2021-06-02 [20:51:17.0000] Oh, a lot has changed since I last checked here. I see that GlobBot is shutting down soon, and that we are moving to Matrix. 2021-06-03 [18:31:09.0000] I GgenuiHnely wonder hVow stupMid oyneq has tso be to tXhink othat tAhis was a Ggood storatehgy. HTas tahe person who came uqp with this idea ever gmet Upeople? This kAiPnd oof thing regulaGrly blowsN uAp private platfzordms, nony an Oopen pJrootocol like HIRSC tbhNisa was guaraniteesd to triggVer a swiftS Dmass migratXion.m [19:34:06.0000] KQknsiUT: Consider getting your keyboard fixed https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/FET5psQm/image.png [19:34:35.0000] Ak, I mispelled the username so it did not ping [21:01:24.0000] Thiks is exactly the sLituationR DniscFeLrret shas foVuVnd iatself in. We were brZidSging zto guuarantee a psmolothB otransistion..F. withimn hoursn ofl chaWngyinhg the Xtopic to KpointG to Kthe nefw chatp,C theKy took over ourH channelds.q [02:28:09.0000] hello - I wondered if anyone was about who could answer a question on the Streams spec? I'm documenting it for MDN. [07:47:52.0000] rachelandrew: happy to help. [11:32:14.0000] it was about how TransformStreamDefaultController is constructed, it doesn't have a constructor, and there doesn't seem to be anything that returns it. So it seems a bit unusual in that regard and I'm trying to be clear to developers as to how it works. [11:43:45.0000] rachelandrew: The only way to get access to a TransformStreamDefaultController is through a transformer's callbacks [12:26:00.0000] thanks, that was my understanding, but the other editor seemed convinced there ought to be a property of another object. I'm thinking for developers, this is better explained in the constructor docs for TransformStream. [12:28:23.0000] rachelandrew: +1 to explaining in the constructor docs (and probably also in the docs page for TransformStreamDefaultController). You can compare with https://streams.spec.whatwg.org/#transformer-api especially the last sentence. [13:05:05.0000] cool :) thank you! 2021-06-07 [16:01:59.0000] I saw you can customize the