2015-01-01 [18:51:54.0000] Happy New Year, y'all! [19:17:33.0000] gsnedders: HNY [22:13:18.0000] jesus, this is a new top reason for me to get the hell away from firefox: i open a new browser window and i'm blinded by a bright yellow donation beg screen [00:02:28.0000] Happy 2015 everyone [00:02:46.0000] /me is starting it with a cold [00:16:47.0000] I wonder why things like https://github.com/volarvideo/webvtt/commit/c0cc14cf5bb4611e5b72cfca33a2dbe88226eb4e#diff-09461573a85e2d94f056dd6814769042L456 are true [00:16:55.0000] Shouldn't the JIT take care of that? [00:25:13.0000] Happy New Year annevk hope your cold goes away soon [00:26:42.0000] MikeSmith: HNY to you too! Saw you were enjoying the snow :-) [00:27:57.0000] hah yeah [00:30:38.0000] annevk: a regular expression being faster seems counterintuitive [00:31:26.0000] Yeah, though JITting is weird [02:43:06.0000] Simple regular expressions get compiled themselves, so it's not that surprising they're fast [02:43:11.0000] Blame sunspider [10:48:32.0000] pretty much all regular expressions get compiled these days [10:52:32.0000] For large values of "simple" then :) [10:52:40.0000] Or should that be small?… 2015-01-02 [16:41:43.0000] soft-keyboard backspace key doesn't work in the github browser-based editor thing in Firefox mobile [23:10:46.0000] filed a bug> [23:10:49.0000] ? [23:11:25.0000] which github brower-based editor thing are we talking about by the way? [23:37:09.0000] roc: haven't filed a bug yet but will now [23:37:39.0000] roc: I mean the editor that github gives you to edit a file in the repo [23:37:52.0000] e.g., a readme [23:39:37.0000] you have to be viewing github in the desktop mode it provides, instead of the default mobile view [00:09:20.0000] roc: filed https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1117051 [00:16:29.0000] thanks [04:49:32.0000] can anyone elaborate : "object that does not have the default behaviour for one or more of the essential internal methods that must be supported by all objects." [04:52:27.0000] "essential internal methods" [04:55:10.0000] there are a bunch of internal methods, like [[OwnPropertyKeys]] (for example), there are defaults, but exotic objects often need to have special versions [04:57:08.0000] caitp, can you give an example of one such object that is exotic? [04:58:12.0000] Array and String come to mind [04:58:37.0000] direct proxies [04:59:38.0000] special versions? [05:00:06.0000] that means they don't have all the internal methods? [05:00:35.0000] they don't have 'default behaviour' hmm [05:00:40.0000] i believe so, for instance [[Construct]] is not present in bound functions [05:00:48.0000] but [[Call]] is [05:01:42.0000] caitp, strange behaviours [05:06:37.0000] different behaviours are like, not being able to define an accessor for Array's "length" property [05:09:55.0000] caitp, but it's possible for {} [05:10:19.0000] essential internal methods that must be supported by all objects, the spec does not list them all, or did I miss it [05:12:56.0000] https://people.mozilla.org/%7Ejorendorff/es6-draft.html#table-5 [05:15:36.0000] caitp, so what's different in Array that it become exotic? Because it does not have, [[ Get ]] [[ Set ]] ? [05:16:18.0000] it has overridden versions of several essential internal methods [05:16:47.0000] and there is no way to find out what has been overridden ? [05:16:55.0000] well, just [[DefineOwnProperty]] I guess [05:18:13.0000] thanks caitp [05:18:15.0000] it's all in the spec, look at section 9.4 [05:18:33.0000] and 9.5 [05:18:40.0000] sure [06:27:23.0000] caitp, how do you read the spec, end-to-end ? I normally skim sections, but it's preferred to read end-to-end twice and then sections... 2015-01-03 [00:04:13.0000] gsnedders, good night [10:08:46.0000] what's wrong with class CustomButton extends HTMLButtonElement { constructor() { } }; let myButton = new CustomButton; document.appendChild(myButton); ? [10:10:37.0000] TypeError: Failed to execute 'appendChild' on 'Node': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'....how come? 2015-01-04 [19:03:41.0000] deriving from Node doesn't make you a Node 2015-01-05 [05:57:07.0000] class MyImage extends HTMLImageElement {} [05:57:12.0000] ^ makes sense ? [05:57:27.0000] I get a Uncaught TypeError: Illegal constructor [05:57:33.0000] w.r.t ES6 classes [05:58:02.0000] no implementation supports extending host objects yet [05:58:10.0000] :( [05:58:33.0000] hopefully one day it will be possible :D [05:58:50.0000] caitp-, it's an interface right? [05:58:55.0000] I meant, HTMLImageElement [05:59:25.0000] sure [05:59:29.0000] more over we can do a document.registerElement('my-img',MyImage) [05:59:29.0000] how come that works! [05:59:56.0000] so, in that case the class extends the interface? [05:59:56.0000] /me shudders [06:00:01.0000] #confused [06:00:05.0000] It doesn't work now [06:00:06.0000] it "works", but not really [06:00:13.0000] Some people are trying to make it work [06:00:20.0000] I still don't see the point [06:01:13.0000] right now, in Safari for example, if you subclassed an object "the old fashioned way", you'd have the right prototype, but the C++ object would not be the right type, and would not be initialized [06:01:26.0000] https://gist.github.com/hemanth/e6bb66141101b52a76fe [06:01:27.0000] so, if you tried to access any properties from the superclass, it would throw and that would suck [06:01:49.0000] native code can't be accessed yet...hrrm [06:01:55.0000] DOM should catchup with ES6 [06:02:11.0000] Why [06:02:30.0000] So that we can extends them ? [06:02:59.0000] well you definitely want to be able to extend builtin classes, which you can't do right now [06:03:10.0000] and if you can extend Array, why not NodeList [06:03:20.0000] or one of the Matrix classes [06:03:50.0000] Why [06:03:52.0000] caitp-, but, if the class has createdCallback method and if I do a document.registerElement it works just like any other custom element [06:05:20.0000] because if you can't, that's really weird ;) unless tc39 introduces a concept of "final" classes, which would help explain the confusing behaviour better [06:06:05.0000] caitp-, started with a silly node module extending Array -> https://github.com/hemanth/node-arey/blob/master/index-es6.js ;) [06:06:26.0000] yeahhhhh that doesn't quite work the way you expect though :( [06:06:55.0000] which? the custom element or the node module or both?! [06:06:56.0000] hemanth: see recent blink-dev discussion and perhaps also on es-discuss with respect to subclassing [06:06:58.0000] and in all engines, Array.isArray() would fail for it, which it technically shouldn't [06:07:20.0000] hemanth: ES6 needs to solve some issues and seems to be opting out at the last minute :-( [06:07:46.0000] hemanth: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1117172 lists some of the things nobody is decided on [06:08:37.0000] hemanth: the reason you can pass it to registerElement is because the registerElement implementation looks at the passed object's prototype property, bit of a hack [06:11:15.0000] annevk, ha ha, it would fail if I do a new Img() on register after extending :/ [06:11:49.0000] annevk, Do you think class is not a goof feature of ES6? I have many against it and only few pro [06:12:03.0000] hemanth: the problem is that TC39 thought they were going to explain all of DOM and then they didn't [06:12:32.0000] hemanth: I don't know [06:12:35.0000] :( [06:12:43.0000] it's a bit hard [06:12:48.0000] hemanth: but the syntax you used above needs to work at some point, we're trying to figure out how [06:13:53.0000] annevk,if I extend a HTMLSpanElement element it can set it's textContent, but for an ImageElement, I can't set it's src [06:17:50.0000] it would cool to have a document.deRegisterElement ;) ? ( or is it dumb ) [06:17:55.0000] hemanth: not even if you use the construct? [06:19:23.0000] hemanth: there's a ton of problems though, none of this was designed with extensibility in mind [06:20:17.0000] annevk, I get an Illegal construct [06:20:22.0000] hemanth: what would deRegisterElement do? [06:20:41.0000] hemanth: it might be interesting to have more registry primitives though, agreed, so you can more completely control it [06:20:44.0000] you'll get an illegal construct if you subclass Map and call super() too [06:20:44.0000] did not try thing [06:21:19.0000] hemanth: oh yeah, actual ES6 subclassing does not work yet in any browser [06:21:19.0000] caitp-, hrrmm phew.. [06:21:31.0000] hemanth: because it's not defined per above [06:21:42.0000] it "sort of" works for user-defined classes [06:21:57.0000] annevk, so that I can register element with the same name with functionality changed dynamically? [06:22:06.0000] annevk, I'm using 6to5 heh heh, does IE support it? [06:22:26.0000] that was w.r.t deRegisterElement [06:22:49.0000] hemanth: as per caitp- the only subclassing that works is of your own classes, you can't subclass builtins or platform objects [06:22:53.0000] as of now we can't do a registerElement('cat-say'); twice [06:23:02.0000] chakra's class support is roughly equivalent to v8's right now [06:23:09.0000] no builtins, no host objects [06:23:37.0000] Array is not an exotic object in ES6 right? [06:23:42.0000] it is [06:24:14.0000] caitp-, no builtins, no host objects as per the spec or the current implementation ? [06:24:46.0000] the current implementation... per dmitry's comments, the spec doesn't really do an adequate job of explaining how it can/should work for DOM stuff [06:24:57.0000] it could possibly work for builtins (but doesn't anywhere yet) [06:26:27.0000] oh, ok [06:27:19.0000] class Fetch extends XMLHttpRequest() {} #lolz [06:27:36.0000] the issues are about allocation of the object (especially for DOM objects), about passing arguments to the superconstructor (arbitrary arguments) --- DOM objects don't really have callable constructors right now, there are a few other issues [06:28:57.0000] well, XHR does have a callable constructor, not counting that :> [06:29:48.0000] heh heh [06:31:13.0000] lot of this was discussed at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/v8-users/bwEPA3vcscg [06:38:59.0000] reading... [06:43:45.0000] I think a lot of posters in that thread failed to CC v8-users and kept it to blink-dev, might be better to read the blink-dev version :p [06:43:57.0000] anyways, people are working on it, it's just not there yet [07:05:40.0000] caitp-: the problem is that Google Groups does not accept posts from members that are not subscribed, even if they are subscribed to some other group and are not spammers there [07:05:56.0000] ah [07:05:59.0000] caitp-: so e.g. my posts would make it through to blink-dev, but not elsewhere [07:11:05.0000] /me needs some nom noms [07:49:22.0000] https://github.com/google/end-to-end/wiki/Threat-model "we discovered that Chrome Extensions can also use chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab to take a screenshot of current tab in any browser window" [07:49:41.0000] that seems like not such a great feature [07:55:33.0000] what would you expect this to do: http://jsfiddle.net/n8rt8saL/ [07:56:03.0000] ^--- annevk, you'd probably be good at that one [07:56:48.0000] caitp-: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=26431 [07:56:49.0000] chromium decides to rewrite 1.2 to, while other browsers I have available don't :< I feel like that's not right [08:00:33.0000] MikeSmith: installing extensions you don't trust seems like a losing game [08:01:55.0000] that's kind of not fun :( [08:04:16.0000] jgraham: yeah I guess given how extensions work and there's a lot more invasive things than that a malicious extension could do [08:11:33.0000] but what if you can't visit that shady looking gambling/smut/whatever website without installing the shady extension which is not vetted by anyone as being trustworthy? [08:15:02.0000] I think the problem is more normally that you visit your totally trustworthy banking site having installed an extension / native app / whatever that you mistakenly believed was trustworthy (e.g. because you had no means to verify it wasn't) [08:16:25.0000] putting the onus of deciding who to trust on users is problematic because a lot of users don't know that it's even something to think about :( [08:19:03.0000] I wonder if Google will standardize the protocols used by http://chrome.blogspot.ch/2015/01/introducing-google-cast-for-audio.html [08:19:06.0000] and even when you're dealing with shady sites, grandpa has an incentive to gamble on horse racing, he might not have an incentive to think about "what will this application be able to do, what data of mine does it have, etc" [13:24:31.0000] annevk: so far Chromecast has been a very closed device. [13:25:30.0000] annevk: but I think it's worth asking our standards-friendly friends at Google to see if there's anything they can do 2015-01-06 [18:29:24.0000] TLS 1.0 support is disabled for whatwg.org, right? [18:29:55.0000] ah no I mean the other way around [18:30:11.0000] 1.1 and 1.2 not supported [22:41:33.0000] MikeSmith: should get fixed this quarter by DreamHost [23:23:08.0000] annevk: ah ok yeah I vaguely remember asking about this earlier [23:23:25.0000] MikeSmith: sorry you had to fix all that URL bug spam [23:23:36.0000] no worries [23:23:44.0000] I should have caught it before I did [23:23:51.0000] MikeSmith: I initially thought a bunch of actual work happened [23:23:57.0000] I wasn't checking my e-mail earlier today [23:23:58.0000] hahah [23:24:04.0000] yah me too [23:24:12.0000] so naïve [23:24:17.0000] haha [23:24:30.0000] no, you're an optimist [23:24:43.0000] glass half full and all that [23:24:51.0000] most of the time [23:24:55.0000] that's why people love you [23:26:30.0000] annevk: so btw are you aware of any trend with sites disabling TLS 1.0 support? [23:26:39.0000] or any guidance that suggests doing that? [23:27:01.0000] I understand sites disabling SSLv3 [23:27:36.0000] MikeSmith: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Security/Server_Side_TLS#Modern_compatibility [23:27:47.0000] /me looks [23:28:47.0000] MikeSmith: Adam Langley keeps saying this btw: "This seems like a good moment to reiterate that everything less than TLS 1.2 with an AEAD cipher suite is cryptographically broken." [23:29:36.0000] that seems pretty drastic [23:29:53.0000] and I hope it's not true [23:30:38.0000] I wonder there's some risk of boy-who-cried-wolf right now around some of the rhetoric with regard to TLS [23:31:04.0000] it alienates some people who would otherwise be more receptive and open-minded [23:31:20.0000] Adam Langley knows what he's talking about, but cryptographically broken doesn't mean that attacks are necessarily feasible I believe [23:31:23.0000] or maybe it's needed to wake more people up, I dunno [23:31:28.0000] ok [23:31:55.0000] There's certainly a lot of weird rhetoric found on www-tag... [23:32:08.0000] well that's crazy town out there [23:32:22.0000] those two guys [23:32:33.0000] it's like a comedy act [23:33:13.0000] The biggest hurdle is Mixed Content [23:33:19.0000] yup [23:34:21.0000] certainly I know that for trying to move all of w3.org to TLS that's a major issue [23:34:57.0000] but there are other costly content-migration issues with it [23:35:41.0000] that doesn't mean it shouldn't be done, or can't be [23:36:06.0000] But W3C doesn't have that much embedded stuff, does it? [23:36:46.0000] Most resources seem same-origin [23:37:14.0000] W3C could at least start by not redirecting away from HTTPS [23:38:27.0000] yeah w3c doesn't have nearly has much embedded content per page as other sites (as far as the mixed-content issue goes) but it still has tons of pages with small amounts [23:38:54.0000] especially stylesheets [23:39:31.0000] yeah I don't understand why w3c is still redirecting away from HTTPS [23:40:36.0000] but I do know that the w3c systems team is having a lot of discussions about how to deal with this stuff, and deployment plans for the coming months [23:41:49.0000] anyway, about TLS 1.0 on the server side, in practice right now, disabling TLS 1.0 server support means that a lot of clients aren't going to be able to access your content, right? [23:42:09.0000] (let alone disabling TLS 1.1 support) [23:43:42.0000] in other news I see that WebKit is planning to remove their Shared Workers code (after having stopped shipping it some time back) [23:44:34.0000] dunno how big of a difference any of that is, given no support for Shared Workers on any mobile UAs, nor in IE [23:44:56.0000] Not even in Servo [23:45:31.0000] If they ever want service workers... But from that email it seemed like the current implementation was not going to work for that anyway [23:45:48.0000] MikeSmith: not sure what TLSv10 is needed for [23:46:54.0000] annevk: I thought it was that some UAs still only have TLSv10 support, and no v11 or v12 support [23:48:59.0000] hmm I see nobody even asked for Shared Workers support at https://wpdev.uservoice.com/forums/257854-internet-explorer-platform?query=Shared [23:49:43.0000] though Service Worker got a ton of votes [23:49:45.0000] https://wpdev.uservoice.com/forums/257854-internet-explorer-platform?query=worker [00:14:33.0000] meow [00:36:38.0000] opensearch plugin this looks pretty cool [00:36:49.0000] https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=27754 from Domenic [00:36:54.0000] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/Creating_OpenSearch_plugins_for_Firefox [00:39:29.0000] works in Chrome too http://browserfame.com/2071/opensearch-plugin-chrome [00:39:44.0000] though the UI isn't as discoverable [01:39:23.0000] http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/ is dead [01:39:28.0000] namespaces \o/ [01:41:42.0000] http://www.opensearch.org/Specifications/OpenSearch/1.1 [04:14:12.0000] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=163050 "Create New HTML Tag: " [04:14:13.0000] Status: VERIFIED FIXED [04:14:18.0000] Whiteboard: notfixed [04:14:48.0000] (via smontagu on another server) [04:22:03.0000] meow [04:53:26.0000] annevk, if you are around, after extending the image element, i tried that did not work either :( [05:17:44.0000] hemanth: works for me [05:17:56.0000] document.registerElement('test-img', { prototype: { someattribute: "x" }, extends: 'img' }) [05:18:06.0000] var test = document.createElement("img", "test-img") [05:18:07.0000] test.src = "image" [05:18:07.0000] document.body.appendChild(test) [05:33:36.0000] annevk, I have done class TestImage extends HTMLImageElement {} [05:34:40.0000] hemanth: when everyone said yesterday that class X extends Y {} doesn't work for anything but custom classes they were not joking around [05:36:17.0000] heh heh I got that point annevk, but i'm able to emulate it, with backgourdimage attr [05:36:43.0000] I just mentioned that with is="" thinge as well, this.src didn't work [05:37:11.0000] it does if you follow the rules [05:38:30.0000] :) [05:38:59.0000] /me passes annevk some iced tea ^_^ [05:40:45.0000] I'm sorry if I annoyed you annevk, I do remember yesterday's discussions [05:41:22.0000] hemanth: no worries, I was happy to try it out [05:42:37.0000] :) [05:46:23.0000] annevk, BTW http://jsfiddle.net/gnumanth/a08wghyk/ is what I have done, //cc'ing caitp as well. ( ugly? ) [05:49:21.0000] that's transpiled using 6to5 [06:01:02.0000] hemanth: that's actually pretty nice code for something transpiled; I'm guessing it's not using that many 6 features? [06:02:08.0000] darobin, it's using classes and template strings, hang on ill pass the code [06:02:17.0000] I heard ES6 classes are going to kill us all [06:02:34.0000] I heard MikeSmith was going to kill us all. :) [06:02:37.0000] MikeSmith, heh heh debatable [06:03:01.0000] /me is already dead ;) [06:03:01.0000] class-ical inheritance bugbear [06:03:31.0000] gsnedders: I kill with kindness [06:03:39.0000] I hope FP will lead kindly to light ;) [06:04:56.0000] dunno what FP is [06:05:03.0000] wonder if I want to know [06:05:18.0000] Functional Programming, MikeSmith you already know ;) [06:05:19.0000] MikeSmith: run before you get evangelised :) [06:05:24.0000] ruuuuuuuuun!!! [06:05:25.0000] ah [06:05:35.0000] heh heh [06:05:46.0000] The fantasy land [06:05:58.0000] /me takes MikeSmith on a ride to the fantasy land [06:06:15.0000] /me didn't know MikeSmith was allowed *out* of fantasy land [06:06:28.0000] /me gets off at the Rust rest top to take a potty break [06:06:53.0000] /me gets some sugar.js [06:07:06.0000] MikeSmith, joooooiiiiin uuuuuuuuuus [06:07:47.0000] I'm not smart enough for functional programming [06:07:57.0000] plus, I actually like side effects [06:08:00.0000] MikeSmith, we've got plenty imperative :) [06:08:32.0000] For once I wish I lived in a more religious — or at least more Christian — country so we could have today as a holiday. Or, I suppose, a less religious country that still had it as a holiday (e.g. Sweden) [06:08:33.0000] side-effects are horrible! [06:09:06.0000] side effects are what makes life interesting [06:09:39.0000] jgraham: where is this day a holiday? [06:09:46.0000] MikeSmith: Not here :( [06:09:51.0000] jgraham: what, you English people get your Yule Log today! [06:09:53.0000] Catholic holiday I guess [06:09:59.0000] Why did I capitalise that? [06:10:13.0000] Not unless the Scandinavians suddenly went catholic on me [06:10:28.0000] oh holy god [06:10:36.0000] Epiphany [06:10:50.0000] it's like, the very best religious holiday of all [06:11:25.0000] Wikipedia makes it sound like yule logs should be Twelfth Night and not today. [06:11:31.0000] Oh well. Anglicans! [06:12:37.0000] Is there any point in having once X extends HTMLImageElement {} actually works? [06:12:42.0000] gsnedders: I am having great difficulty not making faecal jokes [06:13:10.0000] annevk: I thought the point was so the declarative sematics were preserved [06:13:11.0000] annevk, readability ? [06:13:34.0000] *semantics [06:13:41.0000] jgraham: well it's not my problem that you English people bring them upon yourselves! [06:13:55.0000] Yule logs? [06:14:18.0000] Well that's the effect of a protein-rich diet… [06:14:31.0000] Ok, here I go -> http://h3manth.com/new/blog/2015/custom-elements-with-es6/ [06:14:38.0000] darobin, ^ [06:15:18.0000] /me runs and hides behind the tree before annevk et.al gets angry and throw stones at me, meow ^_^ [06:19:30.0000] /me is peeping from the side ^_ ^ [06:24:34.0000] heh =) [06:25:19.0000] /me slowly moves near caitp, any comments ;) ? [06:26:11.0000] i mean, I guess it works for the browsers that support custom elements [06:26:33.0000] :) [06:31:24.0000] hemanth: this.textContent = 'Today's date: ' <- probably doesn't work right :) [06:31:29.0000] *et al. [06:32:21.0000] darobin, what would you suggest? [06:32:35.0000] hemanth: escaping the ' in "Today's"? [06:33:13.0000] apparently in Safari, interfaces are not "function" but "object", too [06:33:17.0000] darobin, yikes, ha, that's done in the jsfiddle, not in the text, thanks editing [06:33:27.0000] I guessed as much :) [06:33:37.0000] not that it has custom elements, but it dies earlier [06:34:30.0000] but, even if it did, I think Object.create(HTMLImageElement.prototype) would break whenever you tried to access `src` [06:34:49.0000] hemanth: I'm happy to see that the transpiler does such a nice job; I mean you're not using *that* much but still [06:35:41.0000] yeah, other than shadowing `src`, that wouldn't work :( [06:36:52.0000] darobin, :) [06:36:58.0000] actually I'm wrong, apparently JSC tries to use the IDL-defined accessor before letting you shadow it [06:36:59.0000] caitp, that's the sad part... [06:37:02.0000] so it just doesn't work at all [06:37:21.0000] browsers! [06:37:25.0000] who writes this nonsense! [06:37:38.0000] gsnedders++ # <3 [06:37:50.0000] I was curios about how Domenic would make the custom-img element [06:38:01.0000] gsnedders, :D [06:38:05.0000] easy [06:38:09.0000] pff, I'm sure I could write a better browser than you guys! [06:38:10.0000] step 1) patch Chrome [06:38:18.0000] step 2) profit [06:39:23.0000] darobin: I think you missed the ??? [06:40:22.0000] gsnedders: the ??? ? [06:40:31.0000] this could get meta [06:40:33.0000] that's what step 2 is! [06:40:39.0000] darobin! [06:40:46.0000] the big where somehow you convince Google to accept your patch [06:40:49.0000] Ms2ger! My long-lost love! [06:41:00.0000] d'awww [06:41:03.0000] so romance [06:41:05.0000] gsnedders: you missed the fact where Domenic works for Google :) [06:41:32.0000] (that sell-out) [06:41:37.0000] darobin: still has to convince them to ship it! [06:41:41.0000] darobin, com'ere and review my tests! [06:42:02.0000] gsnedders: bah, we all know how shipping works at any company no matter how big; that can't be more than a few beers away [06:42:11.0000] darobin: I mean does he have a spec that's public *before* IO? [06:42:13.0000] well he's gonna get them to ship A.p.includes, so surely that's good enough [06:42:59.0000] Ms2ger: finish reviewing my test you dropped off of in the middle of the issue discussion :) [06:43:12.0000] Ms2ger: also, I need to look at your comments on the GH issues you closed [06:43:24.0000] darobin, link [06:43:27.0000] gsnedders: who said the spec can't be in C++ :) [06:43:34.0000] Ms2ger: https://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/showcomment?chain=9822 [06:43:42.0000] darobin: I DID. [06:44:15.0000] darobin, your answer appears to be beside my point [06:44:55.0000] Ms2ger: then we're talking past one another — you're saying the tests worked in Gecko when you wrote them but they don't now, and they don't work elsewhere [06:45:20.0000] darobin, I said it worked, not that it passed [06:45:41.0000] okay, but elsewhere it's not that they fail, it's that they blow up on an unrelated problem [06:46:00.0000] Right, and that unrelated bug is still a bug [06:46:32.0000] I don't think it's a good idea to have tests test something unrelated [06:46:45.0000] we can get those tests to actually test something independently of other bugs [06:46:52.0000] which is the information they're after [06:47:09.0000] if you have issues with how data: and cross-origin interact, that's something for another test [06:47:52.0000] this is actually obscuring passes [06:52:53.0000] is there any way to per spec get the tentative pre-parse encoding and the final encoding from the parser to be different? [06:53:01.0000] without relying on how many bytes the pre-parse does? [06:56:52.0000] gah, submodules!!! [06:57:26.0000] huh, I guess you can't shadow accessor properties at all [06:57:32.0000] I did not know that [07:07:57.0000] darobin, all tests test unrelated things [07:08:10.0000] Ms2ger: yeah, I know the rhetoric [07:08:23.0000] Whatever [07:08:29.0000] but this one happens to test something unrelated that doesn't work in most places, and is trivially fixed [07:08:39.0000] I don't see what the problem is with fixing that [07:10:08.0000] Ms2ger: sorry but I really don't see what's making you grumpy about this, it's nice when tests work I think... [07:10:39.0000] unless you're grumpy because some browsers suck, which is, well, a good point [07:12:20.0000] I assumed that being generally grumpy about browsers was why we all did this [07:12:34.0000] It's GDD [07:12:43.0000] lol [07:18:19.0000] Ms2ger: oh, that's so very nice of you to reclose a PR I just reopened without leaving time for discussion [07:18:23.0000] very mature and all [07:18:29.0000] friendly, all that [07:18:48.0000] welcoming, etc — everything that makes working on web tech a great place! [07:19:00.0000] darobin, the test is correct, I told you so when I first closed the PR, and you reopened it without discussion [07:19:20.0000] I reopened it so that it would take the rebase into account [07:19:39.0000] Why rebase? It's wrong [07:19:49.0000] s/rebase/merge/ [07:20:55.0000] now, I could easily be lost in the test code but it looks to me like this isn't a case in which defaulting to the XHTML namespace applies [07:21:02.0000] and this fails in every single engine [07:21:58.0000] It is possible for the test to be right and still fail in every engine [07:22:08.0000] (note: I have no idea what test you are talking about) [07:22:25.0000] jgraham: that I know, and I could be reading either of the code or the spec wrong since both have some degree of indirection [07:24:45.0000] and indeed, I now see that I had read the code wrong [07:24:56.0000] /me looks for a spec bug [07:25:50.0000] darobin, it's created through createElement, so it's in the HTML namespace per spec [07:26:10.0000] Ms2ger: yes, I had misread indeed — which is why I'm looking for a spec bug [07:26:47.0000] jgraham: if that's the only reason there's no reason to support is="" in createElement() [07:28:50.0000] annevk: That makes sense I think [07:28:58.0000] Perhaps for serialization? But at some point this starts to break down... [07:29:11.0000] ah, right, I recall https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=19431 [07:29:20.0000] it looks like implementers haven't weighed in much either way :) [07:54:49.0000] darobin: euhm [07:55:00.0000] darobin: it's not like implementations agree with each other today [07:55:09.0000] darobin: or did that change? [07:55:45.0000] annevk: well, it depends on what aspect of the whole Document mess. It looks like they all have XMLDocument.createElement() return an element with a null ns [07:56:02.0000] on other parts it is still a complete mindfuck [07:56:10.0000] How do you even create an XMLDocument? [07:57:07.0000] sorry, a Document in XML mode [07:57:23.0000] That doesn't really seem like something we could meaningfully define [07:57:36.0000] ? [07:58:46.0000] wouldn't that break createElement() in XHTML documents? [07:59:26.0000] doesn't everything break that :) [07:59:46.0000] not necessarily [08:00:10.0000] not as they exist today :p [08:00:11.0000] seriously though, document.implementation.createDocument(null, null).createElement("foo").namespaceURI