it would be really nice if we could get transcriptionists to stop double spacing after periods
<Ashley Claymore>
Shouldn't be too hard to add that to our note fix up scripts?
for some cases yes, but it's still better if the source material needs less fixing. same thing with all the newlines hard-wrapping within sentences from the same speaker
<Chris de Almeida>

both of those issues are already automatically fixed by the fix script. edit: though I agree, ideally the source material would be better. there is one thing that is NOT currently fixed by the autofix, and while it could be added, it can't be done particularly cleanly, which is when they do this:

something something

during the meeting we have to remove these lines with a . and it's really annoying, and we don't catch them all. there are some other issues we regularly see as well. and these idiosyncrasies are not consistent per transcriptionist either 😕

<Ashley Claymore>
The full stop on its own line seems to be newer thing, maybe in the past 2 meetings   
i'm a bit confused why we're getting different transcriptionists - i thought the benefit was increasing familiarity over time by using the same person
<Chris de Almeida>
I think it's the same group of people, but they rotate