2015-03-01 [02:11:38.0000] annevk, you don't happen to be around? [02:12:25.0000] Oh, nvm [02:20:56.0000] Ms2ger: waddup? [02:30:30.0000] annevk, I thought a note in the encoding spec was wrong, but I misdiagnosed the error [02:30:38.0000] ah [02:31:00.0000] Though I'm still not entirely sure it isn't wrong [02:31:09.0000] https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-textencoder-encode [02:31:23.0000] Claims "These encodings cannot return error.", but I don't see why not [02:32:16.0000] Oh, USVString [09:09:54.0000] in BroadcastChannel, there's no means available for discoverability [09:10:36.0000] as a service provider, i'd like to be able to advertise my channel to other channel-users [09:10:56.0000] they have to know ahead of time all the channels they might ever want to use [09:11:08.0000] and that seems markedly anti-web, anti loose coupling [09:11:29.0000] i made a similar bid for freedom in BroadcastChannel's unicast brother, navigator.connect [09:11:32.0000] https://github.com/mkruisselbrink/navigator-connect/issues/1 [09:11:39.0000] and got ignored there too as i always do by you very smart people [11:19:34.0000] rektide: just define a channel to advertise on [11:19:38.0000] rektide: and then advertise on there [11:19:59.0000] rektide: (since broadcast channels are per-origin, though, you can just tell your fellow web masters about them) [11:20:46.0000] defining a well known advertisement channel doesn't seem different from making people join your well known actual channel. [11:21:13.0000] you end up needing intermediating hubs where people can agree to advertise to one another [11:21:24.0000] i'd much prefer a web that is able to form itself [11:21:29.0000] #webwewant2015 [11:21:42.0000] /me chagrins himself [11:24:09.0000] Hixie: Marijn comes up with the same argument against discoverability in https://github.com/mkruisselbrink/navigator-connect/issues/1#issuecomment-62989902 and has a prototype example in his navigator.connect world [11:26:45.0000] i don't see why my user agent would not permit pages that wish to register the services they have to present that to the browser [11:27:05.0000] i'm not arguing against discoverability [11:27:10.0000] i'm arguing that it's already possible [11:27:52.0000] in any case, it's not like you can easily use randomly discovered channels, i mean, they're each going to have their own semantics and protocols [11:28:14.0000] that is so irrelevant [11:28:30.0000] seems most relevant to me :-) [11:28:38.0000] send messages to the channel. if it replies in a way you can accept, you can de facto converse [11:28:45.0000] there's no need to assume anything at all beyond that ever [11:28:58.0000] you are for your local pair sure of completeness [11:30:16.0000] any discussion on the need for content-negotiation is a forced one. please don't distract by insisting there's relevance to content negotiation [11:32:53.0000] there's a basic capability: can a page tell the user agent that it wishes to be able to be found [11:33:09.0000] defining an answer such that "sure, you can find the page if you know that there's this one url that you can hit" [11:33:23.0000] my answer is that no, the User-agent is not really bestowing the capability in earnest to the page [11:34:30.0000] we're getting awesome listenability mechanisms from navigator.connect and broadcast channel but neither of them are things where the user-agent is doing the job it needs to do to help things that want to be discoverable and which want to converse [11:34:56.0000] to be talk-to-able [11:42:24.0000] i've no idea what "can a page tell the user agent that it wishes to be able to be found" means but it doesn't sound like broadcast channels attempt to go near that problem? [11:42:40.0000] i guess i don't understand your high level problem [11:42:50.0000] are you asking about the equivalent of android intents? [11:44:07.0000] the most appropriate thing i could cite would be the Network Discovery spec [11:44:52.0000] i would like for BroadcastChannel to be something that the owner can set a flag on- myBroadcastChannel.makeDiscoverable() [11:45:20.0000] and from another origin or page i can do a BroadcastChannel.findAllDiscoverable() or some such [11:46:11.0000] let's go higher-level. what's the user-facing problem you're trying to solve? [11:46:12.0000] it may perhaps be useful if one were trying to implement something like Android Intents [11:47:04.0000] if i'm twitter, i'd like for every page on the system to be able to know the feed of the user [11:47:23.0000] if i'm stock ticker website, i'd like for every page on the system to be able to see live stock ticks [11:47:43.0000] if i'm a weather site, i'd like for every page on the system to be able to see the weather reports the user looks for [11:48:00.0000] as those sides, i want to broadcast a stream of json-ld data [11:48:03.0000] *sites [11:48:32.0000] oh, well [11:48:34.0000] you can do that already [11:48:43.0000] if they know i'm there broadcasting [11:48:53.0000] hence: discoverability [11:49:27.0000] othrewise you fail the basic condition [11:49:39.0000] i want every page to be able to see [11:49:49.0000] unless your ego is so large you assume everyone already knows you are there [11:49:49.0000] so you're saying the user-facing problem is you want the user to open two tabs, that don't know about each other, and for the data from one tab to go to the other tab? [11:50:04.0000] yes [11:50:16.0000] why the heck wouldn't the user just go to the twitter tab to see the twitter feed?? [11:50:18.0000] (please please please don't me eat this ack) [11:50:31.0000] i dunno, that's not my use case? [11:50:38.0000] why would they have to? [11:50:40.0000] i don't understand your use case at all [11:50:45.0000] why is the twitter background page color blue? [11:51:00.0000] if i want to view my twitter feed, i don't open g+ and hope that g+ notices i have twitter open to display my twitter feed there. [11:51:08.0000] especially since twitter is going to be able to do a much better job of rendering it [11:51:19.0000] in livejournal, when you are authoring a post, there is a "now listening" button that could detect the music from a few known sources [11:51:52.0000] ah now that's a more concrete use case [11:51:55.0000] i just want to make my own personal audioscrobbling