000] <Hixie> damnit [00:11:42.0000] <Ms2ger> MikeSmith, html? [00:11:46.0000] <MikeSmith> yeah [00:11:53.0000] <MikeSmith> meant html [00:11:57.0000] <Ms2ger> That used to work for me... [00:11:58.0000] <MikeSmith> http://www.whatwg.org/html/#event-0 [00:12:05.0000] <MikeSmith> http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/#event-0 [00:12:19.0000] <MikeSmith> should go to http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/section-index.html#events-0 [00:12:29.0000] <MikeSmith> but doesn't [00:13:01.0000] <Hixie> it seems the multipage script on anne's server occasionally returns incomplete data [00:13:19.0000] <MikeSmith> oh [00:14:24.0000] <Ms2ger> http://www.whatwg.org/html/#dom-blur wfm [00:14:25.0000] <MikeSmith> hmm yeah http://www.whatwg.org/html/#event for example works [00:14:37.0000] <MikeSmith> Ms2ger: yeah it's just some that don't [00:14:39.0000] <Hixie> i just regenned [00:14:44.0000] <MikeSmith> maybe newer ones [00:16:22.0000] <MikeSmith> Hixie: http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/#event-0 still not working afaikt [00:16:52.0000] <Hixie> is there an id="event-0" anywhere? [00:17:10.0000] <MikeSmith> yeah [00:17:16.0000] <MikeSmith> oh shit [00:17:18.0000] <MikeSmith> sorry [00:17:44.0000] <MikeSmith> events-0 [00:18:11.0000] <Ms2ger> Well, that seems like a good reason for it not to work :) [00:18:57.0000] <MikeSmith> somebody should punch me in the face [00:19:01.0000] <MikeSmith> sorry Hixie [00:19:11.0000] <MikeSmith> for the noise [00:19:15.0000] <Ms2ger> /me gives MikeSmith a beer instead [00:19:22.0000] <MikeSmith> heh [00:21:45.0000] <Hixie> nn [00:23:58.0000] <Ms2ger> nn [00:24:27.0000] <Ms2ger> TabAtkins, have you filed a bug for the textContent special case? I think we discussed in in Gecko but decided against [00:32:51.0000] <foolip> MikeSmith: not really, but it's hard to stop! [00:33:27.0000] <Ms2ger> foolip! [00:33:44.0000] <Ms2ger> I had something for you to demolish [00:33:51.0000] <Ms2ger> It's an outstanding test review [00:34:29.0000] <foolip> Ms2ger: show it to me! [00:34:32.0000] <Ms2ger> But I don't remember which [00:34:35.0000] <Ms2ger> So do them all :) [00:34:36.0000] <zcorpan> Hixie: you might be able to recognize that something in-band is a text track without supporting it, and expose the raw data to JS, or some such [00:34:53.0000] <sangwhan> I'm assuming no - but has Window.close() / Window.open() ever been standardized? [00:35:03.0000] <MikeSmith> foolip: cool to see all that stuff getting cleaned up [00:35:05.0000] <Ms2ger> Yes? [00:35:12.0000] <Ms2ger> They're in HTML [00:35:24.0000] <foolip> Ms2ger: can I see which ones are assigned to me? I assume it had something to do with video or track? [00:35:41.0000] <Ms2ger> foolip, look if https://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/dashboard has anything? [00:36:04.0000] <Ms2ger> But yes, probably along those lines [00:36:06.0000] <foolip> Ms2ger: sure, I don't often look there :) [00:36:25.0000] <foolip> Ms2ger: all I can find is https://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/r/426 [00:36:40.0000] <foolip> but that's my review, not something for me to review... [00:36:56.0000] <Ms2ger> Oh, right, that was it, actually [00:37:01.0000] <Ms2ger> /me blames his memory [00:37:36.0000] <sangwhan> Ms2ger: Sorry, think I got the wording wrong - "implementation wise standardized" [00:37:50.0000] <Ms2ger> Is the word you're looking for "interoperable"? [00:38:01.0000] <foolip> Ms2ger: so, I was waiting for zcorpan, but he doesn't remember really [00:38:27.0000] <foolip> I'm going to drop that review and revisit the next time I try to get it working in Blink I think [00:38:51.0000] <sangwhan> Ms2ger: Yes. [00:39:29.0000] <Ms2ger> foolip, wfm [00:40:13.0000] <Ms2ger> foolip, and feel free to look at https://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/r/74 if you have time too :) [00:40:45.0000] <Ms2ger> And / or add a filter for the media dirs [00:40:58.0000] <foolip> Ms2ger: ah yes, the one I'm waiting for. what can I do to move it along? [00:41:08.0000] <foolip> looks like people are waiting for ... something? [00:41:24.0000] <Ms2ger> Someone to review it :) [00:41:33.0000] <Ms2ger> Unless you wrote those tests, I guess [00:41:59.0000] <foolip> only a few of them [00:42:04.0000] <foolip> I'll have a look then [00:42:11.0000] <Ms2ger> Great, thank you! [00:43:33.0000] <davve> Ms2ger: Do you have a reference to where you decided against the textContent special case? [00:47:00.0000] <Ms2ger> Probably https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=725221 or https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=404385 [00:52:36.0000] <foolip> Ms2ger: do we really want to move and fix the tests at the same time? seems like that'll be suboptimal for history digging [00:54:10.0000] <Ms2ger> Mm [00:54:31.0000] <Ms2ger> The moving is the only real opportunity to fix them, though [00:55:06.0000] <Ms2ger> And I guess it won't be such a problem if we don't squash? [00:55:49.0000] <sangwhan> I'm a bit curious what the rationale for "or if it is a browsing context whose session history contains only one Document." in window.close() is [00:56:28.0000] <sangwhan> Now that everyone and his dog has a WebUI landing page, only contexts with the page that contains window.close() opened by the default protocol handler is closable due to this, in case the implementation is compliant [00:56:36.0000] <marcosc> MikeSmith: what do you want to know about streams? [00:56:59.0000] <Ms2ger> Hi marcosc [00:57:05.0000] <sangwhan> ...and Gecko ships with dom.allow_scripts_to_close_windows as false [00:57:07.0000] <marcosc> Ms2ger: hallo! [00:57:07.0000] <Ms2ger> I bet there's test reviews you could do :) [00:57:27.0000] <marcosc> Ms2ger, maybe? [00:57:36.0000] <sangwhan> Safari ignores it, period. IE seems to return something when window.close() is called unlike everyone else? [00:57:55.0000] <foolip> Ms2ger: ah right, of course, just keep the fixes separate [00:58:17.0000] <foolip> Ms2ger: so what's the scope of fixing to be done? conversion to testharness.js I guess, what else? [00:59:12.0000] <Ms2ger> foolip, wait, do any not use testharness.js? [00:59:59.0000] <foolip> Ms2ger: I think lots of them don't, but I haven't checked just now [01:00:12.0000] <foolip> but if they don't, that needs fixing, yes? [01:00:55.0000] <zcorpan> foolip: that PR is basically just the <track> tests, not all of opera's media tests [01:01:06.0000] <zcorpan> so they're either testharness or reftests [01:01:39.0000] <Ms2ger> Yes, if they don't, they do need fixing, but it looks like zcorpan is correct [01:02:02.0000] <zcorpan> dumping all of the media tests hasn't happened yet i think [01:03:03.0000] <Ms2ger> /me heads off for a bit [01:03:45.0000] <foolip> zcorpan: oh [01:04:28.0000] <foolip> zcorpan: can you rebase the move so that it can be merged cleanly to master? I'd like to have it merged locally and try actually running the tests as I review them [01:05:20.0000] <foolip> zcorpan: did your submission/Opera/media-resource-selection branch ever get anywhere? [01:05:21.0000] <zcorpan> foolip: i see some .htaccess which needs to be converted to wpt-serve equivalent (seems like it just sets no-cache, dunno if that's necessary with wpt-serve) [01:06:30.0000] <zcorpan> foolip: is it a matter of clicking "prepare rebase" in critic? [01:06:51.0000] <foolip> zcorpan: no, you have to actually resolve the conflicts as well :) [01:07:01.0000] <zcorpan> bah :-P [01:10:36.0000] <zcorpan> is http://robots.thoughtbot.com/keeping-a-github-fork-updated a set of steps i should follow? [01:14:00.0000] <Ms2ger> zcorpan, no, the prepare rebase button doesn't work here [01:14:26.0000] <Ms2ger> You need to rebase to master without making other changes, push, and then a new button appears [01:14:33.0000] <Ms2ger> Or ask jgraham :) [01:14:47.0000] <sangwhan> Ms2ger: Or just manually create a new review if all fails [01:15:20.0000] <Ms2ger> I'd prefer not :) [01:15:38.0000] <zcorpan> jgraham: i need to do something in git, please help [01:17:53.0000] <SteveF> faulkner says: if you wanna smoke hixie's weed pop a <hgroup> in your pipe [01:18:16.0000] <Ms2ger> /me says: I'm bored of hgroup talk already [01:18:38.0000] <SteveF> Ms2ger: better if you smoke it [01:18:56.0000] <Ms2ger> Feel free to [01:19:35.0000] <SteveF> FUDlicious [01:20:03.0000] <zcorpan> it might be dangerous to smoke a pipe in case you get punched in the face [01:21:00.0000] <SteveF> might be dangerous to punch someone smoking a knife pipe [01:23:58.0000] <zcorpan> /me successfully followed these steps https://help.github.com/articles/syncing-a-fork [01:24:15.0000] <zcorpan> now rebase the branch... [01:37:38.0000] <sangwhan> Hixie: Is the rationale behind window.close() only working when there is one document in the session due to abuse concerns? [01:38:23.0000] <MikeSmith> marcosc: for starters it would nice to have a short description of what the fundamental difference is between Domenic_ current draft and the WebApps draft [01:39:45.0000] <MikeSmith> would be helpful to me personally for understanding and I would think helpful to others who are trying to follow along at home [01:39:52.0000] <zcorpan> someone(TM) should go through MDN and fix all "DOM Level 0. Not part of any standard." [01:40:42.0000] <sangwhan> /me mysqldump and sed on MDN