2019-01-01 [23:11:55.0000] Happy 2019 everyone! [09:22:52.0000] :) 2019-01-02 [03:23:23.0000] yoav: it seems https://github.com/WICG/webappsec-feature-policy was incorrectly moved [03:23:30.0000] yoav: old links are now in fact broken [03:23:57.0000] yoav: my GitHub notifications for instance pointed me to https://github.com/WICG/webappsec-feature-policy/issues/263 and various other issues which are all 404s [03:25:08.0000] yoav: links from the HTML Standard such as https://wicg.github.io/feature-policy/#policy-controlled-feature are also broken [03:26:15.0000] \o/ [03:27:14.0000] I'm glad I already said happy new year earlier on šŸ˜Š [04:12:07.0000] annevk: hmm [04:12:36.0000] the issue links were broken because we tried to conserve the gh pages links [04:13:18.0000] so we created a "redirection repo" [04:13:56.0000] but that's not ideal... [04:15:04.0000] it would be great if all redirections were automatically taken care of by GH [05:15:33.0000] annevk: unrelated, but I'd appreciate a review for https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/pull/9307 [05:21:33.0000] yoav: but the gh pages links are also broken? [05:22:47.0000] yoav: that PR looks incorrectly rebased, which makes it hard to review [05:22:47.0000] annevk: there were a couple of renames, one from "feature-policy" to "webappsec-feature-policy" and another to the W3C org [05:22:47.0000] annevk: you're right. fixing [05:27:08.0000] yoav: surely the longstanding feature-policy name is the one for which the redirects ought to work [05:27:08.0000] yoav: in particular as now the HTML Standard is broken [05:27:08.0000] yoav: and any archived copy thereof [05:27:08.0000] annevk: Sure. (and not mutually exclusive) [05:27:08.0000] I'll fix it now [05:31:12.0000] annevk: Added a redirection repo for the feature-policy name, and it seems to be working [05:32:09.0000] please verify that you see the same from your end [05:35:45.0000] yoav: it redirects to https://github.com/WICG/webappsec-feature-policy/issues/263 which fails [05:35:45.0000] yoav: the non-issue link does work [05:36:45.0000] annevk: yeah, I'm not sure how to make sure that issues redirection continue to work when we need to create redirection repos (which have the same name) [05:39:26.0000] yoav: usually there's a separate repo that manages the github.io site, which creates some other problems of course, but... [05:39:54.0000] yoav: this at least makes me hugely skeptical of taking on dependencies on WICG stuff going forward [05:42:46.0000] annevk: please don't turn this into a bigger issue than the technical problem that it is. If you have suggestions on better ways to move repos around, we'd be happy to hear them. If there are things in our process that we can do to prevent this in the future, we'd be happy to look into that as well. [05:45:34.0000] yoav: I'd appreciate if you don't put the burden on me, thanks [05:47:55.0000] But basically, if the issue of breaking issue links remains, it seems problematic and not just technical in nature, as it'll make it very hard to figure out what actually went on and why things were decided the way they were [06:04:59.0000] annevk: I'm not arguing that it's not an issue needs resolving (it definitely is). I'm just not sure how to perform any repo migration in GH which supports both issue redirects and anchor redirects. This is a technical problem that we'd need to figure out (e.g. by asking GH to fix redirections, by changing the way migrations are done if our current process is needlessly breaking links that could be preserved, etc) [06:08:12.0000] yoav: I mentioned one way, which is that you manage your website as a separate repo [06:08:27.0000] yoav: that works and has been successfully used by other groups [06:16:19.0000] yeah, we could create an abstraction layer above gh-pages as long as the specs are in incubation, to control the link redirection ourselves, and not need the redirection repos. that would be one option to tackle this [07:18:07.0000] It's not an abstraction layer above GitHub pages [07:18:10.0000] It's just a single website repo [07:18:21.0000] https://gist.github.com/domenic/1f286d415559b56d725bee51a62c24a7 [07:18:24.0000] hsivonen: happy new year, Web NFC might have a UTF-16 encoder (unclear LE/BE) dependency: https://github.com/w3c/web-nfc/pull/186 [08:46:28.0000] Domenic: that seems largely what we do (only we use JS based redirections to maintain anchors in redirected links) [08:46:39.0000] does that preserve links to issues in your case? [08:47:30.0000] (as the new repo for the redirection GH pages overrides the name of the moved repo, no?