2017-03-01 [16:04:59.0000] Hmm yeah [16:05:09.0000] Not sure how this fits into the Web IDL type system [16:05:15.0000] Since it doesn't make much sense as a return type [16:26:57.0000] Well, it can output as a Map as a return value. [16:27:09.0000] Same as sequence<> outputs as an Array (but can be lots of things as an argument value) [16:27:15.0000] Hmm not bad [17:01:02.0000] Wow 88.6% of pages use UTF-8?? https://w3techs.com/technologies/overview/character_encoding/all [17:01:06.0000] I didn't know the world was such a happy place [17:09:43.0000] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8#/media/File:Utf8webgrowth.svg [17:16:35.0000] I wonder why https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8#WTF-8 doesn't mention https://simonsapin.github.io/wtf-8/ [17:19:53.0000] http://people.ds.cam.ac.uk/fanf2/hermes/doc/qsmtp/draft-fanf-wtf8.html is funny [19:19:41.0000] Curious if there's any recommended way of dealing with localStorage key eviction, in a way that scales reasonably and performs well on mobile. https://github.com/whatwg/storage/issues/11#issuecomment-283233411 / https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T121646#3063515 [22:42:59.0000] annevk: Finally getting back to https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/pull/442/files#r96880945 [22:46:02.0000] If I properly understand your suggestion there, you'd prefer to get rid of all changes in current PR, create the concept of "potential destination", have preload use that, and just translate is to destination before preload triggers a fetch [22:46:06.0000] is that correct? [00:05:37.0000] MikeSmith: the outline stuff in the html5 checker… does it miss section roots because the generated outline doesn't provide a link from the parent to child roots? [00:09:54.0000] JakeA: no it doesn’t show the headings for the sectioning roots because that is the required result of following the outline algorithm as specified [00:10:29.0000] the spec says nothing about generating separate outlines for the sectioning roots and then linking them together [00:11:45.0000] the algorithm if applied to a document builds only a single outline for the document, which drops any headings for the sectioning roots [00:12:17.0000] all the existing implementations of the outline algorithm have followed the spec on this [00:12:25.0000] e.g., h5o and gsnedders outliner [00:14:07.0000] I guess it could be argued that the it’s assumed we’re supposed to re-run the algorithm on each sectioning root we run into and .. somehow store a separate object for each and then somehow link them together [00:14:33.0000] but that’s not what the actual normative spec text says to do [00:16:25.0000] MikeSmith: this sounds like *looks into camera* the root of the issue [00:16:35.0000] Trying to get confirmation from Hixie [00:26:25.0000] it’s cool when you look into the camera like that [07:04:25.0000] JakeA: I'm working on motion sensors right now. Some of the use cases sound like great candidates for background events. [07:05:00.0000] JakeA: was curious if you had data on how often SW are woken-up in practice [07:05:12.0000] JakeA: + battery cost of doing so [07:05:33.0000] JakeA: use cases are e.g. indoor navigation using sensor data [07:06:18.0000] tobie: I think the battery cost is generally pretty high, because it involves booting the browser up. I don't have data though, because no two cases are alike [07:06:40.0000] tobie: But I know that the Physical Web folks couldn't wake the SW up per beacon [07:07:23.0000] So I was thinking that if we added integrity to service workers we could maybe allow them cross-origin, but that still wouldn't protect against an XSS-installed service worker [07:07:54.0000] That's the main reason we haven't allowed them [07:08:04.0000] So what you really need is some kind of nonce+integrity or integrity declared through HTTP headers [07:08:40.0000] If integrity is declared through HTTP, you should be safe from XSS [07:08:53.0000] I'm not sure what the latest on that is exactly though [07:09:51.0000] (Also, I'm just brainstorming a bit here, I haven't seen many requests or indication this is a priority.) [07:09:55.0000] JakeA: so even 1/minute would be too much [07:10:05.0000] tobie: oh wow yes [07:11:19.0000] JakeA: need to balance size of data collected