time, what could possibly go wrong [01:41:03.0000] <MikeSmith> sangwhan: Hixie is afk [01:41:29.0000] <sangwhan> MikeSmith: Aha [01:42:10.0000] <MikeSmith> sangwhan: you should ping him later if you're up late, or just wait til morning your time [01:42:43.0000] <sangwhan> MikeSmith: I'll try either of those, depending on how long I end up throwing around IPC messages [01:49:05.0000] <MikeSmith> zcorpan: if you're rebasing a branch that critic is tracking, critic is not going to be happy [01:49:15.0000] <MikeSmith> nor jgraham [01:49:32.0000] <MikeSmith> since he'll have to un-fugg critic after [01:49:50.0000] <MikeSmith> as far as in my experience at least [01:50:24.0000] <zcorpan> but the PR can't be merged cleanly now anyway [01:50:46.0000] <zcorpan> because some files moved and wpt-serve changed some things [01:51:22.0000] <zcorpan> but i'll wait for jgraham's advice [01:55:18.0000] <marcosc> MikeSmith: Domenic_, Feras, Takeshi and I are having a call to converge the specs next week [01:55:37.0000] <marcosc> if all goes to plan, we should only have a single spec [02:01:47.0000] <Ms2ger> And then a fork, amirite [02:02:16.0000] <marcosc> youisrite [02:02:17.0000] <jgraham> I can unfugg critic [02:02:41.0000] <jgraham> And indeed you can too, although you need to be a little bit careful [02:03:02.0000] <Ms2ger> zcorpan, the git master has arrived :) [02:03:38.0000] <zcorpan> seems like foolip is doing the heavy lifting for me [02:04:06.0000] <jgraham> On critic? [02:04:51.0000] <foolip> jgraham: I'm rebasingand resolving the conflicts [02:06:52.0000] <jgraham> foolip: OK. Do you know how to tell critic about the rebase for a tracking branch? [02:12:34.0000] <foolip> jgraham: no, and I think you're going to have to tell zcorpan, I just prepared the rebased branch: https://github.com/foolip/web-platform-tests/tree/submission/Opera/media [02:12:48.0000] <foolip> jgraham: I guess only simon can add commits to his review, yes? [02:14:54.0000] <jgraham> Yeah, due to the "magic of github" this simple process is really difficult [02:16:45.0000] <jgraham> Anyway, it is not too hard [02:16:59.0000] <jgraham> After pushing you press "rebase branch [02:17:02.0000] <jgraham> " [02:17:32.0000] <jgraham> And then in "upstream" where it says "refs/heads/master" you put the commit that you actually rebased onto [02:17:48.0000] <jgraham> Then you press fetch branch [02:17:54.0000] <jgraham> and hopefully it's all OK [02:17:55.0000] <foolip> zcorpan: when reviewing, should I raise issues for failing tests, or can we add failing tests? [02:18:17.0000] <zcorpan> foolip: we can add failing tests [02:18:24.0000] <jgraham> foolip: From a general repo policy failing tests are OK [02:18:31.0000] <jgraham> We only demand correctness [02:18:51.0000] <jgraham> Working out how to deal with actually running the tests is an implementor problem [02:19:00.0000] <foolip> zcorpan: so as long as they run and the failures aren't mysterious to me I'll mark it as reviewed, and try to fix them when importing to Blink, sound good? [02:19:31.0000] <zcorpan> foolip: sounds good [02:19:54.0000] <zcorpan> jgraham: were those instructions for me? is that a button in critic or github? [02:20:03.0000] <Ms2ger> Critic [02:20:54.0000] <zcorpan> i don't see "rebase branch" in critic (i see "rebase review" and "prepare rebase") [02:21:48.0000] <jgraham> s/branch/review/ then [02:21:48.0000] <Ms2ger> jgraham, rebase branch, I guess? [02:22:08.0000] <jgraham> "prepare rebase" is the one that doesn't work here [02:22:23.0000] <jgraham> It really can't be hard to hide that button… [02:24:12.0000] <zcorpan> ok so what do i put in "upstream"? [02:24:45.0000] <jgraham> 10:17 < jgraham> And then in "upstream" where it says "refs/heads/master" you put the commit that you actually rebased onto [02:25:20.0000] <jgraham> So whatever the first commit that isn't part of the branch is according to, say, git log [02:27:33.0000] <zcorpan> cfcfc6d5194040a9addb1c1004613db9af6d8075 ? [02:28:36.0000] <jgraham> foolip: ^ [02:29:02.0000] <foolip> zcorpan: yes! [02:30:33.0000] <zcorpan> how does critic become aware of https://github.com/foolip/web-platform-tests/tree/submission/Opera/media ? is that the next step? [02:31:13.0000] <foolip> zcorpan: you need to update your own branch to match mine first I gather [02:31:36.0000] <foolip> it's time for weekend for me now, I hope zcorpan and jgraham prevail! [02:31:55.0000] <zcorpan> have a nice one, and thanks for the help :-) [02:32:11.0000] <foolip> no problem, I want these tests! [02:32:31.0000] <zcorpan> so first i cherry-pick his commit and push, and then "rebase review" in critic? [02:33:08.0000] <foolip> zcorpan: first check out your own branch [02:33:13.0000] <jgraham> Pull his whole branch and push that, I guess [02:33:38.0000] <foolip> then git fetch https://github.com/foolip/web-platform-tests.git submission/Opera/media [02:33:45.0000] <foolip> then git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD [02:33:50.0000] <foolip> and then push -f [02:33:55.0000] <foolip> is my best guess [02:34:17.0000] <foolip> put you can of course just push my branch directly, but then your local branch willl be out of sync [02:34:39.0000] <foolip> that's it, I'm really going [02:34:41.0000] <foolip> poof [02:43:22.0000] <zcorpan> i have no upstream set on this branch. git push -f --set-upstream origin submission/Opera/media ? [02:43:47.0000] <Ms2ger> jgraham? [02:47:05.0000] <jgraham> zcorpan: The upstream in this case is just whatever the base commit of the branch is i.e. the first commit in history that isn't part of the branch (assuming no merges) So if you have a history like -M1-M2-M3-B1-B2-B3 where the M commits are part of master and the B commits are on the branch, it would be M3 [02:49:58.0000] <zcorpan> jgraham: are you talking about the "upstream" input box in critic or the error i got when trying `git push -f` (fatal: The current branch submission/Opera/media has no upstream branch. ) ? [02:50:30.0000] <jgraham> Oh, I was talking about the one on critic [02:51:13.0000] <jgraham> In this case you just want to git push -f --set-upstream} {name of your gh remote} HEAD:{name of the branch on github} [02:52:22.0000] <jgraham> {name of the branch on github} === submission/Opera/media [02:53:49.0000] <zcorpan> {name of your gh remote} = ? [02:54:26.0000] <Ms2ger> Probably origin [02:54:35.0000] <zcorpan> ah [02:55:03.0000] <jgraham> git remote -vv and look for the one that points to your GH remote [02:56:07.0000] <zcorpan> origin https://github.com/zcorpan/web-platform-tests.git (fetch) [02:56:07.0000] <zcorpan> origin https://github.com/zcorpan/web-platform-tests.git (push) [02:56:07.0000] <zcorpan> upstream https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests.git (fetch) [02:56:08.0000] <zcorpan> upstream https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests.git (push) [02:56:49.0000] <annevk> GPHemsley: if you're around, is there anything still unclear with respect to the image/svg+xml thing? [02:56:50.0000] <Ms2ger> So indeed origin [02:57:04.0000] <zcorpan> git push -f --set-upstream origin HEAD:submission/Opera/media [03:00:10.0000] <jgraham> Yes [03:00:26.0000] <zcorpan> ok done [03:01:10.0000] <jgraham> Do you want me to poke critic? [03:01:23.0000] <zcorpan> now rebase review in critic with cfcfc6d5194040a9addb1c1004613db9af6d8075 as "upstream" right? [03:03:23.0000] <jgraham> Yes [03:04:18.0000] <zcorpan> ok done. now "enable tracking"? [03:04:35.0000] <jgraham> Yes [03:05:26.0000] <zcorpan> hmm. done but it didn't bite it seems [03:05:53.0000] <jgraham> It did, you need to force refresh [03:05:57.0000] <jgraham> I don't know why [03:07:01.0000] <jgraham> OK, going to be afk (or afi) for a bit [03:07:17.0000] <zcorpan> ah, how silly. don't even know how to force refresh in new opera [03:07:25.0000] <zcorpan> thanks for the hlep [03:50:17.0000] <Ms2ger> dglazkov, ping [04:10:52.0000] <zcorpan> annevk: Hixie: can't you just get along? :-P [04:25:11.0000] <Ms2ger> zcorpan, foolip, where's cors-tester.py? [04:26:56.0000] <Ms2ger> Oh, looks like it's in the repo [04:28:33.0000] <jgraham> Seriously hg, where is something like git reset --hard? [04:29:25.0000] <Ms2ger> What does that do? [04:30:35.0000] <davve> jgraham: Tried 'hg revert --all' ? [04:32:03.0000] <jgraham> davve: That only works on the working copy, not the actual repo [04:32:40.0000] <jgraham> I was trying to get rid of a whole bunch of commits that I managed to pull in by accident trying to transfer stuff from one repo to another [04:33:02.0000] <Ms2ger> hg strip first-rev-to-get-rid-of [04:33:17.0000] <Ms2ger> Note: destroys history, use with care [04:34:08.0000] <jgraham> Ms2ger: Yeah, so I ended up using hg strip, it it wasn't really clear what the first rev to get rid of was [04:34:50.0000] <jgraham> Possibly because I also don't know what the equivalent of merge-base is [04:35:07.0000] <Ms2ger> Maybe hg strip -r "outgoing(inbound)"? [04:35:25.0000] <jgraham> Perhaps? [04:35:38.0000] <jgraham> I did 'hg outgoing --template="{node}\n" -q | xargs hg strip' [04:35:57.0000] <Ms2ger> Sounds like it'd do the same [04:36:54.0000] <jgraham> Either way, git reset --hard origin/master would have been easier [04:37:10.0000] <Ms2ger> Because you know that one :) [04:37:22.0000] <jgraham> Well yes and the internet knows that one [04:37:39.0000] <jgraham> Google is not very