server- which i wrote then literally lost the source to- [11:52:08.0000] well i've given you something consumer-side this time [11:52:26.0000] yes, that's what i meant by "user-facing" [11:52:46.0000] google now would be an example of a user-facing consumer of feeds [11:52:50.0000] ok so today the only way to do that that i can imagine is that you have an intermediary site that is a well-known place for producers and consumers to go to [11:52:57.0000] yes me too and marijn too [11:53:16.0000] they each open an iframe to that site, that iframe opens a shared worker, and everyone talks back and forth over that channel [11:53:54.0000] if you want that to happen but with the browser being the intermediary rather than some random well-known third-party site, then you probably want anne's hypothetical web intents stuff [11:54:00.0000] i recommend sending anne feedback on that [11:54:15.0000] giving that use case, in particular [11:55:08.0000] i am loath to let such a specific user-facingness use-case copt the more general idea of discoverability [11:55:42.0000] but that doesn't roll back- [11:55:51.0000] if you want something more general, describe more use cases so that it's obvious why you need something general [11:55:53.0000] Hixie: thank you for discussing with me this [11:56:21.0000] Google Now is a beautiful omnibus consumer of all the datas [11:56:38.0000] pointing to it and saying "web" is really kind of all the stand i feel like i should have to make [11:57:12.0000] omnivore post-application user-augmentation ware [11:58:09.0000] but it'll be fun rattling my brain to dredge up some existing application's that peer to other local wares [11:59:38.0000] once more chagrined, i just want to say thanks again for taking the time and inquiry to get us togther to the destination i saw [12:00:39.0000] the way to get things on the web is to describe the end-user use case. which in any case is what should matter, right, i mean who cares HOW something ends up being possible as long as it's possible [12:02:04.0000] it's something not modelled much in the world about, but inside of me i know that the agencies i wish to seed are ones which exchange with others and which can be heard from. and i believe we've come to a concensus on what the state of affairs is for that possibility. [12:02:59.0000] dbus is the most successful example by far, and it's success is meager. there are some very cool adoptions- MPRIS media playing remote interface specification- is really powerful and really well used [12:03:27.0000] but overall adoption is in a directly bad state, even where this capability of being talk-to-able exists, is very low [12:05:27.0000] in my experience, trying to provide hooks for hypothetical general solutions works far less well than trying to solve actual concrete problems that have immediate needs. [12:06:32.0000] but then you are married to your limited concrete set of the problem [12:06:37.0000] that's a negligent and dangerous path [12:07:04.0000] it also means you have to lead with problems, rather than hunting opportunity [12:07:19.0000] talk about a convergent path to local maxima [12:08:18.0000] but as far as getting others onboard, i certainly see what you are saying being the patterened way to get stuff done [12:09:04.0000] i agree that in theory it sounds like you'd get better results long term if you provided general solutions to hypothetical general problem spaces instead of generalised solutions to targetted problems [12:09:09.0000] but in practice it never works [12:09:21.0000] the specific has a way to focus the solution to one that actually works [12:09:32.0000] whereas general solutions tend to become quagmired in theoretical problems [12:09:36.0000] well thankfully i'm not providing a general solution, i'm just trying to solve a specific problem- i want people to know the software i write exists [12:09:54.0000] google already solves the problem of "i want people to know the software i write exsits" [12:10:01.0000] well said [12:10:05.0000] ahhhh lol [12:10:06.0000] so clearly that's not exactly the problem you're trying to solve :-) [12:10:55.0000] the web, for example, was a concrete solution to a narrow problem: how to share data at CERN. yet it worked out that it was a great base for a more general problem. compare to the other solutions to the more general problem that have been proposed, but have gone precisely nowhere. [12:11:41.0000] (in fact that most people have never heard of) [12:11:52.0000] i guess i have a hard time seeing what you would do to my solution statement- [12:11:55.0000] SGML vs XML is another example. SGML tries to solve more problems than SGML. [12:12:00.0000] than XML, i mean [12:12:07.0000] yet XML is way more successful [12:12:30.0000] myBroadcastChannel.makeDiscoverable() / BroacastChannel.findAllDiscoverable()- is that in the bad/general side to you? [12:13:04.0000] that fails for not having a well targetted problem, for being general to you? [12:14:08.0000] i feel like assuming more factors, having a more built out problem set-up- like yes perhaps the web intents works- would just be a receipe for making more ancillary downstream problems by baking in yet more assumptions [12:14:45.0000] http://www.w3.org/TR/discovery-api/ is an example of what i feel is a near ideal extensible api, which makes few assumptions. acctually, i think it'd be a great consumer for a myBroadcastChannel.makeDiscoverable()! [12:15:07.0000] broadcast channels are per-origin so they don't solve this at all [12:16:02.0000] http://www.w3.org/TR/discovery-api/ makes no sense to me [12:16:05.0000] but ok [12:16:08.0000] oh. heh, well. [12:16:09.0000] bbiab [12:16:51.0000] i rescind any asks of #whatwg now seeing that broadcastchannel doesn't have cross origin capabilities. [12:39:34.0000] i did a pretty crude port of Marijn's discovery-via-intermediary to broadcast channel, but obviously it's frivolous work when there's no cross-origin scenario to do it across. https://gist.github.com/rektide/36c5ec5301fb17f37ea6 [14:28:46.0000] ebay doesn't allow pasting in passwords; it's nonsensical that browsers even allow pages to affect that [15:26:00.0000] zewt: well, web pages can just reimplement type="password" themselves 2015-03-02 [16:47:11.0000] annevk: I did another 2k lines of DOM today. 