returns null pretty consistently [08:00:37.0000] that's a pretty specific case, too [08:02:41.0000] annevk: yes, I was just saying that maybe the bits that are aligned can be spec'ed as such; it doesn't look like there's a lot of movement to solve the full list of issues around document dependence [08:03:25.0000] you argument that have the same Documet behaviour across MIME types is a good one, but I'm not sure it really has that much impact in the real world [08:03:44.0000] maybe I'm not seeing all the corner cases, but libs are already broken there anyway [08:05:03.0000] last I check jQuery needed a plugin in order to do anything useful in SVG for instance [08:05:47.0000] it seems hard to change the behavior of just that case [08:06:08.0000] without doing silly things with flags that match what no implementation has today either [08:07:01.0000] annevk: actually, looking more closely that case *is* on XMLDocument [08:08:11.0000] annevk: I think changing this specific issue is relatively minor; but my interest was more along the lines of thinking about what the minimum victory could be for the broader Document mess [08:08:19.0000] darobin: it's unclear whether implementations use that interface elsehwere too so hanging things off that seems unwise [08:08:34.0000] darobin: there's a distinct bug for that [08:08:46.0000] annevk: you mean for the Document mess? yes I know [08:09:13.0000] I was mostly wondering if chipping away some of the tentacles might not render the larger issue either moot or more tractable [08:09:43.0000] well, Gecko does still have XMLDocument.load() but you guys should really remove that because no one else has it [08:10:46.0000] /me wonders if there's much "instanceof XMLDocument" out there [08:11:17.0000] darobin: file a bug on load()? [08:11:31.0000] annevk: there's one already, it's oooold [08:11:37.0000] Yahoo Mail might be the last one out there [08:11:40.0000] darobin: pointer? [08:11:44.0000] /me looking [08:12:34.0000] there's https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=775480 but that's not the one I was thinking of [08:14:30.0000] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=330771 [08:15:16.0000] annevk: do you know if the context property of the Request class from the Fetch API (https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#requestcontext) is implemented in some browser? I checked Chrome Canary and FF nightly, but couldn't find it - maybe I missed something? [08:16:35.0000] tomvg: I'm not sure, haven't paid much attention to Fetch et al recently [08:16:58.0000] tomvg: if bits are landed in browsers now it could very well be that some of the more complicated parts are left out [08:17:26.0000] tomvg: I recommend filing bugs with use cases [08:17:55.0000] don't have a specific use case at the moment, just a keen interest :) [08:18:59.0000] I'll dig a bit deeper first [08:20:08.0000] annevk: that's not the one either; there's https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=494705 but it's marked fixed due to the patch that now warns for its usage [08:20:25.0000] (but I'm sure that's not the bug either, the one I recall had bz in it) [08:23:58.0000] darobin: so are you sure it's not in other browsers? [08:24:12.0000] darobin: I found a couple of related bugs that would get fixed due to removal... [08:25:31.0000] annevk: pretty sure, I can triple-check tomorrow if you want. [08:28:05.0000] darobin: using "load" in document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null) confirmed for Chrome and IE [08:28:21.0000] and Safari [08:28:24.0000] wha? [08:28:34.0000] that it isn't there [08:28:38.0000] oh [08:28:53.0000] you got me scared that reality had been rebooted for a second there [08:33:46.0000] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=983090 seems to be the relevant bug [09:17:45.0000] annevk: https://twitter.com/auchenberg/status/552501350102487042 [09:17:57.0000] "I switched kenneth.io to HTTPS, and now my embedded JSfiddles broke. No SSL, @jsfiddle? Any free alternatives?" [09:18:18.0000] there are no free alternatives afaik [09:18:21.0000] jsbin [09:18:53.0000] Domenic: I thought jsbin was even more we-intentionally-aren't-gonna-do-TLS [09:19:42.0000] hmm yeah i guess pro accounts only http://jsbin.com/help/ssl [09:19:54.0000] ah [09:20:04.0000] well, glad they offer that at least [09:20:08.0000] i think plnkr.co is tls-happy, iirc [09:20:16.0000] maybe not [09:20:32.0000] codepen's not either afaik [09:20:47.0000] time for everybody to pro up [09:21:14.0000] hey there's another reason for more sites to move to TLS as an alternative [09:21:32.0000] more revenue [09:21:38.0000] (only half joking) [09:28:09.0000] MikeSmith: why would jsfiddle not have TLS? [09:31:18.0000] MikeSmith, live dom viewer? :) [10:10:15.0000] annevk: because they don't have it? and I don't know why not [10:10:18.0000] https://careers.microsoft.com/jobdetails.aspx?ss=&pg=0&so=&rw=1&jid=166914&jlang=EN&pp=SS [10:10:28.0000] "You love debugging minifed javascript code for your own pleasure" [10:11:01.0000] sounds like Hallvord wrote this job description [10:15:40.0000] "comfortable dealing with negative perception" [10:28:12.0000] jgraham: typo there [10:28:26.0000] I think they meant "dealing out" [10:33:43.0000] MikeSmith: no excuses! [10:59:38.0000] Might have overused the word "sad" [12:08:28.0000] annevk: if someone does a fetch(), but never references the Response body data... would you rather have the response sit in memory forever or eventually produce a network error when the remote server gives up on the connection? [15:24:25.0000] test [15:34:56.0000] > @WHATWG tweets a URL, it is at least 5-10 minutes before URL actually points to something interesting [15:35:12.0000] okay, 2 minutes this time [15:36:19.0000] i think that's because it takes that long to update github 2015-01-07 [18:06:10.0000] didn't know yet about SlimerJS http://slimerjs.org/ [18:06:32.0000] SlimerJS is similar to PhantomJs, except that it runs on top of Gecko, the browser engine of Mozilla Firefox (specifically, version 31), instead of Webkit, and is not yet truly headless. [18:07:02.0000] Hixie_: Happy New Year [21:54:03.0000] Came here looking for a decent use-case/example of Reflect API... [21:59:20.0000] Wonder if the Streams API implementation has begun... [22:05:13.0000] dbaron: meow [22:09:18.0000] hemanth, it looks like a way to invoke internal methods ([[....]] methods), but a lot of it should be more or less equivalent to static methods of Object [22:09:57.0000] not sure what the use-case is though [22:17:30.0000] caitp: interesting, bumped into Reflect.defineProperty(obj, name, desc) [22:20:50.0000] they gel well with proxies [22:23:45.0000] anyone have any ideas why SSE isn't more popular? [22:25:39.0000] i'm guessing you don't mean intel's SIMD stuff [22:25:49.0000] and therefore don't know what you mean [22:37:16.0000] sorry, Server Sent Events / EventSource [22:38:49.0000] IE11 not supporting it likely has something to do with it [23:46:36.0000] terinjokes: sse predates web sockets and webrtc datachannel and for most use cases those supersede it [23:47:15.0000] MikeSmith: that seems like it's true only for bi-directional communication, no? [23:49:01.0000] terinjokes: well cleraly there's nothing that requires you do bi-directional communication over a web sockets connection. You can use it to push stuff if you wan [23:49:32.0000] true, but I would say they solve a different use case, rather than supersede [23:49:59.0000] both are a different language than HTTP, no? [23:50:13.0000] SSE isn't [23:51:09.0000] and as far as the UA implementors POV and can understand them not wanting to implement SSE if they already support web sockets [23:51:26.0000] and web sockets are supported basically everywhere now, in all UAs afaik [23:51:48.0000] as far as browser engines [23:51:53.0000] well not Presto [23:52:15.0000] but I'll sure they'll get there too eventually [23:52:25.0000] ah I mean Servo [23:52:50.0000] Jon-gian slip there [00:20:56.0000] MikeSmith: i mean websockets and webrtc being not HTTP [00:21:08.0000] whereas SSE is [00:21:22.0000] and SSE is supported everywhere but IE [00:28:40.0000] ah [00:28:45.0000] yeah fair enough [00:29:51.0000] and I didn't know SSE was now supported everywhere but IE [00:30:10.0000] that's a pretty good argument for IE to add support for it I guess [02:04:18.0000] wanderview: it's not entirely clear to me what the scenario is; we shouldn't collect the response just because the page has not inspected it yet though [03:37:41.0000] hmm, what should happen when there is an attribute type Window, but that Window isn't the current Window of the WindowProxy? [03:40:02.0000] Hixie: ^ [03:40:25.0000] smaug____: elaborate? [03:40:40.0000] I mean in the scripts [03:40:45.0000] accessing such attribute [03:43:22.0000] need to ask bz [03:45:43.0000] /me was just reading https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=27128 [04:39:35.0000] caitp: hemanth: one major benefit of Reflect.* is many of those functions return false instead of throwing. [04:44:02.0000] Domenic, no more try catches ;) instead of Function.prototype.apply.call(f, obj, args); we could say Reflect.apply(f, obj, args) [04:45:31.0000] Well, that one will still throw if the function throws [04:46:16.0000] heh heh yeah, at least in case of 'defineProperty' [04:46:38.0000] More like Reflect.deleteProperty vs. delete operator or Reflect.preventExtensions or, indeed, defineProperty [04:47:02.0000] cool [04:47:39.0000] Reflect.has(obj, key); feels more Javaish [04:51:36.0000] Sadly IE Technical Preview is the only browser that has implemented this API.. [07:06:47.0000] Domenic: do you know why the lifecycle callbacks are tranfered? [08:10:57.0000] mewo... [08:11:51.0000] =) [08:15:52.0000] caitp, what's new? [08:16:40.0000] well v8 folks are back from vacation so maybe more exciting syntax sugar features can get reviewed and worked on more [08:17:04.0000] ^_^ [08:17:20.0000] /me makes an attempt on FP joke -> https://twitter.com/GNUmanth/status/552688274632761344 [08:26:48.0000] annevk: remind me where fetch spec issues go? [08:26:53.0000] not on github, right? [08:28:09.0000] caitp, how about influencing v8 folks to implement http:crbugs.com/346690 or may be even http://crbugs.com/316153 ? :) [08:29:08.0000] wanderview, https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/issues right? [08:31:49.0000] my influence is pretty limited [08:32:04.0000] hemanth: actually, I think he prefers here: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/enter_bug.cgi?product=WHATWG [08:32:28.0000] I think 316153 is more an issue for the devtools team [08:32:35.0000] less v8-specific [08:32:47.0000] yup [08:33:16.0000] wanderview, must be [08:36:14.0000] annevk: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=27781 [08:36:35.0000] ta [08:38:36.0000] hemanth, in that first bug are you saying "template literals don't work correctly" or "template literals aren't implemented, please implement them"? [08:38:53.0000] (because we did this through october-november, try in canary), [08:43:06.0000] caitp, implement temaplate strings, this was reported in Feb, will check on canary [08:43:36.0000] yeah, there were a bunch of bugs like that, it's too hard to go through them all and switch their status on code.google.com [08:44:27.0000] caitp, what about arrow functions? is it on it's way? kangax won't help here [08:44:58.0000] mm, andy did most of arrow functions, i'm not sure what's left [08:45:17.0000] probably some minor things that make them unshippable for now [08:46:14.0000] oh, heard that class implementation is speeding yup [08:46:14.0000] they should work if you use --js-flags="--harmony-arrow-functions" or whatever it's called [08:46:32.0000] not there in experimental flags? [08:46:44.0000] i think only staged features get switched on with experimental mode [08:46:52.0000] and i'm not sure they're staged yet, could be wrong [08:48:12.0000] hmm [08:48:16.0000] https://github.com/v8/v8-git-mirror/blob/master/src/flag-definitions.h#L175-L183 <<< those all need flags manually passed in, the shipping ones don't need a flag at all, and the staged ones are enabled if you turn on that experimental flag [09:01:19.0000] caitp, nice, thanks. [09:02:03.0000] /me wonders what sloppy mode is... [09:06:41.0000] sounds like not "use strict" [09:58:27.0000] MikeSmith: for things I'm working on, real time data updates, I'd prefer SSE to WebSockets. Seems to be created for this use case. [11:12:59.0000] smaug____: there should never be an attribute of type Window [11:20:18.0000] ah, yeah [11:43:11.0000] Hixie, is that written down somewhere? :) [14:00:02.0000] annevk: 7 months later https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/172 2015-01-08 [16:09:30.0000] bravo sleevi http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webrtc/2015Jan/0013.html [17:32:58.0000] https://medium.com/@dmitriid/w3c-and-whatwg-should-die-a-quick-and-horrible-death-a7cff5e1da8f is subtle and understated [17:33:12.0000] I think that guy needs to try to state things more emphatically [17:38:48.0000] btw apparently WHATWG has been abbreviated to just "WG" [17:39:14.0000] take a break for the holidays and come back to find out all kinds of things have happened [17:39:28.0000] anyway, I support this rebranding [17:39:30.0000] WG++ [17:39:49.0000] WG-ng++ [17:40:05.0000] the next generation WG, for C++ [17:42:38.0000] what does the "WHAT" part stand for anyway [17:43:02.0000] and can it be condensed into "WUTWG" [17:43:31.0000] slightly serious question: how does one pronounce WHATWG? [17:43:46.0000] what wee gee [17:43:49.0000] i say "WHAT-wig", but everyone looks at me funny [17:43:51.0000] i pronounce it "whatwuhjee" [17:44:19.0000] Hixie pronounces it funny [17:44:40.0000] everybody else says wee [17:44:50.0000] because weeee [17:45:30.0000] hey this prodigy has an actual concrete proposal [17:45:37.0000] "Get people from Apple to implement all font-related specs." [17:45:40.0000] +1 [17:46:02.0000] but I think he means something different than what that sentence actually say [17:46:42.0000] though "Dig W3C and WHATWG out of their graves, kill and bury them again." is somewhat concrete too [17:46:49.0000] what double uwe gee [17:50:29.0000] the WHAT WAI gee [17:50:34.0000] good brainstorming [17:51:17.0000] "Both W3C and WHATWG should die a quick and horrible death, and the development of web standards should be given to a lean and mean group of people" [17:51:28.0000] we're plenty mean enough at least [17:51:28.0000] yeah i wonder where he's gonna find these people [17:51:58.0000] yeah [17:52:07.0000] finding the mean people is easy [17:52:08.0000] MikeSmith: the not having reference implementations bit is almost concrete [17:52:17.0000] MikeSmith: fuck you, that's totally the hardest part! [17:52:19.0000] hey gsnedders! [17:52:24.0000] perfect