_ [08:47:32.0000] ) [09:01:00.0000] yoav: yes, because there's no redirection repo per spec [09:01:09.0000] So nothing squats on the WICG/feature-policy namespace [09:01:16.0000] Letting GitHub handle the redirects as it should [09:04:12.0000] oh! I wasn't aware of user gh pages. That seems like a better way to go indeed (and simpler to manage) [09:04:38.0000] I wonder if killing the squating repos will bring back redirections [09:04:43.0000] (for the issues) [09:17:17.0000] My guess is you'll need to do a re-transfer and transfer back, and/or contact GitHub [10:05:25.0000] Domenic & annevk: redirections restored for both issues as well as spec links/anchors [10:05:32.0000] \o/ [10:05:55.0000] Domenic: thanks for pointing our GH user pages. Super helpful! :) [10:06:05.0000] :) [10:06:09.0000] yoav: thatā€™s great, thanks [10:06:34.0000] Out of pure curiosity: did you document how you fixed it, yoav? Did you need to transfer back and forth again? [10:07:19.0000] Zegnat: Just deleted the squatting repo and redirections were back. No unnecessary transfers needed [10:09:10.0000] Thatā€™s good to know! šŸ‘ [11:23:46.0000] is there any public data on how much usage ajax.googleapis.com gets 2019-01-03 [08:02:05.0000] domfarolino: FWIW, https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/4048#issuecomment-451187554 sounds good, I was just wondering how it was all fitting together [08:02:13.0000] domfarolino: the more specific pieces look good though [08:03:20.0000] annevk: Cool, thanks for checking it out. Yeah, the "fitting together" pieces are sort of in limbo currently [12:25:56.0000] Domenic: WRT a "script-blocking style sheet" counter on Documents for #4031, it occurred to me that when a sheet is loaded, we cannot just decrement the counter, because the decremeter needs to know whether or not the conditions to increment the counter when the loading began, were once met (i.e., a "blocking" ss was loaded). [12:28:19.0000] I'm wondering if we should make the conditions under https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/semantics.html#a-style-sheet-that-is-blocking-scripts something callable, so we can increment and decrement explicitly. Let me know what you think of this sketch: https://gist.github.com/domfarolino/3fa29b31800e2203c8ce12b22cf8eba9 [12:29:03.0000] domfarolino: what about having a set, instead of just a counter? Then removing (if it's not present) is a no-op [12:29:28.0000] Your version seems good to though at first glance, reading in more detail now... [12:30:29.0000] I don't know how my counter version^ integrates with XML style sheets at all though, since it seems their processing would have to explicitly try and increment said counter, which it does not do currently. [12:31:32.0000] RE a set, I was thinking about something similar, however we can't have a set of style sheets, because as per spec, the style sheet isn't "Created" (and added simultaneously) until it is finished loading, and we want scripting to be blocked before then. That brought be back to the counter idea [12:32:12.0000] Set of elements? [12:32:36.0000] (Refreshing myself on what XML stylesheets do :-/) [12:33:45.0000] Oh duh, set of elements might be nice. [12:34:09.0000] Or a set of "things" if we need to handle XML stylesheets/Link headers... [12:34:21.0000] It does seem like we'll need to have something hand-wavey for those two [12:34:25.0000] Yeah I started thinking about how to handle Linke headers in the future too [12:34:39.0000] I'm just concerned about not regressing the current vague text into precise but incorrect text [12:34:51.0000] So I think we want to have precise for link + style, plus vague for Link + XMLSS [12:35:30.0000] So either the counter or set versions, plus a sentence that says like "when you see an XMLSS or Link header, increment the counter/add to the set; when X happens, decrement/remove from the set" [12:37:42.0000] Medium-term we should investigate whether browsers actually allow Link or XMLSS style sheets to block script [12:37:54.0000] That makes sense, I can add that to the interactions of styling and scripting section [12:37:55.0000] But right now I'm just aiming for minimum work to maintain current text's normative requirements [12:38:42.0000] SGTM [12:38:43.0000] (although as you note the current requirements are pretty iffy, e.g. "the element" is often referenced but that doesn't make sense for Link headers) [12:41:02.0000] Maybe longer-term we'd want "contributes a script-blocking style sheet" to be called not with an element, but with some abstract "Link properties" obj is produced by `Link` headers, `