2015-04-01 [17:27:36.0000] annevk: Really? There are *more* contexts? [23:38:37.0000] hey all, what's new? [23:43:09.0000] GPHemsley: https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-request-context [00:39:03.0000] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-whatwg-archive/ doesn't have messages from before 2012? :-( [00:47:25.0000] zcorpan: it does [00:47:33.0000] zcorpan: for some reason those months are not listed [00:47:36.0000] MikeSmith: ^ [00:48:03.0000] zcorpan: but you can browse to e.g. https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-whatwg-archive/2004May/ and find the first set of messages [00:48:10.0000] annevk: thx [00:52:42.0000] annevk http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-egg/ is up, with a nice reference to https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#unicorn [01:04:12.0000] MikeSmith: ok went through my bugs. closed most of them. feel free to reopen any INTENTIONAL if you want to fix them [02:18:20.0000] zcorpan: thanks [02:19:57.0000] zcorpan: would love to fix them all but right now just trying to figure out which of the long-open bugs might still be a priority for any odd the original commenters [02:21:54.0000] I think the biggest open issue that the most people care about is the error reported for ampersands in URLs [02:22:37.0000] which, were still not conforming to the spec there [02:23:22.0000] but that's complicated by the fact it's actually a parser issue [02:25:28.0000] hsivonen: it'd be nice if we could get that error-reported-for-ampersand thing resolved; last I recall I had a parser patch out top you for review [02:26:50.0000] annevk: I'll open a sysreq for that mailing-list archive index-page problem [02:42:27.0000] frivoal++ [02:57:12.0000] how I loathe April 1 [02:59:24.0000] I would actually like to see about:unicorn irrespective of April 1, it's been a comment in the source of the specification for ages [03:02:46.0000] roc++ [03:05:05.0000] it doesn't help that April 1 effectively lasts for two days for me [03:08:46.0000] roc: are we working on http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-containment/#containment ? [03:09:05.0000] roc: Firefox OS devs wants it, reportedly [03:09:07.0000] want* [03:09:42.0000] /me enjoys April 1, playing Pac Man on Google Maps is rather fun [03:22:01.0000] annevk: no [03:22:05.0000] what for? [03:23:12.0000] roc: it allows you to give elements the same kind of isolation