2016-12-01 [19:37:53.0000] Can anyone remember where http://testthewebforward.org/docs/test-style-guidelines.html came from? Was it some internal Opera wiki page, or where? [19:38:42.0000] oh, no, https://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/guidelines.html [19:48:35.0000] gsnedders: https://github.com/w3c/testtwf-website-src/commit/7af6bd8baa83f9498591aa60a06ce70822faf828#diff-0a2966d4916281397a795ab14e6ade3f [19:49:08.0000] I expect it was Rebecca compiling from sources available at the time [20:01:59.0000] astearns: I didn't even bother looking in the git history! It definitely long predates TTWF. [20:02:55.0000] e.g., https://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/guidelines.html is dated as 2003 [20:03:40.0000] that I have memories of it somewhere internal to Opera is likely just legacy of hixie being involved in writing it [00:31:27.0000] maybe there should be an opt-in to https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/2047 to prevent navigation but still allow postMessage? [02:44:08.0000] Hixie's back? [04:54:08.0000] hsivonen: interesting read, pretty dramatic differences in both directions in some cases. the "<" at the end got me curious, https://checker.html5.org/?doc=https%3A%2F%2Fhsivonen.fi%2Fencoding-perf-2016-11%2F :-) [06:03:45.0000] Is there any precedent for some sort of async creation mechanism on a DOM object? [06:04:45.0000] That is, instead of `var x = new AmazingThing()`, something like `var x; AmazingThing.create().then(thing => { x = thing; });` (or something even prettier that I didn't think of)? [06:06:11.0000] `var x = await AmazingThing.create()` I suppose? [06:07:26.0000] mkwst: search for "Promise<" in the html spec [06:08:28.0000] convertToBlob, createImageBitmap [06:12:07.0000] Ok, great. Thanks. :) [06:48:35.0000] annevk: is there a way for a server or ServiceWorker to tell if a navigation network request was initiated with an opener or not? [06:48:48.0000] is there a header or something that is sent? [11:50:10.0000] For the as attribute is used to set headers and for CSP, anything else? [11:50:29.0000] If those are the only two things, what would be the difference between "script" and "worker"? [14:40:15.0000] Another silly "should this be optional?" question... [14:40:44.0000] https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/browsers.html#dom-window says "The window, frames, and self IDL attributes, on getting, must all return this Window object's browsing context's WindowProxy object.". [14:41:06.0000] what should they return if the Window has no browsing context? [14:42:19.0000] annevk: Domenic: thoughts? ^ [14:42:34.0000] ajeffrey_: how do you create a Window object without a browsing context? [14:43:03.0000] create an iframe, stash away the contentDocument, then detatch the iframe. [14:43:26.0000] It still has a browsing context; the browsing context has just been discarded. [14:43:52.0000] hmm, that's a subtle distinction :) [14:44:04.0000] indeed :-/ [14:44:27.0000] so when a document is discarded https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/browsers.html#discard-a-document [14:44:49.0000] "it still has a browsing context, it's just been discarded" doesn't make a whole lot of sense to an english speaker :l [14:44:49.0000] we lose the reference from the browsing context to the document, [14:45:13.0000] but not the reference from the document to the browsing context? [14:45:54.0000] That sounds right. https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/browsers.html#garbage-collection-and-browsing-contexts may clarify. [14:46:29.0000] oh we were already in that section, nevermind, i am silly [14:48:05.0000] OK, so the document should always keep the reference to its browsing context, even if that context has been discarded. [14:48:12.0000] Domenic: thanks! [14:48:27.0000] I wish I could find somewhere that stated that clearly... [14:48:31.0000] At least Window should, I guess? [14:49:06.0000] It's caught by the catch-all that if there's a field, then there's a strong reference. [14:49:50.0000] Yeah, to WindowProxy though, not necessarily the browsing context :-/ [14:49:54.0000] oh hang on a moment, that's a strong reference to the WindowProxy, not to the browsing context :/ [14:50:00.0000] Domenic: jinx [14:50:44.0000] It would probably be nicer if the graph here was purely between the objects (Document/Window/WindowProxy) [14:50:53.0000] Then had some additional edges for browsing context as necessary [14:51:01.0000] It's really unclear who owns what [14:51:16.0000] I feel like I already tried to fix this once :-/ [14:52:00.0000] it doesn't help matters that browsing context is a concept, not a WebIDL interface :/ [14:52:53.0000] Yes, that's why it'd be nicer to shuffle it off to the side and minimize the number of edges into it [14:53:07.0000] indeed. [14:54:40.0000] I'll file an issue on myself at least... [14:54:46.0000] What's your GitHub username again, ajeffrey_ ? [14:55:05.0000] Domenic: asajeffrey [14:56:59.0000] MikeSmith: yt? [15:03:00.0000] Domenic: I filed a servo issue https://github.com/servo/servo/issues/14434. [15:06:56.0000] This will be a fun one [15:10:55.0000] Domenic: hmm, "And the Document originally created for an iframe element, which has since been removed from the document, has no associated browsing context, since that browsing context was discarded." [15:11:04.0000] (2nd note in https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/browsers.html#windows) [15:16:23.0000] @_@ [15:21:23.0000] "When an iframe element is removed from a document, the user agent must discard the element's nested browsing context, if it is not null, and then set the element's nested browsing context to null." [15:21:36.0000] https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#the-iframe-element [15:23:15.0000] sure but "discard" is a term of art [15:23:19.0000] Someone else might have a reference to it [15:29:38.0000] ah, yes. read scrollback more carefully now 2016-12-02 [06:57:45.0000] well, someone seems to not want to stick around :) [12:26:44.0000] cwilso, yoav: Steve requested moving Scroll Anchoring to WICG back in Oct 10, but that hasn't happened yet. Was there anything blocking the move, or did it just slip thru the net? [12:53:19.0000] TabAtkins: I just missed it (sorry - run up to CDS). I just invited Steve to WICG GH group, will work with him to xfer. [12:59:19.0000] Danke. [13:13:28.0000] http://www.udd.cl/ is interesting.
is used for physical location for upcoming event, and applies to enclosing
[14:38:43.0000] TabAtkins: https://github.com/WICG/ScrollAnchoring is now a thing. 2016-12-03 [21:32:23.0000] Annevk: meant to mention that I succeeded in figuring who exactly is responsible for URL interop in blink (https://crbug.com/660384), but do not have the data to argue it's higher priority than the other things on that team's plate (Streams-related stuff). Maybe this awesome post will help: https://webkit.org/blog/7086/url-parsing-in-webkit/ 2016-12-04 [21:27:01.0000] any #whatwg folks at Mozilla AllHands and not had dinner yet? [21:50:58.0000] hsivonen, i recommend you contact nox 2016-12-05 [18:38:32.0000] don't suppose there's anyone building firefox with the bogus extension signing thing removed? otherwise i'm probably just going to stop updating firefox, heh [18:40:20.0000] (mozilla doesn't get to be a gatekeeper for add-ons, nobody should be tolerating that) [18:59:47.0000] Ah ah. [23:53:30.0000] hmm, IE 10/11 had just rp { display:none }. IE 8..9 and Edge 13 have ruby rp { display:none } [23:54:10.0000] did they decide to be compatible with Firefox for IE 8, and then decide to be compatible with Chrome in Edge 13? [23:57:41.0000] MikeSmith: do you have an idea about the usefulness of "not mappable to XML 1.0" warnings? i suppose they are useful for some people but not at all for the majority, but would be good to have some kind of data [01:56:19.0000] zcorpan: as far as real XML usage, data we have consistently shows that at most 0.1% of HTML documents are served with an XML MIME type [01:57:22.0000] see the “XML input” line at https://validator.w3.org/nu/stats.html [01:58:26.0000] and there is Opera MAMA data that indicates the same 0.1% [01:58:30.0000] lemme find it [01:58:58.0000] MikeSmith: ok. but that stat doesn't say so much about whether XML warnings in text/html are useful, right? [01:59:33.0000] MikeSmith: such warnings would be useful if one tries to parse the HTML and serialize as XML for something other than serving the page to the browser [02:00:54.0000] well I don’t know how we could get figures for that [02:01:12.0000] or, for some cases, try to generate an equivalent DOM using DOM core APIs (which often but not always reject things that are not allowed in XML) [02:01:36.0000] yeah I don’t think we want to encourage people to try to do stuff like that anyway [02:02:06.0000] if they do they are likely to run into more problems than the subset of what we warn about, I htink [02:02:28.0000] so I think we should drop those "not mappable to XML 1.0" warnings [02:03:01.0000] I think they are just noise to the vast majority of users [02:03:37.0000] ok. yeah, i think so too. for element and attribute names we give an error anyway for names that can't be used in XML [02:03:49.0000] yeah [02:04:44.0000] and anyone trying to serialize text/html as XML will be better off doing infoset coersion than trying to warn the Internet into behaving [02:04:46.0000] I think that 0.1% figure does probably also roughly align with the data for number of users who want to do that other XMLish stuff [02:05:15.0000] as maybe does the “Doctype with「SYSTEM "about:legacy-compat"」found” figure at https://validator.w3.org/nu/stats.html [02:05:30.0000] which is 0.06% [02:05:40.0000] Yeah [02:06:10.0000] OK so dropping the warnings is an htmlparser change [02:06:43.0000] I’m happy to make them directly but also happy to merge them if you make a PR [02:07:05.0000] btw for htmlparser changes make sure to use the validator-nu branch as the base [02:07:20.0000] for https://github.com/validator/htmlparser I mean [02:07:32.0000] I think that is what should automatically happen now [02:08:02.0000] because I recently switched it so that validator-nu branch is the default for that github repo [02:21:33.0000] hmm htmlparser is a submodule. i don't know what to do. :-D [02:43:53.0000] cd htmlparser && git checkout validator-nu && git pull [03:41:22.0000] MikeSmith: should the warning still be there for ALTER_INFOSET? [03:45:47.0000] i suppose the warning can be useful there [04:08:58.0000] zcorpan: yeah agreed [04:12:24.0000] MikeSmith: https://github.com/validator/htmlparser/pull/3 [04:13:19.0000] MikeSmith: Trailing whitespace got trimmed. I've built and tested manually and run tests [04:13:39.0000] but not written new automated tests [04:48:16.0000] hm, this is a specced behavior? https://jsfiddle.net/2xy87m6z/ [04:48:26.0000] (not getting checked even if explicitely requested) [15:29:39.0000] rniwa, at 2016-11-23 23:00 UTC, Domenic said: for a repro file for https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/2058 2016-12-06 [07:01:18.0000] hmmmm. per https://www.chromestatus.com/metrics/feature/popularity 'datetime' is used more often than 'datetime-local' [15:53:35.0000] XHR spec issue, shepherd issue or bikeshed issue: I can link to {{XMLHttpRequest/send()}} just fine, but {{XMLHttpRequest/getAllResponse Headers()}} doesn't work (instead seems to be indexed as XMLHttpRequest/dom-XMLHttpRequest-getAllResponseHeaders) 2016-12-07 [16:29:15.0000] Mek: prolly XHR [16:29:25.0000] Mek: XHR has yet to migrate to Bikeshed [16:29:37.0000] Mek: the problem with doing that is that it requires IDL changes and I don't want to make IDL changes... [16:44:28.0000] (To be specific, it requires changing the name of one of the arguments of two overloaded methods.) [16:44:49.0000] (And avoiding that change is a very complicated and fraught Bikeshed change, so I'm not planning on doing it any time soon.) [17:01:04.0000] I see... The odd part is that in the XHR spec I don't see anything obviously different between the various methods, but then I have no idea what magic/heuristics shepherd is doing to index things [23:40:18.0000] wat. "A database query error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software." https://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/FAQ [23:40:37.0000] who can fix this? [23:45:02.0000] clearing cookies made it work [00:03:21.0000] zcorpan: I ran into that before too [00:03:37.0000] for me it cleared up on its own after a day or so [00:04:11.0000] maybe that error message should suggest clearing cookies [00:04:34.0000] yeah that would be nice [00:04:47.0000] otherwise it’s just kind of baffling [00:04:49.0000] or, you know, someone(TM) fix the bug in the software [00:07:40.0000] good luck to us on that [00:08:10.0000] the irony that https://google.github.io/styleguide/htmlcssguide.xml?showone=Optional_Tags#Optional_Tags is itself using xml+xslt [00:08:22.0000] when I talked to Hixie about it he said he didn’t know who among us is responsible for keeping the wiki running [00:09:11.0000] haha XSLT will be with us forever [00:09:30.0000] like a guest who long overstays their welcome [00:09:36.0000] drinking all your beer [00:10:42.0000] XSLT, you're drunk, go home [00:13:52.0000] haha [01:28:09.0000] zcorpan: While drunk, I'm definitely funnier than XSLT. [06:25:58.0000] annevk: Is there a way to find all the specs that depend on fetch? I'm looking at which APIs should skip the service worker when used in a service worker [06:26:02.0000] https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/issues/303 [06:26:42.0000] Want to do a sweep of as many APIs as possible & work out which things should be on the allow/deny list [08:12:50.0000] JakeA: anything you can think of that does networking; not keeping a list at the moment [08:13:40.0000] annevk: no worries. Still settled on the opt-out-of SW list. [10:25:51.0000] hi. I forgot how to report bugs on the html spec. can anyone help? (or I can just report it here) [10:31:47.0000] salty-horse: you can go to whatwg.org/html, select a piece of text related to the bug, click the "file an issue" link at the bottom right [10:34:01.0000] thanks! [10:34:32.0000] oh I totally missed that link [10:42:34.0000] I find it very odd that the ImageSmoothingQuality enum is explained separately from the imageSmoothingQuality attribute [13:55:08.0000] JakeA: if anybody has a good answer for “Is there a way to find all the specs that depend on fetch”, it would be tobie I think [13:55:52.0000] I mean not specifically about fetch for the general question of find all specs that depend on some particular spec [14:13:59.0000] MikeSmith: cheers! Feels like something the bikeshed database might know [14:29:30.0000] for Android Chrome is there some way I can save a bookmark to my homescreen without it suppressing the browser chrome [14:30:44.0000] I need the address bar, but the Add to Homescreen thing makes that get suppressed, along with all the other browser controls 2016-12-08 [16:01:00.0000] kochi: yt? [16:01:07.0000] hayato: ping [16:14:09.0000] https://github.com/w3c/browser-payment-api/issues/307#issuecomment-265511874 [16:14:46.0000] “I'd like to think that the implementation follows the spirit of the spec.” [17:06:58.0000] annevk: yt? [17:07:00.0000] Domenic: yt? [17:11:12.0000] rniwa: sorta [17:11:33.0000] annevk: do you recall know why fullscreenElement: https://fullscreen.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-document-fullscreenelement [17:11:50.0000] annevk: needs to check whether candidate & context object are in the same tree after retargeting the lement? [17:11:58.0000] that seems odd because retargeting should guarantee that [17:12:21.0000] oh I guess it's not necessary true if the retargeted node is in another shadow tree... [17:12:36.0000] wait, retargeting should fix that [17:13:16.0000] oh, i guess if we called fullscreenElement on a shadow tree and fullscreenElement is in the document, we'd hit this... [17:14:52.0000] rniwa: sounds plausible, foolip and kochi might know more [17:32:46.0000] rniwa: annevk: does sound like worth adding an example to the spec for [17:39:48.0000] Yeah, makes sense [17:40:05.0000] Is there a combined term for the GET and HEAD methods? [18:34:05.0000] Domenic, annevk: an example for what? [18:34:24.0000] rniwa: the fullscreenElement thing you mentioned [18:34:42.0000] ah, I see [18:56:30.0000] slightlyoff, here? [18:59:04.0000] Ish. Whaddup? [19:00:12.0000] slightlyoff, I'm failing to make sense of the definition of origin in https://w3c.github.io/ServiceWorker/#run-service-worker [19:02:14.0000] Send mail? On Indian 2G, won't be able to answer quickly [19:03:29.0000] Oh, okay [19:03:34.0000] Thanks anyway :) [22:22:36.0000] annevk, hayato : should fullscreenchange be composed? [22:22:56.0000] oh, I guess this fires on document so no need [22:40:00.0000] annevk, hayato: on the other hand, that seems to indicate that we should be firing these events on shadow root as well... [22:40:25.0000] otherwise we get into a weird situation where in order to listen to a fullscreen state change, you need to attach your event listener to document [22:49:57.0000] /me filed https://github.com/w3c/webcomponents/issues/614 [23:55:31.0000] how can I compile the "source" file into HTML? is the post-processor proprietary and therefore not provided? [00:01:37.0000] Ms2ger: we could probably replace that with the script's origin. Is that what you mean? [00:07:25.0000] salty-horse: https://github.com/whatwg/html-build/ [00:08:33.0000] MikeSmith, thanks. I looked in README instead of CONTRIBUTING. [00:08:42.0000] ah [00:09:13.0000] hmm yeah we used to have that info in teh README but we moved it to CONTRIBUTING a few months ago [00:09:44.0000] because of the fact CONTRIBUTING is what the GH issue tracker auto-links to [00:10:16.0000] but it seems we should maybe mention it in the README still as well [00:10:24.0000] is it ok if my fix breaks the 100 column width rule? (I have to, to prevent any newlines from appearing in the output) [00:10:39.0000] yeah it is OK [00:10:45.0000] if there is a reason for it [00:11:07.0000] that 100 column width rule is not a hard requirement for the processor or anything [00:11:18.0000] it is just a policy, style rule [00:12:14.0000] salty-horse: if you have any problems with the build please report them [00:12:22.0000] trying.. [00:12:40.0000] even if they are just frustrations and not show stoppers [00:12:53.0000] we have tried hard to make the build as easy to use as possible [00:13:19.0000] but I think it probably still has a lot of room for improvement [00:17:11.0000] MikeSmith, have you considered making "html-build" a git submodule of "html"? I don't see a reason why I would want one and not the other [00:41:24.0000] We have but decided intentionally to not make it a submodule [00:42:02.0000] because submodules are one of those "now you have two problems" things [00:50:59.0000] salty-horse: https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/2151 [00:52:38.0000] MikeSmith, looks good! [00:54:59.0000] rniwa: sorry for being late, I was busy for other things today. As you may have understood, the "retargeting" algorithm does not guarantee that the context object and the retargeted node is in the same node tree. The "retargeting" algorithm was originally for event retargeting, but as most part can be reused, the algorithm is used for fullscreenElement. [00:55:16.0000] salty-horse: so actually waht we normally do for cases like that line is wrap the “ data-x="dom-context-2d-imageSmoothingQuality-low">low".