too. [07:11:56.0000] tobie: I think the main cost is booting up the browser and potentially the radio too [07:21:59.0000] JakeA: sounds like I need to revise my plans, than. :( [07:22:07.0000] s/than/then/ [07:22:39.0000] JakeA: thanks! [07:37:16.0000] jgraham: Ms2ger: here's an alternative WPT review plan: I land my own PRs and file browser bugs on the failures which will lead to review [07:38:05.0000] jgraham: Ms2ger: I also think we should maybe prune OWNER files where folks haven't been reviewing changes in a while as the current system is more like a PING file since nobody can be hold accountable [07:40:03.0000] tobie: I think for mobile sensors you really want something like Apple's M chip series [07:40:44.0000] tobie: that just store a bunch of the data and then expose it to the app at the point the user might do something with it [07:41:05.0000] tobie: depends a bit on the sensor too of course [07:41:20.0000] annevk: the owner files were bootstrapped from the list of committers to that directory. [07:41:36.0000] annevk: they were *mean't* to be edited and pruned. [07:41:43.0000] meant [07:41:56.0000] /me can't spell todya [07:42:43.0000] annevk: yes, I guess. I was mostly wondering if there was a way to bridge different use cases through SW [07:44:42.0000] annevk: there are definitely people who want to be in a PING file though [07:45:04.0000] annevk: one option is we simply introduce two separate files and update wpt-pr-bot [07:45:41.0000] annevk: e.g. storing motion data for mapping out the number of steps on a run once you're back from it, vs near real-time indoor positioning on map using sensors. [07:45:46.0000] gsnedders: I think a reasonable solution would be to move all OWNERS to PING and only once we have an actual OWNER add them there [07:46:27.0000] gsnedders: add categories to owners. [07:47:39.0000] gsnedders: rename all the files if you want to. [07:47:54.0000] gsnedders: but dealing with more than one file seems tedious [07:48:01.0000] tobie: yeah, on the whole I agree [07:52:27.0000] OWNERS was intended to mean PING, really [07:53:06.0000] I don't think allowing particular people to land without any review is a good idea [07:53:41.0000] landing without review also ties into the discussions about how to deal with specs that are still incubating and moving fast [07:57:13.0000] Ms2ger: I didn't say it's without review, it's just that the review is delayed [07:57:46.0000] Ms2ger: because currently there's no review and that means everything is stalled [07:58:51.0000] And the OWNERS/PING thing was unrelated to this review thing, that was more about making sure we actually know who are responsible (or whether we lack someone responsible) [07:59:34.0000] You need some accountability [08:00:03.0000] We could also do OWNERS / PEERS [08:02:42.0000] The situation we have right now is that nobody is responsible [08:03:10.0000] That's a problem of resource allocation, not files [08:03:41.0000] Well, making that transparent seems like a good first step [08:04:07.0000] And I actually want to be responsible for URL/CORS/XHR/Fetch/Encoding [08:05:13.0000] And have made lots of changes over the past couple weeks to get those more into shape as you may or may not have noticed [08:05:25.0000] It's based on that experience that I'm here suggesting changes [08:05:44.0000] Being dismissive of them without really suggesting something else is not helping [08:07:21.0000] annevk: But I think the problem is that no one believes that review-later will cause review to happen [08:07:43.0000] I do? [08:07:50.0000] Implementations will have to fix their bugs after all [08:07:58.0000] Or do you think they won't ever fix their bugs? [08:08:07.0000] At that point you've lost [08:08:33.0000] annevk: what vendor makes a general effort to fix new failing tests in wpt? AFAIK, none seriously do. [08:08:51.0000] Lots do when bugs are filed [08:08:59.0000] Firefox has, WebKit has, Edge has, Chrome has [08:09:07.0000] I know because I've been doing this for a while [08:09:12.0000] so we need a system that when a new failing test is added automatically file bugs? [08:09:21.0000] No, I just file the bugs [08:09:25.0000] As I said earlier... [08:09:58.0000] no, I mean in general case of how we get people to care about failing tests [08:10:09.0000] They already do [08:10:51.0000] do they? when Gecko, Blink sync up to the latest web-platform-tests, they add expectations files to ignore any failures but don't analyse or file bugs for them. [08:11:49.0000] That's their current system, but if you talk to the engineers they do want to fix those failures [08:11:54.0000] And if you file bugs they do fix them [08:12:04.0000] Again, I have some experience with this [08:12:53.0000] the problem is I don't think it's practical to get every contributor to wpt to be running tests in all browsers and filing bugs [08:13:27.0000] Geez [08:13:34.0000] So require review for those contributors [08:14:40.0000] Can we talk a bit more constructively about this perhaps? [08:16:19.0000] The problem is we need a way that doesn't rely on individual contributors because otherwise we'll have failures slip through. That's my point. [08:17:03.0000] And the problem is a hard one unless there's someone who's job it is is to analyse all incoming failures. [08:17:15.0000] annevk: So I'm feeling too ill to have an argument :) But I think my issue is different from gsnedders. I don't doubt that often you can find someone to at least look at failing tests (and you, specifically, have the social capital to make that process work resaonably often). But no one is going to look at passing tests (especially if you check in a file of tests that only pass). And it seems weird that you are happy to require review for spec chang [08:17:31.0000] (OK, where did that get cut off?) [08:17:39.0000] "review for spec change" [08:17:53.0000] And it seems weird that you are happy to require review for spec changes but requiring equivalent review for tests is too hard. Can't you require the same reviewer to look at both? [08:18:10.0000] jgraham: this is cleanup of existing tests [08:18:23.0000] jgraham: or adding coverage [08:19:13.0000] jgraham: and I do actually review passing tests every now and then too [08:19:30.0000] jgraham: in particular when they need to be revised or we add new features or some such [08:19:46.0000] annevk: That you in particular are an angel (per diveintomark) is not in question [08:19:55.0000] gsnedders: sure, the system is not perfect, but the current system basically makes me stop contributing [08:20:00.0000] gsnedders: which seems worse [08:20:40.0000] annevk: So the hacky solution is to commit to m-c and ask for review from people at Mozilla because they clearly have a job description that involves doing those reviews [08:21:36.0000] (and when I say "hacky" it's an explicit design goal to leverage that fact) [08:22:25.0000] The less hacky solution seems to be to get some individuals to agree that reviewing your cleanup tests is also part of their job. It still seems strange that you can find that group for spec changes but not for test changes [08:24:26.0000] Sure, I can probably get them rubberstamped [08:24:51.0000] The system not pretending OWNERS will review the test as they actually don't might help with that [08:25:20.0000] So I don't wait several days for them and then wait several days for whatever victim I can find [08:26:42.0000] Sure, if you want some technical fix to not imply that OWNERS actually feel a sense of responsibility then I'm happy with that [08:52:45.0000] annevk: fwiw: the current review process (which is to allow one r+ either in wpt or in another public system) is something I fought for when I was at FB/W3C as a way to simplify the previous process which required someone *from a different company* to approve a contribution. [08:53:25.0000] annevk: there is nothing that prevents us from modifying that process if it turns out it's not optimum [08:53:56.0000] annevk: I don't think there's a formal process for gathering consensus around that. [08:54:39.0000] annevk: I'd argue filing a bug/pr on the docs where the process is specified + mailing the testing-infra@ should be enough [08:55:53.0000] annevk: possible work arounds could include: allow people with owner status to r+ their own changes, [08:56:17.0000] have a lits of special contributors which can r+ their own changes [08:56:35.0000] maybe have a (light) process to get someone on that list. [08:57:06.0000] annevk: this is not rocket science, and whatever process is in place should be there to serve the goals of the project [08:57:12.0000] annevk: not hinder