helpful for hg [04:38:00.0000] <jgraham> It is usually people on stack overflow that know it about as well as I do and MDN [04:38:01.0000] <Ms2ger> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2139165/mercurial-delete-all-local-changesets-revert-to-tree [04:38:15.0000] <Ms2ger> Is the first hit for "remove local changesets hg" [04:38:49.0000] <Ms2ger> Accepted answer gives hg strip 'roots(outgoing())', which is what I meant [04:39:45.0000] <jgraham> Well when I searched I found a question where the answer was roughly "uh, I dunno, reclone? Or use strip?" [04:39:57.0000] <jgraham> Which I had already worked out... [04:40:31.0000] <Ms2ger> /me kicks critic [04:40:39.0000] <Ms2ger> JavaScript error: https://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/static-resource/changeset.js?mxynzt, line 822: files[file_id] is undefined [04:43:41.0000] <Ms2ger> STR: https://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/6bf4020f?review=74 click on one of the -4's for the htaccess removal, click fetch deleted lines [04:48:41.0000] <annevk> zcorpan: Hixie and I don't get along? [04:49:20.0000] <zcorpan> annevk: you keep disagreeing about url query encoding [04:50:49.0000] <Ms2ger> Is there a way to have github tell you the PR of some commit? [04:51:42.0000] <annevk> zcorpan: ah yes we do [04:52:09.0000] <annevk> zcorpan: we both have to care for all the other people that most likely do not care at all [04:54:05.0000] <zcorpan> annevk: if you both care but don't come to a conclusion then we're not making progress [04:58:07.0000] <annevk> zcorpan: so it sounds like you care too [04:58:16.0000] <annevk> zcorpan: I added another comment [05:01:19.0000] <zcorpan> i care about coming to a conclusion, less which it is :-) [05:41:50.0000] <annevk> I always attributed 'The answer to "how do I mark up X" is "mu"' to Mark Pilgrim, but he quoted from http://www.propylon.com/news/ctoarticles/Zen_and_the_Art_of_Motorcycle_Manuals_20020822.html which might have quoted from another site I can't access [05:46:13.0000] <jgraham> Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintainance is a book, so presumbably this is a reference to that [05:46:45.0000] <darobin_> yeah, I doubt ZAMM would be quoting from a site :) [06:09:44.0000] <zcorpan> i tried the link in web.archive but it just said "ad expired" or some such [06:10:25.0000] <annevk> darobin_: that article has a [1] directly after the quote which is a dead link [06:11:44.0000] <darobin_> annevk: it's been a very long time since I read ZAMM, but it's probably referring to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mu_%28negative%29 [06:12:07.0000] <annevk> darobin_: well that much is clear to me [06:12:35.0000] <darobin_> annevk: I would bet that the itw.etc site just had a definition of that, from before everything was on Wikipedia [06:14:16.0000] <annevk> darobin_: ait [07:11:17.0000] <jgraham> Where does the spec set document.contentType for parsed documents? [07:13:43.0000] <GPHemsley> annevk: I'm still not seeing the problem in the algorithm. image/svg+xml is always assumed to be the correct type. No sniffing (in the traditional sense) occurs. [07:14:43.0000] <GPHemsley> Ms2ger: I committed a change to anolis last night; I hope that's OK. [07:33:18.0000] <annevk> GPHemsley: oh you generalized from SVG to XML type? http://mimesniff.spec.whatwg.org/#sniffing-in-an-image-context [07:33:57.0000] <annevk> GPHemsley: basically in an image context only image/svg+xml should be recognized as a type, otherwise you must always sniff, iirc [07:34:02.0000] <annevk> GPHemsley: unless nosniff maybe [09:23:11.0000] <Hixie> sangwhan: iirc it's just what browsers do, not sure of motivation but annoyance blocking is likely [09:26:35.0000] <jgraham> Hixie: Do you know where document.contentType is set? [09:26:40.0000] <jgraham> (when parsing) [09:27:00.0000] <Hixie> i would assume it's not set during parsing, but interesting question [09:27:28.0000] <jgraham> Well I mean when constructing a document for the parser to work on [09:27:57.0000] <Hixie> found it [09:28:02.0000] <Hixie> it's set in the "Page load processing model for..." sections [09:28:18.0000] <Hixie> e.g. "When an HTML document is to be loaded in a browsing context, the user agent must queue a task to create a Document object, mark it as being an HTML document, set its content type to "text/html", create an HTML parser, and associate it with the document." [09:28:24.0000] <dglazkov> good morning, Whatwg! [09:28:41.0000] <Hixie> found by searching for the Dependencies section in HTML, DOM subsection, finding "content type", and clicking on that [09:30:10.0000] <jgraham> So that doesn't say what happens for XML files [09:30:31.0000] <Hixie> oh, so it doesn't [09:30:32.0000] <Hixie> how odd [09:30:36.0000] <Hixie> looks like that one section omits it [09:31:03.0000] <jgraham> I started here [09:31:05.0000] <jgraham> http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-xhtml-syntax.html#parsing-xhtml-documents [09:31:11.0000] <jgraham> Which didn't really help [09:31:17.0000] <Hixie> oh, i see why [09:31:44.0000] <jgraham> But it does make me wonder when the XML parser can implicitly create a Document and what happens in that case [09:31:46.0000] <Hixie> i don't actually create the document for XML documents, nor parse it [09:31:52.0000] <Hixie> because that's supposed to be defined in the XML specs [09:31:54.0000] <Hixie> "When faced with displaying an XML file inline, user agents must first create a Document object, following the requirements of the XML and Namespaces in XML recommendations, RFC 3023, DOM, and other relevant specifications. [XML] [XMLNS] [RFC3023] [DOM]" [09:32:18.0000] <Hixie> hence later statements like "If the root element, as parsed according to the XML specifications cited above..." [09:32:39.0000] <Hixie> i can add a big warning there about how this isn't actually defined yet [09:32:47.0000] <Hixie> if you like [09:33:14.0000] <Hixie> or we can just ignore it on the assumption that xml is going to die soon enough anyway (that's at least what abarth and crew keep threatening) [09:34:02.0000] <jgraham> Well given the current text in DOM, you would be fogiven for thinking that would create an application/xml contentType always [09:34:08.0000] <jgraham> *forgiven [09:34:18.0000] <Hixie> it's not just contentType that doesn't get initialised here [09:34:32.0000] <Hixie> there's literally no requirement to invoke the XML parser [09:34:40.0000] <Hixie> (also, no definition of what an XML parser is) [09:34:50.0000] <Hixie> (nor how the XML spec maps to DOM) [09:36:03.0000] <jgraham> Interestingly "create a Document Object" doesn't seem to actually create a document object [09:36:09.0000] <Hixie> right [09:36:35.0000] <Hixie> that's just saying what should happen when the XML spec creates the object [09:36:46.0000] <Hixie> like i said, that section is assuming the XML specs define all this [09:37:35.0000] <jgraham> Well what actually create a HTML document then? [09:37:53.0000] <jgraham> i.e. a text/html Document [09:38:01.0000] <Hixie> the mythical "XML parser and DOM" spec [09:38:11.0000] <Hixie> oh for HTML [09:38:36.0000] <Hixie> well for HTML it doesn't say "create it as defined elsewhere" [09:38:38.0000] <Hixie> it just says "create it" [09:39:30.0000] <jgraham> I see "the user agent must queue a task to _create a Document object_", but following the link we get to an algorithm that assumes that the document has already been created [09:39:56.0000] <Hixie> "creade a Document object" is just a literal statement [09:40:02.0000] <Hixie> i suppose i could make the cross-references less confusing [09:41:05.0000] <jgraham> Well, ideally there would be a step that says "let /document/ be a new Document object" [09:41:24.0000] <Hixie> that's what the four words "create a Document object" mean [09:41:54.0000] <Hixie> it's just confusing because it hyperlinks to the implications thereof [09:41:54.0000] <jgraham> As a hyperlink they mean "do whatever the algorithm at the other end of the link says" [09:41:58.0000] <Hixie> right [09:42:24.0000] <jgraham> Which doesn't include actually creating a document object :) [09:46:16.0000] <Hixie> jgraham: k, let me poke at this [10:00:57.0000] <Hixie> jgraham: alright, look now (singlepage only) [10:01:05.0000] <Ms2ger> GPHemsley, yes, of course, thank you, and sorry for dropping the ball there [10:01:13.0000] <Hixie> jgraham: (uh, one sec) [10:01:21.0000] <Ms2ger> It's always at the end of my todo list :/ [10:01:24.0000] <Ms2ger> dglazkov, ping [10:01:25.0000] <Hixie> jgraham: (ok, ready) [10:05:21.0000] <jgraham> Hixie: lgtm [10:05:26.0000] <jgraham> Thanks [10:05:48.0000] <Hixie> thank _you_! [10:21:01.0000] <Ms2ger> "Add a couple of ImageData() constructors, and (in order to make that feasible) drop all the HD stuff on <canvas>." [10:21:02.0000] <Ms2ger> Woop [10:26:57.0000] <Ms2ger> Hixie, ping [10:27:00.0000] <Hixie> po [10:27:01.0000] <Hixie> er [10:27:03.0000] <Hixie> yo [10:27:04.0000] <Hixie> or pong [10:27:05.0000] <Hixie> whatever [10:27:10.0000] <Ms2ger> Heh [10:27:37.0000] <Ms2ger> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=24224 [10:28:03.0000] <Ms2ger> Looks like that changed the behaviour of document.title = "" to not create a text node where it did before [10:28:08.0000] <Ms2ger> Was that intentional? [10:30:46.0000] <Hixie> Ms2ger: it was not [10:31:25.0000] <Hixie> Ms2ger: i was trying to make the mutation observer stuff work [10:31:50.0000] <Hixie> Ms2ger: if browsers do create an empty node, can you reopen the bug and try to explain how i should be doing this? [10:31:56.0000] <Hixie> Ms2ger: i don't fully follow the mutation observer stuff [10:32:19.0000] <Ms2ger> /me looks where his test is [10:33:20.0000] <Ms2ger> var title = document.documentElement.firstChild.lastChild.firstChild; [10:33:20.0000] <Ms2ger> assert_true(title, "Need a node."); [10:33:24.0000] <Ms2ger> >.