” part to the next line [00:55:22.0000] rniwa: also pointerLockElement uses the retargeting algorithm. https://w3c.github.io/pointerlock/#dom-documentorshadowroot-pointerlockelement [00:55:35.0000] salty-horse: that is, break it before the attribute name [00:55:55.0000] Looks like Safari TP supports PointerLock!! http://caniuse.com/#search=pointerlock [00:56:06.0000] hmm ok. yes the docs mentioned it, but I thought this was more readable. [00:57:16.0000] yeah we do it even if it is less reabable [00:57:20.0000] kochi: it looks like fullscreenchange event is still broken: https://github.com/w3c/webcomponents/issues/614 [00:57:38.0000] kochi: as things stand, you have to listen to the event on document level if one of the elements in a shadow tree is full screen'ed [00:57:59.0000] salty-horse: actually it is more that we go with whatever our text editors do when given a 100-column limite [00:59:06.0000] fixing nw [01:00:51.0000] /me sigh... one of these days, i'd go home before midnight [03:29:04.0000] so, is there an "official" way of making html/css tables with a fixed header and a scrollable body? [03:30:02.0000] This isn't really a support channel, but what do you mean by "official" [03:31:49.0000] where does webidl say to "perform a security check" for constructors? or does it not? heycam|away tobie annevk Domenic - context https://github.com/w3c/browser-payment-api/issues/361#issuecomment-265719019 [03:41:53.0000] boogyman: such as "there is a dedicated attribute for this" or "the cannot really overflow, so you need to use display:block or wrap it" ... something more worthy than a random crappy SO search [03:42:20.0000] no looking for a solution to be copypasted. looking for a right direction (or a statement about no direction being available at all) [03:46:03.0000] position: fixed is the most likely, but I have not tried to use it in the context of ... [03:46:51.0000] okay, thanks [04:19:34.0000] zcorpan: afaik it doesn't [04:19:40.0000] zcorpan: see: https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#es-constructible-interfaces [04:21:00.0000] tobie: shouldn't it, somewhere before step 6? [04:21:37.0000] zcorpan: instantiation being neither done by an operation nor a getter/setter, we'd need to modify https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#dfn-perform-a-security-check [04:23:02.0000] zcorpan: it seems like a reasonable thing to do, but I'm no authority in this topic. Can you file a ticket? [04:25:18.0000] sure [04:28:26.0000] filed https://github.com/heycam/webidl/issues/249 [04:38:34.0000] zcorpan: ty [04:40:02.0000] ondras: afaik, that is still an unsolved issue in css, but display:block "works" [04:40:47.0000] zcorpan: I would say that display:block totally f*cks up the width computation of the tbody cells, so having absolutely positioned might work better. gave it only a rough try though. [04:41:25.0000] zcorpan: https://jsfiddle.net/zo1tg7L7/1/ [04:41:39.0000] ondras: yeah maybe positioning the thead is less painful [04:41:56.0000] (but still painful) [04:42:33.0000] you'd need to display:block the thead as well, and then specify widths for the cells so they hopefully line up [04:43:49.0000] zcorpan: I would like to retain the automatic column width computation algorithm [04:44:34.0000] /me thinking about the css grid for this particular case... [05:01:34.0000] zcorpan: isn't the security check done by step 9 (Assert: O.[[Realm]] is equal to F.[[Realm]])? [05:04:30.0000] tobie: no? that happens after the constructor's algorithm has run (step 6), and isn't "Assert" meant for things that should be impossible to be false if the spec is implemented correctly? [05:05:26.0000] i.e. strictly non-normative [05:05:51.0000] zcorpan: yeah, you're right on both counts. [05:15:17.0000] MikeSmith, JakeA: sorry forgot to get back to you this morning. I unfortunately don't have a good answer to this. TabAtkins might have this data ("Is there a way to find all the specs that depend on fetch") from shepherd. [05:15:45.0000] tobie: OK [05:16:19.0000] /me watches hot potato get passed to TabAtkins [05:17:42.0000] MikeSmith: I do have a bunch of code written specifically to get this data out, but the project was put on the back burner, unfortunately. [05:18:02.0000] ah yeah [05:18:21.0000] I thought you had done some work back some time ago [05:18:42.0000] so my memory is not as bad as I imagined [05:20:32.0000] iirc shepherd doesn't know which specs reference which. i needed this when switching html to en-US but ended up greping various repos and googling [05:22:26.0000] So... "secure context" cannot change during the lifetime of a document, correct? [05:22:45.0000] TabAtkins just needs to write a replacement for shepherd [05:23:43.0000] zcorpan: dunno the answer but you thinking about that in the context of future-proofing “allowed to use” for Feature Policy compat? [05:24:50.0000] MikeSmith: that is related yeah. i'm trying to wrap my head around how these things work. [05:25:33.0000] MikeSmith: i found [SecureContext] in webidl means the thing is not exposed at all in non-secure contexts, but that's not how it's implemented in chromium for PaymentRequest at least [05:26:32.0000] instead it throws early in the constructor https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+blame/master/third_party/WebKit/Source/modules/payments/PaymentRequest.cpp#682 [05:32:18.0000] zcorpan: I guess I have ceased being surprised by cases where blink+chromium+v8 doesn’t conform to webidl [05:32:41.0000] seems to be the rule rather than the exception [05:33:23.0000] well that’s overstating things but… it’s frustrating [05:35:19.0000] especially when I take time to report it and end up getting ’splained to, that well actually, the blink+chromium+v8 is right and wontfix [06:17:00.0000] Figure Content model: [06:17:00.0000] Either: One figcaption element followed by flow content. [06:17:00.0000] Or: Flow content followed by one figcaption element. [06:17:17.0000] flow content... but can be more than 1? [06:17:37.0000] like
[06:17:51.0000] is that valid? [06:25:28.0000] felixjet: yes [06:26:33.0000] and the example of figure + code shows this figcaption:
Listing 4. The primary core interface API declaration.
[06:26:53.0000] so, its a caption, and the flow content associated is