them [09:36:34.0000] tobie: thanks for the suggestions, I guess I need to think a bit more about what exactly needs to change beyond changing OWNERS [09:58:45.0000] annevk: thanks for the reference to Apple M-series, btw. I knew these things existed, but didn't know what they were called. [09:59:01.0000] annevk: now I have a nice Wikipedia article to point people to. 2017-03-02 [16:09:54.0000] I noticed in HTML spec there is a section dedicated to custom elements, while there is also a full on custom elements spec (https://www.w3.org/TR/custom-elements/). Both seem to contain relatively the same info [16:10:14.0000] Is there a reason whatwg does not host a separate custom elements spec (written by whatwg member ddenicola) and just reference it via HTML spec? [16:12:54.0000] Thought it was kinda odd that the entire CE spec sorta existed in HTML spec, without being pulled out in a whatwg repo (though it is pulled out in w3, and written by whatwg member) [16:17:12.0000] domfarolino: https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/ also defines parts of the custom-elements requirements [16:19:24.0000] the reason for integrating the requirements into the HTML and DOM specs is that they have always been monkey patches and the assumption all along from the people actually working on defining the requirements is that the requirements would eventually be folded back into the HTML and DOM specs and the monkey patching spec would no longer be needed [16:20:47.0000] in other words the reason for not pulling the requirements (back) out into a separate spec is that they don’t rightly belong in a separate spec, they belong in the HTML spec and the DOM spec [16:22:14.0000] the requirements necessitate, e.g., adding particular steps to particular existing algorithms in the HTML and DOM specs [16:22:33.0000] MikeSmith ok that makes sense that it is sort of a subset of those two specs [16:23:03.0000] yeah [16:23:07.0000] MikeSmith: is there a reason then that for some reason it has been pulled out into its own spec but just on w3c territory? [16:23:45.0000] regardless what you said makes sense thanks [16:24:04.0000] the reason for what you just asked is .. complicated [16:24:23.0000] and I’m not the right person to comment on that [16:24:23.0000] I see...policial I assume? [16:24:30.0000] gotcha [16:24:36.0000] political* [16:27:16.0000] domfarolino: yes [17:34:24.0000] anybody online willing to answer a quick Q I have regarding the algos pertaining to script modules in the HTML spec? [17:41:04.0000] domfarolino: best just to ask [17:44:01.0000] annevk: thanks. I came across the algorithm for determining a script's "uninstantiated inclusive descendant module scripts" (https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webappapis.html#uninstantiated-inclusive-descendant-module-scripts). it is a basic DFS (as noted in script), however I was wondering if step 4 > 2 is a bit redundant? [17:44:37.0000] In other words, why are we checking `current`'s existence in BOTH `stack` and `inclusive descendants` as opposed to just `inclusive...`? [17:46:58.0000] I could be missing something, but wouldn't it work the same by just checking existence in `inclusive descendants`? Just wondering if I'm missing some nuance with how a script's deps work [17:48:20.0000] domfarolino: it matters for ordering at least [17:48:28.0000] Thats what I first thought [17:48:36.0000] domfarolino: not sure how stack is determined though [17:48:57.0000] I then saw the note at the bottom saying something to the effect of "as long as it returns a set, whose order does not matter" [17:50:46.0000] Hmm best to wait for Domenic then or maybe raise an issue [17:51:07.0000] Ok thanks for the insight...just curious :) [10:31:11.0000] anyone familiar with WebVR? [10:33:18.0000] smaug, which aspects of it? [10:33:32.0000] when is vrdisplaypresentchange dispatched? [10:33:55.0000] (both 1.1 and editor's draft are super high level specs) [10:34:11.0000] uh, not sure, but i know of someone who implemented this [10:34:54.0000] yeah, I know too at Mozilla but he isn't online atm [10:35:22.0000] are you thinking of mortimer? [10:37:46.0000] I'm thinking kip [10:40:53.0000] smaug, the tests here may shed some light: https://github.com/servo/servo/blob/518ef39cfd429082dd8dc0d5b13e2db637d08a53/tests/html/webvr/vr-presentation.html#L205 [10:41:35.0000] so, whenever a VR device is in or out of present mode [10:42:27.0000] KiChjang: so is that some very often fired event? I don't thinks so [10:45:12.0000] it depends on how many times you call requestPresent to get your VRDispaly [10:45:36.0000] here's the polyfill of it [10:45:37.0000] https://github.com/servo/servo/blob/518ef39cfd429082dd8dc0d5b13e2db637d08a53/tests/html/webvr/js/third-party/webvr-polyfill.js#L263 [14:28:06.0000] Where would I find the spec'd semantics for Object.prototype.toString.call(cross-origin window object)? [14:28:33.0000] If accessing Symbol.toStringTag cross-origin throws (which I think it should) then this call should fail as well with my naive reading [14:29:03.0000] Chrome is giving [object Object] so perhaps there is some spec'd fallback somewhere? [14:29:07.0000] Domenic: ^ :) [14:29:39.0000] Chrome is probably not super-compliant here. But I know exactly where to look for the spec, one minute [14:30:10.0000] bterlson: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#crossorigingetownpropertyhelper-(-o,-p-) [14:30:32.0000] so crossOriginWindow[Symbol.toStringTag] should always give undefined. [14:31:19.0000] nice this is exactly what I was looking for [14:31:28.0000] therefore Chrome is compliant [14:31:36.0000] Oh yay [14:31:41.0000] The full spec for Window is at https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#the-windowproxy-exotic-object FYI [14:32:00.0000] Although https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/2400 is in flight I guess [14:32:11.0000] although HTML might consider adding an entry for Window to https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-object.prototype.tostring so as to preserve legacy [object Window] toString for window detection purposes [14:33:51.0000] So that'll work same-origin I think [14:34:08.0000] CrossOriginGetOwnPropertyHelper only gets invoked for cross-origin windows [14:44:48.0000] right, but prior to toStringTag you could still get object Window as the tostring of a cross-origin window [14:45:00.0000] (I think) [14:45:41.0000] a change to O.p.toString would handle the case when a window object doesn't have a toStringTag (or returns undefined because its cross origin) [14:45:47.0000] Domenic: ^ [14:46:14.0000] I think prior to toStringTag it probably wasn't specified very well [14:46:32.0000] If we wanted to make [object Window] work cross-origin we'd ideally just give its toStringTag a value? [14:46:41.0000] I assume since it's already configurable that isn't some kind of bad information leak [15:13:11.0000] Domenic: you can't access the property cross-origin [15:13:22.0000] or else you'd have to ensure it's not a getter or proxy with a trap that is going to execute code [15:13:53.0000] I mean we can make crossOriginWindow[Symbol.toStringTag] return whatever we want [15:13:57.0000] Right now we make it return undefined [15:13:59.0000] ohhh [15:14:05.0000] sure right [15:14:26.0000] if you have a place for that it'd work too [15:14:52.0000] I bring this up because F12 uses O.p.toString for detecting window objects [15:14:57.0000] maybe it exists in real code too [15:42:48.0000] bterlson: do you know what different browsers do for O.p.toString on cross-origin windows? If there's disagreement then we should maybe change the spec [15:44:53.0000] Domenic: I only know Chrome (returns undefined) and Edge (throws permission denied) [15:45:17.0000] Edge is just wrong per your previous linkage, but neither preserves legacy behavior [15:45:32.0000] I just don't know if "legacy behavior" is the right term here [15:45:38.0000] Cross-origin windows have always been wonky [15:45:48.0000] So I'm not sure such code ever worked [15:51:03.0000] Domenic: me either ;) FF returns undefined per spec as well, can't check safari of course [15:51:25.0000] Yeah spec sounds pretty good to me then :) 2017-03-03 [01:46:37.0000] should we add dropzone to Obsolete? [01:48:03.0000] Sure [02:02:21.0000] yeah [02:24:32.0000] JakeA: is there a service worker F2F agenda? Could you put https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/issues/492 on it [02:24:44.0000] JakeA: I won't be there, but it seems good to have it discussed [03:00:51.0000] annevk: agreed! Want to look at fetch cancellation too [04:43:58.0000] where