< [10:35:24.0000] <Ms2ger> http://w3c-test.org/web-platform-tests/master/html/dom/documents/dom-tree-accessors/document.title-06.html [10:35:37.0000] <Ms2ger> Gecko returns null [10:35:47.0000] <Ms2ger> Chrome returns a text node [10:36:09.0000] <Ms2ger> /me pulls up IE [10:38:42.0000] <dglazkov> Ms2ger: yo [10:38:45.0000] <Hixie> Ms2ger: safari says "assert_true: Need a node. expected true got Text node ""(...)" [10:39:01.0000] <Ms2ger> Yeah, that's because I write buggy tests :) [10:39:10.0000] <Ms2ger> So that matches Chrome and the old spec [10:39:39.0000] <Ms2ger> dglazkov, hey, there's a bunch of outstanding PRs on web-platform-tests for componentsy things, do you know anybody who could review? [10:39:54.0000] <Hixie> Ms2ger: what does IE do? [10:39:59.0000] <dglazkov> Ms2ger: yes, just send them my way. I may have lost track. [10:40:12.0000] <dglazkov> "may have" -> "definitely" [10:40:21.0000] <dglazkov> long vacations are great [10:41:08.0000] <Ms2ger> Hixie, looking [10:41:22.0000] <Ms2ger> IE doesn't load my test [10:42:23.0000] <Ms2ger> (And clocked content due to certificate errors... On msn.com, the default homepage) [10:44:24.0000] <Ms2ger> And it can't load the live dom viewer either [10:44:29.0000] <Hixie> o_O [10:44:37.0000] <Ms2ger> Anyone got IE? :) [10:44:38.0000] <Hixie> i have the worst luck testing IE [10:47:13.0000] <Ms2ger> Getting browserstack results from bz [10:48:05.0000] <jgraham> Pretty sure luck has nothing to do with it [10:48:32.0000] <Ms2ger> IE matches the new spec [10:48:40.0000] <jgraham> If I was at Microsoft I would totally do if username() == "Hixie" {do_crazy_shit()} [10:49:44.0000] <Ms2ger> Hixie, so I guess I'm fine with the change [10:49:49.0000] <Hixie> Ms2ger: k [11:07:04.0000] <Ms2ger> abarth, ping [11:13:37.0000] <Ms2ger> dglazkov, you should add a filter on critic [11:21:52.0000] <dglazkov> Ms2ger: teach me? [11:23:21.0000] <Ms2ger> Go to https://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/home [11:23:36.0000] <jgraham> Click "Add Filter" [11:24:04.0000] <jgraham> Select the web-platform-tests repo [11:24:17.0000] <jgraham> Enter the path to web-components [11:24:49.0000] <jgraham> After you are done, make sure that you have entered your email address so that you get mail [11:26:36.0000] <Ms2ger> And the shadow-dom path [11:26:42.0000] <Ms2ger> dglazkov, ^ [11:27:38.0000] <Ms2ger> (Log in with github credentials) [11:28:28.0000] <Ms2ger> foolip, <3 [11:29:32.0000] <jgraham> Woah [11:29:39.0000] <jgraham> I thought foolip was having a weekend [11:29:58.0000] <dglazkov> yay, thanks! [11:31:28.0000] <Ms2ger> dglazkov, does your dashboard have things now? [11:31:34.0000] <jgraham> https://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/dashboard [11:33:02.0000] <dglazkov> yes, they say "active", but all of them have already been closed, I think? Still clicking... [11:33:23.0000] <dglazkov> I don't get critic I guess [11:33:52.0000] <jgraham> dglazkov: There might be some that are out of sync due to historical bugs [11:35:00.0000] <Ms2ger> Yeah [11:35:14.0000] <Ms2ger> There are still open ones, though... [11:36:02.0000] <Ms2ger> Like https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/173 which doesn't have a critic review [11:36:03.0000] <Ms2ger> jgraham, ^ [11:36:25.0000] <Ms2ger> And https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/178 [11:39:06.0000] <jgraham> dglazkov: I dropped all the ones that were closed [11:42:48.0000] <jgraham> Uh, 173 did have a review until I dropped it just now :) [11:42:59.0000] <jgraham> No comment from critic though [11:43:10.0000] <jgraham> https://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/r/157 [11:43:25.0000] <Ms2ger> Aha [11:44:05.0000] <jgraham> dglazkov: 5 reviews that would benefit from your attention unless I am miscounting [11:44:37.0000] <Ms2ger> /me sees 6 on gh [11:45:19.0000] <Ms2ger> Or 5 [11:45:28.0000] <Ms2ger> /me isn't sure he can count [11:45:42.0000] <jgraham> I see 4 now [11:46:26.0000] <jgraham> PR #s 173, 221, 278, 29 [11:46:29.0000] <jgraham> 8 [11:46:39.0000] <Ms2ger> 173 178 184 194 221 278 [11:47:19.0000] <jgraham> Uh, so that's not much overlap :) [11:47:54.0000] <jgraham> Ah, right 178 is the one I just fixed [11:48:05.0000] <Ms2ger> Looks like I counted imports (which should be html-imports) too [11:49:34.0000] <jgraham> OK, all those are in critic [11:49:45.0000] <jgraham> dglazkov: You also need a filter for imports/ [11:50:23.0000] <jgraham> Or maybe not? [11:50:51.0000] <jgraham> Yeah, that doesn't exist [11:50:58.0000] <Ms2ger> Not in master [11:51:06.0000] <jgraham> Oh, I see [11:51:14.0000] <jgraham> Which PR adds it? [11:51:30.0000] <Ms2ger> 178 [11:52:17.0000] <jgraham> /me adds dglazkov to the list of reviewers for that review [11:52:40.0000] <jgraham> Ms2ger: Please comment on the incorrect directory name [11:53:22.0000] <Ms2ger> jgraham, tobie did: https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/178#issuecomment-21849903 [11:55:31.0000] <jgraham> OK [11:56:13.0000] <Ms2ger> Does https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/188 have a review? [12:04:13.0000] <Ms2ger> gsnedders, want to write a test for https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=24233? [12:05:34.0000] <gsnedders> Ms2ger: File a bug on html5lib-tests? [12:06:02.0000] <Ms2ger> gsnedders, want to file a bug on html5lib-tests? [12:06:11.0000] <gsnedders> Ms2ger: no [12:06:16.0000] <Ms2ger> :( [12:12:56.0000] <Ms2ger> gsnedders, do I just add it to the tests##.dat with the highest number? [12:13:24.0000] <gsnedders> Ms2ger: You look for any vaguely similar tests and add it there. [12:14:50.0000] <Ms2ger> gsnedders, do I need to get #errors right or will some fairy do that for me? [12:15:39.0000] <gsnedders> Ms2ger: I typically just throw in whatever html5lib gives. Which given that isn't up to date, and has never been perfect with the errors, probably isn't quite right. [12:16:22.0000] <Ms2ger> How do I get the errors out of html5lib? [12:26:00.0000] <Ms2ger> gsnedders, or r? https://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/r/577 [12:29:07.0000] <Ms2ger> function successCallback(position) { [12:29:07.0000] <Ms2ger> test(function() {assert_true(true)},"Success Callback called"); [12:40:59.0000] <gsnedders> Ms2ger: Nah, that means reading the spec. :) [12:41:23.0000] <gsnedders> (I really don't feel that well at the moment, so anything that involves more than possibly witty responses on IRC is overdoing it.) [12:43:44.0000] <Ms2ger> Alright [12:45:47.0000] <Ms2ger> "Ms2ger reopened the pull request in a few seconds" [12:45:48.0000] <Ms2ger> Whoa [12:48:22.0000] <Ms2ger> jgraham, https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/160 doesn't seem to get a review [12:50:12.0000] <gsnedders> Ms2ger: Someone badly needs to go through all the spec changes in god-knows-how-long as make sure html5lib has tests to assert the currently correct behaviour :( [12:50:28.0000] <Ms2ger> Not just for html5lib :) [12:50:52.0000] <Ms2ger> I'd like a way to attach tests to svn revisions [12:55:36.0000] <gsnedders> I love Chromium's new issue wizard. [12:56:01.0000] <gsnedders> I'm not sure what the steps to reproduce testsuite updates are. [12:56:35.0000] <gsnedders> 1. Go to the Chromium repo, notice they're different from upstream; 2. Observe the upstream version is newer [13:06:14.0000] <gsnedders> https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=335691 — you want steps? you get steps! [13:27:39.0000] <jamesr__> gsnedders: i cc'd some folks for you [13:28:08.0000] <jamesr__> not sure what you mean by the LGPL comment [13:28:39.0000] <Ms2ger> jamesr__, everything in the repo is lgpl by default? [13:29:05.0000] <jamesr__> it is? why? [13:29:28.0000] <jamesr__> there is some LGPL code in blink but it's the vast minority [13:29:30.0000] <Ms2ger> I would guess that was gsnedders's assumption [13:30:01.0000] <gsnedders> jamesr__: follow parent directories until you reach a license file. [13:30:45.0000] <jamesr__> gsnedders: what's the one you are hitting? [13:31:25.0000] <gsnedders> jamesr__: Oh, this has changed from last time I did this. It's now nothing until chromium/src/LICENSE, which is 3-clause BSD [13:40:03.0000] <gsnedders> jamesr__: But thanks for CC'ing people [13:47:44.0000] <GPHemsley> annevk: Any other XML-based image type would be treated just the same. You would never sniff an XML type. [13:48:19.0000] <GPHemsley> Ms2ger: That's alright, I dropped it too. But I needed it fixed in order to continue with mimesniff. And it turned out to be a lot easier than I thought. [13:51:42.0000] <Hixie> so https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=20701#c119 makes every Window and Location have multiple instances [13:51:52.0000] <Hixie> so i can't refer to "the Window object" any more [13:52:21.0000] <Hixie> anyone got any bright ideas on how i do that without having to modify all 481 occurrences of Window in the spec? [13:55:00.0000] <GPHemsley> can you talk about "a non-native Window object" as distinct from "the Window object"? [13:55:15.0000] <GPHemsley> or a "Window-derived object" [13:55:19.0000] <GPHemsley> or what have you [13:55:25.0000] <GPHemsley> (I'm not clear on the full context) [14:00:01.0000] <Hixie> maybe... [14:06:00.0000] <Hixie> though i'm sure a lot of the spec talks about "the Window object of..." which will always have to be special-cased which would be a huge pain [14:09:38.0000] <Hixie> man the assumption that there's just one Window is really hard-baked into the spec [14:19:13.0000] <jamesr__> gsnedders: (i don't know the exact licensing details of these files, but i'd doubt it's LGPL. hopefully one of the cc'd folks can say for real) [14:21:48.0000] <jamesr__> gsnedders: also what is 3-clause BSD incompatible with? [14:29:43.0000] <Ms2ger> html5lib-tests is MIT, fwiw [14:33:17.0000] <jamesr__> right - are those incompatible with each other? [14:34:53.0000] <Hixie> mixing MIT and BSD is fine [14:35:01.0000] <Hixie> so long as you follow the respective licenses [14:35:10.0000] <Hixie> (i.e. include the copyright notice in redistributed stuff, mainly) [14:53:17.0000] <jamesr__> yeah need the notice [15:38:27.0000] <jgraham> If it is 3-clause BSD it would be nice to get it relicensed as MIT for html5lib [15:38:43.0000] <jgraham> Better than having multiple licenses in that repository 2014-01-18 [16:51:19.0000] <Hixie> MikeSmith: Error: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'db.w3.org' (111) [16:57:05.0000] <Hixie> nm [19:50:18.0000] <JonathanNeal> hi [20:52:36.0000] <MikeSmith> Hixie: may have been due to being down temporarily for maintenance [20:53:45.0000] <MikeSmith> I vaguely recall hearing about some plans for maintenance [01:25:49.0000] <wefo> Is it faster to NOT have a context.globalAlpha call, or have it and make its value 1.0 (or whatever means 100% visible)? [01:26:08.0000] <wefo> I'm wondering if I should have an if () that checks if it should be used. [03:28:55.0000] <annevk> GPHemsley: so yeah, XML MIME types are definitely sniffed for <img> purposes [03:29:16.0000] <annevk> GPHemsley: did you test this? [03:43:57.0000] <annevk> A Nevil Brownlee has no sense of humor: http://www.rfc-editor.org/errata_search.php?rfc=2549&eid=3793 [03:46:40.0000] <gsnedders> jamesr__: Waht jgraham said. Sure, we can include both 3-clause BSD and 2-clause BSD/MIT, but it's a lot nicer to just have everything consistently licensed. Esp. given they've been upstraemed before. [04:49:05.0000] <Ms2ger> zcorpan: r? https://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/r/586 [04:56:48.0000] <Ms2ger> "The W3C Updates Process for More Agile Standards Development" [04:56:58.0000] <Ms2ger> Which seems to mean: go CSSWG [04:57:04.0000] <Ms2ger> (http://blogs.adobe.com/standards/2014/01/18/the-w3c-updates-process-for-more-agile-standards-development/) [05:36:43.0000] <MikeSmith> annevk-cloud: heh [05:52:40.0000] <gsnedders> Ms2ger: GO GREASED LIGHTNING! [07:11:38.0000] <wefo> I've gots to have me a local API documentation/lookup of some sort. I can't keep going to MozDev and searching for stuff constantly. I use Notepad++ and I want to know what the arguments are for the variations of Canvas 2D drawImage(...) without spending ten minutes searching for it. Can you offer any good ideas to solve this problem? [12:24:24.0000] <JonathanNeal> Are there examples of the template element being used in a situation where part of the template is looped? [12:25:42.0000] <JonathanNeal> Like, in the scenario of <nav><ul>{begin loop over data}<li></li>{end looping}</ul></nav>? [13:40:30.0000] <a-ja> Hixie: ping [13:43:37.0000] <a-ja> Hixie: last checkin... <code data-x="attr-aria-role-directory">group</code> should be <code data-x="attr-aria-role-group">group</code> ?? (two occurrences) 2014-01-19 [16:29:45.0000] <Hixie> a-ja: thanks [17:58:36.0000] <GPHemsley> TabAtkins: If a `display: list-item' element does not also have an explicit counter associated with it, should there be a default counter that increments? [17:59:30.0000] <GPHemsley> "Additionally, list items automatically increment the special list-item counter. Unless the counter-increment property manually specifies a different increment for the list-item counter, it must be incremented by 1 on every list item, at the same time that counters are normally incremented." [17:59:36.0000] <GPHemsley> /me takes this as a yes. [19:35:34.0000] <Itprotj> Hey guys, on verifying my HTML5 Website I'm getting a: [19:35:34.0000] <Itprotj> Line 7, Column 111: Bad value google-translate-customization for attribute name on element meta: Keyword google-translate-customization is not registered. [19:35:35.0000] <Itprotj> …tomization" content="a940027e7f997750-6e3cf3faa4816ec1-g9f154a7bf834cf45-13" /> [19:35:35.0000] <Itprotj> I've checked the WHATWG wiki and "google-translate-customization" is an allowed metadata name but still it does not verify.. can anyone help please? [19:44:47.0000] <Hixie> Itprotj: it can take some time for the validators to update [19:46:55.0000] <Itprotj> Thanks Hixie, I noticed there was at least one person that had a similar issue and reported it mid 2013 but he was told the problem was "fixed" [19:47:13.0000] <Itprotj> Alas I shall wait, fingers crossed it doesnt take long. I use the W3 validator too [19:50:49.0000] <MikeSmith> Itprotj: I will add that to the validator later today or tomorrow [19:50:58.0000] <dekiss> hm are custom meta tags part of the spec? [19:52:23.0000] <MikeSmith> Itprotj: ping me here again tomorrow or so to remind me, if I've not gotten to it yet [20:01:59.0000] <Itprotj> Thanks Mike, Will do! [09:26:57.0000] <MikeSmith> Itprotj: I don't actually find any documentation about meta name="google-translate-customization" at https://support.google.com/translate/?hl=en or anywhere else [09:35:52.0000] <rektide> now that HTML has opted to free itself from the shackles of XML, why can <script/> tags not be self-closing? [09:35:57.0000] <rektide> so much ugly [09:36:05.0000] <rektide> so little good reason [09:36:43.0000] <tantek> the usual, backward compat, presumably. [09:37:45.0000] <rektide> so, free from shackles of XML, something else entirely, and yet only with regards to namespaces [09:37:48.0000] <rektide> i want my money back [09:37:58.0000] <rektide> the cake was a lie [09:38:29.0000] <rektide> i'd love if someone could imagine a use case that would actually break [09:38:44.0000] <rektide> because i cannot think of a place where anyone wouldn't close script [09:39:42.0000] <rektide> fix <script> tag, make it not the tag that hit every ugly branch on the DTD on the way down [09:50:57.0000] <gsnedders> rektide: WebKit used to allow self-closed script elements, they had a fair bit break because of it. [10:10:03.0000] <MikeSmith> self-closing tags are XML-think [10:37:43.0000] <wefo> What exactly does clearRect do? [10:37:48.0000] <wefo> What does "clearing" a rectangle mean? [10:37:56.0000] <wefo> I always rectFill with #000. [10:38:04.0000] <wefo> Because I want to be sure it "clears" with black. [10:38:12.0000] <wefo> What does clearRect do? [11:18:25.0000] <jgraham> (foolip++)**N for N>>1 [11:26:44.0000] <jgraham> MikeSmith: Can you do the last bit of https://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/r/590, please? [12:09:08.0000] <wefo> What exactly does clearRect do? What does "clearing" a rectangle mean? I always rectFill with #000. Because I want to be sure it "clears" with black. What does clearRect do? [15:59:29.0000] <gsnedders> Ergh, do we have to change UTF-8 to utf-8? It's uppercase almost everywhere, and we do a case-insensitive match, so it's not like the normative form matters much — may as well pave-the-cowpath (and be consistent with earlier standards) and call it UTF-8. [15:59:49.0000] <Hixie> change where? [15:59:52.0000] <Hixie> i call it UTF-8 2014-01-20 [16:00:06.0000] <Hixie> in prose, at least [16:00:17.0000] <gsnedders> Hixie: Web Encodings [16:00:32.0000] <gsnedders> Or rather Encoding as it seems to now be called. [16:00:50.0000] <Hixie> like, change it within the spec? isn't that up to anne? [16:02:04.0000] <gsnedders> /me wonders if <!doctype html><meta charset=UTF-8><title>t is conforming [16:02:15.0000] "Authors must use the utf-8 encoding and must use the "utf-8" label to identify it." [16:02:47.0000] Hixie: From my reading of this, the normative name of the encoding is lowercase. [16:03:28.0000] i.e., the encoding is called "utf-8" and not "UTF-8", so if you're calling it "UTF-8" you're doing it wrong [16:03:53.0000] gsnedders: i just define UTF-8 = utf-8 and move on with my life :-) [16:04:27.0000] (As for that snippet, the label isn't per-se case-insensitive, so prima-facie is against that.) [16:04:37.0000] (I also don't get what's wrong with ) [16:06:58.0000] Like, I'm perfectly fine with wanting to get rid of unicode-1-1-utf-8 as a label. But utf8 or utf-8 really doesn't make a damned bit of difference, and trying to force everyone to use one is likely just going to cause confusion. [16:07:54.0000] annevk-cloud: ^^ [16:21:45.0000] gsnedders: The "get an encoding" (from a label) algorithm lower-cases the input before looking up [16:22:39.0000] is there anything