thats ok, but what if the figcaption is used like 
[06:27:19.0000] is that semantically still correct and good use? [06:27:45.0000] because thats not a caption at all, it's not describing the content of the code [06:30:10.0000] felixjet: why is it not a caption? [06:30:50.0000] because it's not describing whats inside the tag [06:30:52.0000] it's more like a label [06:30:56.0000] label != caption [06:32:40.0000] "The figcaption element represents a caption or legend" [06:38:24.0000] I guess "javascript" is arguably not correct use of figcaption, given dictionary definitions of the these words [06:38:50.0000] maybe you want


or class on the 

the language-javascript is a class that specifies the language of the code

i'm talking about showing that language label

if it should be figcaption or not

the class doesn't show, it just style the 

annevk: ping :) .. https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/pull/419 - anything I can do to help land that?

will do

igrigorik: yeah I was looking for WPT

igrigorik: sorry for the delay in replying, some vacation plus now it's Mozilla week

igrigorik: we're slowly moving to a world where specification changes require corresponding WPT changes

annevk: np! re, WPT: as in, merge failing tests showing that update hasn't been implemented anywhere.. yet? =/

igrigorik: heh, yeah, that would do

igrigorik: preferably with a pointer to the Fetch PR

igrigorik: and then when I land the Fetch PR I'll point to the tests

gsnedders: jgraham: the formatting in http://testthewebforward.org/docs/test-format-guidelines.html#tests-involving-multiple-origins seems wrong

annevk: You mean there is text missing?

jgraham: yeah

jgraham: also, what can I assume location.host to return when a test is normally run?

jgraham: would that include a subdomain or not?

jgraham: that is, I'm wondering how to construct a request to a different domain given location.host as input

annevk: https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/blob/master/docs/test-format-guidelines.md has the unbroken documentation

jgraham: okay, but it doesn't really say much about how to do any of that from script

It's a text substitution feature. Script doesn't really come into it

I mean you can write `var host = "{{location[host]}}"` and put it in foo.sub.js for example

jgraham: I was trying to avoid substitution since I was just modifying an existing JS file used by several tests

jgraham: but I think I'm going to skip writing the test I was wanting to write since it's a little more involved than I want

annevk: oh, yeah, I noticed that a few days ago

annevk, jgraham: it's basically impossible to fix on ttwf without making it use non-standard Markdown stuff which breaks it on github :\

gsnedders: ttwf must die

jgraham: I agree.

jgraham: OTOH, Github Pages is still Jekyll so we hit the same issue

see  which fixes that, if anyone wants to cherry-pick it and break the Github view :\

Domenic: are you doing Starting Strength?

Is that something people do? Why?

Ms2ger: to get stronger typically

zcorpan: modified Stronglifts 5x5; clean and snatch scare me

Domenic: ok. but just 1 set for deadlift?

zcorpan: ya

Domenic: i did that too for many years. this year i upped the volume for deadlift. 5x5 two times a week with linear progression, then a 5x5 "light" day and a heavier day with 2-3 sets of 3-5 reps. seems like it paid off

oh wow, yeah

now time to sleep :-) nn

what does "paid off" entail though

can lift, bro

Can probably also lift things that aren't bros

"it paid off so much that now the inlaws are calling me over whenever they need to move heavy furniture it's great"


http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16824661/cors-request-not-working-in-safari/22924272#22924272 seems to indicate that Safari adds “Origin” to Access-Control-Request-Headers

which seems non-conforming

Is @import loading sync?

https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/453 (re @import)

MikeSmith: https://travis-ci.org/whatwg/fetch/builds/181216088 something goes wrong with Java

/me looks

annevk: it’s not calling the Java8 `java`

need to do the thign of giving it the full path to the right `java` binary

I thought we changed that we for fetch already

that PR branch need to be rebased maybe?

Ah okay, rebasing it would probably fix it I guess

MikeSmith: thanks


chrome behaves rather strangely in the first case: https://jsfiddle.net/5xzp876y/

is this known/specced?

rbyers: ping for https://github.com/whatwg/dom/issues/334

will do

miketaylr: that's also the issue you want to look at /\

miketaylr: and we should maybe discuss tomorrow afternoon if we find the time

zcorpan: about character references at this point in time I wonder what problems they are actually solving for anybody

I wonder why anybody still intentionally chooses to use them

so as far as guidance, maybe what we really should be having the spec start out by say is: Don't use character references. They’re a legacy of another era. But if you choose to use them anyway, here are the rules about how they work.

MikeSmith: maybe for invisibles that don't have named charrefs, or to hide their emails from email scrapers, or because they're still in an environment that's not all-utf-8

yeah those seem all seem like problems that are better fixed with other solutions

like, don’t use non-ut8 environments

and use a text editor that lets you show invisibles in some way

anway in general I think we should be having the spec say more “don’t use this” language about crufty old stuff like this

otherwise, unless the spec says something, it is kind of enshrining that stuff

as far as how readers perceive it

it is like the spec is blessing it, unless it clearly says otherwise

anyway, maybe it is just me who sees it that way

pet peeve

MikeSmith: are they causing harm?


because people use them when they should be fixing their environments, and learning how to do that


and also their docs may get handed off to somebody else to deal with

and that new person has a non-broken authoring environment and gets handed some doc riddled with character refs where they should be real unicode and they are rightly gonna feel, wtf

i don't feel strongly about it, but i wouldn't object to opinionated non-normative text in the spec

botie: tell caitp being strong improves quality of life throughout life, and it will make a much bigger difference when getting old

will do

oh caitp was here already

Crazy idea: "TypeShed" - something that takes typescript and converts it into spec prose

Annevk:  Sorry I missed that.  Replied.  On vacation without a laptop, but dtapuska and tkent are the right people for this area anyway.

Is there anything wrong, faulty or bad with using a character reference like this in HTML? 


