2015-12-01 [21:21:51.0000] Domenic: https://wptserve.readthedocs.org/en/latest/pipes.html#sub [21:23:10.0000] Domenic: simplest is to use .sub.html or .sub.js [21:24:46.0000] [21:25:54.0000] Domenic: also http://testthewebforward.org/docs/ [21:27:50.0000] http://testthewebforward.org/docs/test-format-guidelines.html#tests-involving-multiple-origins in particular [21:28:53.0000] Domenic: also please avoid using any external servers like navigating to google.com [01:28:00.0000] Calling the DOM Living Standard "dom-ls" is... confusing :) [02:15:34.0000] Ms2ger: Wait, what? Who's doing that? [02:15:50.0000] CSS [02:18:23.0000] Oh, well then [02:23:48.0000] zcorpan: https://github.com/validator/validator/issues/184#issuecomment-160922241 [02:26:01.0000] about the message that's reported for stray p end tags caused by a p element with an implied end tag getting closed [02:27:08.0000] I agree the message reported for that is suboptimal but not sure it's worth adding more complication to the parser error-reporting behavior to deal with it [02:27:16.0000] MikeSmit1: this has been discussed before. iirc, my proposal was to keep track of implicitly closed tags, and give an info or warning about the last start tag with the same name when finding a stray end tag [02:27:27.0000] and fix the message to not be confusing [02:27:41.0000] ok yeah I vaguely recall this now [02:28:57.0000] or maybe remember the thing that closed the p, i dunno [02:30:05.0000] well regardless I'm not gonna try to mess with it much for now but instead will wait to hsivonen lands the other lower-level parser change I think he's been meaning to make [02:31:09.0000]

    : Misnested tags! No open p element found. The last

    start tag was here, it was closed by

      here [02:31:28.0000] yeah [02:32:20.0000] maybe that sort of message can be useful in general:
      [02:36:27.0000] hmm [02:36:35.0000] yeah, good point [07:37:14.0000] suddenly, consensus [07:38:17.0000] ? [10:51:44.0000] Remind me again where I can find the codes available for use in ReSpec references? [11:07:59.0000] ato: http://www.specref.org/? [11:08:09.0000] miketaylr: Merci! [11:08:13.0000] de nada 2015-12-02 [02:32:25.0000] Hey, I'm noticing a browser (Chrome) rendering the contents of a