2016-03-01 [21:35:18.0000] annevk: yt? [21:35:30.0000] hayato: who works on custom elements spec now? [21:36:43.0000] rniwa: about to get out of bed, but not really around for another two hours or so, unless it's something quick? [21:36:59.0000] annevk: fyi, i triaged a bunch of custom elements spec bugs [21:37:09.0000] annevk: and added v1 flags everywhere deemed necessary [21:37:35.0000] great, I'll take a look today [21:37:39.0000] annevk: thanks. [21:38:00.0000] annevk: i'm somewhat concerned that custom elements spec hasn't been updated in the past month or two [21:38:31.0000] We could maybe start putting it in DOM and HTML now [21:39:03.0000] And fix things as we go [21:39:18.0000] annevk: lifecycle callback stuff certainly needs to go to WebIDL [21:39:39.0000] annevk: and DOM needs to enqueue tasks [21:40:08.0000] True, it's a holy trifecta [23:01:18.0000] rniwa: Yeah, we, google, are aware that it's very unsatisfying situation that custom elements hasn't been updated. [23:24:49.0000] hey hayato, good afternoon [23:25:14.0000] annevk: hi [23:26:05.0000] hayato: still slowly wrapping my head around all the concepts to figure out how to best merge things into DOM/HTML etc. [23:26:16.0000] hayato: plan to mostly work on that today [23:26:21.0000] (it's still early here) [23:26:56.0000] annevk: thanks. I guess that's tough work. [23:29:01.0000] hayato: it's a little hard yes, especially figuring out when the various algorithms in Shadow DOM should run [23:29:19.0000] hayato: unlike you, I haven't implemented it several times over the past five years 😃 [23:29:41.0000] I'll take a look issues filed on the spec later. [23:29:54.0000] Thanks [23:30:25.0000] I started filing some issues against the HTML Standard too, sort of as a summary of what we should do / what we need to resolve [23:30:49.0000] And I'll have yet another section to clarify a lot of things, mentioning iframe, script, title attribute on style, and so on... [23:30:57.0000] A lot of decisions of not sharing anything with the shadow DOM breaks the composition use case quite badly [23:31:51.0000] I wonder how important the composition use case is, if it's important we should make "open shadow trees" much more similar to normal "document trees" maybe, with