[05:47:28.0000] Compared to


[05:47:52.0000] Its not an ambiguous ampersand. So should it be encoded like that? [05:51:20.0000] I'm just checking my sanity here. [07:15:12.0000] saba: either is OK. if unsure, use & [07:40:55.0000] so yesterday i asked something but everyone was afk xD let's try again [07:41:05.0000] while wrapping
[07:41:29.0000] it is valid to use
to represent the language of the code? [07:41:38.0000] as a label [07:41:46.0000] because the spec says that figcaption should be a legend [07:42:03.0000] and the dictionary says that a legend explains the content [07:43:25.0000] something like
Function that parse text and returns an AST is valid. but what about my first example? [07:43:55.0000] class="language-javascript" is used to highlight the code or to give it some semantics [07:44:15.0000] but i'm asking about
to be used as a label to show the user the language of the code [08:03:30.0000] felixjet: prolly depends on context whether that is a suitable caption [08:03:53.0000] there is just 1 possible context [08:04:12.0000] correct or incorrect, but just one [08:06:50.0000] zcorpan: thanks [10:53:02.0000] annevk: cool, will find you after lunch today [15:44:02.0000] A question about document.write... [15:44:42.0000] In https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webappapis.html#dom-document-write, [15:45:23.0000] step 3 is "If the Document object is not an active document, then abort these steps." [15:45:45.0000] should this say "fully active" rather than "active"? [15:46:43.0000] hsivonen: ^ 2016-12-10 [16:19:09.0000] TabAtkins: why are non-exported DFNs still displayed in the Terms defined by this specification section? [18:39:53.0000] are there any plans to fix SecureContext, to make it actually secure context [18:40:27.0000] since right now it is just random set of communication which is blocked between non-SecureContext and Securecontext [19:02:54.0000] Domenic: are you still there? [00:47:31.0000] caitp, at 2016-12-09 10:21 UTC, zcorpan said: being strong improves quality of life throughout life, and it will make a much bigger difference when getting old 2016-12-12 [01:39:01.0000] I am struggling to understand what rniwa_ proposes in https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/159 [08:02:39.0000] do I recall correctly, that some blink folks were wondering if removing was still possible? [10:00:55.0000] JakeA: ping [10:01:07.0000] wanderview: hey! [10:01:36.0000] JakeA: has there been any discussion of background sync events only when you are wifi, etc? [10:04:34.0000] JakeA: I have someone requesting that feature... which seems kind of reasonable [10:04:58.0000] right now its only really doable with navigation.connection on the main window (AFAIK) [10:05:23.0000] wanderview: yeah, that feature got dropped from the MVP [10:05:46.0000] wanderview: although devs would have to be careful, some users *never* go on wi-fi [10:05:54.0000] so it'd have to be a choice they expose to the user [10:06:24.0000] although, I question why limiting to wifi is important. If the uploads are large, background sync is probably the wrong choice vs background fetch [10:06:42.0000] JakeA: well, background fetch does not exist yet :-\ [10:07:11.0000] JakeA: I think the use case here is opportunistic pre-caching... but they don't want to waste metered network for it [10:07:23.0000] (yea, wifi does nto necessarilly mean not metered) [10:08:51.0000] wanderview: I think it's a reasonable feature... I'm just worried it's wrong for this particular use-case [10:09:33.0000] JakeA: background fetch would not disciminate between mobile data and wifi, right? [10:12:26.0000] JakeA: anyway, I suggested they write a bg-sync spec issue [10:16:40.0000] wanderview: I don't have anything in background-fetch for that right now. I can't decide if it'd be better as a per-site feature or a browser feature [10:16:58.0000] wanderview: eg the browser could assume wifi only unless the user clicks something in the notification to start it now [10:19:14.0000] JakeA: I think in this case they would not want to pester the user with a notification at all since this sounds like low-priority opportunistic stuff [10:19:45.0000] JakeA: seems like sites should be able to indicate "the users asked for this explicitly... download ASAP" vs "I think maybe they want this, download if possible but whatever" [10:19:46.0000] wanderview: hmm, but if it's large background download, it really need to be visible from a privacy perspective [10:19:56.0000] JakeA: I don't think these are particularly large [10:20:09.0000] wanderview: large enough for wi-fi vs cell to matter [10:20:56.0000] JakeA: do you think a native app like Snapchat should have to put up a notification if its downloading images in the background? [10:21:23.0000] only thinking of that one since I know snapchat ate a ton of my wife's data plan one month with background downloads [10:22:02.0000] wanderview: the podcast app I use does, and I kinda like that it does. Also useful if I have limited bandwidth I can see that the podcast app is clogging up the pipes [10:23:29.0000] JakeA: play store updates do as well... but it just feels different to do it for large things like apps, videos, podcasts... vs "I'm downloading 20 articles I think you might want to read maybe" [10:23:59.0000] JakeA: I mean... why wouldn't small stuff using bg-sync be able to discriminate based on wifi? why restrict it? [11:08:07.0000] wanderview: yeah, I think it's a feature we should have. It was in the original designs [11:15:53.0000] JakeA: I feel like we have a long tail of stuff we should implement... hard to prioritize [11:17:35.0000] https://domparsing.spec.whatwg.org has an invalid security certificate [11:18:04.0000] can anyone fix it? [11:18:31.0000] KiChjang: you beat me to it :) [11:26:40.0000] KiChjang: ajeffrey_: that's just a redirect to https://w3c.github.io/DOM-Parsing/ ; where did you find a link to it? [11:30:07.0000] Domenic: we still have links to it from the servo code base, we should probably update at our end. [11:30:24.0000] the update is a bit more urgent now the cert has expired :) [11:30:41.0000] Yeah I pinged Hixie, I believe he still manages all the certs [11:35:47.0000] wanderview: yeah, I want to use the next meeting to work out the priorities [11:36:11.0000] JakeA: I wrote another issue to discuss too! random thought I had this week... https://github.com/w3c/ServiceWorker/issues/1024 [15:07:18.0000] PSA: if you think https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=443374 should be prioritized higher, please star it [15:07:32.0000] = “Web Worker network requests blocked by main thread in Chrome” [15:08:10.0000] https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=443374#c8 “super important for PWA sites, because fetch() in Service Workers is also blocked by the main thread” 2016-12-13 [16:17:12.0000] does `bikeshed watch` watch more than one file at a time? or just the first .bs file it finds? [17:32:42.0000] TabAtkins: ⬆ [01:32:22.0000] hmm, setting an enum attribute to a non-valid value doesn't throw? [01:37:56.0000] had very much forgotten that [01:54:06.0000] annevk, Domenic: I remeber reading a quite detailed proposal of internal slots somewhere. Can't seem to find it. Either of you have a pointer? I'd like to tackle that soonish. [01:55:15.0000] I know there's this: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=27354 but there was some more recent thinking somehwere [04:42:47.0000] tobie: I don't remember any proposal. I do think this is an area where it'd be good to write up and debate something before starting on the work. [04:52:42.0000] Domenic: absolutely [04:53:55.0000] One issue I wonder about is whether internal slots should have types [04:54:01.0000] Yes, definitely [04:54:21.0000] Sometimes it's useful, but sometimes you want to store something conceptual in them [04:54:50.0000] And since Web IDL types are "really" type conversions, it's not clear it makes sense to convert twice [04:56:31.0000] so for example a URL record https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url is not a Web IDL type [04:57:00.0000] So https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-hyperlink-url would not be representable as a slot if we said slots must have types [04:57:58.0000] Similarly https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#associated-css-style-sheet [04:58:52.0000] Maybe just a strong convention of `// a CSS style