2018-05-01 [21:29:57.0000] howdoi: Encoding API has no streams support yet 2018-05-02 [02:36:06.0000] Thank you for the clarification annevk [04:50:21.0000] jochen__: now that document.open() has a same-origin check, does it need SetSecurityOrigin still? [04:50:41.0000] jochen__: and what exactly does that too? Shouldn't origins be mostly immutable? [07:08:45.0000] document.open() is pretty far from interoperable [07:11:10.0000] I'm shocked! [07:12:52.0000] Can confirm. [07:18:33.0000] Shocked as well here [07:18:48.0000] Nevertheless, thanks for working on it [07:22:48.0000] Noooo? really?! [07:25:58.0000] It’s really bad people, how do folks even make websites? [07:28:03.0000] what do you mean? the web is so good they are using it to make *paintings* now! [08:17:28.0000] wanderview: do you have a document.open() painting? [08:18:15.0000] pretty sure the museum police frown on you opening painting cases [08:25:51.0000] annevk: do you have time to do a quick editorial pass on https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/3639 ? Or I can merge it. [08:58:56.0000] Domenic: looking [09:01:54.0000] Domenic: lgtm [09:41:08.0000] TabAtkins: I couldn't find anything that has replaced the 300px by 150px part of CSS2: https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visudet.html#inline-replaced-width . Do you know off the top of your head if that's one of the still-in-CSS2 pieces? [09:42:49.0000] Yes, it is. Only modification is , first dt, second bullet point. [09:44:15.0000] Domenic: I'll add comments about document.close() going forward I guess, but it kinda makes sense from the current spec too [09:45:37.0000] Yeah, just not obvious to me... [09:47:45.0000] TabAtkins: hmm your encyclopedic knowledge is awesome again. Although it's not immediately clear to me what parts of CSS2 css-sizing is missing; it says 300px by 150px a lot. [10:08:06.0000] Domenic: Sizing 3 is leaning a lot on layout concepts still only defined in 2.1 at the moment. Note that the dl in that section I linked to is just filling in details in a *particular* case; the more general layout of replaced elements is just defined by shrink-to-fit in the first two paragraphs of the section, which rely on 2.1. [10:09:34.0000] (This is intentional; we intend to port all that stuff into Sizing in the next level, but didn't want to slow down level 3's advancement by pulling in and rephrasing all the complicated 2.1 stuff.) 2018-05-03 [00:26:36.0000] zcorpan: Hey! Got an `