2014-08-01 [20:48:16.0000] roc: heh, you are! [23:49:39.0000] Hixie: pong, I've moved it up on my todo list [23:56:15.0000] I wonder if DreamHost has MySQL 5.5 now so I can do this: http://mathiasbynens.be/notes/mysql-utf8mb4 [23:56:54.0000] Using an emoji required a character reference :/ [00:05:07.0000] annevk: the new exitFullscreen() doesn't actually sync fullscreenchange events with the resize [00:06:12.0000] like requestFullscreen(), the "as part of the next animation frame task" needs to be the first step after "resize" [00:07:21.0000] foolip: I thought resize -> change state for request meant change state -> resize for exit, but yeah, I guess [00:07:36.0000] foolip: there's the thing though that you don't always resize [00:07:54.0000] foolip: and you only resize one you you realize the stack is empty [00:08:06.0000] foolip: and you don't know about that until you start popping it [00:10:24.0000] yes, it'll be a bit complicated [00:10:32.0000] do you have an idea, or should I think hard? [00:10:54.0000] my idea was to do the resize afterwards :) [00:11:13.0000] that'll lead to flicker and scripts seeing an inconsistent state though [00:11:19.0000] open a bug and I can give it another go I suppose [00:11:45.0000] https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=26440 is still open, I'll comment [00:12:17.0000] I guess we can figure out whether the stack will be empty upfront [00:12:44.0000] although we'll also have to determine it for all ancestor browsing contexts, lots of cross-process shit [00:12:57.0000] but I decided not to worry about those things anymore, at least not too hard [00:13:13.0000] right, I saw the note :) [00:14:40.0000] right now there is no browser with out-of-process iframes I think, so no one will notice if the model is broken until later [00:14:43.0000] yay? [00:15:11.0000] synchronous IPC does exist, so maybe it'll be fine [00:15:31.0000] the Servo crowd will not like me [00:15:44.0000] so ask them to review this stuff! [00:16:21.0000] Presto was single-process single-threaded, so what do I know? :) [00:16:22.0000] Yeah I should I guess, I keep forgetting who I should ping, maybe SimonSapin can help out [00:16:33.0000] Presto had its own magic [00:17:07.0000] yeah... [00:21:51.0000] annevk: $ mysql --version [00:21:51.0000] mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.73, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 6.1 [00:21:53.0000] :( [00:23:04.0000] sad times [00:24:34.0000] Hixie: if the preloader can't evaluate a mq it doesn't preload anything. that was a requirement in the spec before the HTML merge [00:30:03.0000] mathiasbynens: did you ever research why utf8 was so bad in the first place? [00:33:23.0000] annevk: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=26440#c11 [00:42:15.0000] annevk: ? [00:46:25.0000] annevk: what about Servo / how can I help? [00:47:57.0000] annevk: nope, but my guess would be incompetence [00:48:15.0000] annevk: Do you mean not-really-utf8-in-mysql? Apparently at the time when Unicode was only the BMP, UTF-8 only needed up to 3 bytes per code point [00:58:23.0000] SimonSapin: I'd like whoever works on out-of-process iframes to look at Fullscreen [01:00:05.0000] foolip: currently step 3.4.3 has a loop when popping that you miss [01:00:11.0000] ok. Any point specifically? [01:01:08.0000] SimonSapin: I guess whereever the source code says "cross-process" [01:01:24.0000] SimonSapin: it's whenever frame boundaries are crossed so any talk about browsing context is suspect [01:02:09.0000] ok [01:08:17.0000] annevk: I thought you would say that. Why not just remove elements from the middle of the stack when they're removed from the document? [01:09:33.0000] foolip: makes sense, I wonder why I forgot about that, I'll clean that up first [01:22:54.0000] foolip: I thought I wrote "ordered set" in the spec, fixing that now [01:24:29.0000] annevk: thanks for fixing things so promptly! [01:24:49.0000] let's hope there's enough time to implement and ship it with the next release [02:34:57.0000] SimonSapin: are you sure MySQL’s `utf8` was implemented way back then? [02:35:33.0000] no idea, just a guess [02:36:58.0000] “Up to and including TUS 3.0.1, characters