sheet` would make sense [05:00:24.0000] Domenic: same kinds of questions here. I was wondering if it would also make sense to allow infra data structures in there. [05:01:57.0000] Yeah that's another common case [05:02:10.0000] My intuition is that typing them in any formal way would not work out [05:02:56.0000] Or at least would make them less useful/used. And thus be confusing: "oh, no, you meant the informal concept of internal slot, not the formal one which is only used sometimes because of these restrictions." [05:03:25.0000] I guess maybe if everything converted to infra it might work [05:03:50.0000] E.g. URL and CSS style sheet would become whatever we name https://github.com/whatwg/infra/issues/21 [05:04:21.0000] Well, there a cases where you want to hold on to a webidl type, though. [05:04:51.0000] Eg a promise, an instance of something related, etc. [05:05:48.0000] Domenic: I posted concerns at https://github.com/eslint/eslint/pull/7563#issuecomment-266733140 [05:09:45.0000] tobie: yes, but there's no single type system that encompasses Web IDL types + vague spec types. So I think `// a Document` would suffice for the Web IDL cases [05:10:15.0000] You can always hold Web IDL type instances without a formal type declaration documenting it. Use actual comments for documentation. [05:10:34.0000] Yeah. This was to your point really. [05:10:48.0000] JakeA: I thought it was opt-in already [05:12:46.0000] Domenic: huh, http://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-await-in-loop#when-not-to-use-it makes it sound opt-out. Investigating… [05:13:21.0000] JakeA: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/ [05:13:24.0000] Domenic: ah, you're right [06:03:13.0000] Domenic: not sure if my use case is uncommon, but I'd also need the equivalent of class-level slots (static slots?) [06:03:28.0000] tobie: that seems bad; just put them on Window then [06:05:58.0000] Domenic: well, they're *really* class-level. E.g.: different instances of the Gyroscope class have a different frequency requirements at which to poll the underlying HW sensor. [06:06:16.0000] tobie: I'm confused, instance-level or class-level? [06:06:28.0000] Every class exists exactly once per Window instance so tying to Window makes more sense. [06:06:48.0000] That doesn't sound like a slot though, more like a constant [06:07:03.0000] Domenic: at the class level, we look at all of the requested frequencies, pick the largest one, and use that one to determine at what freq to poll the sensor [06:07:44.0000] Domenic: that value is revisited every time a new Gyro instance starts or stops listening to the sensor [06:08:43.0000] tobie: this sounds really confusing to me, so maybe needs to be part of the writeup. I maintain that anything class/static should go on Window instead, but it sounds like this has something to do with instances instead, so I am just confused. [06:13:39.0000] Domenic: yeah--the sensor model is quite complex because there are multiple layers in between the JS and the underlying HW which are different per OS and HW. [06:14:05.0000] Domenic: I also did a poor job of explaining it above. [06:15:48.0000] /me would wait to see finger print scanning, biometrics, SMS and contacts access from web [06:16:13.0000] Domenic: Basically you have one HW sensor (e.g. a gyroscope), but you can create lots of instances of the gyroscope class which can all require a different polling frequency of the HW sensor. The HW sensor is then polled at the highest one of those. [06:17:06.0000] Domenic: whenever you start or stop one of those gyroscope instance, you change the underlying HW polling frequency accordingly. [06:17:07.0000] OK. So you need some kind of map stored on Window, of which one entry is Gyroscope -> highest polling frequency? [06:17:32.0000] Domenic: basically, yes. I hold on to all created instances. [06:17:55.0000] Seems like a GC nightmare, but I'm probably not understanding fully :) [06:18:16.0000] Domenic: hopefully the latter. [06:18:19.0000] :) [06:26:33.0000] Domenic: regardless of these potential GC issues, I could just store the HW polling frequency value instead, but that would still a class-level slot. [06:26:52.0000] Domenic: you'd just stick those on window? [06:26:55.0000] yeah [06:27:04.0000] What about the naming collision? [06:27:21.0000] Add a prefix if you're worried about it [06:27:40.0000] Seems better than inventing a new parallel concept with different semantics [06:28:14.0000] Well, don't we already have static attributes and constants? [06:28:40.0000] yep, which are paralllel concepts with different semantics from instance attributes [06:29:06.0000] (or rather, prototype attributes) [06:32:39.0000] Domenic: to be clear, I have no idea whether my particular use case is common or not. If it isn't, there no point in working out a dedicated solution for it. [06:37:49.0000] Domenic: how would you handle flags? Turn them into booleans? [06:38:55.0000] Leaving them as flags seems fine? [06:40:27.0000] Domenic: if instance.[[flag]] is set, then ... ? [06:41:06.0000] Yeah seems fine [06:44:33.0000] Domenic: k [08:06:40.0000] Domenic, you asked whether they should have types, not WebIDL types [08:07:04.0000] Ms2ger: I was kind of assuming inventing a new type system was not a project anyone wanted to take on [08:07:26.0000] You'd be surprised... [08:08:42.0000] However, I'm not sure if we'd be inventing a new type system; all we need is a link to a BS definition, really [09:27:03.0000] Hi all! [09:28:51.0000] I've been working on a few ideas related to CSS that I think would help with writing HTML and building websites - is this the right spot to get feedback and discuss ideas? [09:47:46.0000] tobie: Re "why are non-exported DFNs still displayed in the Terms defined by this specification section?", because they're still terms defined by the specification, just ones intended for internal use. Still useful to have them in the index. [09:48:31.0000] apowers313: Re "does `bikeshed watch` watch more than one file at a time? or just the first .bs file it finds?" The documentation should be clear on this [09:50:46.0000] JakeA: We're not currently tracking all *links* in Shepherd, tho that's possible (and desired by me). [09:53:16.0000] TabAtkins: good to know! [09:54:42.0000] tobie: I was sorta hoping for consolidated types across IDL and Infra, but a good first step might be to start defining slots without being explicit about that [09:54:53.0000] tobie: or only being explicit about that part in prose [10:39:06.0000] innovati: probably better to start at https://discourse.wicg.io/ - see if anyone's working on something similar, first [10:41:42.0000] I'm on there, and one of the ideas seems to have fizzled out, the other has some activity but I'm not sure how to keep the ball rolling! [14:22:09.0000] annevk: I'm not seeing the OWFa licensing text in some recent WHATWG spec updates - did those get removed? [14:22:21.0000] e.g. I know https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/ used to have it at the top - where did it go? [14:22:48.0000] also I'm getting a cert error on https://domparsing.spec.whatwg.org/ [14:23:54.0000] yes, at some point OWFa got dropped from all of these specs: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Standards/license#WHATWG [14:24:02.0000] that seems like a pretty major regression [14:24:30.0000] CC0 is still there at the bottom of the document, but that's not enough [14:24:44.0000] tantek: I remember we discussed that when it was done [14:24:59.0000] I have no memory of any discussion of dropping OWFa [14:25:07.0000] I would have strongly objected [14:25:26.0000] tantek: the problem with OWFa is that we didn't actually have signed forms [14:25:31.0000] after we had Mozilla's lawyers even provide/approve specific language to dual license CC0 OWFa [14:26:02.0000] tantek: I see, file an issue? I can look at that when I'm back [14:26:18.0000] that wording was done in such a way not to need separate signatures. that with every commit it was re-acknowledged [14:26:26.0000] ok [14:26:32.0000] on any particular spec? [14:26:42.0000] because it looks like a spec-wide issue [14:27:21.0000] the desired language (and markup) is here: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Standards/license#Markup (has been stable for years) [14:31:01.0000] TabAtkins: re: ECMAScript throw, it turns out that non "ES throw" has a for="exception" attribute. [14:31:41.0000] TabAtkins: today it seems you can omit