timing! [17:52:29.0000] you're lean [17:52:35.0000] but you're not mean [17:52:37.0000] damn [17:52:56.0000] I can be mean! [17:52:57.0000] well let's join together, combine efforts [17:53:11.0000] no gsnedders you do the lean part, I'll do the mean part [17:53:18.0000] problem solved [17:54:33.0000] when you're having trouble reaching consensus, take them bowling [17:54:56.0000] I'm randomly either really good at bowling or really shit. [17:55:01.0000] I'm never in between. [17:55:11.0000] /me adds this stuff to his notes [17:55:21.0000] I either go out and get strikes every second go, or come last. [17:56:03.0000] forget bowling I think the only way we're going to resolve this is with a three-way dance-off among this guy, Robin, and Lachlan [17:56:15.0000] he Lachlan is both lean and somewhat mean [17:56:40.0000] Robin in unfortunately neither mean nor super lean [17:56:51.0000] I'm choosing Girls Just Want To Have Fun for the dance-off, yo. ;P [17:56:57.0000] heh [17:58:12.0000] either that or Super Freak [17:58:44.0000] man medium is annoying [17:59:18.0000] also how the hell do i have 1214 medium followers [17:59:23.0000] since i only created my account about 15ms ago [18:00:07.0000] wait this is dumb [18:00:12.0000] it's not showing my response on the page [18:02:40.0000] sgalineau_: please make some magic with https://medium.com/@dmitriid/w3c-and-whatwg-should-die-a-quick-and-horrible-death-a7cff5e1da8f [18:03:40.0000] my reply was https://medium.com/@Hixie/i-wish-things-were-that-simple-df0d2a786ecc fwiw [18:03:44.0000] that guy seems a bit upset [18:10:02.0000] wait you can post replies on medium? [18:10:38.0000] weird [18:39:46.0000] sgalineau_: btw I don't know if Reginald was being facetious in https://twitter.com/raganwald/status/551808605763014656 but if not I hope he realizes how wrong he is [18:42:54.0000] he's actually spot on there [18:43:20.0000] except it doesn't work well on the web [18:43:26.0000] I guess I'll have to disagree with you about that today [18:43:45.0000] though I'd disagree pretty much any other day as well [18:44:17.0000] think about it mike, you're a speaker, it's your job to analyze your audience [18:44:30.0000] heh [18:44:31.0000] and speak within the constraints that they impose [18:44:38.0000] I hate public speaking [18:44:48.0000] public speaking is a con job [18:44:55.0000] it's an acit [18:44:58.0000] *act [18:45:07.0000] it's entertainment [18:45:36.0000] you'd probably tell a different joke to your mom than you would to your best friend steve from middleschool [18:45:37.0000] meh, it's your responsibility, but "being offended" is in the mind of the offendee. [18:45:47.0000] you tailor things you say for different people, it's just natural [18:45:48.0000] and anyway when I do go out a speak at events I say all kinds of offensive stuff. I make a point of it [18:45:49.0000] people do it [18:45:58.0000] sometimes we just do a bad job of it [18:46:52.0000] people that run around saying "well if you get upset, its YOUR fault for being STUPID" are generally not very pleasant to be around :p [18:47:08.0000] yeah I try to not say Christ or fucking Christ or holy fucking Christ so much around my mom, given that she's pretty deeply religious [18:47:28.0000] right now I kind of feel like not going out of my way to do that so much [18:47:40.0000] but I guess I still will avoid it [18:48:00.0000] caitp - sure, can't absolve responsbility for it, on either side. [18:48:12.0000] it's a false dichotomy to try to frame as it one person's "fault" or the others [18:48:15.0000] they're both at fault :P [18:48:29.0000] but I'll avoid saying it mostly just because there's no humor value in it, in that context [18:49:17.0000] nobody's ever at fault for taking an opportunity to say something that's genuinely funny and deeply irreverant at the same time [18:49:34.0000] you don't get opportunities like that very often [18:49:43.0000] so you take them when you get them [18:49:51.0000] like inspiration from God [18:50:12.0000] the only thing I fault people for is not being funny [18:50:57.0000] being offensive without being funny is .. unrefined [18:51:18.0000] but that's the thing, funny is pretty subjective, and it depends on a lot of things [18:51:24.0000] people who make really good humor are to be treasured [18:51:31.0000] peoples moods, the atmosphere of a place, how tipsy everyone is [18:52:18.0000] right [18:52:26.0000] professional comedians figured out they can't do "objectively funny", so they do the next best thing [18:52:36.0000] some people suck at being funny, I'll concede [18:52:47.0000] sometimes we all suck at being funny [18:52:56.0000] but that means we just need to try harder [18:53:09.0000] geez [18:53:23.0000] "objectively funny" is complete nonsense [18:54:21.0000] if you say|draw|meme really funny, maybe 75% percent of the people who read it are going to be offended [18:54:51.0000] maybe 75% of them deserve to be offended [18:54:58.0000] they need to check their offense [18:55:07.0000] that's the point [18:55:25.0000] well this is part of why I say it doesn't work very well on the web [18:55:25.0000] that's often the message: check your offense [18:55:33.0000] nobody really gives a shit about being an effective communicator on the web [18:55:59.0000] I think it does work pretty well, if it makes me laugh and it makes other people laugh, then it's worked [18:57:05.0000] of course qualified by, if it's not hateful or trying to cause real harm or pain to somebody [18:58:12.0000] people aren't caused real pain by, e.g., seeing rude depictions of their holy figures, or hearing crude jokes about them [18:58:27.0000] or by hearing me say "fucking christ" or whatever [22:49:49.0000] hsivonen: https://github.com/validator/validator/issues/22#issuecomment-69128876 [22:51:17.0000] seems the TLS handshake with the vnu backend fails if site has TLS 1.0 disabled (that is only TLS 1.1+ enabled) [22:55:47.0000] hsivonen: I wonder if upgrading the jetty version might fix it [22:55:56.0000] /me will try that locally [23:05:42.0000] hsivonen: stack traces https://gist.github.com/sideshowbarker/21fc8a22ad3cad41eb74 https://gist.github.com/sideshowbarker/7fd83a3791f4702c2402 [00:16:11.0000] Is @dimitriid asking for HTML5 Super Friends to come save the day? [00:48:02.0000] gsnedders, verboten? (re twitter) [01:03:05.0000] annevk: only after the first phase of his plan, which is to put Apple and "guys who created SASS" in charge of enforcing new standards and implementing everything and to "work on specs for a year" [01:03:38.0000] then webdevs just step in reap all the obvious benefits from the outcome of that [02:17:05.0000] MikeSmith: commented on github [02:19:14.0000] hsivonen: thanks [02:20:46.0000] It's kinda amazing that the Apache HttpClient developers have enough time and enthusiasm to keep redesigning and rewriting their project as much as they do [02:21:15.0000] and then they resisted fixing the important stuff like SNI [02:21:31.0000] (now fixed, but the resistance to fixing it was sad) [02:28:31.0000] hsivonen: resistance? [02:33:12.0000] annevk: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HTTPCLIENT-1119 [02:35:50.0000] hope it's not a pattern across Apache projects. Reminiscent of the years-long Apache web server project resistance to fixing the default content-type brokenness [04:02:06.0000] meow [04:48:09.0000] annevk: a webdev friend asks, "why has the w3c to reinvent js APIs that already exist in Node, only to make them worse (eg Text{En,De}coder vs Buffer) ?" [04:48:43.0000] MikeSmith: don't think W3C had much to do with it [04:48:45.0000] where by "w3c" I think he actually means the Encoding spec [04:48:47.0000] yeah [04:49:22.0000] what can I say to help enlighten him? [04:51:26.0000] MikeSmith: looks like Buffer is some kind of byte structure, I guess you could ask him why Node reinvented ArrayBuffer... [04:51:42.0000] MikeSmith: not really clear to me what to say here [04:52:16.0000] yeah I don't really know what Buffer is in node [04:52:27.0000] annevk: ok [04:52:33.0000] I'm guessing it's http://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html [04:53:06.0000] Often when people say "reinvented X but worse", they mean "did X but different" [04:53:32.0000] TextEncoder/TextDecoder originates from jsbell and some WHATWG discussion. I don't know if Buffer was around back then or why people didn't look at it... [04:55:06.0000] I believe some Node.js people have aversion to participating in standards so that might explain why it's not always used as a source of inspiration [04:57:41.0000] Node's Buffer was created around the same time or a little before ArrayBuffer started shipping [05:01:39.0000] I would say node's Buffer is similar to CommonJS's Binary/F: wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/Binary/F ? [05:02:25.0000] ArrayBuffer goes back to at least Feb 2011 [05:02:37.0000] MikeSmith, ask the webdev friend to make his suggestion before we ship? [05:03:58.0000] ArrayBuffer is commonjs's Binary/B, right? [05:05:30.0000] Domenic: lifecycle callbacks, do you know why they are transfered? [05:05:52.0000] Domenic: and they are essentially statics on the class, correct? [05:06:24.0000] http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/Binary [05:06:24.0000] ah [05:06:27.0000] loaded, finally [05:07:02.0000] Domenic: also, can you reply to that thread with bz about Element's constructor, seems kind of relevant to figure out how we want to design that [05:07:22.0000] annevk: I am putting off all of this stuff until TAG F2F winds down and I can write reasoned responses [05:07:35.0000] Domenic: when is that? [05:07:49.0000] tonight, plus maybe some recovery sleep pushing us in to tomorrow [05:08:31.0000] as for lifecycle callbacks, I don't remember (haven't had time to reboot all of this in to my mind) but one thing I remember is that it avoids calling into potentially-different user code every time. [05:08:39.0000] also it allows you to delete the lifecycle callbacks after they're transferred: [05:08:58.0000] https://github.com/domenic/html-as-custom-elements/blob/master/src/register-element.js#L23-L27 [05:09:53.0000] I am excited to get in to designing Element constructor though [05:10:49.0000] bz and I have quite different assumptions/priorities in our respective strawmen and I want to sit down and think hard about which ones are valuable to keep, which ones are in conflict, etc. [05:11:37.0000] Domenic: it seems weird to delete them like that, can't we pass them in as arguments then? [05:11:40.0000] also want to see if there's any solution for the upgrading thing... that's an annoying problem [05:12:07.0000] Domenic: and at the very least they should be symbols if we keep them on the classes... [05:12:09.0000] annevk: yeah I would like that. But the argument is that they're good, especially for user classes, so you can do e.g. `super.createdCallback()` in a custom element deriving from a custom element. [05:13:01.0000] super doesn't refer to an instance? [05:13:04.0000] I guess that makes sense [05:13:26.0000] not sure what refer to an instance means [05:14:05.0000] but you can imagine e.g. even if you do `class X extends HTMLInputElement {}` (or something less complicated) being able to call `super.attributeChangedCallback()` would be nice. If we specified HTMLInputElement.prototype.attributeChangedCallback. [05:14:14.0000] Domenic: so you're destroying that benefit by deleting them, no? [05:14:30.0000] yep, in favor of spec-compliance at the moment. But easy to restore. [05:15:13.0000] Yeah I thought we should have something like Node.clonedSymbol etc. [05:15:17.0000] Domenic, I'm interested in contributing to CustomHTMLMediaElementImpl of html-as-custom-element, is there any TODO list for the same :) ? [05:15:20.0000] to allow for such a future [05:15:57.0000] hemanth: PR https://github.com/domenic/html-as-custom-elements/ I guess [05:15:58.0000] hemanth: heh, it's such a huge project, I got scared off. I can try to write up the missing pieces, but even just getting CustomHTMLMediaElementImpl working is huge, before even starting on CustomHTMLVideoElement [05:16:33.0000] annevk, thanks to was very helpful ;) [05:17:22.0000] https://github.com/domenic/html-as-custom-elements/blob/master/src/elements/CustomHTMLMediaElement-impl.js is all just stubs. Maybe there are tests we could find and start passing easy ones like playbackRate or something. [05:17:41.0000] Domenic, agree, but there must be some strategy to bring down this beast... [05:17:53.0000] +1 [05:18:18.0000] Domenic, guess what, there's a repository full of tests for the web platform [05:18:22.0000] just change the spec to HTMLMediaElement : HTMLElement {}; [05:18:29.0000] hemanth: could start with determining all the internal state [05:18:57.0000] annevk, sure, starting with? [05:19:52.0000] hemanth: for HTMLMediaElement, then fill in the various algorithms to manipulate said state, etc. [05:20:43.0000] Ms2ger: yeah, with a whole 2 tests for HTMLSelectElement/HTMLOptionElement; I have lost faith since finding that. Perhaps unfairly. [05:21:53.0000] annevk: one thing that would be nice is separate classes for every tag name, as you alluded to. If we can pull that off a lot of things get easier I think. [05:22:01.0000] Domenic, I think I wrote them all :) [05:22:10.0000] Domenic, but video/audio is much better [05:22:21.0000] that is good news :) [05:22:48.0000] Domenic: either way things would work [05:23:32.0000] Domenic: but first I need to know about your plan vs bz' plan, then we can figure out how things trickle down [05:23:42.0000] annevk, idl will have the clue right? [05:23:54.0000] Domenic, and there's 8 for select+option now ;) [05:24:03.0000] Domenic, I really liked that tool that converts idls to js classes <3 :) [05:24:40.0000] hemanth: IDL does a lot, but not that much [05:25:23.0000] annevk, need to dig the spec then... [05:26:50.0000] /me rubs his eyes reading https://github.com/WebKit/webkit/blob/master/Source/WebCore/html/HTMLMediaElement.cpp ^_^ [05:30:46.0000] annevk, what method would you suggest to determine the internal states? [05:32:12.0000] hemanth: I'd read the spec [05:32:37.0000] they usually say things like "has an associated foo" [05:33:11.0000] https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#media-element [05:33:33.0000] E.g. "All media elements have an associated error status" is saying that there is an internal slot [[AssociatedError]] on all HTMLMediaElement instances [05:34:18.0000] "The error attribute, on getting, must return the MediaError object created for this last error, or null if there has not been an error." is saying that you define `get error() { this@[[AssociatedError]] === undefined ? null : this@[[AssociatedError]]; }` [05:34:39.0000] where this@[[AssociatedError]] in my ES code ends up being something more like p(this).AssociatedError, if I recall [05:34:58.0000] What's the obsession with [[]] anyway [05:35:07.0000] Is that because