2500 left, which I'll do Tue or Wed. After that is some cleanup, then I'm finally done. [16:57:34.0000] but you know it never really ends [17:13:26.0000] caitp-: Well, *my* part ends, since I'm just doing a preprocesser conversion. [17:18:08.0000] Hixie: Discovery API is about letting a page discover other servers on the same local network that want to be talked to, like a local music server. [17:18:44.0000] As long as the server can expose an HTTP endpoint and respond to certain standardized discovery protocols, the webpage can talk to it with that API. [17:21:08.0000] TabAtkins: WSDL 2.0? [17:21:21.0000] and of course everything on the IOT will want to get in on that, so your refridgerator, calendar, toaster, oven, microwave, vacuum cleaner, tv, raido and cellphone will be sharing info with random websites [17:21:37.0000] tantek: Dunno details/history, just summarizing the spec. ^_^ [17:22:59.0000] advertisers will know when you're running out of dishsoap and be able to target their specific brand right at you, it will be amazing [17:27:11.0000] TabAtkins: just the last time someone tried to do "server can expose an HTTP endpoint and respond to certain standardized discovery protocols", we ended up with WS-Deathstar [17:27:40.0000] or perhaps that was the *first time* [17:28:04.0000] "Web Intents" may have been the latest version of that kind of discovery abstraction disaster. [17:28:08.0000] I wish you better luck. [17:28:13.0000] I mean, you can layer whatever you want on top of it; you've just got an open communications channel. [17:28:21.0000] exactly what they both said [17:28:33.0000] classic architecture astronomy [17:29:39.0000] it's a cool idea, but sec and privacy stuff needs to be at the forefront of anything like that imo [17:40:33.0000] TabAtkins: sounds useful, but also like something that'll get mired in twenty layers of security mess [17:40:59.0000] heh, maybe. I don't have a dog in the fight; like I said, I was just summarizing the spec. [17:42:00.0000] who's writing it? [17:44:03.0000] http://www.w3.org/TR/discovery-api/ [17:44:03.0000] http://www.w3.org/TR/discovery-api/ is an example of what i feel is a near ideal extensible api, which makes few assumptions. acctually, i think it'd be a great consumer for a myBroadcastChannel.makeDiscoverable()! [17:44:51.0000] is botie a bot that says "%s is an example of what i feel is a near ideal extensible api, which makes few assumptions. acctually, i think it'd be a great consumer for a myBroadcastChannel.makeDiscoverable()!" when someone pastes a url [17:45:39.0000] lol instead of WSDL we get NSDL. [17:46:54.0000] A-HA it *IS* WSDL 2.0 [17:47:55.0000] and untouched in > 1 yr (yes Editor's draft is 2 days *older* than TR draft) [17:50:05.0000] that doesn't necessarily mean much [17:50:13.0000] true [17:50:56.0000] maybe it's already perfect [17:51:32.0000] like dom2 [18:05:45.0000] zewt: botie discovers "definitions" in what people say; statements of the form "X is Y" teach it something. [18:05:57.0000] zewt: Then it regurgitates these definitions when you trigger it. [18:08:04.0000] megahals are pretty early-2000s, heh [19:37:07.0000] zewt: botie is a bot I run here for people to leave messages for other people who are away [19:37:22.0000] like Memoserv except more lightweight [19:38:08.0000] botie, inform foo hey did you finish writing that draft yet [19:38:09.0000] will do [19:39:48.0000] botie, inform lalslal hey did you finish writing that draft yet [19:39:49.0000] will do [19:39:57.0000] is it pronounced bow-tie or bottie? [19:40:07.0000] lalslal, at 2015-03-02 03:39 UTC, MikeSmith said: hey did you finish writing that draft yet [19:40:38.0000] caitp-: bow-tie I guess [19:40:42.0000] I didn't name it [19:40:51.0000] a guy from the w3c systems team did [19:41:03.0000] oh [19:42:24.0000] anyway the other side-effect thing it does is, any time somebody say "url is y" it adds it to a db it keeps [19:43:10.0000] I could turn that feature off but it mostly seems to not be annoying [19:58:03.0000] botie: sync handlers? [19:58:03.0000] mikesmith: i don't know [19:58:55.0000] botie: spacer? [19:58:56.0000] spacer are the root of all evil. [20:00:03.0000] botie: scoped styles? [20:00:04.0000] bugger all, i dunno, mikesmith [20:00:13.0000] botie: styles? [20:00:13.0000] i haven't a clue, mikesmith [20:00:21.0000] botie: scoped_styles? [20:00:21.0000] i don't know, mikesmith [21:43:38.0000] Hey, so the History API: Why does popstate fire *after* the browser changes state, why is there no corresponding prepop event, why does the browser scroll in a way that is entirely unpreventable and why is the entire history array completely unreadable, even entries that are on the same hostname? [21:44:44.0000] Because all those things make it incredibly frustrating to the point of useless for some very common applications (AJAXy pages and single page site type deals), and I can't for the life of me understand how this is what we ended up with. [21:44:44.0000] why you wanna break the back button [21:44:54.0000] Who says I want to break it? [21:45:40.0000] Let's say you have a site where content is loaded in dynamically, affecting the page height. Now the browser's scrolling to the wrong page on any navigation. [21:46:56.0000] I should clarify: pushstate, replacestate, being able to store state along with location data, this is all awesome. [21:47:45.0000] But the browser scrolling being unpreventable and the developer being unable to see anything at all about the history of a session beyond the current frame (even being unable to see frames that are on their own hostname) create so many problems. [21:49:56.0000] The closest you can get to solving the scroll issue (without doing things like faking content height completely and trying to reimplement scrolling in a way that still feels native, which people actually have to do right now) results in a one frame flash as the browser is gonna scroll to where it thinks the user wants to be no matter what, even if the developer knows better. [21:50:43.0000] the history api is bungled for all sorts of reasons, but that doesn't mean it should be bungled even more [21:51:02.0000] This would bungle it way less. [21:51:15.0000] Also, I'm not bringing up anything that I haven't also found in long lived bug reports. [21:52:39.0000] (I'm also very