
I’ll look into it, but either way I haven’t gotten to updating the TypedArray version yet to fulfill #9.

I’ll work on deploying to GitHub Pages tonight so we can definitely have an up-to-date spec page.

I added an action to proposal-array-from-async that automatically publishes to its gh-pages branch, but it doesn’t look like the gh-pages files are showing up at https://tc39.es/proposal-array-from-async/. Is there anything else I need to do?
Also, I need access to proposal-bigint-math’s repository to enable GitHub Actions so that it can also publish to its gh-pages branch.
I added an action to proposal-array-from-async that automatically publishes to its gh-pages branch, but it doesn’t look like the gh-pages files are showing up at https://tc39.es/proposal-array-from-async/. Is there anything else I need to do?
you need to make sure github pages is enabled in the repo settings
Oh yeah, right. Could I get settings access to proposal-array-from-async and to proposal-bigint-math?
the chairs would have to do that
I added an action to proposal-array-from-async that automatically publishes to its gh-pages branch, but it doesn’t look like the gh-pages files are showing up at https://tc39.es/proposal-array-from-async/. Is there anything else I need to do?
I have a similar action set up in a few of my proposal repos.
(note that the template repo does it by auto-building the spec and storing it in the default branch, no gh-pages branch at all - there's a bunch of ways to do it)
I do need settings access to those two repositories anyway, to change these repos’ homepage metadata from spec pages on my personal websites to tc39.es pages.
Aki, bterlson, yulia: Could any chair give me GitHub admin access to proposal-array-from-async and to proposal-bigint-math?