2017-01-01 [04:37:29.0000] Happy new year MikeSmith! [04:38:12.0000] gelukkig nieuwjaar [04:38:17.0000] annevk [04:38:22.0000] 😊 2017-01-02 [20:37:05.0000] GPHemsley: about the wiki is there any way you can check and confirm that it is actually sending out out mail correctly when we create new account? [20:38:55.0000] GPHemsley: because see https://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Special:Log/newusers I created the TylerDH account on Dec 8 but that user never logged in. Instead they wrote to be directly to say that they never received any login message from the system after the account was created [20:39:51.0000] GPHemsley: and I just now created the OhReally account, so if that user also never receives a login message then I think there must be some problem we need to fix [20:41:23.0000] all that said, these days pretty much all new account requests are from people who want to add new meta[name] values to the https://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/MetaExtensions page [20:42:34.0000] and I think it is time we quit encouraging people to do that, because for one thing the HTML checker no longer emits errors for unregistered meta[name] values [20:44:29.0000] because that https://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/MetaExtensions page just ended up evolving in a massive dumping ground: just overwhelmed with junk/noise of name values that are almost all for private purposes with no general utility to anybody except the people who minted them [22:17:01.0000] time to drop the meta-name registration requirement from the spec https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/2229 [23:29:17.0000] 2017 and caniuse.com is still insecure http-only 😞 [23:35:45.0000] /me adds a comment to https://github.com/Fyrd/caniuse/issues/885 [06:03:42.0000] Ms2ger`: do you know if there's a gecko bug for removing XMLDocument's async? [06:04:27.0000] zcorpan, I don't think so [06:11:50.0000] Ms2ger`: ok, filed https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1328138 [06:12:31.0000] Thanks 2017-01-03 [23:56:32.0000] MikeSmith: are you around? [01:18:27.0000] > If ! IsCallable(F) is false: [01:18:34.0000] /me wonders who invented that syntax [01:24:56.0000] Ms2ger: TC39 [01:25:18.0000] Ms2ger: they prolly got inspiration from CSS [01:26:20.0000] /me goes back to trying to find the point of the skip-when-determining-incumbent counter [01:27:49.0000] XhmikosR: here now [02:21:08.0000] zcorpan: what is still broken about the wiki? [02:21:12.0000] zcorpan: it seems to function here [02:21:18.0000] zcorpan: both logged in and out [02:21:49.0000] ‎OhReally added by MikeSmith even modified a page [02:27:01.0000] annevk: i did not mean that it is currently broken, but it was recently [02:27:49.0000] MikeSmith: does email from the wiki work now? [02:28:01.0000] yes [02:28:15.0000] ok great [04:11:21.0000] Anyone know when mkruisselbrink returns? [04:11:29.0000] I'd like to get https://github.com/whatwg/url/issues/127 sorted [04:37:45.0000] MikeSmith: I went ahead and opened https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/2230 for rel=mask-icon [04:39:43.0000] but I'm not sure there should be a specification for this at all. I mean it's a proprietary attribute [04:41:42.0000] XhmikosR: lots of standards start out that way [04:42:56.0000] annevk: true, but still, personally I simply want it as an exception at this point [05:16:11.0000] zcorpan: not sure what a "control picture" is [05:23:01.0000] annevk: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_control_characters#Control_pictures [05:28:03.0000] zcorpan: ah okay, the stuff I found [05:28:59.0000] I think I'd prefer something like that as well, I've never really understood why the long form is helpful [05:31:06.0000] i guess the redundancy can help catch mistakes; if the character and the code point aren't the same, the spec editor made a mistake. but that's something the tooling can point out early if we want to provide both when writing a spec [05:34:00.0000] but i'm not sure that's very useful anyway. could as well write "a" (or something simpler still) in the source and have bikeshed generate the desired output [07:12:47.0000] XhmikosR: thanks for creating that PR. As annevk mentioned, there are already lots of things in the spec that started out as proprietary, that were for better or worse initiated unilaterally by one browser project or another. [07:17:22.0000] XhmikosR: and I agree with zcorpan that we should just go ahead and define the UA processing. If you have time to help write up the details for that, it would be very welcome. But if your level or interest in this doesn’t merit you putting that much time into, that’s OK too, because as zcorpan says there, we can push further commits to that PR branch to add those details, and land it all together in [07:17:28.0000] the spec after that’s done. [08:56:39.0000] bzed, annevk: I see that the notifications api has a readonly attlibute FrozenArray but WebIDL says that Dictionaries can't be used as parameters -- is it okay because it is technically a FrozenArray or is