frustrated right now, as I'm fighting the browser to provide a good UX because the assumptions the history API makes right now just don't hold true for a lot of modern sites. And every workaround is just that: a workaround with some unavoidable *other* UX issue.) [05:23:21.0000] TabAtkins, thanks; I'm already well on my way :) it's a nice format [05:24:42.0000] TabAtkins: thanks for the update [06:00:33.0000] I wonder if anyone still uses ismap [06:11:08.0000] Ms2ger: $ grep -ri ismap dataset | wc -l # 61 [06:11:36.0000] Aw [06:12:00.0000] for that dataset, that's about 0.7% [06:13:24.0000] this puzzles me tbh, when I started ismap was already considered a bad idea, it was usually listed with isindex and such [06:14:23.0000] annevk: is the "See it live: HTML Standard." thing in the repo? i can't find it https://github.com/whatwg/web-apps-tracker/search?utf8=✓&q=see+it+live [06:16:08.0000] annevk: (i wanted to add a link to respimg's changelog) [06:20:12.0000] zcorpan_: hmm dunno [06:20:25.0000] zcorpan_: guess not [06:20:43.0000] zcorpan_: let me copy the latest [06:20:50.0000] annevk: ok thx [06:22:46.0000] zcorpan_: done [06:24:28.0000] ty [06:29:09.0000] annevk: r? https://github.com/whatwg/web-apps-tracker/pull/1 [06:30:03.0000] zcorpan_: single paragraph for "see other links" would be better [06:31:13.0000] annevk: ok, just remove the

? [06:32:01.0000] yeah I guess [06:32:35.0000] done [07:28:20.0000] Ms2ger: 99% was better than anticipated. it's certainly different compared to any other chocolate, but i kinda like it [07:28:32.0000] \o/ 2015-03-03 [16:27:16.0000] yippie ki-yay Apple has a new WebKit/Safari evangelist [16:27:46.0000] https://twitter.com/jonathandavis [16:27:54.0000] anybody know him? [16:37:30.0000] i do :) [16:42:55.0000] hober! [16:43:30.0000] get him to join here if he can sometimes [16:43:57.0000] anyway, good news that you guys have somebody in the position now [16:44:18.0000] I hope the job has some emphasis on devrel [16:45:36.0000] because it seems like he could end up helping a lot with giving web devs somebody to share their problems with and know that they're being heard [16:46:25.0000] as far as specific issues with making their web apps work well in iOS Safari I mean [16:47:10.0000] anyway it's great news [16:56:50.0000] yeah, we're really excited to have him [17:00:39.0000] btw I didn't know xeenon was responsible for evangelism stuff [17:42:34.0000] wow https://twitter.com/emacs/status/572571031447052289 [17:42:57.0000] achivement unlocked there, for w3cmemes [17:43:18.0000] and indirectly for #1 emacs fanboy hober [18:12:54.0000] Domenic: how's jsdom performance these days? [18:13:21.0000] MikeSmith: pretty good IIRC ... faster than selenium at least, in general. [18:13:26.0000] nice [18:13:38.0000] what parser do you use with it mostly? [18:13:43.0000] parse5? [18:16:05.0000] yeah parse5 [18:16:11.0000] we fall back to htmlparser2 if people are in XML mode [18:16:36.0000] either explicitly or in the magic DWIM mode we try to see if the file ends in .x(ht)ml, the server response comes back with an XML content type, etc. [18:18:22.0000] ok [18:18:40.0000] I don't know htmlparser2 [18:18:46.0000] /me looks it up [18:19:20.0000] https://github.com/fb55/htmlparser2/ I guess [18:21:23.0000] yeah [18:21:30.0000] it's what we used to use before moving to parse5 [18:21:39.0000] but it supports xml so we left it around for that case [18:22:08.0000] a more principled approach to xml would be nice [18:22:17.0000] but not yet a priority [18:28:45.0000] Domenic: does anybody use https://github.com/aredridel/html5 any more? [18:29:09.0000] MikeSmith: good question :-/. It's well-loved by its maintainer and so I try to keep support for it active. But I don't know of many people doing so. [18:30:48.0000] Domenic: when I tried it in the past the performance was not great [18:31:16.0000] but it was hard to judge then in part because at that time jsdom perf wasn't great either [18:31:36.0000] that said, it was a long time ago that I last tried [18:32:04.0000] anyway I like Aria [18:33:44.0000] I like to use software by people who both care about making great software but who are also nice enlighted people who seem like they really care about other people [18:40:03.0000] my thoughts exactly :) [19:13:45.0000] https://twitter.com/mamund/status/572581915456356352 quoting Linus: "We don't break compatibility and we haven't done feature-based releases since basically forever" [19:13:48.0000] sounds like the Web [21:15:14.0000] Legal question: Are polyfills of CC-BY specs automatically or even forcefully CC-BY? [21:33:40.0000] /me looks around the channel for which lawyer here to assign that question to [21:41:20.0000] JonathanNeal: i am not a lawyer, but, no, there is no relationship between the copyright that a spec is under and its implementation. [21:46:01.0000] Hixie: hey on OSX do you use Terminal or iTerm2 [21:46:09.0000] terminal [21:46:12.0000] never heard of iTerm2 [21:46:25.0000] oh [21:46:27.0000] it's easy to imagine that it'd be better than Terminal [21:46:31.0000] yup [21:46:46.0000] well iTerm2 is way way better [21:47:05.0000] very actively developed by a guy who genuinely cares about making it great [21:47:32.0000] and he makes nightly builds [21:47:33.0000] http://iterm2.com/downloads.html [21:47:40.0000] though most of my problems with Terminal are to do with basic mac things, like, changing spaces eats your keystrokes and the animation slows at the end, or the annoyance around multiple windows vs multiple tabs [21:47:50.0000] yeah [21:49:09.0000] well an example of a nice feature around that level is the command+/ key in iTerm2 [21:49:10.0000] nothing on the iterm2 features pages looks compelling to me, though [21:49:17.0000] what does that do? [21:49:34.0000] it just shows you where your cursor is [21:49:51.0000] but with a very nice UX [21:49:59.0000] can't say i lose my cursor often :-) [21:50:10.0000] well I do, on OSX [21:50:23.0000] in text editors [21:50:29.0000] specifically in vim [21:51:24.0000] but other places tooーif you use a dark background especially it can be hard to know where your cursor is [21:51:55.0000] my background is black and my cursor is white [21:51:59.0000] a big white block [21:52:01.0000] anyway iTerm2 also has a very good way of natively managing multiple