
ljharb: Regarding https://github.com/tc39/proposal-pipeline-operator/issues/262#issuecomment-1036323490, source |> a + (# |> b + #) is valid. It is the same as source |> a + (b + #) and a + (b + source).

However, source |> (a + # |> b) + # is invalid, because |> b does not contain any topic reference.

Also, source |> a => # + a |> output(#) is invalid because arrow functions (and all other non-pipe AssignmentExpressions) must be parenthesized in pipe bodies to prevent confusing grouping.
Thanks, the rules are straightforward but that doesn’t mean contrived examples are intuitive :-)

We have banned a |> # ? c : d and require parentheses: (a |> #) ? c : d or a |> (# ? c : d).

I think we should also ban a ? b : c |> # and require parentheses: (a ? b : c) |> # or a ? b : (c |> #). This would add an early error to ConditionalExpression. I plan to add this to the spec later if nobody else has objections.

Should we ban a = b |> # and require (a = b) |> # or a = (b |> #)?
And should we ban a => b |> # and require (a => b) |> # or a => (b |> #)?
And should we ban yield a |> # and require (yield a) |> # or yield (a |> #)?
My inclination is no: the ternary operator is special and has special opportunity for confusion, but =, =>, and yield are okay to have “looser” precedence than |>.
(Note: We do already ban all three of these operators in pipe bodies: a |> b = #, a |> b => #, and a |> yield # are all SyntaxErrors.)
Agree on all counts; those all read reasonably to me as the head of statements (assuming that for all of them the pipe binds tighter, producing the second parenthesized example)

The precedence relationships between yield, =, =>, and ? : are already a mess, due to the weird LHSes of = and =>, as well as ? :’s being ternary.

1 ? x = 2 : 3 groups as 1 ? (x = 2) : 3 and 1 ? x => 2 : 3 groups as 1 ? (x => 2) : 3. But x = 1 ? 2 : 3 is x = (1 ? 2 : 3) and x => 1 ? 2 : 3 is x => (1 ? 2 : 3). The whole concept of “precedence” breaks down at this level…so I’m not sure how to explain where |> fits in in laypersons’ terms (let alone explaining how yield, =, =>, and ? : in such terms).

Regarding the topic token: Based on https://github.com/tc39/proposal-record-tuple/issues/10#issuecomment-1036648269, it seems like ljharb would push back against # and @@. If this is strongly felt, it seems like ^^ and %% may be the top contenders (or at least the least offensive) within the Committee.
i haven't decided how strong i feel about it, but i don't think @ is better than #
i do prefer a single token over a double one tho