is it spec'd that web fonts block the load event? [04:51:33.0000] or is that not true any more? [04:55:22.0000] it seems to be defined through "A resource's critical subresources are those that the resource needs to have available to be correctly processed. Which resources are considered critical or not is defined by the specification that defines the resource's format. [04:55:41.0000] but nobody has ever asked the CSS WG to define what the critical subresources of a stylesheet are [04:55:44.0000] AFAICT [04:58:56.0000] gsnedders: stylesheet fetching is certainly underdefined [04:59:24.0000] gsnedders: I also recall a desire to delay load for fonts though [04:59:29.0000] annevk: is there an issue anywhere? [04:59:42.0000] gsnedders: not sure [05:00:08.0000] W3C HTML seems to say for CSS only @import is a critical subresource [05:00:22.0000] I haven't looked in history to see if that was formally in WHATWG HTML yet [05:03:04.0000] /me waits for git blame [05:18:29.0000] Ah, https://github.com/whatwg/html/commit/89cff9a51f24174c2efca73fa2964e6cd258c541 is the change [05:18:33.0000] based on https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=17011 [05:24:28.0000] which was reassigned to CSS in 2012 by hixie for the sake of defining what its crtiical subresources are [07:02:28.0000] MikeSmith: https://travis-ci.org/whatwg/html/builds/207366283 [08:12:10.0000] foolip: want to start warn about sync XHR too? (I was just reading about >>>) [08:26:56.0000] annevk: FYI: you might find some discrepancies in pr-preview between the HTML diff and the GH diff. [08:27:24.0000] annevk: I've identified what the issue is (the GH API is doing something weird) [08:27:29.0000] tobie: yeah, I think I do every now and then [08:27:46.0000] tobie: didn't really get to the bottom of it yet, but also haven't used it much thus far [08:27:54.0000] annevk: their support is amazing though [08:27:55.0000] tobie: appreciate the heads up [08:28:10.0000] annevk: and I now know how to work around it [08:28:28.0000] annevk: tracking it here: https://github.com/tobie/pr-preview/issues/3 [08:28:47.0000] annevk: a fix shouldn't be too difficult [08:29:09.0000] annevk: but it won't be earlier than next week at best [11:35:29.0000] hi.. i have a question about this test https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/blame/e32ff14a75f30de31fb1f7ab4e7bd064dfdbfa8a/url/urltestdata.json#L4543 - i think the domain is invalid according to idna2008, so i would expect host parsing to return failure https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#host-parsing [11:37:47.0000] noah_: does UTS 46 reject it? [11:40:02.0000] annevk: yes, at least https://pypi.python.org/pypi/idna does [11:40:58.0000] on the other hand, maybe the whatwg spec should fall back on idna2003 if idna2008 fails, i think that might be what browsers do [11:41:10.0000] noah__: hmm, file an issue against URL? I can look next week [11:43:46.0000] ok [12:50:47.0000] /me wonders https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/browsers.html#is-a-registrable-domain-suffix-of-or-is-equal-to [12:51:06.0000] why the word registrable there [13:19:48.0000] In infra (https://infra.spec.whatwg.org/#collect-a-sequence-of-code-points), assume given input string "abc", position pointing to beginning of input, and condition "!= a" what should the algo return? "bc" or ""? [13:20:35.0000] I assumed it should return "bc", but it seems since first iteration fails the while condition's second part (after then `and`), it will return "" [13:39:50.0000] actually I think im wrong, it should return "" since we're not collecting ALL codepoints from input that meet a certain condition, just the ones starting at `position` in `input` [13:51:44.0000] domfarolino: definitely "" [13:51:54.0000] the loop breaks once the condition is met [13:52:07.0000] It might be good to add an example [13:59:00.0000] terinjokes: robertkowalski: ping on https://github.com/whatwg/console/pulls :) [13:59:16.0000] Domenic: i've been getting the emails [13:59:22.0000] i'm just busy this month [13:59:32.0000] terinjokes: ah ok, no problem [13:59:37.0000] Domenic: Thanks! yeah I wasn't sure if it was looking for contiguous codepoints that meet a condition or all..makes sense [14:00:49.0000] Domenic: I had a question the other day about