2014-12-01 [21:39:44.0000] https://github.com/webspecs/url/issues/6 [21:40:18.0000] ABNF ALL THE THINGS!! [21:41:39.0000] but.. "these rules are NOT regular" https://github.com/webspecs/url/issues/6#issuecomment-65014005 [21:43:11.0000] OK then, ABNF *SOME OF THE THINGS!! https://github.com/webspecs/url/issues/6#issuecomment-65014477 [21:45:25.0000] "it would be actively misleading to present ABNF as the normative mechanism, and furthermore, it would be unproductive to lead people to believe that such grammar could be used by an ABNF pipeline" [21:45:29.0000] bravo [21:49:27.0000] "as an implementor, I don't see anything that's going to be beneficial for writing an implementation" vs the spec stating "These railroad diagrams, as modified by the accompanying text, define grammar production rules for URLs" [21:51:25.0000] implementing the parsing and serializing algorithms defined in the normative prose of the spec is what's "beneficial for writing an implementation" [21:52:39.0000] the railroad diagrams don't define implementation requirements for any conformance class at all [21:54:17.0000] hmm or am I wrong and that's now how the spec defines the parsing algorithm [23:04:28.0000] Domenic: I'm starting to wonder if attempting to define implementation requirements through a combination of a (regular) formalism plus (non-regular) processing steps isn't the worst of both worlds [23:04:52.0000] MikeSmith: yeah, I am in the same boat [23:05:19.0000] MikeSmith: did you see my https://github.com/webspecs/url/issues/5#issuecomment-65026820 ? [23:05:39.0000] Domenic: no, didn't see it yet [23:05:41.0000] looking now [23:05:55.0000] it might be a bit clearer, unsure [23:06:33.0000] it makes it clear that the railroad diagram parsing is just step 1 of a multi-step process. [23:06:47.0000] yeah I think it's clearer [23:07:35.0000] as far as what you commented on in the existing spec, yeah, "fuzzy" is a good way to describe it [23:08:04.0000] would be nice to get more (browser) implementor feedback on what's there in the spec now [23:08:17.0000] yeah :( [23:08:57.0000] I doubt many UA implementors have actually looked it much, or at least not with an eye toward trying to imagine writing code based on it [23:09:17.0000] I hadn't myself until an hour or so ago [23:10:28.0000] myself I didn't think what annevk had in the spec (before this rewrite) was particularly hard to follow or implement from [23:10:40.0000] agreed! [23:10:59.0000] so I'm not sure this rewrite is solving any problems for the right people [23:11:12.0000] though it may be solving problems for some others [23:11:55.0000] anyway, I'll try to remain positive and open-minded, and try to give some concrete constructive feedback [23:12:10.0000] our daily struggle :) [23:12:32.0000] well for this at least I think on the issue comments you're already saying most I what I'd attempt to [23:25:56.0000] Indonesia please... [00:57:21.0000] has tc39 still not specified __defineGetter__ ? [02:31:33.0000] my knee-jerk reaction to url railroads is that i prefer the algorithm style, but it may be that it's what i'm used to. i have never tried to implement or test a railroad spec (url is the first that i know) [02:31:56.0000] but as far as algorithm vs. BNF-style grammar goes, i much prefer specs that use algorithms [02:32:35.0000] i find it easier to reason about and make sure the implementation matches what the spec says [02:45:09.0000] it could be that specs that use grammars have historically also left many details and error handling undefined, which skews my taste [02:56:41.0000] Are they normative in URL? [03:07:01.0000] Ms2ger: in Sam's rewrite yeah the URL railroad diagrams normatively define parsing behavior, sometimes in combination with a few algorithmic steps after a particular diagram [03:07:53.0000] I haven't yet looked in detail at if/how they define error handling [03:37:24.0000] foolip: i have grep results for cdata+xhtml if you're interested [04:03:08.0000] foolip: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/bf63359fc7d45f16effc [05:55:56.0000] seems like MediaQueryList exposes when layout happens. so we need to specify what flushes layout and what blocks layout [05:56:27.0000] http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/3323 [06:06:30.0000] does a web socket server need to run on a privileged port? [06:07:09.0000] (wondering why the default ws: port in web-platform-tests config file is 82) [06:09:48.0000] MikeSmith: no [06:11:18.0000] TabAtkins: hi, more bikeshed: can I add a [01:41:20.0000] I wonder when that happened [01:42:16.0000] For some reason that URL causes infinite loading in Chrome [01:44:10.0000] zcorpan_, I believe I did for Gecko [01:48:15.0000] w00t http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/3343 [01:49:57.0000] the %23y should be %23z but anyway, looks like it has been dropped by gecko/webkit/blink [01:50:40.0000] scary that i still know how to write an internal subset :-( [01:50:59.0000] stupid brain [02:00:58.0000] Hixie: note the HTML feature to ARIA http://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/html-aam/html-aam.html#mapping-to-existing-wai-aria-role-semantics and acc API mappings are now in http://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/html-aam/html-aam.html, and is what implementers are using, plan on pulling plug on w3c html WAI-ARIA section. The conformance requirements for use of ARIA and checking tool implementation... [02:01:00.0000] ...is moving here https://specs.webplatform.org/html-aria/webspecs/master/ (note very ealry draft needs work) - MikeSmith is moving to use that for his checker implementations [05:55:14.0000] is https://developers.whatwg.org/ being maintained or is it stale? [05:55:41.0000] can't find any date on it [05:59:45.0000] Staleish, I think [06:06:13.0000] Ms2ger: thanks [06:54:40.0000] q [06:54:44.0000] oops. [11:27:29.0000] Looks like the "disabled" attribute on is non-standard (Chrome implements it, Firefox does not) [11:27:37.0000] They both implement (per standard) the DOM object property though. [11:27:42.0000] Any chance of adding that to the standard? [11:27:52.0000] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/link?