that says authors should use the canonical "name" rather than any "label" ? [16:23:33.0000] SimonSapin: Yes, that's getting an encoding from a label. [16:23:44.0000] SimonSapin: That's not authors-must-use-this-label. [16:24:01.0000] is the latter a requirement? [16:24:11.0000] "Authors must use the utf-8 encoding and must use the "utf-8" label to identify it." [16:25:15.0000] The label as defined is that literal string of characters. Nothing says you're allowed to use that ASCII case-insensitively. Nothing says you're allowed to use the "utf8" label. [16:25:27.0000] hum, ok [16:25:55.0000] To me, at least, that's fucking stupid. It makes huge numbers of documents non-conforming for I'm-not-sure-what-good. [16:26:02.0000] s/what-good/what good/ [16:26:07.0000] agreed [16:26:56.0000] Also the fact the encoding is now named "utf-8" when almost everywhere actually calls it "UTF-8" is a completely needless change. [16:26:56.0000] personally I just don’t care about being "conforming" to that kind of requirements, but meh [16:30:19.0000] data:text/html;charset=utf8, is UTF-8 upper case in Gecko and Blink [16:30:28.0000] Non-conforming! [16:41:22.0000] /me starts writing JS and realizes how long it's been since he's written much JS to run in the browser [16:41:28.0000] /me has spent too long in JS shells :) [16:45:27.0000] Do data URIs in iframes load async? [17:01:31.0000] Hixie here? [17:01:48.0000] you gave me to work on one bug but I am confused :S [17:01:58.0000] I don't really understand what I need to do [17:02:30.0000] should I come up with a way for how can websites like caniuse.com be connected to the html spec? [17:02:45.0000] for checking browser's implementation of certain features [17:19:58.0000] https://github.com/gsnedders/encoding-spec-names is a rough TC to check this [17:48:35.0000] is it ok to place on the same level as div? [17:51:17.0000] google.com has 28 errors [17:52:18.0000] wikipedia 14 [17:53:09.0000] guys, can you depend on sites caniuse.com to officialy check what is the browsers implementation of certain features? [17:53:15.0000] I am not sure how serious is that [17:53:43.0000] I think the web lacks official "tool" for tracking browsers impementation of certain features [18:05:37.0000] dekiss: yeah, the idea is to have some sort of mechanism whereby the html spec can have automatically updated annotations saying which parts are implemented and which aren't [18:06:02.0000] dekiss: i don't mind if we rely on caniuse.com, or something else [18:06:07.0000] or even merge many things together [18:07:31.0000] I think this will be very nice [18:07:53.0000] oh I really think html lacks this so much and will be of much use [18:08:35.0000] Hixie but honestly I am not sure if it is good ieda to rely on some websites, I don't know who is behind those websites, if it is trsutable person-organization that it is ok I think [18:14:05.0000] dekiss: it's what web devs rely on already [18:14:12.0000] dekiss: if it turns out to be unreliable, we change it [18:14:22.0000] dekiss: better something than nothing [18:14:27.0000] dekiss: and better anything than what we have now [18:15:29.0000] Hixie you are right on this [18:18:22.0000] hmm [18:18:31.0000] do we not like those? [18:38:20.0000] Hixie: does HTML have a lot of ad-hoc syntaxes like this? http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/common-microsyntaxes.html#rules-for-parsing-dimension-values [18:39:08.0000] A Servo contributed was tempted to implement it with the CSS tokenizer… and I think it might be equivalent [18:39:16.0000] except for CSS comments [18:40:01.0000] So, would it be useful to you if CSS Syntax defined a "tokenize without comments" primitive, that other specs can use? [18:40:05.0000] TabAtkins: ^ [18:40:52.0000] (TabAtkins: didn’t SVG want this as well?) [18:52:23.0000] Domenic_: it tends to make me use the passive voice, so i avoid it [18:52:33.0000] Domenic_: i had some difficulties with spec text i'd written that used shall [18:52:38.0000] Domenic_: so i stopped using it [19:24:43.0000] MikeSmith: Sorry, you were saying there was no documentation for the "Google-translate-customization" tag? [19:29:48.0000] MikeSmith: If it helps this is the full tag I use It provides a Google Translate box to choose different languages for the website [19:32:28.0000] are those custom meta tags part of the specification? [19:32:59.0000] According to "http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/MetaExtensions" the tag is in the status of Proposal [19:33:12.0000] hmm let me see [19:33:15.0000] Which makes me think it should be validating correctly [19:34:34.0000] all are proposal [19:35:52.0000] I am not sure if it is good idea custom meta tags to be added to the specification [19:36:19.0000] because if Google for example decide to change the meta tag, or imagine 5000 companies decide to change the tags [19:36:42.0000] it willo involve a lot of work to change the specification and there might be constant work [19:36:50.0000] to track custom meta tags changes [19:37:21.0000] What would my options be then? [19:37:37.0000] how you mean [19:37:45.0000] well browser implement then unnoficially [19:37:49.0000] they are like semi official [19:38:08.0000] I mean widely suported it is publicly known, but officially not in the HTML spec [19:38:37.0000] I think it is ok for you to use anything that is out of the html specification, but you should be aware that not all browsers might support it [19:42:49.0000] Okay it is just a concern that I would like to stay HTML5 validated whilst also keeping a Translate box for overseas viewers [19:50:36.0000] I think that is good, I will try to make 100% valid website in the next few days [19:51:17.0000] however in the past I think I was inable to do so, because it was pretty much immposible for me to do some things which I wanted to make, without making the site not 100% valid [19:52:21.0000] I really think there should be massive campaign to influence developers to drop support for old browsers and bad browsers [19:52:31.0000] this came to ridicilous level now [19:52:44.0000] it is not a way to go, I think [19:53:20.0000] ideally browsers makers should make the browsers to autoupdate [19:53:58.0000] also Microsoft including Internet Explorer in the Windows, which had many BIG mistakes it was so sad [19:54:16.0000] finally Internet Explorer 11 is ok I think, at least I hear so and my pages look ok on it [19:55:31.0000] there should not be 1000 libraries to make this job easy to developers, this is not a way to go, it is slowing the internet progress. It should be done other way. Also I am against any libraries [19:55:35.0000] like jQuery [19:56:00.0000] recently I want a lot of developers who don't know Javascript or DOM but know jQuery [19:56:03.0000] heh [19:56:20.0000] not a way to go [20:00:01.0000] I don't want to be understood wrongly but I must say this, I think the guy who makes jQuery is really good programmer talented, but to dedicate life to something that is not the right way to do it I can't understand, I really think he should be involved in html, css, ecmascript development [20:00:06.0000] and other things that matter [20:00:46.0000] I can't work in something that I don't believe it is a good thing to do [20:00:53.0000] and will do world and people good - progress [20:33:13.0000] I make this statements after I see 9 from 10 job posts on freelance websites are - Company offers position for Wordpress plugin fix developper [20:33:14.0000] :D [23:27:27.0000] /me should get foolip some chocolate too :) [23:28:10.0000] [23:28:12.0000] Ugh. [23:29:43.0000] Where is that from? [23:30:18.0000] https://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/r/592 [23:31:23.0000] I cannot access that if not signed into GitHub. Curious [23:34:24.0000] Oh gsnedders, I recommend filing a bug rather than ranting on IRC. You might find it more relaxing ;) [23:35:26.0000] /me wonders what foolip did [23:56:26.0000] annevk-cloud: not me! [00:00:48.0000] annevk, reviews [00:02:02.0000] wefo, I'm sure the spec explains what clearRect does: whatwg.org/html [00:14:40.0000] Not clearly. [00:17:01.0000] SimonSapin: SVG was going to see if they can just allow comments, and thus use the full CSS tokenizer. (They probably can.) [00:17:16.0000] TabAtkins, this is HTML, though [00:17:43.0000] SimonSapin: HTML *might* also be able to accept comments, but I'd also be fine with defining a tokenizer mode that disallowed comments. [00:18:02.0000] (Or rather, that emitted the / and * as delims.) [00:18:42.0000] Ms2ger: Right, but I'm unsure if there'd actually be any compat requiring /**/ comments to invalidate the attribute or whatever. [00:20:04.0000] Otoh, it seems like a lot of spec/impl/test work that would use time that could be better spent elsewhere [00:21:12.0000] GPHemsley: Yes, they *should* increment the list-item counter. That said, wk/b do *not* implement that counter. We don't actually use CSS Counters at all for ul/ol, because they're too slow. [00:22:16.0000] Ms2ger: Right, that's certainly true, and it would be easy on my side to avoid it by defining a comment-free mode. I suspect that with that change, switching to using the CSS tokenizer rather than specialized microsyntaxes would be very little change, if any. (But I'd have to actually look at the spec text, which I haven't done yet.) [00:23:07.0000] Well, implementing a comment-free mode is still Work(tm) [00:23:56.0000] That'd reduce testing time and possible web compat, but increase QA time to verify that nothing actually changed [00:25:30.0000] Anyway :) [00:26:46.0000] /me wonders if Operians will come to fosdem [00:28:48.0000] TabAtkins, "if i have 200x100 ; if i set size if img to 400; this case what is the height?; 200? 