tmux windows from a remote ssh session [21:52:12.0000] (or light blue or something) [21:52:23.0000] what is there to manage? [21:52:55.0000] well it manages them in way that doesn't require you to do ^B 1 2 3 4 [21:53:08.0000] instead they're just each real windows [21:53:27.0000] if i wanted them to be distinct windows, i'd just connect to the remote server again :-) [21:53:51.0000] e.g. right now on this space i have an ssh connection to hixie.ch showing me the screen with my e-mail, and on the next space i have an ssh session to hixie.ch with my emacs screen [21:53:57.0000] Looks https://labs.w3.org/ is down. Because of that, the specs which use ReSpec aren't rendered properly. Is this a well-known issue? [21:53:58.0000] sure but you also lose ability to use ^B normally [21:53:58.0000] but they're both the same screen session [21:54:03.0000] no? [21:54:13.0000] sure [21:54:13.0000] i can switch internal screen buffers in each of these [21:54:28.0000] so ^P 2 and now the e-mail window shows my emacs buffer [21:54:36.0000] ^P^P and we're back to e-mail [21:54:58.0000] yeah sure that's what I normally do too of course [21:54:59.0000] (i also have a connection to the same screen session on my work desktop) [21:55:20.0000] I'm not totally sold on the idea of native-window management for tmux i'll admit [21:55:39.0000] I guess it's more like I'm impressed that he made it work the way it does [21:55:53.0000] hayato_: not a known issue afaik [21:56:01.0000] hayato_: I'll ping the systems team [21:56:08.0000] it does sound pretty impressive, technically [21:56:10.0000] MikeSmith: thanks [22:05:23.0000] Anyone having difficulties with Echidna or spec-generator on labs.w3.org ...? [22:07:02.0000] There isn't anything on https://labs.w3.org/ as such [22:07:16.0000] The tools there are Echidna (the publication system): https://labs.w3.org/echidna/ [22:07:35.0000] ...and an instance of spec-generator (Respec): https://labs.w3.org/spec-generator/ [22:14:00.0000] tripu: I have the same problem. I've just pinged Mike Smith in this room about that. [22:14:29.0000] What is the issue, hayato_? [22:14:39.0000] Echidna seems up and running [22:14:50.0000] ReSpec depends on https://labs.w3.org/ [22:15:15.0000] I guess all specs which use ReSpec aren't rendered correctly. [22:16:14.0000] hayato_: https://labs.w3.org/spec-generator/ isn't working? [22:16:33.0000] I'm not sure. I am using http://www.w3.org/Tools/respec/respec-w3c-common [22:17:00.0000] as an instance of ReSpec [22:17:43.0000] e.g. http://w3c.github.io/webcomponents/spec/shadow/ [22:18:53.0000] http://w3c.github.io/webcomponents/spec/shadow/ looks ok to me, hayato_ [22:19:04.0000] I see that's using http://www.w3.org/Tools/respec/respec-w3c-common , as you say [22:19:27.0000] and that in turn seems to be using https://labs.w3.org/ [22:19:30.0000] which is up [22:19:36.0000] Table of Contents are not generated. [22:20:36.0000] Although Echidna uses Respec, I'm not very familiar with Respec itself, hayato_ [22:20:49.0000] I think this is a question for darobin [22:21:06.0000] I'll be happy to follow up with him later in the day, hayato_ :) [22:22:06.0000] I guess the root cause is same. It looks ReSpec of http://www.w3.org/Tools/respec/respec-w3c-common is waiting for time out from https://labs.w3c.org/. [22:23:27.0000] I guess both depends on the bibrefs from https://labs.w3.org/specrefs/bibrefs?refs=xxxx. [22:25:34.0000] I can look again at this in a few hours, hayato_ -- sorry that I can't right now [22:28:27.0000] tripu: Never mind. Just talking to myself. :) [22:39:51.0000] I'll look into that again when I'm free, hayato_ :) [23:51:13.0000] Domenic: do you think these cancel threads will drive themselves to a conclusion? [23:53:44.0000] annevk: I have opinions on that but probably best to wait until tomorrow, gotta sleep now. [23:54:23.0000] Domenic: nn [01:41:44.0000] hayato_: you still around? [01:42:23.0000] hayato_: it looks like the problem you're seeing is not with ReSpec, but instead with another script that you're including [01:43:23.0000] hayato_: autolink.js is blowing up, which seems to stop everything somehow [01:43:40.0000] ah, wait, seeing a timeout now [01:45:30.0000] hayato_: it looks like the biblio proxy service is down, let me see if I can fix that [01:45:44.0000] (there's still a problem with your autolink.js btw) [01:46:42.0000] Domenic: another thing, did we want to change .bodyUsed or not? [01:49:40.0000] Thank you, darobin, wrt ReSpec/Echidna & hayato_ :) [01:50:24.0000] tripu: no worries, I'm a bit surprised that the labs specref thing is down; I thought it was just a proxy to the real service! [01:50:30.0000] (which is up) [01:50:39.0000] I guess we'll see when dom's around [01:51:52.0000] ok darobin [01:55:58.0000] hayato_: the respec parts of your doc are now fixed, but your autolink script is still broken [02:00:14.0000] darobin: Thanks. biblio seems working now. I've found some dups in my autolink. It's unrelated local minor issues. Thank you for investigating :) [02:03:41.0000] hayato_: the autolink issue isn't about dups, it's a race condition [02:03:46.0000] so maybe you're not seeing it :) [02:03:58.0000] basically there's no guarantee that it runs before ReSpec [02:04:03.0000] and if it doesn't things break [02:04:19.0000] let me fix that for you [02:05:06.0000] darobin: I remember I encountered such a timing issue. But I don't remember how to manage that... Maybe I didn't fix it. [02:05:17.0000] hayato_: fixing it, don't worry :) [02:06:14.0000] darobin: you are my hero. [02:09:49.0000] hayato_: darobin is my hero too [02:09:58.0000] we could start a hero club [02:18:14.0000] hayato_: hahaha [02:18:36.0000] hayato_: well, I'm fixing the problem largely by using a feature that's not in the ReSpec docs... so you could say I'm just cleaning up my own mess [02:19:05.0000] I also replaced innerText with textContent, which is what you want there [02:19:12.0000] (innerText is deep magic) [02:19:40.0000] hayato_: https://github.com/w3c/webcomponents/pull/36 [02:22:12.0000] darobin: I've merged it. Thanks! [02:22:22.0000] hayato_: cool :) [02:22:48.0000] hayato_: I just noticed that you're linking to http://domparsing.spec.whatwg.org/, that spec is gone [02:27:05.0000] darobin: thanks. Looks domparsing is now at