Word can't do links? [05:35:21.0000] O_O it has nothing to do with links [05:36:06.0000] Then why? [05:36:31.0000] It is a notation for denoting internal slots as opposed to regular properties [05:36:58.0000] Regular props are already in quotes [05:37:03.0000] Not in ES they aren't [05:37:09.0000] Nor in most specs it seems... [05:37:11.0000] Really [05:37:21.0000] "The error attribute, on getting" no quotes [05:37:23.0000] Most specs don't access "regular props" [05:37:29.0000] they talk about them though [05:37:39.0000] Cool, thanks for the heads up Domenic, will paw more at it... [05:38:30.0000] In a world of markup I don't think we need to use [[ and ]] (could be stylesheet that adds them if you really insist) but having something is useful [05:39:00.0000] Yeah I mean it's shorter to type than AssociatedError, certainly. [05:39:11.0000] annevk: btw you may find https://github.com/domenic/html-as-custom-elements/blob/master/src/elements/URLUtils-impl.js interesting [05:39:30.0000] Maybe use [[Foo]] in the bikeshed source [06:35:21.0000] MikeSmith, what's "physical web" supposed to mean? Like a spider web? [06:36:11.0000] buff [06:38:17.0000] it's about taking the Web outside to play sports, or at least get some direct sunshine once in a while [06:38:30.0000] or climbing a mountain with annevk [06:39:07.0000] NO DAD I WANT TO STAY INSIDE AND PROGRAM MY COMPUTERS OK!? [06:40:00.0000] no son today we go out and chop some wood [06:41:02.0000] I thought the page at https://google.github.io/physical-web/ used to say a lot more than it does now [06:44:24.0000] "the Physical Web is a discovery service: a smart object broadcasts relevant URLs that any nearby device can receive" https://github.com/google/physical-web#the-physical-web [06:44:31.0000] Ms2ger: 👆 [06:45:08.0000] what could possibly go wrong [06:46:46.0000] heh [06:47:06.0000] good times await [06:47:22.0000] caitp: sorry for ranting yesterday [06:47:29.0000] I was a little wound up [06:47:41.0000] it's all good [07:17:33.0000] "An Update on ES6 classes in V8" it's interesting that what I was afraid of happened, except it happened so fast that nobody got hurt [07:18:52.0000] annevk, ? [07:19:52.0000] Ms2ger: Chrome was planning on shipping a conservative subset of ES6 classes; I was afraid that once we got to subclassing builtins and DOM that subset might have to change; people got together and changed the subset [07:22:02.0000] it was a christmas miracle [10:33:53.0000] wow https support in python is worse than i thought [10:34:09.0000] at least if you actually care about making sure the connection is to what you expect [11:16:29.0000] jamesr__: Yes, I have heard that. Is requests any better? [11:28:12.0000] it's supposed to be, but deploying it to everyone who wants to run the script i have to worry about is tricky [13:01:10.0000] oh hey, IDB is a W3C rec [13:39:01.0000] https://medium.com/@dmitriid/ok-w3c-and-whatwg-dont-die-but-7952221fcbe4 [13:39:21.0000] (in particular, note "I also have much less gripe with WHATWG, than with W3C") [13:44:04.0000] Wow how did the same person suddenly become much more reasonable. [13:45:10.0000] Haha annevk "And what a surprise, there’s actual evidence that the author of the spec actually was a web-developer (hence the useful spec, I presume)." 2015-01-09 [22:16:02.0000] Domenic: heh [22:16:28.0000] GPH-Hickory: did you review the CSS @charset tests? I recall some of them were bogus, not sure if those got fixed [22:17:35.0000] annevk: They seemed like they may be from what I recall about encodings, but I didn't check against the Encoding spec. [22:17:50.0000] Especially the Shift_JIS one [01:07:36.0000] MeOw [02:07:00.0000] Oh great. Eric J. Bowman asked an attorney who "doesn't grok" the subject matter of the question [02:10:24.0000] FYI new HTML data set on http://webdevdata.org/ [02:32:50.0000] hsivonen: that guy [02:35:29.0000] annevk: meow [02:40:13.0000] hemanth: ? [02:41:00.0000] annevk: that's a way to greeting :) [02:41:05.0000] *of [02:41:13.0000] I see, well good morning to you then :-) [02:41:40.0000] annevk: ^_^ I'm still digging for internal states :/ [02:51:19.0000] Gutted I missed the conversion about offence a couple of days back. Can we have it again so I can take part? [02:52:05.0000] JakeA: That depends. Were you offended that you missed out? [02:57:46.0000] jgraham: I have a moderate discomfort about it that I believe others should cater for [03:06:15.0000] Ah, what is civilisation if not the avoidance of moderate discomfort in others. We must reopen the debate post-haste. [03:06:48.0000] :D [03:53:34.0000] annevk: I'm struggling with https://github.com/slightlyoff/ServiceWorker/issues/588#issuecomment-67662246 - do we have other APIs that are 'snapshots' but also have methods to change state? [03:54:24.0000] JakeA: it seems fine to have a method on a snapshot, but it shouldn't affect the snapshot itself [03:54:34.0000] JakeA: so returning a new client as mounir suggested makes sense [03:55:05.0000] annevk: from a usability point of view, I do think people will look for methods on the snapshot [03:55:40.0000] JakeA: yeah I don't see why we wouldn't have methods that essentially forward [03:57:59.0000] Thanks! [04:58:38.0000] hsivonen: It doesn't appear that any action was ever taken on this: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-css-testsuite/2012Dec/0000.html [04:58:42.0000] Might want to follow up [05:03:52.0000] GPHemsley, you almost sound surprised [07:44:22.0000] hsivonen: I was really tempted to write a reply whose only content was: "> To elaborate, my attorney doesn't grok this stuff \n\n I thought that was the case." [08:24:30.0000] Domenic: heh [08:25:47.0000] that guy keeps outdoing himself [08:26:36.0000] Taking the absurdity to its full potential [08:27:04.0000] Dominic: I did manage to get IE11 preview installed; saw no change to how it handles URLs. See http://intertwingly.net/blog/2015/01/08/Ununzippable-Modern-IE#c1420802707 for the gory details [08:27:09.0000] Isn't that the W3C motto? [08:27:50.0000] /me notes that jgraham equates web with absurity [08:27:57.0000] absurdity* [08:28:53.0000] I think Jeff confused that with the W3C motto about backasswardsness [08:29:29.0000] s/Jeff/jgraham [08:30:05.0000] /me tries to come up with some other typos to dig his hole further [08:30:08.0000] /me notes that MikeSmith confused jgraham with jeff jaffe [08:30:36.0000] nope [08:30:41.0000] :-P [08:30:42.0000] Jeff Bridges [08:31:20.0000] either the Dude or as in True Grit [08:38:26.0000] /me says hello to jspm by fetching random XKCD comics https://github.com/hemanth/hello-jspm Influenced by @glenmaddern [08:39:21.0000] Domenic, meow, I'm still digging those internal states...:| [08:43:54.0000] you're like the WHATWG's pet cat it's awesome [08:45:52.0000] It's pretty weird. "meow" is used to accuse people of being nasty ("catty") so it doesn't sit well as a greeting [08:46:09.0000] Is it? [08:46:12.0000] TIM [08:46:21.0000] Today I Meowed? [08:46:22.0000] TIL* [08:46:46.0000] Usually in speech rather than print I guess, but yes [08:49:37.0000] rubys: hmm, what's your IE version? I could swear I got different results, on the page that displayed the components [08:50:38.0000] Dominic: look at the top of https://github.com/webspecs/url/commit/68210260199db858c9eb349d643916b0d5d564f9 [08:53:00.0000] Dominic: if you want to see what your version produces for all of the tests, go to http://intertwingly.net/projects/pegurl/urltest [08:53:28.0000] if you want me to update my results based on a different version, simply provide me with the hex ticket number that page produces [08:57:24.0000] rubys: what is the version shown in "About Internet Explorer" though; it's not part of the UA string. Mine is 11.0.9879.0 [08:57:54.0000] rubys: ticket http://intertwingly.net/projects/pegurl/urltest [08:57:55.0000] er [08:58:19.0000] wow, copying and pasting out of this vm is not working [08:58:44.0000] b795e48410c0d1ba0c4764e9c30f4e1e [08:58:51.0000] yes, that one :P [08:59:02.0000] just a sec, I'll give you my ie version [08:59:19.0000] 11.0.9841.0 [08:59:45.0000] I'm downloading a new VM. They claim to have fixed the unzip problem. [09:05:21.0000] ^_^ [09:08:45.0000] is there a way to intervene promise, say we have fetch(url).then(); I need to show a spinner till the promise resolves...fetch(url).tillThen().then().catch()...so on... [09:09:28.0000] showSpinner(); fetch(url).then(hideSpinner) [09:11:12.0000] Ms2ger, yeah, currently doing a similar thinge, tillThen() sound dumb ? [09:11:46.0000] I don't see the point [09:11:55.0000] I really liked the way protractor's expect is modified to expect a promise, but still the user need not really resolve it with then... [09:14:22.0000] Dominic: are you *SURE* that was with IE? The User agent looks awfully suspicious. [09:14:25.0000] See: https://github.com/webspecs/url/commit/ed1a053212aae906a4edcce94d7c1681b9b001bd [09:25:40.0000] /me paws at caitp [09:32:21.0000] pawing is saying hey, in cat; meow is saying that i'm here, clawing is when you are angry...( gosh...why i'm talking/typing so much... alias hemanth='hemanth -s') [09:37:18.0000] it's all good man [09:38:10.0000] /me on the internet, no one knows you're a dog who identifies as a cat [09:40:40.0000] astearns, I'm hemanth's dog, I have drunk the magic portion and turned into a cat, will be a dog soon, by the time the cat would be back from it's walk [09:42:55.0000] rubys: yes, they have purposefully obfuscated their user agent to avoid detection. [09:43:15.0000] www-tag continues to amaze in uniting all the trolls [09:43:17.0000] rubys: "Edge/12.0" is the only remaining IE detection [09:44:49.0000] Dominic: cool. OK, I've updated https://url.spec.whatwg.org/interop/test-results/ [09:44:59.0000] there is a *lot* less "ie" on that page [09:45:32.0000] :D [09:46:10.0000] I am curious about the rows that have no entries, e.g. (when I select "all current user agents") "http://f:0/c" [09:46:16.0000] all current browsers, rather [09:47:24.0000] I'm confused. You are curious about results for which there are no current browsers that disagree? [09:48:49.0000] i thought those were filtered out of the table, I guess, but now that I think about it I don't know where I got that impression. [09:49:23.0000] cool, all is well [09:49:56.0000] adding more filters is only a matter of code. :-) [09:50:07.0000] i also love the infrastructure you've set up where i can provide results by navigating to a page; it worked really nicely here [09:51:57.0000] https://url.spec.whatwg.org/interop/test-results/c6c0953a53?select=current is a fun one. you can just see all four engineers making different decisions. [09:53:28.0000] dominic: a related bug on that one: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=26446 [09:54:55.0000] wow, the fact that Firefox fails above 2^31 makes things even more fun. [09:55:43.0000] now if only we could get the four engineers to participate in a discussion as to what the correct results should be [09:56:21.0000] in TCP, the port field is a 16 bit value, so there isn't much reason to support infinitely high ones is there? [09:57:00.0000] caitp: another way to phrase the question: "what should impls do for unsupported values"? [10:00:04.0000] port = port >= 0x10000 ? 80 : port [10:00:17.0000] idk [10:01:45.0000] that would indeed be a fifth option. Here's four others: https://url.spec.whatwg.org/interop/test-results/c6c0953a53?select=current [10:02:33.0000] At the moment, the spec agrees with Firefox. I personally like Chrome's choice here better. [10:04:16.0000] i wasn't really being serious about falling back on 80, 0 seems pretty reasonable [10:06:20.0000] I care that we get people to converge on a single answer, I don't particularly care what that answer is. [10:08:26.0000] rubys: I think the spec doesn't agree with Firefox for values > 2^31, according to bug 26446 -_- [10:09:24.0000] I like the uniformity of having everything be strings, but it'd probably be easier to get agreement on some restriction to <= 0x10000. Still need to figure out what the behavior is outside that range though. [10:09:44.0000] The bug indeed does suggest that the spec shouldn't disadvantage implementations that store port numbers as integers [10:13:37.0000] < 0x10000, not <= :p [14:12:22.0000] Is it possible when parsing a HTML page in browsers to get instances of Element that are not instances of HTMLElement? [14:14:05.0000] Yes: http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/3360 [14:14:12.0000] (svg, mathml) [14:14:45.0000] I meant, own-instances. Just Element, not any subclass. [14:15:58.0000] Looks like createElementNS can do it [14:16:02.0000] document.createElementNS("http://example.com", "baz:foo").constructor === Element [14:16:33.0000] Right, but that's not "when parsing a HTML page" [14:16:47.0000] ah yeah I guess I forgot the second part of my question [14:17:01.0000] I don't think the parser can create things that are bare Elements [14:18:58.0000] Oooh, maybe doesn't have a special subclass [14:23:00.0000] you can trick the parser into inserting elements in neither svg, mathml, or html namespaces [14:23:05.0000] in which case it'll be from Element [14:23:28.0000] also, i don't think any of hte browsers implement MathML's DOM, so they're all just Element too [14:26:40.0000] with or something more subtle? [14:27:09.0000] Not that at least [14:27:13.0000] maybe innerHTML on a non-HTML non-SVG non-MathML element? [14:27:17.0000] i forget teh details [14:27:47.0000] Oh innerHTML, I hadn't thought of that [14:27:58.0000] I guess that still counts as the parser [14:35:30.0000] jgraham: that just creates an svg:foo element 2015-01-10 [16:06:20.0000] gsnedders: So I realised [19:23:37.0000] it seems important to pay attention to what the commentor at https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=27786#c4 and https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=27786#c8 is saying [19:25:07.0000] I'm not claiming he's right but he seems reasonably clueful and focused on solving real problems and I would guess his comments are representative of a good number of other also-clueful webdevs [19:36:10.0000] cool to see that gsnedders has joined the Servo team https://twitter.com/gsnedders/status/553738615151280128 [19:36:16.0000] congrats gsnedders! [19:36:18.0000] smart move [19:39:01.0000] More like joined the accidental Servo team :P [19:47:18.0000] isn't the whole thing a troll? [19:47:27.0000] so you got roped the doped [19:47:49.0000] trolled in [19:47:58.0000] trolls all the way down [19:49:12.0000] since (I heard) it was started as a bar bet to see how many people would be silly enough to take it seriously [19:49:46.0000] /me looks around for Ms2ger [19:51:32.0000] yeah, writing a whole new web browser from scratch is just stupid [19:51:46.0000] /me finds it no fun to be a troll falling in the woods if there's nobody around to be outraged by the sound of one troll falling [19:52:36.0000] gsnedders: バカまじめ [19:53:26.0000] That's Japanese to me. [19:57:19.0000] holy god speaking of バカまじめ I just got a TV and I'm sitting here watching the public TV channel that has captions and I noticed some use of ruby in the the captions just now [19:58:03.0000] gsnedders: http://cdn2.natalie.mu/media/owarai/2014-08/extra/news_header_youpackCM_01.jpg [19:58:27.0000] バカまじめ literally means "stupidly serious" [19:58:29.0000] in a good way [19:59:24.0000] the joke of the add in that image is that he's Japan's most famous comedian, really funny guy [19:59:42.0000] but in these CMs and ads he plays it deadpan [20:00:38.0000] anyway for the record the Servo project is one thing I finding seriously inspirational right now [22:53:30.0000] "if you're having trouble with current versions of browser engines, what we most want you to do is raise the issues that you're having so that we can fix them." [22:53:33.0000] https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=27786#c10 [22:53:39.0000] bravo dbaron [02:16:58.0000] "I'm sorry, Hixie, but you have no idea about browser interoperability." [02:31:59.0000] Troll or idiot? [02:34:01.0000] Why not both? [02:39:08.0000] just rude. [02:42:33.0000] Alo, where is this? I need a laugh [02:43:42.0000] *Also [03:16:37.0000] the sentiment in that quote from GPHemsley sounds like something the OP of https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=27786 might have said somewhere, but at least he didn't say those words in any of his comments in that bug [03:16:52.0000] maybe GPHemsley is paraphrasing hime [03:18:08.0000] he did say「@hixie Believes in unicorns. "If I could, I would remove navigator.