2016-01-01 [23:46:59.0000] frewsxcv: it only works on content attributes… [00:47:52.0000] i just changed one file for this PR https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/455 but why the other two commits are showing in this which i did 8days ago and it didn't showed up in git diff [00:51:31.0000] rits: try "git rebase origin" [00:51:53.0000] annevk: ok [00:51:55.0000] rits: and then use "git push --force" if that did indeed clean things up locally [00:53:01.0000] git base origin is giving this fatal: Needed a single revision [00:53:01.0000] invalid upstream origin [00:57:00.0000] rits: rebase [00:57:04.0000] rits: not base [00:58:56.0000] rits: ooh wait, maybe you need git rebase whatwg/origin or some such since you have a forked repository, hmm [00:59:10.0000] /me is not that great with git [00:59:17.0000] yes that was the typo its of the rebase only its giving this error only [00:59:52.0000] annevk: me too [01:00:06.0000] What does git status say? [01:00:57.0000] annevk: oh ok this is because i switched directly to the new branch from a different branch and not from master, i think [01:01:23.0000] sangwhan: nothing to commit, working directory clean [01:03:09.0000] If you only want the last commit in the PR just make a new branch, cherry pick that refspec and create a new PR [01:04:13.0000] MikeSmith: I can no longer build wattsi locally "ld: file not found: /usr/lib/crt1.10.5.o" [01:04:16.0000] MikeSmith: seems to be where the problem is [01:04:23.0000] Technically if you are asking for a pure git branch merge you can simply just rewrite history and force push, but I'm not sure if GH's PR web UI can gracefully handle that [01:06:06.0000] Hmm, maybe it's an Xcode thing [01:06:17.0000] sangwhan: yeah i am making a new PR deleting the first one [01:07:00.0000] annevk: guessing from the error you need to either symlink that file out from the osx sdk directory or add a linker directive to look for libraries in the osx sdk directory [01:07:14.0000] Alternative theory is that you don't have the osx sdk [01:08:01.0000] /me has no idea what wattsi is [01:08:10.0000] sangwhan: https://github.com/whatwg/wattsi [01:08:18.0000] sangwhan: part of the HTML standard [01:09:28.0000] Ooh, pascal. This is something I haven't seen in a while [01:18:08.0000] annevk: Try slipping a -L (path to your osx sdk)/usr/lib right before the -l in the fpc call inside compile.sh. [01:19:11.0000] No idea if it will work, I'm not sure which linker directives fpc acknowledges and passes on [01:46:11.0000] annevk: I believe the fix is to update your XCode [01:46:25.0000] annevk: somebody else had the same problem a couple few weeks back [01:46:34.0000] and I recall that's what the fix was [01:47:22.0000] XCode command-line tools [01:47:37.0000] I think, more specifically [01:50:33.0000] /me runs "xcode-select --install" and indeed stuff is downloading... [01:55:39.0000] MikeSmith: seems to compile now with sudo... [01:55:59.0000] MikeSmith: ton of warnings about linking to an older version than it's being built for [02:17:26.0000] annevk: yeah I get those older-version warnings too [02:18:29.0000] I think that's actually just due to that version the OS X fpc compiler [02:19:12.0000] I think there's nothing OSX-specific in the wattsi sources that would trigger it [02:23:13.0000] So much duct tape [02:23:52.0000] annevk: you shouldn't need to run it under sudo to get it work [02:24:33.0000] if you're sure you have the latest XCode and command-line tools for it, I don't know what would cause it [02:24:53.0000] sometimes you have to open the XCode GUI app and accept the license [02:25:08.0000] e.g., after you upgrade to a newer OS X version [02:25:31.0000] anyway, zcorpan had the same problem a while back I think [03:48:17.0000] [03:27:03.0000] [03:27:15.0000] Anyone have an opinion on what that logs? [03:29:08.0000] Domenic, ^ [03:29:44.0000] (I *think* it's well-defined) [03:31:19.0000] annevk: Is matches supposed to be equal to webkitMatchesSelector? [03:31:24.0000] I guess it would make sense in