https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/innerhtml/raw-file/tip/index.html (and http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Parsing/), I guess I don't need local Biblio info for DOMPARSING any longer. [02:28:22.0000] hayato_: yeah, you can use [[DOM-PARSING]] [02:29:03.0000] hayato_: also, [[selectors4]] [02:35:57.0000] darobin: Thanks! I've fixed both. [02:36:05.0000] hayato_: cool, brilliant [02:36:13.0000] I hope you can ship this to Echidna! [02:46:03.0000] darobin: I've never used Echidna, assuming it's https://github.com/w3c/echidna. I'll have a look. [02:46:51.0000] hayato_: I thought you were trying to get into the automatic publishing thing? [02:47:17.0000] Move to bikeshed already [02:47:19.0000] you don't need to grab the echidna source, but you can sign up to have your draft pushed automatically [02:47:26.0000] Ms2ger: it's the same thing for bikeshed [02:47:32.0000] Yeah [02:47:33.0000] Move to bikeshed already [02:47:55.0000] Respec takes ages to load [02:49:29.0000] boo hoo [02:49:32.0000] that's a feature [02:49:49.0000] it frees you up to do other things while you're waiting [02:50:06.0000] like light up the peace pipe [03:00:17.0000] hsivonen: could we consider a workflow for getting bug fixes into the Java HTML parser code that doesn't involve contributors to all make changes to the affected gecko parts [03:02:58.0000] hsivonen: I know in my case for the two simple patches I have pending I submitted them through Mozilla bugzilla voluntarily. But that's mostly because the upstream code's not in github or somewhere that has a pull-request mechanism of some other means for submitting a patch and have a record of it and some kind of workflow around it [03:12:02.0000] the spec [1] says, that the dppx unit are the "dots per ‘px’ unit", but 1 css pixel clearly maps to 4 device pixel for example on a retina display, but the dppx value would be 2 in most (?) browsers - shouldn't it be 4? maybe TabAtkins knows more, as he worked on the spec... [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#resolution [03:12:34.0000] 1 pixel in area or length? [03:13:16.0000] i can't find anything that states if it's per area or length, so i just assume it's area... [03:17:06.0000] it says "The unit represents the size of a single "dot" in a graphical representation by indicating how many of these dots fit in a CSS ‘in’, ‘cm’, or ‘px’." in 1 css pixel fit 4 device pixel in my example, but dppx are 2... [04:09:18.0000] per length [04:56:11.0000] Are there any "bad" Unicode characters, where allowing them (or their raw character references) in user input could have adverse effects? [05:06:04.0000] GPHemsley: define "bad", there's a number that allows you leaking out of a line box quite extensively [05:06:16.0000] annevk: Any value of "bad" [06:19:40.0000] annevk, https://github.com/whatwg/notifications/pull/36 [06:22:39.0000] beverloo: guess we have to wait for TabAtkins to take a look? [06:23:06.0000] I've peeked around in the bikeshed/widlparser code but can't immediately find what's up [06:23:12.0000] so yeah, he might know [06:24:45.0000] widlparser defines a dictionary member like this: [06:24:46.0000] # [ExtendedAttributes] Type identifier [Default] ";" [06:25:01.0000] so that's not compatible with webidl and explains the "required" problem [07:37:47.0000] beverloo: Please report these errors on widlparser; plinss is fast at fixing, then I'll pull into Bikeshed. [07:38:11.0000] github.com/plinss/widlparser [07:39:40.0000] mrtn_: The px unit is a linear length, not an area, so a 2x device has 2 pixels per px (but 4 pixels per square px, if that unit ever existed). [07:43:13.0000] beverloo: Oh, I see you not only already reported it, you submitted a PR. ^_^ I'll merge as soon as plinss does, thanks! [07:57:10.0000] TabAtkins, cool! I haven't found the no-space issue yet, the producer code in widlparser seems to be doing it correctly [07:57:22.0000] TabAtkins, does bikeshed have its own formatting code for idl? [08:30:25.0000] beverloo: Feel free to just report it; plinss will figure it out. [08:30:38.0000] TabAtkins, ok! [08:30:55.0000] beverloo: Bikeshed just uses widlparser to handle webidl; it doesn't do anything else besides tweak some attributes. [08:41:23.0000] TabAtkins, yeah that makes sense, thank you. btw, liked your talk about Present and Future of CSS Layout! [08:41:33.0000] Thanks! [09:03:32.0000] So, uh, if I have

there is no way to select that by id from css? [09:06:49.0000] jgraham: #\31 [09:08:44.0000] Not in Firefox at least [09:09:03.0000] Taht's a bug, then. Works in Chrome, and works per spec. [09:09:23.0000] WORKSFORME [09:09:31.0000] In querySelector? [09:09:43.0000] I guess I should have made that more clear [09:10:08.0000] jgraham: yes [09:10:09.0000] jgraham: document.querySelector("#\\31") [09:10:25.0000] jgraham: Yes, works. [09:10:35.0000] Oh, right of course, not enough escaping [09:10:35.0000] But yeah, the double-escaping needed is non-obvious. ^_^ [09:10:50.0000] Just use CSS.escape(id) [09:10:55.0000] Dont' worry, I made the same mistake when I was looking at an example just now. [09:11:30.0000] Although document.querySelector("#" + CSS.escape("1")) is a bit cumbersome to write [09:11:35.0000] annevk: This is a WebDriver client that doesn't have convenient DOM functions [09:12:36.0000] Anyway now I know it's actualy possible I can just report it as a bug [10:19:26.0000] TabAtkins, there's one thing i wonder about in the responsive images spec, if i use art direction, i may show different pictures, thus need different alt attributes, wouldn't it be good to have an alt attribute on the tag (too)? [10:22:27.0000] mrtn_: Our conclusion is that you really shouldn't be doing things complicated enough to need different alt text, so we aren't going to support it. This might change in the future if it's proven necessary. [10:24:03.0000] alright, so this was discussed. i don't need it, just wanted to know... ;) 2015-03-04 [16:15:58.0000] wish more systems would take the web's lead in eliminating rare edge cases from APIs [16:16:30.0000] (re: most of the day spent running down bugs caused by weird, obscure android service behavior) [18:47:27.0000] leave [00:42:35.0000] beverloo: thanks for patching all the things :-) [04:02:56.0000] annevk, np :) [04:56:32.0000] JakeA: beverloo: Google still