* entirely. Pages shouldn't be able to distinguish different browsers".」https://twitter.com/hexalys/status/553702038110892032 [03:18:31.0000] where the part he quotes there is something Hixie said in that bug [03:19:17.0000] anyway, does anybody happen to know if WebVTT supports use of markup in text tracks? [03:20:56.0000] I ask because I just got a TV literally yesterday, and watching programs with the closed-captioning turned on, I notice fairly frequent use of ruby annotations in the captions [03:28:34.0000] I also notice that while the captions use full-width katakana for cases where the katakana is for Japanese words (like animal names or the word メス, which means "female" (animal)) -- which is normal and is the case for katakana used in books, etc. -- but for some reason the captions consistently use half-width katakana for cases where the katakana represents non-Japanese words [04:49:54.0000] So I'm trying to recount the problems with mutation events, but I'm having a hard time coming up with examples of the harder problems [04:50:34.0000] There's a couple around performance and such and how easy it is to create loops, but I want to study the cases that caused browsers to crash and hang [04:52:22.0000] /me stumbles upon https://annevankesteren.nl/2011/06/mutation 2015-01-11 [23:51:38.0000] Every other week there is this tweet: https://twitter.com/sergiolujanmora/status/554072564989837313 I wonder where they originate... [03:05:55.0000] jgraham: do you have any opinions on py.test v. nose? would like to move to py.test for html5lib, it's compat is such that we don't have to change anything except for requirements-test.txt and tox.ini/.travis.yaml [05:53:27.0000] meow! [06:55:17.0000] jgraham: argh why did you let #177 go through? it should update the readme and requirements*.txt files too! [08:02:40.0000] gsnedders: Presumably because you didn't review it :p [08:03:51.0000] That said [08:04:09.0000] I think the idea of a changelog is largely dumb. If you care look at the commit history [08:05:22.0000] I think changelogs are worthwhile for significant changes, or changes that affect a lot of users [08:05:34.0000] I certainly think they're pointless if you include everything in them [08:05:49.0000] And commit history is messy when you start having merge commits (bah, GitHub) [08:06:08.0000] jgraham: can we go back to trying to have a linear history for html5lib? :P [08:06:12.0000] I also note that ordereddict is already in the requirements file for 2.6, so I'm not sure what change you wanted [08:06:27.0000] it's in requirements-optional-2.6.txt which makes it sound very optional? [08:06:40.0000] whereas the intention of #177 is that it is now required [08:07:01.0000] I claim it's optional in the sense that if you opt to use 2.6 it's required [08:07:19.0000] Though I'm now sure we want that. The argument seems to be "this API is broken without this installed". That equally applies html5lib.parse("a", tree="lxml"). [08:07:49.0000] Should we then say we require lxml, etc.? [08:07:59.0000] I think the whole argument that it's required on 2.6 is bogus, tbh [08:11:43.0000] Well python's optional dependency handling is pretty terrible. Not that I can think of a system where it's better [08:12:42.0000] tl;dr: we should either document it as being required or we should not list it as required in setup.py [08:13:19.0000] jgraham: fyi I'm moving us over to py.test, because I think it makes all our stuff with loading tests from external files way saner [08:13:42.0000] and makes writing a script to update expected failures sane :P 2015-01-12 [00:02:03.0000] GPHemsley: thanks. I posted http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-css-testsuite/2015Jan/0016.html [01:58:30.0000] http://intertwingly.net/blog/2015/01/11/URL-Work-Status is somewhat hard to grok. The barrier to entry at the WHATWG is too high, yet everywhere else he hits a door. [02:13:42.0000] 'http://f: 21 / b ? d # e' interesting [02:16:58.0000] /me tried to reflect on ES6 Reflect API http://h3manth.com/new/blog/2015/es6-reflect-api/ [02:58:06.0000] annevk: https://twitter.com/ttepasse/status/554341595185946625 [02:58:27.0000] "fora⊙an" that's a long time ago [02:59:48.0000] 2005 it seems [03:01:14.0000] That was at Opera, around the time of Opera's 10 year anniversary and around the time of me getting hired for a longer period [03:04:30.0000] then before I started at Opera [03:05:16.0000] I guess I switched to using @opera.com a little later, when everything was more permanent [05:34:56.0000] https://community.rapid7.com/community/metasploit/blog/2015/01/11/google-no-longer-provides-patches-for-webview-jelly-bean-and-prior [05:35:06.0000] seems pretty surprising if true [05:38:11.0000] it's pretty sad for people who are contract-tied to their old phones and can't upgrade yet, or who are financially unable to upgrade [05:38:16.0000] but surprising? [05:50:56.0000] Hmm, I wanted to write about custom elements, but I think I should first explain web platform objects... Turtles, meh [09:17:43.0000] JakeA: annevk: if content runs window.caches.addAll(requests)... should those be intercepted by ServiceWorker? Does Cache add()/addAll() implicitly get the skip service worker flag? [09:18:05.0000] wanderview: I feel like they should go through the worker [09:18:23.0000] annevk: unless initiated by the ServiceWorker? [09:18:49.0000] wanderview: fetches from a service worker can never go through that service worker [09:19:19.0000] (nor any other one at the moment, but it seems like that might change going forward) [09:20:24.0000] wanderview: that should happen automatically in Fetch due to the associated client of the request [09:21:04.0000] annevk: yea... its a quirk of our cache add/addAll implementation that we don't get it automatically... Cache is using a lower level API [09:23:36.0000] wanderview: agree with annevk [09:23:42.0000] thanks [09:24:17.0000] so we can have window cache.addAll()... go to SW which then does more Cache operations [09:24:24.0000] nested within the cache.addAll() [09:27:25.0000] turtles! [09:28:21.0000] but yeah, that might get hairy quickly [09:28:56.0000] need some kind of atomicity otherwise you get races [09:30:41.0000] I think this probably is mostly ok since the spec is written async with many operations in flight already [09:30:58.0000] its kind of tricky for the gecko implementation, though... [09:35:48.0000] annevk: if a call results in an error that isn't speced (perhaps implementation specific), should the browser throw the most appropriate error, or its this a signal that the implementation or the spec is wrong? [09:37:21.0000] annevk: I guess what I'm asking is: are there specs that loosely define throwing like "if an error occurs, throw an appropriate error" [09:37:45.0000] (feels like insufficient specing to me) [09:38:02.0000] There's lots of insufficient speccing [09:38:21.0000] Like HTML "if a network error occurred" [09:40:12.0000] The bit after the comma seems particularly poor though [09:40:31.0000] The nature of the error shouldn't be left to chance^Wdevelopers [09:47:38.0000] JakeA: that would be a bug in the spec [09:48:21.0000] JakeA: the only thing we're loose on is the error message, as that can be localized and such [09:55:02.0000] annevk: thought so, ta [10:33:30.0000] Does anyone know what happened to the testharness.js-based Chromium Wervice-Worker tests? [10:33:38.0000] Did they ever get submitted to wpt? [10:34:22.0000] Probably the ones at https://code.google.com/p/chromium/codesearch#chromium/src/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/http/tests/serviceworker/&q=service-worker&sq=package:chromium&type=cs [10:35:34.0000] Speaking of chromium tests [10:35:42.0000] jsbell, any news on TextEncoder/Decoder? [10:38:28.0000] Seems like jsbell might also be able to help with my question [10:38:56.0000] /me approaches jsbell from behind [10:39:00.0000] Ms2ger: thanks for the ping... I started to move some of them my local w-p-t repo before the holidays, need to get back to it. [10:39:15.0000] ... into my local... [10:39:31.0000] Nice to hear that [10:39:35.0000] jgraham: ?? [10:39:41.0000] Does anyone know what happened to the testharness.js-based Chromium Wervice-Worker tests? [10:39:41.0000] Did they ever get submitted to wpt? [10:39:41.0000] Probably the ones at https://code.google.com/p/chromium/codesearch#chromium/src/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/http/tests/serviceworker/&q=service-worker&sq=package:chromium&type=cs [10:40:26.0000] jsbell, fwiw, smaller PRs tend to get landed quicker, so you don't necessarily need to wait until you've got them all [10:40:27.0000] not submitted yet, we still plan to [10:41:15.0000] jsbell: If you can get them submitted we can get them reviewed (although technically that's not needed if you are confident they're good to go) [10:41:37.0000] jsbell: The Mozilla implementors would like to run them [10:42:01.0000] jgraham: I'll chat w/ the team tonight, see if anyone can take it on. (new quarter, new priorities, yadda yadda) [10:42:15.0000] Yup [10:42:23.0000] If you need any help let me know [10:42:47.0000] Like, if it's as simple as "copy the files from the Chromium tree into the wpt tree" I can just do that for you ;) [10:52:37.0000] jgraham: you're welcome to give it a shot. The big issue is likely to be that we don't run them w/ serve.py so many likely have assumptions about our test server config that'll need correcting [10:53:25.0000] jsbell, any news on moving to wptrunner? [10:54:41.0000] ms2ger: no news [10:55:22.0000] jsbell: OK, great. Like I say we have interest in running these which I assume (optimistically!) means we have resources to make it happen ;) [10:57:41.0000] yea... the tests were helpful when I ran them manually... it would be nice to get them imported before we ship [10:57:58.0000] wanderview, put it on your todo list :) [10:58:54.0000] Ms2ger: the last time I checked the blink folks were waiting on PRs in review with jgraham... once they uplift them to the wpt repo I don't think there is much for us to do besides pull them in [10:59:24.0000] it seems we're past that point now, though... so hopefully they can get uplifted [11:00:17.0000] Right, the testharness.js changes landed [11:04:15.0000] cool [12:03:09.0000] annevk: The mutation events crashers were about people using nodes exposed by mutation events (particularly removal events) and making more mutations in/with them - they were incompletely sterilized and still thought they had some sort of connection to the DOM, which causes inconsistent state when mutating, and eventually hits crashes. [12:03:45.0000] It's like the problems with the instance tree in - nothing inherent to the tech, but persistent crashiness due to human frailty in coding, and that just being something which regularly exposed such problems. [12:08:08.0000] TabAtkins: there are some concerns around synchronous mutation that would be relevant here [12:08:31.0000] annevk: Likely, yeah. People could be hanging onto references to the old version of the element. [12:09:02.0000] well there's no old version in solution 1) [12:09:27.0000] Yeah, but there's all the ordering and raciness there. :( [12:10:05.0000] why? [12:10:38.0000] I explained in the email, I thought. Is it still unclear? [12:11:50.0000] yeah I guess, not sure it's insurmountable [12:12:22.0000] It's not insurmountable, it's just a persistent annoyance. Upgrading makes things more declarative, which matches the spirit of using HTML better. [12:12:39.0000] If you could only use custom elements by constructing them, it wouldn't matter - the ordering constraints of JS would make the right behavior fall out. [12:14:04.0000] if you ensure your dependencies are loaded you can have constructors during parsing [12:14:52.0000] "if you ensure" is the hard part. It means, for example, that you need to load your element definitions in a sync script block before your markup. [12:55:54.0000] annevk: lol. if the barrier to entry is too high when the barrier is one's own ability to do the work... [12:56:25.0000] mailing list is a support forum [13:30:11.0000] /me wonders how long checking out blink is supposed to take [13:30:29.0000] multiple hours, last i did that [13:34:13.0000] TabAtkins: FWIW the problems Blink had with may have been Blink's approach, not inherent. We always had a simple cloning strategy and didn't seem to have these problems [13:35:02.0000] mutation events, on the other hand .... blergh [13:35:32.0000] miketaylr: I'm up to 1:45 and no end in sight [13:36:14.0000] But my internal monolouge of the process has started to sound like the narration of a castaway [13:36:56.0000] heh [13:37:19.0000] be sure to find a volley ball to keep you company [14:31:58.0000] Hmm, so 2.5 hours in chromium checkout failed due to low disk space [14:33:49.0000] It's what, 50GB? [14:38:55.0000] I hope not [14:39:07.0000] If it is then even deleting B2G isn't going to help [14:40:01.0000] "Either way, fetch checks out more than 10GB" [14:40:19.0000] Sounds like I overestimated a bit [14:40:49.0000] I think I had 16 when it stopped [14:41:10.0000] B2G is 26, but I think that's almost all android [15:44:46.0000] my chromium checkout is roughly 20GB, excluding build artifacts [15:45:06.0000] debug