it, as it's the only dfn called "throw" in the whole spec. [14:33:03.0000] TabAtkins: if I move [=es throw|throw=] to [=ECMAScript/throw=], will folks referencing [=exception/throw=] need to move from [=throw=] to [=exception/throw=]? [14:33:34.0000] TabAtkins: or does what you explained in PR#250 work for that case too? [14:33:55.0000] That's exactly the case I described in #250, I think. [14:36:23.0000] TabAtkins: yeah, that's sort of the conclusion I came to as I was writing the last sentence down. [14:36:29.0000] hehehe [14:37:10.0000] I wish the mental model I have of DFNs actually matched the one you've implemented. [14:37:41.0000] It's the same model, basically, as @font-face vs 'font-family'. Which is to say, slightly confusing for people until they finally "get" it. [14:38:22.0000] yeah--"finally'"s been taking a while, here. 2016-12-14 [22:40:19.0000] igrigorik: style in body, as far as possible negative effects on perf, should the HTML spec continue to say author should no do it? [22:40:32.0000] can’t remember if we asked you about this before or not [22:41:19.0000] but please consider commenting at https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/1606 if you have specific info you want to add there [22:41:40.0000] or alternatively at https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/1605 [03:23:09.0000] hmm, can CSP override sandbox flags ? [03:24:27.0000] I hope not [05:49:11.0000] I don't understand how a style in body could be vulnerable to XSS/CSP... eval() maybe? [06:05:09.0000] annevk: when you have time, can you have a look at https://github.com/WICG/mediasession/issues/148 ? :) [06:22:19.0000] mounir: back Thursday [07:45:34.0000] derkirche: some examples there, not sure which still apply to modern browsers, though: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/XSS_Filter_Evasion_Cheat_Sheet#STYLE_sheet [07:48:03.0000] ah, I should've looked there first [10:52:31.0000] hmm, should 's showModal really not work in shadow DOM? [11:04:33.0000] smaug: it probably should work! [11:04:43.0000] smaug: remember "in a document" = "we haven't yet looked at this in detail" [11:04:46.0000] Filed a chromium bug [11:05:02.0000] since as usual, it is doing against the current spec when dealing with this kind of stuff [11:05:15.0000] Does it work in shadow DOM in chromium or not? [11:05:26.0000] it does work [11:05:31.0000] OK then we should fix the spec [11:05:42.0000] need to think a bit... [11:05:47.0000] there is the stack of dialogs [11:07:29.0000] allowing in Shadow DOM is probably ok [11:08:28.0000] Domenic: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=674217 [13:01:01.0000] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41081577/unchanged-service-worker-is-re-installing-and-re-caching [15:28:29.0000] anyone know when the HTML parser was first added to WA1.0? [15:28:42.0000] it's already there by the initial checkin to SVN 2016-12-15 [16:30:42.0000] Domenic: Hi! My PDF generating script fails because of error when contacting notification URL https://html.spec.whatwg.org/update-pdf.cgi. Curl error 52. IIRC, it corresponds to empty response. [17:09:39.0000] gsnedders: http://web.archive.org/web/20060202011253/http://whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/ [17:11:28.0000] gsnedders: http://web.archive.org/web/20050507071329/http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/ added a stub for it first [17:12:17.0000] gsnedders: see https://platform.html5.org/history/ [17:19:45.0000] MikeSmith: yeah, I'd found the stub, but not the actual first draft [17:34:25.0000] MikeSmith: anyhow, thx! [18:06:35.0000] gsnedders: the first link I posted is when the algorithm was actually added [18:07:17.0000] February 2006 [19:03:56.0000] smaug: thanks for spotting the remaining "in a document" bug. [04:22:08.0000] "This component includes all functionality related to JavaScript manipulation of window, document and navigator objects that are available in Navigator 4.x and earlier, and that was never defined by the W3C." [04:22:31.0000] i guess it's about time for someone(TM) to update b.m.o's component descriptions [04:23:18.0000] links to https://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/ [05:33:10.0000] zcorpan: about the wording of the iframe[sandbox] warning for https://github.com/validator/validator/issues/361, how about “Setting both allow-scripts and allow-same-origin is not recommended, because it effectively enables an embedded page to break out of all sandboxing.” [05:37:46.0000] MikeSmith: 👍 [05:37:58.0000] super [05:37:59.0000] thanks [05:43:08.0000] hmmmmmmmmm, why does PaymentRequest check the origin at all, instead of only invoke "allowed to use"? [05:44:34.0000] if everything is same-origin, the script can construct top.PaymentRequest. [05:45:05.0000] i assume the use case for payments in iframes is cross-origin from the top-level BC's document [05:48:22.0000] and chromium throws in the same-origin case in iframes without allowpaymentrequest [05:49:00.0000] zcorpan: good question [05:50:38.0000] having the origin check seems broken in two ways: (1) if everything is same-origin, "allowed to use" is not invoked at all which allows inactive documents. (2) ...i lost this thought [05:51:48.0000] heh [05:53:11.0000] another thing i noticed now is it only checks things for non-top-level browsing contexts, but we should be doing the active document check there as well [05:53:25.0000] removing text seems to fix things [05:57:32.0000] annevk: welcome back! :) [08:06:19.0000] mounir: ta, super jetlagged, but I left a reply [08:07:22.0000] A double red-eye flight with another flight inbetween is not the best way to travel [08:09:01.0000] annevk: thanks! :) [08:09:18.0000] annevk: vingtetun told me that it wasn't the best all hands for European mozillians indeed [08:09:26.0000] hope it was worth the travel :) [10:15:28.0000] if you modify the appareance of
, you should be using a class, and not a data attribute. but what if the attribute value is actual data? [10:17:38.0000] for example data-show-lines-as-red="1,2,3,5,7" [10:17:56.0000] this modifies appareance, so it shouldn't be also a class? [11:09:49.0000] JakeA: are you still around? or have I missed you for today? [11:39:41.0000] The figcaption element represents a caption or legend for the rest of the contents of the figcaption element's parent figure element, if any. [11:39:45.0000] what does "legend" means here? [11:42:29.0000] wanderview: im out for today, but will pick stuff up in the morning [11:42:38.0000] np [11:43:02.0000] JakeA: I'll send you an email if I get that far... trying to remember where we finally landed on potential client, reserved client, omgwtf client, etc [11:45:06.0000] wanderview: I wrote up my understanding at https://jakearchibald.com/2016/service-worker-meeting-notes/ [11:45:44.0000] thanks! [11:50:22.0000] I guess all that has landed in the spec (TIL)... so I guess I will go read the spec 2016-12-16 [23:52:51.0000] JakeA: so what do about canceling promises now? [23:53:39.0000] JakeA: seems Domenic had to abandon given some Google-internal struggles, but fetch() is still without termination [23:56:11.0000] felixjet: legend means definition [23:56:25.0000] annevk: I think we should leave the dust to settle on this (until Jan?), but I guess we provide a method to reject with an AbortError :( [23:56:52.0000] annevk: I need to catch up a bit and see if tokens are similarly doomed [23:57:16.0000] felixjet: using data-* instead of class is fine [23:58:28.0000] JakeA: if this is on Request objects we will need to redesign how they work [00:00:04.0000] annevk: we already pass the stream from object to object, wouldn't we just pass a token along as well? [00:02:29.0000] JakeA: yeah I guess [00:02:30.0000] annevk: along with the mechanism, need to figure out "does [solution] error the request only, or the response too?" [00:02:42.0000] annevk: I posted on the centithread btw [00:02:46.0000] JakeA: I think I'd still like to figure out if we can prevent copying Request sometimes [00:02:54.0000] JakeA: oh my [00:54:29.0000] can somebody remind me: custom elements can only be used in text/html, right? [00:57:35.0000] MikeSmith: I thought they'd work in XML too [00:57:53.0000] MikeSmith: I don't remember a lot of text/html special casing, but I'm not entirely sure [01:00:42.0000] Ok [02:06:27.0000] annevk: https://github.com/whatwg/notifications/pull/89/files - Bikeshed turns Note: into

