2020-05-01 [18:52:41.0000] window.onerror is still not interoperable, wtffffd [18:53:12.0000] (https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/5500) [20:55:37.0000] Domenic: well, report an exception… but this is a novel angle 😊 [11:16:35.0000] hm, I was trying out FACEs and turns out there aren't any MDN docs [11:16:46.0000] who do I have to contact to get that on someone's todo list? [13:38:51.0000] andreubotella: I think MDN has a few GitHub repos these days? [13:54:18.0000] Domenic: I haven't contributed to MDN before and I'm not quite clear on how to go about it [13:54:24.0000] I'll file an issue on mdn/sprints, I guess [13:54:37.0000] Yeah, I mean, it's a wiki, but I don't know much more than you there. [13:55:00.0000] MikeSmith probably does, and might wake up soon. (Or might stay away from IRC on a weekend, which is also very reasonable.) [14:58:08.0000] Reaching out to Chris Mills would be a good starting point. [16:16:10.0000] yeah https://github.com/mdn/sprints is these days the place to suggest a new article for MDN 2020-05-02 [17:29:41.0000] has there ever been any discussion about the reviver function and response.json() [17:30:05.0000] I'm guessing response.text() + JSON.parse is just good enough [17:55:26.0000] devsnek: https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/issues/104 [18:37:49.0000] Domenic: thanks for the link [18:38:29.0000] it looks like it's assumed there that streaming json on main thread < buffer text and parse? [19:04:07.0000] I'm not sure how to parse that sentence [19:53:26.0000] Domenic: it seems like it was assumed in that thread that streaming parsing on the main thread isn't worth it compared to building up a string with .text() and calling parse [19:53:56.0000] which is surprising to me but of course I'm not an expert on performance [20:08:26.0000] reading https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/#!topic/blink-dev/bKn2DLuRdeU [20:08:39.0000] about