this part of the spec changing? [08:57:39.0000] What [08:57:52.0000] s/parameters/attributes/ [08:58:18.0000] Well, the type of the attribute is not a dictionary [08:58:44.0000] isn't this mostly the same? [08:58:56.0000] So if the rule is "the type of an attribute must not be a dictionary", that API is technically correct [08:58:57.0000] or maybe I misunderstand why there is this requirement [08:59:00.0000] (best kind of correct) [08:59:12.0000] Ms2ger: "Dictionaries must not be used as the type of an attribute or constant." [08:59:22.0000] so yes, but I'm not fully satisfied :) [08:59:35.0000] The reason for the rule is to ensure foo.x === foo.x is true [08:59:50.0000] If the type was a dictionary, those would be two different attributes [08:59:56.0000] s/attributes/objects/ [09:02:39.0000] Ms2ger: thanks for the background :) [09:04:54.0000] MikeSmith: I don't mind spending time on it. It's just that I'm not familiar with the whole process. So perhaps it would be better if one more experienced wrote the UA spec [09:07:47.0000] XhmikosR: well we’re not in any hurry and can help get you familiar with the process if you want to put time into it. They real payoff for you is that the next time you want to get something added to the spec, since you will have had the experience already, you can just sail through it then :) [09:07:54.0000] and the next time and the next [09:08:20.0000] til you have contributed a lot of stuff :) [09:08:46.0000] I doubt I'll need to do it anytime soon but I see your point :p [09:09:26.0000] yeah you may be surprised how soon something else comes up again that you have an interest in seeing get added or changed in the spec [09:10:35.0000] once you know it is a real possibility to be able to change the spec, it tends to make you see other things in need of improvement in it [09:11:08.0000] whereas before then it just seems like something unapproachable that other people toil away at [09:11:21.0000] MikeSmith: all right, how should I proceed then? Perhaps it might be better to keep the code comments on GH for future reference [09:12:06.0000] OK well I guess what I would do in this case is look for the most recent time that somebody added something similar to the spec [09:12:31.0000] which for this is either a standard rel value but maybe also a standard meta name value [09:12:55.0000] like meta[mame=theme-color] [09:13:09.0000] because that one like this also has UA requirements [09:14:18.0000] so I would search git log output to find when that meta[name=theme-color] addition was made and take a look at the diff for that [09:14:24.0000] it requires some tests too, right? [09:14:38.0000] yeah but you do not have to write those [09:15:08.0000] you can if you want and you may find that you have to for yourself in order to be able to spec it [09:15:39.0000] I'll try to see a previous patch and see how it goes [09:15:44.0000] OK [09:17:53.0000] that particular meta[name=theme-color] change might not be the most relevant corollary to rel=mask-icon, I dunno [09:18:53.0000] but if it’s not, you can ask here or in that github issue to see if anybody else has any better ideas as far as something to look at as a starting point [09:28:21.0000] XhmikosR: in this particular case I would try to base the UA processing model off of rel=icon. And looking at that part of the spec, most of it is dealing with sizes (not applicable here) and /favicon.ico fallback (not applicable here). So it's going to be pretty short, just a paragraph or so. [09:29:03.0000] mounir: I suspect dictionaries will be allowed as attributes values at some point, but who knows [09:29:25.0000] Domenic: thanks, it's indeed a lot simpler. I'm just trying to set up the build tools locally for testing [09:29:37.0000] XhmikosR: ah yeah. Let us know if you need help with that. [09:30:33.0000] I'm a Windows user but shouldn't be hard since I have MSYS around [09:33:20.0000] Is there any reason why HTML doesn't move to Bikeshed? [09:33:26.0000] Apart from, well, the work involved? [09:33:45.0000] mounir: I doubt you wanted to ask me that :) [09:35:04.0000] gsnedders: speed, though perhaps that's less of an issue now [09:36:15.0000] Domenic: has anyone used the build tools on Windows? I'm getting tons of lint errors [09:36:33.0000] does the linter check the line endings? If so that would explain it [09:36:45.0000] bbs [09:37:43.0000] XhmikosR: ah yeah it probably does [09:37:55.0000] XhmikosR: I thought we set up Git to only use LF via .gitattributes, interesting [09:38:23.0000] XhmikosR: I use Windows myself :) [09:57:09.0000] Domenic: I don't see a .gitattributes file in the repo [09:57:24.0000] XhmikosR: there is one in whatwg/html; maybe not in whatwg/html-build [09:57:37.0000] yeah I mean in html-build [09:57:39.0000] XhmikosR: but yeah we haven't set the eol=lf setting anywhere, I guess we should [09:58:05.0000] Domenic: definitely if the linter expects LF [09:58:15.0000] BTW this is what I get if I remove the linter from build.sh [09:58:16.0000] Downloading list of W3C bugzilla bugs... [09:58:16.0000] Pre-processing the source... [09:58:16.0000] missed end of