build is 27GBish, depending on configuration [15:45:12.0000] and what targets you wanna build [15:48:07.0000] that's my favourite thing about v8 [15:48:10.0000] tiny 2015-01-13 [16:02:28.0000] chromium is big. web platform is very broad [16:02:46.0000] yes, and yet i manage to get 7 minute clobber builds of m-c on my laptop [16:03:19.0000] oh the things we miss [16:08:25.0000] what kinda laptop? [16:08:45.0000] i can clobber build chromium in about 3 minutes, but it takes a lot more power than a single laptop [16:10:45.0000] I think it's pretty community spirited of Google to make building Chromium have such a high barrier to entry [16:11:01.0000] It makes Gecko look appealing in comparison [16:17:01.0000] i'm pretty sure nobody chooses to make the codebase harder to work with. in fact, quite a few people do the opposite. it's hard [16:18:48.0000] I imagine it's less pressing when you can build in 3 minutes due to a huge internal build cluster [16:26:10.0000] Ms2ger: https://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/r/3713 [16:26:37.0000] dang, not online... but cc'd, good 'nuff [22:07:14.0000] meow [22:07:40.0000] /me paws at catip, annevk [22:59:21.0000] enough roleplaying in whatwg, I think... [23:09:08.0000] Ooops, Sorry Domenic. (It's become a (bad) habit) [00:06:43.0000] morning [00:09:48.0000] annevk: you're supposed to roleplay [00:11:51.0000] heh [00:15:37.0000] ^_^ [02:05:08.0000] this may interest some here: https://annevankesteren.nl/2015/01/javascript-web-platform [02:29:56.0000] annevk: internal states, tell me about that! ;) [02:33:24.0000] hemanth: hah, still unclear? [02:33:51.0000] hemanth: in the JavaScript specification it is fairly explicit, internal slots are the [[thingies]] [02:34:42.0000] hemanth: in web platform land you have to read a bit, e.g. https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/#formdata has an [[entries]] slot and an internal "create an entry" method [02:35:08.0000] annevk: not that i'm not clear, but finding those [[ ]] in MediaElement ain't easy (for me) [02:36:03.0000] I wonder if it'd be clearer if rather than prose "represents" or "has associated" requirements, we'd have a table with all the slots and maybe their type [02:36:22.0000] agree, need to "read a bit" :) [02:36:27.0000] Ms2ger: that's my internal slots IDL proposal [02:36:59.0000] hemanth: pretty much anything with an attribute getter requires an internal slot [02:37:00.0000] You mean, do it in the IDL block? [02:37:24.0000] Ms2ger: yeah, the idea is that basically everything that's an attribute automatically creates an internal slot [02:37:42.0000] Eh, not sure I like that [02:37:43.0000] Ms2ger: unless you say it doesn't need one (e.g. innerHTML doesn't need one, we'd generate the string on the fly) [02:37:59.0000] annevk: okies... [02:38:00.0000] We'd have to opt out all the reflecting attributes too [02:38:02.0000] yeah, not everyone does [02:38:32.0000] Ms2ger: I think for reflecting attributes we want special IDL [02:38:38.0000] Ms2ger: [Reflect=URL] or some such [02:38:45.0000] And with my implementor hat on, I'm not sure I like having it intertwined with the interface definition [02:38:48.0000] I don't know [02:38:51.0000] annevk: https://twitter.com/GNUmanth/status/535356806856331264 is not possible due to internal slots, right? [02:38:58.0000] Ms2ger: Chrome has that, looks pretty neat [02:39:28.0000] hemanth: I'm not sure what that is saying [02:40:57.0000] well annevk gnumanth in me ;) So...we can't just do an Object.observe(input, function(changes){}) [02:41:05.0000] /in/is [02:41:22.0000] That's what you have with accessors [02:42:20.0000] hemanth: ah yes, that doesn't work automatically because of getters rather than actual properties [02:42:50.0000] #sad [02:43:07.0000] anyway MutationObserver can come to rescue, right? [02:43:08.0000] hemanth: a thought I had was that if we formalize internal slots through IDL we could also formalize Object.observe as acting on those formalized slots [02:43:30.0000] that would be great! annevk [02:43:34.0000] hemanth: mutation observers are only about tree state, not about object state [02:43:43.0000] oh :( [02:44:08.0000] annevk: you got a chance to read http://h3manth.com/new/blog/2015/es6-reflect-api/ ;) ? [02:45:28.0000] hemanth: do now, though I read about Reflect before, I'm on es-discuss :-) [02:45:53.0000] :) [02:49:11.0000] /me runs, got late for the cab... [03:14:00.0000] JakeA: I for one, cannot wait for the internal build of the pre-alpha [03:16:19.0000] annevk: haha, I'm soooo fucking angry [03:18:26.0000] JakeA: shows that post-religion people are still gullible [03:55:53.0000] For some reason www.w3.org no longer loads in my Firefox Nightly [03:56:05.0000] Is Firefox Nightly trying to protect me? [04:18:52.0000] annevk: yesterday, when I was talking about vague error messages, I was referring to steps 6.2 and 7 https://w3c.github.io/push-api/#widl-PushManager-subscribe-Promise-PushSubscription [04:19:58.0000] They're trying to decide between "be vague, and allow push services the freedom to throw the best error" and "update the spec for new errors created by different kinds of push services" [04:20:10.0000] I prefer the former [04:20:14.0000] EME does the latter [04:21:02.0000] https://w3c.github.io/encrypted-media/#h3_methods-1 1.2.3 [04:22:49.0000] JakeA: you mean EME does the former and you prefer the latter? [04:23:11.0000] JakeA: what EME does is a bug that they should fix [04:23:27.0000] JakeA: can't really hand-wave the protocol like that :-( [04:23:50.0000] annevk: hah, yes that's what I mean [04:34:00.0000] /me likes jsbin and 6to5 integration :) [05:19:49.0000] I feel dumb when I read anything in this channel :-o [05:20:13.0000] fwiw so do I [05:20:27.0000] I suppose it's better than thinking you know it all, right? [05:20:32.0000] True [05:20:41.0000] But I appear to know nothing :D [05:21:12.0000] That said, I often struggle to open food packaging so hey. [06:14:18.0000] iandevlin: I think that's how everyone in this channel started out [06:15:12.0000] iandevlin: hard to say whether we "improved" over time by learning though :-P [06:16:01.0000] annevk: not sure if that's encouraging or not! [06:18:53.0000] iandevlin: one day I hope social sciences starts studying mailing lists and IRC channels [06:19:24.0000] annevk: haha :-) [06:39:19.0000] https://www.drupal.org/node/2405903 [06:39:48.0000] does Drupal actually emit [06:40:03.0000] Lolwat [07:02:29.0000] hsivonen: https://html5.validator.nu/ and https://validator.nu/ returning 502 [07:20:13.0000] MikeSmith: the validator messages would be clearer if it reordered the attributes so that "charset" is first before checking against the RelaxNG [07:20:43.0000] MikeSmith: i think that is similarly done for to put type first [07:23:54.0000] zcorpan: the validator's not doing any reordering of attributes anywhere [07:24:00.0000] as far as I know [07:24:28.0000] MikeSmith: i recall something about at least to make error messages less confusing [07:24:36.0000] hsivonen: ^ [07:26:16.0000] MikeSmith: try this [07:26:28.0000] /me tries [07:26:58.0000] and compare with vs [07:28:31.0000] without the reordering it would say that type=file is invalid for the first case [07:32:25.0000] OK, I see what you're saying but I don't think that's due any to the code doing any special reordering of attributes in that case -- instead it's just because of the way the RelaxNG schema defines the constraints for , which is different from how it defines the constraints for [07:33:27.0000] because dealing with is a massive PITA due to the fact it's not really one element but actually 17 or whatever different elements masquerading as one element [07:33:37.0000] MikeSmith: at what point are you going to cut out the middle man? [07:36:12.0000] annevk: some day when I either suddenly get much smarter or when I suddenly have a bunch more time free to work on solving interesting problems [07:37:22.0000] zcorpan, fwiw, bz believes http://w3c-test.org/quirks-mode/table-cell-width-calculation.html flakiness in Gecko is because it assumes imgs load sync [07:38:06.0000] Ms2ger: yes, that matches my analysis [07:38:49.0000] Ms2ger: question is if we want to load sync or async [07:39:12.0000] I don't want anything :) [07:39:57.0000] zcorpan: I want async... [07:40:25.0000] MikeSmith: just need to double your intake of tea and then you can handle it yourself [07:40:27.0000] annevk: why? [07:40:45.0000] heh [07:41:13.0000] zcorpan: it's imaginable that we could change the meta-checking user-visible behavior to be more like the input-checking user-visible behavior. But another thing is that the meta-checking behavior is itself also already relatively baroque, but just in a different way. Good times all around [07:41:27.0000] zcorpan: consistency [07:41:46.0000] zcorpan: though I guess is also sync... [07:41:48.0000] bah [07:41:51.0000] MikeSmith: i guess invalidness might be rare and not worth optimizing for [07:42:04.0000] yeah true probably so [07:42:09.0000] annevk: it is, yes [07:42:59.0000] annevk: it loads sync in blink but not in current blink/webkit [07:43:20.0000] I think you blinked a blink there [07:44:23.0000] zcorpan: I think in general we could move more stuff out of the RelaxNG schema and into the Java code. Maybe is a specific case where that could happen, I dunno. But in general we get better behavior for end users the more we move stuff out that way when we can [07:44:31.0000] gecko/webkit [07:45:46.0000] MikeSmith: is there any data about which messages or elements or attributes are most common? [07:46:36.0000] nah we would need to add some stuff to the stats-collecting code to get that [07:46:50.0000] Hixie also talked to me about that recently [07:46:56.0000] so I should do it [07:47:15.0000] one nice thing about that is , it doesn't require me to be so smart [07:47:24.0000] i think hsivonen did something like that in the early days [07:47:33.0000] yeah? [07:47:57.0000] if so I don't think he kept the code for collecting it in there [07:48:16.0000] anyway, it would be very useful info to have [08:04:13.0000] MikeSmith: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2008Jan/0305.html [08:09:20.0000] heh, "Bad value “X-UA-Compatible”" "Hmm." [08:10:48.0000] does someone have IE? i can't get modern.ie to give me a screenshot for http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/3066 [08:19:12.0000] zcorpan: I have IE, what do you want? [08:20:31.0000] iandevlin: can you tell me what the log says for the above link? [08:21:22.0000] zcorpan: In IE11, the log says: log: 0 [08:21:22.0000] rendering mode: CSS1Compat [08:21:22.0000] document has no title [08:21:25.0000] oops [08:21:40.0000] thanks iandevlin [08:21:54.0000] means loading is async [08:24:42.0000] What does e10s expand to? [08:25:12.0000] eeeeeeeeees [08:25:25.0000] Or electrolysis [08:25:33.0000] Your choice [08:26:58.0000] See? I don't even understand those logs that I pasted :-/ [08:27:00.0000] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2008Jan/0305.html seems to basically just be saying "if people make an error often enough we should make it conforming" :-/ [08:29:44.0000] Oh I see that's from 2008 [08:30:01.0000] Domenic: It's more like "if people do X and we can't think of a reason that X is actively harmful (in some way that doesn't require everyone else to not do X too), then it should be conforming" [08:30:39.0000] Yeah, that doesn't sound like a conformance checker/validator too much to me. More like an interoperability checker. [08:30:52.0000] iandevlin: annevk: Ms2ger: https://github.com/ResponsiveImagesCG/picture-element/issues/223#issuecomment-69772765 [08:31:16.0000] zcorpan: \o/ [08:31:25.0000] zcorpan: ah yes, allowing asynchronous decoding is a good one [08:31:35.0000] Domenic: Souns like one to me, just where the definition of "conformance" is based on data rather than someone's idea of aesthetics [08:31:38.0000] zcorpan: aha thanks [08:31:42.0000] zcorpan: anything sync is PITA, see about:blank [08:32:22.0000] Domenic, problem is that validators can't whine *too* much, otherwise people ignore them [08:32:59.0000] Ms2ger: yeah, I'm sympathetic to that. A lot of those seemed pretty bad though. e.g. border="0" instead of CSS. [08:33:18.0000] Domenic, *shrug* [08:33:47.0000] Domenic: why is it better to use style="border:0" for something like a badge that you want other people to paste into their sites? [08:33:54.0000] Domenic, I mean, CSS is better and all, and I'd never use border="" today, but is it really harmful? [08:33:56.0000] Domenic: Right that makes sense if you can articulate a particular reason it's bad [08:34:31.0000] (some things that "everybody knows" are terrrible turn out to be not-so-terrible-after-all under this test) [08:34:36.0000] (e.g. ) [08:34:37.0000] (border=0 might not be necessary at all today though since browsers dropped the default border on image links) [08:34:50.0000] zcorpan: knowing and propagating knowledge of the general-purpose mechanism is better than knowing that img's have a special-purpose attribute that will tweak the border. [08:36:40.0000] Domenic: so presentational stuff is ok if it's general-purpose? [08:38:46.0000] not what i said [08:40:33.0000] So nobody any idea why Firefox would refuse to load www.w3.org links? [08:41:21.0000] Doesn't for me [08:41:27.0000] is it on the HSTS preload list? There's some part of the w3 site that sets the HSTS header, but the rest of the site redirects https to http [08:47:19.0000] Domenic: that sounds like it could be it [08:47:21.0000] Domenic: yeah, sorry [08:48:06.0000] Domenic: seems I cannot inspect items in the list in Firefox, I can either enable or disable it... [08:48:24.0000] Domenic: but I do end up with infinite redirects... [08:48:48.0000] /me didn't realize the W3C would try to set that header before they made things work [08:50:06.0000] "Unfortunately these threads usually devolve into an endless thread of discussion and debate that become next to impossible to actually read through later without several hours of spare time and a bottle of whiskey..." hehehe [09:32:31.0000] annevk: is your Firefox refusing to load www.w3.org links right now? [09:33:13.0000] MikeSmith: yes [09:33:33.0000] "Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete." [09:33:41.0000] ok yeah [09:33:57.0000] this happened to others [09:34:05.0000] including me, but in Chrome in my case [09:34:09.0000] MikeSmith: the only way for w3.org to solve this is either no longer redirect https to http or set a HSTS header for everyone that removes the policy [09:34:33.0000] MikeSmith: strict-transport-security: max-age=0 or some such [09:34:39.0000] did Tim or somebody send out public mail about this? [09:34:57.0000] MikeSmith: I don't know [09:37:39.0000] MikeSmith: yeah it's definitely HSTS [09:37:52.0000] yeah [09:52:21.0000] TabAtkins: Which spec defines a css property that gives an element an aspect ratio? [09:52:27.0000] (or