100?" [00:29:01.0000] Looks like it's 200, but do you have a spec pointer? :) [00:38:12.0000] jgraham: doing the last bit of that PR now [00:41:09.0000] TabAtkins, I think http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-images/#default-sizing [00:51:23.0000] jgraham: done [00:51:43.0000] you want me to merge it? [00:59:23.0000] marcosc: curious about what's "background actor stuff" [00:59:40.0000] MikeSmith: more context? [00:59:59.0000] not sure what you mean [01:05:42.0000] MikeSmith: Sure and thanks [01:08:27.0000] MikeSmith: oh, you mean in the roadmap [01:08:46.0000] /me had to google "background actor stuff" [01:08:48.0000] :) [01:09:57.0000] MikeSmith: we are going to write a blog post to explain why we are doing what we are doing, I think. There is a Moz workweek happening next week, so I'm sure a lot that stuff will get clarified and updated. [01:10:29.0000] Ah, the jst work week [01:10:46.0000] yep [01:12:06.0000] On my way to Heathrow for that and some informal service worker thingie this week [01:12:36.0000] Good flight [01:12:48.0000] To prevent jet lag I am already tired [01:13:16.0000] Thanks Ms2ger [01:14:31.0000] marcosc: ok [01:29:08.0000] "Tip for admins: instead of sub1.example.com use sandbox.sub1.example.com, which will limit impact of the cookie bomb to .sub1.example.com zone." is incorrect, isn't it? http://homakov.blogspot.fi/2014/01/cookie-bomb-or-lets-break-internet.html [01:40:34.0000] Yeah, we use public suffix for Effective TLD determination [03:25:47.0000] ffffffn9#\M:gI [03:27:13.0000] looks like Lachy_ passed out on his keyboard ... again [03:51:52.0000] he typed the hex code for black there first [03:55:12.0000] or maybe he was writing a self description and he only got as far as the f in "foxy" [03:55:24.0000] WTF? How did that happen? [03:57:41.0000] wait it seems like he is actually typing an autobiography [03:57:55.0000] Lachy: Either you say on your keyboard (in which case we won't ask), or you are hurredly changing your bank password ;) [03:59:15.0000] *sat [04:00:39.0000] It's my login password for my computer. Not sure how it got entered into here. My computer seemed was frozen at the time I tried entering it. [04:00:39.0000] Or you blame the cat [04:00:47.0000] at least, part of it is [04:04:02.0000] I think most security experts recommend against using IRC to log in to your computer [04:04:43.0000] It turns out that most "security experts" are NSA shills, so you should probably do the opposite of what those guys say [04:05:40.0000] Oh, okay [04:05:42.0000] hunter2 [04:07:31.0000] rofl [04:18:43.0000] annevk-cloud: Nah, ranting on IRC is more relaxing. Less productive, but more relatxing. [04:18:58.0000] annevk-cloud: I will file a bug, however :) [04:20:02.0000] jgraham: It depends on what advice they give. [04:20:18.0000] If they give the advice to use the "cloud" in any manner, they are NSA shills. [04:20:29.0000] If they give the advice to smack every cellphone you see, they are not. [04:21:25.0000] Just the thought that my computer might have shipped with custom hardware/firmware makes me angry. [04:21:55.0000] It's so dishonest. [04:22:05.0000] If at least it was snooping on plaintext communication over the network. [04:22:21.0000] Then they would just be cunts. [04:22:34.0000] Now they are below subhuman. [04:24:04.0000] wefo: You might accidentially have taken something I said seriously [04:26:13.0000] Yeah, silly me for not laughing everything away. [04:26:42.0000] I guess I meant to say: "ya lol dat b dope ur a tinfoil hat lulz u fink ur so importent lol r u high dawg" [04:27:08.0000] Good good [04:42:04.0000] somebody forgot to ring the bell for the 4001st w-p-t commit [04:42:43.0000] /me rings [05:22:57.0000] heycam|away: pls fix https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=22646 kthxbye [05:24:53.0000] MikeSmith: how is ffffff black? [05:25:20.0000] because it is? [05:25:30.0000] either that or it's white [05:25:49.0000] it's white in css at least [05:26:06.0000] clearly I meant white [05:26:17.0000] read between the lines, man [05:26:34.0000] that's what the NSA pays you for!! [05:27:11.0000] I can see that MikeSmith will get himself killed at the next Zebra crossing [05:27:17.0000] yeah but i also get paid for acting like i don't [05:32:29.0000] hi everybody [05:48:23.0000] /me wonders why Google thinks the title of http://hoppipolla.co.uk/410/results.html is "Web Platform Tests Results - Mozilla XPath Documentation" [05:54:46.0000] oops, looks like i missed to git add a helper file to resolve-url [06:02:54.0000] https://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/r/597 [06:04:49.0000] Hmm, so Ubuntu decided I wanted to open http URLs in Thunderbird [06:04:59.0000] That didn't work so well [06:19:04.0000] zcorpan: What was the final word on snffing video? [06:19:15.0000] jgraham: hah [06:19:26.0000] :( [06:19:28.0000] there is no spoon [06:20:13.0000] So you have to get the Content-Type header right to ensure that a supporting browser will play the video at the moment? [06:20:28.0000] (also: I did your review) [06:35:39.0000] right [06:36:20.0000] yep, addressed it. now you have MORE lines to review. might be recursive [06:43:57.0000] zcorpan: Not recursive at all :) Merged [06:44:13.0000] great, thanks! [09:09:23.0000] Dear spotify: When your "discover" feature shows that you have a good grasp of the kinds of music I like, why are you wasting prime screen estate advertising playlists featuring Milley Cirus and One Direction at me? Also, why are you advertising at all when I am paying you money not to show me adverts (other than via the aforementioned "Discover" feature, which is actually useful and so doesn't count). [09:15:52.0000] jgraham: Because how can one not love One Direction and Milley Cirus? They are obviously the best thing ever. [10:26:46.0000] SteveF, http://www.jonathantneal.com/blog/introducing-subhead/ [11:00:40.0000] jgraham: Because spotify has learned the lessons of cable TV, which is that people forgot that they're paying you and accept advertising anyway? [11:05:01.0000] JonathanNeal: cool will read 2014-01-21 [18:50:08.0000] annevk-cloud: Hmm, looks like the distinction got lost in translation: https://github.com/whatwg/mimesniff/commit/24098021f526233ad5ba7f69eaf387b696b7032a#diff-1feda49b40370635faef8b655f144f64L1601 [18:54:07.0000] And nobody noticed for over a year :/ [19:11:57.0000] jgraham: https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/531#issuecomment-32817873 [19:14:31.0000] jgraham: the final word on video mimesniff is TBD in https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11984 [19:16:45.0000] annevk: You will find that to be the case in many problems with the mimesniff spec. [19:16:55.0000] Though it appears to be experiencing a renaissance. [19:18:33.0000] annevk: BTW, I commented more extensively on the relevant bug. [19:19:35.0000] That's not really the relevant bug, but okay [19:20:14.0000] I recommend going through the specification relative to the original specification again to make sure there are no other mistakes like this [19:26:52.0000] annevk: Is there a more relevant bug? [19:27:38.0000] annevk: Also, mimesniff is pretty far down on my list of priorities at the moment. If people raise specific issues, I'm happy to look into them, but I don't have time to re-audit the spec right now. [21:18:47.0000] anyone know if Denis Ah-Kang (deniak) is on IRC? [21:25:12.0000] foolip, he is denis on irc.w3.org:6667 [21:26:52.0000] heycam: thanks! [22:22:31.0000] foolip: Denis is around on the #testing channel when he's online [22:22:45.0000] on irc.w3.org as heycam mentioned [22:23:41.0000] Reunion Island time [00:51:56.0000] /me sees a webkit contribution to wptserve o/ [01:02:49.0000] MikeSmith, you should give https://github.com/foolip access to w-p-t [01:22:55.0000] jgraham, what's up with https://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/r/239? [01:25:10.0000] foolip: you got push access to w-p-t now [01:25:50.0000] Ta [01:28:32.0000] Ms2ger: thank you [01:28:41.0000] so is http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" in the spec now? [01:28:55.0000] https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=24341 [01:29:49.0000] eh is Content-Style-Type even an acutal header name [01:30:15.0000] Rings a vague bell [01:30:41.0000] yeah I see it around now [01:30:59.0000] 'inline styles ignored using Content-Style-Type of "text/ccs"' [01:33:02.0000] yeah but why do people use this [01:33:11.0000] they think it has some effect? [01:33:33.0000] MikeSmith: because in the future, CSS might go away and we might use XSLT in style attributes [01:33:45.0000] MikeSmith: so better declare CSS [01:33:52.0000] MikeSmith: as if the default could ever change [01:34:12.0000] also, good luck introducing another styling language for the Web [01:34:31.0000] /me waves at Dart and VBScript over in the does. [14:39:20.0000] Because having that actually insert U+10080 would be so much