#Attributes [11:32:39.0000] JavaScript error: https://whatwg.org/demos/canvas/blue-robot/index-idle.html, line 44: NS_ERROR_FAILURE: [11:34:46.0000] Krinkle, file a bug, please [11:35:35.0000] Ms2ger: Which bug tracker? w3? [11:35:56.0000] Yeah [11:36:02.0000] Under WHATWG::HTML [11:40:32.0000] Ms2ger: OK. Was slightly confused with product 'HTML WG', but found it. I guess that one is for actual specs, once published. [11:41:30.0000] That one's for political games rather than technical issues [11:46:33.0000] https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=27677 [11:46:34.0000] Thanks [11:51:05.0000] https://whatwg.org/newbug is a nice short link for people to point others to when they're to file bugs [11:53:40.0000] developers.whatwg.org is mostly blocked on https://github.com/benschwarz/developers.whatwg.org/issues/90 [12:05:39.0000] Hixie, while you're here [12:06:01.0000] Hixie, the example at #association-of-controls-and-forms doesn't actually seem to work [12:08:40.0000] Hixie: Any change you can mark the developers version with an obsoletion notice? Multiple people asked me about it at the conf I was at last week. [12:09:06.0000] *chance [14:11:48.0000] HTML as Custom Elements is so far just depressing, can't even get or faithfully working. [14:18:39.0000] custom-div is just lacking the ability to hook into the UA stylesheet, which is unsurprising, as it's the UA stylesheet. [14:19:13.0000] Also
has no styling at all, if custom elements default to block. What's wrong there? [14:25:22.0000] custom elements default to inline [14:25:28.0000] has no styling [14:25:33.0000] but, it's exposed to a11y as a
[14:25:38.0000] (like all custom elements are) [14:26:02.0000] You people fucked up. [14:26:10.0000] ^_^ [14:26:27.0000] "Let's style them as inline, but tell a11y that they're block, lolololol" [14:27:16.0000] I *think* it's because all unknown elements are exposed to a11y as block. Just like all unknown elements are styled by CSS as inline. [14:28:54.0000] If that's actually the preëxisting behavior, then I'll repeat: lolololol [14:52:07.0000] TabAtkins: i think ben's the one with upload access [14:52:14.0000] Mso150: oh? [14:52:15.0000] er [14:52:25.0000] that was for ms2ger [15:23:09.0000] Anyone know how you're supposed to abort() a request made with fetch? [15:31:49.0000] esprehn: not defined (yet)... 2014-12-20 [19:40:04.0000] I wonder why the people who are speaking most emphatically about transitioning the Web to TLS/HTTPS and the "Prefer Secure Origins For Powerful New Features" stuff are not speaking equally emphatically (or at all, really) about enabling Gmail users to encrypt their e-mail messages [19:40:24.0000] (using, e.g., PKI/PGP) [21:40:52.0000] probably because they work on browser teams and not the Gmail team? [22:50:48.0000] email is the weakest link of web security? [01:45:33.0000] Domenic: can you maybe blog about it? [01:45:47.0000] Domenic: would be interesting to read what you ran into [03:01:11.0000] TabAtkins, my w3c bug report (#27651) leads me to your advanced transition proposal on www-style, is there still any interest to push it forward? [03:13:38.0000] www-tag lol [10:43:33.0000] hgl: Not really; it was overthinking the problem. [11:40:50.0000] www-tag lol indeed 2014-12-21 [16:46:46.0000] TabAtkins: http://codepen.io/TabAtkins/pen/WbxgVg is brilliant [17:06:26.0000] MikeSmith: Haha, thanks. [17:06:32.0000] fantasai's sketch, my coding. [10:19:44.0000] Will it be possible to create 2 instances of System? [10:20:07.0000] As far as I understand System will be singleton. Why so? [10:25:14.0000] /me wonders what System [10:37:55.0000] http://whatwg.github.io/loader/ [11:27:52.0000] Urgh, I always forget how to get an Array as an attribute value in WebIDL. [11:50:34.0000] well, https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=23682 is still open [12:31:27.0000] smaug____: Ugh, that's the bug I was afraid of. [14:15:59.0000] TabAtkins, the current plan in that bug (the one I made a branch of the spec with) is what will go in the spec 2014-12-22 [16:47:27.0000] heycam: ooh didn't realize there was progress on that, planning to merge soon? [16:48:02.0000] Domenic, yeah I chatted with Anne in Portland about it, he seemed ok with that plan in the end [16:48:22.0000] Domenic, so yeah it's top of my IDL todo list [16:48:27.0000] Awesome. Yeah I remember thinking it was pretty good at the time and upon reviewing I agree with my past self. [16:48:29.0000] Yay :D [16:49:57.0000] coming to the same conclusion you did in the past after thinking about something again is the best feeling :) [16:50:05.0000] the opposite is the worst [18:06:46.0000] https://twitter.com/sgalineau/status/546848711440359424 [22:29:22.0000] Can someone dig into the current standards and explain what's the right behaviour for http://jsfiddle.net/hallvors/tthfrow2/ ? Basic question: - when you click IMG, what should event.target be? Context: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1089326 [22:40:02.0000] hallvors: is this a homework assignment [12:12:03.0000] hallvors: Ugh, the answer depends on whether