fact. [03:31:50.0000] Yep [03:32:41.0000] LGTM? :P [03:32:52.0000] Ms2ger: Try to ping me a bit this weekend. [03:33:01.0000] I want to make LegacyUnenumerable and Alias reality. [03:33:18.0000] I try to avoid getting on IRC on my days off [03:33:22.0000] Oh right. [03:33:31.0000] Well then, chide me on Monday if I did nothing. :) [03:34:53.0000] Oh I can help out with the Monday thing [03:34:59.0000] That'll be fun [03:35:16.0000] annevk: Ah ah. :) [03:36:02.0000] Anyone know where defer scripts are executed in Chrome? [03:45:19.0000] annevk, you got IE on hand? [03:45:42.0000] Ms2ger: only 11 [03:45:51.0000] I'll take it :) [03:45:52.0000] http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/3830 [03:46:58.0000] Ms2ger: defer false; defer sT: true; defer sT*2: true [03:47:15.0000] Thanks [03:47:33.0000] That matches Chrome, but not Gecko or the spec (as I read it) [03:54:48.0000] https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/2479 [04:06:39.0000] https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=29378 intredasting. wonder if webkit/blink have always used floats for width/height. (sci-not seems not supported though) [05:34:11.0000] Ms2ger: I am pretty sure the spec ignores defer for inline scripts [05:34:25.0000] Domenic, you make a good point [05:34:59.0000] At least I have the consolation that zcorpan missed that too :) [05:35:21.0000] hah [05:36:18.0000] Ms2ger: follow-up PR? :-) [05:36:21.0000] Results don't change [05:38:36.0000] https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/2480 [05:38:47.0000] frivoal, so is it your birthday? [05:39:12.0000] Ms2ger: Yes indeed. [05:39:22.0000] Have a happy one, then :) [06:30:24.0000] Domenic: If I create a readable stream, pull is called straight away. Is this intentional? [06:30:37.0000] If so, https://streams.spec.whatwg.org/#rs-constructor seems misleading [06:31:01.0000] JakeA: step 12.a.ii? [06:31:36.0000] blink and webkit apparently have a fancy missing value default/invalid value default that depends on how many numbers are present in coords [06:31:39.0000] JakeA: as long as current queue size < high water mark it will try to pull to fill the queue [06:31:54.0000] Domenic: ahh ok, so "[pull] is called when the stream’s internal queue of chunks is depleted, and the consumer has signaled that they wish to consume more data" is misleading [06:32:05.0000] Ah I see [06:32:17.0000] "depleted" is not correct, yeah, thanks. File an issue? [06:32:23.0000] Shall do [06:32:35.0000] zcorpan, I wonder who came up with that [06:32:51.0000] zcorpan, I don't think Gecko has that, or anyone ever asked for it [06:33:13.0000] Ms2ger: right gecko defaults to rect like the spec [06:33:50.0000] I think it used to be that Gecko did nothing when the attribute was missingf [06:34:46.0000] Can't find a bug now, though [06:39:09.0000] zcorpan, https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=290397 [06:48:19.0000] in webdevdata all the ones that have a missing/invalid shape use 4 values in coords. (but some do have missing shape and seem to expect a rect) [08:17:08.0000] annevk, so what's the story for direct cross-spec links in html? [08:45:53.0000] Ms2ger: how or why? [08:47:20.0000] annevk, they exist for some specs but not others, or did I misremember that? [08:48:56.0000] Ms2ger: ah yeah, it depends on whether or not the introduction of the term has a data-x-href attribute [08:49:24.0000] Aha [08:49:40.0000] Are there plans to add those for url/fetch/dom/...? [08:53:02.0000] Ms2ger: there's a soft review requirement that we add it for new terms [08:53:17.0000] Ms2ger: we'd accept patches, I think most of Fetch has it already [08:53:23.0000] Okay [08:53:29.0000] I might do that at some point, then [09:50:33.0000] I am actually not a huge fan of the cross spec link behavior... I don't like having the singlepage open then suddenly jumping to fetch and going "argh I lost my place now I'll have to reload the singlepage" [09:50:44.0000] But probably best to just stick with what other specs are doing [09:51:19.0000] I think ideally for me though it would jump to the HTML references section, and from _there_ you would get a link to fetch. So two clicks before you lose your singlepage tab. [10:31:02.0000] annevk: why do yo uthink "Restrictions for contents of script elements" needs to be changed? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with whether ES allows HTML comments or not [10:31:32.0000] Oh, I found the sentence... the very last sentence. [10:46:06.0000] annevk: CORS question. Can a browser reuse resource fetched in different CORS modes from the same origin as the page? e.g. should and on the same page trigger 2 requests? [10:54:10.0000] yoav: I believe those should be separate requests... they could get different headers/credentials right? [10:55:01.0000] not sure, which is why I'm asking :) [10:55:37.0000] not sure about the spec, but implementation stuff leads me to believe these should be treated different for different cors modes [10:56:26.0000] wanderview: what's the reason for that? I see the same in Blink, which threw me off [10:57:21.0000] yoav: yes they should, very different semantics [10:59:03.0000] OK. any pointers where I can read more about it? [10:59:34.0000] Fetch [11:00:28.0000] ok [11:00:31.0000] /me goes back to not being around [11:10:47.0000] Who wants to come up with a good example for in http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/ seems to be able to access the document just fine in Blink [05:56:37.0000] interestingly that still works [05:57:01.0000] I guess you might implement this in some different way then [05:58:22.0000] hum hum [05:58:30.0000] so maybe this works as follows [05:58:56.0000] the token check fails and then we fall back to comparing the actual origins [05:59:03.0000] which appear to be sharable objects [05:59:44.0000] according to gdb that's the case [06:01:32.0000] now does somebody know what it means in firefox if you check that principals match [06:01:41.0000] is that checking whether the origins are aliased? [06:02:19.0000] smaug____ probably knows that [06:03:44.0000] Maybe you can always copy the origin, but you need to alias the effective script origin [06:04:01.0000] But I might be missing a subtlety [06:04:27.0000] well, basically, i'm still trying to figure out what document.open() should do :) [06:05:14.0000] while firefox' code reads pretty close to what the spec says, it doesn't modify the origin, but it throws an security error if the principal doesn't match [06:05:18.0000] whatever that means [06:09:02.0000] /me is not too familiar with all the quirks in .domain handling. bholley is the right person to ask [06:09:39.0000] jochen__: I found https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Gecko/Script_security#Security_principals [06:09:58.0000] oh, the question was more about principals [06:11:44.0000] http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/caps/nsIPrincipal.idl#27 [06:15:29.0000] thx [06:18:42.0000] Hixie_, Domenic: Some links don't work in the forms chapter: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/forms.html#radio-button-state-%28type=radio%29 [06:19:13.0000] jochen__: if I'm reading the code right, setting document.domain does modify the principal of the document, and since that principal can be used also by other documents (about:blank iframes, data: stuff etc), also those should get updated. But better to verify from bholley. He was fighting with .domain not too long ago [06:20:09.0000] /me has tried to stay away from .domain insanity ;) [06:25:34.0000] smart move [06:26:45.0000] nox: Firefox does something weird there on copy-and-paste [06:27:00.0000] annevk: I see. [06:27:02.0000] nox: with parenthesis, as the link is in the source, that works fine [06:27:19.0000] nox: might want to file a bug and copy dao and valentin [06:27:20.0000] Shouldn't it work even if the characters are escaped, though? [06:27:43.0000] nox: I don't think that's how fragments work, though maybe [06:27:47.0000] Ok. [06:29:22.0000] nox: yeah actually, Firefox should decode [06:29:42.0000] https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/browsers.html#the-indicated-part-of-the-document [06:29:56.0000] not sure why that is not working [06:30:09.0000] annevk: Decode what where when? [06:30:28.0000] annevk: Note that clicking on that link still redirects to forms.html#forms, which I find weird. [06:31:09.0000] aah [06:31:22.0000] maybe what happens is that the lookup script doesn't decode [06:33:46.0000] nox: yeah okay, not sure where to file a bug, probably against html-build or wattsi [06:34:22.0000] multipage/fragment-links.js doesn't decode the fragment in the same way that browsers are required to do and therefore gets this wrong [06:34:37.0000] however, Firefox escaping that is very curious as well [06:49:41.0000] so FF seems to inherit domain changes to about:blank iframes as I expected. but perhaps you tested that already [07:04:55.0000] zcorpan: around? [09:04:28.0000] miketaylr: am now [09:11:42.0000] zcorpan: i saw your reply to my question -- thanks! [09:11:56.0000] just leaving another comment now [11:31:51.0000] My hobby: replacing 90s era screenshots https://html.spec.whatwg.org/images/sample-url.png with hand-rolled SVGs https://jsbin.com/cocodi/edit?html,output [11:33:25.0000] amazing. [11:36:58.0000] that's cool [11:37:45.0000] I'm always kinda partial to the blocky look of old screenshots- though the last time I tried using Windows XP I was very frustrated, haha [11:37:57.0000] yeah it is kind of fun history [11:38:08.0000] but this one in particular has broken URLs in it so it's gotta go [11:38:22.0000] What is 🗋 and why doesn't it display on my computer [11:38:29.0000] aww [11:38:38.0000] http://www.iemoji.com/view/emoji/1063/new/empty-document [11:39:32.0000] oh yeah, that doesn't show up for me either [11:39:43.0000] That is a nice change though [11:39:55.0000] broken urls, oh geeze I didn't even think of that. that's a good catch! [11:40:11.0000] it's kinda messed up how easily historic urls break though [11:41:42.0000] yeppp [11:42:14.0000] annevk: nikkibee: if we can find something else, maybe a globe like Firefox does, we can use that instead. [11:42:48.0000] 🌎 [11:42:54.0000] so colorful :-/ [11:45:08.0000] Domenic: Firefox has the info icon [11:45:24.0000] find me a unicode i can use. or a svg path i guess [11:45:28.0000] Domenic: we could also not have it as it doesn't really add anything [11:45:44.0000] without it the top bar felt indistinct from the bottom section [11:46:29.0000] woah firefox's actual implementation of + is very interesting [11:46:40.0000] it only displays the labels but when you select one it fills in the URL [11:47:27.0000] Domenic: ☞ [11:47:35.0000] hah [13:06:50.0000] Domenic: so looking at the sortable tables thing again, scope/abbr are definitely only part of HTMLTableHeaderCellElement and have nothing to do with sortable tables [13:07:21.0000] annevk: I am pretty sure they were introduced as part of sortable tables... I also was pretty sure they play into the sorting data model [13:08:50.0000] annevk: the fact remains nobody implements the class split [13:09:26.0000] annevk: yes, scope is used to determine when you click on a th, what sorts [13:10:00.0000] annevk: all of "Forming relationships between data cells and header cells" is sorting [13:10:40.0000] + the whole concept of given header cells "applying" to given tds [13:12:02.0000] No that is all from HTML4 [13:12:37.0000] ... weird [13:12:50.0000] i can't find out how else it is used [13:13:12.0000] https://www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/tables.html#h-11.2.6 [13:13:39.0000] Forming relationships between data cells and header cells is not sorting, it's just explaining how to read a table [13:13:58.0000] I guess [13:14:17.0000] Just not used by anyone and seems like it's specified in detail way beyond what developers need [13:49:52.0000] It's for assistive technology mostly I suppose [13:50:24.0000] So the difference btw is that in HTML4 scope/abbr also applied to [13:50:32.0000] That was changed [13:57:13.0000] yeah that's what's implemented