2019-06-03 [14:14:26.0000] more stupid encoding questions, if I have data:text/html,... is there a guaranteed encoding that will always be used to interpret the ..., or if not does it detect UTF-8 based on what heuristic for what the bytes (possibly URL-encoded) in ... are? my assumption would be Windows-1252 if you don't tag, but all the sniffing-fu postdates my knowledge really 2019-06-04 [23:42:30.0000] jwalden: from what I can tell in the specs that'll make its way down through fetch with no modifications to the `text/html` content-type, so it'll just enter the HTML parser's usual unknown charset logic, and thus probably windows-1252 for en-US. [01:04:51.0000] Maybe we should make that fixed somehow for data: URLs [06:35:09.0000] Yeah, if we could patch that to utf-8 it would probably be fine? [07:08:12.0000] I suspect windows-1252 would be safer [07:10:19.0000] Would it tho? HTML uses 1252 because of significant legacy content predating heavy utf-8 deployment. It's not immediately clear to me that data: urls would suffer from the same constraints. The 1252 default already breaks *modern* pages commonly, why wouldn't it break data: urls? [07:11:56.0000] That's fair, I don't know for sure and given how URLs are parsed UTF-8 would make sense; I guess it'd require some research [07:12:40.0000] yeah [07:13:35.0000] also oh gosh, yes, i'm not even sure what it would mean for the url to be utf-8 encoded but contain html content that's 1252 encoded. [07:22:42.0000] data:,å -> data:,%C3%A5 -> Ã¥ [07:27:39.0000] data: URLs have been around for quite a long time, so there has been plenty of time for them to develop a dependency on the current behavior. [07:33:29.0000] I mean an initial qusetion could be how many text/html data URLs contain non-ASCII [07:44:44.0000] I'm not necessarily opposed to making data: default to UTF-8 if Chrome experiments with the compat fallout. I don't really have apetite for risking making Gecko the first mover on this one. [07:46:32.0000] (OTOH, considering that HTML in data: is mainly for test cases, it's unclear that making it diverge from http: and https: serves the use case well.) [12:04:28.0000] It's not clear to me what is actually being displayed when an "inactive" drop-down-style ` element? Or is the ` is a replaced element; it's a rectangle whose contents are completely opaque. [12:08:14.0000] TabAtkins thought so. Does that mean that styling and