2019-10-01 [17:01:04.0000] wanderview: https://github.com/whatwg/whatwg.org/issues/253 [17:52:08.0000] TimothyGu: about any of those redirects, you can talk to me. But as far as the HTML51 AND HTML52 TRs, it's intentional that they don't redirect. It's not an oversight. That's how I was specifically asked by W3C to handle those. [17:53:39.0000] TimothyGu: If you feel strongly that those should be redirected too, lemme know why and I can can try to make a few case to plh [17:58:10.0000] MikeSmith: ah, didn't know that was intentional. it's fine in that case [18:03:22.0000] TimothyGu: OK (FWIW, the rationale is those are the published Rec/historical versions) [18:04:06.0000] there are still a bunch of other redirects I need to set up (e.g., for the WebSocket spec fork) [18:04:40.0000] MikeSmith: if you're not already aware, there's https://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Fork_tracking [18:05:01.0000] for instance, https://w3c.github.io/dom/ still doesn't redirect yet [18:05:05.0000] though the TR does [18:15:19.0000] TimothyGu: oh, OK, yeah, will fix that [22:52:14.0000] TabAtkins: does that mean that Chrome ships a block list of faux friend sets? [01:21:02.0000] Domenic: I'm reporting these 404 spammers as well btw [02:17:20.0000] TIL https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTPRange-14 has its own Wikipedia page [04:42:39.0000] hsivonen: annevk: https://github.com/validator/validator/issues/874 Can you look and comment about whether the handling of the encoding names (with extra characters) is conforming per spec, or if instead it's.a checker bug [04:43:41.0000] MikeSmith: that's a valid bug [04:44:10.0000] MikeSmith: the original HTML spec used the wrong kind of matching for labels and I suspect the validator^Wchecker code hasn't been updated when I changed all that [04:44:52.0000] MikeSmith: new matching is basically strip whitespace from start and end and then do an ASCII case-insensitive match against all possible enums [04:45:49.0000] annevk: OK, thanks much [04:48:35.0000] hmm, I guess this may actually be a bug in the HTML parser. And if so, that means Gecko has the same bug [04:52:57.0000] MikeSmith: Firefox decodes data:text/html,%c2%80 and data:text/html,%c2%80 quite differently here [05:52:08.0000] annevk: Ok [06:44:15.0000] /me wonders those update 404.html are sent by spam bots šŸ¤” [06:46:18.0000] I report them as such [06:46:33.0000] annevk: ah! I should do that too :D 2019-10-02 [18:30:41.0000] /me spent way too much time reading the DOM spec only to realise jQuery was at fault all along ā€“ https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1010363 [22:12:28.0000] Krinkle: does that mean the bug should be closed? [22:24:35.0000] TimothyGu: yep, can't do that myself it seems, though [22:28:27.0000] Krinkle: done [23:59:39.0000] MikeSmith, annevk: Actually updating the Java side of the HTML parser to the Encoding Standard is still a TODO item. :-( [00:00:46.0000] Using encoding_rs via JNI would probably be the easiest solutions but not the acceptable Java culture solution that would keep the parser reusable by others [00:09:57.0000] hsivonen: Ah, so the Gecko parser doesn't use that encoding code at all? [02:43:39.0000] MikeSmith: it doesn't [07:51:07.0000] https://wicg.github.io/contact-api/spec/#contactsmanager - this API takes a sequence of an enum type. Due to WebIDL, this means it'll throw if an unrecognised type is provided. This feels inconsistent with dictionary types which ignore additional keys. Is there any prior art here? Should the API take a sequence of DOM strings instead and filter manually? [08:07:21.0000] JakeA, you means ContactsManager.select()? Note that it rejects anyway if you pass anything but a subset of ContactsManager.getAvailableContactProperties() [08:09:29.0000] Ms2ger: yeah, that's the behaviour I'm questioning. It does it in the prose, but IDL will be doing it anyway. It feels unlike how we usually design APIs, but I'm looking for a second opinion (or some prior art) [08:10:28.0000] I'm not aware of any prior art [09:48:44.0000] o/ Hey folks, I'm currently testing the StorageManager API and I'm confused... navigator.storage.persist does not ask for a permission in Chrome (it does in Firefox) and just rejects it. I can't find anything in the interwebz about that problem. Any hints? [09:55:49.0000] lgrahl: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2016/06/persistent-storage explains some of chromes behavior (assuming it hasn't changed since then). I.e. it auto-grants in some conditions, and auto-denies in other conditions, but we'll never show a prompt. [09:57:30.0000] Tried bookmarking it and it didn't work :/ [09:57:35.0000] I'll try the home screen thing [10:03:19.0000] Guess I'll call it a day and fiddle with it tomorrow. Thanks, Mek! 2019-10-03 [06:20:41.0000] Hello everyone, if I have a proposal to make for HTML changes, I would submit to the https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues right? [07:33:19.0000] AndresInSpace: yup, though Iā€™d encourage you to read the FAQ and Working Mode documents first [07:44:20.0000] Why does (persistent) storage have to be such a nightmare? :( [07:47:02.0000] annevk: So, since you specced the StorageManager API (which I like)... do you know of an API to increase the quota? And the quota returned from Firefox is... weird. [07:51:15.0000] annevk: so if I wanted to post this up https://github.com/WICG/intrinsicsize-attribute/issues/16#issuecomment-537692814 - should I just reference it in https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/4961 or create a new issue?.. [08:33:05.0000] AndresInSpace: thatā€™s a new issue as picture requires a diff design [08:46:21.0000] annevk: it's more around than ? i guess [08:46:31.0000] but would still be a new issue right [08:46:56.0000] asking just cause I see https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/4961 references