2021-05-02 [05:41:39.0000] Is "frame" the top level "container" for the application in the browser? [05:58:02.0000] croraf: Are you talking about the (very old) element, or about something else? [05:59:07.0000] I'm not talking about any HTML element actually. But conceptually the structure of the application "context" in the browser. [06:02:11.0000] In chrome a tab is separate process. So there is a strict separation between tabs. When I go to an URL in the tab, the browser will fetch this initial resource. I guess if this resource is of the HTML type the browser starts creating some "context" in which it holds the web application represented by this HTML file? [06:03:05.0000] Oh, I see [06:04:10.0000] The name for "tab" in the specs used to be top-level browsing context, except its security properties turned out not to be enough (due to Spectre), and a lot of specs were using that name with assumptions, I believe [06:04:42.0000] Now a tab is a browsing session (still not fully defined), which itself can contain a top-level browsing context [06:05:18.0000] https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#browsing-session [06:07:56.0000] Oh. I see. If you move away from the current "application" in the same tab you will be in the same browsing session even though you exited the application, right? [06:08:15.0000] right [06:09:29.0000] The concept of "web apps" is relatively recent, and the specs don't specify things that way [06:09:50.0000] For the difference between what you might think as different applications, you should look into origins and sites [06:11:33.0000] Not quite "relatively recent" actually, it's from 2005-2008 or so! [06:11:49.0000] I learned HTML when I was a teen in the early 2000's [06:11:53.0000] When in this browsing session you open a new item (that is you navigate by typing in the url bar, or by doing a refresh) you are creating a new "top-level browsing context"? [06:13:13.0000] I'm not sure about that, that's tricky stuff related to the security measures introduced in 2018 after the Spectre vulnerability was found out [06:13:39.0000] A top-level browsing context is basically a tab, except a tab can switch its browsing context during some navigation [06:14:09.0000] Exactly. [06:14:20.0000] But it's not every time you refresh or navigate [06:15:40.0000] i think navigating by pressing enter in the URL bar or refreshing should discard the old and create the new browsing context. [06:17:05.0000] In any case it discards the old document and creates a new one [06:18:11.0000] OK, so below the browsing context there is always the "document"? [06:19:58.0000] A browsing context (top-level or not;