HTML spec and Anne told me you'd be the best person to wait for to ask...it revolves around this algorithm here https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webappapis.html#uninstantiated-inclusive-descendant-module-scripts [14:01:49.0000] Is the second condition in step 4 > substep 2 a bit redundant? We should not have to check existence in stack right? [14:02:33.0000] domfarolino: hmm why not? Remember module graphs can contain cycles [14:04:43.0000] I could be looking at it wrong, but on a graph with cycles I feel that omitting existence checks in `stack` will only change the order of the modules in the returned set, as once they are added to the ID array (marked visited), they will not be re-added once we get to them further down the stack [14:06:38.0000] I'm trying to come up with an example where omitting existence checks in the stack does not yield a proper DFS [14:07:07.0000] It might be true that it only changes the order, although I imagine it will do redundant work regardless? [14:07:24.0000] Another issue is that while right now the order doesn't matter there have been some contemplated spec changes where it might [14:10:56.0000] it may do redundant work regardless Im not sure. that makes sense, yeah if order could matter better keep it [14:11:48.0000] I guess I was looking at it from a perf perspective too, in that existence in a stack may not be ideal to perform a ton, though thats probably irrelevant to focus on in the spec. [14:12:42.0000] Yeah, most likely implementations would be keeping this data in some side structure as they build the original graph [14:14:27.0000] cool thanks for the info [15:22:27.0000] jyasskin: looking at the permission spec. Trying to clean-up the integration of the permission spec in the sensor work, as pretty much everything changed under me. [15:22:54.0000] jyasskin: it would be great to see examples of how this can be integrated in specs [15:23:59.0000] jyasskin: For example, in the generic sensor spec, I want to check for the permission to use a given sensor. [15:24:22.0000] tobie: Yes. I'm in a C++ meeting this week and on vacation the next, but I can help with that the next. [15:24:22.0000] jyasskin: what language should I use to do that? [15:24:46.0000] enjoy the C++ meeting and the vacation. :) [15:25:04.0000] tobie: There's a term, I think "permission state", to get the current permission state. [15:25:39.0000] jyasskin: right, but it's unclear who calls the boolean permission request algorithm [15:25:46.0000] or who passes it what arguments [15:26:25.0000] my case is a bit complicated, because I have all the logic in one spec [15:26:47.0000] and then other specs just basically specify a permission descriptor [15:27:22.0000] now it seems I have to move part of this logic in the registry [15:28:31.0000] but then I somehow need to split it up between multiple PermissionDescriptors [15:28:51.0000] Happy to look when you're back. [15:37:51.0000] tobie: Only permissions.request() can call the boolean permission request algorithm. [15:38:17.0000] tobie: for another spec to request a permission, you use https://w3c.github.io/permissions/#requesting-more-permission [15:38:55.0000] We can try to fix things once I'm back. [15:38:58.0000] oh, nice. there they are. [15:42:12.0000] jyasskin: so I guess I can just make my revocation algorithm for ambient light sensor in the registry call my revocation algorithm specified in the generic sensor spec, passing sensor type as an argument [15:42:35.0000] jyasskin: think I have all I need, now. [15:42:38.0000] Thanks [15:42:41.0000] Sounds reasonable. [15:43:01.0000] well, it's a lot of indirection 2017-03-04 [16:51:59.0000] smaug____: synx XHR actually already has a deprecation message, but not with a date or anything to suggest when/if it'll be removed [16:52:15.0000] oh, great [16:52:30.0000] foolip: Mutation Events too ? [16:53:17.0000] which I consider a bug. if it seemed plausible that it'd get the job done, I'd support giving it 1 year until removal, but I think the usage there is much too spread out in different kinds of libraries and other hard-to-update places [16:53:55.0000] smaug____: I haven't personally looked very closely at the prospects for Mutation Events, but someone (tm) really should come up with a plan for that :) [16:54:23.0000] but