2015-02-01 [16:32:46.0000] "Results in nothing" is pretty rare on Google. 2015-02-02 [16:30:55.0000] Just a reminder to annevk and others: Please use spaces in wiki page titles. CamelCase is unnecessary and makes things harder to search for. [00:01:19.0000] http://xkcd.com/1481/ :-) [00:12:06.0000] Whoa, Googlebot only just added support for TLSv12 [00:12:54.0000] Would have been nice if Adam Langley had pointed that out while telling everyone only TLSv12 is cryptographically secure [00:25:20.0000] Hello [00:26:33.0000] I'm having trouble with my canvas element. I want it to be full screen, and when I set height/width to 100%, then the things the canvas draws also get bigger [00:27:19.0000] To be specific, I'm trying to turn this game I made into a phonegap app: http://dbz.github.io/BubbleChain/ [00:27:41.0000] And when I make the canvas height/width 100%, then the balls get huge and don't act like the walls are the walls [04:45:59.0000] so, and
are mutually exclusive, right? My custom element is unable to support both invocations? [04:47:16.0000] ondras_: not sure what you mean [04:47:36.0000] okay [04:48:00.0000] so, if I do registerElement(, {extends:...}) [04:48:06.0000] I need to use @is [04:48:13.0000] and the version does not work [04:48:29.0000] if I omit "extends", it goes the other way around [04:48:34.0000] at least in chrome canary. [04:48:59.0000] sounds about right [04:49:16.0000] "My custom element is unable to support both invocations?" [04:49:20.0000] does this question make sense now? [04:49:22.0000] I don't think we should do is="", we should make MyElement extends HTMLDivElement work [04:49:35.0000] ondras_: yeah I guess, I don't really see it as invocations [04:49:49.0000] okay, blame my poor english skills then [04:49:51.0000] my point is [04:49:54.0000] what shall I do? [04:50:01.0000] as an author of a custom element [04:50:07.0000] shall I use "extends" or not? [04:50:59.0000] ondras_: not sure, neither Apple nor Mozilla is interested in supporting the current prototype-based custom elements [04:51:27.0000] ah [04:51:31.0000] dammit :) [04:51:51.0000] looks like the hype wave already took off; this will probably be a hard landing for many [04:52:51.0000] ondras_: I wrote some blog posts and there's also https://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Custom_Elements [04:53:09.0000] ondras_: and over a hundred emails on public-webapps [04:54:56.0000] annevk: right. the amount on public-webapps is staggering. I follow that group but I am reluctant to read that much mail .) [04:55:45.0000] annevk: anyway, thanks for the info about status quo [07:27:11.0000] is there any js api to access and modify styling for ::before and ::after pseudo-elements? [07:28:33.0000] ondras_: not really, but you can add a rule to a stylesheet to style them [07:29:04.0000] ondras_: what are you trying to do? [07:31:35.0000] zcorpan: change the "color" css property of a ::before element :/ [07:31:41.0000] but the color is js-generated, unfortunately [07:31:46.0000] so I am out of options, apparently [07:32:14.0000] scoped stylesheets are no longer supported, iirc? [07:32:37.0000] i mean you can add a rule to a stylesheet with JS [07:32:46.0000] or modify an existing rule [07:33:07.0000] right [07:33:37.0000] well say I have ten
s and I want to modify the ::before of one particular div [07:33:50.0000] those are not divs, those are my custom elements [07:33:58.0000] I have no control about their count, IDs and so on [07:34:55.0000] ondras_: there's a proposal to expose them I think, but not in current browsers [07:35:06.0000] ondras_: but then custom elements are not cross browser either :-) [07:35:27.0000] well, obviously. but the polymer's platform.js works quite okay [07:44:49.0000] Domenic: so if custom-button { @extends button } can be done automatically, what is left? [07:45:39.0000] Domenic: basically replacing the localName checks with something that looks like instanceof but is really ignoreRealmInstanceOf [07:45:51.0000] Domenic: right? [07:46:02.0000] annevk: focus, a11y, a few other things [07:46:08.0000] Domenic: the only fallback you miss at that point is non-script fallback [07:46:12.0000] Domenic: why would that be gone? [07:46:22.0000] annevk: getting a button's CSS doesn't give you its focus behavior... [07:46:36.0000] Domenic: yes, but if it's a proper subclass you should get that [07:46:54.0000] well, maybe, but you'd have to modify the focus spec for that [07:46:55.0000] Domenic: and if you update the localName checks elsewhere with ignoreRealmInstanceOf [07:47:21.0000] better to add an extensible focus mechanism so that you don't have to subclass a focusable element to get focus behavior [07:47:28.0000] Domenic: is there anything in the focus spec that would require something else from modifying a localName check? [07:47:43.0000] Domenic: that seems separate [07:47:49.0000] it would be better if focus spec was like https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k93Ez6yNSyWQDtGjdJJqTBPmljk9l2WS3JTe5OHHB50/edit# so that it checked el.isTabStop() [07:48:04.0000] then isTabStop() behavior is inherited if you inherit from the HTMLButtonElement prototype [07:48:08.0000] But also could be configured separately [07:48:19.0000] I don't disagree with any of this [07:48:25.0000] heh ok [07:48:29.0000] However, I'm not sure why that has to be done first [07:48:50.0000] i guess the idea is that if you actually make all these things extensible then you don't need any local name *or* ignoreRealmInstanceOf checks [07:49:05.0000] You use inherited protocols for all of them, instead of switch statements [07:49:13.0000] Polymorphism etc. etc. [07:49:16.0000] Getting from to was two things I thought. Style and localName checks. [07:49:45.0000] Okay, so that would be an alternative way to get there [07:49:52.0000] But that seems more invasive on the short term [07:49:56.0000] agreed [07:50:05.0000] trying to think if there was anything more. which i guess was your original question. [07:50:13.0000] :-) [07:51:11.0000] i think for a sufficiently expansive definition of "localname checks" (which might be broader than the amount of times implementations check localNames) that is correct [07:51:34.0000] E.g. I don't think implementations have a switch(localName) to assign accessibility behavior [07:52:07.0000] and specs say "