
devsnek: for your slides for extending null, it would be good to have some some slides with the various edge cases (especially "class which extends a literal null and has not had its prototype changed", "class which initially extended some other value but has had its prototype changed to null", and "class which initially extended null but has had its prototype changed to a non-null value")

everyone agrees extends null should work, so much of the meat of the discussion is around these edge cases

I can write something up if you'd find it helpful
also, reminder to the channel that the deadline for advancement eligibility is in two days, and the agenda is currently pretty light
If not much else gets added to the agenda, then I will expand my two proposal updates’ timeboxes from ten minutes to thirty minutes each.
shu: given that the agenda is kind of light, Michael Ficarra and I were thinking it might be a good time for the subclassing discussion
jschoi: the spec at https://jschoi.org/21/es-array-async-from/ appears to be ahead of the spec in the proposal
I was gonna submit a PR but it's tricky when they're out of sync
bakkot: what's the scope you had in mind?
<Michael Ficarra>
If not much else gets added to the agenda, then I will expand my two proposal updates’ timeboxes from ten minutes to thirty minutes each.
any time box less than 30 minutes is pretty ambitious
<Michael Ficarra>
bakkot: what's the scope you had in mind?
tradeoffs of the "minimal core" philosophy where supplementary methods delegate to core methods so that subclasses only need to override the core
<Michael Ficarra>
recall the question from the Set methods proposal: do helpers like union/intersection/difference touch the set contents themselves or delegate to the add/remove methods
I was gonna submit a PR but it's tricky when they're out of sync
They should be in sync; I’m surprised that they were not.
I just updated the spec page to match the repository’s build. I’ll set up an automatic build on tc39.es sometime.
any time box less than 30 minutes is pretty ambitious
Haha, yeah—I was just going to speed through a few update slides then say, “Please file any questions in a new GitHub issue; thank you!”
They should be in sync; I’m surprised that they were not.
I just updated the spec page to match the repository’s build. I’ll set up an automatic build on tc39.es sometime.
unless there's a caching issue or something they appear to still not be in sync - the rendered spec has the TA method, the source in the spec.html file in the repo (which has not been updated in 13 days) does not

I’ll look into it, but either way I haven’t gotten to updating the TypedArray version yet to fulfill #9.

I’ll work on deploying to GitHub Pages tonight so we can definitely have an up-to-date spec page.

bakkot: updated slides and also rebased the spec text
also added a note about how class fields don't currently work
reminder that nobody has signed up for the next incubator call: https://github.com/tc39/Reflector/issues/399
i will cancel it if nobody else signs up by this friday, Oct 15