not me, not today, it's Saturday morning and Tokyo requires my attention :) [16:54:27.0000] I don't think we can get rid of horrible APIs in the platform if browsers don't warn about their usage [16:54:52.0000] it is Saturday indeed [16:56:21.0000] smaug____: smaug____ in https://github.com/whatwg/xhr/issues/20 I said a lot of what I think about deprecations to drive removals [16:57:26.0000] short story is I'm skeptical that it's enough, there are other ways to drive down the usage that are more active, but we haven't actually tried the 1-year thing, so it's possible it's not as hopeless as I think [17:02:16.0000] hmm, what has happened to mutation events usage. Gecko telemetry says it is very low [17:04:34.0000] sync XHR is down too [17:05:52.0000] https://www.chromestatus.com/metrics/feature/timeline/popularity/465 is quite promising, I'd say [17:06:46.0000] One has to wonder if that's just the internet getting bigger :P [17:07:22.0000] but yeah, foolip and I often debate this, I like pretending it will linearly extrapolate to zero, whereas he's more realistic and thinks it's likely leveling off [17:08:33.0000] good point, a constant number of affected users would still look like a 1/x graph or similar [17:09:40.0000] big sites like Google was using sync XHR and then at some point dropped it, I think around the time certain browsers started to warn about its use [13:39:26.0000] annevk: fixed the html diffs issue in pr-preview. LMK if you spot anything weird. 2017-03-05 [20:18:05.0000] does Subresource Integrity define a protocol? [20:19:16.0000] or else whatever it does define, what specific technical term would be approprite to describe it? [20:19:44.0000] the abstract just says, “This specification defines a mechanism” [20:19:54.0000] mechanism [20:20:39.0000] in contrast the CSP spec says, “This document defines a policy language” [22:06:17.0000] MikeSmith: feature 😛 [02:33:57.0000] annevk: Yeah I am beginning to realize it's futile to try to classify specs into discrete types [03:57:55.0000] MikeSmith: we don't really have sufficient understanding of what we're doing for that [14:40:37.0000] annevk: yeah it was not my idea to try to classify them to begin with. I was asked to look into creating some guidance for testing based on spec types. [14:42:59.0000] Anyway after talking with foolip I think it still makes some sense to trying to give testing guidance based on spec features but instead based on identifiable things like, Does the spec define interfaces (using WebIDL)? Does the spec define new HTTP headers or new HTTP header values? Does the spec define new elements, attributes, or attribute values? [14:43:04.0000] etc 2017-03-06 [23:14:59.0000] MikeSmith: yeah, topics make sense [23:42:52.0000] zcorpan: thoughts on https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/pull/437 ? [23:45:08.0000] yoav: I'm OK with separating video and audio. But I would be interested in when/where they diverge in the network stack in implementations later [23:57:18.0000] zcorpan: currently they're the same resource type internally in Chrome [23:57:49.0000] but I guess that may change in the future, and not sure that's true for all browsers [01:34:55.0000] the HTML used to day the `defer` must not be specified for `script` elements that don’t also have a `src` attribute [01:35:01.0000] I guess we changed that? [01:35:48.0000] MikeSmith: not intentionally, I think [01:38:37.0000] oh OK [01:38:43.0000] will ping Domenic about it then [02:12:40.0000] MikeSmith: seems like a regression introduced by closing tag in order to properly close it? [02:01:33.0000] i hear that if you do something like tag is encountered [02:02:14.0000] that doesn't sound like intended behaviour to me, or is this actually specc'd out? [02:02:20.0000] KiChjang: /> is a thing invented by XML that HTML didn't support until it got support for inline SVG and MathML and then it only supported it there [02:02:48.0000] KiChjang: the HTML parser is very much specified in detail [02:03:43.0000] mkwst: I'm cleaning up web-platform-tests a bit and that includes my own forgotten stuff [02:06:11.0000] annevk, ah, so the self-closing tag on script didn't follow XML semantics? [02:06:35.0000] KiChjang: I'm not sure what that means [02:07:22.0000] i'd expect that a self-closing script tag (