automatically, or are you wanting to be explicit about it? [02:07:38.0000] annevk: also, not sure I understand the indenting stuff - it isn't indented on master https://github.com/whatwg/notifications/blob/master/notifications.bs#L382 [02:09:36.0000] JakeA: oh, it seems it's all inconsistent :/ [02:09:59.0000] annevk: but the stuff in the PR is how you'd like it from now on? [02:30:17.0000] MikeSmith: i think they should work in XML too but it's limited to HTML elements [02:58:48.0000] JakeA: I'll fix the remaining nit in that PR with respect to indenting [02:59:21.0000] JakeA: oh, you fixed some of that [02:59:53.0000] annevk: lmk if it's wrong (for my own learnings) [03:00:21.0000] JakeA: that resource is super inconsistent; my usual style is one-space indentation [03:00:39.0000] JakeA: and you missed the first

  • , but I'll do a pass [03:00:59.0000] ah, balls [03:01:13.0000] annevk: http://editorconfig.org/ is kinda useful when it comes to indenting & wrapping [03:14:37.0000] annevk: why go headers use byte sequences? Because they're not unicode? [03:15:00.0000] JakeA: basically [03:15:07.0000] ta [03:15:33.0000] JakeA: various programming languages represent them in different ways, but they're effectively bytes [03:16:03.0000] JakeA: although I suppose we could use the ASCII string abstraction we use for URLs too [03:17:00.0000] JakeA: any rejiggering of that though will have to wait until the HTTP community decides what they want them to be [03:17:02.0000] annevk: question to the url spec [03:17:15.0000] before i open an issue / invetsigate further [03:18:10.0000] new URL('https://rocko:pass#word⊙ec/blerg') [03:18:18.0000] throws because of the hash [03:19:29.0000] i haven't found a section regarding passwords and special / reserved chars. is this a bug in the spec? it limits the amount possible passwords a lot [03:20:04.0000] robertkowalski: It should be encoded. [03:20:22.0000] Yeah, you can encode it [03:21:15.0000] robertkowalski: the specification basically doesn't want you to use URLs to encode username/password [03:21:28.0000] robertkowalski: https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#url-syntax doesn't allow them [03:21:45.0000] robertkowalski: (see note at the end of that section) [03:22:38.0000] robertkowalski: the reason that throws though I think is because # is seen as the start of the path and then a host cannot contain : [03:22:50.0000] robertkowalski: well, because :pass is not a valid port [03:23:53.0000] robertkowalski: for that, see how https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#authority-state and also the host state will treat # as the end of that [03:24:24.0000] robertkowalski: and https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#port-state for how port will return failure for non-digits [03:27:15.0000] thank you [03:27:45.0000] the replciator in couchdb accepts urls with hash as part of the password [03:27:56.0000] and when we pull them out and want to use them in the browser [03:27:58.0000] it explodes [03:30:13.0000] robertkowalski: new URL('https://rocko:pass%23word⊙ec/blerg') [03:31:17.0000] ty nox - we run into a chicken egg problem here. as we use `new URL` to parse the URL ^^ [03:31:30.0000] so we probably have to fix that in the couch api, not in the frontend [03:36:14.0000] robertkowalski: yeah, it sounds like the Couch DB API parses URLs differently from browsers [03:36:42.0000] robertkowalski: that will cause subtle bugs [04:20:36.0000] foolip: hmm https://travis-ci.org/w3c/web-platform-tests/jobs/184507619 [04:21:17.0000] zcorpan: a timeout, or what is one to make of that? [04:21:47.0000] foolip: not a testharness.js-level timeout [04:22:03.0000] flaky infra? can one poke travis to try again? [04:22:25.0000] If you're happy with the nit, I can just rebae or something to tickle it [04:22:29.0000] i can try restarting the build [04:23:01.0000] restarted [04:32:07.0000] zcorpan: seems to have worked? [04:38:44.0000] foolip: ya [04:41:58.0000] annevk: in https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-request-destination wasn't "track" its own destination, rather than "media"? If it changed, why did it change? [04:44:07.0000] yoav: I'm not sure [04:44:26.0000] git blame points to the bikeshed conversion :/ [04:44:47.0000] yoav: I think when we changed how this worked we grouped them because CSP did? [04:45:38.0000] yoav: the commit prior to Bikeshed just renames the files, should be doable to trace from there? [04:45:39.0000] that makes sense from a CSP perspective, but doesn't correspond to how preload is implemented [04:46:06.0000] yeah, I'll blame it to track the change [04:46:43.0000] but currently hitting issues in Chrome's implementation of `type` for `as=media` [04:46:55.0000] vtt is not a valid type [04:47:13.0000] for media files [04:47:34.0000] Hmm [04:47:53.0000] Why can audio and video be grouped then? [04:50:26.0000] both considered "media" internally [04:50:38.0000] I guess you could argue that they shouldn't be [04:50:40.0000] https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/commit/6b9cdaa9 [04:51:34.0000] the media resource for audio/video elements is treated the same internally, quite differently from the vtt resources for track elements, so grouing audio/video but not track makes sense to me [04:53:10.0000] foolip: from an implementation perspective or from a spec perspective? [04:54:00.0000] So, I implemented as={video/audio/track}, then spec changed, but I failed to change impl for track (only changed it for video/audio) [04:54:22.0000] yoav: both, https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#concept-media-load-resource is shared for audio/video, and is different from https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#concept-media-load-resource [04:55:00.0000] foolip: same link twice, so I'm guessing the second was pointing at VTT loading [04:55:03.0000] That being said, ungrouping into three categories would be fine two, but I guess that's not what you're discussing [04:55:16.0000] yoav: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#start-the-track-processing-model [04:55:24.0000] yoav: yes :) [04:56:00.0000] foolip: I'm fine with leaving audio and video grouped, if it makes sense for non-Blink/Chromium implementations [04:56:33.0000] but I'd like to split track into it's own destination (that maps to media-src in terms of CSP) [04:57:29.0000] annevk: Thoughts? If OK by you, I'll spin up a PR [05:02:00.0000] yoav: seems we agreed in https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/pull/211 to merge all [05:07:19.0000] Yeah... not liking past me for https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/pull/211#issuecomment-181813238 [05:07:44.0000] "probably also possible" [05:08:29.0000] yoav: I think if we degroup we should also split audio/video [05:09:05.0000] yoav: e.g., one thing we could do then is define an Accept header for those [05:09:49.0000] true [05:10:44.0000] foolip: so I thought we uncovered quite a few problems last we looked at the animation frame task stuff [05:11:21.0000] foolip: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=28876 is one [05:11:43.0000] foolip: Thoughts on changing `as` values? I'm guessing we'd need UMA to see usage under "media" (or continue to support "media" after adding "video" and "audio") [05:11:53.0000] foolip: and https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=28001 in particular [05:12:23.0000] yoav: the problem is that these values are also exposed to service workers [05:12:54.0000] so exposed in two places? :| [05:13:13.0000] yoav: I'm not really familiar with this stuff, but having media as a group for audio+video as well as them individually seems fine, if that's what you mean [05:13:42.0000] foolip: Yeah, that's what I meant [05:14:10.0000] to avoid potentially breaking content with `as=media` out there [05:16:11.0000] drive-by fixes, knowing when to stop :-D https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/4353 [05:16:12.0000] annevk: which bits of #28001 in particular? I think that Fullscreen could work without a queue of its own, and the timing of "enqueue animation frame task" would be right before the requestAnimationFrame callbacks for that same window, not a top-level thing [05:16:43.0000] annevk: which makes things interesting for Fullscreen because we have to pick which document to use, and I think the one the request was on makes sense [05:17:32.0000] annevk: unfortunately, if one wanted to use one task per document affected, then events would always fire in frame tree order, which isn't what we currently want for fullscreenchange events when exiting [05:21:04.0000] yoav: https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-request-destination [05:23:10.0000] foolip: I don't know which of HTML or Fullscreen is wrong, but HTML is currently running the hook per-document [05:23:47.0000] foolip: the event loop is I guess per unit of browsing contexts that can touch each other, though OOP