in browsers it seems [15:15:54.0000] Domenic: https://jsbin.com/cocodi/edit?html,output love it ❄️ [15:23:54.0000] botie, inform zcorpan about checking, if you mean the errors for the empty values, suppressing those is doable though somewhat significantly more work to implement in the checker than the attribute-is-just-missing case [15:23:54.0000] will do [15:31:07.0000] botie, inform zcorpan abou 「the spec has requirements forelements that are not in a document」I'm not sure what you mean, so please enlighten me further [15:31:07.0000] will do [15:42:32.0000] someday I hope somebody can clue me in on why my Firefox doesn't warn me on quit/close despite the fact I have browser.warnOnQuit, browser.tabs.warnOnClose, and browser.showQuitWarning all set to true 2016-01-28 [16:48:36.0000] Hmm, GitHub is down [16:49:03.0000] Fortunately Git is decentralized harhar [16:52:32.0000] heh [16:55:27.0000] the graphs at https://status.github.com/ provide some entertainment value as we wait for life to begin again [16:58:14.0000] I like how the Server Availability one shows a 95% average for the day, since it was 100% all day til now that it's 0% [16:59:04.0000] anyway I guess I'll use the opportunity to stare out the window for a while [22:24:41.0000] philipj is on an editing blitz while annevk and I are stuck in meetings this week :D [22:26:47.0000] Domenic: just doing some easy stuff to avoid the hard stuff (play() promises) :) [22:34:25.0000] heh [22:51:27.0000] zcorpan, at 2016-01-27 23:24 UTC, MikeSmith said: about checking, if you mean the errors for the empty values, suppressing those is doable though somewhat significantly more work to implement in the checker than the attribute-is-just-missing case and at [22:51:28.0000] 2016-01-27 23:31 UTC, MikeSmith said: abou 「the spec has requirements forelements that are not in a document」I'm not sure what you mean, so please enlighten me further [22:52:24.0000] MikeSmith: i meant that both src and srcset attributes were present [22:53:36.0000] MikeSmith: for the other, consider e.g. - now that img element is not conforming because it lacks a src attribute [22:54:41.0000] philipj: for these urls https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-csp/#initialise-global-object-csp (line 2661) https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-csp/#initialise-document-csp (lines 2661, 58669) , http should be done right? [22:55:16.0000] MikeSmith: i think we need to allow arbitrary values for all attributes, so you can do etc [22:56:15.0000] ritsyy: I'm not sure what you mean, but see https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/574 and the other PRs linked from https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/573 [22:57:09.0000] MikeSmith: so what i wondered was if we should check presence of attributes based on other attributes, e.g. , or don't bother [22:58:13.0000] ritsyy: I actually think I've taken care of most issues, so it may be best to wait until they've been merged to see what remains [22:58:15.0000] philipj: i was seeing the "broken URI fragments" of the link checker results [22:58:29.0000] philipj: oh okay [22:58:43.0000] ritsyy: the CSP one was because of en-US vs. en-GB [22:58:55.0000] initialize vs initialise [23:00:30.0000] philipj: okay yes i see that, okay will wait until the PRs merge [00:04:10.0000] zcorpan: so it seems like one way to consider the document-conformance requirements is that they can only apply to a specific state of a document, and certainly it's only possible to HTML-check a particular state [00:04:43.0000] so to me, the case is sorta irrelevant [00:06:08.0000] because when you check the document in the state of the source prior to the JS executing, the contents of that script element are just an opaque string, text [00:07:06.0000] or when you consider it terms of the document-conformance requirements for the spec [00:08:29.0000] of course if we're considering (or checking) the resulting DOM, that's a different case (state) [00:09:15.0000] but I guess your point is that the