were assigned only in the BMP. In TUS 3.1, characters were assigned in the Supplementary Planes for the first time, in Planes 1, 2 and 14.” [02:37:06.0000] Unicode 3.1.0 == March 2001 [02:39:37.0000] can’t seem to find when MySQL added its `utf8` implementation though [02:44:20.0000] but it was known from Unicode 2 that could happen [02:44:34.0000] but yeah, makes sense I suppose [02:44:44.0000] but that it takes a decade to fix... [02:46:24.0000] https://web.archive.org/web/20040612104116/http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/Charset-Unicode.html [02:46:25.0000] “As of MySQL version 4.1, there are two new character sets for storing Unicode data: `ucs2` [… and] `utf8`” [02:46:26.0000] there we go [02:47:10.0000] MySQL 4.1 was released in October 2004 [02:47:18.0000] so yeah, incompetence [02:48:11.0000] mounir_: should prolly run DOMQuatern past public-script-coord too? [02:48:31.0000] wow [02:48:44.0000] no utf-16? [02:49:00.0000] because that would sort of explain utf8, they just mapped to ucs2 [03:07:27.0000] annevk: oh, they do geometry stuff? [03:29:03.0000] annevk, happy birthday [03:29:17.0000] annevk: oh indeed [03:29:23.0000] annevk: you can no longer call me "old man" \o/ [03:30:57.0000] mounir_: I wouldn't bet on that [03:31:19.0000] jgraham: I wouldn't bet that he will stop doing it [03:33:19.0000] mounir_: We seem to be in agreement. Suddenly everything seems strange in the world. [03:35:50.0000] annevk: oh, look at the date! happy birthday [03:47:10.0000] annevk: why does parentDocs need to be kept across the async boundary, can't resize be set to true before the async section? [03:47:27.0000] probably some raciness I'm not seeing [03:51:35.0000] annevk: missing "a" in "If exitDocs's first document has browsing context container" [04:32:58.0000] foolip: oh, we could do that the other way around [04:33:14.0000] foolip: didn't really think about that [07:17:10.0000] TabAtkins: could you perhaps file a bug to get chrome too to warn about use of sync xhr ? [07:20:34.0000] Sure. [07:20:58.0000] Firefox warns; doors anyone else? [07:21:45.0000] Doors? [08:02:45.0000] Ms2ger: Bah, phone keyboards. [09:21:02.0000] zcorpan: isn't that just going to result in a bunch of slow-loading pages? i thought the whole point here was to carefully design the feature so that it could be pre-loaded. [13:16:07.0000] can someone load http://www.hixie.ch/tests/adhoc/html/video/001.html in a recent IE and tell me how noisy it gets? :-) [13:34:27.0000] GPHemsley: dude someone cut off the corner of the file in the icon for mimesniff :-P [13:34:42.0000] GPHemsley: either that, or they folded it backwards from the usual way it's folded :-P [13:40:38.0000] Hixie: this is what i see in my vmware/IE11 https://cloudup.com/cTF_o3DUg-8 [13:42:00.0000] wow [13:42:01.0000] thanks [13:42:36.0000] miketaylr: can you check what version of IE11 that is? [13:42:42.0000] newer or older than v11.0.7 ? [13:42:45.0000] one sec [13:43:12.0000] Hixie: https://cloudup.com/cdicl-Y0S0h [13:43:26.0000] (sorry, can't select the version to just paste in here) [13:43:41.0000] so i guess newer [13:44:50.0000] weird [13:44:51.0000] thanks! [13:45:46.0000] (https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11984) [13:47:25.0000] GPHemsley: i'm going to be using the "rules for sniffing audio and video specifically", fyi [14:32:11.0000] annevk: http://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-document-createevent points to https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/d4e/raw-file/tip/source_respec.htm for UIEvent but that spec doesn't seem to define it [14:32:15.0000] annevk: what's the story with that? [14:58:46.0000] zcorpan: btw you have a dangling srcset [15:11:04.0000] is there a quick trick for replacing an element with its children, in JS/DOM? or do i just have to do it manually [15:35:19.0000] Hixie: how evil? el.outerHTML = el.innerHTML should work, no? [15:35:30.0000] that makes scripts re-execute [15:35:40.0000] i went with just making a docfrag of the contents, then doing a replacechild() [15:35:52.0000] yeah, if you have scripts don't think you can do better [15:41:40.0000] wtf [15:42:11.0000] http://www.buzzsugar.com/ uses