pushing requestAutocomplete()? [04:56:49.0000] JakeA: beverloo: just noticed development at Mozilla seems stalled since June/July last year [04:57:27.0000] JakeA: beverloo: was really hoping we'd make some progress on payments :-( [06:46:36.0000] annevk: whats a CG vs a WG? [06:47:04.0000] wanderview: CG is a community group, WG is a working group; difference is mostly related to how IPR works [06:47:19.0000] annevk: what is IPR? [06:47:22.0000] wanderview: and who gets to influence what is in scope and such [06:47:32.0000] wanderview: intellectual property rights? I think... [06:47:36.0000] ah, ok [06:48:03.0000] wanderview: WG is harder to setup but has strong theoretical protection [06:48:08.0000] annevk: what percentage of w3c discussions takes place with acronyms? [06:48:17.0000] none of it has been battle tested I think [06:48:53.0000] wanderview: a lot? [06:49:07.0000] that was meant to be a joke :-) [06:55:55.0000] Pretty sure it's 100% ACD [06:56:43.0000] Even acronyms are abbreviated as [06:58:49.0000] Well yes, at one point, most W3C discussions were themselves actually about [08:02:08.0000] annevk: I haven't heard much from rAC lately. I'm not a huge fan of it. But I don't know what our plans are. [08:03:20.0000] JakeA: I haven't really seen anything better to do payments [08:03:42.0000] JakeA: though admittedly I didn't really like it either and it still doesn't seem like a silver bullet, but I doubt there is one [08:05:54.0000] annevk: yeah. It doesn't offer a whole lot beyond autocomplete [08:18:02.0000] JakeA: I think the main thing it offers is some native UI controlled by the browser and a protocol to get that information on a page [08:18:22.0000] JakeA: which is sort of the basics of what payments would look like [08:18:59.0000] JakeA: but it needs iteration, e.g. generating tokens and not sharing credit card data would be great, though would require browsers to cooperate with banks somehow [09:33:51.0000] https://medium.com/backchannel/marissa-mayer-has-completed-step-one-71dc31912855 Hmm, yet another article dissing "HTML 5" for mobile, this time from a Yahoo! perspective [09:44:46.0000] annevk: and all this work we did to switch from "HTML 5" to HTML5. sigh. [09:45:06.0000] tantek: yeah, I'm not sure what's bothering me more with that bit :-P [10:30:00.0000] JakeA: do you know if Service Worker scripts and related importScripts() end up in the normal http cache in blink? or do you bypass normal http caching in that case? [11:27:13.0000] Hixie: Heya, regarding link disabled. Wanna pick your brain for a sec. [11:28:31.0000] The issue we ran into is that adding them dynamically means you run into the problem of not having a callback [11:28:35.0000] Or was that resolved? [11:29:20.0000] Which makes orchestration of enabling more than one stylesheet, as well as disabling the previous set, almost impossible. [11:31:54.0000] Hixie: I'm idly curious what made you decide navigator.vendorSub was worth adding? [12:02:03.0000] wanderview: re: SW+importScripts - yes, they read/write from the normal http cache. [12:02:29.0000] (in addition to the dedicated SW script cache) [12:02:31.0000] jsbell: ok... and you are just pinning them in the http cache somehow? [12:02:42.0000] wanderview: no, we end up storing 'em twice [12:02:52.0000] jsbell: awesome... we're going to do the same :-) [12:02:53.0000] wanderview: on the list of things to optimize [12:03:06.0000] jsbell: thanks! [12:03:09.0000] np [12:04:00.0000] jsbell: you plan to optimize with de-dupe with http cache? [12:05:46.0000] annevk: I remember you making a comment along the lines of the "XML Namespaces is hard enough even Presto manages to get it wrong subtly". I don't remember in what way. Do you? :P [12:38:20.0000] Krinkle: how do you mean, you don't have a callback? [12:38:32.0000] Domenic: did the checkin comment link to the bug fail? [12:38:38.0000] Hixie: From when the stylesheet has finished loading [12:38:41.0000] TabAtkins: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=28080 [12:38:51.0000] Krinkle: can't you use ? [12:39:00.0000] Hixie: has onload? O_O [12:39:11.0000] Hixie: never noticed the "bug" column in the tracker until today! [12:40:01.0000] Wow, how are people using navigator.vendorSub if it is always the empty string? It's falsy, even!? [12:40:21.0000] hell if i know man [12:40:29.0000] foolip is the one to ask [12:44:19.0000] Hixie: Hm.. it seems have an own property of onload. I can't find it in the html spec though. [12:44:34.0000] every element has onload, that doesn't tell you much [12:44:46.0000] If that works, that is amazing. That's the most mundane feature I've wanted to exist for years suddenly realising its existance. [12:44:54.0000] what you should look for is whether a 'load' event gets fired at the link element [12:44:59.0000] and i'm pretty sure we added that a few years ago [12:45:01.0000] could be wrong... [12:45:26.0000] The number of hacks around this are crazy. This is the first I heard of a load event for stylesheets. [12:45:40.0000] It makes perfect sense, but it's evaded me so far. [13:13:40.0000] Write some tests :) [13:30:03.0000] /me wonders if there is some comparison how different open source projects do code reviews [13:31:29.0000] smaug____: Write Reviewers at Work [13:38:21.0000] gsnedders: perhaps one of https://dump.testsuite.org/2006/xml/ is a problem? [13:55:12.0000] MikeSmith: hahahah, I sent that tweet. And the reply. :) [13:58:02.0000] hober, you tweeting with yourself again? [13:58:16.0000] tantek: :) [14:47:22.0000] wanderview: sorry, was mtging. We have no explicit plans; de-duping definitely makes sense. No idea what the priority of that will be [15:33:27.0000] hober is emacs! [15:33:52.0000] emacs has finally taken on full human form, as so many people had predicted it would evolve to [15:34:36.0000] it bega when TV Raman created emacs-speak [15:34:57.0000] then somebody along the way must have added emacs-walk [15:35:12.0000] does emacs-speak support the blade runner photo browsing commands? http://www.criticalcommons.org/Members/ironman28/clips/bladeRunner3DphotoH264.mov/view [15:35:47.0000] maybe hober added emacs-walk himselfーhe emacs-bootstrapped himself into humanness [15:36:07.0000] can't spell emacs without "mac", figures it'd be someone from Apple [15:38:17.0000] tantek: emacs can do that photo browsing thingーit's really just hober in there pulling levers and stuff, like wizard of oz [15:38:46.0000] emacs say, Pay no attention to the human behind that curtain! [15:39:18.0000] haha https://twitter.com/emacs/status/573265792118071296 [15:39:50.0000] no one tell Stallman that emacs is masquerading on a closed source silo [15:39:51.0000] I'm a vim user but it looks like I'm at risk of getting assimiliated into the collective [15:40:09.0000] tantek: blasphemy [15:40:42.0000] prepared to be struck by emacs-lightning [15:46:32.0000] in other news I seem to be getting this "Waiting for available socket" thing in Chrome only for www.w3.org URLs 2015-03-05 [16:21:05.0000] MikeSmith: An alternative explaination is that the whole of twitter is actually parody accounts run by hober [16:22:45.0000] jgraham: lol [16:22:57.0000] that's actually starting to seem plausible [16:41:07.0000] Just noticed the whatwg logo for XHR. Nice. [16:59:11.0000] jsbell: from the mind of annevk and maybe he's the only one for whom that connection would have come to mind [16:59:39.0000] /me tries to imagine what the XHR logo would be if a different editor had chosen one [17:00:16.0000] too bad XHR is gonna be deprecated [17:00:48.0000] the Fetch logo is seriously lacking right now [17:01:52.0000] annevk: I think some variation on https://openclipart.org/detail/210732/Dog%20Bone would be a good logo for Fetch [17:02:38.0000] not a variation on that particular image but on the idea [17:03:13.0000] annevk: http://www.alettertomydog.com/wp-content/uploads/dog-bone.jpg [17:03:45.0000] http://www.newrepublic.com/sites/default/files/migrated/dog%20bone%209.3.JPG [17:04:15.0000] MikeSmith: Maybe a sideways u-turn? [17:04:33.0000] ... which appears to be one of the few arrows not in Unicode... [17:41:32.0000] Domenic: i'm bummed that Promise.then can be called multiple times. It would have been so easy to add the most important forms of cancellability otherwise. [18:14:51.0000] botie: inform jsbell ↩ [18:14:52.0000] will do [18:21:45.0000] MikeSmith - looks like "reply" [18:26:35.0000] tantek: yeah [18:28:32.0000] I don't really know why Josh suggested "sideways u-turn" [18:29:38.0000] but I do know I like my bone [18:45:01.0000] hey annevk when you're back please ping me so I can tell you something I been meaning to tell you [19:18:05.0000] MikeSmith: 🐶 [19:29:46.0000] tantek: yeah that'd work [23:16:15.0000] MikeSmith: about new logos for Fetch? :-) [23:55:51.0000] no [23:55:53.0000] well that too [23:56:42.0000] annevk: a simple bone image would be kinda fun [00:18:06.0000] So https://html5.org/r/8886 is another data point for why custom elements would want some kind of end tag notification [01:43:35.0000] rniwa: Firefox Nightly works fine here [01:43:49.0000] rniwa: are you running another Firefox at the same time? That might be the problem [01:43:59.0000] annevk: I quit it but it doesn't launch :( [01:44:09.0000] weird [01:44:12.0000] annevk: it keeps bouncing on the dock... [01:44:26.0000] I've been using Nightly mostly reliably for over two years now [01:45:10.0000] Yesterday I booted my other copy of Firefox to test something and it was Firefox 22 (beta channel)... [01:50:04.0000] annevk: LOL. that's some old Firefox [01:50:58.0000] annevk: on a completely unrelated note, I have a pretty decent implementation of classes in WebKit locally. [01:51:12.0000] Classes? [01:51:18.0000] I do need to split it into pieces and land them but it's getting there. [01:51:21.0000] Ms2ger: ES6 [01:51:42.0000] Ah [01:52:16.0000] rniwa: cool [01:52:29.0000] HTML Stress test circa 1992 - http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/MarkUp/Connolly/errors.html [01:52:35.0000] rniwa: it seems Firefox' implementation is not entirely complete yet [01:52:40.0000] rniwa: e.g. no default constructor [01:52:57.0000] default constructor is not that trivial due to its dependence on spread [01:53:05.0000] thankfully, oliver has implemented that one in JSC [01:53:12.0000] It's only constructor() and statics that are supported in SM, IIRC [01:53:19.0000] so I just need to miranda-function it [01:53:22.0000] And we have spread, I think [01:53:57.0000] Ms2ger: oh nice [01:54:11.0000] Ms2ger: and you guys support let/const so TDZ must be supported as well [01:54:19.0000] the biggest missing piece for us is TDZ at the moment. [01:54:22.0000] ...maybe :) [01:54:32.0000] and it took us a while to figure out the best way to implement it [01:54:35.0000] Is let finally fixed? [01:54:41.0000] I thought we had an old version of it [01:54:47.0000] annevk: oh.. [01:54:50.0000] We've had let/const long before the TDZ existed [01:55:04.0000] annevk, Ms2ger: so you guys might still need to implement TDZ [01:55:09.0000] It might be fixed by now, but I wouldn't put money on it yet :) [01:55:10.0000] I don't like TDZ though... [01:55:17.0000] it's like an extra runtime cost for nothing :( [01:56:57.0000] No comment :) [01:59:33.0000] anyway, now I can finally get back to custom elements. [01:59:40.0000] there are still some interesting questions. [02:01:13.0000] Like "Should we really implement this?"? [02:02:07.0000] Ms2ger: that's always an important question... [02:02:24.0000] Ms2ger: for implementing any feature. [02:02:54.0000] annevk: I prefer my HTML documents formatted as TeX [02:03:04.0000] Ms2ger: I was explaining how shadow DOM works to someone today and convinced myself that it's too damn complicated as is. [02:03:31.0000] Ms2ger: like... I couldn't even draw all possible scenarios on whiteboard after 15 minutes. [02:03:59.0000] even though the whiteboard looked like a complete gibberish at that point. [02:04:36.0000] rniwa: you should just build your Nightly from sources [02:04:49.0000] I reckon you got a good machine to build on [02:04:52.0000] Eh, not like Google is going to ship it anytime soon, amirite [02:06:15.0000] Ms2ger: yeah, and it's gonna be prefixed for a long time even if it did ship. [02:06:54.0000] it's not like we've come to consensus in the relevant working groups. [02:07:27.0000] rniwa: can you make it April 24? [02:07:34.0000] annevk: yes! [02:07:37.0000] great [02:08:01.0000] annevk: unless the U.S. government decides to not let me in after going back to Japan LOL [02:08:04.0000] Travis' comment contrasting components with