nicer. [14:44:09.0000] so... why did we not make optional? [15:03:33.0000] these are neither nanotasks, nor microtask checkpoints [15:03:55.0000] they are simply an auto-release pool-like barrier between UA code and user code [15:04:38.0000] dglazkov: given mutation events you'll have to define that a lot better [15:04:53.0000] so if you call an array's "sort" method with a user-code function that manipulates the DOM, do they run between each call to the sort function? [15:04:57.0000] sorter function, rather? [15:05:58.0000] theoretically yes, but in practice no, because sort function itself is incapable of introducing the relevant DOM changes [15:06:10.0000] why not? [15:06:26.0000] how? :) [15:06:29.0000] the sort function can do anything, even opening new browsing contexts and creating new documents [15:06:33.0000] it's just user code [15:06:50.0000] array.sort(function (a, b) { ...do whatever you want... }); [15:06:54.0000] by sort function I meant Array.sort [15:07:00.0000] Hixie did too [15:07:16.0000] Array.sort in itself does not do any dom changes. [15:07:17.0000] oh I see [15:07:39.0000] even if you apply it to an Element? it's a generic function, no? [15:07:42.0000] dglazkov: so what you're saying is that you are monkey patching methods and properties that do changes to the DOM [15:07:54.0000] dglazkov: to process your nanotasks or whatever you want to call them [15:07:59.0000] dglazkov: without defining that in detail [15:08:17.0000] in practice, there are actually only a few methods need that. See CustomElementCallbacks tag on the Blink idls: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/codesearch#chromium/src/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/dom/Document.idl&q=Document.idl&sq=package:chromium&type=cs [15:08:50.0000] surely if you apply JS Array.sort() to a proxy object whose user-specified internal methods ([[Get]], etc) manipulate the DOM... [15:09:38.0000] You don't even need proxies. ES5's getters/setters are enough even with the default comparator [15:10:08.0000] Hixie: it's not at all about what the proxy object does. It's what the Array.sort itself does internally. If it's applied to another object, that object will have the barriers around the things that trigger changes. [15:10:18.0000] ah [15:10:37.0000] sounds like it'd be better to define it in terms of those barriers then [15:10:51.0000] rather than all user->ua code transitions [15:10:52.0000] I was actually thinking of moving this barrier thing into a separate abstraction. It's very primitively defined in the custom elements spec [15:11:00.0000] yup [15:11:17.0000] Yeah, you want to just define this in the relevant methods I think [15:11:22.0000] because all rendering engines actually have these types of things. [15:11:39.0000] We do have it, but not exposed to web content [15:11:59.0000] And the way it works in Gecko is similar to mutation events, which we just tried to remove [15:12:01.0000] right. And I avoided it as an exposed API in custom elements [15:12:16.0000] Well these callbacks are certainly exposed [15:12:26.0000] annevk: it's different from mutation events, because the callbacks are actually only invoked at a safe point [15:12:34.0000] that's the whole point of the barrier [15:12:49.0000] Well, you're saying they are the same as what engines have, but you saying that means they are not [15:13:13.0000] E.g. appendChild(node) will remove node from its parent first and then run adopt; we'd run code after the removal [15:13:20.0000] That would be problematic [15:13:22.0000] we [15:13:31.0000] I meant Gecko there [15:13:33.0000] will run the code just before appendChild method returns [15:13:50.0000] no problems :) [15:14:04.0000] Well the way this is defined is problems imo [15:14:20.0000] We should just patch the methods this affects to make it way more transparent [15:14:52.0000] annevk: that's not necessarily the best strategy. Every time you add a new DOM API, you'd have to patch up the spec. [15:15:28.0000] annevk: the easiest thing to do is to say -- do this for all UA code and leave UA vendors opportunities to optimize when it's certain that the callbacks won't be queued. [15:15:55.0000] Not if we move to a world where more is self-hosted [15:15:59.0000] And the lines become blurry [15:16:15.0000] sure. Then we will need this abstraction as a separate API [15:16:24.0000] it's not like the current solution closes this path [15:16:26.0000] Also having to know that a callback can run at the end of a method and not having it defined there is a pretty bad way to write a specification imo [15:17:31.0000] You have effectively changed a large set of the default library methods, without telling the people who define those methods [15:17:52.0000] how so? [15:18:22.0000] what's a default library? [15:20:29.0000] as I said before, the alternative is to create a strict dependency on all possible things that could cause DOM changes. I don't think that's much better either. [15:20:46.0000] why is that not better? [15:20:59.0000] i mean, ideally, this would just be in the DOM spec, no? presumably that's what we're going to do eventually [15:21:00.0000] because that's not an easily bound set [15:21:17.0000] what about CSSOM, Editing, Selection, etc? [15:21:27.0000] what about them? [15:21:38.0000] wouldn't they be defined in terms of the DOM algorithms? [15:21:49.0000] why would that matter? [15:22:12.0000] well if the logic is in the DOM algorithms, that would just trigger them, i guess [15:22:25.0000] i don't really understand what we're trying to do here, so my advice may not be useful [15:22:26.0000] what matters is that anytime anyone decides to invent a supplemental IDL, I'd have to be on the lookout for that spec and evaluate whether their methods need to be explicitly mentioned in the spec [15:23:10.0000] well, they have to be on the lookout for whether they need to worry about the DOM spec, rather, but yeah [15:23:19.0000] we all have to make sure we're aware of each other's work [15:24:42.0000] Hixie: there maybe something to that. The spec has a well-defined set of DOM manipulations that causes callbacks to enqueue [15:24:57.0000] all DOM manipulations go through the DOM spec [15:25:01.0000] yup [15:25:14.0000] the only issue is when the callbacks are invoked. [15:25:19.0000] so if you monkeypatch the DOM spec, any other new spec that does DOM manipulations is supported for free, right? [15:25:37.0000] wait, you're calling user code here? [15:25:38.0000] the queueing, right. I already did that [15:25:48.0000] in the middle of other user code? [15:25:53.0000] no [15:25:57.0000] dglazkov: you need to be on the lookout anyway, because you implemented this with an IDL extension [15:26:06.0000] i guess i don't understand the issue here [15:26:11.0000] me neither :) [15:26:12.0000] dglazkov: it's better if we centralize that lookout, than do it on a per engine level [15:27:06.0000] Hixie: the idea is to call user code just before you return from certain method calls [15:27:22.0000] dglazkov: bz pointed out that you pass the mutation events problem on to JS implemented libraries [15:27:25.0000] annevk: dglazkov just said that it wasn't that [15:28:30.0000] annevk: I guess I want to understand what is the "mutation events problem", then. It doesn't fit my understanding of what I thought it was. [15:28:35.0000] dglazkov: e.g. if you appendChild() a node and then its leftView callback calls remove child and then its enteredView callback will be confused [15:28:50.0000] annevk: no, it's not [15:28:52.0000] please read the spec [15:29:09.0000] dglazkov: from the perspective of the JS library [15:29:10.0000] the whole notion of the queues is to ensure the consistent sequence of callbacks [15:29:13.0000] dglazkov: not the browser [15:29:51.0000] annevk: yes, that's exactly what I am talking about, too [15:29:54.0000] why aren't we just using the mutation observers here? [15:29:59.0000] it sounds rather similar... [15:30:08.0000] mutation observers are too late [15:30:13.0000] too late for what? [15:30:47.0000] for developers: var foobar= document.createElement("foo-bar"); foobar.doStuff(); [15:31:09.0000] if you use mutation observers, doStuff will be operating on an uninitialized object. [15:31:21.0000] because createdCallback will be called at a microtask checkpoint [15:31:47.0000] sure, when you _create_ an element that's bound you need to run its constructor [15:32:05.0000] annevk: I am happy to explain the element/callback queues and how they help the JS developer keep a consistent view of the world. [15:33:11.0000] annevk: the key here is that as long as JS developer listens to callbacks, their sequence is always correct. There is no inconsistent state. [15:33:41.0000] well an element is only created once, right? [15:33:51.0000] why is there a queue? [15:33:58.0000] surely it should just be synchronous with element creation [15:34:57.0000] dglazkov: so I have a custom element X that has all the lifecycle callbacks [15:35:01.0000] Hixie: expand this example to when I innerHTML "" and then try to query for it with querySelector [15:35:15.0000] dglazkov: how is that different? [15:35:19.0000] dglazkov: I have two globals each with a document (A, B), X is part of B [15:35:39.0000] dglazkov: I then do appendChild(X) in A [15:35:59.0000] what's two globals? can you explain a bit? [15:36:34.0000] dglazkov: A is a document and B is