am I making it up?) [09:52:37.0000] An old blog post of mine defined a bad version of it. [09:52:42.0000] But no spec does. [09:52:58.0000] No worries. Must have imagined it [12:05:49.0000] MikeSmith: can you verify that inexorabletash is a contributor to w3c/IndexedDB on github? [12:18:05.0000] /me was reading that and thought, hey, I know inexorabletash, that's jsbell! [12:18:14.0000] And then I read who wrote the line [12:18:32.0000] :) [12:30:12.0000] MikeSmith, zcorpan: validator.nu is up again. thanks [13:03:09.0000] MikeSmith, jgraham: Yes, I was paraphrasing. [13:55:05.0000] so confused [13:55:12.0000] suppose i have an Iterator in JS [13:55:35.0000] do i use for (let a in g), for (let a of g), or for each (let a in g) ? [13:59:51.0000] Hixie: for (let a of g) [14:00:00.0000] ok, thakns [14:34:56.0000] Hixie: for(let a of g) [14:35:23.0000] "for each" was part of a very old proposal, only existed in Firefox if you invoked the right ritual version. [14:35:42.0000] Testing: ping? [14:39:32.0000] Ooof, I'm in netsplit right now. Awesome. [15:18:34.0000] jsbell: d'oh [15:18:48.0000] fixed now [15:20:47.0000] jsbell: I had created a github team odd the idxdb errors but has neglected to actually associate it with the idxdb repo [15:21:20.0000] *of the idxdb editors [15:25:16.0000] MikeSmith: np, thx [15:26:54.0000] MikeSmith: history pushed, you should be able to redirect dvcs.w3.org/hg/IndexedDB now [15:28:46.0000] jsbell: cool, will set it up in a couple hours [15:29:26.0000] (on from my phone now) 2015-01-14 [22:30:59.0000] now chrome suddenly wasting a ton of tab bar space to tell me my name. why does everything get worse? [22:31:09.0000] wonder if it'll go away if i log out of google [22:32:11.0000] zewt_: chrome://flags/#enable-new-profile-management disable here [22:33:21.0000] zewt_: there's also chrome://flags/#enable-fast-user-switching but i'm not 100% sure what effect it has [22:52:55.0000] https://github.com/gabelerner/canvg seems fairly cool [22:54:45.0000] /me tries ES6 classes on ions https://twitter.com/GNUmanth/status/555254535531139073 ;) [22:54:59.0000] /ions/iojs duh! [23:07:10.0000] MikeSmith: wow, nice find [23:07:23.0000] diffalot: [23:08:18.0000] oofs [23:08:29.0000] Domenic: Patrick Walton found that https://twitter.com/pcwalton/status/554789716772401152 [23:08:56.0000] I just re-found it from him [23:08:57.0000] fascinating, that servo is actually using this [23:09:47.0000] paul_irish: i assume it won't be an option for long if it's buried like that, thanks though [00:16:29.0000] Is io.js a fork of Node.js? [00:16:53.0000] yeah [00:18:01.0000] I keep forgetting, which one has more social justice? [00:18:10.0000] community fork to take it back from Joyent, as far as I understand [00:18:25.0000] didn't it have to do with he/she/they pronouns or something? [00:18:42.0000] wha [00:18:52.0000] I remember there was some outcry over a board appointed by a private company [00:19:15.0000] the forking will continue until no one private entity controls the project [00:19:22.0000] But my Twitter timeline has not provided the details clearly and I have not cared to look into it thus far [00:20:13.0000] i thought it had something to do with ecmascript and the harmony flag but i have not looked into it extensively [00:20:23.0000] haven't used node much the past couple of years [00:31:34.0000] I have never used node, does that make me a heathen? [00:33:42.0000] I have not either [00:34:56.0000] My host's default software makes it much easier to write something in Python... [00:35:59.0000] I have also never used Python. [00:36:00.0000] i mostly use python on the server too but that's more a case of personal preference than anything else [00:36:35.0000] I would use JavaScript I think if it was just a matter of dumping a file [00:37:38.0000] It doesn't really matter much, end result is network traffic either way [01:01:57.0000] I guess foolip no longer does irc [01:02:33.0000] wanted to ask him if ruby is supported in WebVTT text tracks [01:02:51.0000] I guess I need to read the spec instead [01:03:48.0000] ah there's at least one wpt test case that has it [01:53:51.0000] Domenic: Not sure it's the long term plan for servo (I expect without measuring that you get beter perf and more features with a native implementation), but it gives something with very little effort [01:54:29.0000] Someone said Servo? [01:55:17.0000] Domenic, Servo isn't using it [01:55:37.0000] Domenic, and it's not at all certain that it will [02:04:47.0000] mounir_: happy b-day! [02:13:50.0000] annevk: thanks for reminding me I'm old :) [02:14:12.0000] mounir_: did you get any presents old man? [02:14:55.0000] annevk, want to help review https://critic.hoppipolla.co.uk/r/3723 ? [02:15:29.0000] annevk: na, that's for youngsters [02:16:27.0000] Maybe we should find mounir_ a review for his birthday [02:17:08.0000] Ms2ger: hmm, if we are going to include encodings.js some other tests should maybe be rewritten... [02:17:29.0000] jgraham: I could probably do one of the reviews in my queue :) [02:18:03.0000] annevk, that might be a reasonable idea [02:18:03.0000] Ms2ger: are you reviewing now? [02:18:06.0000] annevk, no [02:21:43.0000] assert_throws, shouldn't that take new TypeError() as first argument? [02:23:00.0000] Either way works, but I guess new TypeError() is used more [02:34:02.0000] Ms2ger: actually, I think I rather focus on custom elements a bit more and leave this until that's a bit further ahead [02:34:39.0000] Wfm [03:32:08.0000] MikeSmith: the spec has ruby (only and ). not sure who implements it, but presto didn't (apart from supporting in the parser probably) [03:35:24.0000] zcorpan: ah ok thanks [03:36:11.0000] I still hadn't gotten around to checking the spec [03:36:28.0000] MikeSmith: it's a feature that is unique to webvtt compared to other subtitle formats, iirc [03:36:45.0000] Oh [03:37:14.0000] except for burnt-in subtitles which can do whatever [03:37:36.0000] sure [03:38:22.0000] well it's used quite a lot with TV captions in Japan [03:38:57.0000] maybe that's only started to happen recently [03:39:55.0000] And to be clear I mean it's used now everyday in non-burnt-in captions [03:40:53.0000] ones that need to be optionally turned on to be viewed [03:41:21.0000] closed captions, or whatever they're properly called now [03:41:43.0000] for hearing-impaired people [03:42:48.0000] MikeSmith: i think it's worked around using font-size and character-level positioning in other formats, rather than native support in the format for ruby [03:43:51.0000] i don't recall what led me to think this but a quick google search on the topic seems to support my claim :-) [03:46:28.0000] it's possible that there is a format or profile or extension of a format in use in japan that has native support though [03:50:46.0000] zcorpan: hmm yeah I'll ask. we have a guy on the w3c team now in Japan, Yosuke Funahashi, who knows intimately about everything related to broadcasting in Japan, as far as technologies [03:51:00.0000] cool [05:57:31.0000] And suddenly Bert Bos in my twitter [05:57:38.0000] Thanks for the retweet, MikeSmith :) [06:04:04.0000] Ms2ger: servo? [06:04:25.0000] Some conference in .jp [06:04:34.0000] ah [06:06:03.0000] ah I see Bert [06:06:19.0000] "Bos" means "Badass" in Belgian [06:13:06.0000] Actually it means "forest" [06:13:49.0000] in some dialects, yes [06:15:04.0000] /me tries to figure out other ways to get Bert into Ms2ger's twitter [06:18:56.0000] hsivonen: v.nu gives 502 again [06:26:04.0000] MikeSmith: i get an error for media="((min-width: 769px), (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi))" for the double-parens but i think it should be allowed per spec [06:26:54.0000] (this is from canistaywithyouwhileirentmyplaceonairbnb.com ) [06:27:32.0000] From where? [06:33:53.0000] zcorpan: oh [06:34:31.0000] I'd think the code I wrote should handle that as expected [06:35:08.0000] zcorpan: can you please file a bug for that? [06:35:13.0000] sure [06:36:21.0000] which component? [06:38:05.0000] https://bugzilla.validator.nu/show_bug.cgi?id=1014 [06:53:15.0000] zcorpan: thanks, that'll work [06:54:03.0000] https://github.com/validator/validator/issues works fine now too, if you like the Github [06:54:42.0000] ok [09:22:02.0000] Is there a betting pool yet for how long we can have "fetch" as a global variable? [09:26:14.0000] Anyone going over a week? [09:28:26.0000] oh it's in canary now huh [09:37:51.0000] Ms2ger: bad odds, but oooh the reward :-P [09:38:00.0000] (there's no reward) [09:42:41.0000] annevk: what's a regexp that finds problematic uses of "fetch"? [09:43:06.0000] \bfetch\b [09:44:03.0000] var fetch = "foo"; isn't actually problematic, is it? [09:50:13.0000] Presumably just defining a variable, even a global, isn't problematic. It's things like testing for fetch == undefined [09:52:22.0000] or bare fetch in event handler attributes [11:51:03.0000] also using generic words is just annoying api (the number of times I've wanted to name a variable max or len in python; ugh) [11:55:08.0000] (not that fetch is *that* bad) [12:39:21.0000] Meh, inbox explosion [12:40:34.0000] zewt_: it's a bit annoying how variables are not separately scoped [13:57:08.0000] annevk: On the other hand, Common Lisp's separation of methods and variables is also annoying at times. It's a trade-off. 2015-01-15 [16:04:09.0000] TabAtkins: can I pass in custom metadata with bikeshed's --md-xxx syntax? I am getting "Unknown metadata key" errors [16:04:44.0000] Nope, I have a note in the issue saying that I'm not adding it until someone asks, because it's a little troublesome. ^_^ [16:05:15.0000] hmm maybe i can repurpose another metadata [16:06:31.0000] TabAtkins: I basically want to smuggle in some custom text from the command line, so I can do `var currentCommitURL = "[commiturl]"` [16:06:45.0000] any better way to do that than asking you to implement custom metadata? [16:07:03.0000] That won't work in the first place, since there's no way to set custom text macros. [16:07:10.0000] Ah, macros vs. metadata [16:08:20.0000] so uh yeah any ideas [16:13:20.0000] Log an issue on me and I'll think about it. ^_^ [00:00:01.0000] anybody know that github is using Flash for? [00:00:50.0000] in Chrome I get a popup notification about it having blocked a pop-up from Flash [00:02:55.0000] document.querySelectorAll("object")[0].id [00:02:56.0000] "global-zeroclipboard-flash-bridge" [00:03:01.0000] :-) [00:03:27.0000] https://assets-cdn.github.com/flash/ZeroClipboard.v2.1.6.swf I guess [00:03:37.0000] ondras: yeah [00:53:07.0000] Domenic: are you awake? [01:10:38.0000] zcorpan: thanks. validator.nu is back [01:10:49.0000] looks like I need to write some kind of watchdog for this [01:11:22.0000] like I have with Apache+Bugzilla, which is combo that gets killed by the kernel occasionally [01:11:39.0000] so I have a cron job telling apache to start frequently [01:14:59.0000] heycam|away: whoa, 100Mbps for AUD 1500 is ... move to Europe ;-) [02:29:25.0000] my first v.nu PR https://github.com/validator/validator/pull/25 [02:30:01.0000] righteous [02:31:10.0000] i guess there's no spec for x-ua-compatible http header [02:33:22.0000] only some scattered msdn stuff, how-to, not spec [02:35:49.0000] maybe the message should say what the value was [02:36:55.0000] that's always nice to have [02:37:08.0000] especially in this case [02:37:29.0000] since it's coming from a header [02:47:18.0000] MikeSmith: the docs say there's error, fatalError and warning. and the other errors are actually fatal. so this should be error [02:47:52.0000] unless error somehow doesn't work and it needs to choose between fatalError and warning [02:49:28.0000] zcorpan: ok. haven't looked back at the rest of the code yetー I'm on from my phone [08:09:19.0000] https://twitter.com/awbjs/status/555755196488241152 :/ [08:09:29.0000] Is there nobody that does any triaging on ES bugs? [08:09:56.0000] What's the point in filing them if they keep getting deferred unless you're on some committee [08:10:25.0000] What makes you think there is a point? [08:10:52.0000] haha thinking doing anything with TC-39 is worthwhile if you're not a member of TC-39, that's cute [08:16:50.0000] annevk: am awake [08:17:04.0000] curious on your thoughts on my latest custom elements post [08:17:17.0000] i think it makes upgrading a minimum viable part of the mvp [08:17:43.0000] Domenic: the Dmitry solution? [08:17:49.0000] yes [08:18:32.0000] Domenic: I was not thrilled at first, but then I read Jonas' almost-synchronous solution which wasn't great either [08:19:07.0000] I think the Dmitry solution is pretty nice. The biggest problem with the current setup is that C1 = document.registerElement("my-el", C2) gives C1 !== C2 [08:19:16.0000] with Dmitry's solution they are === [08:19:31.0000] Domenic: it seems even wycats is not too opposed to the Dmitry solution although it has the Brain transplant properties... [08:21:58.0000] Domenic: the main thing I dislike is that it's quite a bit different from normal elements [08:22:19.0000] Domenic: but I guess that's always going to be the case, given where we put the security boundaries [08:23:07.0000] For parses that happen after registration you could use the real constructor using Jonas's technique more or less, I think. But for parses before registration I think not having identity at parse time is the only reasonable thing. [08:23:28.0000] Domenic: I don't think we should do both [08:23:43.0000] Domenic: that makes it racy whether certain things end up working [08:23:56.0000] Normal elements could probably work the way of the Dmitry solution [08:24:56.0000] Probably nobody wants to implement that but seems doable. [08:24:57.0000] Domenic: the element-constructors repo looks really great btw [08:25:36.0000] Thanks :). Needs a bit more work, but I am happy that it is possible. [08:26:16.0000] Yeah, I think as some suggested on the list we want to require magic tokens for a few to make forward compatibility a bit better, but overall this looks like the way to go [08:26:44.0000] I'm so happy that someone who understands JS better than I do is making this happen. ^_^ [08:26:50.0000] Hopefully can restrict it to HTMLUnknownElement. [08:27:14.0000] Even though it's rather weird that elements have both duck typing and identity but I guess we're not going to remove that anytime soon [08:31:18.0000] What do you mean by that exactly? [08:33:48.0000] /me : Node Module Of The Week -> http://nmotw.in/isomorphic-fetch/ [08:36:33.0000] Domenic: that you check the identity of an element by name/namespace rather than class [08:37:08.0000] Yeah but if we maintain the invariants in the readme then those have a 1:1 correspondence so it becomes observably the same [08:37:09.0000] Domenic: similar to how ES prescribes that you check for [[WeakMapData]] but then makes these slots so unique you can do it either way... [08:37:57.0000] Domenic: I would like to be able to be a subclass of